The Genetic Heritage Of The Soul Drinkers - 40K Theories

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[Music] [Music] the soul drinkers were a renegade chapter of the adapter societies established during the course of the second founding for much of their existence the soul drinkers were officially recognized even within their own records as being descended from the seventh Legion of the liji onea starties the Imperial fists many of the chapters founding members were said to have been drawn from those Imperial fists that specialised in the act of ship-to-ship boarding actions and orbital shock assault shortly after their founding the chapter would come into possession of an ancient relic known as the soul spear a weapon that was supposedly wielded by none other than Rogal Dawn himself after the primark discovered it upon a cold and lifeless world during the course of the Great Crusade according to chapter legend the soul drinkers were entrusted with possession of the soul spear by Roman dawn as a way of showing that despite the chapter no longer being Imperial fists the Primarch still held the sole drinkers in high esteem although the relic itself would become lost sometime around m40 prior to being declared excommunicate a tree tourist by the inquisition the soul drink has were famed throughout the Imperium as proud and Noble defenders of humanity during the events of the war of beasts the soul drinkers would answer the summons of the last Imperial fist captain : following the initiation of the last war protocol in hopes of presenting a united front against the immeasurable hordes of the orc warlord known as the Beast the soldier incres alongside the crimson fists black Templars fists exemplar and excoriated chapters would even contribute a number of their assets which included not only warriors but a portion of their gene seat stocks in order to re-establish the Imperial fists following their extinction at the hands of the orcs sometimes during m14 approximately a thousand years after the so spear had become lost the chapter would be informed that the artifact had come into the possession of an organization known as the Vance core Valle cartel which was based upon an orbital defense platform within orbit of the world of laconia seeking to ensure this worth return of such a priceless relic the chapter would dispatch free entire metal companies in order to retrieve the soul spear before the chapter could finally reclaim what was rightfully theirs a contingent of adept as mechanicus troops would teleport into the vault containing the artifact and spirited away before the soldier Incas could react the chapter demanded for the mechanicus to return the soul spear to them however the tech priests would refuse this demand but the artifact now in the possession of arch Magus kuba Tov was already on route to his fort world of code and tercius this would lead to the soul drinkers and mechanicus engaging one another in battle after destroying both mechanicus research vessel and the score volt orbital platform the chapter would flee from the system leading to the remaining elements of the imperial battle fleet to set off in pursuit of the Astarte z' force in the sole drinkers to seek refuge within an asteroid belt known as the Siberian field this would result in a prolonged stalemate between the sole drinkers and the remainder of Imperial forces which lasted for several months prompting the Inquisition twing to beam after taking control of the fleet the inquisition of the soul drink is a chance to surrender and be punished accordingly for attacking mechanicus forces although the chapter would refuse as a result Lord Inquisitor Gorgosaurus of the order heretic oz would declare the sole drinkers as excommunicate a Tory Taurus before the Inquisition could unleash the emperor's wrath upon us deities however the remainder of the soul drinkers fleet would arrive in order to extract their brothers and have imported air then chapter master Gorgo lien for censure in the aftermath of this series of events the chapter would experience much sorrow and strife such as suffering numerous chapter civil wars and even having a number of their warriors slowly falling to the corrupting influence of chaos despite becoming increasingly disillusioned with the Imperium itself and even becoming the unknowing pawns of a demon Prince named Abraxas the majority of the soul drinkers would still view themselves as loyal servants of the Emperor of mankind and would continue to fight against traitor and Xena's forces alike in addition to those imperial forces that sought the destruction eventually after a prolonged campaign to aid the population of a non imperial system evacuate from a nekron invasion a slow surviving number of soldiering kurz including that of Sarpedon a librarian the hadoo circle golion as chapter master would be captured by the Imperial fists and brought their immense flagship the Phalanx in order to stand trial for their crimes it was here upon the Phalanx that commander kevsham R of the angel sanguine chapter would reveal that the soul drinkers despite what official records are claimed were not descended from the gene seed of Roku dawn I am saying that rhodol thorn is not your prime on I cannot say Kuwait's the sanguinary priests have yet to complete their discourses on the matter but towards gene seed is among the most stable and recognizable of all those among the adept societies and there can be no doubt that the sole trinkets do not possess it that is the news I came to failings to deliver that is why the angel sanguine saw the place at this port despite all the crimes that the chapter up in charged with many of the surviving soldier Incas would choose to wait the Imperial fists in their defense against the demonic incursion which had been orchestrated by the heretical chaplain Denny Athos only three loyalists so drinkers would survive the battle who would then choose to journey into a warp gate that had been conjured by Sarpedon while the chapter is officially considered extinct the Imperial fists would erect a monument dedicated to the soul drinkers within their apothecary Oh having finally been convinced of the chapters dedication to the Emperor and viewing them as brothers indeed if not by blood but the main question that currently remains unanswered is that if the soul drinkers are in fact not descended from the bloodline of rogue all gone as had initially been believed then from which of the first founding legions could the chapter be descended from the sole drinkers are known to sport a somewhat unique flaw within their gene seed stocks with the chapters war is developing an overly active Omo fevr Orkin this organ normally allows a space marine to experience the final memories of the recently deceased through the consumption of their flesh yomo Faiza of the soul drinkers by contrast or simultaneously transmit these memories to the estate ease with a greater intensity and a higher degree of ambiguity aside from this the chapter appears to display no additional floors or genetic traits which could trace their lineage back to any one specific Legion one admittedly weak possibility is that the soul drinkers are descended from the fifth Legion of the Legionnaires deities the white scars this is due to a specific connection found between the two chapters which existed within older sources according to chapter approved book of the astronomical the white scars boasted a unique formation within their chapter that specialized in shock assault with the Warriors of this formation being designated as the sole drinkers while the canonicity of this information is debatable at best both the white scars and the sole drinkers are known to share a number of similar psychological traits such as their martial pride and a somewhat insular nature aside from this however there is little if any definitive links between the two statistically speaking if the soldier Incas were descended from a legion other than the Imperial fists then it is likely for the chapter to have been created utilizing Ultramarines genetics tongue as the ultramarines would go on to establish the single greatest number of successive chapters what potentially rules out the possibility of the sole drinkers being a success a chapter of the ultramarines or the white scars is due to what was specifically said by commander gifts in LA when gifts amira later Sarpedon that rogue will dawn is not the jean father of the sole drinkers he made sure to specify that this is due to thorns Jean seed being not only one of the most recognizable but also one of them unstable this would suggest that the sole drinkers are descended from a legion whose genes he displays greater odds for displaying signs of genetic degradation or mutation of the nine loyalist legions the Jean seed of the bloody angels space wolves and salamanders is considered to be the most unstable sporting between a fifty to ninety percent chance of exhibiting flaws and defects of these the space wolves would sire only a single successor chapter before their genes he would mutate to such an extreme degree that only aspirants taken from their homeworld of Fenris were capable of accepting it with this in mind it is theoretically possible that the sole drinkers could be descended from the salamanders due to a potentially shared genetic instability what makes this prospect ultimately unlikely however is that following the introduction of the Codex societies the salamanders were the sole Legion to be made except from being divided into chapters while a number of latest based marine chapters such as the black dragons and storm Giants are rumored to be salamander successes the fact that the sole drinkers were established during a second founding would appear to rule out this possibility this would appear to leave the bloody nose as the best possible candidate from the loyalist legions in regards to the identity of the primogenitor of the sole drinkers what potentially reinforces this possibility is to impart that our chapters iconography the heraldry of the sole drinkers is that of a chalice or Grail similar such iconography is also displayed amongst the bloody angels and near successor chapters with some such as the blood drinkers even making use of such imagery for their own heraldry one of the holiest relics held by the bloody angels is that of a golden chalice known as the Red Grail which is said to contain the very blood of the Primarch sanguinis himself with this in mind it would be somewhat reasonable to assume that the soldiering curse could be connected to the bloody angels in some way what makes this particular hypothesis somewhat dubious is that the soul drink is failed to exhibit signs of the two primary floors found within flooding jewels genetics stock the red first which instills an unnatural and almost uncontrollable craving for blood and the black rage a psychological flaw that causes those who succumb to it to believe that they are their primarch sanguine ia's during his final moments of life that being said however it is always possible that the soul drink errs were simply fortunate enough to not have succumbed to such flaws similar to how the lament is chapter would only begin manifesting such defects around the onset of the padam war although this is highly unlikely while the soul trinkets may not appear to share any obvious genetic links with the nine loyalist legions the key to uncovering the chapters genetic heritage may be firm with in their sacred relic the soul sphere as mentioned earlier the soul spear was said to have been discovered by rebel dawn during the course of the Great Crusade upon a cold and world the spirit self was fitted with a series of genetic locks which according to the soldiering because themselves meant that only a true son of dawn was able to properly harness the weapons power however given the revelations made by the angel sanguine regarding the chapters gene seed this would instead suggest that only those who bear the biological markers of the soul drinkers and their true parent Legion are able to properly wield the weapon but what if instead of going acquiring the soul spear during the Great Crusade the Primarch had in actuality obtained it during the course of the Horus heresy if this were indeed the case then is it possible that the soul spear could be in actuality the pale spear the pale spear was a powerful weapon of unknown origin which demonstrated similar destructive capabilities to that of the soul spear and served as the signature weapon of Alf arias the Primarch of the Alpha Legion during the battle for Pluto roeckl dorm with slayer Farias and battle impaling his brother with his own spear before severing his hands and finally delivering a killing blow with the chain blade storm's teeth however it remains unknown as to what became of the pale spear following the culmination of the battle while the soul spirit self was described as being only the length of a man's forearm as shown within the novel soul drinker the pale spear as documented within Praetorian of dawn was able to have both its shaft and blades separated into a number of smaller forms thanks to this modular construction this allowed the pale spear to be reassembled into a number of different configurations with this in mind it's possible that the pale spear was taken as a trophy by Roku dawn before eventually entrusting it to the soul drinkers because of the genetic clocks employed by the soul spear if this artifact is indeed the pale spear then this would appear to imply that the soul drinkers are derived from alpha Lee genetics talk rendering member success a chapter of the 20th Legion in this case the chapter could have been founded by the order of dawn himself either from the ground up or possibly with an unknown number of alpha Legion loyalists to serve as its foundation in order to act as the guardians of the pale sphere and in turn prevents such a powerful weapon from falling back into the hands of the Alpha Legion itself dawn could then have used his political influence to ensure that the sole drinkers would be officially recognized within imperial records as being an Imperial fist successor chapter while there is little else to support the notion that the sole drinkers are in truth the sons of our farías if the soul spear and pelo spear are indeed connected then this would still remain as one of the stronger hypotheses regarding the chapters genetic heritage the final major possibility which is admittedly one of the least likely is that the sole drinkers can trace their lineage back to one of the two lost legions despite the exact circumstances that led to the pry marks of the second and eleventh legions being erased from the annals of Imperial history remaining unknown the fate of their warriors has been heavily alluded to within the story chamber at the end of memory mal could or the city light reveals two rogue or Dorne what became of the second and eleventh legions warriors after dawn discovered but all of his memories regarding his lost brothers had been utterly erased from his mind the loss of the second and the eleventh was such a wound upon us and it threatened the ideals at the heart of the Great Crusade it would have ruined all that we had built and the drive to reunites humanity and drive off our enemies steps had to be Jakub the Legionnaires they left behind leaderless a forsaken were too great a resource to be discarded out of hand they did not share the fate of their fathers you Andrew booty argued in their favor but you do not recall us it fell to me to see that they were attuned to new circumstances I granted them a mercy a second chance because of the fact that rogue or dawn and trebuchet Kellerman argued in favor of the lost legionaries it is implied that these warriors after all memories of their gene fathers have been erased by Malka door were integrated into the ranks of the ultramarines and imperial fists legions specifically the ultramarines legion in particular were rumored to have had their numbers increased by an unprecedented amount at some point during the course of the great crusade which some have attested to the possibility of the 13th legion receiving an influx of warriors from the 2nd and 11th legions however some have suggested that the reason for the ultramarines having such a vast number of warriors is do more impart to the general lack of casualties suffered by the legion when compared to the other legions nonetheless this does suggest that it is at the very least minutely possible for the soul drinkers to be derived from 2nd or 11th Legion genetic stock although such a claim is impossible to verify perhaps the soul drink as themselves are still true sons of thorn and that the reason as to why their gene seed stocks have become no longer recognizable as such is due to the sheer amount of mutation that many of the chapters Warriors would undergo following their excommunication although one would imagine that at least some lingering remnant of their Bornean heritage would still be noticeable if this were indeed the case since the last surviving members of the chapter have long since disappeared into the depths of the warp we may never know for certain what do you think leave a comments below and thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 118,102
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Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, imperial fists, soul drinkers, rogal dorn, war of the beast, beast arises, phalanx, daenyathos, sarpedon, alpharius, pale spear, soulspear, soul spear, white scars, jaghatai khan, alpha legion, khobotov
Id: GlYub94tDtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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