Dwarves vs Skaven - Warhammer Fantasy End Times Lore DOCUMENTARY

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The days of the apocalypse grew darker. Continents  burned, the moon cracked, and winds of magic were   unbound from the vortex created to stabilize  the world so many centuries ago. In the wake   of destruction, furred masses of rats erupt from  the Under Empire to seize weakened settlements and   unsuspecting strongholds. Proving their superior  cunning with the destruction of the Black Pyramid,   the Skaven had secured a warfront with an  ancient adversary. Directing their beady   red eyes upon the mountain holds of the Dwarfs,  they devised a bold invasion into the most stoutly   protected holds and cities known in the Warhammer  Fantasy World. Welcome to our latest episode on   the End Times of Warhammer Fantasy, where we  will cover the fall of the Dwarf Kingdoms. "We sons of Grungni may have drunk deep  from the bitter waters of misfortune,   but we yet survive. Whilst a single Dwarf draws  breath, we will fight the evils that assail us,   and we will never, ever give up." —Hengist Stonebelly, Dwarf Longbeard Also known as the Elder Race or the Dawi,  the Dwarves were among the oldest, proudest,   and richest of the known mortal races. Renowned  for their stubborn nature, the End Times military   tactics of the Dwarf Empire, or the Karaz Ankor as  they call it in their tongue of Khazalid, relied   on the unmatched artillery and expert defensive  stonemasonry of their holds. Unlike Men and Elves,   Dwarfs were unable to channel, let alone perceive  the Winds of Magic and instead developed the   closely guarded art of Runesmithing. Without  igniting the dangerous power within the winds,   the Runesmiths would trap the potent magic  and hold it safely in their craft. As the   inevitable march of doom closed in around  their mountain homes, long-hoarded vaults   of these valuable weapons would be opened  in hopes of withstanding the coming storm… The expansion of the Skaven warfront accelerated  with horrifying efficiency after the supremely   successful offensive in Estalia and Tilea. The  coordination between clans reached the most   coherent in Under Empire history during the End  Times, seen when the lesser clans hidden deep in   the mountain ranges confederated and surprised  Zhufbar with a siege under the leadership of   Clan Ferrik. Simultaneously, Ikit Claw led an  assault on Karak Kadrin with the underground   aid of Clan Kreepus and Clan Moulder. At the  coast of Barak Varr, the harbour strongholds   encountered invading Skaven Clanfleets, and in  the South, Clan Mors marched for Karak Eight   Peaks. Assaulted from so many fronts, the Dwarfs  fell for the initial scheme of the Lord of Decay;   to isolate the Dwarfs from one another  and whittle them down through attrition. "We will bring down their decaying empire  and the children of the Horned Rat shall   inherit the ruins. I will see that it is  Clan Mors that emerges pre-eminent from   this extermination. Finish them quickly.  Go to help the others complete the tasks   they will not be able to finish  on their own. Clan Mors must look   strong. Clan Mors must be victorious!" —Lord Gnawdwell, Warlord of Clan Mors When it became clear that the Dwarf Empire  was feeling the pressure of multiple sieges,   Lord Gnawdwell decreed that the prize of  Karaz-a-Karak, the ancient dwarf hold of   Eight Peaks, would go to none but Clan Mors alone.  The mountain hold had been in a constant struggle   for control between Dwarfs, Greenskins,  and Skaven for some time, and so Gnawdwell   ordered his protégé Queek Headtaker to lead the  hordes of rats into the mountain and claim it for   Mors. The bulk of the southern skaven armies  gnawed their way into the mountain in numbers   uncountable and sprung an ambush upon the green  skins holding a strategic point in the peaks. [Battle at Karak Eight Peaks] Tunnelling across the mountain, the suffocating  masses of slaves pushed the occupying greenskins   through the crossroads and out of the mountain  into Grobi town. Queek very nearly killed Skarsnik   during the retreat but stopped his pursuit  once outside the Ancestor Vault to regroup   his infantry. Deep beneath the two armies in The  Trench, a massive reinforcement of one hundred   thousand skaven from thirty-eight different  warlord clans and several thousand Clan Moulder   warbeasts tunnelled up towards the surface.  For a moment, Queek considered sabotaging his   own reinforcements but did not commit to invoking  the wrath of Gnawdwell. Instead, Queek organized   the placement of several warp bombs along the  major peaks of the city, and in their detonation,   annihilated Karah Nar and severely damaged the  rest. The Greenskins were forced to retreat   further into the mountain and into the mines. From the trenches, seventy thousand clanrats   gnawed upwards into The Grand Avenue and poured  into The Hall of Reckoning, surprising the   garrison of defending dwarfs. Remaining stalwart  in their duty, the throng of Dawi repelled the   Skaven and maintained control over the hall.  Meanwhile, entreating the routed Greenskins with   a tempting offer, Verminlord Soothgnawer promised  Skarsnik a portion of Karak Eight Peaks when the   battle had been won in exchange for attacking  the Halls of Clan Skalfdom. Even if Skarsnik   knew the folly of trusting a rat, the greenskins  agreed to the temporary alliance and lay in wait   beneath the King’s Hall until the right moment… Above ground, Queek Headdtaker broke the lull   of battle with a ferocious charge, advancing  against the Great Gate of Defiance with his   infamous red guard. Poisoned globes from a team  of Vatbacks sailed over the red guard and landed   inside the gatehouses and battlements, creating a  poisonous miasma that gave the mutant beasts time   to dismantle the gate. Once the massive door  had been opened, an imposing wall of armoured   stone plait dwarfs stubbornly prevented any  further advancement into The King’s Hall. There,   surrounded by his legendary Iron Brotherhood, the  King of Karak Eight Peaks, Belegar Ironhammer,   awaited another fateful meeting with the Skaven  that had long tried and failed to claim his head.  In the heat of the assault on the gates, a horn  sounded from the peak of Karag Lhune. Down the   mountain, barreling towards the front lines of the  Skaven, lumbering packs of Ogre Mercenaries and   Mournfang Cavalry answered the call. Taken totally  by surprise, the Skaven morale shattered, and the   rat packs fell back to Grobi town, their retreat  covered by deadeye snipers pelting into the   fat bodies of the ogres. When it seemed that the  dwarves were gaining a foothold, another surprise   attack yet again turned the tides of battle. From the mines, Skarsnik’s greenskins sprung   the promised attack on the unsuspecting Hall  of Clan Skalfdon. Besieged from both over and   under their mountain, word quickly spread of  Skarsnik’s successful capture of the Clan Hall.   Upon receiving the news, the Ogre Mercenaries  betrayed the dwarfs and began a renewed assault   on the Great Gate of Defiance. The absolute chaos  of the quickly changing tide of battle led to a   slaughter of dwarfs, ogre, orc and Skaven alike. The Grey Seer Kranskritt, leading the expertly   timed final wave of Skaven reinforcements  up from the trenches and caves, called upon   his magic. The rocks and tunnels collapsed in the  mines and Skalfdon clan hall, trapping Skarsnik’s   greenskins inside. Queek’s frontline committed  to another charge at the gates in the chaos,   forcing the ogres to retreat and the dwarves  to fall back into the King’s Hall. The warrior   king Belegar met Queek in single combat,  refusing to capitulate to the Skaven invaders. “Pathetic. Flea-ridden vermin,  swift and twitchy. There's not a   Dwarf alive who isn't worth twenty of you." "Queek has killed many hundred beard-things.   Queek will kill one more very soon." "Probably. I am tired, and I am beaten,   and the memory of our last encounter  festers still in my flesh. But even as   you hack the head from my neck, Queek,  you will know that you could never best   me in more honourable circumstances." —Belegar Ironhammer faces Queek Headtaker Surrounded by the spear points of Queek’s Red  Guard, the King and the Warlord duelled for   what seemed like hours. Only when the King’s body  could stand no longer did Queek land the Dwarf   Gouger’s spike through Belegar’s helmet, Queek  himself simultaneously sustaining a near-fatal   wound under his armpit. Bloodied and battered,  Queek claimed Belegar’s head for a trophy. No   dwarf nor greenskin survived as rats poured  into the tunnels, and then Eight Peaks came   under total control of the Under Empire. In just as devastating as a loss in Karak   Eight Peaks, Slayer Keep in the north was  lost to the genius of Ikit Claw after the   entire hold is suffocated with clouds of  toxic gas. At the last possible moment,   a wind of magic sailed in through the mountain  gates and found the last of the remaining dwarfs   awaiting their agonising death defending Karak  Kadrin. The wind of Aqshy, the Lore of Fire,   bound itself to the Slayer King Ungrim Ironfist.  A maelstrom of purging fire veiled itself around   the last of the Karak Kadrin garrison and banished  any trace of the toxic miasma. Left behind were   uncountable dwarven casualties, and with a  heavy and angered heart Ungrim made his way   south to the dwarven capital of Karaz-a-Karak. Refugees poured into Karaz-a-Karak with grave   news of the cracked moon, the endless tides  of rats, a broken empire and the return of   Nagash. High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer,  unable to ignore the signs of the times,   ordered the greatest vaults of weapons to  be opened and prepared his throngs for war. "For the entirety of my reign I have desired  to march out with the axe-hosts of the dawi   kingdoms and exterminate the Skaven. Time and  again I argued that this alone would save our   kind. But you counselled against it, you and your  like, Nockkim. And so we find ourselves skulking   like trapped badgers in our hole, while our enemy,  allowed to grow unchecked to uncountable numbers,   plots our final demise. No more!" —High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer.  Ikit, descended from the north, while  Queek with Grey Lord Kasritt from the   south closed in on the Silver Road. At this  point, the skaven numbered in the millions,   and converged onto the Granite Gate.  Assaults on the defences were daily,   seldom giving the dwarfs time to breath and  organise a counter to the innumerable rats. An   enormous belching of warpfire melted down Granite  Gate just as the King emerged with ironbreaker   infantry and irondrake flamethrowers, but fifty  cannons managed to fire their payload in the   last moment and obliterate the streaming tide of  skavenslaves aiming to contest the King’s arrival.  Out of the smoke billowing off the squashed legion  of skavenslaves, a mighty Verminlord stepped out   of a portal and onto the Silver Road before  the Granite Gate. The High King challenged the   Verminlord to a duel, and in a shocking blow  through the King’s runic Armour of Skaldour;   none before had ever cracked it. When it  seemed that the war had been so easily won,   Thorgrim’s armour shone like silver as another  wind of magic found its target. Chamon,   the Lore of Metal, bound to the High King  and reinvigorated the warrior. He exploded   in righteous rage and hacked the Verminlord with  the Axe of Grimnir, turning to shout his demands   of vengeance to the shocked onlooking Skaven army. "For the death of Hengo Baldusson and the loss of   ninety-seven ore carts of gromril, five hundred  thaggoraki heads. For the loss of the lower deeps   of Karak Varn, two thousand thaggoraki hides.  For the cruel slaying of the last kinsfolk of   Karak Azgal, nine hundred tails and hides. For  the slaughter of the miners of Karak Akrar,   fifty thaggoraki hides! For the deaths of  Runelord Krag and his seven apprentices,   and the loss of the rune of persistence, nine  hundred tails! For the warpstone poisoning of   the Drak River, the life of Ikit Claw!  For Karaz-a-Karak! For the Karaz Ankor!"  —High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer,  Last King of Karaz Aknor. [Battle of Karaz-a-Karak] Lines of smoke burst from the King’s missile   infantry onto the onlooking Skaven. The skies  above the Silver Road turned dark from massive   magical pollution coming from the north. Organ  guns were wheeled to the melted gates and began   peppering the skaven backlines with devastating  barrages. Warp lightning cannons traded fire with   the dwarves, streaking green crackling blasts  across the valley. A rush of doom-flayers weave   an advance towards the King’s front line, but  they and the clanrats in their wake were blown   to smithereens by cannons expertly hidden in  the surrounding rocks and bluffs of the gate.  Hoping to secure a path for their allies  aboveground, a surprise pack of clanrats   emerge from freshly gnawed tunnels under the gate.  For a moment, the guns and cannons silenced their   thunderous bombardment, and it seemed as if the  dwarves had retreated into the mountain. The   skaven war machines approached the wounded gate  unchallenged, and just as they had begun to fire   the door to the kingdom flung open. Thousands  of howling beards charged out of the gate,   following the Throne of Power and reclaiming  control of the disrupted war machines.  Falling for the false retreat, the first  skaven wave suffered a decisive defeat and   the lightning cannons were obliterated. Armed with  rune-infused weapons, the dwarves established an   uncontestable killing zone, burning a bloody path  through the Skaven by the thousands. The dwarven   charge proved so effective that they managed to  carve a way into the Rictus and Mors encampments   nearby and destroy the reserve artillery. Ikit Claw and a regiment of stormvermin   and warpfire throwers emerged from hidden tunnels  and doused the High King’s frontline. Amazingly,   the dwarves marched through the warpfire unharmed  and collided in melee with the ratmen. Again,   the skaven routed, and the momentum of victory  seemed to sway to the side of the dwarves. But   as a brigade of doomwheels rolled up and over the  hills, Thorgrim realized he had made a critical   error: his forces had strayed too far from  the mountain, and were about to pay the price.  Speeding down the slope and crackling with  unstable warp lightning, the doomwheels punched   through the armor of the dwarves and careened  wildly across the lines of infantry. Packs   of skavenslaves rushed into the gaps and began  isolating the dwarven companies. Once Thorgrim and   his everguard were cut off from the bulk of his  forces, Queek rushed out from the skaven mobs with   powerful rat ogres and the Red Guard, crashing  into the throng protecting Thorgrim. Overwhelmed   by the concentration of force, the Everguard began  to lose ground. The King prepared to retreat,   but at the final moment a hailing of arrows pelted  the flank of the Red Guard. From the foothills,   Ungrim Ironfist sallied out with Bugman’s Rangers  to smite Queek’s brazen attack. Panicked by the   effective flank, skaven nightrunners dive  into the brush around the rangers to try and   stall their advance, but were slaughtered by the  superior warriors. The moment had been granted for   Thorgrim to enact vengeance, and so he shouted  aloud the payment he demanded from the Skaven. "For the Battle of Karak Azul, the head of  Queek. For the killing of Belegar Angrund,   rightful king of Karak Eight Peaks, the head  of Queek. For the death of many thousand dawi,   the head of Queek. Now die, you  miserable son of the sewers."  —High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer,  Last King of Karaz Aknor. The Throne of Power was carried into single  combat with Queek. The rat placed his faith   in his armour piercing Dwarf Gouger, but  Thorgrim parried and cleaved the infamous   dawi-killing weapon in two with his runic axe. The  King’s gauntlet swatted Queek’s sidesword away,   and thrust his hand in a crushing hold over the  rat’s throat. Holding him high in his crushing   grasp for his warriors to see, Thorgrim  shakes the Skaven’s body, snaps his neck,   and casts him aside with the many thousands  of dead rats around. Queek had been defeated,   and a massive rout rippled through the Skaven  ranks as the dwarfs secured the Silver Road.  Gyrobombers circled around the silver road and  bombarded the Skaven as they evacuated the valley.   Thorgrim looked around the valley, the heavy cost  to his kingdom weighing on his heart. Heavier,   and heavier he felt… until he realised that the  invigorating power had left him entirely. His   armour lost its gleam and the Rune of Azamar,  an artefact said to have been crafted by the   Ancestor God himself, sustained a crack. It was  said that as long as the rune endured, so would   the Dwarf race… The King kept this damning secret  to himself as he sulked back to the mountain. Telling none of the loss of the Rune, he  climbed the thousands of concealed steps to   the highest mountain and remembered the names  and clans of each dwarf that had perished to   save the kingdom. At the roof of the world, he  finally attained some sense of ease, overlooking   the long horizon of the Kingdom. Unbeknownst to  Thorgrim, a shadow had followed him all the way   to the peak. When his back was turned, the shadow  leapt from concealment and plunged thrice-blessed   warp blades through the Great Armor of Skaldour.  Deathmaster Snikch, chief assassin of Clan Eshin   had snuck in and ended the reign of the High King.  As the life left Thorgrim’s eyes, a portal between   worlds tore open and ushered even more hundreds  of damnable rats onto the mountain. On that day,   Karaz-a-Karak finally fell to the rats… More videos on the End Times are on the way,   so make sure you are subscribed and have  pressed the bell button to see it. Please,   consider liking, commenting, and sharing - it  helps immensely. Our videos would be impossible   without our kind patrons and youtube channel  members, whose ranks you can join via the links   in the description to know our schedule, get  early access to our videos, access our discord,   and much more. This is the Wizards and Warriors  Channel, and we will catch you on the next one.
Channel: Wizards and Warriors
Views: 97,992
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Keywords: thorgrim, dwarves, skaven, waaagh, rise, grimgor, ironhide, ulthuan, elves, elven, lustria, lizardmen, altdorf, karl franz, bretonnia, fall, tilea, of, kislev, chaos, Archaon, Everchosen, norsca, end times, battles, battle, nagash, sigmar, warhammer fantasy, greenskins, human, empire, witcher, sapkowski, Kings and Generals, Lord of the Rings, documentary, middle earth, animated, fantasy, sci-fi, wizards, warriors, decisive battles, history, lore, total war, warhammer III, warhammer 3, Black Fire Pass, how, greenskin, vlad
Id: EaMjJNVgbQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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