Helldivers 2 Booster Tierlist, the only one you need

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all right so a lot of people have been asking for a tier list for the boosters for hell divers and here's the thing my tier list is going to look way different than most people's as we know when I make a tier list uh s tier is reserved for only things that you take every single time but here's the thing there's four booster slots on a team of four and there's nine Bo boosters overall so the thing is you're either going to be taking all these boosters all the time or you're never going to take them so basically just have an S and F tier um which isn't much of a tier list but I do believe that this is the most accurate for 99.99% of people so let's let's throw some things in here first we're going to take the expert extraction pilot booster that goes solidly in F tier uh it saves you what 18 to 30 seconds off an extraction and in exchange you don't get a booster for the entire rest of the map that's useless especially considering some of these matches can be 30 40 minutes going that long without a bonus just to save 18 seconds I find it hard to believe that's going to be useful in any scenario now I know some people will argue some people will say oh well sometimes that 18 seconds really matters and you're absolutely right sometimes that 18 seconds does really matter but here's the thing had you had another booster active would that 18 seconds matter and I don't I don't think so so into the garbage tier it goes I'm also going to throw the UAV Recon into this tier personally I do like having a little bit bigger of a radar but uh I mostly play with random people and if you've ever played with randoms you know none of them even look at the map half the time so having an increased knowledge of where the enemies are at is useful if you've got a team who knows what they're doing but it's just not more useful than the S tiers on this list and your randoms are going to ruin it anyway so what's the point for our first s tier we're going to put the stamina enhancement uh these maps are pretty large especially if you're in heavy armor having a larger stamina capacity gives you more time to run around faster around the map gives you more time to complete the mission gives you better escapes faster recovery times means less downtime it is s tier you will take it on every single Mission with one one asterisk one one little asterisk and that is if you're on one of those missions that only is a 15minute defend the area defend the scientists it's not as useful there I still find it useful but you might swap it out for something else in that one one one rare scenario where you're doing that and even then 99% of the time it's not going to matter following up with another s we have the muscle enhancement allows hell divers to reverse difficult terrain with ease uh this is absolutely useful especially on Snowy planets getting through barbed wire there are so many hazards so many things that slow you down this helps prevent that and the biggest thing that people don't know is it also stops the hunter slow or at least uh reduces the hunter slow by a large amount so if you have problems with swarms of hunters guess what this is for you next we're going back to F tier in the F tier we're going to put the localized confusion uh there's debate over whether or not this even works uh it says increases the time between enemy encounters what it actually does is increases the amount of time in between when an enemy can call in an alarm so like the Bots shooting up the flare or the bugs calling up their little phermones that calls in more bugs here's the thing one half the people don't even think this works two you shouldn't be Eng engaging with patrols enough for this to matter if you're on Hell dive mode or you're you're seriously like trying to beat a mission fighting patrols is not the way to win a mission so this shouldn't be even used because you shouldn't be engaging in those different groups and three I just I don't see it being that big of a difference people have said maybe up to a 25% increase but it just it does not feel like it's useful if it even works there's still debate whether or not it works uh continuing the F tier we're going to throw on the flexible reinforcement budget it only activates once you've completely depleted all your guys and it's only a 10% increase so like the expert extraction it's only activating in a very very certain circumstance and then it's not working any of the rest of the time and typically if you're that desperate and that down bad uh you're going to lose anyways next we're going to throw the Vitality enhancement s tier now this this one used to be F tier this used to be the worst because there was a bug where if you fell in the water you didn't die with this active allegedly that's been fixed with that fixed the says all it does is resist injury which is useless I agree that is useless however there is a hidden passive on it that gives you a 20% boost to your base HP meaning you can survive a lot more things it's super useful and allows you to get those stems off and just helps prevent those one shot scenarios that are so annoying so absolutely must take on every Mission next help hod space optimization I'm going to throw this in s tier excuse me this is one that I had a hard time placing because you should not be dying enough for this to matter and when you start the match you should be able to throw down your resupply get everyone up to Max and then scavenge around the map you should not need this however this is great for when you land hot that happens all the time it gives you the additional tools you need to not completely get wiped during that uh death does happen sometimes and because of that this is great to have for that exact reason so I'm saying we're going to take it because again we can take four we have to take four on every single match so these are the four that you're going to take on every single match that leaves us with increased reinforcements this one I this this is the one that there might be cause for us having a slightly different tier on here uh because it's not necessarily F tier but you're not taking on every Mission this is the one that you would swap in for if if you are on that 15 minutes rescue the scientist garbage Mission and you don't need to run around a whole lot you might drop this one out for the increased reinforcement budget just because those missions can get very hard very sticky and you're not running around a lot anyways but again I'll reference like I have on a few of these you should not be dying enough for this to matter if you're dying so much that five extra reinforcements makes a difference then we need to adjust strategy and adjust your team not adjust your boosters you shouldn't be playing around having that flaw in your team right you should work to solve that flaw rather than saying it will just take a booster and and remove one of these super useful things just so we can continue to die over and over and over again so there you have it the definitive tier list uh let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree I know again M don't look like everyone else's because people like to use a b but that doesn't matter we need to know what four are you taking every single time these are the four you're going to take every single time hands down nothing you can do about it have a blessed day
Channel: Saint Waffles
Views: 2,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C9QAWeMt_Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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