Everything GREAT About: My Hero Academia | Season 4 | Second Half

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correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe this internal monologue was present at the end of episode 13 and it's a win because it's yet more evidence of what I love about midoriya in terms of his heroes slashing villain analysis I like him a lot because it shows that during this extremely intense encounter he was actively thinking about how to take down overhaul and not just about punching him in the face really hard he threw him boys join on mas kya hai' book Gustavo Yi significant sessions they don't get him off enough this dude so much it's genuinely awful to me to see him only being able to crawl the way incredibly slowly plus it's great when it says about its character he knows he's clearly not gonna outrun it but he's certainly not just gonna give up my knuckle see I thought okay Oaxaca stick oh my word he saved him just in time my god also around 70% of you aren't subscribed so be sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon to ensure you don't miss out and everything great about Cowboy Bebop dr. stone and Rita rule coming soon also I'm so glad it was actually him that did it bringing him back into the story after his amazing battle and passing out afterwards since it further builds his character and breaking out of his metaphorical shell and not some kind of shell he's literally eaten what a fantastic view from above really puts into perspective what midoriya has just achieved a battle DNA Kodaka donor lammoreaux to security earlier Toyo Sergey it's being the floor to notion of him desperately tried to protect the future of the Yakuza and pay back his boss for his kindness when he was a child that breaks him out of his unconsciousness [Music] her power is beyond insane separating those two that quickly by turning back time when contact was made and just like in the first half I can't wait to see what he's done with her quark in the future him being the boss and giving other hints quickly tore his head up to knock her out also gotta love your boy midoriya for immediately catching her head so she wouldn't hurt herself this lovely 45 second montage showing the aftermath of the battle heroes being rescued and looked after villains being carted away the smiles and tears they shared with one another as they look on with relief seeing each other again Nadia Ohio me toyou Messimer gotta [Music] story no sores Oh Oscar Adame not doesn't even cost a mark or toast for the end to what was an incredible series of battles and for my boy getting some nice recognition too when you are no cops at all cockney [Music] so get dessert down progress Chicago station is so whatever strangers they're not that this guy always thinking deeply about the ideals of stay this great because a it builds his own unique character like attacking a fellow villain almost to allow midoriya to escape in the woods in season three and B it keeps staying in the forefront of our mind especially since I'd wager he'll be back soon baby I would love his quacks attacks they just been fantastic to my eyeballs [Music] what she did who did the whole case a little [ __ ] stir now lads cover my sending this dude because his quirk works so well against his that's crazy uh also another genuinely unique weapon up [Music] ultimately got taken out in the end but he saved a life took on their leader and performed very well he had a great quirk so tell her god I can't see mom I hate this thing now got the bullets this isn't going to be in anything good for the future but on the other hand I'm extremely excited to see what comes from it though oh my god oh my god doesn't this just cement his character in this anime and how evil he is that overhaul would look at him like this I'd like to think that this scream is born out of the notion that he will no longer be able to help out the Yakuza but more importantly he won't be able to bring back his boss from his current condition brought on by him in essence he completely failed the organization he loved and the man who raised him hey guys man I didn't even think of this but yes she spot only did manage to minimize damage beautifully that's it walk it off who's your hurry not entice you're not a little date here in octave somewhat of a just adding this love his character genuinely so happy to see him up and about moving on this quick montage covering everyone who was injured and how they're now faring has got me breathing a big sigh of relief turn a hold of course you over never short you keep each day you gonna laughs you gonna hold off oh god no oh do not cure me set the coup d'etat oh he thought he heard ugh is your night I mean CEO Chris shinjitsu I love the notion that it was everyone giving their all for their mission to save one girl giving their lives that resulted in the outcome this is hard to watch man love me Rio as well I hope that he punished it all about their come on I don't owe you one of my sobriety occurred [Music] he died smiling all might shed a tear god I hate that we lost him but the impact is much more raw because it's so very rare ah rest in peace man one last one for the realism in showing the nurse rushing over and we have our new Opie firstly I'll say the song is pretty up beating catchy I think definitely to be more positive than the first half and maybe more school focused again it's got a great looking Jojo style at the start with his colour palette - which I like and a big all my flipping through the air before turning into small Mike straight overall Anthony no well good thing Selenia this is crazy who expected this I thought it'd be a trick but it's him soon a new meter you miss it oh no they didn't have to add the track mark where he slid along the ground but he did it anyway because they were awesome Doki gimme a [ __ ] TV over there River Korea will tell you the truth no this movie too much [Applause] hold the phone put it down a moment back into his little phone slot is this not the guy who scared the kids in the past memory I swear that's what he said when he walked off me the others I honestly cannot tell you the size of my smile when I saw him like this I don't know if he's really doing okay with everything but he's a truly astonishing character irenaeus nano Sabo create another serie naka de kimi wa yokatta hero they could I uh oh man the guys got me tearing up again he's so strong mentally and physically and emotionally I knew this would come up about transferring his quark and says a lot about midoriya that he'd even contemplate it let alone actually say he'd give it to him right now I'm an equal aberration of them both for different reasons what a scene Selenia Kino yozakura aritaum Ohana's yo kita da da mo Sierra tango Jose iscariot sky Rihanna not ARA KO sayo mater is your tiny modesty Monica turn on the media I'm actually gonna hold out for that happening as well such a nice touch just gonna drop one more win randomly for having the class back together like normal there was loads of funny moments too and also for some unknown reason I like seeing them all in different casual clothing too you know multicon gonna call them that talk do you go to school I didn't listen because it shows that back you go is actively trying to be more calm especially around teachers from the school more studio moody doctor you look it's done doctor oh one more success when I come with data I certainly hope they show us what actually happens but it's insane that they actually calm in the end expertly introducing to us the next great threat opposing our heroes and doing it so suddenly unlike usual where there's normally a few casual episodes in between previous big events makes it a bigger shock sure do we so much work or silver to Hamas state to date I hated also kind of like endeavor and little bets on both excited and nervous and also a touch on edge yes he's back if you haven't seen everything great about season three I spoke a lot about how I liked this guy but don't worry if you haven't seen it yet I'll probably compile all five videos yes it's actually five instead of the normal four for season three into one huge video and you can watch it then just give me time you can't of course you took a magical it's a drizzle very conflicted about seeing her because of what you might turn into but I'm guessing she's obviously the real one given that she's there taking the same exam still touch cute though I'm gonna be honest bringing all of these characters back into the story as a massive fat win I like stew more it's also great how they don't introduce characters only to forget about them down the line okay now that's definitely one of my favorite Eadie's and not just because of the awesome song but because of the freaking amazing pictures of everyone when they were young they've even got a young all might winning a gold medal I love that so much total you're stealing our NASCAR Sabha some of that man is really trying hard to connect with him to erase the part of himself that he feels lets him down which is his hatred of that family he kind of reminds me of Miriam a lot in terms of how our Beatty is to not Germany not endeavor pulling out a short are type of moment like from season to see a good memory I love this anime so I remember stuff is fantastic so unexpected but so incredibly true to life that back again he became a senior knee not running on the spot these ghosts repeating phrases kind of reminds me of RAM and RAM from re0 and that's a win because I love Ram and can't wait to cover everything great about Rosario so for you all da gueto could sum over Chizik yoga texture many votes there are no no Nico got facility co2 bottle number one seed oil here well no short short or donto on the sleep beyond shocking to me that he's asking all my this he's trying hard to replace him working harder than ever before but something is missing and he's willing to ask him about it so it's omits cadets so then first they buggy back in the air seriously many Pyrrhus the thing is goes horrible solution this one minute and 30 second segment is such a brilliant addition to the episode swinging the current state of Heroes back into our minds a great anime has to juggle a lot especially one as large as this and my hero the monk occur and the animators are always working hard to ensure the story as tight and consistent no loose ends and plot holes and such and that characters aren't introduced I need to pick forgotten about or villains ignored for a dozen episodes or in this case the story at large being sidelined they do this beautifully curtain he became a thing Sherlock see I didn't delete this hope that was unexpected [Music] it is insane to me that we've already seen sooo many heroes and villains quacks over all four seasons and then they're more than comfortable bringing in all of these students with their own quirks I could never think of this many unique ones it's nuts cause they talk we don't owe you a little shoe Matz it unleashed its this conical or mutated on my side breaking into the story another cool element which is the notion of this quark singularity doomsday theory they never stop surprising me never stop being awesome my hero academia strip core corn in it me Kimmy [Music] another unique rock on lover she's pretty cute gonna lie it's Kitty Honda oh good on the whole could be planets cuddle up stared and doctor I'm actually dropping a win for them giving a reason behind these kids acting the way they do they could have easily just said these kids have trouble deal with it but giving them a reason makes it that much better [Music] covered you could say I didn't other moccasins you having a be back ago we came up with the idea shows a lot of character Griffin a very stubborn person he's the money only a good estimate she will know you're something kids again is Sam by a cardinal otherwise that I could go giving advice it's basically the same win as the last one but you yell at me in the comments if I ignore it your who'll kill you both committed in case 3/4 your honestest with Schmidt Kunal Sahara todokimasu murray noma modest juliaca pseudocode a year to the were unique ask a technical talk actually this is a great point that I hadn't even thought about and one had day not mentioned I doubt anyone would have given much thought to so kudos to them short why would Jim enormous gotta know him oh oh my god munille how dare you wanna hit on you know she were number one she'll Mortimer you don't know what I'll talk I know some would say he cannot be redeemed and I get that but seeing his face when he said he's proud of him there's so art early different too noble he's really trying and I have to give credit to that great scene in da Oasis audio to she goes through it it is talking Eureka eople yeah bottle are you meiosis imitator yep that gets one as well he's really trying to put his past behind him like I said earlier on and that just made a great scene even greater for me I suppose it's worth a win here is we put to rest the memory of night eye and gets a quick roundup of the changes happening since its passing - ha Gotham any more than Tyson or the audio Tommy Nico jeez I don't understand what's going on but it made me both pause and then chuckle and also then becoming trees by what else was happening to him cutting her horn solo Alice your husband a doctor what wait what does that mean okay so like villain stuff it's just way stuff and stuff involving cheese I like cheese sometimes not all of them but some of them what does this even mean see what I mean about earlier on how they bring this back around again since it was an important discussion these two had at the end of season 3 Jimmy no cuz their car they thought deny give me your booking any date on that it feels genuinely brilliant to bring this character into the story in this way because he is one that definitely hasn't had the screen time that the others have so putting him into the mix in this way is genius by having him relate to midoriya like this and even better because his communication skills are clearly very odd is that that I so it is she that a lot but is she oh no he was giving him those as like a nice gift just trying to be kind and get closer to him and become friends this is hard it most definitely has to be the case that they are actively bringing him back into focus more often now boom Casino Dimas it's the grand return of Caterpillar man by the by that was a joke from like my first ever video on anime sins on my hero so that's crazy that he's wearing it again at last you can most definitely always allow win for things like this because it further solidifies each character and what they're like it's something that you have to do for animate with as many characters as this one has and nicely fits into what I was saying before about keeping characters fresh in the viewers minds kawaii body be good gonna take what the heck was that now [Music] I'm pretty sure this music is new to season four correct me if I'm wrong if it's this thing perfectly and it's nice to see some level of closure between these three after all that happened she's total dog stew and it's so sad that she's still blaming herself for everything Mina call mother Eddie Cheng abugida yo cat that sonzai shinai Tanya I am Optimus cotton i kimi no eiga gamma dr. panda oh Jesus poor girl forgot how to smile and what it even means to smile surprised separator good is she that all linking him into this and the things he said earlier on in order to give Deku an idea is brilliant since it gives further use of his character well that was very odd but nonetheless very unique at the same time don't know quite what to think of it really but let's go ahead and see wearing those sus figure out of whatever chore super icy single da da da this tooth is so weird but I'm loving the recurring theme of him burning himself of T back ago playing the drums mean can the scooter buckle or be done listen I cutter to see today enough cold day tomorrow the rest of the class getting a glimpse into what back ago was going through during season 3 something that we only learned after back ago fought midoriya at the end of the season in Nice this lady has gone absolutely lovely voice ghost annoyed us cut us in a cutback at all sorry then a kapa haka it is angry Nakata just another winner I want to point out here is that even in episodes like this where the majority is what some might consider a casual storyline like in season three with peeking into each person's room they still leave room for story building whether it's focused on heroes villains or the story at large and I adore that not only is it awesome that midoriya is getting a new kind of a tank but I think what's even better is that it's coming from all mites guidance and teachings something which is still very important in Vittorio's life [Music] Oh Oh [Music] I can't help but love that guy he's so damn funny now face he pulls as well Gor choko choko already too easily it's made me laugh I'm unreasonable about like if you guys and girls have watched the everything great about versions four seasons two and three you'll know I find this guy utterly hilarious with his attitude don't you touch it that's good I'm no Suzy oh I know all of these references well do it this music and this anime and everything is getting me choked up writing this at 1:00 a.m. I'm in a damn good mood and I hope you're safe smiling and having fun watching as well well cotton dust you are not Kusaka Paulson thoughts column are all might really was the greatest ever able to use one for all immediately a hundred percent upon gaining it I suppose the only difference is perhaps that all might may be consolidated way more power into it before passing it along since clearly in history he did the most with it than anyone else what do you guys think let me know down below it's you introduced Stein that Optima Kaku he said I know what I still are caught it to see Marco to know Oakton they might in armor but the guinea Konami stuff the toy under my feet of warmer these are so rare and so awesome I cannot help but win every time it happens but it also makes me a little sad hopefully that'll wear off as time goes on notion you know if a man with a demon what that co-coo so that's an oppa I'm still confused by what this guy's impact is going to be on the anime I have a feeling it will perhaps end up being darker than what we're anticipating thus far with the comedic tone but it's odd that he's talking about propping up the students as heroes in the future hopefully are wrong I don't know if that was CGI or hands warm but I think it was CGI but it looked as good as being hand-drawn so nicely done [Music] sauce there boom cuz I told you you're kind of know stuffs about to get real when they give you the time on the screen these hundred percent boards got on y'all's little swatch anymore cuz i montaner Emani more components credit card I was hoping that they were going to mention this in terms of how technology for hero accessories have improved with time it just gives us a real sense of a timeline in this worlds universe plus the Thomas junior high they didn't end up showing us exactly what they do so the gloves was and I was waiting for that so I'll go ahead and drop a winner ready for hats me being awesome I like her a lot she's hot too but that doesn't matter and also because our boy got some new currency mysterious gloves now I can't wait to see what's going to happen as let's do this routine no come on doggone me must Oh things are getting real tense what is gonna end up coming of this character they've been building the last few episodes hmmm upon the young material senator doesn'r knowing that midoriya is doing this not only for Arian her enjoyment to get her to one day smile again and to know what being happy is but also for everyone in his class at the school at large who've been through so much well this was more funny than anything else so I'm going to go out on the limb here and guess that this character isn't going to be the next piggy birthing [Music] the culmination once again have taken into account the hard work that everyone is putting into this school events that he doesn't want to have been wasted plus let's admit it then music is insanely awesome it's great scene take you catch up to him so quickly once he lands was unexpected the most awesome in equal amounts come Bella's a kick of course he of course it's a little matter since you are Dorji 30 she no no sir oh also this guy's voice despite from Cowboy Bebop and it's silver from Hunter hunter you know as to be expected from the mark Icarus that Japanese would say in anime I thought his quack seemed very tame in comparison to other powerful villains however there's definitely a lot more to it and is quickly becoming very impressive I'm with the previous win another unique of that little [ __ ] moto yo yo yo honey case somebody to cover me just when I was about to be like huh he revealed his true nature he'll sense that with the notion that he wouldn't have dropped it on the guy below I just have no idea what to think of this character this has never happened to me before my mad lab midoriya absolutely refusing to give up he's truly becoming the embodiment of a hero saving the innocent trying to peacefully resolve situations and arrest criminals and reducing damage to his surroundings it's like every teaching that has been given to him over the last 4 seasons and now molded into his character when carrying our hero duties Skymaster like that you know perfect and that's what's been in the back of my mind ever since meeting these two that perhaps her quirk is something incredibly powerful in the end let's get into episode 22 cm rescinding in Kenora Kindle that are you so much kindness you shows through Kazan youth the bigamy was selling a person up yeah that pretty much does it as well [Music] that was incredible it's especially great because it once again fits into something I've been mentioning forever in these videos which is Midori as well above-average thought processes which appear to be getting even better as time goes on nothing more about her difficult past and how these two ended up coming together which will no doubt matter soon when I'm assuming she's going to be using her mystery quote for him in order to allow his or their escape well two more I soon will know stories a hill how did you come power up with Sapphira ready oh okay that's weird but how the heck is that gonna manifest I'm curious and just a nervous right now he is simply amazing I honestly thought it was lights out there for a moment and their faces as he admitted having thought stronger enemies was unreal learning more about this dude and how he's oddly had gray hair since he was younger which is weird but yeah it kind of makes you feel sorry for him when you see stuff like this it's just different as well for him to have not been tempted wants to become an actual villain in spite of society throwing him away kind of says a lot about him that he's strayed onto his own path of his own making unpunished oh damn I got dark Jesus Kim you heal incurable Asia Korea comas kouvola Atari Kimmy Watson minute or a dollar [Music] okay he's a lot younger than I thought he was and if your intention was to make me feel really sorry for him then you succeeded I hope you're happy animate sort of it will kick off reminded me of all my noir for one colliding right at the start of their battle back in season three coming to shoot Jesus like a combination at the greatest battles since this bit now reminds me of decos versus muscular [Music] this is one of my absolute favorite tracks always gets me really pumped and seen these to fight for their dreams is fantastic and it's amazing to see how far midoriya has come to [Music] it was a differently made smash take a win ultimately there was a nice end to the battle and I enjoyed how gentle handle they at the end for her sake although not sure midoriya will just go along with it but it was a nice sentiment regardless sickened she doesn't look juicy or cuddle Walker she's in loss Teeter quartel oh now I get it okay nice attempt and fair enough to be honest you a knee he doesn't a sort of stating oh my god let's go see mommy muster well dice office wait wait what oh my God he's doing that for his sake and I can't say I hate that and bear with me what the guy has done is wrong but he's not out to hurt anyone he didn't want to fight midoriya he's willing to sacrifice himself for her sake he wouldn't have heard the bystander earlier on as well ultimately he did this for his dream even though it was foolish but it was the best he felt he could do at the time with a lot he was given in life if this doesn't work out and I'm not sure it will yeah midoriya will have given him a second opportunity well no one else has ever afforded to him it so maybe take his strong heart and also his feelings for the girl and do something different talk to him or you Dougy to do one thing [Music] told of what we know that tending between them actually got me a little teary to be honest once I'm done but I'm really glad it did turn out that way in the end and that he got to meet a villain who wasn't really a villain and then turned himself around potentially just a shame his life didn't go the way he had hoped initially that's a nicely added touch having the teacher go along with him kya double tummy oh my geez another nice touch having the old man come out after the fight moved on and collect all the stuff from the road who'd have thought to add nine so far that was outstanding great song lip-synched really well with the animation and moving on to the animation as a whole holy hell they did great that was a lot of moving parts that all came together perfectly I can only imagine how much a studio hates doing huge scenes like this because you've got to animate so many movements but they did great oh I don't think they've ever done a flashback scene like this before with such distorted colors and lines and kudos to them for never really falling into the trap of character in a past memory having the wise cliche which is mentioned a lot on anime since [Music] [Applause] overall area matching her moves is the height of a toast this guy is amazing [Music] [Music] Dhoni other son to see Merkel I your family or bad publicly smooth animation and in all honesty she's incredibly hot so moving on this happening in the background oh man this lovely montage it feels really nice to see all of the students we've been introduced to over the past four seasons having fun together like this areas happy midoriya and miryo are happy can't ask for much more than that after everything they've been through then this surprise from him linking into his Chi surprises from earlier on that's a nice touch as well matcha tea mr. Postum Oh Nara Kyoto Morita no say hi Donna Yuri no skin on ER oka Keiko is agus akasha o da da da da da moneh macaque couch oh this was an oddly sweet ending to the episode as well with him crying being told that he has another chance at life just like I said earlier on [Music] here those the brilliant notion that they'll be looking after hurry you a something I think works for two reasons firstly because it makes sense she has no one else they can protect her best of all and deal with her quirk and she feels at home there now clearly and secondly it keeps her in her quirk in the story letting us know she'll not be forgotten about or pushed aside eighty tangata them or hunt this city only whatever with that you all took off God's no he what all could I thought about this unit say me and my brother say me yeah it's all these people again and it feeds nicely into what I mentioned before about the manga and animators working overtime to ensure everyone gets a good looking and doesn't get forgotten about I always forgot about him when I saw them nice to see a reunion and more so that midoriya still treats him so nicely straight away to [Music] also this is a real nice touch to be honest and even better than that is how he obviously felt embarrassed account write down and smiled as the gesture was really warmly appreciated by midoriya Coco I thought I could like it on here it almost didn't belong to learning that her quirk hasn't come back also giving us a greater understanding of exactly how it works for example there's no time limit clearly that he'll keep them and people do return to normal physically after some time and then this scene once again going back to win number 388 and keeping all-4-one firmly in the focus of the main story and character I hate and love at the same time because he's basically the perfect villain than this she'll be the border chato j-p-j gained cake is assumed shikoku Kendall Camino cigarettes another suitor she learning about this and I must admit on over the top levels of excited about what it could mean in terms of meeting yet more unknown but popular heroes learning their quirks and maybe having them become a focus in the main story probably in season five and beyond I can't wait truth be told Hazama de nube de bordo chato solo he mean the boots ever dynamo my studio Dakota daddy much scenery shot of a huge building the crowd that probably took forever to put together this car look sick I love big all the sets jean-bernard hold on let me check the math on this one yeah all adds up forget the wind purely for being the number two here are me over here hardly being able to contain myself in terms of wanting to know where's quick isn't stop [Music] me you know they're saying you took Lazar they're the only guy in give us an ego yeah the fact that this guy doesn't mind being a bit of a troublemaker it makes him different to all the other heroes we've seen so far pretty much and very interesting to me moving forward will mediator could know gonna lie bruh that was pretty damn cool and follows nicely when he said to turn in rookie about becoming a hero he can be proud of he wants his actions to shine and he remained calm as well which says a lot gommi they're cool nine o'clock on me my mother Gondo it's the history Oh hi-yah I didn't even know what's going on Bob Dylan treat hospital power another hi - know what to say [Music] [Applause] this guy is legit and he's very good and clearly he does actually care about being a hero in your novel shinnok t this is fantastic not only making me laugh because of the reaction but it's genuinely great to me you getting to see this other side to him that he's working so hard to make his son proud but also to become his version of the symbol for the world he metal not jet skiing I could take what I do so I go and cut him a what's there but I'm gonna kill my second Amer you should sing them alone only Kushina I must say I find it cool that when he gets angry like this desert show to his flames get more intense what is that everyone get down genuinely trying to the unexpected pull twist [Music] hm I'm extremely nervous that that hit didn't seem to do a lot of damage but maybe he used that to blast him out of the building and can he fly take one more for the fact that they're bringing us action before the end of season 4 which is rare for my hero academia I literally don't think they've done it before outside of midoriya versus back ago which was kind of different obviously at the end of season 3 so I can't wait to see where they'll look to end season 4 and needless to say it's great family nice keep ice to go to them on their data let's go gang show me oh my goodness it's all the rookies have one burn for the first time Oh this entire build up to endeavors fighters absolutely fantastic and how it further creates the image I've been talking about now for some time about him trying to become a better person whether we like that or not it's clearly what's taking place and having his children and wife discuss everything in that room the culmination of years of abuse which placed her there and to them in that situation is perfect I still don't know exactly how to feel about it but I'm very much enjoying it it takes him an age to get a sentence out but him being the first one to actually talk and sound like that is creepy and great in equal amounts dear Lord that move looked epic I've always thought this but endeavours attacks are always animated to a stunningly high quality [Music] dear Lord it had no effect that it's really tough [Music] people perfect Ursula I'm not being right just after I said about how well-animated is @xr they go and give us this mob psycho 100 dis or like it's no big deal and it recharged immediately rolling out an easy fight for him [Music] I'm sorry are you kidding me right now with that they go even more bub psycho 100 season torn us and yes I've ready covered on both channels and give us this amazing rotating shot of him looking like a yo-yo on fire it's unbelievable they could well be creating the greatest fight of season 4 right now let's see can't you go OK this dude showing off how he's clearly ranked right up the top of his fellow heroes because simply put his quick is extremely ideal for hero work totally Chimayo my money I assume she gave an unknown as you look at me oh you thought he wasn't getting a win after that last one for this scene you're mad you silly goose you [Music] studying animation look at it slow down he asked you Jesus honey here pseudo she call sato-san on the stair I love how this guy acts like he just wants an easy life but he clearly enjoys the thrill of combat and saving people and tries his absolute best even here grabbing the stones before they fall and can hurt people even if it means limiting his own flight ability and putting him at risk [Music] oh great he can freakin multiply now okay that's okay we took a couple Feaster also awesome job revealing to us the viewer of endeavours own limitations with his quirk we've seen loads before now but never his and it's ideal just show us that everyone has their limit and it makes them more human as a result - which is perfect when we're dealing with a redemption arc of sorts [Music] that was epic moving on running that this nomin can't just speak but can also think and strategize also who would have seriously thought that the moniker would take parts of something he created way back in season one two three and then bring it back at the end of season four and make such excellent use of a again the man's a genius [Music] of a kid oh my I'm guessing right now but could this be his train of thought in regards to trying to push himself and his limits to make everything that he's done in his past actually have meant something like maybe he's thinking that if he loses here it would all have been for nothing everything bad he's ever done absolutely no good would have ultimately come from it as a side note oh what a fantastic redemption story even more so when you consider that it's been in the works for right season two that is so stunning to me just really reminds me of Eskin or from seven deadly sins I don't know if you're welcome I can't wait to find out but take one more win for that my god inaudible Oh Devon take one more here for almost reaction clearly being one of pure anger and regretted not being able to be out there helping right now as he clutches his old wound I'll be completely honest I'm beyond shocked by that I've got massive pit in my stomach seeing what just happened and how his lip was torn right upwards by the attack I'll avoid showing you though oh this is awful to me new standards no I'm gonna throw in my pill bottle no no this is a split win for the fact that he's still fighting he's digging deeper for all of the many reasons I've written about before for his son for his family he failed to the world at large watching for becoming his own version of the symbol and trying to do right by his family at last and seeing him failed to do that right now being toyed with by villain is kind of heartbreaking to be honest the critiquing I got out of this you're denying that you though words ring incredibly true here as we witness him fight for his life and everything else [Applause] this same putting into context what it means to have no symbol for the general population fear runs rampant alongside the villains it being this kid who freaked out earlier when he met him to be the one to quell the fear in the public in admiration of his favorite hero [Music] oh that is so beyond incredible well I'm almost in tears over here unable to hold it everything I'm feeling it's insane I just did not expect this I'm also gonna drop another win here for his voice acting throughout so much passion and ferocity behind the character everything he's done has felt very much like all nights many vocal performances to me [Music] Romania mother he's doing his own version of dirt beyond I get a feel [Music] imagery mafia number this is brilliant I can barely contain myself take another for the glorious visuals thank him on only all night you're funny honey I see oh I absolutely cannot take this because they're not allowing me any room to breathe and relax it's just non-stop unexpected moment after unexpected moments we're not used to this in anime like this the hero makes a big speech the heroic music plays and there's one final epic attack there NZ and here that's now not being the case three times in a row and so my heart and stomach is beyond being on edge soon or coffee almost filled scooter assume on oil so your Sunday should just sit him on off to the rookies music taking him one of my favorites ever and him getting the news report he deserves just like all my did so many times when he was the symbol to decide so great he's watching just like he asked see you amazing looking super high up scenery shop I'm not entirely sure what he means by this but if I had to bet I'd say it's being consumed by becoming the strongest not caring about who gets hurt along the way let me know what you think down below [Music] they absolutely blew me away with that if anyone is out there thinking my hero academia cannot keep up the pace of being beyond fantastic look no further than episode 25 of season goddamn four I am proud to be able to watch and love and enjoy this and share this video with you tip 2 wins the maximum rewards for the greatness that I just witnessed one of the greatest battles of the entire anime absolutely perfect animation and music him actually saying in the end plus ultra and very best of all how it's the culmination of a long-running character arc stunningly well put together and told I loved that never in a thousand years did I think I'd be tearing up over something like this that's crazy having him have his all might after beating all for one moment ah and also take another win here for how they've restarted that epic music let's see that one more time Oh yet another one before everyone's of meeting reactions best of alternate Rockies which in all honesty if I wasn't sitting down writing this is probably how I'd be right now no word of a lie and I'm using word correctly I literally clasped my hand over my mouth and said oh my god out loud when I saw this it's incredible and it's our first look at everyone that came before Mike sensei I'm stunned I just can't believe what I'm seeing it's a scene I've wanted to know more of for so long how it all begun who were the previous holders of one for all I'm in shock and all right now jameelah cue me Madonna Oh God it was like he actually it's writing with him and it affected the world around him I didn't even know what to say anymore I need to digest this join the discord to talk to me I can't take this anymore all right take one more here for the notion that perhaps there's even more to his quirk that we could have ever thought even more to it that all might even know about since it seems to have just activated on its own and another one for the reveal that season 5 is confirmed continuing the ongoing trend of ending a season with the promise of another I love these guys and gals well that's going to do it for this video guys and gals I want to thank you all as always so much for watching and if you did love the video please do consider hitting that subscribe button as well as given our like if you have a few spare bucks every month for fancy supporting the work I do entirely alone then you can feel free to pledge whatever you'd like on my patreon that's linked down below and in exchange you can pick anime I cover get access to exclusive videos like proper ones like these not behind the scenes stuff and much much more stay tuned on the channel for everything great about Cowboy Bebop dr. stone re0 and so much more coming soon - thanks again so much for joining me and of course I'll see you in the next one and definitely in season 5 in the future for that word arroyos a Libra or even white peak - I'll be 50 and the rock is a local Deborah mojo Suja Chris Harris young Michelle when they lose Cecilia muñoz bananas may you key ally Manuel Mireles Dark Lord police all sentimental silver master tank hoodie in DeMuth they are Aurora Kevin Alton sepia Joel Roosevelt Brendon Korea Gustavo Gomez canary storm down 17 you go Delia trip mr. waffle 64 Theodore Krakens canterville's Alma Jordan Samuels Devin Z I'm your home yet crimson shadows
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 332,258
Rating: 4.9299374 out of 5
Keywords: anime wins, wins, my hero academia, my hero academia season 4, boku no hero academia, boku no hero academia season 4, midoriya, overhaul, eri, lemillion, deku vs overhaul, lemillion vs overhaul, my hero academia season 4 OP, my hero academia season 4 ED, boku no hero academia season 4 OP, boku no hero academia season 4 ED, my hero academia best, animewins
Id: drSw_NoWx6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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