Why Don’t The Grey Knights Have Primaris Marines? - 40K Theories

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[Music] [Music] following in the wake of the Horus heresy and the internment of the Emperor of mankind into the life-support systems of the golden throne the Primarch of the ultramarines legion reboot a killerman would begin to organize several contingency plans in order to ensure that an event such as the Horus heresy could never happen again one of these proposals would be the introduction of what killerman termed the codec societies where the nine remaining loyalist legions would be broken down into smaller chapters each to consist of no more than 1,000 Marines the second of these contingencies would focus upon the creation of an entirely new breed of warrior so that the Imperium would be able to defend itself during its darkest hour with the aid of the arch Magus Dominus of the adapters mechanicus Belisarius call killerman would begin to lay the foundations to what would become known as the primeras project the fruits of the Primera's project culminated with the successful creation of the next evolution of the adapter societies the primary's Marines these primeras Marines are larger stronger and more resilient than their more traditional brothers sporting new devastating weaponry and advanced armor when the Ultramarines Primarch was mortally wounded by the demon Primarch fulgrim and interred within stasis Belisarius Corps would continue to work upon the primeras project in secret and over the course of several millennia Corps would create tens of thousands of this new breed of a starties following the aftermath of the 13th Black Crusade and the subsequent resurrection of rabbu take Gilliam on the primarch with calls aid would begin rousing these primeras marines from stasis entire chapters would be founded with their battle brothers drawn entirely from primary stock a founding that would become known within imperial records as the Ultima founding existing chapters would also have their numbers bolstered by these new promise recruits and approximately 94% of all currently existing Space Marine chapters came to accept these new warriors as true battle brothers even if only but grudgingly however despite each Space Marine chapter being commanded to accept this influx of promised recruits of such commands even being enforced by the Warriors of the Adapters custody's there still exists a number of chapters who for one reason or another still do not have any of these newer austerities within their ranks one such chapter is that of the grey knights the Green Knights are a specialist chapter that serves as the militant term of the Ordo melius division of the inquisition they are tasked with combating against demonic incursion and chaotic corruption and as such their training regimen and initiation process is much harsher and more demanding both on a physical and spiritual level compared to the already intense recruitment rituals used by the other chapters of the adapter societies they are warriors and psychos were few if any equals and display a spiritual purity so robust that it is said that the grey knights are some of a few beings to be completely incorruptible and immune to the temptations offered by the ruinous powers despite their unwavering loyalty to the Imperium and their devotion to the Emperor of mankind the very existence of the grey knights is a closely guarded secret that only a privileged few are privy to and those who managed to fight alongside them upon the battlefield will either be mindwiped or simply executed following the culmination of the battle in order to keep all knowledge regarding their existence hidden from others so of all chapters why do the grey knights seemingly lack any sort of primeras recruits initially the answer would appear to be due to the specific source of gene seed that is used by the grey knights chapter when Belisarius core began his work upon the Primera's project following in the wake of the Horus heresy coal would be gifted an artifact known as the sang promis Porton a repository of pristine and untainted genetic material that was derived from all 20 pry marks including those of the traitor legions as well as the two lost legions this in turn would allow call the ability to create primeras marines utilizing only the purest reserves of gene seed and as such Primus Marines have only a 0.001 percent chance of genetic deviation and mutation making their gene seed not only much more stable but also less likely for primeras marines to succumb to most gene seed flaws such as the sable brand of the raven guard or the red thirst of the bloody angels however the gene seed of the grey knights chapter is derived from an unexpected source for the source of their gene seed is said to be taken directly from the Emperor himself as such if the grey knights truly used gene seed taken from none other than the Emperor this would initially be a feasible explanation regarding the grey knights lack of primaries Marines - - the same premise Porton not having within it the Emperor's own undiluted genetic material while this does appear to be a reasonable assumption in actuality this is not the case due to one particular fact the exorcists chapter of the adapter societies are themselves shown to have primeras Marines within their ranks as documented within the a tradition Space Marine codex The Exorcist themselves are a chapter that is descended from the grey knights and thus say for a few minor and inconsequential differences share the same gene seed this confirmation regarding the chapters genetic lineage comes from the story headhunted within the heroes of the space marine anthology with the following passage where brother Roth of the Exorcist chapter is asked by Inquisitor Sigma to monitor the actions of the Death Watch librarian Leandro Karras as enigmatic as Sigma was he was clearly no fool who better than an exorcist to watch over ones such as Karis even the mighty grey knights from whose seed Roth's chapter had been born could hardly have been more suited to the task because of this it seems extremely unlikely that the reasoning behind the grey knights not having primeras Marines is somehow tied to their gene seed so for whatever reason could the chapter have for not including primeras Marines within their ranks it seems far more likely that the reasoning behind this is due more to the nature of the chapter itself as stated earlier the grey knights not only have an extremely demanding and dangerous recruitment process but the chapters very existence is a closely guarded secret because of the chapters initiation rituals it could simply be a case that no prospective primeras aspirants were capable of passing their trials necessary to become a fully fledged battle brother of the chapter it is also worth noting that every warrior of the grey knights is also a powerful psycho and thus it could potentially be argued that the rationale behind the grey knights having no primeras marines was merely due to a lack of psychically sensitive potential recruits being selected to join the chapters ranks and thirst the integration of so fewer number of primeras marines could be seen by the chapter as being a fruitless endeavor but this lack of primaries could ultimately be due to the grey knights own secrecy when the initial batch of primeras marines were roused from stasis most could fight alongside one another in one of nine Legion size forces known as the unnumbered sons or as they were more informally known the gray shields these nine grey short forces were not just comprised of the starties from a single genetic lineage but were in fact mixed thus ultramarines descendants could share the same squad as space wolf and salamander descendants for example over time these unnumbered sons would be separated and sent to join chapters of a shared genetic stock such as a Dorne descended primeras becoming an Imperial fist or a black templar for instance or used to found new chapters entirely and each grey shield squad would bid their farewells to their squad mates before heading to join their new chapters whenever a grey shield would be assigned to a new chapter this revelation would become open knowledge amongst their squad mates and if such chapters ever campaigned alongside one another in the future there is always a chance that these former brothers-in-arms could fight side by side once more because of how public such information would become regarding a primeras Marines assigned chapter it is admittedly possible that the grey Knights were deliberately excluded from such recruitment processes by Belisarius cool in order to help maintain their secretive existence but the final potential reason regarding the grey knights lack of primaries can ultimately be the most probable one that being due to the fact that the grey knights simply do not trust this new breed of a starties because primeras marines have so far been relatively untested when it comes to their resistance to the temptations of chaos then perhaps the grey knights simply refuse to accept primeras marines at this point in time until they can be proven to be a stalwart and as spiritually pure as the other battle brothers of the chapter why do you think the grey knights have no primeras marines leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 310,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, toys, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, grey knight, gray knight, primaris, exorcists, geneseed, knights errant, ultima founding, space marine, adeptus astartes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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