The Glory and The Life - Prophet Kobus

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in John chapter 1 verse 6 we read the following you don't have to go then I'm just going to quote scriptures there was a man sent from God whose name was John he was not that light but he came to testify about the light verse 9 says but the true light that was going to enlighten every person was coming into this world verse 11 says he came unto his own and his own received him not who this one who was the true light came to his own and his own received him not but verse 12 as many as received him enlightened by him to them gave you the power to become the sons or the children of God verse 30 says and they owe their birth not to the flesh needed to the world of the flesh needed their blood but they are born from God or born from above okay jumping back to verse 4 of John chapter one he says in him was life and the life was the light of n in whom was life which was light so we gotta go to verse 1 in the beginning was the word this word was with god and it was God everything was made by this word and in this word was life and the life that was in this word was the light of men so verse 14 this word now became flesh and dwelt amongst us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth the law was given by Moses grace and truth came by Jesus Christ and out of his fullness that we all received gracefully so in the beginning was the word in this word was life this life was the light of men this light came and dwelt in Toofer in flesh and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father so if it's the Word of God the life of God the light of God the thing that you will see in manifestation is the glory glory has got different meanings and I don't know how far we're gonna get tonight but one of the great meanings of the word glory is an expanded version that says all that God has and eath glory so you're saying all that God hasn't is glory show me your glory show me all that your has and all that you ease I know as doesn't sound good grammar but I'm just trying to get the revelation through you know like you know I I is you'd if you can get the revelation from first Peter okay so if most show me your glory God show me all that you have and show me all the g's show me your glory so we beheld his glory so when we beheld the word which Amin was life this life was the light this light became flesh the word dwelt and we beheld his book so we saw all that God had and we saw all that God is glory so there was a man sent from John he was not that light so he was not that word he was not that life he was not that light he was not that glory he only came to testify here comes the world the life the light the glory here comes the one that will show you all that God have to give and that all that God is great so glory can come in different forms and I think we touched it in our first message on glory where in John chapter 2 the Bible says you know there was a wedding at Cana of Galilee and Jesus disciples was invited and the wine ran up and Mary came to Jesus say they have no wine and Jesus said woman what I'd like to do with you my time has not come yet remember and he said take the water pots fill it with water and and when they tasted the water that turned into wine the guy said you know why don't you keep the best one floss remember the story and the Bible says this first miracle okay this first miracle that Jesus obtained at Galilee and he showed forth his glory so the mariko wore glory John chapter 11 we also did in our previous message I think two three weeks ago he said there was a man you know in Bethany was a friend of Jesus named Lazarus and he was very sick remember and the disciples came to Jesus said your friend Lazarus is sick and Jesus is this sickness is not unto death but unto the glory of God remember and verses later no is now four days later Lazarus died to come at the tomb verse forty forty-one and Mary says there oh jesus roll away the stunt of the Lord he stinks you know he's already decayed and geez have I not told you if you believe you will see the glory of God so this sickness under do they put unto the glory surge it roll away the son Lazarus come forth when Lazarus came out all that God had and all that God ease was displayed in a world called so Jesus comes and when he talks about this life light thing especially John chapter eight John chapter nine John chapter 11 and John chapter 12 in all those verses you can find this Jesus it I must do the works of him that sent me while it is light if you follow me you will never walk in darkness but you will have the light which is the life then he refers to miracles and it talks the works that I do are light so when Jesus says rise up this a what is lights energy but what is the life energy of God it's coming from the word what is it doing it's bringing forth the glory he showed forth is glory so wallah so when that guy jumps up out of the wheelchair glory that is what God is then what God has that is what God wants to do so glory is when the word are spoken in this word is life and this life is light and this light will produce and show forth the glory of the almighty father that's why Jesus said something to this effect in Matthew chapter 5 verse 14 he said you are the salt of the earth you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden verse 16 let your light so shine let your light so shine before men are you ready for this one that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven okay so if you have the light you gotta shine it how do you shine it by doing something the works of Almighty God doing the works that Jesus says the works that I do show you do also and greater if I do the works of Jesus I'm shining forth light which will do what glory glorify your father so now we can pick up the story verse 50 of John chapter 5 now the story is there was a Pool of Bethesda you know and they were many sick lying around the pool and there was a man they lying there 38 years and Jesus came by and say do you want to be well and he said when the water is stirred because at a certain time I angel came down stirred the water but I have no one to put me in the water in Jesus rise up take of a bed and walk remember and then the people where are you going with your bed you're not allowed to walk around it's every day and all that stuff you know and then you know and this man didn't know who Jesus was and all and the Pharisee why did you I mean there's so many of you all in the heat oh why didn't you the rest and you know there's a lot of conversations going on and here we pick up the story in verse 30 I am able to do nothing from myself independently or not my own accord but only as I'm taught by God and as I get his aura see even as I hear I judge I decide as I'm button to decide as the voice comes to me so give our decision and my judgment is right just righteous because I do not seek consult my old war I have no desire to do what is pleasing to myself to my own aim my own purpose but only the will and pleasure of the Father resent me if I alone testify on my behalf my testimony is not valid and cannot be worth anything there is another who testifies concerning me and I know and I am certain that his evidence on my behalf is valid in truth maybe should keep your finger then quickly turn to John 8 verse 17 in your own law it is written that the testimony of two persons is reliable and Dalit I am one of the two bearing testimony concerning myself and my father who sent me he also testifies about me oh ho ho so Jesus say theirs are the two testimonies that tell you about me okay John was the lamp that kept on burning and shining to show you the way and you were willing for a while to delight yourselves in his light but I have as my witness something greater and wait here Jesus said you were prepared to delight yourself in the light of John which was just a temporary light showing the way to the true light but I have as my witness something greater then the amplified would explain that word in the Greek wait here then that of John oh this is gonna be nava nava okay so John wasn't that light but he was light but he only came to testify about the true light that was coming to enlighten every person and we were prepared to listen to him since the Bible all right so here comes John as the light shining here comes Jesus a true light now it come tells us that we are the light of the world and Jesus said if you received his light in his testimony I have a testimony that is greater and he explains the word greater in the Greek okay wait here hi in second Corinthians chapter 4 you don't have to go there I'll just quote it for you but in second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 17 and 18 it says the following this light affliction that a dearth but for a moment are working for us and exceeding weight of glory as we do not look at the scene but at the unseen for the seen are temporal but the unseen is eternal Jesus is I have a testimony that's weightier then John's John only shown the light and says I am not that light but the true light is coming into the world Jesus is the light of the world the people that set in darkness saw a great light ok to you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings Malachi 4:2 so Jesus is the Sun he's the light he is the source of all energy life and whatever in him his life on the life is the light of men ok so Jesus said I have a greater testimony it's actually a weighty testimony so we've got to understand the word weight is connected to 2nd Corinthians 4 he says if we go through stuff don't let the stuff trouble you too many people speak about the stuff realize that that is a seen thing it's not for you turn your eye away and look into the unseen because God is preparing for you a weight of glory which is eternal which is God Himself wants to manifest himself in and through you we have the treasure of the glory on the inside of her so Jesus I have a testimony you know what my testimony is glory if you're gonna get it because we're gonna talk a little bit on the glory you know alright wait here then then of John for the works now listen to what he explains to the weight of glory their works always somebody heard me when I start their works that the father has appointed me to accomplish and and he's the very same works that I am now doing on a witness and the proof that the father has seen me so here's the father and I are witnesses if you struggle to understand the father because you don't seem why don't you just look at the works they are as much a witness as the father and I are a witness because if I do the works I am showing forth all that God has I'm showing forth all that God is therefore I can say get up take up your bed and walk come out peace bestow rise up go wash in the pool of siloam Oh open your eyes be it into you as you believe because I have a weight of glory that is testifying all that God has and ease I have it too of you and you have this treasure right on the inside of earthen vessels the glory is there somebody's gonna get it out and produce the stuff that God wants to be produced because God has left us a promise as true as I love numbers 14 20 21 as true as I live and my glory shall fill all the earth as I as 6 11 when the angels were around the throne they said the whole earth is full of his glory Habakkuk 2:14 just before he talks about the great revival says the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea so this knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall fail all the earth I don't want knowledge about calamities and destructions in 20 hours and 911 I want knowledge of the glory of God that's about to invade and Fulvia church we've got a purpose on this earth we gotta shine forth hell right let your light shine with the glory manifest wow man verse 37 and the father who sent me has himself testified concerning me not one of you has ever given ear to his voice or seen his form you have always been biffed to his voice and blind to the vision of him and you have not T's word living in your hearts help us because you do not believe in each year to entrust in and rely on him whom we have seen that is why you do not keep his message living in you because you do not believe in a messenger whom he has sinned you search and investigate and pour over the Scriptures diligently because you suppose and trust that you have eternal life through them and these scriptures testify about me and still you are not willing to come to me so that you might have life in the beginning was this word in this word was life this life was the light this word then came flesh dwelt amongst us we beheld his glory now Jesus is you are studying the scriptures to find out about Messiah they still do they Messiah comes he came 2,000 years ago pity pity such a pity he came he's not coming this time as Messiah he's coming as a king of glory he's coming was reigning power man he's not coming as the size came as Messiah he says you study the scriptures to find eternal life yet you do not come to me who has the life for God so loved the world John 3:14 15 and 16 that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed they would got the word believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life he who has the son has the life he has not the son has passed from life to condemnation oh man it's time to believe what Jesus came for okay so we can go on to that to go on to that verse 41 I received not glory from men but I know you and recognize and understand that you have not the love of God in you I have come in my father's name and with his power and you do not receive me hmm your hearts are not open to me you give me no welcome but if another comes in his own name and his own power and with no other authority but himself you will receive him and give him your approval now I want you to just put down the side first John chapter 5 Jesus is speaking through his Apostle John it says you receive the testimony of men but the testimony of God is greater and this is the testimony that God has concerning his son which is eternal life so if somebody come and preach other stuff that why do people believe the stuff God says you want to get my testimony about my son it's eternal life verse 44 how is it possible for you to believe how can you learn to believe you who are content to seek and receive praise and glory from one another and yet do not seek the praise and glory which come from him who alone is God he says you seek the glory of man jesus said I seek not my own glory but twice he comes and he says you got to seek two three four fine now I see the lot I thought if I mention this people are gonna jump up and you know break these shoelaces or something I'll spend a half an hour now to try to tell you the word has life which is light which produces the glory I tried to prove to you that miracles as glory if we believe will see the glory I try to prove to you that the greater testimony is a weight of glory which is an eternal thing I try to prove that glories all that God has and he's to tell you the thing that you must seek is glory so if I say glory what do you seek the light the life the word the power the miracles the science the wonders it's all included in one word glory hmm John chapter 8 men if you are in John chapter 8 with youth which you keep your finger I don't know how your pages are but in any case let's do verse fifty first however says Jesus I am NOT in search of honor for myself I do not seek or aiming for my own glory there is one who looks alter that he seeks my glory and he is the judge I assure you most solemnly please take the word beloved Saints if anyone observes my teaching lives in accordance with my message keeps my word he will by no means ever see and experience this it's a pity that people struggle to believe it keep your finger there and just look at verse 31 so jesus said to those Jews who had believed in him if you abide in my word hold fast to my teachings and live in accordance with him you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free the Word of God is truth and that truth will set you free okay are you ready I hope you listen when I read John eight fifty and fifty one free from what listen to this in John in Romans chapter eight we did it a couple of times in our eternal life messages but in John chapter eight verse revelation chapter eight verse 2 it says the following the spirit the law let's put it the law first the law of the Spirit it somebody help me okay you quote it and I'll write it the law of the spirit of life which is in Christ he who who is Christ the word the life the light the glory okay so the law of the spirit of life which is in you know in what has set me free from the law of oh your bible does say it free from the law so if there's a law that says you got to die if I'm free from that law they must be a law that says you cannot die it's not too difficult verse 32 of John 8 you will know the truth when if you stay in my word and that truth will set you free verse 51 I assure you I tell you if you observe my teaching keep my word you will by no means ever see and experience death so the word the word of Almighty God will free you from sin and death why because it's the law of the spirit of life waze's life in the world which in a man's life which is the light which became flesh and we beheld his glory so what will does glory do it will get you out of a wheelchair it'll get you out of a tomb four days decaying it'll get the water to be stole it'll get the ways to go and lie down it'll get the people of their sleeping pants it'll get the blind eyes on stop it'll get the water to turn into wine it'll produce the power because its glory it's the world which is a light life working power and all that God has and all that God is is operating in the head can you see that but Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and now come short of the glory or lesson so because of sin what is now short say the glory is now back free from sin and death I mean one and one must be two in Finland South Africa Cape Town okay if you still struggle let's do the other one Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin which all have now is this but the gift of God is eternal life so God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that they believe they should not perish but have everlasting now I don't know why people want to twist the scripture but mind says you will not see or experience death but what did some do that doesn't make the Word of God of no effect God fulfilled every promise that he gave to the children of Israel leaving Egypt but he says not one of them got the promise except Joshua and Caleb and they generation but everybody that got the promise didn't get it but God gave the promise okay so here comes the promise I'm gonna take you to Canaan a land flowing with milk and honey I will give you cities with high walls I will give you homes that you didn't build I will give you verniers that you didn't plant wow we got I get a land we like and you know one off to the other when they came to the lane Josie said how many can remember the promise not one why they're all dead was the promise true yes did they get the lane yes was that full of wine and look yes was the vine trees that they didn't plant yes did they take the cities with high walls yes who got it Josh and Caleb a total new general so God's promises doesn't fail because someone doesn't get it if someone is not healed he doesn't say God does not heal if someone dies he doesn't say God is not in eternal life and immortality God's got a plan for human a humanity God didn't make Aaron to die God made Adam to live do you want to awesome scripture read Romans chapter 3 and 4 together and chapter 5 with it he says by the offence of one sin entered he didn't say Adam sinned because of his own offense sin entered and because of sin death entered death wasn't they a tainted because God said if you eat of this tree you die so they werenäôt if they were living so they were offended then sin came because of some death so all have sinned now do they come short of the glory what is glory you will not see or experience death come on John 8 50 and 51 if you get the door you will never see or experience death so send the entrance or death entered so the glory was lost to all sinned and come short of the glory so the wages of the send these dates you've got to die but God says I'm gonna bring your new gift if you believe you ha ha here comes the Sun to do what to give us eternal everlasting life so because people die till now and are still dying doesn't make the promise of no effect win hundred and eighty-five thousand died in the wilderness did let's say now they're not going to get the promised land no God says I'm taking you to the land I don't care if you all die the people that will be named will be taken to the I'm taking it to the promised land if you must die so here comes Jesus what is the promise now I'm gonna take you back to where sin is gonna be cancelled the law of sin and death is gonna be canceled I'm gonna abolish it and I'm gonna bring law of the spirit of life if you believe in me and my word keep on abiding in you [Applause] [Music] and seek my glory you will never taste an experienced day so what is the testimony concerning the Sun first John five eternal life but now people rise up and say of this stuff that Kubas preached eternal life he twists the Scriptures because eternal life is after death know that scripture doesn't say after death it says eternal life so people are not abiding in that word they don't stick to the testimony they say well if we well then and whatever if we and that doesn't make the promise of no effect the promise is still there now let's go to Roman's 2 tonight now for saving them to those who by patient persistence in well-doing spring from petty or piety just with your English and American seek unseen but sure those that seek glory and honor and the eternal blessedness of immortality he will give eternal life [Music] [Applause] if you have an ear to hear what the Spirit has to say here you that are saved you then are born again you then are blood washed and spurt fold you got to see God's glory apart from that seek immortality you know what you're gonna get eternal life but I thought we have eternal life no we have afterlife I'm sorry for the shock did you know if you die you're gonna live forever that's the message of the church but not the message of the Bible the message of the Bible is you have eternal life the basis of the church was if you die where will you spend eternity I've got a shock for you gonna spend it right here on earth because he's coming back again and this earth will become new and it'll be a new earth and a new heaven not a recreated earth he will just make all things new it'll be the same earth you will be here forever and ever okay did you see it there now interesting I just quickly wrote it before the meeting so I'll gotta write it down there's three words for immortality in the original Bible which was written in the Greek language the New Testament three words can I read them to you so here all the students take it down professor I'm not sarcastic I'm just just I don't know what I am in the Strong's Concordance I'll give you the numbers one 108 6-1 and 862 the only three words for immortality in the Strong's Concordance in the new Greek Testament okay number 110 means death listen miss oh then eight six one means an unending existence eight six two means an decline what does the Bible say secret plus the glory that is what creation is waiting for according to Romans eight creation is waiting for the manifestation of the glory of the sons of God for it the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you he will quicken your mortal body what is a mortal body there's only one Greek word for mortal immortality only one it means liable to death so if it's changed it becomes okay but what about those that died oh he's coming back and he's bringing them with him and then twinkling of an eye they'll be changed and then we will be changed they will not put on immortality because they already they already did so they were put on incorruption sorry for the people that can't read Bible it says in 1 Corinthians 15 those that are dead will put on incorruption but those that are alive will put on immortality the dead can't put on immortality because they already died so they decayed so they gotta put on incorruption but immortality means under cable ok Psalm 27 let's go seek seek seek seek Psalm 27 I think that we good now remember we got to see glory all that he has and all that he's talked about the almighty God he is the glory because if glories all that God has a knees then glories God he is the glory and the lifter of my head now you gotta understand this glory thing because it runs together with anointing thing so Psalm 92 1011 says the following you have anointed me with fresh oil and exalted or lifted up my it says the wombs of a wild ox or buffalo which proves my excessive strength so if I'm weak what do I need glory if I get the glory he is the glory what will the glory do it lifts excessive strength will be my portion and he will pour out fresh all on my head will that make sense let's read Psalm 27 the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear or dread the Lord is the refuge and strawed of my life King James who say strength of whom shall I be afraid verse 4 one thing have I asked of the Lord that will I seek inquire for and insistently require that I may dwell in the house of the Lord in his presence all the days of my life to behold and gaze upon the beauty the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness of the Lord and to meditate consider and inquire in his temple or sanctuary verse 6 now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about in his tent I will offer sacrifice of shouting and joy I will sing yes I will sing praises to the Lord here Oh Lord when I cry aloud have mercy and be gracious to me and Azmi you have said seek my face inquire for and require my presence as your vital need my heart says to you your face your presence I put my own brackets your glory Lord I will see I will inquire for us and I will require of necessity and on the authority of your word ah abide in my word verse 11 teach me your way O Lord lead me in a plain and even part because of my enemies I hope somebody can get this if I can see him in the sanctuary ways the sanctuary God does not dwell in temples made with it so Jesus opened up for us a new and living way into the real Holy of Holies so we can boldly come if I'm going to shopping mall driving my car sitting in church he my prayer room lying on my bed I can just I don't have to go through it out of court in a court of holy place this former institution if I recognize that he brews chapter nine Galatians three Christ is of no use to me so I got to realize this no there is no stepping into the presence I come boldly because of the cross and the price that Jesus paid I don't go through a legalistic system of judaistic rules I come boldly right into his temple and if I behold his glory he will be my strength he will be my refuge he will be the lifter of my head he's my glory and the lifter of my head he will give me access of strength he will anoint me with fresh oil in the presence of my enemies he will lift me up and make me the board oh the one that will be a conqueror Oh more than a conquerer able to do all things heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead Oh as the father has sent me so send I you go let your light shine so that people may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven oh if I can just see can inquire off to God in his holy temple get that anointing as i-55 you said you wanted more so I'll give you more listen to Isaiah 55 you heard it so many times in your life I hope so Oh my father my father first 50 verse verse 1 chapter 55 wait and listen everyone who is thirsty everyone's a thirsty come to the water safe the waters now again ok why do you spend money for what cannot satisfy Hawking to me ok let your soul delight itself in fatness that is the anointing incline your ear that means listen to my word come to me here and your soul will revive verse 6 of some routine seek inquire for require the Lord while he may be found clinging by necessity may call upon him while he is near verse 10 for as the rain and the snow comes down from heaven first 11 so shall my word be but verse 7 later wicked forsake his way what did we read earlier on show me away okay did you hear that the right unrighteousness thoughts because your thoughts are not my thoughts my ways are not why I as the heavens are higher than the earth my ways are higher than your ways my thoughts higher then your thoughts he says there are ways we do trade it and there are thoughts God says is is higher it's above so it doesn't mean you can't have it it says change yours repent from your wicked ways in your evil thoughts so get the above the higher thoughts anyways make it your portion why then you'll be satisfied with a faintness which is the anointing what will you get the word that he's like rain coming down from heaven what will this word do exactly what God has sent at for why will it do what God has sent us for because in this word is life this life is the light and wherever this light shine there is glory what is glory all that God has is do you believe this there's gonna come a weight of glory which is eternal but you got to seek after glory and in seeking off to glory you seek after immortality and if you seek that you get eternal life this word is truth it'll set you free from what from sin and death what will you get if you free the wages of sin is death but all have sinned and come short of the glory say if I step into the spirit of life and I'm free because of the word abiding in me what will I get the glory what will the glory do it'll say I'm back in my original plan where I'm a son of God and creation is waiting for the manifestation of the glory of the sons of God and eyeball and destructible o amor to people with power over sin and unrighteousness power of a sickness and disease speaking for the Oracles of God and see the hand of God manifesting in glory so forsake those ways and get the fatness of the oil of the anointing come on hallelujah man whoo-hoo I read that to you in a Psalm Psalm 63 and this is great stuff oh god you are my god early will I seek you now see if you heard as I of 55 Psalm 27 and all the others are ready my soul thirsts for thee my soul thirsts for thee my flesh longed for thee in a dry and thirsty land with no water ease to see your power and your glory so as I have seen you in the sanctuary Psalm 27 you said seek my face so I will seek your face in your sanctuary to do great what to get the glory so if I see so what did what a desire saw glory did he manifested no Jeremiah glory did he manifested no Ezekiel man Ezekiel every page in Ezekiel and I saw the glory standing now so the glory moving and I saw the glory lifting now saw the glory falling and the spirit fooled me and the spirit lifted me and they was glory what happened he died and the prophecies are still there so some way some ah I've seen it in the sanctuary now I wanna see your power and your glory right you're on earth and for that reason I'm gonna sing glory I'm gonna seek immortality what does that mean God and to the king eternal immortal invisible the only wise God be glory okay so what do I seek I'll seek him him who is immortal and glory so if I seek him what do I get him what do I do if I get him power and glory because I loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise thee thus will I bless the world live my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness this as I of fifty five right there come on the whole thing is as I fifty-five in a different fashion my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips when I remember the upon my bed and meditate that was Psalm 27 say then I will meditate on the other night watches because thou has been my help Psalm 27 they from the shadow of thy wings where I rejoice the sanctuary the secret place so we go to meditate we got to seek we got to get the word in us we're gonna live the word abide in us so we're gonna stay in the word we gotta worship him we're gonna praise Him we're gonna honor him we gotta seek Him and we mustn't change our testimony forsake your wicked thoughts and ways get above higher thoughts when God raised Christ from the date you were raised with him Ephesians 2 says by grace are you saved by faith not of yourself it's a gift of God what happened when you were saved you were raised together with Christ you who were dead in your circle your uncircumcision and the works of your flesh he raised you together with him and seated you together so where is Christ in the throne out of the throne and out of the lamp so where's the Lamb of God King of Kings on the throne where are you raised together way are you seen it away on the throne what is the throne throne of glory what happens from a throne a king rules so you've been made kings and priests revelation 1 and 5 because of the blood of Christ that washed you made you a king Colossians chapter 3 people this word basically what it what I'm trying to say if you take this word you get victory over a lot of stuff people are too busy to get keys and strategies how to get victory why don't we just go for life it's an all-in cooperative thing word life light Gloria chapter 3 if ye have been been raised with Christ to a new life thus sharing his resurrection from the dead set your minds and keep it set on what is above are you raised with Christ he said if you then be risen with Christ seek now we did about now four or five scriptures on seek seek the things which are above we started by Romans 2 that says seek glory and immortality so seek the things which are above how do you seek things that are above this is where Christ is at the right hand of God so set your mind in other words your thoughts those work you've got to change because you are thirsty for the spirit in Isaiah 55 and Psalm 63 set those thoughts on the things that are now above so I'm going to seek above by setting my thoughts on the things above and then I will get the above stuff ready ready or not here it comes two scriptures go to Psalm 8 and Psalm 1 1 3 Psalm 8 Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth who has set your glory above the heavens so what must be seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand so set your mind on the things that are above so what is above but glory so what is Romans Tuesday's what might she seek the glory so a do you set your affections on the glory so what must be our primary cause for seeking what must we seek oh the glory of your presence oh we your temple give it whatever want o glory show me your glory I seek it someone 1:3 praise the Lord hallelujah praise o servants of the Lord praise the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forever from the rising of the Sun to the going down okay the name of the Lord is to be praised the Lord is high above all nations and his glory above the heavens the three as opposed to who who so if I understand that who is like the Lord our God who has his seat on high who humbles himself to regard the heavens and the earth that you and me the Lord raises the poor you and me out of the dust religious stuff lifts the needy from the ash heap and the dung Hill is a good Afrikaans word for that that he may see them with princes even with the princess of his people he make the barren woman to be a homemaker and a joyful mother of spiritual children praise the Lord hallelujah meditate praise Him get the word get your thoughts right get his words know the power of worship listen a great scripture on worship would be John chapter 4 we're not going there but he Jesus said that the at the well of Jacob you know talking to the woman and it's Agoge jaws but I have known you is you had files one you have now is not yours you know I perceive you're a prophet way must be worship Presbyterian or Baptist Presbyterian say they got it back to say they know they baptize right where must be worship Pentecostals they speak in tongue charismatic they believe off all where must be worship Luther always me where al Samaritan say this mountain this is where God made mother the Jews they know they in Jerusalem that's with it what do you say Jesus said it's not the Presbyterians or the Baptist's it's not the Pentecostals all the Lutheran's say at the time the hour come and now is when the true worshipers worship God in spirit and truth because God is a spirit and he's seeking such to worship Him so now we're talking about us seeking God seeking his glory now God says I'm seeking - so here we make it psalm 42 the deep crying - the deep at the shower of the water sprouts so I'm thirsty for God because there's no water so God says I've got water if you've got something the deep will cry - the deep and if both of them cry there's gotta be a meeting so I'm seeking God me seeking me what is he seeking people that will worship in spirit and in truth so if I'm seeking the glory and he's seeking the true worshipers there's gonna be a shaba daba and what's happened when the temple was dedicated we filled the house when they said the Lord is good and His mercies are everlasting glory for the house they couldn't stand to do their duty because of the glory of the worship and the praise listen just turn back to Psalm 106 verse 20 they exchanged him who was their glory for the image of an ox that eats grass they traded the honor for the image of a coffin they forgot God the Savior who had done such great things in Egypt wonders and miracles in the land of hem dreadful and also things that the Red Sea look you I hope you're gonna get this message God says they've exchanged my Gloria okay now I'm trying to say we see God God cig worshipers but it's all spirit and truth so those who are thirsty seeked because I'm thirsty cause is our poor water I'm thirsty so I'm gonna say my word it would be like rainy to do what I've seen it for it'll be prosperous they aim so I'm gonna meditate on the stuff and I'll be satisfied with the oil of the anointing he's gonna be the glory and the lifter of my head you know the whole message here John 7 closing closing oh dear father verse 4 there is no man that do anything in secret and he himself seeketh to be known openly they say to Jesus why do you do this stuff in secret if you really seek to be known openly I want to get to a point hidden did Jesus wanted the world to know who he was of course men who did he tell not to tell the unbelieving Jews don't go tell them I heal to go tell everybody I healed you who did he say go tell to the Gentiles who did he say don't tell Jews why because I want to crucify him so did Jesus seek to be known yes so here comes the Jews they say yeah if you seek to be known why do you keep doing things in secret I'm talking about seeking even his brethren didn't believe in him then Jesus if my time is not yet come but your time is always ready what time to seek to be known your time is always ready to seek so that people can see the glory the power all brother Arjuna wasn't you know proclaim these miracles in the newspapers it's our time it's our time to be known and to be seen seek not proud oh I am a miracle no no no no it's the glory verse 18 he that speaks of himself seeks his own glory but he that seeketh his glory that same him the same is true and no unrighteousness is in him how do we get this they know Jesus verse 34 you will seek me and you shall not find me what did as I say seek me while I can't be found but you shall seek me who did you then save the Jews among themselves who the where will he go that we shall not find him first 36 what manner of thing is this you shall seek me and shall not find me anyway I am you're gonna come and so in the last day the day of the great feast Jesus stood up and cried now verse 4 they told him to go to the feast to seek to be shown and he said I'm not going now but on the last day he came and he said if any man is thirsty let him come to me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water this he spoke of the spirit which they that believe in him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we're uploading more 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Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 2,611
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, spiritworldministries, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, spiritwordministries, spirit word ministries, glory and life..., lord of life and king of glory, The Glory and The Life - Prophet Kobus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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