Give Me More MEAT! | West of Loathing

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys you don't have a microphone on they can't hear you still can't hear you even when you're trying to be loud you're not being loud right am i right is that we can all agree that when Stephanie's trying to be loud she's still like yeah politely quiet yes yes this all makes fun of me look at me look at me being loud and rambunctious hey guys hey guys welcome to GT knife also uh Wednesday editions on the camera cuz we are it's Wednesday I know right it's all a blur hold up no that was crap there we go it's brilliant I'm not gonna cut my own head off we look who knows how to frame the camera camera oh I meant clearly not since the camera was like three feet above our heads woo ah sorry I love you Chris what what ever done what's going on Oh drama great so now he's being blocked by Stephanie rather than his head being cut off a frame really was drum was that the reason why the camera was oh hi sorry Chris don't - Chris apologize - drama llama okay I'm that's true I'm so sorry drama llama will you ever forgive me no um Wow Wow drama llama your voices no that's great hey hi howdy y'all welcome back to Westeros in which is the game that were playing today we started it last week since this is our first live stream coming back from Monday's old a charity livestream first we took a little vacation yep and by that I mean we just did other things other than money I worked on the scripts that I didn't get turned Monday that's what happened no but since since we are now back and things are returning back to normal first off thank you again so much for the incredible support that you showed on Monday you guys showed up in force and it was amazing and it was like one of the best days that I ever had in seven years of doing YouTube and in the three years that we've been doing live streams yeah it's like 30 or 40 thousand people watching for the entire night was insertable that was amazing yeah thank you I cannot thank you enough for your incredible support for such a worthy cause there the RF sent us this really adorable video that I think they're going to post on like Twitter just saying thank you it's great and it's really yeah I think I think he's reading off of a teleprompter it's really adorable so anyway it's great they're so they're so grateful I'm so grateful to you guys for showing so much support YouTube was blown away by all the support that you guys gave were they YouTube impressed with us yes they were no way yeah so am good to suck up to them they control whether or not we ever get paid anything well so but all of that stuff um if you're wondering my my hair is not Christmas green and red that's coming we are the appointment now we're researching stylist and it's really important for us to find one who doesn't mind us coming in and filming basically the entire thing that's true so we you know we look around we're gonna sort of find someone who's cool with us like youtubing it up in their salon for the afternoon it's also gonna take a while to there's gonna be a cut there's gonna be color so hopefully by middle of next week my hair will be you know he's at all you know how they gave it though everyone even though everyone's calling it like game theory film theory you split its it would just be season or holidays Christmas Pat Chris mom you know how they get those bright colors though and you know what it takes so long because they have to blonde by here yeah they have to take all the color out of your hair first and then they put in those really bright ones not nervous yeah I know I mean like I said I've never had anything done to my hair ever my leg is still nicely waxed it's great it's so smooth oh wow those were good strips we could promote those it's also uh it's also worth noting that in case you missed any part of the live stream the full uncut live stream is available on the GT live channel it's there it's on the second shelf right now but we are in the process of cutting each of those individual segments up so you can find my favorite yeah you totally room navigate to the guests you want all that stuff yeah so I think Rosanna's section with nappy arse up now as is rhettandlink and us playing newlywed games a game against them so those are available with more coming out as the week goes on so that is all of that stuff what else is going on merch is still on sale yeah there are some awesome bundle deals right now to the paper table week it's great yeah if so if you want multiple items you can save a good amount of money on you know we have one that's like the layers collection there's another one that's like indoor/outdoor that's like jammies and jackets you so no matter which side of the door you're on you can always repu so if you're on staff so if you're interesting stuff or wanna buy stuff for friend sales are on now buy something for them buy something for yourself by buying it for a friend get a nice film theory hoodie there's still plenty of these available which I like yeah so that is so that's the merch update that's the hair and charity livestream update a new game theory and film theory both tomorrow it seems to be the case so that's going on there's no there's a lot there's a lot going on in other news we long you brought in a whole bunch of snacks and stuff for all of our livestream guests and there's a whole bunch left over here so don't wait yeah we're already putting on the old Christmas lbs is go there's so much like we got these occasions cookies you guys Famous Amos okay there's so many cookies they're so famous Oh baby so anyway famous that's what that's all the updates for today let's play a game shall we uh what do you wanna know when orders are shipping out they they're shipping out on a rolling basis some people have already gotten their stuff I think right now people are starting to get there so really if you order but before December 10 you are Gary we're in turn a tional e or not you are guaranteed to get it before Christmas after December 10th if you are domestic it like you have a 15-3 sort of but but to be safe recently to order by the summertime go get in there get it okay um what's the blow thing this is a game a plant when last we left off fuzzy whales was doing his snake-charming route he's spoiling his snakes yep he's doing all sorts of great stuff through the Old West so let us continue our adventure and by the way down in the chat or over on hash AGG live on Twitter we will be there hopefully you will too all right so when last we left things off we had learned let's see you didn't get rid of our little goblin friend yet let's talk to our goblin for in real quick that's you got friend oh oh hey hey do you was this my voice last time I don't remember I can't keep track of your voices as well as my own Stephanie I barely keep track of my own voices honestly Gary traveling with you are up and highway going going going I'll let you know Gary all right so we got so as a reminder we got to get his his little stick which is probably like a hot air balloon or something we got our forces and we can ride our horse away and I don't need asking about that all right we haven't done the Fricker hideout yet so before we leave this town I think we go to the fricker hideout gangs height but the frickin gang hideout yeah what crack okay good Freaker the Freaker gangs intrepid lookout appears to be taking a little nap do we wake him up do we just shoot him or do we ignore him I think we ignore him I think so too I think let's get more information yes because if they do end up being violent and evil I should just shoot issues but however if they're a good group of people oh it's a beer barrel cactus wanna forgit we have zero for gorget pile of random stuff that the Freaker gang stole new binder capers ah stuff that is stolen goods you're telling me to pick up the only have the one option the sessions possession is 9/10 exactly which means that what does that mean it means that if you have something in your possession you have a better standing to say it belongs to you than anyone else so that would seem to imply to take it all right don't think we steal it anything we keep going I think we killed I think we take it why would we take it you're you're so illegal Stephanie it's already stolen yeah so if something is stolen and you steal it this goes back what about will love it and respect it more than those stealers Wow so this goes back to the old debate that we always have about my paper towels at Kmart the paper towels at Kmart were paid for and in a cart and someone just forgot I can't believe and so you're telling me that I should have just taken them and that I was in the right wait somebody left paid for free paper towels and you know he didn't leave that we brought them back to the store right we it does not mean me I would not have ID then this was this was insane they brought them back to the store yes and then they were like look Kmart someone left these paper towels in your parking lot yes well do you want to be paid for them no we wanted to leave them so that way if the owners got to their house and they're like wow we forgot to throw our paper towels into our trunk they could come to the store and go to customer service and be like hey we left paper towels at which point then they would be like well some kind altruistic people came in and said and left your paper towels here here they are free of charge there you go but we also said hey in the event that no one comes and picks up these paper towels can we come back and keep them you know like they're already sold goods and we want them to go to their original owner however if they do not come and get them we should have the right to them at that and Kmart said no and Kmart said no Kmart said no and then we're like okay well what happens to him and they're like well they'll go back on the shelf and we'll resell them so they were double dipping crisps they would be double dipping you're surprised by this yeah I bet that's yes and they were like and they raised a huge stink about it was the thing okay we know that my arity has called upon us they just like accept this ruling they insisted that they take custody of the paper towel okay and then and you practically stole them yourself No so then at that point we're like okay if that is the policy here let us take the paper towels and we'll just keep them the fun they were like no you can't just they don't belong to you yeah they're like you cannot do that because they didn't belong to you they didn't belong to Kaymer though either the transaction had been made you should have said to them possession is nine-tenths of the law and there we go all the way back around to why this story started in the first place boom the thing is you either you either make the call and walk out with the more you accept whatever ruling the store no because we did where we weren't we're like okay we'll take the tells back at which point they called security on us Stephanie you're probably you are probably like yelling and slightly well I've a type to yell inflame yes like alright hey hey let's play a video game right oh so okay Stephanie's telling me to steal stuff so I'm gonna steal something this is not Kmart this is the Wild West just take it just steal it's just two came just take it donate please donate it to me take it Wow just take it take it take it take it why didn't he take it take it matte Pat logic okay hard exposed okay 25 I got a recovered mug and I got a pair of silver cuff link which I'm gonna equip now somewhere what you guys you guys are so silly a pair of silver cufflinks when they do a few more fancier shirts you might have some use for these shoot I don't have a fancy shirt silver coupling son really know offhand no lapel no nothing there's nothing I can do so I need a better shirt before I can wear these or a shirt it's a slim fit it's a slim fit shut up okay all right so here we go we're here's another guys asleep one of the Fricker boys is dozing to the bats have shoot him tie him up pass the soap or don't disturb really think tie him up he might yell see that's the thing but if we enter into a battle with these guys now there's gonna be gunshots and he's gonna wake up he might be awoken yeah time up let's talk about for safety time up you grab a nearby length of rope and carefully tie his hands together and then to time to the handles of the tub the cherf can come in collected later okay well Herc honorable nice good one okay so he's tied up the other guy I didn't have an option though it was either shoot or not you okay you cautiously approach with a fricker gag they're pretty engrossed in their poker game so it doesn't actually require that much caution you hide behind a barrel and eavesdrop on their conversation while the one with the eye patch is quiet but you gather that his name is snipe and that the squirrely one is this brother wimpy what you play here you approach on the talk or you leave without alerting them well what are we trying to get out of the end I mean the sheriff wants us to bring him in sure okay or to take them down okay cuz they're bad they're nasty band of thieves I think I think maybe we talked I think we approach and talk yeah let's let's chat it out here we got the gift of the gab howdy boys deal me in the one without the eyepatch raises an eyebrow at you boom how did you get past the soap what are you um I'm here for the chef's door no no you're under arrest or out it's Debbie I think we don't have any it's been everything it's me baby it's me baby your brother very good baby sure I am ask me anything I am to back me up here or I am so baby I stole some rude space ooh I think we go I stole some roofie I don't know I like back me up here snipe because then I'm well I'm creating false you know like hey like if someone came up with like a step it's great to see you again and you're like oh this person knows my name is yappy okay all right yeah yeah no back me up your snot yeah okay or I stole some room so yeah item to back me up here it's not hurts don't take but one eye to see that you're full of dead you're full of dead man huh well you also gotta fight him that was gonna get bloody I guess shoot literally shoot are that is what you yeah that's what you'll be doing can I run away no giving up statements losing no all right fine would this guy's got up those guys got a right we got you've got 5 HP this guy's got 20 HP oh wait be wait uh how much HP does he have five yeah sniper let's look at him out then first yeah I should absolutely get him out first he's gonna deal some damage so I think we shoot him shoot him yeah yeah sorry buddy okay I I feel terrible about this actually right I'm so sorry I did not want to kill I didn't either it was not my intent I was going past the fist run oh this guy's always blocked by the barrels I can use my snake what whipping with the snake oh yeah let's try that at least please Duffy behind the barrels yeah he's hiding behind that barrel ah come on I'm uh I'm really trying to shoot this target we'll hit a sturdy barrel instead maybe I just give him poison yeah listen take out of your briefcase and deploy a action snake I think we do snake whip all right sure whip him whoa right what guys stay there and shoot him from that location friend oh that's the way to go that's not bad alright alright alright I'm gonna shoot him again really you're gonna barrels deal six to seven damage target a sturdy barrel thing is it's is there any reason for me to use the croak like I would be inclined to use the crowbar against the barrel on this machine oh my gosh why won't the barrel die die barrel die here deck the barrel yeah there it is well no I'm just gonna get shot all the time though oh he's just firing off into this guy for you that's stupid man I'm so sorry I didn't want this to happen but I meaning you he'd be cool and we'd be friends and let me go off with a rowdy band of gangsters right I'm kind of bummed the leader of the fricker knew the leaders of the Fricker gang are dead by your hand the sheriff will be proud of you though you're not sure how your mother would feel ah my grid got up to level two time to recover that shirt door well that was a bummer got a mug got a door got the pie got the chef's door got some more ill-gotten gains if the meat I feel dirty stuff I know the Wild West has made me into a dirty man dirty dirty man she wake him up no and shoot him no all right he's there all right well let me do my that's that let me do my my walk uh waked wake them up yeah I guess so might as well right hey you poke thud with your boot you slowly gets to his feet hey I'm right here thud ease well let's just say that thud is no roads a scholar if you if we assume that in seven years from now and that idiom makes sense at the time you feel bad about the idea of killing him man let's uh let's walk away good good you don't want this laughs take a hike oh okay I mean you're probably right thud stumbles off into the desert we'll probably be fine all right well I think in any experience or anything all experience crawl away let me away you exams aren't they do it alright let's let's return sir before I move to the next step next town we go what I get sheriff shelled or care for her great we got a lot of recovered mugs that's exciting yeah your go sure meat okay I see the gang hasn't put a stop to your breathing did you rescue my cell door yeah the sheriff is door and he hangs it back on its hinges as when stranger this here prison cell just got about four times more scarce are there any curb always left for me to go round up yeah one or two that's asleep on the job oh man babe Amy there's I got I got another task for you if you've got the times you'd be a lot simpler than the last one watch nature well figures busted a lock when they took the door gonna need new luck I'll keep an eye out there sure for luck still looking for that doctor sure black okay we got braids still don't even he's still looking for this if if we wanted any needles or if we wanted to trade in our needles she's doing her normal stuff yeah okay we look good stuff yeah the patients don't get back up okay okay so she still gets runks all right so I guess we move on to the next town yeah amen but look at us conquering the Old West right what one step at a time let me cartwheel my way to the next town yes tell off your mugs oh yeah give up Thanks good memory I found his mugs since five weeks I'm the master of the meat there we go all right all right take that horse looks like he'll paint come on which one did we get steep scheme there it is go steep rod skip ride once you leave boring sprees you won't be able to come back whoa any unfinished business so what about the Goblin and the maze are you sure you're ready to leave oh wait a minute what about the Goblin in the basement and also like I need a lock and stuff once you leave boring Springs okay so where are our location meet all our gonna get through a lot the mind the town and springs and thousand six goals I mean we did all of those here let's go maybe stuff is unlock now that I weird maybe now that I've done the forest mission now there's something new baby's confused can you go up in there keep up in that tunnel I mean I will here this is just gonna unveil the normal stuff right right the horse was here wait what's this crack we got a crack it's having a hole I've been down and shine your lantern into the crack in the rock and we just barely make out a square shape down in there well out arm's reach looks like somebody dropped a small metal box into the hole though you don't know if it was to hide it or discard it if you're truly desperate to find out what's in there you could try reasoning with the rock your primary argument would be a bundle of dynamite perhaps you could persuade the hon wide enough to grab the box so we need three die now which does a lot of dynamite don't go Cleo we have only two needles so we would need a third needle all right is it possible is it possible to get a third I don't think so right I don't think again we use that one yeah we've got to use the one in the in the battle huh oh and use our dynamite let's see what I wonder if there's more stuff in each of these locations so need to itemize and what if we can find another needle great well let's see let's see if this let's see if the so pretty so right okay hold on everyone's saying soap stuff is hidden in town well the soap is gonna be Suzi talk to the girl at the bar yeah well she talked to me now that guys you can't get the soap anymore yeah we can't Oh cuz it was from tub guy I'm just trying to do my party here guys oh darn it oh man so wait what what our choices will forever haunt I I drop the soap go to the bar and talk to [ __ ] I will one sec so what am I missing out by not getting the soap oh the lock that I needed huge oh man everything has a purpose I am well the glares at you Susie oh here we go yeah how do you know my last name I saw the graves in the cemetery Susie scowls bitterly and mutters into her whiskey man oh I saw it happen I saw the whole damn thing and couldn't do nothing about it the bartender said of his cows it was a raid [ __ ] and PI used to keep the ranch cattle back before well before they came home co-star didn't make it mine I managed to rebuild the ranch pigs instead she left me the place when she passed go on with your sand tail please please continue telling me this pain that I care very much about totally there's no get every detail yes and I heard Steve now that I use big cow ranch and they attacked couple days ago happens so fast I didn't even out I'm getting my ride line that good safe cows smash in front of the door bye I started out bad Ruth Ruth Phillips how could I please just like that what do you do ah there was nothing I could do couldn't get upstairs to the kids cuz the fire and I thought TM trampled right in front of me strange glass I won't talk about it no mom I'm sorry she refills her mug from bottle at the bar and doesn't apply what do you do now hey West I suppose nothing gave me here no desire to stay I can't leave without my rifle though why not it was mad it was my old rival hey it's all I got left hey anybody where is that rifle live did the ranch like a damn fool Manson can I ask you a favor I need someone to go get it for me I'll go get it for you Susie shows you on the map where her ranch is you discover new map locations the Cochran ranch okay yeah thank you alright so choice so what do you say Pete moving I'm no longer by occurrences don't cross machines I can't read no matter darling so I don't want to sell them to shiny rock don't because that's only seven it's not worth it right there was silver nugget 81 meat I still don't really want it I'm like afraid to do anything now no it's gonna come in handy right you know I don't want I don't want to be the guy who like misses all this stuff and you've already missed two things that needed the soap ah talking attention to the chat all the water in this trough has boiled away it's so hot since this ranch house is burned to the ground something behind this doors makes a pretty awful noises yeah it's gonna be an evil cow the outhouse is the only thing still standing yikes ouch yikes alright let's go through it oh oh here we go fight an evil cow it that looks evil of cows ooh looks like somebody was in the middle of fixing the knife grab that knife varmints in a knife man gonna skin some barbets can I do anything with it allows you to collect skins from beasts after combat hello oh so if we kill the snakes afterwards skin them order of events men yeah very important you who that is a demon cow appear oh oh oh man I don't know if I trust this demon cow I wouldn't actually I'm gonna okay cows are not not trustworthy this thing looks angry you're not gonna make it to that safe without dealing with it feel it let's deal with the demon cow bring that cow got the jump on that demon cow we think oh yeah Emily's gonna poison Bharat shoot a pyro bove hot resistance alright let's just see them yeah gonna climb burn why I'm on if I'm hot on fire alright Wow very short battle here you're defeating that nasty cow skull floating in a cloud of flame glamour there are so many skills here my glamour so I I'm totally a glamour puss death with me I'm a hottie it's a [ __ ] good good see all right oh man we got Susie's rifle can I just man for rifle it's an old rifle but it's obviously been well cared for there are six little notches carved in its stock they actually put I thought the car went up 20 health or something I know me too right I expected the cow to actually it looked like the most ferocious of the beasts that we've had to fight yet apparently not let me skate on by dr. Grant's all right here we go a gun no one else cares about us in this town anymore oh wait does it no I don't want to right scoop out of town no sleep no no steep here we go keep found it Sue's eyes well up with tears as you hand her the white rifle and she roughly scrubs her sleeve across her face before any of them spill over thanks stranger I didn't catch your name cuz I didn't throw it the name's Fozzie thanks Fozzie I can't rightly say what it means to me wacka-wacka she looks at the rifle for a long moment that looks back up at you sighs oh that's enough well one in misery time for me it the road if you want to be tagged along when you add wins just say the words sounds good Susie I'm about to head west we'd like tagged all right wait so how do I get a little table man yeah am I just missing stuff in town at this point oh yeah what are we do with the Goblet spittoon haystack in his stables check the exact in the stables you've already done the haste we've done all like that he said I thought so too oh wait no he checked these already yeah we already checked those chute so I'm assuming the dynamite probably unlocks the thing that allows me to get the Goblin we already did the spittoon hat we already got the Hat switched to the ninth get Gary I we don't know how to get here we can't get Gary Oh Gary okay okay we did this is the only person who didn't really give us anything is her do you have it given in here what's causing resurrections a rumor what's that it's when you get incomplete information from an unverified phone damn it will be not of what a rumor is but what is the rumor anyway what I heard is that there's a fellow out west called a necromancer as they called him supposed to be selling magic having to the world magic like the bean slingers use the beans like the bean slingers I never heard of it I never know bein swingers raising the dead of you for scalzi pins they had to be one hell of a canopy hmm all right great all right head west to get Gary okay what's the deal a town it'll give you the choice to get a companion okay what's the deal with all that TNT uh it's it's a win I feel like I'm about to go I can blow myself to be a so small that there won't be nothing left to come in that seems like a drastic choice drastic hail no way am i taking the risk of them becoming one of those hey fair enough I suppose they'll be in a floating demon keep floating demon cow head seems like a pretty cool idea hey listen about that necromancer filming this what about you well me me so they oughta try and stop him doc Alice gives you a sharp look you because I know you ain't talking about me why are you not talking about me you gray-haired old woman knows much about as fine as a squirrel no surgery he did surgery on a grape what on a grape Stephanie I heard she knows how to do surgery on a squirrel and I know how to do surgery on a great how do you do surgery on a crepe very careful with much precision they did it why can't we so so true you did it oh so right a gray-haired old woman in Judah did you hit your head on a barstool kid you ain't that old and if I'm gonna pick someone to go up against necromancer it be someone who knows about death you know scientific way Thanks but dr. right Jackie Alice stares at you hard takes a swig from her bottle saying nothing and it sounds to me like you've got plenty of motivation to get that job done for your friends and everyone she continues to look at you and you can see the gears turning in your head it beats doing nothing anyway beats locking yourself in a house full of tea and tea and drinking yourself after death you aren't even doing any doctoring anymore - winces that you looks away but you shake something it slowly you seriously expect me to ride out with myself chasing a rumor does it have to be by yourself doesn't have to be by yourself is impossible I'm heading west to tag along with me and maybe we'll find a guy put a stop to it impossible like reason the date is impossible all right you what the hell let's give it a shot great I may or may not select you to be my party member as I ride out of this crazy dang dang town yep they do yeah they do indeed look at me sashay this look at my hips oh look at my slender slender hips sashay Shantay all right we're gonna leave ready I think we're ready to leave yeah once you look up at onion okay so once I leave people will be offered to come with me that we fear about this yes is wrong go okay okay here we go oh okay all righty then you're properly first and ready to start your new life out of the West all you need now is a pardner somebody to share the trail with somebody you can rely on for emotional and combat support who do you take not crazy Pete no I think Gary the goblins gonna be good on the combat side I'm not sure about the emotional support Oh Susie Susie Cochran let's face it snogging buddy making out yeah making out Wow or she's just a fierce woman stuff she's more than just a piece of meat I already got in the market for nearly a thousand meats I've got a ton of meat in my pants right now just so much me you don't even know what to do with that mate Val you're right though you don't know what to do with that soon as he wouldn't know what do would that be neither do Alice or do we go Susie or Gary the goblets not carry the Goblin documents of Susie we should let the chat decide maybe you love chat side are you just gonna pick something so they're choosing Gary oMG Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Alice Susie Gary Gary Gary Gary buddy what do you think Chris I I'm inclined to say no to Gary I don't know why cuz he's a spa cuz he's like a sports like if we're going out to fight a necromancer who's raising evil cows from the dead be the slave goblin man is just gonna go out and reproduce this for creatures and the West becomes a attacked by a bunch of Goblin maybe they'll overrun the necromancer that maybe I kill him using the combined powers of Susie and Doc analyst who do you think doc Alex is Susie those are I'm narrowing it down to those two if it's gonna be those two I would go with Doc Alice and I'd go with Susie are you kidding me why would you go with Alice because she's got a load of TNT that she sleeps next to that woman can fight a necromancer also she's a doctor she might be able to the bright I was thinking having a doctor might be nice let me see Suzy I think though is uh is charming and unstaple and I think that that makes for a rousing westerly companion all right what do you so who are we going with all right just I think okay here we go all right let's keep out of town go yes we're ready I think wow yeah harder way to get I think I get the harder plotline honestly which should make it the better character is doc Alice why was that harder because you had to talk her through a lot of conversation threads whereas Susie all you had to do was like talk to her once and then like she's like here's my mouth I guess I do I like them I like having a peeler all right let's go down we don't know if he's doing an emailing she might just blow stuff up you're not gonna announce the story until it's time to go let's hit the trail one last thing before you go up until this point I've been automatically spending your experience points for you I'm happy to keep doing it and I promise to give you nice well-rounded experience shall I keep it up or would you prefer to decide for yourself let's keep spending it automatically yeah all right I'm Caroline I'm fine all right then let's go you consult the south east west map and hast the hostler game yet it only missed two things the town of dirt water and the manifest destiny railroad companies westernmost camp you discovered a new map location great okay head to dirt water all right let me go dirt water come steep skip whinnies as you approach let's comb her mane oh that sounds nice she neighs with whispery gratitude room for wedding okay here we go it's your partner let's talk to our partner howdy Alice if we're gonna look into the necromancerr business I figure we ought to start with the local cemetery makes sense do you know where they are yeah I did some research in the territory cemetery while back territory cemeteries territory cemeteries to see if there was a pattern you okay sorry anyway good thing that's not doable mere the Dave yarn Oh nay I might forget about anything uh Alice says you should see the bartender about right in that room be nice to have a base of operation oh all right thanks for reminder look look at how hopeful she is sweet oh man another spittoon it's a spittoon brass bucket for people to spit inspect it let's inspect it I'd say this despite knowing that you're pretty intimately familiar with spittoons already look the jewel saloon is pretty nice the saloons go actual glass in the windows more than two kinds of drinks a poker room instead of a cockfighting pit but this petunias still spittoon the Ransom tobacco spit inside it isn't fancy tobacco spit but thanks inspecting it here we got nothing in this right all right fine you are now hunkered down next to a brass filthy bucket which has probably never been cleaned or emptied because you're near the desert and the ambient humidity around here is pretty low low enough that the spit evaporates nearly as quickly as it accumulates so that's a good thing right yeah no that's bad because it's only the water part of the spit net evaporates this brass bucket is half-full of the rest of the spin the toxins and fills that don't evaporate several years worth of toxins and filth just gonna get some horrible trees and just dive in I guarantee it the still and concentrate until it's the consistency of molasses people aren't allowed to flick cigarette butts into the spittoon anymore because they bounce out do we search it yes yes we have it you're about to put your hand into a bucket or something the color and viscosity of maple syrup except instead of maple syrup it's flavored with the inside of the mouths of the people who choose cigars instead of smoking them and have never brushed their teeth once in their lives oh my gosh oh yes I stuck my hand into a dirty toilet one time to find a puzzle piece for a YouTube bread show I'm fine stick take your hand anywhere stick my hand anyhow let's do it glorp feels like putting your hand into a bucket of lukewarm tapioca pudding instead of tapioca it's basically poison smells like somebody ran over a skunk waited a week and then set it on fire it feels like your hand is dissolved very good you found something you found a tacky field covered porcelain cow figurine a useless disgusting thing that will make a great heirloom for your children assuming that you're still able to have any and you hate them fine a filthy porcelain cow hooray hooray old man stares off into the distance listen to the piano he doesn't react okay the piano player is not good at his job these guys are having the spirited discussion about guns and well there's nicer slop v meat man poised to sign on counter should I buy some for fat meat I got a lot of a lot of meat got a preserve my meat welcome Lear allowed to drink without hats on/off the women Millar though man cowbell hit ok I want to fix this chair first sit that chair back up here hey nice the skill again was compulsiveness I need more cowbell [Music] not thing to be laughing away this is the sort of game that feels like it would reward me for hitting this and obscene amount of times I'll be on Twitter okay it did not it did not reward me for hitting that and I'm seen enough number of times a bit bump see bartender for darts kitchen she's washing dishes just full of canned and bottled ingredients fluff helper ah okay here we go hey what are you doing in here please only fun oh sorry I was just you know looking around so you're not nosy time bang I prefer adventure silver house it happens there's something you can do for me I got a saltpeter I need someone to go pick me up some more saltpeter did that use me good powder and other look at who's the chef here me are you where can I find it your best bet the military camp because it's used to make gunpowder shut up the nearest one is sport cowardice they keep it in little green jar okay so I'm a map I'll be right back sweet this is what the chef press ingredients for cooking is where he parts his beer agree I learned what thought Peter was from the musical 17 I was gonna say 1776 saltpeter this gal doesn't look like she talked to us to talk to me here there interesting conversation here we go well howdy there always nice to see a new face in town welcome to the jewel saloon hi thanks I'm Fozzie walk walk I don't know you're Fozzie walking to YouTube folks around here just coming Lloyd what can I do for you nice to meet you Lloyd I saw the sign up front advertising the room you need help with anything who's that old man by the piano can he get some darts see you later before all which I have a shot of bourbon wait I I saw the sign of advertising the room you don't want to dull your donors I know I got I got to keep it off focus mm-hmm go for it step oh well that's where you're in luck the previous tent was a banker fella and he paid a month in advance right before getting himself killed by bandits whoops you seem like a decent sort yours if you want it Wow great so I got a free room what else can I do for you look fuzzy party lordy maybe help well if you're handy with mechanical stat touch stuff something's wrong with our pal here piano player I thought that the music sounded a little off yeah it's not supposed to sound like any what I can do thanks I poke through I've poked around in in myself but I lost the key this conversation has suddenly taken a very strange turn what else got Highlord again who's that old man by the piano oh that's old ellsbury tragic fella he is he was a writer and a poet came out west to sell his stories but nobody were buying too weird his story's fantastical life too bad love that stuff well it don't matter much now anyhow he had to get normal work to make ends meet didn't pat did pass and well as a prospector until one day he lost his mind in a mind he's lost his mind in the night I think you better go reverse ways my friend I think it was I think it was the lost his mind in a mine yeah yeah well yes what now you know what I mean he saw something something made him stop telling his weird tales made him stop talking here completely come to that you just stands there by the piano nowadays it seems to calm him down and as long as he doesn't make any trouble I don't mind him too much feels a little sorry for him to be a poor fella that's tragic can I get some darts huh sign on the dartboard says to see you for dark oh sorry I'll their arts broke months that is truly a sad sad revelation all right talk to my partner lady I've seen you found the local watering hole it's decent let me know if you find a whiskey Foley all right great hey bourbon a type of whiskey guest rooms see my room which I consult myself in the mirror yes oh you call yourself a goblin kissin yellow-bellied jerk wow you're angry angry at yourself maybe be kind better not insult yourself anymore you get angry you're liable to pass out oh no whoa Alice's been talk to my partner again okay just let's go do stuff great let's be from up here dude postcard got a blank postcard my bed sinking my bed you dream that you're singing old songs about death while fleeing from a sword for some reason you eat an entire swarm of bees okay you wake up refreshed and restore it in hungry great fantastic Scheffer and says I'm going to Twitter now and then gets distracted by voice acting bitter betrayed again sorry I'm here I'm here I'm with you Twitter I'm with you at fish 533 to says Matt bet would you put your hand in a toilet again would toilet again mustard mark well I would toilet again absolutely see you it's a pretty unique experience it is you know and it's one that it was alright but I would do it again at justice the music says well you guys have a donate button on the GT live as well or linked following the streams GT live also I love you guys yesterday was amazing Congrats thank you so much and I believe the videos that are going up to the cut down parts like or just the chunks of the live stream from Monday they're going up I think those will have the donation button on them right yes yes they will all all of the reuploads of yesterday's live super cup and we are awfully close to 200 pounds through one putting well something about robust item system here now hello Fred okay Lee no apparently can't talk to you little girl is selling flowers oh no my tower [Music] she is cute look at her away from Frankie hands really adorable she's an heiress okay got some sweet-smelling flowers from a Lilith Fair okay what do I do with these they smell really good it goes in your offhand resistance there you go look at that we can hold them some way off hand right now is a crowbar but I can replace that we have no mana Oh what's better at the knife what skins I like that the the crowbar was not provides the option to pry things open in certain place thank you so I mean it's your offhand like just pick the one that provides you the best damage for something that you have to mainly well the gut is that's your main house that's alright alright okay they're brought a post-office hello Fred speak and it locks off the boxes at Beamer 2014 says so we remember when Corey banisters do is going to check Twitter I do I do too I remember man man saltpeter hi I'm father Wales any mail for me yep darn I'd like to send a postcard alright let's have it write a quick note to Rufus let him know that what you've been up to and that you're okay that'll be yeah and always my man pre-paint ones then they'll be zero meat then thanks like this of the most often right all right yeah Stefan Matt know the movie 1776 yes oh of course classic the same guy who played mr. Feeny in Boy Meets World played John Adams in the movie version of 1776 he was great click clears throat how do you the sheriff here know we currently don't have a sheriff I think I should offer to help not offer to be Sheriff no no no one wants that pressure sure if you're any good with a gun there's always somebody in need of some justice wanted posters are back there ourselves over young she points behind her and off to the right respectively take my leaves there's the wanted poster it's a wasted poster wasted the strap your hat gang for grand theft paint and tasteless at vandalism no I seem to the vicinity of the cavern Canyon that's interesting dirty rotten paint peas and lowdown no fashion sense hat vandals despicable let's go after them yes okay great let's also go after these guys it's a wanted poster has wanted the house in the desert gang for mortgage non-payment squatting in general public nuisance also murdering to collection agency oh that little whatever good five hundred yeah what that mortgage non-payment that's what we're gonna get him for I think we pick them up too okay alright you wonder if the house is named after him if they're just named after the house in any case at least their location is unambiguous let's go to that moon let's let's pick them all up one at a time empty cell and to sell and to sell and to sell invisible cell ghostly cell spooky spooky cell look at my hips look at me tiptoe through the tulips oh look at that Oh yep and for those who are asking about the shipping of the merch it is out I'm actually seeing pictures of it today for people who are wearing a lot lot lot we saw the sign there's not a lot available past this point okay well so there's a lot of lots lots of lots Stephanie oh man let me let me crawl my way through him Sam Jasper say please please bad at last what crikey I want to be a map saleswoman dirt water desert house all right I love it steep shows up as like who's there right skis just hanging out man Cobra Maine yeah what's that look saddle up just house let's go where's that is so much whoa whoa desolate lonesome coach so I thought oh geez good one oh the graveyard first let's go to keverage candy okay all right onward ghost horse ski you haven't across an abandoned crate which apparently fell off a wagon or something since the lid has been knocked loose you know what that means pillar ring possession that possession is nine nine eight nine days ago there fish near the crate and help yourself into the contents maybe I should return it to the Kmart and see if the people dropped this great not return back for it they're not better not you got an item dynamite and kerosene that's pretty sweet great here we go talk to your partner all right danger spider you know what I think I'll stay out here with the horses you know have fun no you're my partner okay ah darn it ooh grab our pry off the boards these boards can't hide from your prying eyes or your prying crowbar going in this one first cos it was the one that required an item to unlock this door has like 15 dead bolts on it the note tacked on to it says please don't open the store unless you want to get eaten by a giant spider even then don't open it because the rest of us don't want to get eaten by a spider it isn't even signed so you can hardly be expected to take it seriously uh I don't really want to be eaten by a giant spider actually so I'm inclined to not open it yet not yet yeah not yet let me tip forward I wonder why your trip doing it's either a funny walk or okay you can see the gang on the other side of this big pile of junk now you're not gonna be able to get to them from this end maybe if you had more legs ha you'd be able to pick your way through it more legs like a spider good beep we would be rockin front later that was a good one the car give me forages we need forage and man I know about my snake my snake it so okay so the evil gangs over here so we don't want that let's go into the dangers oh you got a person mostly scabs all right creaking myself onto mini-pak to have a season should I not go into the bones make you pretty reluctant to investigate this hole ooh this great has a weapon swirled it let's open up this very fancy dig through the crate got a fancy knife that's good damage so it's three moxie mm-hmm oh that's good yeah it's a good one this one though allows me to skin [Music] yeah but you can you can dance but that's a nice fancy knife yes ma'am all right whoa whoa hey whoa have a death wish being that close to that big man so let's not I'm excited oh that one's it messin though no way you're going back in there no oh come on man I swear no I didn't actually need the LEAs event shoes Darden here unlock that yeah you think so huh all right tunnel behind this I'll shoot someone behind this opening goes straight up there's no way to get through it unless you're a huge spider okay then this is where those games right now so I need so it seems like I need a huge spider right to help me come on [Music] we have to go in that third one yes I don't think it's a good idea right here a horrible skittering noise filed by a scream followed by more horrible skittering noises followed by more screens followed by some rapping noises followed by some muffled screams then more skittering and then silence go inside that sounds great that sounds like there's the night Floyd Hardy go I don't think we'd go inside yet I think we check it out from this side oh right cuz at this point yeah you can see it no no no all right if you go back to the first one and see if there the spider is still there maybe he went over all right oh man looks like the sparked spiders got some nice oh I thought that was like a larva but oh no the gang is prepped for spider consumption arrest them pigley arrest them you think you arrest them yeah you're saying that requires us to go back to dirt boy you know it's come back what if one of them becomes my spider friend what do you mean dude otherwise don't do anything yeah they're on the option don't do anything yet that's about let's arrest them yeah what's arrest us okay oh you don't have to kill him stack the code you stack the cocoons on the back of your horse except for one which Alice carries in her medical bag he was smaller they looked they head back to dirt water jail all right good that's a strapping head gag what happened to him they had a run-in with giant spider giant spider justice fortunately the reward is for results rather than explanation thousand mate thirteen and got a bunch of muscle group that's good oh hey guys that's fun I just want to say hi all right oh my god move we got got some some other ruffians whoa what Oh another rotten poster Poe tempted gasps let's go come on gang the Pokemon gang for unlicensed capture of Pikachu flogged into construction regulations lessee no unregistered settlement north of dirt water man suspicious City the gang is hiding out in sure we should absolutely why why would we ever not accept a new location why not so [Music] hey let's go back right I feel unsatisfied with how this mission ok wait you're riding along you see some braids and fuses sticking out of a nearby rock this game more closely you see that somebody drilled a hole in the rocket inserted a bunch of dynamite before we lost interest and wandered off or maybe they were out of matches possession is nine-tenths of the law dinah my bet just snowed no way I'm going in there right okay so written so I really need a leader to get up there you're not gonna be able to wade through all of this right there's got to be something you have to be able to ride our giant spider wait I demand the ability to ride a giant spider this guy's gonna be mad that I stole its food I'm sailing what's that over there a lot of turtles all right let's try one of those come on left or right okay oh wow bonus people look at him back here howdy partner the poor chef is chained to the wall his eyes why does he approach you you all know one of them are you here to rescue me Oh French yeah I'm here to rescue shirt Oh sing good he thrust his hand into yours it shakes vigorously I'm Doug it's an odd name for a Frenchman Doug how you doing well I've been chances it's done cabin for gave four weeks cooking this we added idiots that sounds terrible right you wanna know the world sprouts they'll it perfectly good oven it be the way it aged me to my right a chef a perfectly good ingredients it'd be to my lips that's really unfortunate the chain is only 4 feet long the chain is only popular that's rough I know right there I was where I said I've got the kindest way too much talking for this accent I said of culinary school whizzing million litres in my head and now here I am for pizza of my dreams cooked in the same pot of soup over what billion meat idea so were you he's not just in my idea yeah I can't promise anything no I promise yeah promise okay it's your gun yes it says it you mean sandwich well maybe it's a code right your sandwich taco with a very French it's so lever to steal your your your choice your choice of boys for this character was I think really on point I think they really nailed it that it is so reminisce young that I cannot quite that I'm not quite sure where it fits into the end food taxonomy to be honest you youyou mean revolutionary anyway the revolution missile seizure one of the cheapest possible parts of zipping around up so finally that you cannot identify it this sounds like a hot dog and it is still in a long meat wall which soaks up the grease you can tell that is a sausage it still sounds like a hot dog and the bestop is in it you're ready to close in it yes sure let's edit this conversation I've got it Z at dog Wow II never realized that the hot dog with a rich dish you do who knew please tell me more juicy ah it sounds great or how about the hot fuzzy yeah how about Fozzie you like hot fuzzy yeah how about the hot father don't be ridiculous hot fuzzy what does it even mean ah ridiculously there's no need to be mean about it not that it's any of this meadow even if I get off these chains always no point in hanging in this empty cave making hot dogs just for myself I don't even have a citation and didn't even like the taste of them you can set up a shop in dirt water well y'all did yeah you're Italian now huh yeah Italian you're an Italian fish man who makes hot dogs great hot dogs for sale every day I'll make a me say it was an idea if that sounds like a terrible idea uh help me Yelp and break his chains he leaves became Hall in the oven and the shelf full of ingredients muttering to himself about new sausage recipes great well that was very that was a very exciting conversation that gesture all right all right look at find this evil spider creature these bottles are empty are you kidding me where's the spider where the spider go looks like this place needs a new bartender what's this he had a jaw harp in his pocket maybe they killed him the jaw harp too much so we got a jaw harp the spiders just not here I guess yes I guess we missed our chances little tiger you pluck it if you like I'd like to look like a little playing great right cool so the spider just doesn't exist or like we did the wrong stuff all right the wrong stuff apparently we missed the boat on the more time she's not gonna let no where you go back in there we're right beside all right let's go to Fort coward or Carrodus yeah Oh your booze sense alert you to the presence of a rock confused you moved on the rock and sure enough there's a bottle of booze got some cheap tequila you're afraid for a second that your booze sense had been replaced with some sort of rock scents good news cross the board for cowardice here we go any foraging for that hello partner oh uh pretty quiet for a fort I'd have expected soldiers marching around hup-two-three-four zone things yeah must be banding that's all I got to say about that just like the old saying goes when life gives you cannons make a candidate great oh oh there we go climb up the watchtower take a look around that's me great how can I screw up this mission no it's all good administration first no okay cabin is mostly empty but there's a handful of boring personnel records let's examine those note they're incredibly boring no I really want the details great I read one okay and another okay now you're just looking at the same ones you've read before what's wrong with you can't get enough can't get enough give me more give me more gain all right this was once a reception desk but now the most appropriate thing for a free trip didn't okay okay oh we got what we got good mess let's take that mask Oh military-grade risky hardtack ooh hard ever had hard time pounds too slow tastes like shortbread gone horribly wrong where did you have it I have it really in a cellar just hardtack on the shelves in ohio every grocery stores death Wow the staple high-tech I had the hardest of time we take that's actually our secondary state motto the hardest of Tahoma Buckeyes and our tack is the hardest makes sense yeah make sense I I buy it looking for are tech Ohio I had to go to like one of those Civil War recreation Museum you do and they sell hardtack and those rights in case you're ever interested you can always find some good hardtack at your local Civil War Reenactment Center I just love the the comedy that's right with like hey we're gonna charge you for this thing that like the soldiers hate it like it's literal garment tear we are charging a like five bucks for stuff that is literally like flour and no one would ever want ever period yeah but you can buy it for five bucks oh yeah then you can have the unique pleasure of sucking down some hard tack or if you're in Ohio the hardest tack for the low low price of five bucks they do recommend that you know it's like supporting like it you have to like salivating tell you to moisten it yeah how trust me I know dealt with some hard tack in my time if you guys have heart ever had our deck Chris we're at hard tact are you kidding me it's like a Christmas tree clip it's like a thick cookie biscuit that that soldiers in the Civil War I'd eat because there wasn't anything else our water it's just flour and water it's here because we should get some heart to you though that's your Christmas gift for there you're just like that year you got us unscented lotion the best solution we'll get you some heart attack I'll get you a heart for those who don't know during the Civil War there was a shortage of rations and soldiers had to eat this like bread water cracker biscuit you ever seen Lord of the Rings you know when they eat lemon bread it's like let's spread a little bit but as none of the nutritional value that was present and it's actually like the real team like is no fancy item yeah spice rack let's open up we got a shaker assault Peter got assault Peter that was like that here in the first place what else we got anything else interesting in general this is a door more specifically it's the door of the generals office even more specifically it's the lock the door into the generals office I need lock-picking they do not have sent your the sounds of several goblins pouring inside the tent even less let's go oh man if we had goblins with us we could it would be friends this must be the math garret because there's a plus sign out front that's funny so it was blood based on the papers an anatomical diagram scattered across the surface you're guests of this guest belonged to the for cowardice nurse look at Mary the diet okay I want you two discussing joins a little bit slice the bodies great let's look at those papers now papers are mostly just boring medical records Dental dagger types laminations of that antibiotic Lamentations that antibiotics haven't been discovered yet hey what's this it looks like like the important marching orders interesting this shelf stole some unlooted medical supplies rights rather than move dated oh wow great thanks a lot no man safecracking accent old subsistence needs safecracking sign says toilet in Goblin which makes it seem pretty likely that goblins use this tent as a toilet no way you're gonna go in there why not come on we'll put our face in a spittoon yeah I'll be fired ha ha well unusually sized cannonball ooh nice hey Demi culverin cannonball all right cool say go ahead and fight these goblins uh I don't know but you'd always come back and fight them later if we need to it's true rather not gaining a reputation for the Goblet I don't wanna just automatically kill everyone right exactly okay all right open up let's go let's go let's keep let's go I listen up the railroad came off the side of trail you notice one of those react furry cactuses definitely seen better days its prongs are limp and it's hairy coating is disheveled requires maxime poop I didn't have enough marks and stuff yeah okay manifest destiny railroad [ __ ] to her well looks like we're here it looks like there was a rockslide or something this train won't be going anywhere for a while I wonder if we can help somehow the fellow in white hat back there he looks like he's in charge don't expect me to do anything in them you're really using part of a bio I am a bum I'm bummed out doc alice is apart I'm disappointed in you doc right you're not helping me with the spiders you're not helping me digging up rocks just drinking your food right Gary it would be better company than you mommy why is the train moving I'm sure it won't be long old brass shark get old middle horse this guy should have never been put in charge of switch he's too busy playing with his watch to get any work done ask where you got it yeah say yeah that's a nice watch where'd you get it I bought it from a gal what runs the store down south here named a Buttonwillow button will omit me something what's that store exactly oh you can't miss it it's right between the cactus and different tax rate I will find that store between the cactus and the camp did I mention I mentioned it a jerk jerk Oh internet mention it again I mean I really appreciate you telling me where is that really no man I mean it's I think I mentioned it a third time but let's get into a fight with this guy do not interrupt he looks ready to punch you if you don't knock it off so I didn't no longer mention it right she's not getting much track laid but she's an expert Whistler that's quite your personal eager looking man with the Tata glasses how do there who's in charge of this outfit I mean if I'm being charitable I'd say the fellow over there at the white hat is the foreman voice of the man and so who are you and then I'd say the paperback idiot over here and the absurd white hat if the fellow you're looking for all right well you're not useful at all either great hey sad man hi are you in charge I was wonder if there was anything I do to help you want to know something I love truth please tell me more ever since I was thank you huge magnificent roaring R&B stare magical to many like dragons but the obvious way you're ready to take management of this real line I jumped at Lange shop and you know whatever that dreamin and managing are two separate things amen organizing and building running one of these operations the most amazing pain in the whoopee you would ever imagine Goldberg yes Whoopi Goldberg you want help congratulations you're the new form and I'm gonna go play with my oh great well I've got myself a railroad now I don't man in hat I'm the boss well I suppose you can't be any worse than that last loan Smee I'm your assistant apparently I'm Captain Hook then what's the situation well if I'm sure I didn't miss seeing this John Drewe you didn't miss him this giant pile of rocks blocking our path there's a baby we say there isn't any other suitable mountain pass so we can't reroute and even if we had months and you take do you have any ideas considering you're a man in a bowler cap and glasses and you are probably smart and a student by my calculations we could clear the dynamite we could dynamite it clear without too much trouble problem is it'll take a lot of dynamite a full year's worth I figured father we used to keep that much on hand for emergencies such as this one but a pack of goblins do it all oh thank you to the varmints all right I'll get it back for you also my partner has a house full of tea a team without apparently I can't use that but my critical thinking skills say it would have been useful thank you so here I'll get it back for you all right you don't need that specific we don't need that specific dynamite though and you can lay hands on and be fine as long as there's enough of it all right I'll look into it so Ellis right how much dynamite do I actually need you didn't really we just need a load and you like finding a year's supply of dynamite okay don't worry I'll work on it working on it middle basses okay hey Ellis I got the feeling this operation runs more on enthusiasm than foresight uh well if we want to get any further west I guess we're stuck with him all right so this is important okay so this is the new place right let's go back here ride'em cowboy all right hello hello Goblin man fancy just a goblin steps forward hello being a mayor welcome it's now going please goblin seems friendly but blocks your entry to the goal let's talk in Goblin yeah let's do it Kanade not comb it in sorry nothing for goblin being very very private shoot I need more hall or in swagman so I'm just gonna leave but I'm gonna raise my Hornswoggle in skills so it's here I'm gonna turn on the turn that off so I can raise the horn because my Hornswoggle you got a spot I guess what sometimes it's Lagos boggle oh where is my horse loggers my threat my gumption did I Hornswoggle n' i need to be play five expert okay my dad asks pretty good gumption my moxie is all over the place man got a lot got one stone okay so how do they feel anything that'll raise ma oh here we go this is a set of army marching orders from before all the armies marching orders we're march becky's okay the freedom cereal does all set of marching orders directing a rifle division down to fort all dead oh geez they found a new one ah fort all dead that's exciting increasing your muscle myth mystic ality and Moxie buy one for the rest of the day don't need that yet no shake you're a saltpeter we gotta bring that back we increases your armor by five for the rest of the day kela Wow all this stuff is just for the day we can suppose makes them flammable got a bunch of dynamite I've got my jaw harp guy let's see is there anything mainly damage spell damage well you know we can always come back to it next time dudes we got enough time to do probably one more adventure yeah what mortality about your little adventure Rock heavily your son our southern and western actions are going to be really stellar but you're right by the end of this okay buddy began to aah gold all right let's head down south to the yeah to the Graveyard to the Dave yard yard go down you're here we go your keen eyes detective secluded cave in the near distance exploited it would definitely be good you see your tongue hey that let's do it shaggy dog hey a new adventure well that was nowhere closer to where I was going what are you talking about oh look at her man she's empty what do you say Alice there's an old man not far from here they might let you check their catacombs he laughs that's great that's fantastic what do you think I should do named mr. Smee at the rail camp said they need a bunch of dynamite to clear faster hey what about all that TNT bag in your house nothing doing that for you maybe we can get it back from the goblins that stole it galliston Gulch all right you're so useless as a partner you're not a team player starting not even team player Alice all right this there's a plaque bolted onto the cave wall read it record of the events of the expedition all right okay that's all that happens parently literally nothing okay greet it have it acquired something various and sundry means a story which is interesting in its own right but better safe for another day a map purporting to lead to a large cache a and jewels and ingots of precious metals hidden by the infamous hypomanic train robber black coal junior in the years before the cows came home I Jim plaque right along with three compatriots these being Nathaniel wife Emily gun okay set up shaggy dog okay this is like a museum our equipment and provisions consisted of one card horse just for additional horses to be ridden two shovels of speed and a mine and pick a large coil of rope one large basket of eggs as well as an assortment of other trail provisions and cookware my own collection of blank plaques and engraving tools one large and shaggy-dog and a but for I have no idea what about four is four what is a but four four I'm traveling for two and a half days I read the plaque read it read it it's making me read it oh my gosh read it oh my god I'm assuming something all unlocked by and read and reread all these come on no mater Goblin all right well nomadic goblin oh my lord come on one of the Hermits confirmed that was the ear shake it off hey yeah let me ride my lantern to the next flag let me continue riding my lantern to the flag one more time we gave that brass quick shine oh my gosh okay wait nope edify bar store okay let me let me do my little my little day Randy brand came to the other tunnel great huh boy here we go plaque the chest was locked with an ancient rusted iron padlock with broke easily from a single swing of a pickaxe we open the lid slowly of the flickering light of the antique oil lamps Imbruglia pound the jewels of every color in China against the precious metals just as our promise uh-oh a hole it's completely up oh my gosh are you kidding me this whole thing was a red herring this was the worst stuff oh my gosh troll he fell for the obvious goop man the worst man shaggy-dog story it's in the name disappointed this game is disappointing me Stephanie no missing out on a lot of stuff your friend one final adventure and instead you see me crawling back with the power of my chin right exact hitting my way back to my partner I'm a big kid my way back to you babe the aristocrats alright whatever that was that was this point in there shake it okay it's weird name yeah certainly friendlier than scorpion Junction no crabby she's a bummer we didn't end up going to the baby I like ya go back to that Dave yard you ride along you see some Brayton fuses oh we got some more dynamite yes maybe if I just keep riding around for long enough courses collect all the dynamite uh here lies Dave be dad with his boots on let's dig up his grave and get those boots dig up that crap yeah sure booth but no Pam huh oh man brown boots nice no yeah alright I like it great I'll take it these remains look pretty Restless put them down let's look what else to use oh look who decided to show up for the first time ever joining I'm glad you could do something finally Jim the skeleton of a Dave shoot him [Music] wait a mu yeah oh wait what you get it what you got just the target don't need a healin can you heal me doc Ellis will healer target my ten okay so she's got a very weak thing to shoot ah all right shoot we got a victory all right ten got a gold tooth Oh Alice picks it up and examines it carefully and here lies Dave see went down in the theater sad tree as does the messages like dave was here here last Dave J a lot of dates put these let's put these Dave's down for good got the jump on him five seven damage shoot him boo [Music] yeah Dave she's got him yeah oh that was uncalled for come on goodbye better great gotta go too yes I should keep examining my gold teeth died of a heart attack great there's a lunch box Oh blood sausage exciting here's another Skelton things we could kill this guy this guy through that pile of bones gonna tag on got a weird skull he was on sale kill this guy got the jump on him oh look at him he's a smart look at skeleton not smart enough for today Oh Oh know what they're doing this is my office Oh spooky spooky oh man I've been spooked he does smoke me well it works it's guilty bones I'll ask about the bones okay great here one of those things they have in mausoleums big marble thing with drawers full of skeletons let's not do that right yeah let's not do that no right dig through that pile of bones barely know Wells we got up there Oh circle drawn red chalk I'm definitely keen for summoning Satan okay Pilate mostly burned rags that maybe used to be a person let's investigate it gore splattered scroll sweet human ashes correct and a rover seat oh wow everything everything you could possibly want so okay all right put together here we're making our way through the Old West that being said I think it's time for us to mosey on ourselves yeah we've got it we've gotta round things up here today but we will be back tomorrow he's got a little cowpoke waiting for us wait no waiting for us down below so we got to go pick up that little cowpoke and mosey on back home to the ranch aka our house take care of the little feller with the dogies the dogies put it down with no ease and that doe via skip so we're gonna go hang out with the doggies and the little cowpoke and we'll be back tomorrow well back tomorrow same time same couch or o'clock p.m. Pacific time we all be here will you game theory film theory tomorrow oh oh yeah both tomorrow that's all I uploads from the livestream earlier this week everything yet tons of stuff coming out this week if all the words saying it is available now and I will see you tomorrow 4 o'clock we have specific time be there or not be there remember that's just stream a live stream boy howdy let's say goodbye in the chat and these misses by kafka magazine Wheeler says I'm keen for someone at Satan things y'all won't get mad Pat elected that
Channel: GTLive
Views: 194,776
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Keywords: west of loathing, west of loathing game, markiplier west of loathing, jacksepticeye west of loathing, west of loathing gameplay, west of loathing ost, kingdom of loathing, kingdom of loathing markiplier, kingdom of loathing jacksepticeye, nintendo, funny videos, funny games, funny moments, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive west of loathing, matpat west of loathing
Id: gNiakeQA45A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 25sec (5125 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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