The Funniest Donald Trump Stories On The Graham Norton Show | Part Two

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at what point did you make the decision to make the president a tv star um a couple years around when donald trump was becoming president um you know we wanted the movie to be reflective of times and i think like there's not a lot of movies that have been made in the last few years that i think really try to let the audience know that the people who made the movie live in the same world as them and experience the same culture as them so it was hard because we kept trying to think like what would be good for our movie for the president to be we have a president character and it was kind of a moving target wherever we thought of something crazy something crazier would happen and so we were like oh oh and then we had this idea where the president in the film is bob owen kirk and he played the president on a successful tv show for years and then was nominated as the president of america which we thought was kind of crazy and then the exact same thing just happened in ukraine like one week ago and it's a moving target just when you think you've outdone reality reality comes and does something crazier than what you thought of no it's not we're amazing we are amazing is so nuts now and like so you said you worked with stormy daniels i did work not in a porno film did you not know this just say it like that stormy daniels is in uh knock she's in both knocked up and the 40 year old virgin um we first of all i am learning so much very early in our careers we realized like if you ever need someone to be naked in a movie you should hire a porn star because it's the easiest thing they did that week and they're just in general there it's not a situation where you're like convincing a mainstream actress to get naked instead you're taking a port actress and putting her in a mainstream movie and she doesn't have to put anything in her and so she's thrilled and so stormy stripper scenes in these films and stormy played a stripper in the in those films were you considering her for last time she was for a while going to be so i i go way back uh stormy but she didn't tell you all the stories then yes then she did tell us that she had had a relationship with donald trump and at the time when a porn star tells you they have sex with donald trump it's the least interesting thing you had heard that uh day was the most expected information you could ever expect to hear and literally was not interesting to me i was like oh yeah great a porn started sex with don't like yeah that's exactly what i would expect to happen and then years later it became pretty relevant information that i was just stuck there with and i was like do i say something i was like i don't think i should say something i think it's a good place to say something believe you played it right seth i played my card you know in general i played my cards as well there was a shot that i think you were on location in new york and uh so this is without this is without the special effects so this is uh doctor strange is that the what do you call energy wrong about to take off oh you're taking yeah oh that's that's me about to fly oh okay he's about to fly anywhere for some reason the way these things do that image just captured people's imaginations so they've taken benedict's australia put them in different places so here's benedict on a zip wire he's also very sporty there he is [Laughter] he's also cultured music is his life very good at the ice skating ladies and gentlemen that was like it looks like it's real that looks like a donald trump move by the way we're sorry we're so and i think a lot of people here don't realize that this is a real thing i mean president trump has set up a space force yeah they um well it's almost like parallel development too because they released the pictures of their new uniforms and then we released the pictures of our new uniforms and they released their their they unfurled their flag in the white house recently and it's and it's so funny how certain aspects mirror each other and and how you know there's there's differentiation for sure but i mean it's as if they're not taking it that seriously i mean when you look at their logo they didn't try that hard i mean essentially that is star trek yeah it's pretty close and incidentally the people who are in charge of space force have been really uh really nice about it have had a great sense of humor about our show haven't been thin skinned at all and uh so they seem to be fans so far which is nice but the actual general now he he didn't think you should play him did he no apparently he thought bruce willis would have been a better choice i i read something where he said about your hair was too shaggy and i was like what does he mean by that and then i saw him bruce willis or jeff bezos could have played him those are his dream team this this is a picture of johnny depp as donald trump what isn't that amazing wow what was that for john oh my god that was just for me you wanted to know what it felt like to be that awesome weekend i never thought i wanted to kill johnny i can only say that you should how did it come up did you already do a donald trump impression no no no no and i had no idea if i could or not i still don't but i i mean this guy you know adam mckay who i i admire greatly and who's one of the funniest humans alive we had a meeting we were sitting there talking he said how would you like to how would you like to do a feature film in four days and i went i like that idea and then he said how would you like to play donald trump and i loved that idea i didn't care if i knew if i was capable or not you know i wanted to try so yeah so i i i did my bit as donald trump you don't want to be donald trump because he's the way he speaks is very specific yeah were you telling all the mexicans to get offset i told them to build me that wall i want a sensational wall on a fabulous wall i don't remember what the question was but it doesn't matter because i'm not going to answer it anyway [Applause] [Music] have you met the trump at all on things jennifer i haven't no i was at a concert that i heard he was attending so i had my full security like i was like fine donald trump because i was just i was adamant on um finding him and then making a video of me going hey trump [ __ ] you i wouldn't rest until it was found i think he knew i was looking for him [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,519,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British TV, British celebrity, British comedy, British humor, Graham Norton clips, Graham Norton moments, TV celebrity, The Graham Norton Show, behind the scenes, celebrity antics, celebrity couch moments, celebrity talk show, celebrity talk show host, comedy skits, entertainment news, entertainment show, famous TV show, hilarious interviews, must-watch interviews, online streaming, talk show banter
Id: HA7NALmWxbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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