The Full Story of Hope&Landon (Leagices S1-S2)

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random I hope you two know each other long story how do you two know each other he used to serve me milkshakes of the mystic grill peanut butter blast whipped cream on the bottom I just saw you like it thanks Landon peanut butter blast I'm on the bottom we danced once we tried forget everything you've seen or learned since last night all you need to know is that your friend is found a home where you can live a better life you listen but he wants for the best are you two out of your minds how could I forget any of them say did you do it wrong no I didn't do it wrong it's the easiest vampire trick in the book well it didn't work obviously it didn't work Vanden hope can you get me out of here not yet but you're not a prisoner here I swear I've been a witch dungeness a werewolf transitions base super basis how's their system but you just have to wait it out yeah just sit here alone into which dungeon with my thoughts welcome to celery where else was I gonna put them you Landon hear anything or something yes someone request to avoid all emotions [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey-oh [Music] can't sleep either small spaces how does a get rid of [ __ ] busy brain hmm busy everything nobody is a lot going on inside of it which is an awesome Segway into you telling me how you can move things with your mind you ask a lot of questions nice manning very dense John square this guy used to mess with me in school maybe wanna dance or something if you want me to dance with you the moment here just like me to crush on the hill with the most baggage [Music] are you crazy I almost killed you [Music] this means your werewolf casually and a lot of things with elaborate they're just gonna make you forget tomorrow come on you were me the blood that runs human my dad was one of here at Sur vision mother was aware about her things that was again people I care about the tendency to die on me I try not to get close to people anymore yeah I can see that my grandmother was a witch so all of those things passed down making me unicorn a hybrid of three different creatures tribrid I'm the only one of my kind a sea unicorn can I show you something further you mentioned the job that I missed danced [Music] glass you lead at all you did that for me yeah it coming italian-speaking [Music] and thought that might help this week [Music] you're a really nice person Oh Michaelson are you rock yeah I'm not gonna remember any of this anyway probably not well in that case [Music] forget everything that you've seen or learn within the past two days all you need to know is that your friend is found a home where you can live a better life you miss him but you know it's for the best are you sure yeah I'll be fine promise [Music] how do you know it was him ancient artifact goes missing along with too-good-to-be-true hapless human you do the math hope that would make him a liar okay I've known my fair share of those and there was nothing about him well you don't understand there's no way that the one time that I choose to get close to someone they turn out to be a liar it's not possible okay I'm not that stupid what do you want his mind can't be controlled by a supernatural being then that only means one thing [Music] but he is a supernatural being works after years of pushing people away I opened my heart to land in the Kirby the human in the wrong place at the right time who just needed a place to belong turns out landon isn't the hero of my story at all [Music] but when I hunt him down I'm gonna be the villain of his you're going at the moon you want this part away I'm going with you look he's my best friend and you you seem vengeful a lot of crazy with you people who conceal you do something us full of burnt up people that wasn't me then who was it you said three minutes like I said people live go up buddies and be through where's the knife I don't have it I reckon he burnt the bus so was it me I swear I barely got out of life bastions who the hell was it I mean grease animal fest Aachen Cathedral Morton this isn't earth magic hope [Music] we don't allow black magic spell you couldn't have known you need to use on the dragon machine which means you had other plans and Landon did something stupid maybe evil we won't know until we learn more but this where are they found this on the windshield when I got back [Music] dear home you strike me as the kind of person who's not so big on second chances which was third but give it a shot I can't explain why I took that knife believe me I wish I play the time I spent with you the other night was one of the happiest moments in my life hate that I really meant your school secret is safe with me with regret he's not a killer trust me trusting you is what got us into this mess in the first place you serious ain't none of this start happening until you showed up and stole that knife which is exactly what the other monsters came here to do you say in his coincidence yeah yeah yes I am [Music] you believe me right [Music] say no more and this morning all I wanted to be sitting here part of all of this spending time with you but all day long you ridiculed and hung me out to dry [Music] we mattered [Music] to know what it's like to wrong Congrats home you're officially more [Music] we're duty dr. Sasuke tests starting with soon we have mystical blood analysis no excuse me he's tested to her whether or not I get to stay at the school right there is no way I'm putting my future in your hands you're biased I'm not biased Landon last thing that you told me was that you wanted to find answers about who or what you are I want those answers too so let's just get through this everything apparently but I only have to pass one test to stay so I'm not giving up yet how's it going bland Anna is about to run sprints to the lake and back [Music] what are you testing for exactly his ability to get away from me as quickly as possible Brandon Kirby see that's the truth now life what's your favorite food rabbit it's a supernatural lie detective pretty much your worst nightmare are you done hope where were you born I don't know watching should be compelled have no idea a couple days ago I didn't even know if the question was why did you take the knife I don't know I I remember doing it but I don't remember why it's not good enough they can't figure out what you are then you can't stay at the school she said you helped me get answers I didn't even want to do this don't believe me because you're not special I apologized for lying to you I explained why I took the knife why are you still so mad at me I'm not mad I couldn't care less [Music] fine it's easier to be mad boy because it is well maybe it's because you feel like if you stop being mad you're letting your guard down and the legendary hope Michaelson couldn't possibly do that when I let my guard down people disappoint me so for the last time I'm sorry I broke your trust I don't want to do it again [Music] thank you I dealt with boys before no I know how badly you want to stay here but this school is full of people like some of us are nice or some of us have more control but all of us are capable of doing what he did did you honestly think that your save here yes I do earlier I asked him if he felt safe here he said yes he was lying remember when he asked me to make sure that Rob didn't follow you did it because you care about him because you wanted to do what was right for him even though it was hard your way of admitting you care about me maybe I'm a little biased [Music] New Orleans I have a family from there that's expecting you [Music] I asked him to help you find your birth mom what I couldn't get you the answers that you wanted but she can with this I put the results of your name spell in there and uh money and sandwich hoping I can [Music] this what is this think of it like a put your heels together three times kind of thing if you ever need me just press it and my bracelet leave me [Music] I wanted to see if it worked [Music] what's wrong bandhans in trouble going after landon if this thing is glowing that means that he's in trouble [Music] of a girlfriend [Music] my name is hope people who care about it so tell me where he is before I blow your head off it must be hope your letters on the other bus yeah what did the same [Music] try me [Music] your help state of Alabama has [Music] often something that's kiss him [Music] do you want to be my boyfriend new series deadly what brought this on I don't know I I guess I'm just I'm really happy [Music] obviously part [Music] doodlee the back always right [Music] decorate the telly well you told me they don't know karate then you stepped on my feet tonight dignity [Music] you know it's not too late to pull out that notebook of lyrics that you have and sing something I don't really sing in front of people into private as being ridiculous all those happy things I said have a mic then maybe you could be that way all the time you were the only thing that's keeping me from being happy is me okay don't you plant it hey what's going on where's my didn't something bad happened we don't know that three of them left the only one came back [Music] please who was chasing Landon I remember the monster [Music] [Applause] I will what's going on no I just I just think you have cold feet about what us we're good finally in a solid relationship based on honesty and openness and I'm indestructible you're relatively indestructible we finally have a long clear road ahead of us you know with no obstacles why do you smell like a bar Penelope Park told me that you are keeping a secret about my mom she says that we met her and that I don't remember it just tell me she's lying and hope you know I wasn't always the most honest person but you were the one that taught me the value in being truthful and the truth I can't be here right the only thing you want from me is the truth and the truth is I love you I'm nice about all this I'm mostly sorry about giving that woman I love you baby I mean it wasn't a huge secret because I love you too hope Michelson and I forgive you for anything that needs it and I know it looked like I was losing when you got here but that's just how Phoenix combat looks so any brilliant ideas because a think we're running out of time [Music] we're gonna hate it [Applause] [Music] didn't eat that at all okay we'll tell me where you are Fort Valley Georgia planets gonna need you when I'm done you have to write it down wait you're at triad headquarters yeah I don't worry though everyone here is dead okay what so you're not making just put Landon on the phone I can't uh he would have tried to stop me so I had to kill him too what he'll come back don't worry even if I don't [Music] now it feels like the most important piece of my life is missing I know I need to keep searching for answers because as far as I can tell being immortal means being alone being alone is hopeless [Music] you [Music] but at least two other people with land of the night mal was destroyed they left fibers footprints hair just don't know who they were not because I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of telling me that I failed you don't me to point out that all you're a romantic heroics were for nada but the big bad lives to see another day and all your friends have forgotten you've ever existed your luck figuring out why I can't remember destroying the Bellator pit okay I have to get back to my friends I have to get back to Landon what brings you out here tonight a boy [Music] she saw that you have someone who can help you be happy [Music] I needed to see you happy to be seen well I mean as happy as the magical holographic manifestation of your subconscious can so good so much I guess Landon will never say the sizing space that you already know what he'd say what you're currently okay so there is no which I would ever want you to leave town without telling me you're back to the day I never died technically died wanna hear about that too you want to hear about everything is I love you and you love me meeting Tom's a stupid moment especially after you don't turn this around on me okay besides what's happening between you and Josie so you mad at me no not daddy [Music] I can't be mad at you right it's not your fault if you can ask this one question correctly then I promise I'll go running back to you you know I'll tell you though the truth would you quit playing games there is no answer either of us could give that you stopped me from doing that right now are you happy [Music] is everyone happier now [Music] could you leave me for a minute I don't really want to cry in front of you even if you're a fake [Music] hey we saw each other earlier right yeah I was just out on a walk to clear my head rough night yeah actually relationship trouble might be contagious why you do yeah this really amazing girl everything super complicated you Oh old story I guess guy who doesn't even know that he exists huh classic you know um a very smart boy once taught me that sometimes you have to be brave enough to be a marvel [Music] you've nothing scary yeah [Music] of course you're gonna have to take your own advice to tell that boy here that you exist oh I don't know about that hope your night gets better this about peanut butter blast whipped cream on the bottom it's probably all melted by now oh I don't even know why I ordered it and have any that I didn't want a milkshake it just seemed and the entire world has forgotten that I exist and the boy I love has moved on you know that got me really just sure to milkshake once through Johnny Utah are you okay I'm so sorry [Music] in school [Music] mr. Rogers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Landon and I we were in love I think real love epic love if that even exists I can assure you it does now he said Josie and they don't know what we were to each other and I'm just afraid that if I tell them she's gonna hate me forever or he's gonna hate me or I'm gonna hate myself because I made us all miserable so I can't tell them not yet how are you always in the right place at the right time it's funny I was just thinking the exact opposite thing Josie told me that you think the monsters being back is your fault but it isn't what do you know about it too much it's me Landon even though you might have the best intentions not every sacrifice is worth it no matter how much you think it is you said this isn't my fault it isn't and whose is it that doesn't matter we need to it matters to me [Music] it's my fault I'm the one that went into the pit it's the only way to save you why would you want to save me because we were we were friends there had to be more to it than that tell me and you're gonna hate me for you make the decision for myself [Music] and we're in love [Music] yeah I know remember I know that it doesn't make any sense but I can't let you risk your life because I tried to give it mine to save it [Music] so we have to find another solution as involve being possessed [Music] guessing you're possessed by an insanity welcome to the club hey was you yeah that moved here yeah didn't really want you bursting into flames in the house that's um what I'm talking about do I see you every time I die [Music] you should get back to Chelsea the last time I'm not going back oh you told me you and Landon shared an epic love so what's really and what if I tell them everything and we still lost really Jersey [Music] I was gonna tell everyone that I was back then I saw Landon and Josie and how happy they were seemed like you all were better off it up no one's been better off without you [Applause] hurry we still gotta wait for what you have to let them go are you sure [Music] is it about hope it's about hope isn't it I don't know what you're talking about busy since when have you kept your mouth shut about anything just tell me [Music] so this is about could I open my kioku you may either see them [Music] but I know [Music] oh my god Oh hopeless here can you get behind me gipa is that really all you have to say we wouldn't even be having this conversation you can have your way then this look I didn't tell you because I thought that you were happy happier without you happy enough to have sex that was definitely gonna be without me who told you that does it matter good thing you guys were arguing I can hear you from across town this belongs to that witch that created that thing so maybe Denise I meant decimal oficio now we can talk so I have to leave Mystic Falls knowing that they'll follow me I hate the way you live your lives without monsters and without me I hope you can forgive me for this someday but I understand if you don't with love and regret Landon this is the part where you say something I love you my thing I couldn't see when I couldn't remember you I love you guys I'm standing here right now if I loved you when I was dead [Music] I think I always will [Music] the pattern the love that hope and I have for each other is more than I am [Music] more than I even thought was possible through the problem without relationship I have no idea where she lives a guy like the first place I don't really feel a difference if I already love hope Michael seems all violent I don't want to live without Marie so if you're going to kill her you need to kill me [Music] [Applause] you did know what to say again [Music] you should [Music] [Music] who is this I just read it I wrote it when I come back he is so patient and trusting and kind the thousand other things I never was so if all I ever have is the memory of the way he loved me I will survive this [Music] you smile [Music] do all these nose [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey he's gonna come out any second [Music] explain hey god I don't see [Music] oh very fine I lost you today sorry you did the right thing save six lives or save one I know how hard boss like this history you still made the right choice you everybody buzz ticking yeah I didn't use it though what if what the game was trying to teach me is that something will always come between me like some impossible choice that I'm gonna have to meet you can choose him it's like I said in the far I did I did it felt good it felt right but it wasn't right because if I got onto that by side we've gone out of the game I didn't get to leave do I chose someone over him was that my lesson that no matter how much I want him Landon and I are doomed hey hey do ii talk I kind of need a favor um where's ruff Sonny was going out okay that's weird why is something wrong I don't know baby [Music] there became a do you think this [Music] I figured that he would I just I don't know how to have a conversation with you myself it's all good but for future reference I'm not going anywhere there's literally nothing you can do to push me away and it just so happens I'm an immortal phoenix so you're kind of stuck with me forever need to figure out a way to protect both the school and Jersey I just don't know if I can do both you always do you think I actually need to have a family what's wrong with my name [Music] I don't understand [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Dazed Edits
Views: 558,445
Rating: 4.916235 out of 5
Keywords: hope and landon, landon and hope, handon, landon, landon and josie, landon and rafael, hope mikaelson, rafael and hope, legacies | alaric walks in on hope and landon at the motel, landon kirby, hosie, season, season 1, season 2, leahpipes, claireholt, phoebetonkin, klaus mikaelson, alaric saltzman, klausmikaelson, fan edit, saltzman, mikaelson, sebastian, josephmorgan, davinaclaire, josie saltzman, danielgillies, damon salvatore, lizzie saltzman, freyamikaelson, TheOrignals, VampireDairies
Id: pFU9gkxEXtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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