Bellamy & Clarke | Their Story [1x01-7x16]

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Looooove thiiiiiiiis

Also, rewatching the spoiler >>>>>>>death scene<<<<< again made me realize… if she would have just let him come through the portal with them (like I suppose was the plan as they all asked where he was) he would not have seen the sketchbook and it wouldn’t have gone down like that. WHY did she decide she didn’t want him to come with them? Wouldn’t she WANT him to come with them to get him away from the disciples and try to un brainwash him!!! I mean seriously? He hurt her feelings so she’s just gonna leave him there to die - AGAIN - just like in season 5 with the fighting pits?? I thought she said she learned her lesson?!?! Literally if they had changed this one minor thing I think he would have made it to the end. In fact the whole ending might have changed because Maddie wouldn’t have given herself up and been killed…

What do you guys think?? I’m dying to talk about this. Also is there a fan fic out there with an alternate ending like this?! Lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ambiwambi77 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
just back it up guys stop the air could be toxic the air is toxic we're all dead anyway so if we want to get there before dark we need to leave now i got a better idea you two go find it for us let the privilege do the hard work for change don't listen to her she's one of the privileged if they come down she'll have it good how many of you can say the same good follow me and why would i do that [Music] i'm getting that wristband even if i have to cut off her hand to do it the only way the ark is gonna think i'm dead is if i'm dead brave princess i never dreamed that i'd meet somebody like you [Music] get out look at what we've achieved the wall the patrols like it or not thinking the ground has killed wells is good for us oh good for you you mean you don't even know whose knife that is oh really jm i saw you in the woods with adam i know you're not a killer this is on you princess you should have kept your mouth shut he deserves to die no we don't decide who lives and dies so help me god if you say that people have a right to decide oh no i was wrong before okay you were right but if we're gonna survive down here we can't just live by whatever the hell we want we need rules and who makes those rules huh you for now we make the rules don't you see what this means you're not a murderer you always did what you had to do to protect your sister that's who you are can you wish on this kind of shooting star [Music] forget it i don't even know what to wish for what about you to make me feel this way clark you don't have to be here for this [Applause] why are you asking me well because right now i don't feel like being around anyone i actually like [Music] yeah it's good uh what'd you learn that was amazing am i horrible for feeling that try again no we shouldn't waste the enemies put it down should have stayed down there clerk walk away now and i won't kill you put it down [Applause] you're okay oh i'm not oh i don't like to always hurt people i'm a monster hey you saved my life today and you may be a total ass half the time but i need you nothing we all need you you want forgiveness fine i'll give it to you you're forgiven okay you can't run bellamy [Music] you have to come back with me when you sent us down here you sent us to die but miraculously most of us are still alive in large part that is because of him [Music] because of bellamy he's one of [Music] [Applause] [Music] have some fun while you still can you deserve it so do you by the way i'll have my phone when the grounders come i need to talk to you i'm fun yet princess i'm serious you always are so talk just gonna know about this finn doesn't need [Music] let me stay back did he do something to you everything will change i'll see what i can do nothing stays the same here [Music] feeling better i am become death destroyer of the world it's oppenheimer the man who built the first [Music] you did good here bellamy i can't do this without you what do you want me to say clark i want you to say that you're with us those kids out there they listen to you you're lining up to go listen to you i gave them an easy choice but five minutes ago they were willing to fight and die for you you inspire them [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] no there's something i thought i'd never see [Music] [Applause] last time i saw you keep closing the dropship door [Music] had to be done i'm sure that had to be done too [Music] i swear to god if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon i'm going by myself you will be by yourself back off right now [Music] what happened run away i need a bandage [Music] i said no since i don't take orders from you i'm gonna need a better reason i can't lose you too okay [Music] there are no more sides [Music] what is [Music] that i would get myself killed i was being weak love is weakness your faith in him i do i hope your faith is well placed because if he can't get inside we can't win he will anything from bellamy no then why aren't you at the radio [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you all right we need a plan that doesn't kill everyone please tell me we have one yeah you'll find me yeah you came through i knew you would clark was trying to protect you we had to protect ballet you care about him we care about all of them do you worry about him [Music] what have i done if we do this there is no going back you need forgiveness [Music] seeing their faces every day it's just gonna remind me of what i did to get them here what we did you don't have to do this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alone [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] say something [Music] oh please please don't i'll do anything i'll stop fighting just please [Music] i'm feeling so small we can't lose her it was all over my head she left us to die in that mountain she will always put her people first you should come home to yours i'm sorry what are you doing here clark you need to talk oh you've decided that [Applause] mighty one hate him we chose the grounders over our own people who turned her back on us when we came to rescue you now you want to talk please tell me that going to war is not what you want [Music] [Music] and i like you and octavia and cain convince me that we could trust these people when they have shown over and over who they are and i won't let anyone else die for that mistake you need me yes i do i need the guy who wouldn't let me pull that lever in mount weather by myself you left me you were willing to let a bomb drop on my sister then you made a deal with lexa who left us in mount weather to die and forced us to kill everyone who helped us people who trusted me say something i'm giving up on you [Music] and i'm sorry that i couldn't [Music] [Applause] one day a good little night by his queen side too bad you remember that devoted to gina something i'm giving up on you you'll recover [Music] safe alive what do you do when you realize you might not be the good guy maybe there are no good guys [Music] i will march down an empty street like a ship into the storm [Music] me [Music] you think i'm letting you do this alone follow me this is my fault i'm not letting anyone else die for my mistake okay so take it i don't know what happened between you and emerson and polis but i do know that letting him kill you here today [Music] well i don't need your help [Music] i was so angry the only way we're gonna pull this off is together [Music] is [Music] okay yeah [Music] you'll be covering us the entire time and i trust you [Music] her friends start with bellamy blake are you here you're not the only one here trying to save someone you care about we're not putting the flame in ontario's head we're putting it in mine so that thing killed emerson in seconds liquefied his brain try doing that hanging upside down [Music] [Music] no [Music] i don't know if you mean everything to me [Music] don't want to find i've lost [Music] let her go back off [Music] okay you can still come with us leadership is a lonely pursuit but you you keep her centered [Music] if i'm on that list [Music] don't know if you mean everything to me [Music] [Music] so can we just [Music] she'll come around and see how special you are clark if i don't see you again you will that was her idea we did what we had to do which means there was an even better chance of nobody getting into this bunker of nobody surviving the end of the human race can you understand that yeah i i can understand that you did what you think you had to do like always but you can't you can't expect me to stay down here not knowing what happened to my sister to remind me where i came from with me [Music] we don't have time for this the radiation is getting worse and people are dying up there what are you doing what i have to do like always now get away from the door no this isn't like shutting the drop ship door or pulling a lever in mount weather or in the city of mind we knew what we were stopping then now we know nothing eyes we know that if that door stays shut the human race survives is [Music] are you [Music] mommy i never meant to hurt you nothing is okay whatever choice i make somebody always dies [Music] well not shooting me was the right choice [Music] we only choice nothing is happening [Music] people follow you you inspire them because of this the only way to make sure we survive i got you for that mark this is one of those moments where you tell me to use my i was just gonna say [Music] you can hear me [Music] [Music] days since prime fire i don't know why i still do this every day maybe it's my way of staying sane you can hear me on this piece of crap radio but in case this is the last time i get to do this i just want to say [Music] please don't feel bad about leaving me here [Music] you did what you had to do i'm proud of you i left clark behind to die and i came not doing that against [Music] i promise [Music] she must be pretty important to you cause every [Music] and i keep trying to figure out who you are to me but maybe mark you saved us all so surviving alone i wasn't alone same as yours [Music] suddenly i'm the one letting my heart [Music] keep maddie safe promise me i promise i can't let you kill clark oh here we go again pleading for the life of a traitor who you love [Music] [Music] [Music] and bellamy will die they made their choice it's how bellamy saved you the moment he got back to the ground and got the bunker open i mean by now he's probably dead what film is not dead clark at least he wasn't until he [Music] he survived your betrayal and police long enough to march straight into your betrayal here [Music] now you care about bellamy i always cared he did that to save us all [Music] [Music] do you have any idea how much she cares about you so much she left me to die in a fight that was a mistake i shouldn't tell you this but when you were on the ring she called you on the radio every day for six years look you do what you have to i am not leaving my friends i can't do that again you're not mad at me for leaving you with police the commander ordered me not to be [Music] is [Music] if all it is don't fall behind [Music] i know it sounds crazy maddie certainly thought it was talking to you every day even though you didn't answer it that kept me safe if all it is [Music] leaving you like that i know maddie is your family you are my family too i lost sight of that i promise i will never forget it again clark's done i really thought you cared about bellamy i care but you left him in the pits to die i had to and he understands you said you told me [Music] to listen what have you done to me you said what have you done i wanna get over you it means and we're gonna get her back hey we're gonna get her back i'll never forget you only care about clark [Music] the people you care about are in trouble i guess you just care about her more so but she can hear me yes she can hear you it's just like a funeral for god's sake just say what you want to say again she gave you control don't have time you gotta run no i'm not leaving you do something they're both still in here blatant neural activity continues for a short time after death but once the head stops telling the heart to beat it's over come on clark come on [Music] clark clark i need you she's gone no she's not okay wake up clark come on i'm not letting you go [Music] and looked into my eyes [Music] i didn't protect you you saved me tell me it was worth it so tell me it was weird you did we did do better i have to believe that that matters i don't want to lose anyone else bellamy echo and octavia are in trouble no one has to do this you should each decide for yourselves but i'm not losing anyone else i'll tell you everything you want to know even about clark we got the keys [Music] did i deserve babe all the hell you gave [Music] watch the door [Music] oh you killed my best friend so i'm not sure [Music] he's alive i'm stuck here with you and everyone i love this octavia echo never know they're all alive they're just out of reach [Music] that [Music] my shepherd [Music] it's about time i have been racking my brain trying to figure out how you telling category the truth about the flame helps us you know what i've come up with it doesn't anywhere i couldn't find him just not really something that changed me to my core something that explains why we're still here where we're going it came to me in a vision my mom was there a shepherd led me to her and there was a light that was beautiful and warm and peaceful i chose it i didn't have it when i opened my eyes a storm had passed just like that and so the battle ships will follow tell me where the flame [Music] yesterday i was bluffing i made a deal to save my friends knowing damn well i had no intention of following through with it today i'm standing in front of my best friend who i thought was dead and i don't even recognize it i am the same person who brought you back from the dead who refused to give up on you there is so much more at stake here than you know and i know you don't believe in transcendence but i'm telling you it's real and i am asking you to believe in me even if you're right even if everything you're saying is true i will not help that man start his war screaming at the good tell world where the flame is or what hold on thousands of disciples are dead including first disciple heads yes and every one of them has tried to keep us from saving our friends now i am trying to save you all of you clark if you don't tell me where it is how do i trust they will execute all of you please i [Music] they all hate me didn't have to be like this [Music] [Music] [Music] but it hurts [Music] not you you've made your choice it doesn't matter to you don't make me do this [Music] look at yourself what you feel right now the need to protect someone you love so badly you're willing to kill your closest friends someone you trust who's telling you that the fate of the entire human race is at stake all that suffering and then is how we do better this is the only way i'm sorry where's bellamy clark dad he's dead telling me like he was fine when we left him i killed him so i had to wise [Music] [Applause] he knew that she still has the memories of the commander she would never be safe [Music] you can hate me if you want to [Music] god knows i do but once you make a choice like this it stays with you just like you decided to kill bellamy i did that to save you i didn't ask you to and now you have to live with that i don't want that for you you ruined my life [Music] just like you ruined your own maddie went to bartow to save us i'm proud of her for that [Music] i killed melanie to protect her from the disciples not so she could turn herself in [Music] if i lose maddie too [Music] during the test i sense every part of you [Music] i'm feeling your pain right now really feel me murder my best friend to save my child only to have her die anyway feel that my brother transcend no shepherd's passage book of barnard chapter 1 verse 6 death is the end my friend living shall transcend god this would be so much easier if i knew i was going to see you again you
Channel: sarah morgan
Views: 1,378,197
Rating: 4.9586906 out of 5
Id: Upz6n3smg2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 32sec (2972 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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