The Far Cry Franchise on the GTX 1050 Ti!

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hello guys Chris here and welcome back to another video in this one my friends I'm gonna be testing a GeForce GTX 1050 TI in the Far Cry franchise yes my friends we're back to franchises because I am tired of the new 2023 and finished bad games this one is the Asus rocks tricks version of the card 4 gigabytes of gddr5 we got a 6 pin power connector right there because it's a factory overclocked model and without further Ado let's go over the PC specs that we're gonna pair with the 1050 TI shall we here we go guys we got the GeForce GTX 1050 TI installed along with the latest NVIDIA drivers I'm not manually overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups GPU Z 4 gigs of gddr5 again and over on the left preparing it with the i7 3770k overclocked to 4.5 gigahertz and this is still a very capable CPU even though it's from 2012 and it won't bottleneck to 1050 TI I tested it in Far Cry 6 already it didn't bottleneck it and that's a very CPU intensive title and over in the memory tab you can see that we're running 16 gigabytes of DDR3 2400 megahertz in dual Channel 2400 megahertz DDR3 is very very fast it's actually the fastest DDR3 let's get into it now Far Cry 1 from 2004 is up first ah look at Jack right there for some reason his head is cut off right here but okay we're playing this one at 4K because you know it's very easy to run it's almost 20 years old very high settings actually these are the highest settings in this game and wow actually playing this game on a 42 inch 4k monitor looks really good of course like trees at the distance look like crap you know but wow look at that water guys I'm pretty sure there are some 2015 and newer titles where the water looks worse than this like really good if we get up close to it obviously well it has some issues it's not really that high quality at all but it doesn't look bad for a 19 year old title does it guys a little bit of a stutter there loading the shot it's completely normal in these old games you know but it should be smooth sailing from now on I thought it was gonna look worse guys I don't think I ever played this one at 4K maybe I did but I don't remember it especially not in this monitor yeah I didn't play it here for sure oh yeah there's pizza here look at that nice wow I would go as far as saying that this game looks better the the textures look better some of them at least then The Last of Us Part One when it came out on PC when it came out not the case anymore but when it came out if you played it on the lowest settings possible it was just a mess it the textures looked like molten plastic look at these over here really detailed right it's using one gig of vram right now that's crazy man oh my gosh I am loving this actually then you look far into the distance and you see like that over there yeah that doesn't look good whatsoever but still I I thought it was gonna look worse than this guys and it performs at 144 FPS on average so if you have a 1050 TI you can play this game at 4K absolutely fine yeah this is lovely guys goodbye sir oh hello there what's up what are you doing look at that it doesn't look terrible right what the how how do you know I'm here you cheating bastards are you serious oh boy let's go press this oh there we go this is gonna be a big video guys but I just want to enjoy these these older titles and maybe take you on the Nostalgia trip as well oh the explosions oh look at that the FPS dropping into the 60s here with the smoke effects but look at that texture man that's insane for such an old game does this explode no I remember playing this game actually probably back in like 2005 or 2006 on my uncle's laptop and I had so much fun it's it was incredible to me to be able to just walk around the map kill enemies swim I just had so much fun on this oh my God we managed to make it drop from 60 with the explosion there all right can I can I pick this up oh yes okay there we go I already had one oh no we died okay well it's it's time now it's time to move on to the next one this was a blast okay time for Far Cry 2 from 2008 this one is set in Africa we're playing at 4K resolution using DirectX 10 and the ultra high settings and it's actually not bad whatsoever look at this we're still right around 100 frames per second 90 to 100 most of the time we're seeing a lot of Grants here on screen which might be intensive I don't know we're gonna see some explosions as well which are definitely intensive obviously and it's looking way better like look at that texture wow everything is really detailed actually it's using 1.6 gigabytes of vram right now creeping up slowly and it's stuttering a little as well look at that frame time sometimes we see some spikes here and there it's probably because it is loading in new areas of the map new objects and stuff like that we just started this of course and after like five ten minutes of gameplay it should be buttery smooth now this game I actually did not play a lot I played for about like what five hours total maybe not even that I guess um it was a game that I was really impressed seeing the trailers back in 2008 especially with all of the animations when you're healing and your weapons jamming and stuff like that it's very very fun the fire oh yeah I just remembered the fire in this game spreads like crazy it's super nice what what is that one doing look at him 2023 titles after all what the hell is he doing he's coming oh hello there oh okay he's fine now he was just warming up you know Here Comes crisp Here Comes crisp we need to be ready for him oh boy you know what this is quite a decent Benchmark over here just traveling the world seeing different scenery although almost the same as previously oh my starting to stutter so much oh look at this smoke effects and fire effects close to us didn't really drop by all that much did it look at this now over here as well yep 80s not bad I mean the stuttering is putting me off a little bit not gonna lie guys it could be the dx10 actually because it was quite new at this time it also has DirectX 9 it defaulted to die like text nine but I switched it to the x10 all right guys the action is starting finally oh my okay here we go here we go do we have a flashlight or something of course not let's continue oh my the FPS are dropping so much because of the stutters and maybe the smoke effect as well look at that that is crazy you can't really play this one at 4K above 60 all of the time uh yeah I'm gonna turn it down now to 1080p oh damn at 1080p we're actually CPU bound guys but we're getting 100 plus FPS it's very smooth no major stuttering although we have already loaded pretty much everything here oh my God so many what the hell what am I supposed to do here Jesus Christ okay come on come on damn it damn it well that's it you can play at 4K with like 80 FPS you can play at 1080p with like 120 if you have an i7 like this one overclocked and I guess if you didn't have a CPU bottleneck you'd be getting like 220 or so probably so that's pretty good let's go to the best game ever and it is Far Cry 3 Guys my favorite game of all time I played it through twice and I loved every single moment of it I don't have ammo by the way I need to kill these guys come on come on give me your ammo give me your ammo there we go there we go all right thank you so much and they also gave us a vehicle now we are playing this one at 1080p DirectX 11 using hbao and the ultra settings preset the thing is with the ultra settings which are the optimal settings for this card by the way why did it change oh God okay we're back to ultra it has a lot of motion blur and I hate that so I'm gonna disable it by setting post effects to medium so I would definitely play like this you also gain a couple of more FPS oh my God oh my God I just selected the easiest difficulty and we are already almost dying are you serious come on come on come on stop it get over here boy all right yeah it doesn't look like I have played this game twice but it was back in 2012 when the game came out you know I had so much fun I remember seeing the E3 reveal of this game the graphics are just they they still are really good oh obviously if you have a 1050 TI you can't really play at 4K resolution but if you have something stronger I really recommend you guys to play this one because it's a ton of fun the story is awesome as well and it will run pretty well unlike RTX 3060s and stuff like that at 4K resolution [Music] driving even in Far Cry 3. all right I just wanted to take a look at the water anyways it looks really pretty in this game oh there's a fight going on right there you can also jump into it dive I can't see anything right now it's not the clearest water I think by the beach it looks a little bit better or clearer at least and more blue and transparent but yeah it looks really good oh you just you just killed Jack are you kidding me are you kidding me the bastards man I'm gonna grab Jack skin okay and I'm gonna try to make a new Jack out of it also the game is very stable it doesn't fluctuate too much in terms of FPS you know it doesn't really drop from 60 either so these settings are great for the GTX 1050 TI it has the other here and there but it's not really too distracting so yeah it's fine these textures look a heck of a lot better than the other textures that we saw so far right of course I have to die so we can proceed to the next game but I also want to see it over here dropping yeah it's not dropping too much it's pretty much the same thing as we've seen so far it's pretty nice now it's Far Cry 3 blood Dragon I wasn't going to include this because it's not the main title but people seem to be sad when I didn't include this one in the previous franchise video so here we go 1080p DirectX 11 hbao using the highest settings with medium post effects same settings as the Far Cry 3 video or clip or whatever yeah it's always it's all the same video anyways yes we're starting off really really well with some huge explosions and stuff this is nice looking wheelers actually because we got some uh weird effects going on here like here old CRT monitor effects or whatever but this game is just it's just a heck of a lot of fun I also played it through once and uh yeah it's smaller than Far Cry 3 of course it's kind of like a DLC for it but they're really really good one actually this is how the LCS should be yeah let's go let's go I don't want to do the tutorial lady I just want to play the damn game there we go got a little bit of a weapon now finally oh boy oh boy lots of them lots of them we need to be a little bit more careful maybe hello this is me being careful yep oh this burst fire okay interesting let's grab Moreau ammo we see some fire effects a little bit less intensive than Far Cry 3 normal one you know maybe because we don't have as much grass and yellow D is not as high but yeah you get the idea it's a really fun DLC you could say to Far Cry 3 an entire different game actually but the engine is the same the graphics are very similar aside from the this being in the future obviously yeah if you have played Far Cry 3 and you haven't played this one I also recommend it alright next is Far Cry 4 and we're playing this one at 1080p using the high settings preset with no motion blur finally they added a motion blur toggle in the settings this time all right here we are guys High settings is giving us some sweet frames per second above 60 right now it might still drop though but we seem to be getting around the same FPS as Far Cry 3 so that's pretty good Textures in this one look a lot better than they did in Far Cry 3 and these are high settings textures of course not Ultra it might actually drop from 60 FPS still by the way it's getting like 60 sometimes not near the fire though interesting the fire is not really that intensive yeah vegetation is pretty intensive here guys okay 2.5 gigs of vram usage with these textures as well that's pretty good right ah I wish we could have this optimization in today's games like look at these textures they don't look terrible do they it's actually pretty decent overall how is this a nine year old title it looks again it looks better than some new games that come out this year like look at the weapon as well the model looks great man the glove on my hand as well now the the water could look better it did look better back in 2012's Far Cry 3 in my opinion maybe even in Far Cry 1 maybe it's just not meant to be clean water here or clear water and this is where it went downhill by the way a Far Cry 4 didn't have as many fans as Far Cry 3 did because it was just the same formula in a different location but it was still a great game and very well reviewed anyways it was just more of the same mostly hello how's it going buddy oh my gosh this is the happiest day of my life we played my favorite game now we're playing the next best game probably and we see Jack look at him why are you attacking me oh he's not attacking us he's just trying to hug his that's that's what's happening here anyway Far Cry 4 my friends great game amazing Graphics probably good story from what I've heard go play it on your 1050 TI it's worth it now we got Far Cry Primal from 10 000 BCE no I'm kidding it's from 2016 this one all right and the graphics I imagine in terms of like texture quality and stuff like that it should be similar to Far Cry 4 although the the setting is completely different obviously it's dropping from 60 frames per second so it is definitely way more intensive than Far Cry 4 was so we must have some different print lighting maybe Shadows or something that are a little bit more intensive maybe it's because of the grass there is a lot of vegetation around us at this moment however it's a single player title and it should work oh duh press C to avoid detection I just walked up to the mammoth Jesus all right oh good lens flares I like that I like that a lot wow like doesn't this also look better than some new games I know again textures could be better definitely there is an HD texture pack available for download I didn't because we got a 4 gigabyte GPU here but yeah they can definitely look better still and with the improved textures it's not too far off of what we have these days and the 1050 TI can play it at 1080p High settings around 60 frames per second that's also pretty impressive right 40s here with the fire effects my teammates are trying to fry me let's go oh last spear okay can I grab one of these please thank you there we go have another one nope I'm dying I'm almost dead I'm gonna go guys I please help thank you all right at least now we have some friends to protect us this is terrible though what we're doing here but you know how it was back in these days people had to hunt Jack is here to claim the kill come on Jack don't do the Jesus Christ mate no do not kill Jack I didn't do it I didn't do it I don't want to oh boy all right this is like a breath of fresh air basically still first person still a Far Cry game but with very Primal weapons which make it pretty interesting in my opinion Far Cry 5 is up next from 2018 at 1080p using the normal settings not the high settings this time around because this is a much more intensive title and even normal settings aren't in enough to put the z60fps guys not even on average this also looks insanely good especially during the day I'll show you when we get there of course but now let's shoot some bastards and see some explosions and stuff like that with a lot of screen tearing because we're right around 60 FPS oh there we go explosions right there also zero CP bottleneck but that CPU usage is going up like crazy now all right come on yeah it's tough guys what a lovely experience here it's not great because it's not 60 plus but still it's very very playable and chances are you're gonna have a locked processor jeez look at this this is the best Benchmark ever oh my okay uh but yeah you're probably gonna have a locked processor not an unlocked one that you can overclocked and an older processor as well maybe like a fourth gen I5 fourth gen i7 five and those will probably run the game similarly to what we're seeing right here okay finally out in the woods guys looking great here on normal settings obviously textures well they could be better there is still HD textures to be enabled in this game as well um but I didn't because four gigs of vram it's already maxing out our vram actually even on normal settings and obviously you can also increase the settings quality to ultra it's getting around 50 to 60 frames per second I wouldn't really go lower than normal honestly because then it starts looking a little bit bad and it can be very enjoyable on medium settings anyways and yeah that's about it for this game it doesn't really get much more intensive than this once again the water kind of looks worse than it did in the previous titles it's pretty weird isn't it of course now we got water Ripples and stuff which weren't present previously anyway we should probably stop it there 56 FPS average is all right in my opinion and you can play it with the 1050 TI next up is Far Cry New Dawn at 1080p using normal settings again and let's do this this game looks very pretty with all of the pink flowers everywhere this is on a post-apocalyptic area so you're gonna come across a lot of vibrant colors and auroras and stuff like that it's very very nice actually whoa Jack Jack why why I know I know I know you want to hug me but me but you're gonna kill me buddy anyways this seems to perform really similarly to Far Cry 5. I'm hearing a vehicle actually we should probably get out of here because Jack is gonna end up killing us um anyway it is gonna be a decent experience just as good as Far Cry 5S yeah you kill everybody okay okay this is gonna be interesting we can explode these things right no oh come on mate also CPU usage sometimes goes up to 100 percent it's like 95 there at the beginning most of the time it's around like 40 to 50 percent though so that's fine it's gonna be okay with an i7 like this one and the game looks really really detailed on normal settings as well with a little bit of oven over clock it would be a little bit better obviously it would achieve 60 FPS on average probably maybe even over it like 5 FPS more and even if you leave your 1050 TI at stock it will provide a decent experience in Far Cry New Dawn 2019 spark Ryan you don't by the way I forgot to tell you uh the release date of this one and lastly we got Far Cry 6 from 2021 at 1080p using the low settings and not only that let me just disable this crap over here we're also utilizing the FSR 1.0 on Ultra quality because this is what it takes to keep us at 60 frames per second or at around the same FPS that we got previously in the other games you know so there is a huge difference in terms of demandingness of the game here Far Cry 6 is way more intensive than Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn was you can't really play on medium with around 60 FPS anymore unfortunately I'm gonna run the Benchmark running just a little bit okay I kind of want to explode these things you know there we go see some explosions on screen some smoke effects they don't seem to to affect the FPS too much honestly the game seems to be well optimized in that regard thankfully and you know what fsr1 actually looks decent in this game as well it's not like it looks like native resolution but the native rays in Far Cry six looks a little bit too soft honestly so uh FSR 1.0 makes things look a little bit sharper and slightly better in my opinion I would actually choose these settings to play with the GTX 1050 TI over here now what if you don't like FSR of course you can disable that still achieve a decent experience I'm gonna go ahead and increase the fov because that sucked but you will lose around 10 frames per second and it will drop into the 30s at times while not looking as sharp if you have a smaller 1080p monitor I think you should probably use FSR in this one lastly The Benchmark run in Far Cry 6 water on low settings at least it doesn't look as good as for example Far Cry 3 but it does look really really good on ultra settings this game is gorgeous on ultra settings some aspects of it could be a little bit improved but still I mean it's on low settings and it's still providing a really decent visual experience here and we don't have FSR enabled right now so in City areas you can expect slightly higher FPS than the area where we started these are the FPS without FSR if you're wondering and now let's enable FSR and try it out again look at that 60s now instead of 50s 70s even it's still looking all right I mean I'm playing the game on a huge monitor so it doesn't look very good to me but on a smaller 1080p monitor it will look pretty good I have tested 1080p monitor here in this game with fsr1 it looks great and yeah now it's mostly above 60 in City areas like this one which is pretty impressive I wish the Benchmark run ran through the woods as well through jungle areas and stuff because that's where it's gonna drop the most but it doesn't so well this is what we get here still a decent representation of what we expect in the sum of the busier parts of the map so with that said that's been it for this video you can still play the latest Far Cry game with the GTX 1050 TI No Problems it's not gonna be 60 plus all of the time but still it is gonna be enjoyable in my opinion with that said I hope you enjoyed this video let me know if I should make more of these with different games as well different franchises and I'll catch you in the next one very soon love you all bye bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 91,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: core, intel, i3, i5, i7, i9, 8100, 6400, 8400, cpu, pc, budget, gaming, zwz, vram, ram, 1gb, 2gb, 3gb, 4gb, 8gb, 12gb, 16gb, dual, single, channel, low, medium, high, max, min, all, settings, fps, benchmark, test, can, run, it, game, nvidia, geforce, gtx, ti, hd, 720p, gameplay, ryzen, r3, r5, r7, 1200, 2200g, 1300x, 1400, comparison, 9100f, 9400f, 144hz, fix, low fps, gtx 1050 ti far cry, updates, farcry, far, cry, far cry 1, far cry 2, far cry 3, far cry 4, far cry 5, far cry 6, primal, blood dragon, new dawn, all games
Id: yiKR9ekLwHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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