hosie their story | "i'm not gonna leave you behind." [2x16]

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morning ho morning girls more like despair I heard that could just be my headmaster all this other stuff isn't in the job description attempt to make an actual friend here and we can reevaluate this relationship I hope you need a friend nice job throwing your sister onto the bus thank you okay the stuff why do you always pick fights known each other a decade and any time yep it's chance [Music] my daddy's girls you spending so much time with my dad secrets secrets oh yeah what happened when you went to go find Landon curfew nothing happened something clearly did happen Rafael never showed up at school my dad was rattled so why won't you just tell there's nothing to tell [Music] oh and Josie oral sisters in solidarity for seeing as I'm the devil i can'tit listen to black magic recently I imagine isn't acceptable so fess up what did you do need your help three more words meeting her annual average [Music] this definitely was my fault tracking [Music] are you blackmailing me no now I'm just looking for a kindred spirit in revenge [Music] you sure about this absolutely I totally did like magic with him did anyone help you with the spell no can I go no your dad knows I use my magic until where I didn't tell him thank you [Music] nice job everything okay we're stuck I could use your help finding Josie Mel B and I can handle the rest just fine Josie Danna mg get up and find her too much noise [Music] take me [Music] disappear [Music] to do make quiet things hurt [Music] given my last crush I can't judge well my last question was actually segment parting out for you if you need me to help you smite the she-devil I got you girl good I might just slip you happy pills or something where we were going nothing good day your days so much better job I just know what you shouldn't have done [Music] Liz's my mom is going on is pretty long include my missions recently she just really misses her another feeling I remember how you always used to come by the school we all used to say how beautiful she was we really should have seen something you did your dad signed your names [Music] okay we know never mind it really doesn't matter anymore Missy has dips she always calls spits nuns are gonna be your turn she's just what it is even well that doesn't really make it right start that fire and I've never ruined I lost half the way to stuff in that fire including the only painting I made with my dad [Music] why would you drive a wedge between me and hope I didn't display [Music] started the fire Lizzy had made some remark about obsessed with you I just ordered out how could I be obsessed with somebody who would say such mean things about my twin but I did it I know just made it up why because I didn't want less you to know the truth I had a crush on you it wouldn't matter that I knew it's my whole life anytime I've ever liked anyone you go for them and you always win did you even consider how to hope would be aware it's fantastic she should feel amazing well she's still feel amazing and as she learns where it came from it was a gift missing guys freshman from Klaus Mikaelson oops dad [Music] she should be with the new best friend yet aggressions of course I did wouldn't where are you I'm not going alone [Music] I'll have your powers you are vulnerable and if you try to resist someone could get hurt do you understand me we do now know we figure out a way to get our powers back and we take your paramilitary ass dad said not to do anything crazy me defying your dad isn't crazy it's consistent I told you to wait for me in a shocking turn of events I ignored you yeah [Music] [Music] say I'm just husband you have to trust me Josie's gonna be Joe she got shot you guys I'm so sorry I'm gonna do you both into this and I have absolutely no idea how to get us out of it it's just right for a change zero time is bad let's go out Blandon we don't need you to be here but I can't leave you guys here go she goes officers now I'm just gonna home like ooh oMG wait I have an idea [Music] take this you know what to do with it give her a vial of my blood from the werewolf bite yours why I'll explain later - did my blood heal Josie [Music] I bet she saved Landon already in the world she's pretty good at that hope is coming back soon with Landon and then she's going to bring rock back too because once I toss myself into the pit no one at school will remember me and I don't want anyone at school to miss me because they're my friends [Music] okay yeah I don't know what came over me all your friends have forgotten if you've ever existed stop talking how are you I made peace with that I was the floors everyone happy to know I was gonna tell everyone that I was back then I saw Landon and Josie and how happy they were okay besides what's happening between you and Josie [Music] especially when one watch is my boyfriend Josie and Brandon are having sex tonight what laughs stop it speak your truth spill your beans tell your tale why didn't you tell her because I didn't want to be the one to break her heart that's your job you should get back to Jesse you want to protect her from heartbreak you're stuck with me okay so what's really holding you back [Music] having another milkshake oh sorry the comb and I'm just afraid that if I tell them she's gonna hate me forever it's Japanese for what the hell is she doing here because she's super natural doesn't mean we can't trust her and she shouldn't be here this is about hope what was that all about Susy we heard her no you didn't she's fine she was clearly making less I mean there's something off about her I just I don't know what but there's something right about hope [Music] it's definitely not who she says she is who is she what happened where's Landon's she just give her a second you said you were gonna help were you possessed no Landon was that's impossible you have something landed since you both got to evolve all right now I don't meet something of Landon's [Music] set the letter love no that's not for you your time they don't teach since this is the kind of secret [Music] no one's been better off without you [Music] and maybe that spell Josie did could bring everyone's memories back [Music] there's the spell that I'm kind of trying to reverse-engineer you have photos in your home of someone you don't recognize feels like you should know them but you don't how did you know that we've all forgotten people who is she I knew you were hiding something from me so tell me how is it we both forgot the same person at all and if you didn't tell me that to begin with I can only assume it's because you haven't decided what you're going to do with that spell this was happiness part of me didn't want to bring back everyone's memories you found a way to bring back everyone's model or memories I just think it can really hurt [Music] people I needed a push to do the right thing hopes family was missing a piece of their life too I needed to see that for me who is that girl [Music] and back to [Music] I brought backup this is Matty's ready together again it's great it's awesome I mean for the two of you not so pleased talking to each other just because you are competing for the love of the same garden no I think we're more involved evolved people talk to one another hi [Music] how are you feeling use and secret records everything that you put in your diary including the fact that when I purge the only from your mind or topic all of your memories of hope you should just it feels like my head is screaming at me no friend lied to you your twin helped to keep that secret what is that a little weapon your frenemy Josie helps create today but I'm glad you're okay are you okay yeah yeah I'm just a little drained yeah I know the feeling yeah yeah you should get some rest oh yeah I will but um I wanted to know if it was okay with you if I came back to school I messed it all the car won't come back if my being here brings you any more pain does it I didn't want to hurt you either yeah well Sarah sorry I suppose I don't want to say we can't say I don't want to be where I'm not welcome I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a coward that he is so he can't say he wants you to stay and in turn olya you belong here I guess I just wanted someone to think that I weren't staying for [Music] [Applause] things just so awkward between me and Josie and I thought they were okay he's just bad again [Music] Josie didn't maybe doesn't leave you I can help thank you but I actually don't even Lizzy told me about the Santa crock she thought I could help well you can't know by the bucket inside but you can put a protective barrier on the outside I know the time [Music] I was the foolish man thank you for doing this I couldn't have done this without you no thank you this is the most normal I felt all day why didn't choose me you're trusting person and you're more powerful than you know me I throw those things the seconds that he had me doing like magically it's like it's not mine anymore I get upset more easily I'm on edge jealous it's not all the magic when I get on malov or um I came here you guys are the first people I wanted to see he snuck onto campus you and mine didn't were having movie night or something at the mill I saw you you both looked just so happy and I was so jealous how did you work faster I tried to move on and I got a lot of that wrong too obviously but that doesn't mean we can't try again [Music] what's all this not exactly how it was but we thought things might thank you change it up a little [Music] what happened monster friend Vincent told me a story about more in this area I told the effects of black magic how dangerous they can be if they were the same clock gets damaged something really bad is gonna happen [Music] got room for one more in the cry pile [Music] [Music] my dream Josie said to me you're not alone brings back I have to know if the salton sore so I haven't been only way to do that it's nostril project there oh hello well me I can see what happened to you the same clock oh my god so sorry good luck oh you can stop doing the math [Music] [Music] you can't save to make a choice and she's landed what if what the game was trying to teach me is that something will always come between me and I didn't get to leave until I chose someone over him is he it's okay I'm just gonna put you back to sleep until we can figure out what's going [Music] [Music] Sain I don't know that we're up to anything up to what exactly come on guys this is all so unnecessary if you have something to ask me go ahead I don't buy it then I will where's Josie I'm right here silly the real Josie our Josie so you mean weak Josie she's gone I thought I made that very clear I need you to say is dangerous I just think that she is capable of something like this what are you doing well you won't putting together Plan B the case you're wrong I can't let you do that yeah what are you gonna do stop me hope why not try all three [Music] [Applause] this isn't any fun you're not even fighting back I know that you're in New Jersey give it up it's gonna take to get through your thick skull that I'm Josie I know that you think she's weak but I know the truth she's strong you are strong no one could further the burden for your friends and they miss you so please show we really need you right now I was the foolish man living the fight again find me my quiet things heard me back [Music] disappear so hopes in Josie's [Music] Josie conscience is weirding me out there's something new in my mind that I can't wage something that shouldn't be there love to leave but I'm not going anywhere until I find my friend Josie what do you want with her I came to rescue her Josie does he wake up we both miss Josie we can work together to way crown princes Josie did what she did for a reason made her sacrifice because she didn't know that was coming do you really think that you'd be the one that to bring out my good side deep down you know that we live in the middle inside of you out going on where's Pig I was anything think she likes [Music] crushin I had a crush on Josie for a week near 14 we were having a sex dream please it was or hope God kissing a baby and it's very terminal but a non-consensual kiss is never the answer you were the pig you do realize he says I'm really patronizing and and sexist thanks to me I know I just didn't want you to suspect it was me because I need you to leave okay I don't want you to get hurt but this is Josie's subconscious nothing can really hurt us here we have to keep moving nope well you've been trapped in here she's been rampaging in the real world okay she even tried to merge with Lizzie oh my god is she okay now that's why we have to stop her what do you see you in III would be no use in battle look in the star we're so weak and vulnerable [Music] than I am she is using some part of you pretty much tough subconscious you got here by the way are we surprised mom used to read his fairy tales with Louise it was so copy there is good guys guys very clear rules and you had to follow you don't made sense like my life the powerful petty [ __ ] or the good weak victim this is what being strong looks like he would arrest it all hey Josie I'm not going to leave you behind no you don't understand I can't have something else get hurt because that's the story that's Vicky who is weak and powerfully evil [Music] I thought being strong been hurting Lizzie [Music] [Music] oh he's strong and she's good [Music] zero time Oh [Music] it's a story that they're telling yourself you need a story [Music] I made a story I was powerless it's not true was it you think she's weak but I know the truth she's strong you're trusting person and you're more powerful than you know different story I can change this story enough control her somehow but [Music] that's strike three [Music] Josie you can fight her any last words for your tombstone I know you're in there Josie fight the kind of girl Penelope will fight for anymore the kind of girl random breaks up with in one speech I'm not going down without a fight yes to be some [ __ ] huh doll maybe but I still have to try she would do the same for me Josie I'm not going to leave you behind there is no getting through to her we are not giving up on Josie one day you realize that what you deserve is to never be given up
Channel: jordan bertges
Views: 622,585
Rating: 4.9309731 out of 5
Keywords: hosie, legacies, hopemikaelson, josiesaltzman, fanvidfeed
Id: k0GkT4rsMhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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