My Hero Academia: The WAR ARC Review (Part 1)

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in my hero academia i can confidently say that the war arc has been the best we've seen in the series so far it serves as the combination of several storylines that have been built up over the last couple of years and as you're about to find out it has been well worth the wait today i'm going to review part one of this arc where i'll explain a decent chunk of what's happened so far but do be sure to hit that sub button so you can stay up to date with parts two and three when they come out i also might need to do a part four in the future because as of recording this video the arc still isn't actually over so we'll see how much more material we need to cover after part three is done as you would expect there will obviously be heavy manga spoilers as most of this content will likely not be animated until season six of the show whenever the hell that's going to be so if you'd rather stay spoiler free then i'd strongly advise you stop watching now if you want to get straight into the actual war itself then you can skip to the timestamp on screen but right now i'm going to briefly explain why the war is happening in the first place for those of you that might not know to start with the public safety commission tasked hawks with infiltrating the league of villains and in order to gain dabby's trust it's implied that hawkes killed his fellow hero best genus this allowed him entry into the league where he's built a solid relationship especially with twice but also a few others off screen and this has allowed him to discover their plans and relay information back to the heroes in coded messages meanwhile after being captured in season 4 kirigiri was sent to tartarus prison where it was discovered that he is a highly intelligent nomu made from the corpse of a guy called shirakumo this was isaac's childhood best friend that died during their time at ua and i did a review of that whole backstory if you're interested after izawa and present mic are brought to tartarus shirakuma manages to briefly override his nomu programming and give the heroes a small hint that assists them in locating the creator of the nomus dr garaki on the other side of things sugaraki and the league defeated a group known as the meta liberation army and were able to take over therefore adding a hundred thousand soldiers to the league of villain ranks not to mention a ton of new financial resources this new combined organization has been renamed into the paranormal liberation front and they intend to destroy society as we know it for the last few months shiggy himself has been undergoing a grueling procedure at jakku hospital which is the location that shirokumu has now helped the heroes to locate once shiggy's operation is complete he'll have an unrivaled power that will allow the paranormal liberation front to finally put their plan into motion now the public safety commission were aware of the rising power of the villains after the whole incident in my line academia where shiguraki literally nuked the city and so prior to his operation the commission demanded that every hero student at ua participate in mandatory work studies which led to the endeavor agency arc this was an unprecedented move and in the words of isawa they were mobilizing the kids for war in the present day the pro heroes intend to catch the liberation front off guard by simultaneously attacking them at the hospital and all their bases across japan one of which happens to be the sick mansion to help do this the pros have dragged along a ton of students to help but as you can see most of the kids were told it was just a work-study trip and many of them don't fully grasp the nature of what's about to go down okay so the actual war kicks off with endeavour leading many of japan's top heroes into jakku hospital with the intention of finding dr garaki and shigaraki as they storm forward heroes like ectoplasm and that one guy from gentle criminal's childhood begin to evacuate patients from the hospital just in case the place turns into a battle zone before too long endeavour comes face to face with the doctor who at this stage is believed to be totally quirkless the doctor screams and begins to run away but izawa trips him up with the binding cloth and then activates his erasure quirk once he does this dr graki begins to rapidly deteriorate and he looks almost like a crawling skeleton this is due to him having a secret mutation quirk called life force which has allowed him to live well past his cell by date and yes for those of you wondering the professor is capable of disabling certain mutation quirks present mike then gives the doctor a hard slap across the face as izawa ties up the villain with the binding cloth these guys are on a mission to get revenge for their boy shirakumo whilst this commotion is going on the rabbit hero mirko charges on forward into the hospital by herself which makes sense because she's never shied away from her belief that teamwork is for simps as she progresses deeper into the hospital she encounters the morgue which is where dr garaki conducts all his horrible experiments and at least five nomu appear and attempt to block her path luckily for mirko she has amazingly thick thighs and uses them to legit decapitate every single one of the nomu in her way truly she's just she's just amazing whilst the doctor is being restrained by izawa and known with the size of a baby whale bursts out of the ground and inside its mouth is another nomu with drills for hands this no mood drills straight into dr garaki killing him instantly or at least that's what i would have said if it didn't turn out that the doctor was a fake the whole time the real dr garaki had made a double using twice's quirk and let that replica handle his day-to-day responsibilities at the hospital this gave the real dr garaki more time to focus on his masterpiece which of course is tomorrow sugaraki with his double now destroyed the real doctor decides that you know maybe it's time to make a quick escape before the heroes find out about the secret lab like i said this place is located deep into the hospital so the hero shouldn't be there for a few minutes but it contains you know a bunch of higher nomos not to mention hundreds of quirks that have been stolen and replicated over the years obviously the doctor doesn't want to leave all this research behind but the situation does call for it and so he asks john the nomu to warp him and shigaraki to a different location however before that request can be fulfilled mikko busts into the lab killing jon in the process and causing the doctor to start hearing final boss music the number 5 hero immediately turns to the doctor but she's kind of unsure whether or not he's the real deal or just another clone at this point most of the other heroes can't come to support her as they've been completely swamped by nomus in an incredibly chaotic battle but that said cross manages to break away from the fight to try and reach her mirko lunges towards the doctor to give him a superpowered kick as it will confirm whether he's a duplicate or not during these few seconds before she makes contact the doctor thinks to himself that there are higher nomus in the lab that could take out mirko however they'd still need several hours to fully stabilize in this situation he doesn't really have a choice but to use them so he pulls out a device from his pocket to activate them it looks like mirko is about to stop him by kicking his arm but one of these freaky little nomus appears out of nowhere to distract mirko this one possesses twice's double quirk so mirko instantly one shots it with a kick to the brain and as far as distractions go it did a pretty good job because mirko looked away for those few seconds this bought the doctor enough time to press the button and bring five high-end nomus to life the high ends immediately send mirko flying and begin to talk amongst each other about how eager they are to start killing some heroes the doctor explains that this type of nomu exhibits the personality of the host body which is why each one of them are made from the body of battle crazed villains hand-picked by dr garaki himself now that he no longer has the warping quirk at his disposal the main strategy now is to distract the heroes for long enough so that shiguraki can wake up early currently he's at about 70 completion and he's still meant to be in that tub for an additional month but with this situation the doctor click cracks on the keyboard for a bit to speed up the recovery process if shigeraki can wake up before any heroes can capture them then yeah things will look pretty good for the villains at the very least that's what the doctor is hoping the high-end nomus completely just gang up on mirko with a variety of awesome quirks including squishy head laser eyes and of course elephantitis because they've not really had much time to stabilize she's able to stand strong and pummel a few of them even decapitating this nomu right here this high end is officially referred to as robot and man did he not live up to his awesome design but that said he was able to rip half of mirko's arm off in the process so i guess he wasn't totally useless wait whose side am i on again another one of the high ends went off to fight crust in the hallway because if you remember i said that he had set off to try and help mirko because he's kind of a big deal you know he's the number six hero he defeated several regular nomu on the way to the lab and when coming face to face with the high end he busts out this epic super move how his shields physically get that big i just don't know at this point the story then switches perspective and we leave the hospital and head on over to the paranormal liberation front mansion where hawks and the villains currently are the pro heroes begin to charge at the mansion in a fluent assault and if you look closely you can see kaminari is also on the front lines with tears in his eyes tokiyami is also there but he seems to be a lot more content about the situation as midnight says to denki the reason that these two and a few other students are on the front line is because their quirks are too useful to not be involved most of the other hero core students that are in this location are located in the rear guard instead which means that they're basically kept towards the back just to make sure no villains slip past the heroes in escape as the frontline heroes charge forward cementos shows us why he's the ultimate chad and uses his quirk to rip apart the entrance of the mansion how overpowered is this right here like just amazing stuff from cementos many of the villains now start to charge out of the mansion ready to fight and we see this cocky electric quirk user ready to single-handedly fry all the heroes kaminari is still majorly stressing about the situation but midnight tells him that in order to calm his nerves he should think about the person most important to him at this moment he then thinks about jiro as the scene flashes over to her and we can see that she's thinking about him too in this moment this gives denki the boos he needs to clear his head and he absorbs the millions of volts coming from this electric user which means that all the pro heroes are free to move forward we also see mudman and the mushroom girl from class 1b doing some serious damage to the liberation army soldiers not to mention experienced professionals like midnight and edge shot neutralizing a ton of villains by themselves kamui woods also gets in on the action as he ties up his fair share of bad guys whilst this is all going on out in the front there's an equally as important series of events happening inside the mansion with the heroes now attacking hawks is now able to finally lift his uh his undercover facade and has cornered his best friend twice in a secluded room the reason i say this is equally as important is because if jin is let loose to help the villains then the heroes are just royally screwed hawks himself is very much aware of that fact which is why he intends to capture twice without any resistance although good luck with that i love this moment because if you looked at it in isolation you'd 100 think hawks is the villain in this interaction i mean just look at his eyes those are villain eyes jyn breaks down crying as he remembers how he previously trusted overall only for him to kill magna and explode mr cobras arm and now his new best friend turns out to be a spy for the heroes the guy really cannot catch a break hawks tries to reassure him that after twice has done his time in jail he'll help the guy start over with a new life because deep down twice is a good person however naturally when you're being betrayed by a close friend you don't really want to hear any of this and so despite hawks's intimidation with the feathers jin unleashes his ultimate move which is of course his infinite doubles sad man's parade and on this occasion he is especially sad we first saw this move during the myvlan academia arc but for those that aren't aware of it this is when he makes copies of himself who then make copies of themselves who make copies of themselves and just so on and so on and then you basically have an army of twice's the only downside is that each new double becomes physically weaker than the last one making them progressively easier to destroy now you might recall that when the heroes began to attack the mansion i said that all the villains were running towards the entrance to go help out the other villains but there was one man who started walking in the complete opposite direction as you can see this was darby who was the one that brought hawks into the pound normal liberation front in the first place he knew from the very beginning that hawks was just putting on an act and he immediately sets off to find hawks and just obliterate him whilst twice is using his sad man's parade the number two hero is able to quickly destroy each of the duplicates due to the epic speed of his feathers and also partly due to the lack of durability of each of the clones hawke says that he would never allow something like sentiment to trip him up it's at this moment that he actually starts to consider killing twice and i'll explain why in hawks's own words he tries to take out villains pretty quickly because when neither side gives up then somebody has to die as it stands jin keeps making new clones over and over and he even creates a little mini mini league of villain squad as well we then see hawks take out a recording device and he then offers his former friend the chance to come quietly this recording is to cover his own butt just in case he needs to execute twice because as you'll remember heroes generally aren't meant to kill people which possibly adds more feel to the theory that best genus is still alive somewhere but we'll see where that goes by recording what's about to go down it's kind of showing that he offered twice a way to get out but you know if he didn't comply then he might just have to kill him hawks then slices twice across the chest in a bloody move and then pins him to the ground with a feather sword to the face as twice expresses his disdain for hero society and his regret being tricked yet again hawkes begins to push his sword down and kill twice but is stopped when dabby appears out of nowhere and floods the room with his intense blue flames you can see hawks has been completely taken by surprise here but his hero training kicks in and he rolls out of the flames and saves twice from the fire as well even though he was just about to kill the guy dabi then steps on the number two's head and shatters his visor in the process he then proceeds to ignite his leg on hawks's face which is just just unnecessary it's unnecessary darby you don't need to do that before we get into what happens next with that there's a giant sanctuary underneath the mansion which is where gargantua marcia and a bunch of the other liberation warriors are currently hiding the heroes have strategically blocked most of the exits for the villains who were in this sanctuary but there's one that remains tamaki uses an awesome new move to block most of the villains coming out of the entrance i mean my guy is galloping like a horse while swinging around his tentacle arms which each have pineapples and melons on the end of it you have to give him an a plus for creativity for that one toki army is then sent out in front as it's his job to block the last remaining tunnel so that none of the villains can escape this tunnel is a good domain for dark shadow to be unleashed because the lighting is pretty minimal so we can operate at nearly full power it's at this moment that for the first time ever we get to see tokiyami's ragnarok move in action which is essentially him harnessing the power of berserk dark shadow that we previously saw during the forest training camp in season three as this attack rummages down the hallway redestro shows up and goes straight into his gigantic muscly stress form this is what he previously used in my vlone academia to go head to head with shiguraki and do significant damage to deja city in the process of that battle but dark shadow manages to overpower him thanks to destro's prosthetic legs notwithstanding the pressure the reason that he has prosthetic legs is because shiguraki made him uh cut off his own legs during the maven academia arc it was a crazy arc so if you're watching this and haven't watched that then i actually did a chapter review of my video in academia if you're interested consequently redestro is pushed back through a wall and the falling debris manages to clog up the tunnel trapping all the bad guys underground if you're wondering about why gagantemakia isn't getting involved he's just sitting in the corner waiting for shigaraki to wake up because even though they're being attacked he only responds to direct orders from the big boss which just plays further into my theory that he is a nomu if he wasn't a nomu then you'd imagine he'd at least try and help out a little bit here but yeah for now heroes don't really have to worry about him with his part of the mission done tokiyami then hops inside fat gum's fat and asks the big guy where they got such detailed information on the paranormal liberation front to which fatgom reveals that it was hawks who was feeding the hero's information he also theorizes to tokyami that hawks is probably still in the mansion somewhere too and as we know he's not wrong okay so back to the situation with darby hawks is getting completely stomped on and i do mean that in literally every sense of the word however the number two is not down for the count yet as he uses a feather sword to drag himself and twice away from the blue flames remember that he can manipulate each individual feather with telekinesis so this is a pretty smart application of that power debbie doesn't really care though as he notes that most of hawks's feathers are gone not to mention the fact that this is a terrible matchup for hawks anyway because his weakness is flames as i mentioned earlier dabby reveals he never believed a single word from what hawks has said from the start and hawks begins to realize he's at a massive disadvantage at this point so he has to prioritize the mission rather than his own life whilst hawks is thinking about what to do twice jumps out of the way and asks dabi to shoot hawks with his flames which of course he does sending the number two hero crashing out the window behind him twice is a bit injured but he starts to move forward again and dabi lets him know that everyone is waiting for him downstairs in dabi's words twice alone is enough to make quick work of all the heroes the two share a rare high five as jin stumbles forward to join the others but then suddenly out of nowhere the man who goes too fast appears directly in front of twice having been blown out the window by derby and then instantly circling around pretty impressive for someone who's had a bunch of his feathers burned up dabby is shocked by the number two speed and proceeds to say something that hawks was not expecting to hear for those that don't know hawkes was enrolled on a special hero program from a pretty young age that required him to literally give up his name which makes things all the more suspicious when darby literally just blurts it out loud in the moment i did a theory video explaining how i think he knows this but getting back to the war we see that hawks is visibly taken aback by what he's just heard this gives darby sufficient time to fire off a blast which causes hawks to retreat upwards and leave twice alone for the time being as a result twice is able to get out of this room and get a quick look at the battle that's going on down below he thinks to himself how he needs to protect everyone because they accepted him when no one else would you can almost feel his regret in this moment as once again he's responsible for causing his friends even more pain by falling for hawks's lies and giving him incriminating information in the process to quote twice himself he says that his whole life just seems like a man falling lower and lower whilst getting tricked along the way in a last-ditch attempt an exhausted gin creates a double of himself and sends it off to find toga but as this is happening we can see a long feather sword start to appear behind him naturally this is hawks who looks particularly menacing in this panel and he plunges the feather sword directly into twice's back during the overhaul arc we saw how toge used a handkerchief to keep twice's face wrapped up and it's something that he's treasured ever since he even mentions it two hawks when the hero tried to kill him for the first time as the sword digs into twice we see this hanky flying to the air with blood surrounding it the story then flashes over to toga and compress who have been captured by a hero who has one of my personal favorite new quirks from this arc as the unnamed hero gives his heroic monologue the double that twice had sent off earlier appears and just delivers a brutal fatality as a result his friends are now set free and they express their absolute joy at being able to see him compress asks twice to make more doubles but he reveals that he can't actually do that because it's taking all of his strength right now just to maintain this form if you look closely you can see this clone is beginning to melt away and this is almost certainly related to the fact that the real twice is dying at the same time with the little time that this double has left he reveals that hawks tricked him and apologizes to his friends he then moves towards toga and gives her back a handkerchief although this is just a double of the hanky which leaves a smudge on her face which is pretty gross but very sentimental at the same time in a really emotional moment that i will be personally disappointed if this doesn't make me cry in the anime but uh twice's double truly begins to melt away into nothingness and whilst that's happening toga thanks him for saving her you really have to feel for toge here because twice was truly her bestie so she's seeing a copy of her best friend die in real time in his final thoughts he reminisces about how being there with them meant that despite all the crap he dealt with in his life he was still a happy person and with that twice is officially dead his double melts away and the real version of him is just upstairs um just yeah lying as a corpse so um yeah my friends that was the end of the first part of the war arc and what an ending it was our boy twice the deadpool of my academia is the first major casualty of this war so far when i first read this moment in the manga that's when i changed my profile picture on youtube from mirio to twice and i've not changed it since i really like this character and it was a shame to see him go out the way that he did anyway but at the same time you can definitely see where hux is coming from because if twice was let loose he could have replicated all the league of villain members the high end no moves anything you could have thought of he would have been an incredibly dangerous asset during a war like this so it was almost necessary to take him out to at least give the heroes a chance anyway if you liked the video then please like share and comment your takes down below it will let me know if you enjoyed it and motivate me even more to do part 2 as soon as i can thanks for watching as always and peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 99,033
Rating: 4.9729142 out of 5
Keywords: My hero academia, hawks, twice, my villain academia, war arc, mha, bnha, twice death, dabi, aizawa, shirakumo, shigaraki, dabi hawks, all for one, paranormal liberation front, paranormal liberation war, manga, mirko, endeavour, gigantomachia, kurogiri, warp quirk, high end nomu, league of villains, present mic, rock lock, denki kaminari, kaminari jiro, tokoyami, dark shadow, hawks evil, suneater, tamaki amajiki, supermove, quirk awakening, fatgum, toga, cementoss, horikoshi, heroes rising
Id: y5xZ8qyhpMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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