The Funniest Steve Carell Moments! | The Graham Norton Show

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where did that voice come from uh that voice i tried out on my kids and it made them laugh so that's the one i used that that was really that was it because in this you play your own twin i play the twin brother as well it does sound subtly different it's a more it is a more it's it's him with hair it's a more a bulient version of him it's he's much lighter groot kind of sounds like this and oh there's my brother i hate him and drew his brother is so excited that's basically the thing he's so tiring to do that for a day but but it's not your first kind of middle european accent didn't you do one for audition oh i did an audition for the dana carvey show where i did a bit called uh the uh the german who says nice things so he would so i i i don't know i thought it would be funny to just stand in front of people and yell things do the german accent i think one of them was let's all pile into the minivan and get some frozen yogurt it was a pleasure babysitting kevin you're not getting older you are getting better [Applause] those new year's reviews so we thought we might ask our audience right for the highlights of their year and then we could throw back to you guys who could do them like news headlines oh okay so for instance so so christine what was the highlight of your year oh gosh um not getting shingles that didn't happen i don't know uh you know watching my uh daughter sing jingle bells over and over again okay and then the headline would be actress pretends not to be bored by child [Applause] hello jingles goodbye shingles [Applause] all right i'm going to go i'm going to go into the crowd now and sit and see see what's happened to people so uh oh look you and your christmas jumper now i'm sensing this man that's had a fascinating year older sorry it's a danish name oh marvelous danish name scandinavia is represented tonight so it's lovely old older all the only arbiters only only older already oola oola oh look irish for apple okay what's been the highlight of your year oola what have you behind out of my head yeah not much is happening no let's go to let's go back to will in the newsroom [Music] no memory of 2013. let me do this lady here hello hi what's your name kate kate lovely and what's what's been the big event in your year kate um i actually got over my phobia of eggs were you working with a therapist no there was alcohol involved so you got drunk and had an egg okay let's go to the newsroom where steve will report on kate getting over a fear of eggs young woman named kate is beautiful and i am getting a divorce [Applause] let's do one more hello sir what's your name my name is says sir what's your name my name is sev sev yeah [Music] who's on the phone what's been the highlight of your your year seth it's got to be uh me and my girlfriend you're all loved up i love that [Music] girlfriend are you living together not yet but next year so what happened it just happened no we've been uh we've been best of friends for i'd say three three and a half years and then i moved to london yes and then and then you no got drunk oh wow that we realized our love for each other that's lovely [Applause] uh i moved to london in april it's all happened today april what's you what's your name by the way nicole nicole seven nicole so let's go back to uh will in the newsroom for the headlines on sev and nicole sev and nicole find new love let's just hope she doesn't have a fear of eggs and are you going to do the whole would this is cheap and tacky this is awful this is like the jeremy kyle show unless you wanted to you can do it if you want to if you want to [Applause] nicole you're my best friend you're the other half of me i'll just go get something out my sock now [Applause] and therefore i can see it here coming i can see it here comes up closer [Music] [Applause] will you marry me yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] congratulations [Applause] thank [Applause] you hey [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] go to the wedding now you look lovely paul thank you i'm here to promote the new wes anderson woman woman robbed at graham norton's show so here you are in a film about a man with dolls and of course you to your work have become dolls uh there you are from uh the office oh yeah lovely then what else have we got we've got you from uh anchorman i think you've heard without the glasses there you are from anchorage that is a really good dog killed the guy look at that that's uncanny [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] and then oh little groove oh let's grow look at me hey everybody it's a little tiny me i keep in my own pocket [Applause] happily married now uh steve but it sounds like the wooing of your wife it was quite problematic it wasn't all plain sailing uh no i i didn't sweep her off her feet uh she she worked i worked at a theater called second city in chicago and she worked across the street uh and and was taking classes there at the time and she was actually one of my students in one of the classes i was teaching there and she worked across the street so after the shows i used to go across and say hello and sit at the bar and to try desperately to strike up a conversation and the after months and months and months of doing this i finally thought i had the courage to ask her out and i said you know if i were to ever ask someone out that person would probably be a person like you and her response was well if a guy like you were to ask someone like me out and it was just like you could tell everyone around us was like shut up and do it you're making us sick and finally we ended up going out and that was 23 years ago steve you've had experience being knocked out haven't you yes yes i have but not in a fight no i i played ice hockey and i was a goalie and i got hit with a puck and was knocked out we were up in canada playing a team up there and when you when you go when you travel you tend to stay at someone else's house like the you know the other goalies family i saved their family um so they their family ran out onto the ice to see if i was okay said steve steve what's my name and i had no idea what his name was that's funny and they and i said i don't know they're like oh my god but yeah it was the same thing it was like just a headache headache right neck whiplash and it was it was pretty it was a little fuzzy dude and the fact that you were lying there saying i hope they got it that is a testament to you as a person hate it babe because that's what it becomes it's like oh man i just died but i hope they got the shot exactly i hope it looked good because i can't do it again this is my last one i can [Applause] like what are do doing i don't i see no problem with that are you about 20 years old there yeah what was going on in your head i wanted to look like magnum p.i i actually grew a mustache in high school because i played lacrosse and i thought it would make me look more threatening and it didn't really it just made me look like a porn star a porn performer that's an important star is it he was in it he wasn't the star he's a date player david he was at the other side of the pool away from the action [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,200,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best of Graham Norton, Best talk show moments, Chat show, Comedian, Graham Norton, Graham Norton funny moments, Graham Norton viral moments, Late-night show, Minions animated series, Minions fans, Minions movie, Movie release, Popular TV shows, Steve Carell funny characters, Steve Carell on set, Talk show, The Graham Norton Show, TheGNShow, TheGNShow best moments, TheGNShow comedy skits, TheGNShow greatest episodes
Id: 0wh5r5WLHqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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