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let me say good afternoon to everyone being here with us and I trust that the Lord is going to say something very special to our hearts as we prepare to study his word in order for God to do what he wants to do in these very last moments of Earth's history and yours and my life it is going to require prayer and we're going to have to learn to pray like Jesus prayed I spent some time studying how he prayed and I realized that Jesus did not just pray as we understand it today and I wish so much that we could have time to go into that that's a series that the Lord is oppressed on my mind to begin working on is to pray like Jesus prayed and I will tell you that there are things that's happening in our world in our church right now that God is trying to open our eyes and to help us really see our true condition to help us see where we are in Earth's history and understanding prophecy and understanding time so that we may know exactly what we need to do we're going to begin with a word of Prayer and I'd like to invite as many of you as are able to please kneel with me if you can kneel please kneel if you cannot just bow your heads where you are father in heaven we thank you so much for the Blessed hope that we have in Jesus Christ we thank you that we can truly do all things through Christ who strengthens us even though we see so many things taking place in this world that truly is about to take the majority of the people in this world as an overwhelming surprise father we desire to be counted amongst those whom the Word of God calls the children of the light and that that day take us not unawares and so please forgive us of our sins send us your Holy Spirit may he come and open our eyes and help us to behold wondrous things from your word for father this is our prayer that we ask in Jesus name Amen all right you know I was studying a little bit about our church history and as I was studying church history there was some accounts in our history that I began to read about that I thought was very eye-opening one of them was that during the time of the Dark Ages how many of you have ever read the book great controversy okay good that's pretty much almost 100% of you that's a blessing well that means that I'm sure you remember the account where one of the ways that God would differentiate himself his people and his work from that which was done by the papacy during the time of the Dark Ages if you remember there was a little story about some reformers who decided to paint a picture if you remember reading that in great controversy they wanted to show the difference between the pump and the arrogance of the Pope versus the simplicity of Jesus Christ and the best way that they knew that they could do that was by painting a picture and as they painted that picture and laid it before the people the people were able simply by the viewing of a picture they were able to see truth versus error and it began to stimulate their minds to the point that they began to inquire well wait a minute are we really followers of Jesus Christ and it was part of what brought about this great work that was known as the Reformation well the reason why I bring that up to use because I believe in pictures and I believe that they are pictures that can be presented before God's people that by His grace will have an effect on their minds and make them think an example of that would be that I want you to notice this picture when you see this picture what comes to your mind it is imperative that we take a moment to glean on that picture and the reason why I want you to glean at that picture and look at it carefully is because this picture tells the story of the and the Adventist Church this picture makes clear as they the whole purpose of our movement I remember reading that little book manuscript release book 1 page 228 where it says so clearly that God's purpose in giving the third angels message is to prepare a people to stand true to God during the investigative judgment even that's the whole purpose of why we exist our whole purpose brothers and sisters of why we exist as a movement as a people is so that we can prepare men and women and show them how to send true to God during the final scenes of this investigative judgment that's why you're here that's why you are here nothing else counts nothing else matters if we forfeit this work brothers and sisters you might be doing a work but you're not going to do the work that's designed to finish the work and this is solemn you know why because that quotation goes on it begins to tell us that this is the reason that we established and maintained our publishing houses that means that the only reason our publishing houses exist today is to help people know how to stand you to God during the investigative judgment then it says our schools do you know the whole purpose of the 70 Adventist school is to show people how to stand true to God during the investigative judgment I see a lot of schools that are being told that our telling people that we're seventh-day Adventist brothers and sisters time will tell because anybody can take a name anyone can claim the name that's easy Romans chapter 9 and verse 6 says not all who say they are Israel are Israel anyone can say who they are but at the end of the day it's the character that tells that we are who we say we are if you call yourself a seventh-day Adventist school and if people can literally graduate and not know how to send you to God through the investigative judgment you might be a school but you not a seventh-day Adventist school are you following this picture says so much and it closes in that paragraph by telling us that this is the focus of every line in the work I see so many medical missionary booths and I see so many school booths and I see so many booths of every kind and brothers and sisters the key thing is this are we making sure that our booths have material that is designed to show people how to stand through the god or the investigative judgment brothers and sisters search your hearts search your curriculums search your programs make a decision am i a seventh-day adventists or am i not because one thing I know for sure is that time is almost finished and as a result of time being almost finished it is decision time are you following God wants to do something special in US and through us for his glory go with me to the book of Revelation the 14th chapter I want you to see what the Bible says as we just consider such a common verse such a verse that is been with us perhaps all the years that we've named the name of seven day Adventists but the question is have we considered a Bible says in Revelation the fourteenth chapter you're there please let me know by saying Amen Bible says in Revelation 14 rightly at verse 9 you see it was in 1842 between 1842 and 44 we find that the 1st and 2nd angels messages were given with great power but it was only after the disappointment of 1844 that once again a new light came to God's people as they studied together to discover what was their error what was their mistake and of course we know that they took the earth for the sanctuary they began to understand through different providential leading that they began to understand the sanctuary in heaven and of course they saw the law of God there and they realized that the sanctuary is not on earth but in heaven and that God moved from the holy to the most holy to begin a work of judgment to blot out sin not simply to forgive sin not simply the cover sin but to completely blot it out which means you don't do it anymore which means you get to a point in your love relationship with Jesus Christ that you love God so much that you actually would prefer to die than sin against God I want you to think about that and I'm going to tell you the truth brothers and sisters this has been the great focus of Jesus since 1844 till today and I believe with all of my heart the reason why Christ has not come is because he has not rebuilt his love within our hearts we love sin more than Jesus and that's why we're so loyal to it don't ever forget we are loyal to what we love what you love you're loyal to there's no question about it you love food you're going to be loyal to no matter how much counsel you get on health football if you love food more than principles of life and health and strength you're going to be loyal to it and when the belly cut with the god belly growls you're going to go ahead and invest in it and so it is there anything else if you love video games if you love sex if you love whatever it may be brothers and sisters you're loyal to what you love and this is why Jesus he has come and he wanted to reveal himself to us by beholding we'd behold that love the image of Jesus so clearly that by beholding we would become change if we begin to about the very one that we behold more than life itself and when that's done brothers and sisters that's what God says now it is safe to bring them into eternity with you not before then the Bible says in Revelation 14 starting at verse 9 and the third angel this was that prophesying again regulation 10 11 that prophesying again the third angel now had to also come into the picture while they once again had to repeat the first and second angel and the Bible says in revelation 14:9 this has been the great focus since 1844 and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the Beast and His image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture to the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the land smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name here is the patience of the saints here are they keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus brothers and sisters this must be your experience this must be my experience this should be the focus how can I get to a point that God can look at me and count me as one of his patients Saints now go to the book of Matthew chapter 16 it was a long time ago than Jesus spell something out in Matthew 16 we know it to be true but we also know that Satan will do everything possible to hinder this from becoming a reality the Bible says in Matthew the sixteenth chapter in verse 13 it says when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked sico saying whom do men say that I the Son of Man and they said some say that thou art John the Baptist and some Elias and others Jeremias or one of the prophets and he's handsome to them but whom say ye that I am it gets to a point that's related doesn't matter what everybody else says Christ was to know what do you say what do you believe where's your faith none of us are going to make it into the kingdom of heaven on someone else's bootstraps even if their name is mom and dad even if their name is pastor Eldon we must get to a point that our walk with Jesus is ours it's personal it's between he and I I've developed a friendship with the one who was altogether lovely Jesus says what do you say now I want you to look at how this goes on at this dialogue after you asked the question it says and they said some say that thou art John the better whom say ye that I am verse 16 and Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and jesus answered and said unto Him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and I say also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it Jesus made a profound statement about his church the same church that we just saw was designed to give the herald of the third angels message Christ says that this same church he says that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it now what we learn in that is that while the gates of Hell will not prevail the gates of Hell will definitely attack that's clear it says it doesn't prevail the only way it could say that is because it attacked but failed so while we know that God's church is going to make it through brothers and sisters at the same time we are going to be attacked because of this belief because of this message because of this experience Satan is going to attack the church and resistance is the reason why this is so important is because I want to show you a principle in 1st Corinthians the tenth chapter golden with me now 1st Corinthians the tenth chapter I want you to see what God is trying to show us here because the Bible is clear of what our mission is our mission is to give the herald of the three angels messages our mission is to lift up the banner of truth hidden under that wonderful third angel's message but at the same time we also understand that the church is going to be attacked and now I want you to see what the Bible says at first Corinthians a tenth chapter first Corinthians chapter 10 we're just going to go ahead and consider verse 11 now let me give you the backdrop from verses 1 to 10 the Bible's just talking about all of these different things that took place with Israel of old it talks about how Israel complained Israel murmured Israel fornicated Israel did all sorts of different wicked sins and as a result of that they suffered their just punishment well here it is that now we get to first Corinthians 10 and want you to see what it says in verse 11 it says in 1st Corinthians 10 11 now all these things happen unto them whose the venom Israel it says all these things happen unto them for and samples now what does the word in samples me we would normally say example but you see that in verse 6 just a little bit up there it also used it through the word example so therefore it is true that there was an example to take place but brothers and sisters when you look at that word and sample you will find that it's a Greek word called two poles and you know that word means types types and every type must have what an anti-type very good so we find now that the Bible is telling us that all these things that happen unto Israel of old happen for ensamples or types and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come who's that that's us so what that now is teaching us is that when we look at the events of Israel of old it is in many respects a typology of several events that are going to take place in God's church in the last days in other words while it is true that we are to look outside the church to understand where we are in prophecy brothers and sisters we would also do well to pay close attention to what's happening inside the church because that also lets us know where we are in prophecy are you following while it is true that God has given Israel his law while it is true that God gave Israel all sorts of the beautiful health messages and all sorts of statutes and judgments designed to show them how to live day by day and then a happy holy life we cannot help but to go to Exodus 32 where all of a sudden Israel is now dancing in singing and swinging all of a sudden Israel is party all of a sudden Israel is going back into the practices of idolatry to the point that God now has to rebuke them through his servant Moses we cannot help but to go also to the Bible and we begin seeing that when Moses was the prophet of God used by God as his mouthpiece that all of a sudden they were individuals who would rise up against the prophet of God and begin to say why do we have to listen to him cannot God speak to me too it's kinda like what people say today why do I need to listen to Helen why can't God speak to me too can I be a last day prophet it's amazing how we repeat the footsteps of Israel almost too accurately it's amazing that when God gave the children of Israel manna and he said that this was beautiful for you all of a sudden you read just there the Book of Numbers where all of a sudden Ezra says you know I am tired of this Fanta I want a little flesh talk to the agent today brothers and sisters we could look throughout and we can see very clearly that many of us we are reflecting Israel of old and you remember the last thing satan's last attack on israel don't you was right there at that bank of the Jordan numbers chapter 25 and you remember that it was right there at the bank of the Jordan that Israel was just about to enter into Canaan land and that was the very time that all of a sudden Satan says I'm going to send my last secret weapon and he sent a bunch of Moabite women and brothers and sisters you know we've seen that being fulfilled in two phases today in the literal application we're seeing it because there has never been so much sexual sin taking place in God's remnant Church and it does not matter and Satan is not a respecter of persons he will go from the top all the way down and he'll get him whomever he can get we see it happening we see it happening we are finding that lustful sexual base sins are taking place in God's church now brothers and sisters and Christ wants us to see that not that we would capitalize on it not that we would certainly not boast about it and not that we would begin to point fingers and judge one another but Christ wants us to understand that we are repeating history and as a result of that he says I want you to capture a clear view of what's taking place so while we see that unfortunately sexual sin is running rampant but then we know that a woman typically in prophecy also could represent a church and like never before we're finding you saw the seminar just earlier with the contemplative prayer at all these different methodologies and concepts and ideologies that we are literally borrowing from babylon babylon does not have a message brothers and sisters that can bring about a harvest did you know that why do we borrow from them so much and we're so ashamed of our message and so we see that history is being repeated to the point that it got so bad that notice how the bible spells it out in Revelation chapter 3 little what happened the very people who were supposed to prepare the people of God to stand true to him during the investigative judgment the people of the Judgment notice what God had to say about his own people revelation 2 3rd chapter the Bible says in Revelation chapter 3 and I'm sure we know this verse very well and it is none other than revelation 3 and verse 14 God had to give a message a letter to those who represented the people of the judgment and the Bible says in Revelation 3 and verse 14 and unto the Angel of the Church of the lauda seein's write these things saith the Amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God I know that works God makes it clear we can hide other people may not see us but God knows what's going on when no one else is looking and drugs they're sisters even when no one else is looking God says I also know what's going on at the heart verse Samuel 16:7 God says I know your works no one is going to be able to sneak into the kingdom God is looking for purified hearts that will transition into purified lives he says I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot I would thou wert cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth what could make god one about what is it that could actually make Christ one about the Bible says because they'll sadist that I am rich increased with goods have need of nothing this is the attitude of loud to seeing you want to know how that's being played out today sometimes you can give somebody so much Bible and spirit of prophecy to show that the path that they're going is wrong but they say you know what I'll just wait for the Lord to speak to me until then I'm doing my own thing that is that that's saying I'm rich I'm increase me good I don't need God's counsel I have my own counsel there are individuals today that is safe no matter what the Bible says and I've seen this over and over again I've done meetings and we'll go ahead and preach or teach the Word of God and we'll say do you love Jesus and everybody says oh yes I do and then all of a sudden you begin to identify an idol in their life just like Jesus had to do with that young ruler the rich young ruler comes in remember the story master what did I need to do to inherit eternal life Jesus says well how do you understand the law and then he says well I know all those things I've been keeping that from my youth up and then Jesus says okay god bless Jesus with that discernment that he looked at that man he knew there was Idol in that man's life a God in his life and therefore Jesus attacked his God go ahead and take everything that you have and give it to the poor and then come follow me in all of a sudden the same brother who thought he was a commandment keeper realizing he just violated the first two just off of that he had another god an idol in his life and it was his money there are many of us today brother say oh I love Jesus I want to follow him and do his will but at the same time once the idol is identified all of a sudden that love of Jesus suddenly disappears you know the Bible tells us the fruit of loving Jesus you know what it is don't you John 14:15 if you love me what did Jesus say you do you keep my Commandments you remember when Jesus separated the sheep from the gold in Matthew 25 talk about the Sheep over here to go over there so that means that in the church we have sheeps and goats right you know you know how you know what a sheep and a goat right I have an event in this friend of mine share this with me and it was so potent I said old man I got to share that with God's people the way you can know a sheep from a goat in the church is very simple she always follow the Shepherd she will just follow the Shepherd that Shepherd goes ahead and tries to leave the Sheep the Sheep was just go ahead and follow and if the Shepherd has to do a little gentle redirection or what happened is she they'll go ahead and do it and the sheep will realize oh okay and the chief will just start following and cooperating as she she followed the Shepherd but you know what goat a goat has horns on his head doesn't it you know why go has horns on his head so we can do it so it could but things you want now you know goat in the church I know what the vibrant spirit of prophecy says but it's true the Bible says this about health reform but it's true that the spirit of prophecy says it's about dress reform but go God doesn't want you to be a go he says he wants to be a she I love the Shepherd where he leads whatever it tells you to do you follow God says that they think that they're rich and increase with good have need of nothing but they don't know that they are wretched miserable poor blind and even naked Christ says that I can't save anybody like that and that's why he counsels us this enviably goal try to the fire white raiment and so on and brothers and sisters the reality is this the very church that was designed and raised up to prepare the people to stand true to God during the investigative judgment we're finding that there are many of us now in the church that we ourselves are not standing true to God during this investigative judgment and therefore our message has become weak as a result of this God says I must do something you will know what God's going to do go to the Book of Amos chapter 9 in Amos chapter 9 we find that God says I have to do something in Amos the ninth chapter I want you to see this now because of this reality because of this true condition that we are in we think we're all right when really we're all wrong Bible says in chapter nine I want you to see what God says he must do and as he did it with Israel of old he's doing it with Israel today because all these things happen unto them for and samples notice what the Bible says in Amos chapter 9 name is 9 and verse 9 the Bible says for lo I will command and I will do what I will set the house of Israel among all nations like as corn is sifted in a sleep he says yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth Christ says that my church has gotten to a point that there are so many bad things that have taken place there's so many adoptions and adaptations that have taken place that Christ says I have no other recourse I need to shake up my church brothers and sisters that shaking has started since the days of sister Wyatt we are living in the closing scenes of those shakings this is why brothers and sisters you know my real message is for you today stay focused brothers and sisters stay focused and with staying focus stand firm with staying focus stand firm the reason why I say that is because there are tracks that the devil is using today to try to distract God's people that we lose our focus and that we're no longer standing firm you say brother lemon what are you being brothers and sisters what I'm saying to you is when you're in a church and you realize that every wind of doctrine is blowing now people have made salvation out of 25 20 people have made salvation out of feast days people have made salvation out of all these various doctrines brothers and sisters and people are getting caught up by these winds brothers and sisters you're not staying focused you're not standing firm we're getting caught up in fanaticism and all these different things and all it's designed to do is to shake us when we begin seeing all these battles and fights that are taking place I learned something very powerful from an African proverb you want to know what proverb is when two elephants fight when two elephants fight you want to know what really gets hurt the grass in other words two elephants can fight and they may scathed one another here and there but you know what really gets damaged the grass you know what you are you are the grass root members of the church and there are elephant powers fighting in our church right now brothers and sisters and while these elephant powers are fighting against one another brothers and sisters you will find that it's the grassroot people that are getting hurt the most you got to stay focused you got to stand firm don't get distracted we have already been told that heresies were going to come in that's why when I hear about homosexual movements in the church I'm hurt but I'm not surprised when I hear about individuals who can even be paid by God's sacred tithe and they have the nerve to say there is no sanctuary no victory over sin brothers and sisters that's a sin and I'm hurt but I'm not surprised when I hear of call conferences that can come together or a union and they can go ahead and vote against what the Bible clearly says and what the spirit of prophecy clearly says and when the GC president takes a stand and pleads from his heart to say please we're not saying don't do it we're just saying let's give it time so we can address it in the right place and the people who profess to be part of the patient states demonstrate impatience and go ahead and vote anyhow I'm hurt but I'm not surprised stay focused stand firm don't get caught in the minutiae because there's plenty of it we're seeing all sorts of wins of doctrines and battles and behaviors taking place in God's church and that's why God says give him a picture I lied to you not I was on my knees 1:30 a.m. this morning I said father what do these people need I only have one seminar and God literally said show him a picture give them their focus back brothers and sisters that's your focus don't lose this focus it is time to finish the work the Bible spells out how this work was going to be finished in a wonderful way in Revelation chapter 10 go there with me now Revelation chapter 10 I want you to see what the Bible says as we consider Revelation chapter 10 it was in Revelation two tenth chapter that we find right there in verse seven that there was something that was going to take place when this angel would begin to sound the Bible says but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound it says the mystery of God should be what finished as he hath declared to his servants the prophets the Bible says the mystic of God should be finished this is the great work that Christ was to do in that mostly sanctuary he wants to make sure that that mystery of God gets finished now what is this mystery go to Colossians chapter 1 with me Colossians chapter 1 what is that mystery want to show it from the Bible you want to make it very clear and then we're going to go ahead and study it from a practical perspective Colossians chapter 1 I want you to see what the Bible says if we consider verses 26 and 27 in Colossians chapter 1 verses 26 and 27 notice what the Bible says it says even the mystery which has been hidden and from generations but now it's made manifest to his Saints to whom god would make know what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is what christ in you the what hope of glory amen this is the great work that Christ wants to finish he wants the mystery to be finished which is Christ in you divinity in humanity again first time it was proclaimed in first Timothy 3:16 it says for greatest mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh that was talking about Jesus Christ as I finished this mystery but now I'm going to finish one more mystery that mystery is this God in you the hope of glory first time Jesus says they have prepared me a body that was the body that came crashing down this is once again Christ and I'm trying to prepare my body so that I can do great work in Christ in you the hope of glory now if Jesus is in us then there must be a picture of what that looks like if Christ is in us this is the focus that's the focus behind this picture Christ in us the hope of glory it's not just simply knowing who the Beast is because brothers sisters there'll be many people who are going to know who the Beast is and still receive the mark there's a lot of people that understand all sorts of things about conspiracy theories and are not one step closer to Jesus then if they never knew any conspiracy theory understanding all the conspiracy theories brothers and sisters not going to make you a child i understanding days times in charge that's not going to make you a child of God in and of itself if prophecy does not have its sanctifying effect in effect in the human heart which is exactly what Peter said in 2nd Peter 1 19 4 we have also a more sure word of prophecy that we do well to take heed unto it as into a light that's shining in a dark place on till something happens what is it that happens the day dawn and the day star arises in your heart brothers and sisters if understanding prophecy has not increased your devotional life something's wrong with your understanding of prophecy if understanding prophecy has not increased your prayer life something wrong something wrong with your understanding a prophecy if understanding dates and times and charts and all these other events if it has not caused us to be more kind and courteous to others something's wrong with you understanding a prophecy no one can rightly truly understand prophecy brothers and sisters and still not reflect that image of Jesus as they should that was God's whole purpose of prophecy the day star rises and so you find that the focus of the third angel's message is to help us understand that time is almost finished soon a very soon the Beast is going to flex its bicep and enforce its mark and therefore we must come to Jesus and find a refuge in him before it is too late we must let him live out his life within us our scripture reading at our home right now with all of my children our memory verse for this week is Galatians 2 and verse 20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me we must let him live out his life within us it's the great work that Christ wants to do oh I love this picture it's so much in this picture what does Jesus look like go to the book at John 14 with me let's study the Bible study the Bible John 14 John the 14th chapter I'm just going to show you some cute little gems here I believe the Word of God put there on purpose so that our minds can be stimulated by study the Bible says in John 14 and verse 6 you know this text very well I'm sure Jesus of course was saying that he's going to the Father and then they said how do you go to the father and tell us to come we don't know the way and then what was Jesus's answer I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me Christ says I'm that way that gets there now with Jesus being the way to the Father I want you to notice what the Bible also says about the way in Psalms the 18th division goes on say Tina this I thought this was very interesting just looking a little bit of Jesus I hope you don't mind that Psalms the 18th division I want you to see what the Bible says as we consider Psalms 18 in verse 30 Christ is the way to the Father amen to that but now notice what the Bible says in Psalms 18 and verse 30 the Bible also says as for God his way is what perfect as for God his way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried he is a buckler to all those that trust in him so Christ is not simply the way but Christ is also perfect the Bible says are you following now because Jesus is perfect I want you to see what the Bible shows naturally extends from him in his perfection which is in Deuteronomy the 32nd chapter go there with me now Deuteronomy the 32nd chapter notice that's not Christ is the way Jesus that way it's perfect and notice what the Bible says in Deuteronomy 32 as we consider now verse 4 Bible says in Deuteronomy 32 and verse 4 he is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways our judgment a God of truth without iniquity Justin Wright is he so we find that Christ is the way Christ was perfect therefore his works were perfect are you following now understanding that now I want you to go ahead and go to the book of first John chapter 2 let's transition first John chapter 2 in first John the second chapter now let's see what the Bible says here first John chapter 2 and we're going to consider verse six first John 2 and verse 6 and look at what the Bible says about Christ who is that way in first John chapter 2 notice what the Bible says as we consider verse 6 it says he that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to what walk even as he walked so why don't we learn about Jesus as it related to the way he walked in his life he was what perfect so therefore what does God expect our walking life with him to be like perfect as well flawless now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy with God this is possible this is possible now understanding this go to John the seventeenth chapter and look at this while Christ says that perfections that I had when I walked on this earth Christ says that's the perfection I want you to have while you walk on this earth and as a result of walking in that perfection notice what is also the fruit thereof John the seventeenth chapter notice what the Bible says in John 17 and we're going to consider John 17 and verse 18 John 17 and verse 18 Christ as it relates to the work that he did I want you to notice how how he spells it out of the work he wants us to do the Bible says in John 17 in verse 18 it says as thou has sent me into the world even so have I also sent them into the world so the same way that Christ when he walked on his earth he walked in perfect harmony and obedience to God is the same way he says that I want you to walk in this world in perfect harmony and obedience to God then the same way that his work was perfectly acceptable to God it's the same way that he wants your work to be perfectly acceptable to God are you following so far is it simple enough so far all right now watch this the question is how was Jesus able to live this quote/unquote perfect life and do this perfect work how was Jesus able to do that are you ready to see a beautiful quotation that I found that I thought was just amazing listen to this quotation here I want you to think about this you remember when Jesus you remember that uh he was there in the wilderness is fighting against Satan and Satan of course was trying to tempt him and as Satan was doing that did Jesus get the victory oh yes he did Jesus got the victory now Jesus got the victory and there are several reasons for this and I want to give you some practical points because I believe if we can walk in the footsteps of the master we can have the experience he had does that make sense that's why he's called our example our pattern man notices Jesus is there and he's rebuking Satan get thee behind me Satan and so on and I want you to look at this quote it says God calls upon us to reach the standard of perfection and places before us the example of Christ characters is actually apostles 531 it says in his humanity look at this perfected by a life of what constant resistance of evil how what was one of the keys or clues of how Christ's life was perfected there was a constant resistance of evil now let me pause on this first of all nothing even Jesus could not resist evil unless he had the one in him that enabled him to do it that's why the Bible says that he was filled with the Spirit of God from his what from his youth or from even his mother's womb so it is that when we dare to get into this battle with the enemy we must that it cannot be won by Mike or by power but by God's Spirit so the first and foremost access that we need is to understand the need for the presence of God's Holy Spirit it can't happen without its assistance so if you think that you're just going to simply say what I'm just going to go ahead and resist evil brothers and sisters you're going to find that evil will entrap you every time it is not by might nor by power but it's by God's Spirit we're going to need the indwelling presence of Jesus we need his experience brothers and sisters to go ahead and live in his experience he was filled with the Holy Spirit we must be filled with the Holy Spirit amen now when we are filled with the Holy Spirit he gives us power acts 1:8 so when the Holy Ghost comes to us he gives us power part of what this power is designed to do is help us constantly resist evil so therefore going on now the Savior showed that through cooperation with divinity human beings may in this life attain to perfection of character this is God's assurance to us that we too may obtain complete victory now brothers and sisters question what do you think was one of the starting points that enabled Jesus to resist evil prayer good what else knowing the word good what else fellowship with this father you must be husband and wife amen they said that in harmony beautiful fellowship with his father what else fasting what else watch this this if I if I say Isaiah 7:14 how many of you know what that verse is if I say Isaiah 7:14 it's one of those popular Adventist XD you know it brother say again that one either okay no problem go to Isaiah 7:14 watch when you read it you're going to say oh that's the text look at Isaiah 7:14 when I say Isaiah 7 in verse 14 I want you to notice this because it's not enough to just simply know what Jesus did but we need to know where he started that enabled him to do what he did so wherever Jesus started we should start to now notice what the Bible says in Isaiah 7 and verse 14 is actually a very popular text of Scripture how many of you are looking at it right now saying oh yes I know this verse how many of us okay so we know this verse right now in Isaiah 7:14 the Bible says therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name one emanuelle so doing how many of us have read this verse before just by every single one of us right okay now watch this we have read this verse before and the verse is talking about who it's talking about Jesus but his name is Emmanuel how many of you have ever read verse 15 what's the same verse 15 it says in verse 15 let's read it together it says butter and honey shall he eat why did he eat it that he may know to do what refuse the evil and do what choose the good Jesus's life was a life that was a constant resistance of evil is that right what was one of the agencies that God used in the life of little Jesus to assist him to accomplish that work it was his diet mercy hmm he's dying this simple diet in fact I want you to think about this because we live in a time right now where people still struggle seeing the connection between health reform of the third angels message people are still struggling to understand where does health reform play a role in victory over sin and my thing is is that clearly these are individuals who have not adopted the medical missionary mindset the medical missionary brothers and sisters we are told is simply those who take the gospel and practice it you will find that God breath this is he just showed us from his word then one of the means that God gave to Jesus to enable and help him to constantly resist evil and she was good God says I'm going to give you a certain diet I'm going to go ahead and give you certain things to partake of somebody says but wait a minute butters in there is that animal product sure it was but it was safety then it's not now same way fish was able to eat be then but not now if you don't believe that if you go to hosea chapter 4 you look at verses 1 to 3 and you see prophetically that god told us that in the last days it says the beasts of the field the fowls of the heaven and the fishes of the sea we're all going to be come and people their disease that's why we don't eat fish today even though Jesus fed people with fish in his day Christ is simply letting us know what was safety then is not safety now even in the days of other ylo I says butter and cream was okay in her day but she complimented it by saying but very soon the time will come where it will be unsafe to eat eggs and milk and all these other things and brothers and sisters are we here yet yes we are even Barabbas will tell you that that's why it's a slap at every seven-day I've been his face when we're hungry and we got to go to a Buddhist to get a vegan meal we have to go to to an Indian restaurant to get a vegan meal we have to go to New Agers and literally empower them because we did not follow God's counsels of raising of hygienic rest as he told us to do we were supposed to be the head and not the tail and we are definitely the tail following another head Christ was able to adopt this now when Jesus ate this I want you to show I want to show you something that governed the mind of Jesus that I prayed will begin to govern your mind when it comes to eating and drinking go to the book of Proverbs 24 with me and I want you to see something here you see there were qualifiers of the food that Christ ate it is true that Christ ate butter and honey I'm going to give you an example of some principles of what govern Jesus even in appetite as relates to this thing on honey look at this very quickly with me we're going to proverbs chapter 24 now on proverbs 24 I want you to see what the Bible says this is a very interesting as I was reading this out in proverbs 24 these were principles that govern the mind of Jesus these are principles that should govern you and I when it comes to our eating and drinking habits so that way we can have the experience Christ had so we can refuse what he refused and embrace what he embraced are you following notice what the Bible says in proverbs 24 verse 13 in proverbs 24 verse 13 you see even though Jesus yes honey was part of his diet but I want you to look at this it says in proverbs 24 13 my son eat the honey why because it is good so therefore when Jesus would eat something he would eat it because he knew that God says it was good to eat other things today that God is telling us it's not good to eat does that include many of these unclean animals that includes all the unclean animals now how about the clean animals do you know most individuals who eat even clean me today are practicing sin there are three rules in the body of the God gave for all consumption of even cleanly that's biblical and also reinforced in the New Testament the first one of course is in Genesis 9:3 and for that's for those of you who want to take notes in Genesis 9:3 and for God's it's alright you can eat the clean animals but take all the blood up so therefore we should need nanniversary has blood in it when you read first time you'll 14 and verse 33 the Bible the children Israel said we CIND in that we have eaten blood is a syndicate who eat meat with blood of it and it never was repealed that's why in acts 15 the Bible says in acts 15 that the New Testament teaching was that they should not eat blood so therefore there are many individuals who by varying by way of eating meat that still has blood in it rather than it can be a chicken cow or fish only one if it has blood in it God says I don't want my people eating it because disease flows through blood and God says my greatest desire for you is that you prosper and be in health how can you do that if you're eating things with diseased blood in it so God says number one back gotta go when you read Leviticus 17 and verse four three and four it also says that all the fat had to be removed so if you're going to eat animal products number one no blood it has to be kosher or halal number two fat has to be removed now here's a great really good stuff do you know that the Bible also says that after three days the animals not supposed to be eaten after it was killed so I want to if you look at just those three simple rules we could see that many of us are in total violation of the Word of God while we not chicken beef fish goat and everything else because many of us are eating it with blood inside which the Bible forbids manifesting it with fat inside while the Bible forbids and many of us are eating it while it has been many days perhaps weeks after it has died and we wonder why we're getting so sick and people are dying and then when someone dies of kemp's or one of these horrible diseases we say oh well it was their time we forget that Ecclesiastes 7:17 says neither be thou foolish for why would you die before your time so brothers and sisters God says number one I want my people to start getting control over their appetite but it goes even deeper than that because it's not even about the product it's also about something else notice what the Bible says in proverbs 25:16 look at this down in proverbs 25:16 it also says this this was another principle that governed the eating it's even of Jesus Christ the Bible says in proverbs 25:16 hostile found honey it says each so much as is sufficient for thee lest thou be filled therewith and vomit so another rule of Jesus was that even if it's healthy I cannot over indulge in it Jesus was a very balanced man and he understood that this enables me in the function of my brain to be able to think clearly when evil comes and presents its ways to me and this is why he was mindful of what he put inside a system so I am NOT saying that apples are going to make you righteous I am NOT saying that kale makes you righteous Eve ate the most healthiest fruit that ever touched planet Earth and it brought sin into the world so there's no article of food that can make someone righteous or wicked but runs this this is what God is trying to say is I want my people to be obedient you see it was an issue of obedience that brought sin into this world it was disobedience and so it is that Christ says when I give an instruction as it relates to what I want my people to put inside of their temple bodies he says I'm doing this because I want them to understand that it is a blessing when you are obedient and therefore he wants us now I want you to look at this when we consider this quote here what do you think about that that's pretty amazing isn't it I mean somebody will probably die on the spot if they hate that now this is clearly a picture of gluttony this is a clear picture of overeating now the first thing we want to understand is that having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting what holiness in the fear of God so the affecting of holiness in an individual this it is need it is needed that there is a cleansing of ourselves from filthiness of the flesh and mind it's not just simply all mental it's not simply all spiritual but it also deals with practices that we do with the body that's second Corinthians 7:1 now it says gluttony is the prevailing sin of this age that's the issue that's happening right now overeating gluttony now notices it goes on to say lustful appetite make slaves of men and women and the crowds their intellects and supervise their moral sensibilities to such a degree that the sacred elevated truths of God's Word are not appreciated it says the lower propensity have ruled men and women that's why whenever I talk with people who are struggling with sexual addictions one of the things that I deal with them on is on dieting do you know that you have to deal with that if you're a counselor if you're if all you're doing is just getting all into the psyche and the mind and and all these other things that's good but that's not enough we must get to the point of the diet why because we have just told look at it again it says lustful appetite lusting a passion a desire for something strong overbearing it says it makes slaves of men and women and be clouds their intellects so watch this if the intellect is be clouded and if the moral sensibilities are stupefied that means that when someone comes to you and they come in the form of a temptation and your intellect is be clouded and your moral sensibilities are stupefied then what's going to happen is the sacred elevated truths of God's Word they won't be appreciated and the only thing to give into are going to be those lower propensity 'he's the animalistic passions the basic propensity and that's why we have a whole bunch of young people masturbating this is why we have all sorts of individuals practicing all these illicit sexual behaviors and all these different things all of this stuff and by the way you can also commit sin even in the marriage bed I challenge anybody read that book testimonies on sexual behavior marriage and divorce and if you read that book it talks about the lustful things that can take place in the marriage covenant some people are simply imitating pornography in the holy Covenant of marriage that's a sin so we find that these lower propensity are taking control of individuals why because muscle appetite this is why God wants to address this thing you remember in Proverbs 30 verses 7 through 9 the Bible tells us very clearly that Solomon says feed me with food convenient for me lest I be full and didn't IV and say who is the Lord brothers and sisters overeating can affect the intellect and the moral sensibilities to the point that if we're not careful we will literally deny God to his face that's why God hates lustful appetite so much and by the way it's not just lustful appetite with Burgers and Fries it can even be with tofu that's right it can even be with tofu Jesus Jesus ate honey honey was good but Jesus still said I've only eaten enough that's efficient notice it says it is possible to eat immoderately even of wholesome food it does not follow that because one has this part of the use of hurtful articles of diet he can eat just as much as he pleases overeating no matter what the quality of food clogs the living machine and thus hinders it in its work and so we find brothers and sisters that we must be careful that we do not allow lustful appetite to control us Jesus was careful with that and believe it or not this was one of the means of how Christ was able to constantly resist evil it was because he was temperate in all things especially in appetite and I'm telling you brothers and sisters that this is a major struggle we still have today in present truth in Adventism we minimize our health message we minimize the health work we still don't see the connection between health reform the mind and the third angel's message and we wonder why we got people voting to put sisters and pastors and all these other issues in the church part of it could be that the mind was clouded the intellect was the clouded could it be that the moral sensibilities we're not in line if you're going to deal with the problem get to a lot of these root issues and stop dealing with a lot of these symptoms these are some slides I'll go ahead and pass I was these are just medical articles you know sometimes people want to hear Barabbas before they hear Jesus so this this Barabbas there's a world the world will tell you what's happening when it comes to overeating it says in March 28th 2010 Nature Neuroscience describes these rats indulgent tribulations they did a test on rats they allow the rats to overeat the rats began overeating so much that it got to a point that it's they saw that the rest started going through indulgent tribulations and adding to research literature on how excess food intake can trigger changes in the brain so this is what Barabbas is saying in case people don't want to hear Jesus Bible said it a long time ago but medical science is late but nevertheless not too late and they're telling us that overeating literally causes chemical changes in the brain one of them is dealing with don't believe and dopamine it is it's a chemical produced in the brain that helps with cognitive ability in other words it allows people to think and make decisions look at this it says cognition and frontal cortex in the frontal lobes dopamine controls the flow of information from other areas of the brain dopamine disorders in this region of the brain can cause a decline in neuro cognitive functions especially memory attention and problem-solving as medical science just affirming what Solomon says so long ago if I eat too much food I can get to a point that I will deny you and even say who is the Lord that's the point brothers or sisters so therefore one of the steps that we must do is that there must be a battle if you find right now that would ever be in your life that there are constant temptations that are coming your way first access to power who's the power Jesus is the power through His Holy Spirit so the first thing we need to do is tap into the power source which is none other than the Holy Spirit of God when he comes within us he is the one that gives us power that when evil since itself we will be able to resist it but we must cooperate and the fruit of the Spirit is not just love peace and long-suffering and gentleness and goodness and faith and meekness but also temperance so therefore cooperate with the Spirit of God was another thing or another step is this I brought upon the thorn that Christ in his humanity perfected by a life of what holiness see so it was not just simply that his life was perfected by the fact that he constantly resisted evil because brothers/sisters there's more to life than resisting evil things thank the Lord it's not about just cut off cut off cut off bad music cut off their food and cut off bad friends and cut off cut off yes there's going to be a lot of cutting off we're gonna have to do in this world but there's also a lot of cutting on you got to fill the gaps you got to bridge the gaps if you cut off TV replace it with the study of God's Word if you're going to cut off movies replace it with Christian Fellowship if you're going to cut off cut on so while there's a constant resistance of evil there must also be a constant embracing of a life of holiness there must be a constant embrace of a life of holiness and we know that brothers and sisters the Bible says in Romans 7 that God's law is holy so obviously we want to make sure that our life is in harmony with God's law we know that who Jesus was a man who studied the Scriptures because we know that he said it is written he lived by that he died by that Jesus was a man of Prayer Luke 22 you read about how even when he was assailed right there in the garden that the Bible tells us that he would begin to pray more earnestly as he was in more agony Jesus knew how to pray all of these are bracing it but I want to show you an act of holiness that sometimes we don't consider as deeds of holiness let's notice what the Bible says as we consider Acts chapter 10 and as we prepare to close on some of these points in Acts chapter 10 in Acts the tenth chapter we find that there was not only the embracing of holy virtues like prayer the study of Scripture the teaching of God's Word amongst many other things but we find also that there was something else there would be the holiness that Jesus did remember it wasn't just his character but there was his work that was perfect the Bible says in Acts chapter 10 in verse 38 the Bible says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing what who went about doing one good who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him brothers and sisters another dynamic another dynamic of what was able to help Jesus to be faithful unto death number one there was a constant resistance of evil number two there was also a pursuing of that which was wholly like God's law like God's Word like understanding prayer and the list goes on but brothers and sisters along with that word deeds of holiness now I'm gonna let you in on a secret I stand before you 40 years old I joined the church when I was 20 and something that I remember because I one day inquired about a lot of the people who got baptized with me and I wanted to know how they doing well I found out that the majority of them have either left the church who they've just gone cold in the church but isn't a love for Christ anymore they're just kind of burning out fading out phasing out and I started to think about this I was like why is that happening and I know that there was one thing that was very consistent in my life when I joined the church that I'm grateful for because I believe it's the lifeline of the Christian I've studied it now so now I know it's the lifeline of the Christian literally from the day I joined the seventh-day Adventist Church 20 years ago you have to understand from gross darkness I was in the entertainment world I was into the hip-hop and arvy culture I was really caught up I saw a lot of things I pray you would never see and what happens is when you come out of darkness into this marvelous light brothers and sisters this is a marvelous light and when I saw this light I could not help but to want to share this light so that whenever I got a chance my friend Damien he was the guy that I was dancing with when I was in the world as soon as I gave my heart to Jesus and joined this movement he was the first brother I call this indeed you got to check this thing out found something powerful he said alright show it to me we showed it to him he said I'm in he got that time and then next thing you know we said alright let's go on a hunt we started going looking for all of our friends I said look I don't know anything but we're gonna have the Bible study at my house and I said bring him by my house I didn't wait until I was some scholar I said no I have a story to tell I'm going to invite people to my house can you do that here it is that next thing you know I open up the doors to my house and Damien he was the missionary he would go and just bring people into the house and next thing you know we started having Bible studies at the house and that's how I met my wife called me up he said hey man I met this young lady I'm going to bring it to the study tonight her name was Alexandra DeRay at that time Alexandra Lenin today and here it is that I met my wife my wife she gets baptized we study with her sister her sister gets baptized we stayed with her brother her brother gets baptized and our life was just a life of literally burning up the streets of New York and we started going around sharing God's truth now brothers and sisters what I did not realize is that I was plugging into a lifeline and I didn't even find that out until much later there is something about going about and doing good something about going about and sharing with others one of the great reasons why we get caught up with so much ridiculous fights amongst one of the others because we have too much idle time we would not get caught up in half of the minutia that we find ourselves getting caught up in if we were staying focused and standing for earn and doing what Jesus did Jesus did not get caught up into all the philosophies and the battles that the Pharisees were going through jesus said that's all right now go ahead and go through it Jesus says there's people out there dying I'm going to focus on the grassroots that was Jesus's ministry I'm focusing on the grassroots I'm going to reach those people that are too you know they're not up there with you guys but I'm going to go and reach them and I'm going to give them the gospel and Jesus was busy about his father's business one of the reasons why we find ourselves getting caught up has so much stuff is because we're distracted and we're not staying focused and we're not doing the work God has called us to do brothers and sisters then he asked you something do you know now I made this rule for myself you make whatever rules you want for you in your household but I made the rule 20 years ago that stands today woe be unto me if I'm not with somebody sharing God's truth how many of you can honestly take one hour one day a week to share God's truth with somebody who doesn't know it are you that busy we find so many excuses not to share God's word with others we say well the church is messed up listen the church was messed up in Jesus's day the church was messed up in otherwise day that didn't stop Jesus from witnessing the centurions and Sarah Phoenicians that did not stop L&Y from witnessing to all of those outside of the church and that shouldn't stop you I'm amazed at all these inReach ministries as all there's so many of us that we're doing all this work strictly for inReach we say oh the church is messed up so what's the point of trying to bring people in it well first of all who says you greet people in the last I checked when Irene volume 6 is a testimony to the church page 371 it says the Lord does not now work to bring many souls into the truth and I get two points out of that number one it is true God is not now working while our church is going through all this stuff God's not working to bring many people in right now but it didn't say any did so the first thing I learned is that it is true that while there's so many unconverted members and members who were once converted but at vaccin God says I will not allow Pentecost part to take place until I finish shaking up my church but while that's true God says but I am bringing some in and I thank God one of them his name was going leaven how about your name God didn't bring me in this movement to be part of the foolishness he brought me in to be part of the solution that's the difference now brothers and sisters my point is this number one God says I'm not working to bring many but I am working to bring some in and though some that I bring in are going to be part of the solution but point number two the Lord does not now work to bring many the Lord does not not work to bring many so the Bible makes it clear the spirit of prophecy makes it clear God brings people in not you not me I can bring it anybody you know the sooner we understand that is the less will be compromising and watering down God's message to try to bring people in God brings people in so you know what you do it's not your business when they come in you know what's your business get to work your business is plant seeds your business is nurture the people your businesses do your gardening work your businesses go ahead and work the soil plant the seeds and let God bring the harvest in is tiny God is not giving you the responsibility to say when where how and why God says go share you know why because something happens to you when you share let's go to Isaiah 58 as we prepare to close in Isaiah the 58th chapter there's so many people who believe that if we do this work why do we do it oh the church is so messed up and all these other things not brothers and sisters this is me there's a lot of inReach ministries today where people just are totally focused on all the problems Church and everything is about working with the people only in the church you know the biggest reason why I have a problem with that and I know God does here's what I found a strange the same ministries that will say that everything needs to be focused within are the same mysteries I say they give it to three angels messages and I thought to myself said well let's see now the first angels message fear God and give glory to him through the hours judgment has come worship Him that made heaven and earth and so on okay yet I mean I you know I guess there's a place that we can obviously there's a place that we can share that even amongst our own people but the second agent what do you do with it the second angels message is Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication come out of her my people what happens to that message if the ministry is totally in reach you throw the second angels message out the window unless you believe the 7-day Adventist Church has become Babylon and if you believe that then you're going to have to really deal with some Bible problem by the spirit of prophecy quotes that make it blazingly clear that God's church is not Babylon nor will be Babylon so you get the point there are problems in the church but that does not mean that we stop working to win souls to God's truth God says go ahead and work go ahead plant the seeds go ahead guide and struck and leave and God says and those that I want in I'll bring them in now and those that I don't I won't and guess what you know what either way I'm fine you want to know why because it is that same wonderful writings of the spirit of prophecy that tells us that many people under the law cry are going to join God's church as a result of the publications that they have once received in other words if we were doing gospel ministry medical missionary work and the publishing work as God told us to do we don't have to worry about when folks come in God Himself is holding some people back right now you don't want my god ooh I've learned that that's a losing battle all day long God is actually hope so sometimes you study with your uncles and aunts and nieces and you say why haven't they join the church it could be and you look back and you're not like some some people just blend in the work they do a sloppy work and they mess up the word so those individuals are going to have to do an assessment to say what can I do better so that instead of one soul that could be twenty like volume 4 page 60 ACS but there are others who might have done everything right and they're saying put my mother my father my brother my sister my friend they still haven't joined God's church it could be that God says I'm holding them back because if they were to come in now and see the level of unconverted medals and members who were once converted and have back slated they not only would leave but they would lead with their hearts fully closed close to me and never return so therefore God of mercy says I'm going to hold some people back I'm not bringing it at all yet I'm gonna just let your seeds of truth that you shared with them I'm gonna just let it bud sprout and go through its process slowly and eventually when it's safe when I finish up my shaking process then I'm going to go ahead and bring Pentecost part to it so someone says well then why do I block share Jesus with others well first of all you do because Jesus said but secondly let me show you a nice little secret that takes place Isaiah 50 Bible says in Isaiah the 58th chapter in verse 6 it says it's not this the fast that I have chosen to lose the bands of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke this is ministry this is doing good it's what Jesus did it says is it not to deal with I bread to the hungry that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house without seeing the naked that I'll cover him and that I'll hide not thyself from Oh Lech Bible says that after we do all of these things what's the very first word of the next verse then what does then me because of this so something happens to us because of this work we're doing what does the Bible say happens it says then shall die what then shall thy light break forth as the morning and thine health shall spring forth speedily and thy righteousness shall go before thee the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward in other words brothers and sisters there's something about the act of soul-winning that actually blesses you there's something about reaching those who know not God's truth that it does something for you brother that's I'd love to meet my seven day Adventists brethren and when I see that there in the darkness and they don't understand the foundation and I can go ahead and introduce that foundation to them oh I love that I love them I've seen revival Reformation take places the hearts of those who are seventy Adventists and I praise the Lord for that but brothers and sisters I don't know what it is but when I go out into the world and I see people who are in just total complete darkness living in some of the most gross basis sins and you talk to those individuals and you share the light of God's truth and God's love and you watch that spark of light light up in their eyes and they give their hearts to Jesus but since that thing has an effect upon the heart nothing can replace God says this is the work I'll work with in work with that and so you'll find that I want you to look at this we think about Jesus and doing good we see him healing the blind the lame the dumb of the signal we think about Jesus doing good we see him there feeding the 5,000 when we think about Jesus doing good we also see him there preaching and teaching his words of truth to others and the key point is this is that it says very clearly in the words of inspiration it tells us the light of the Sun righteousness is to shine forth in good works and words of truth and deeds of holiness deeds of holiness how was Christ's life perfected his life was perfected by a life of constant resistance of evil but his life was also perfected by an embracing of holiness what are those aspects of holiness it is of course keeping his law it is the study of his word it is spending time in the secret chambers of prayer but brothers and sisters it is also in deeds of holiness you got to be about your father's business and I guarantee you if you're saying focus and you're standing firm and you're being about your father's business brothers and sisters you won't have time to get caught up in a lot of the distracting forces that is stealing away the faith of so many of God's people in the Redmond church right now don't forget that picture stay focused do what God says we are told Christ the outshining of the father's glory came to the world as its life he came to represent God to men and of him it is written that he was anointed with the Holy Ghost with power and went about doing good may God help us that we will go about our father's business may we make a decision to be like Jesus to understand that Christ in us the hope of glory is the goal and Christ being in us is that perfect life he lived we must live it as well in Jesus his life was perfected by a constant resistance of evil you'll be tempted but Christ has given you power through His Holy Spirit that you can constantly not once in a while constantly resisting but he will also empower you that you may also have a life and a character perfected as a result of embracing His Holiness His Holiness is spending time in his word as holding this is spending that time in the secret chambers of prayer but brothers and sisters it is also through of holiness and you will find that if we make our lives modeled in this fashion like Jesus you will be amazed at how you will have no time for the foolishness that takes place in the world or in the church stay focused stand firm amen let us pray father in heaven we thank you that while we are living in the very last moments of Earth's history you are calling unto us as your people to stay focused and to stand firm to keep the picture of Christ working in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary on our behalf and father you are calling us to cooperate with you we thank you for these few gems that we have learned about the life of Jesus I pray dear God that you will help us to take it seriously take it to heart may you enable us and empower us father that by your grace in your love you may show us how to go forward and faded to finish the work in this generation and to allow that work of Christ in us the hope of glory a life perfected through a constant resistance of evil a life perfected through the embracing of that which is holy and helped us father to realize that deeds of holiness is the call it everyone who names the name of God please don't let it be our experience in our reality and may it bring us closer to Jesus and calls us to reflect his image even perfectly we pray in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: ASI Ministries
Views: 40,990
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: dwayne, lemon, the, formula, for, christlikeness, hi
Id: Q3ebj1xveqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 4sec (4924 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2013
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