“I Don’t Think My Views Of Donald Trump Are A Secret” - Jen Psaki

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welcome back everybody folks my guest tonight is the former press secretary for President Biden former communications director for President Obama and current host of inside with Jen saki on MSNBC she's just written her first book seore please welcome back to the Late Show Jen Saki [Applause] [Music] hello hello nice to have you back it's great to be here you look you look like a very hip Angel oh thank you I love the outfit thank you I feel a hip angel I love it thank you now the new book is uh say more and we will say more about that in just a moment but uh I I did want to point out that in March you celebrated your first year here as host of of inside with Jens saki after a year with the gig thank you thank you what now what what do you call yourself like what how do you perceive your job anchor reporter journalist because uh you know they're different jobs in the news industry what what are you kind of all of the above I mean look I think that what my job is is to inform the public and I don't know how you can Define that it can consider myself at times a journalist I consider myself a person who is an anchor of course because I'm sitting behind a desk sure but hosting a show as you know it's a privilege it's an opportunity to provide people with information and context and help them understand things so and jokes about the worm in RFK Jr's brain I was waiting for that to come up I was thinking what is Stephen going to say about this tonight well I'm I'm I'm curious as someone who's worked with two presidents how much of a president's brain can be eaten by a worm before it starts to impact their performance do you have an opinion on that I have never worked for a president who's had part of their brain eaten um and hopefully by any animal let alone by any animal hopefully that's not something we're dealing with as a country but um but yeah so I can't speak to that one from experience actually well uh well how has it been having to balance your own voice your own what you want to have happen in an election with the job of informing the public because there has to be a attention there of course but look I think right now Stephen and I watched your show I watched your monologue last night you had some fun with the trial uh which was good um sure I I right now I think what we're looking at right now is some significant Stakes for the country about the future of our democracy I I don't think that anyone should be uh hiding from that or talking around that so um I don't try to be anything other than who I am and I don't try to do anything but present what my point of view is is in an informed way I do it with facts everyone doesn't always do it with facts um but yes I worked for President Biden I think bringing to the show and to the country my experience of how he thinks about things what he cares about what he doesn't care about is actually informing them I'm sure it is informing people I watch your show Evie and I enjoy it uh I just uh I would just imagine that especially as we get closer to the election that tension is going to become greater for you to stay uh objective even if you actually believe in the objectives of the president of the United States that's true but I don't think my views of Donald Trump are a secret I don't think yours are either um if I'm being honest not I'm not a journalist and I'm not you know I'm a professional clown yeah I think you're more I think you're way more than that you're informing the public I think that I'm not doing my job very well I think people are watching my who are watching my show I hope and this is the North star we always talk about on our team is do people come away with a better understanding of a person maybe it's Joe Biden maybe it's somebody running for office maybe it's a governor and an issue and and or an issue so is there an issue that is being misconstrued out there that I can help explain I don't think it's a secret I don't try to make it a secret I worked for not just Joe Biden I worked for Barack Obama I've worked on three presidential campaigns that's part of my story I think I can bring a lot of insights to the public about how the these things work how campaigns work and also so what's actually at stake in this election so is is there something that you could inform the audience about that might be something that you feel like the bid Administration is not doing correctly right now some uh constructive information that they would even mind wouldn't mind hearing from you for instance how about his Outreach to young people right now much is being made of the fact that young voters are turned off to President Biden especially uh in light of his continued support of uh Netanyahu uh with the tragedy that's going on in Gaza right now in response to the tragedy of October 7th well I would say obviously I haven't been in there in two years but I've worked in diplomacy I worked for the former Secretary of State um I do think that there is some leverage that you we are all seeing being used should it have been used earlier I think the answer is yes to that but we are seeing them hold back in the sending of weapons that's actually a pretty significant sign given that the United States and Israel has a longstanding um mil so connection between on Military Support where the United States is a big provider of that has the United States done that many times before withheld the weapons not many times before it has happened before but not many times before but that is a pretty significant step um prime minister Netanyahu I would say is someone who uh Joe Biden has had a tricky challenging difficult relationship with for some time people don't always see that that isn't often talked about but in terms of to go back to your original question here about what they could be doing differently it's very hard to and difficult to explain the nature of diplomacy it's just very hard to talk about what's happening behind the scenes sometimes because if you do you'll ruin the Diplomatic talks and the conversations but Outreach and connection and listening to young people and hearing from them is certainly an important part of that he is going to talk to morous University he's going to do the commen commencement address there in a couple weeks that's a good step they could be doing more of that um and I think that's an important part of their Outreach that they'll have to do over the next couple months we have to take a quick break uh but don't go nowhere we'll be right back with more Jens saki everybody stick around [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Views: 360,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Show, Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Steven Colbert, Colbert, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, late night, talk show, comedian, comedy, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny video, funny videos, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: zxJuDUa1I28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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