The Story of Clace

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hey can you watch where you're going you guys don't think that's a little bit suspicious you're not knowing anything about your family you can see me yeah that's kind of the point but you obviously didn't see me you have the sight wait the what jake we should go to sleep now you should stay the night you just believe that blondie clary there's nobody there the guy covered in taps like what guy are you talking about [Music] about who cares mom okay are you even listening to me look out the window magnus called to warn us they found you what no thank you for saving your life i've never seen jay so curious about a mundane who's chase wayne i'm uh clary frank we know who you are we're shadowhunters we protect the human world from the demon world i just want to find my mom i'm the best chance you've got crazy you don't know this guy i think jace can help us tell me you don't know anything about this you don't know about me you don't know about my life but in the shadow world no training and no plan gets you killed just lost everything else i know exactly what that feels like we're in this fight together there's just one more of us we carry it to remind us the light can be found in even the darkest of places i'm sorry about what i said before about your mom i didn't know it's cute you assume i have feelings everyone has a sad song what is it what did you see my father is valentine's day you're telling me this girl shows up out of nowhere and she's valentine's daughter to occur to you that she might be a spy this might be part of her plan you don't even know this girl how do you trust her blades [Music] you think you know clara she just came out of nowhere she has no one perry it's gonna be fine no it's not thanks for that any time where's the count on how many times i saved your life i think we're either no i don't think so i can't believe it i'm i'm never gonna find my mother am i hey we will find her i promise please just do me one favor sorry to me you won't take your eyes off clary where's she miss clary she's gone she's not showing up are you so blinded by your feelings for claire you've lost sight of us where are you where's clary we need to get clary back to the institute and stay out of town while they're business why don't you stay out of it on the help clary thank you for what running an errand or having my bad i'm always gonna have your back don't worry i've got a plan a good plan this time you son of a [ __ ] oh matching tattoos that's big red flag don't worry about it i get it you always fall for the bad boys right i am i think i can take it from here where does it find that what's the unlock room again i've been so focused on trying to find my mom i think i realized so much you've actually done for me so thank you jason run clary [Music] since you've arrived our whole world's been turned upside down that's why you have to listen to your head if i listen to my heart i'd never be able to do my job third rule of shadow hunting emotions being a shadowhunter means that i have to be dead inside i'm not sure i want to be one all of that contradicts the first rule of being mundane what's the first rule of being mundane love makes you stronger jace we still have to talk about us we've here's everything for her either she gives a cup to lydia or i'll do it myself let's put the picture it's a blocking room prevents anyone from finding you using shadowhunter track thank god you're okay we're risking everything going against the glaive against the other shadowhunters valentine's trying to destroy the world clary we're trying to protect it he always broke the rules and nevertheless he showed up you've had it out for clary from the start have to get it back to the institute in our dimension yeah now we've gotta find valentine chase how do you know this man he's my father we can't trust the cliff and you don't trust alec so claire needs money i see how attached you are to her but this kind of thing doesn't always make you stronger so you're saying i can't be with clary i'm saying it wasn't what i expected of you i am your father clary and jesus everything you do is for a higher principle you took the cup and you nearly handed it over to valentine that was not our intention you know that our intention this isn't about clary this is about you i should have killed him he's your father jason yours too don't let them ruin a beautiful world we didn't know right it's not our fault i can't do this right now i'm sorry you must be sick or something well i realized i can't shut you out i just don't know what to do with all this i don't know who i am anymore there's darkness in me i know you're a good man we are going to make sense of all this you cannot let valentine's evil poison you he's my father actually he's our father where's chase is he okay i'm going to valentine by himself it's like he's totally lost it i tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen we need to find jace jace we have to find jace he thinks valentine did something to him raised him to be evil but i know jase jace saved our lives that's exactly what i'm going to do you experimented on me why to create the perfect weapon the ideal marriage of good and evil a shadowhunter with pure demon blood that's why you want clary and that is why you always will he's your son i know you think you understand this world but you don't he warned me that in the future your brother would only leave death and destruction in his wake i have enough of your mind games it's me what are you doing here my children this is what i've always wanted to be with my family you and i are not family run [Music] i looked everywhere i couldn't find him are you okay but i live look it's clary she's here [Music] she [Music] you can stay away from me i'm not afraid we'll fight them off together for you me clary nope chase nope there are people here that i can't leave you have a great love for your sister don't you leave clary out of this you being near me you're reminding me every second of every day what i want but i can't have i'll figure it out to love is to destroy a horse lesson for a six-year-old boy she's clary's mother your mother i thought i'd be able to get to know her it's just something she get more time to know me that's more than just an experiment gone wrong what the hell was that you just shot sunlight out of your hand whatever just happened let's keep this to ourselves [Music] jocelyn fairchild what are valentine's little children up to i told you i'm not discussing clarity she's your family your sister don't need a reminder it's clary she's in trouble [Music] the angel showed us a vision of a demon who could destroy the sword if we could find that demon we could stop valentine [Music] i'm in love with you clary i guess but i realized that you might not feel the same way and it might get weird and that it might where it might be clary may have a blood connection to that angel and that must mean she has pure angel clary can activate the soul sword you should know valentine's coming for me isn't it means i'm never letting you out of my sight [Music] trust me i'll protect her we'll protect her if valentine ever gets to me if it ever comes to that i won't let him take you alive you can kill your falcon when you're a boy and you can't kill your sister now i have demon blood if you destroy the down world i go with it i'm just trying to save myself chase clearly i can destroy the soul sword destroy yourself in the process no why would a shadow hunter risk his life for us because you and raphael are gonna tell your downward buddies not to lay a hand on clary let me go no no jason why didn't that destroy the sword you told me i had demon blood why because that's how you are always ready to right the wrong to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves the real life hero i'm not your father josslyn is not your mother clary is not your sister what are you gonna do i'm gonna tell her [Music] you know she's lost so much she's got a good thing going with simon i'm your sister jace i know what you're going through you didn't tell it you must still have feelings for her huh not your brother clary look we need to be able to trust each other and that means being completely honest even if the truth hurts clary's got the ability to draw new runes so you must be able to do something special i guess i just need time to process stephen herrondo was your father and his wife celine was your mother chase is all your brother you feel like you're all alone in this world stop it you'll feel blurry you've had a lot taken away from you jace but that's all over now it'd be cute if it wasn't so constant nope not even that you jase herondale might have some kind of family name to live up to but the jace i know would break any rule for the people he cares about she's moved on i've moved on it's ancient history celies they want to trick you into your own self-destruction the kiss that will set them free is the kiss you most desire you can fool yourself but not the vitas veritas this means nothing look we should talk about what just happened i can't what happened to the sealy court it was real you know i felt it and i know clary did too whoa slow down lizzy i i can't just erase my feelings do clary and simon a favor don't go there chase clary's sealy magic might trick you but it's always true silly queen made you reveal who you desired most and it wasn't [Music] [Music] you taught me not to feel you taught me that to love us to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroying and you've proven how right i've been all along look at you your love for clary it will be your downfall don't you dare bring her into this she is as much a part of this as you are about to close i'm not sure okay [Music] now that you are [Music] hey up it's just a bad dream [Music] come back i still need you [Music] let me take between you and jase at the institute there's no point in talking about any of that we figure this out thank you for not asking any questions about clary you to talk when you're ready i know who you are can you hear me [Music] [Music] him one wish anything he wants you may compel me to one action clarissa morgenstern what is it that you ask bring jace back [Music] [Music] and you chose me i don't want anything else [Music] you know we did it we won everything's good besides just for now can you keep this with us of course clarissa fairchild may your heroism be a shining example to shadowhunters across the world [Applause] i felt chase die he says he has no idea why but i know he's lying mr clay i've ever found out what we did they locked you in the guard for the rest of your life if i had to do it all over again i would no one can know claire [Music] clary you gave yourself away too much credit do i all the time i think it's deserved i'm sorry did i get you no it's not a big deal relax chase are you all right yeah i'm fine i think i've seen this film before i just want to hold you and i didn't know what'd you say to dinner like a date yes clary yeah if you want to call it that a day what's the most romantic thing you two have done didn't together a demon motorcycle from cd vampire bar i've never felt about anyone before the way i feel about you clary and i am scared that if we take things too quickly you're gonna see something in me that you don't like that face has to be a climber who'd wanna hide themselves like he's just have you noticed anything different about jace he hasn't been sleeping he's been using his stamina room to stay on mission throw me your face [Music] where is jace still in the word i'm starting to get really worried he should have been back by now where have you been i think i have no idea i'm fine no you're not we need to tell the others no we need to get you some help i just need to get some rest i know how much you care about chase how much you would do to protect him and i appreciate that if there is something wrong with jason something serious you tell me about it right what broke you free of my order clary you may be strong but my love for her is stronger i kept losing my mind you didn't start feeling this way until after you were brought back do you really think that's a coincidence i think it was a trigger i'm looking for something that could make a person fall out of love to true love chase it works are you sure you're okay great we'll talk later okay maybe i'm being paranoid but he didn't exactly seem happy to see me relationships they can be exasperated can't they jace harrendale never came to the silent city around the time that jace was preparing to go to this silent city a woman came to see me she requested an elixir that would make a person fall out of love oh my god jace it's you i love you i don't love you you know sometimes i think it would be better if jason never met me before all he cared about was on then he met you and it was like he woke up from a deep sleep when i'm done using you you will return to find your friends dead and your world on fire tried not to i tried every time it's okay being a shadow hunter is about sacrifice that's the one thing you've never understood let me talk to him please give him back to me i can't lose him again there is no version of this where your chase wakes up and comes home jace if you can hear me in there i will never give up on you jace is coming for you claire is the top [Music] floor hershey where's clary i killed him claire is dead if it wasn't for me clary would still be alive i miss her too how are you you know yeah cool what if louis apartment never exploded but instead was relocated just before yeah with cleary alive inside that's clearly she must have come this far and then collapsed well whoever was after it must have picked her up and carried her back the apartment that's jonathan wherever she is she needs us wait don't shoot if you kill him i die too can't believe i'm holding you i always had this dream that one day i'd take you to paris well here we are now that i have you back all i want is to stop just for a minute i know jonathan no lilith just you and me i love you but wait is the jace hair now feeling insecure maybe a little he has the most beautiful woman in the world in his bed i am guessing that is not the first time you've used that actually it is you want me to kiss it and make it better you know yeah yeah i think that'd be nice [Music] well you know i can't really blame him for being crazy about you jeez the guy kidnapped me and held me hostage but he did it out of love exactly how many lives is clary worth to me she's worth everything clear hey hey [Music] this darkness it's growing and i every time i get close to the edge you pull me back i'm not gonna leave your side you do anything to break clara's connection with jonathan right yeah yeah of course just so hypothetically what if you could but as a consequence you can never see her again now that i've lost her wants i don't think i could ever go through that again [Music] join me no clary don't don't do it i'm so sorry why are you apologizing i promised i would never leave your side i'll harry i love you chase but i won't let you stop me it's from jace he wants to meet he says his love for me matters more than his loyalty to the new york institute i can't live without you clarion how do i know this isn't a trick please come back to me what are you talking about i'm right here i love you so much i lost her you're not a morgenstern you're a fair child [Music] are you are you back i should have fought harder for this family [Music] i wouldn't trade the shadow world for anything before i always felt like there was something missing and then i met jace outside pandemonium and my life finally made sense [Music] i'm not wasting any time it's happening tonight i can't think of a couple more perfect for each other [Music] i can think of one it's what we fight for right so we can live and love in peace they sent me to tell you not to draw another rune of your own ever again as quick as they gave you your gifts they will take them away do you think the angels are capable of forgiveness i was brought up to believe i had to be perfect and then you showed up but you've shown me that there is so much more to being a shadowhunter than just killing demons you broke everything i believe into pieces it's the best thing that ever happened to me clary's your child i love you i'll love you until i die every single cell my body loves you until the day i die [Music] [Music] by the time you read this letter my memories of you and the shadow world will be gone even if i don't remember you you will always be in my heart you know i pray every day every day to the angels that they will see that our love is stronger than their spite you can see me you can see me yeah that's kind of the point of course i can see [Music] where are you going hey hey can you watch where you're going hey i'm talking to you how can i not know who you are don't i know you from somewhere you're chase right i'm jay swinging yeah yeah yeah uh i'm jace i'm clary freddy we know who you are i'm i'm clary
Channel: Killiarious Youtube
Views: 3,043,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kxio0o60ZL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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