I Think I Was Scammed Buying This $19 PC of Craigslist...

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today's video is jam-packed full of door play confusion does that count as a scam i'm i'm not sure gaming okay well it seems to run the game better than it runs the menus and a video sponsor today's video is sponsored by corsair and their new k70 pro rgb now in my opinion the main upgrades to this new version of the k70 is that it now comes with double shot pbt keycaps as standard which is awesome and the cable is now detachable terminating in a type-c connector on the keyboard which is very good there's also a bunch of rgb stuff for those of you that care now this keyboard is available in a large selection of cherry mx switches this one has cherry mx rgb speed silvers in them that sound like this if this sounds good to you use the link in my description below to check out the new corosair k70 pro rgb [Music] now this adonis of a gaming pc was craigslist knife battled off the streets for about 19 us dollars and when anna actually showed up to the knife battle she said hey i've got an extra 11 would you mind throwing in a graphics card and he did look at that so for the grand total of about 30 us dollars we got an entire pc and a graphics card but before we have a look at that let's have a closer look at our pc oh it's got little sliding doors on it i really miss these around the back we've got the kind of power supply that looks like it gets random cavity searches every time it tries to get on an airplane and then uh the only video out we have is a mesozoic period port which is a very bad sign and another bad sign is the fact that we've we've only got usb 2 ports and no graphics card installed in here but we did manage to secure a graphics card so we are going to test both situations [Music] so they've definitely not cleaned it before they sold it to us but you know it only cost 19 so i guess unless it gives us at least two forms of herpes can't really complain but it does mean that it's time for the long-awaited return of velida gloves i can feel it the valida power flows through me so now that i've got velita's patented stage 3 herpes protection in place i can dig around this little system now the first thing that i notice about this system other than the small animal growing in it is that it has four sticks of ram so someone has clearly been slowly trying to keep this system usable over the last 75 years that it's been alive although let's have a closer look at it because they do seem to be mismatched let's take this out so the first one is actually a 512 meg stick which means we have at least a gig of ram here i think and then the next one this one is also a 512 meg stick so i guess we have a total of two gigs nice and the next thing that i notice is a distinct lack of graphics card which means it's time for everybody's favorite activity old eye gpu gaming actually having said that the cpu that we have under this cooler is an intel core 2 duo e2160 i think he said which actually doesn't have an eye gpu and that means that we're not going to be doing old igpu gaming we're going to be doing old motherboard gpu gaming which is even better having said that i think now is a good time to reveal the graphics card that we got as an upgrade option which is well it has a passive cooler on it which as we all know is synonymous with extreme gaming performance it seems to be an ati hd 3450 with a whopping 512 megs video memory and alongside that we get a significantly more modern assortment of video outs which feels really weird to say about what we're looking at but yeah it's always nice to have an upgrade option sorted for your 19 pc other than that we also have a best tech power supply which i'm not gonna smack talk because someone is invariably gonna tell me how this is like a subsidiary of c sonic or fsp because apparently all power supplies are with that let's close up this little piece of crap and try and game on it now i was busy looking at various ways to install halfway usable io on this system when i realized something i don't think it came with a hard drive in it now i went back and had a look at the listing and although he didn't specifically say that the system came with a hard drive in it he did say that it was a working pc which i feel like kind of implies that it it comes with a hard drive in it so i'm not quite sure if i've been scammed or not here but anyway while i try and figure out if i think i've been scammed or not let me drop an actual hard drive in here install windows on it and then we can do some gaming [Music] okay now we need to hope that a it actually fires up and b that if it fires up it doesn't just release a bunch of flesh-eating bacteria into the office because even for 19 i think that's something you can complain about uh but anyway let's oh so much did you so much dust i am in fact not getting a video out after the pc very politely obliged with said flesh-eating bacteria it refused to boot so i very resentfully went through a bunch of basic troubleshooting steps none of which worked until i removed one of the kits of ram hey it was the ram at which point i plugged the second kit of ram back into the system and well it booted which means okay so it was clearly my fault that it wasn't booting because um i didn't plug the ram back in properly so it was it was my fault um okay nice moving on okay now the next hurdle we're gonna have to overcome is to see if i can install windows on it using a flash drive and after spending ages digging through the system's bios i came to the conclusion that no you in fact can't install windows on it using a flash drive so i guess i have to go find a dvd somewhere [Music] okay so i've just spent a while trying to get the system to boot off a dvd until i eventually realized that there's no sata cable plugged into the dvd drive like what the hell is this system but after solving this problem i still wasn't done struggling i ended up having to burn multiple windows 10 installed dvds each of which took like an hour to burn but eventually i made some progress so it's been 17 years of struggling hopefully this is the dvd windows install that works [Music] that's a good sign yes yes at which point i just needed to spend another several hours struggling to install windows 10 and all of the appropriate software i needed but i was finally getting there it is now the next morning and we're about to do some gaming on the system now i'm not expecting much because the pc is already blue screened twice just trying to install some games on it and it runs windows 10 like it's recently been maced in the face several times so i don't think this is gonna go very well but let's see what kind of gaming performance we get from motherboard based graphics let's try one more time [Music] okay there we go that's no it's just gone straight back to play okay so bioshock's out of the question let's try the next game down hey look at that gta san andreas is launching this is this is going well granted by 600 is quite a racy resolution to try run it at oh oh what's happened so what we're going to do is we're going to drop the resolution further we can drop the resolution one more step oh i'm i just should not be in the road that old lady almost murdered me there now the thing that really surprises me about this gaming performance is that clearly the gpu on the on the motherboard is not the bottleneck here yeah that's not very promising considering that the only upgrade that i have available for this system is a graphics card and that may not help very much anyway let's try a different game one frame per second in the menu is a very good start uh at least it is trying to render the game so that makes me feel a bit better about the one fbs oh why is it all on high that's very brave and after spending some time struggling to lower the settings i clicked on low why do you keep going back to medium i could finally play some half life too okay well it seems to run the game better than it runs the menus this is easily the worst i've ever seen a game run like it's it's not even a competition at this point like this this is absolutely shocking the issue is definitely driver based because windows 10 does not support this gpu [Laughter] i'm i'm stuck on the piece of wood because i i can't i can't deal with the wood 20 minutes later this is the most i've ever struggled to get through a door like i've just been i've just been defeated by the door because it's can i finally oh i finally got through wait am i hitting him i don't even know what's happening i think so i'm about to die i'm not even gonna be able to make it outside and then the audio glitches started kicking in which was just too much for me so i don't think quake 2 is working that's the best i've been able to get it to run whatever is happening over there i think this is a good place to drop in that graphics card that we got off the person for 15 canadian dollars drop it in here and see maybe we can find drivers that makes that run a bit better let's let's see what happens now just a quick reminder again the graphics card that we got for just a couple extra dollars is this bad boy which is an hd 3450 uh which almost definitely also doesn't have driver support in windows 10 but hopefully we can figure something out one of my favorite things about velito gloves is how easy it makes doing delicate operations like putting a screw on a screwdriver [Music] okay well bioshock launched now and um it's handling the menus very well well i'd say this is running infinitely better than it was before because well we couldn't get bioshock running and now we're getting about 17 frames per second which is about 17 times better than the system was running half-life 2. so at 720p bioshock isn't really playable but it does feel like a luxury high-end gaming experience compared to before whoa we've breached hundred frames per second which means it's a hundred times better than before and i feel like paying eleven dollars for a hundred times more performance is probably the highest value upgrade that's ever happened in the history of pc gaming and we can even use a gun outside which is mind-blowing this is this is a this is so much better than before i mean granted it is still at 720p low settings so this is still a shockingly terrible half-life 2 gaming experience but you know let's not focus on that let's try and ignore that so with that what have we learned from today's video um i i'm not entirely sure about that one maybe you can let me know in the comment section down below also if you enjoyed the video please do subscribe to the channel because the flesh eating bacteria released by the pc told me that unless we get a bunch of subscribers from this video they'll dissolve my body slowly and painfully so please do whatever's in your power to prevent that and yeah until the next video thank you for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 499,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, craigslist, scam, i think, was i scammed
Id: Tvu5bugk2PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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