The Funniest Fake Pokemon Cards!

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yes no more flying breakfast items and no more burning shadows huh good truth be told i did want to keep adding things to the intro until it was incomprehensible white noise but i think it went on too long it was going to take forever okay so today we're taking a look at some of my favorite pokemon cards such as ultra dream now he may look like mewtwo but don't get them confused ultra dream has magic power absolute defense and super power give opponent pokemon 60 point damage cannot use special skills in the next round so yes this card is fake every pokemon card we're going to take a look at today is fake but i have accrued a very unique collection of fake cards and these are my absolute favorites but first i want to take a look at all the different types of fake cards that exist so this is a fake pack of pokemon cards see it comes off very easy we have uh had a look at fake cards in this channel numerous times that's actually a pretty cool holographic though man pokemon take note um so these are the more common ones where they're they're just fake shitty cards they borrow the artwork and um it's basically just a scan or whatever of the original card there's basically no difference besides that it sucks entirely i think maybe there's there was some little specks of dust on the scanner when that one was getting scanned that's like scanned in to the print so these are the most common types of fake cards you'll often find these types of cards at like a market this particular box that has this looks like fan art on it but again i don't think there's going to be anything too interesting in these ones we've just got regular cards except they're awful quality and they're obvious fakes even the g axes don't have any shine now the next type used to be a lot more common i would see a lot of these on the the schoolyard the pokemon that are obviously fake but they have extremely exaggerated hp and damage scratch for 2000 double fire for 8 000 times the number of heads i think the rest of the card for these types of ones is just a copy paste but i definitely remember kids trading these to people being like wow look at this i have this extremely overpowered pokemon okay so now we've got those ones out of the way we're going to move into some much more interesting types of fake pokemon cards but as a little palette cleanser here is a fake yu-gi-oh card that's right it's darkly big rabbi anyone remember their rabbi looking like this when the beasle bob's seal was being untied any enemy will been destroying at minute god damn that is powerful attack infinity it's like an actual child came up with this okay so a lot of the pokemon cards we're gonna see from here on out were slowly acquired from when i used to do mail time many years ago i put all the most interesting ones i got to the side and since then i've actually been trying to find fake cards that look like this and it has been a struggle so you've already seen ultra dream he's a banger up next sabbah that doesn't look like sampling that looks like bulbasaur [ __ ] side up in the ass and then uh he has sharp knife damn you shouldn't have brought a pokemon to a knife fight another interesting thing you're going to see with these particular branded ones is that they call one side they've got heads and tails for a coin obviously but in this they call it the observe side and the reverse side and they have this interesting reflective surface and um if you look down the bottom all of them perhaps to try to avoid being sued some sort of legality loophole i i'm not sure but it's called uh nintendo instead of nintendo so here we have my main man uh crystal pikachu and all the elements of the pokemon trading card game are here but they've just been renamed different things for example you can see here uh otherwise be numb opponent pokemon which i think is paralyzed by the way these ones aren't even my favorite we're gonna go into my favorite at the very end but these are pretty good we've got a salamance a green salamance one of these moves simply called angry dragon next up uh just a charmander uh evil look cut then we've got kirito empress interesting thing about this one is it's actually bigger than all the other cards even though it's from the nintendo lot you can see if i place it roughly down the bottom it's still kind of is slightly bigger for some reason gardevoir's demonic evil sister krato empress with kiss of devil and black eye expression thin snow for 50 damage that is scary and then we have uh a manky purple like he's psychic type but he's actually fighting type he's got the magic power peep before attack you have only one chance to see the top card of both sides piling area so the piling area is the rename for the deck i'm assuming possibly the discard pile or the nearest card of opponent or one of honor cards of both sides i think the honor cards uh the prize cards so in the actual game when you kill one of your opponents pokemon you take one of your prize cards when all your prize cards are gone you win the game or in this case honor cards if monkey has slapped disturbed or pol policy this action is invalid so that's a couple of other status ailments up next we've got pew pew p puparium ghost and he evolves from little cicada very nice up next we've got uh jinx kiss of devil another very scary move we've got a green bag on i guess he lines up with the salamance uh molly frog that's how molly's made don't lick the molly frog eight leaf chop it's one of his moves we've got a squirtle i'd love to know where that artwork comes from fiery fox which is meant to be absol how he gonna be a fiery fox if he's water type and all his moves are water-based also i love instead of flip it's always cast a coin ah cast one coin all right moving on we got the flying mantis here's an example of both the coin sides cast one coin if it is in observed side and then down here cast one coin if it is in reverse side up next we've got little sheep what a little cutie also i just want to say when i'm talking about fake cards i'm not talking about shitty custom cards or weird fake amalgamations of pokemon cards that are really just custom cards designed on purpose to look bad or look fake i'm talking legit fakes these rand arounds poor mothers and fathers bought these thinking they were getting their kids some pokemon cards uh the three colored piranha up next we've got the angel of ice i'm not gonna do the sounds for you today since that's not the real rich ice that's the angel of ice we've got arbok that's that's regular he's got a regular name i absolutely love the moves on this one though snake gel poisonous needle and twist bite black fog three moves for the price of one now i can't stop thinking if you cut into arbok he would just secrete some disgusting snake gel nidoran uh i love that they the image that they picked for the nidoran card has knit around having its head kicked in all right we're working our way through the nintendo pile we've got uh hanuman uh blue wind bell he has an interesting move crocodile tears cast one coin before opponent attacking if it is in observed side this attack is invalid it's almost like uh a lot of these cards were ran through different translations like from english to chinese to something then back to english nato all caps he's just sort of chilling up there he's got magic power predict the future and he must be quite powerful because just by thinking he does 20 damage next we've got yaguara we've got the compound eye moth very nice and he evolves from the purple pupa hey would you look at that even these fake cards can get miss cuts that's rare all right up next lava turtle with the color of grass type kiss of angel i guess we saw a kiss of devil there's kiss of angel these nintendo cards hold quite the adult theme up next there's another one i don't think pokemon would touch that the sun god stone for some reason i think his image is sideways there's another status type you can disturb the opponent all right we've got duck and then we've got nitto king another status type here i think uh poisonous needle which i guess should poison but here this looks more like a burn make defending pokemon heat stroke if nidoking has three power cards additional 25 point damage shall be added to opponent so uh power cards aka energy very nice he's coming right at the camera there uh sablai that's a lot different from this sadly are these the same pokemon they've got the same hp they have the the same all caps name different moves though this one has destroy rays then we have a talo and then we have a talo and then we have a swallow um these are literally the same pokemon somehow and this is this is by the same fake whatever company now swellow is the actual evolution of taylor you came close you came close if this was his evolved form and one letter difference we've got to eradicate and instead of uh reddit so his name is normal but ratata is actually called uh little raticate this move also makes no sense chase does 30 damage constantly attack until give opponent pokemon 30 point damage well it does 30 points so wouldn't you wouldn't it just say it shouldn't have any text at all what are you talking about shut up moving on we've got uh keck kektra with the mysterious talisman then we've got uh haste lotus wait do his hands normally look like that it looks like someone's photoshopped oven mitts on him i can't picture what his hands look like though maybe they do look like that and he evolves from harris lotus flower that sounds like a [ __ ] harry potter spell drew gong very weird artwork here we've got an actual seal his previous evolution sort of half ghosting through him or something maybe he's in the middle of evolving uh sorry not cl i meant small sea lion up next kirito empress again okay same exact everything except uh it's the smaller version i don't know why this one's so big is this their version of a jumbo card i guess this one also doesn't have any uh holographic properties next we've got ladder ass feel free to pause the video and read out the moves yourself there's obviously a lot of gold here but i can't look at all of it we've got a ride on then we have a drowzee with yoga posture very nice and then clay doll which almost has his evolution his previous evolution correct ball toy so close okay still not my favorite types but uh we're just gonna have a brief look at some different types of fakes so these ones all in a different language i think but they also uh sort of oh there you go that one's english that actually looks pretty cool you can actually uh peel these ones off and it's a sticker i'm gonna leave it on there for now though the next type very weird font on these ones so i think mostly they're normal-ish they just kind of look weird i'm not seeing too much wrong with them besides okay so here we go uh different font again for some reason he has two moves that are called the same exact thing and then this is something that obviously yes someone sent me i think the reason i put this to the side is because whoever sent this to me put the original real card in here as well so we can take a look at the differences here focus wall becoming camouflage gas desperate slap becoming chakra points all right now here we go these are my favorites now don't get me wrong the other stack had some absolute bangers but these ones now i've been trying to find more of these if anyone can actually find these or you have these in your collection feel free to contact me i've been on the lookout for magic babies for a while which is what i call them because you can see up here it says magic baby they're not pokemon they're magic babies so instead of wheezing we have double bomb gas and such a strange amount of hp 37 hp he evolves from gas bomb he's got gas and black mist toss a coin heads opponent magic baby was poisoned also such a strange inconsistency even though it says he evolved from gas bomb down here it said it says evolve from night monster okay who's nut monster big nut monster all right what magic baby do we have next we've got the double fox tail evolved from ib 46 hp put double fox tail on original magic baby i being the original magic baby again inconsistent now i've has two e's more reminiscent of the actual eevee evolved from ib in bracket silver man i love me some magic babies we've got cami tortoise cammy taught us evolve from jenny tortoise no doubt now he has two spots for two different moves but it's just like he has like a thousand moves strike swing tail hyatt squirt gun nor it's like i'm playing the actual game boy game beg for rain rocket shooting toss a coin heads prevent cammy tortoise being hurt during the next bout and this one evolved from canny tortoise aka jenny tortoise how do you screw that up it's just such a strange detail uh flying petal monster evolved from pedal monster or oh okay that one's got it right pedal monster 52 hp uh pikachu normal name everyone knows pikachu 39 hp apparently also evolved from pikachu next up we've got crow wave sorry i've got it i have to just keep checking born from beast egg all right crow wave born from the beast egg huge also check this out this is brutal earthquake toss a coin heads 20 points damage reverso okay reverse let defendant magic baby in coma so um that's one of the status effects in this one you put them into a [ __ ] coma armor shell evolve from big tongue shell high pressure squirt gun and jerkiness light next up we've got the big water frog evolved from toil frog down the bottom evolved from toil frog communicator the proof of king also when you get into the second stage pokemon it doesn't refer to the first stage aka poliwhirl not to be confused with the basic pokemon aka magic baby it doesn't refer to them as magic babies it calls them one evolution card so a basic pokemon is called a magic baby when it evolves into stage one it's called one evolution and then this one is called two evolution i think all right up next uh three to one magnetic monster you can't beat this [ __ ] and there's three of those he evolves from little magnetic monster and he has a gun apparently next owl this uh used to be the thumbnail i did a video a long time ago many many years ago where i went through a couple of these i think maybe i removed it because i wanted to do a bigger better video which is this one now so you may remember a video where i had owl as the thumbnail who evolves from gugu next we've got lolo stone evolves from little fist stone stiffen big explode turn earthquake i also love how weakness is spelled like the day of the week next we've got mew-mew with mew-mew fly leg nice little description down here a magic baby who makes money from her owner but i think that's how it works i think jesse makes money from mew-mew by harvesting its head amulet token gold token thing a whopping 51 hp a stingy snake stone monster that's a mouthful up next we've got logia everyone's favorite legendary logia self-rebirth no matter how much damage logia suffers in this bout it will be inefficient at the end of the bout after get the silver feather you can get in the cave of swirl island yeah that sounds just like the games all right double bomb gas again two different cards for double bomb gas up next we've got a stern sparrow it's going to give you a stern speaking to free caves your head in with glare strike and bird pursuing next we've got the carp king we always knew magikarp was the carp king and holy [ __ ] guys i got a first edition on that one oh that's good that's big that's so old first edition carp king goldfish magic baby no use it can hide huge power only after evolution that is true that is true when the carp king evolves into gyarados i got another owl two hours then i guess in this and then we have the cat king the cop king first now the cat king evolved from mayo mayo i thought it evolved from mewmew that's [ __ ] uh okay uh enchant and toxin poor toss the coin heads poison defendant magic baby and what does it say down the bottom because it has charming fur which was popular between female the head of rocket corps treat it as a pet that's true the ladies love him the men want to be him it's also got the see this like holographic heart in the background there look at that all right guys that's uh some of my absolute favorite fake pokemon cards have come across over the years i have another stack here that i'm just going to go through slowly some sort of interesting stuff in here but not a whole lot to talk about these ones are all uh more from the nintendo stack it's got a butterfree we've got a deli bird got a golem got a cersket nincada fortress venomoth we have some energy uh got a knitter queen who's got a fire background that is leaf type grass type uh got a water energy that looks like a dark energy flygon psychic energy goldin bay leaf manitric and uh the last one weepin bell dissolved liquid and also sharp knife just like that sableye thank you guys for watching unfortunately i will no longer be doing burning shadows packs but it's still time for max mofos postcard collection this is a segment where we look at postcards of different pokemon companies and whatever across the ages for different celebrations i'm pulling them out randomly and we have what just looks like a screenshot from an episode or something maybe not it does look a little too clean well there you go suck on that if you'd like to buy any of the max mofo merch look at that match get decked out in the match link is at the top of the description below or you can go to max dot shirts with zed dot cool if you buy anything else from that site that is not my merch on checkout make sure you put in code mofo to save yourself 10 percent i'll see you in the next video why don't you check out another video click on screen go down the mofo rabbit hole goodbye
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 1,066,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake pokemon, fake pokemon cards, opening fake pokemon cards, hilarious fake pokemon, hilarious fake pokemon cards, funniest fake pokemon cards, bootleg pokemon toys, fake pokemon toys, bootleg toys, hilarious pokemon cards, weird, weird pokemon cards, strange pokemon cards, most expensive pokemon cards, charizard, opening pokemon cards, pokemon booster box, pokemon booster packs, rare pokemon cards, pikachu, best pokemon cards, new pokemon cards, 2021 pokemon
Id: 2fRYrLqCpp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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