3ABN Today Live - Lonnie Melashenko (TL17516)

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I want to spend my life mending broken people I wanna spend my [Music] removing Lord heal of heart that I want to send my I wanna stand by and they were 10 people hello and welcome to 3abn today live my name is CA Murray allow me once again to thank you for sharing just a little of your no doubt busy day with us thank you again for your love your prayers your support of this ministry as we say always we could not do what we are called to do without your partnership without your love gifts and without your prayers and support so when we say thank you for your love your prayers your support it comes off the tongue fairly easily but it comes all the way from the heart because we really really believe and know that we have been called to work together to lift up the mighty and master's name of Jesus I am excited tonight yay verily because of our subject matter and because of my my guest first we're going to talking about evangelism and the evangelistic tool that can be used to help further the gospel and to make your witness a profitable and painless exercise that we're going to talk about tonight but but my guess is one whose voice perhaps you've heard over the years the smooth baritone tones of pastor Lonny Mellish ankle Lonny good to have you here Thank You CA it's a delight to be here again note that I didn't call you old friend okay well you get when we get to areas you don't want you to term old long friend of long standing and we're and we're still young we are you're right pastor hms richards of course the dean of adventist radio broadcasting way back in 1927 when he started he was always asked when he was going to get them years about the word retirement and he would say brother CA the word retirement is not in the bible a man jesus says you must occupy till i come so that's my new mantra now that i've turned another odometer a big number and it's so exciting and can hardly wait to get up and speak amen praise the Lord Frey's well you know there comes with age a certain wisdom a certain perspective on life that you simply do not have when you're younger and when you get up to speak you have more to say you have more to draw from and you tend to see everything in terms of stories everything reminds you of something else rather something else very very true and of course you serve the Lord for so long a period of time Loni so we will start off with the punchline which is that you are technically retired but having said that you are as busy now if not more busy than you ever were when you were working as an animation enjoying it immensely well I'm working as a revivalist mainly within the Ohio conference but I have a long leash so I do well a year ago I had first time in my life I preached from pole to pole in one calendar year I was a thousand miles from the South Pole when I was in Christchurch New Zealand and Ginny and I were invited to go to the thousand miles of the North Pole in Labrador a Newfoundland Canada Wow it was so cold up there it was coldest July in about 50 years it was below freezing mmm we weren't ready for that but it is so exciting and I take invitations and I honored to be here Fraser law abya and we are honored honored early to have came I gotta tell you something I was a preaching last October in victorious narrow Occidental in the Philippines and they told me we haven't had an evangelist here since the days of 100 Milotic oh this is the last guy we had he was writing village Seco 20 years ago I think they said they hadn't had any active evangelism it's not 20 close to 20 we had something in 1996 on the 50th anniversary the voice of prophecy all across the Philippines we took over 300 teams of 14 evangelistic teams from British Columbia the gymnix at Andrews University sent their gymnix over there we had quiet our breath of life you name but they all sent teams and that was called target 50,000 mhm we we circumnavigated all the Philippines including Mindanao yes what's the red zone how Americans shouldn't go there right but we baptize over 50,000 and thank the Lord 10 years later they wanted the 60th anniversary they wanted to call it target 60,000 Wow and again all kinds of teams came in I cannot tell you no one can take credit for that kind of thing it's it's a god thing rich and over 60,000 were baptized where is God we ate so many mangos this this emanated live by satellite out of Cebu ah Philippines every bit of Cebu oh yes well they have the world's best mangos you can peel them like an orange and eat in like an ice-cream cone well it brought us man - for our staff every night that we would after the meeting we debrief by eating mangoes we became known as the mango shankel family now my wife may give you a little pushback on that being from Panama they got a pretty good mango madam also she's not here to defend themself but they're not bad but the mangoes in the Philippines are wonderful and they're wonderful people those Filipinos whenever I greet them I say Mabuhay aha and of course they light right up yes yes they love it so they told me I said yes you're the first one here since Ronnie Miller sank I said well I've been pretty pretty good come where were you in the elephant we're in victorious Tori we did we did we did two meetings one in Victoria and one in Bacolod were the conference offices right near the hospital my dad is the old meetings in Bacolod hon there several times they love Joe yes yeah now we mentioned before we go to music let's get a little history on you man because you come from a family a large family singing family bunch of males you were born in Canada yes but your background the family heritage is Russia Ukraine Ukraine I mean I would ko Mellish anko haha is Ukrainian I see I do have some mix of some relatives that came from Russia but they all escaped the Bolshevik Revolution and migrated to Canada aha some of them on cattle ships mm-hmm they were like slaves why I had an aunt that births two children down with for the cattle war because they couldn't afford passage and both of those twins were lost so later that she had more twins and even both the same name of the first kid but they emigrated to Saskatchewan aha because that was very much like the topography in Russia and your day so my dad milked 14 15 16 cows as a little kid growing up but the King's heralds were passing through Saskatoon and we're looking for a base to replace the Basso profundo in excelsis that was Ray Turner mm-hm with the old Lone Star for quartet oh yes dad tried out come sing with the Kings arrows quartet so that's how our family got into music dad was a base for several years till he had what like throat cancer and that was Jerry dill Bob Edwards mm-hmm and let's see it was the other one sure deal Bob Edwards I can't remember the they were in a time of transition there was a lot of quartets coming and going with Dell Dell karai kind of with tongue-in-cheek say was my babysitter I've got one year old in California so that was exciting now we did your folks become Adventists in Ukraine are here in care parents were Mennonites aha and they came over to America I should say well North America and they had the largest russian-speaking church in the Western Hemisphere when they became seventh they have been asunder a great missionary preacher might be enco and so I grew up in an Adventist environment but my parents grew up in Mennonite environment and there were some even Russian Orthodox there's so they were at what age when they became Adventist I can't tell you exactly but they were probably in their teens okay okay no now I think family's 8 yeah 11 yeah so I can't even keep track of all my relatives yeah you're kind of Union must be something to see yeah yeah the UM I was in Hawaii some years ago and I went into the Honolulu central sedative in his church and met for the first time Jodi Jodi yeah mother cycle now who are the boys okay Joe and Anne my parents had five sons huh and I'm the eldest of the five sons of the tribe of Joseph what My dear mother they weren't they were dad was a farmer and he also taught school part time they had to you know in Saskatchewan in the middle of winter they got a cuddle and stay close so they had lots of kids yeah would be I was the oldest of five sons and when I was four I had four brothers no consequence I was four Jody was three dallas was two Eugene was one and Rudy was born before I turned five so that's how tight we got my squeeze event and my folks taught us out how to sing so we've been singing ever since yeah none of us could walk yeah yeah now you were a pastor Jody was pastoring how about the other three Dallas was a teacher and is still teaching hmm Eugene was a pastor teacher mm-hmm Jodie actually started out in teaching also but did youth ministry especially with the quiet area another self-supporting Neffe still goes on projects with him and Rudy the last one is the teacher of the teachers aha he was the best for his Aloha praise the Lord did it always occur to you that Minister something you wanted to do that kind of slip it on you it's an interesting question because growing up and seeing my dad working with some of the great Walter Schubert and Elmen Falkenberg and Dan Sherman Harris there were some big names back in the days of pendulum then we had several of the big black names came to Bermuda when my dad was there I loved I'd love to listen to the sermons presented and thought that's what I want to be when I know if I want to be a minister hmm when I was and I didn't have the privilege of going to a Christian Academy I went to public high school in the buter until we moved back to Hagerstown Maryland I went to one of our Christian academies and three rows behind me sitting in the little classroom when I was a senior one day when the teacher stepped out in the hallway I heard hey Lonnie I turned around and Jeanie would get me aha and I went back but that started a progression of correspondence but in our Bible classes we were reading some spiritual books by the name of messages to young people oh yeah and one day she knew that I was troubled whether I should go to theology at college or whether I should maybe take dentistry hmm we had a friend and many folks in the East will know the name of DiMaggio doctor Radim aza was yes yeah he had me come in one day to his dental office took a couple of days he suited me up with a white outfit and he said I want you to just observe would be a dental assistant here the other system did most everything if I handed one or two things but he said I'm willing to pay your way through dental dental school you need to be a dentist and I did Christiaan dentist a medical missionary so I did I didn't realize how I would react to the sight of blood aha whenever he would be in there extracting a tooth I would be in a heap on the floor passed out and the nurses and everybody over there trying to get me a few days of this went on I decided and Jeanie was reading in the messages to young people these words and she handed them to me one day we weren't we were just friends at definitely high school and the words were many of our young men are considering medical fields and they should be in the ministry ohad wants them in the gospel ministry that was a turning point in my life mm-hmm I get choked up yeah well I I fell in love with that girl who winked at me yes I wrote her letters for a couple three years because I went to school in Riverside California and she was at Columbia Union College in Washington DC hmm but we eventually got married a very young age with no I I had to make a major choice and say Lord where do you really want me to go so you went out to to La fiere and with the last year and she was a Columbia let me ask this coming from a family of committed family everybody in the church does not necessarily mean that you will be did you have wilderness years you know in your teen years growing up or did you pretty much stay on the Lord side the whole time well you know I thank the Lord I didn't always know the assurance of Jesus it's interesting you ask that question that brings tears to my eyes too on the plains of Saskatchewan Canada going to the little Sabbath School classes in kindergarten Creighton World Juniors and so forth I didn't know about the assurance of salvation I didn't know about first John 5 these things have I written unto you that you might know and know have eternal access I never knew that mhm I never knew that till I got to college Mary so my folks and I learned as a child the New Testament says very clearly when Jesus comes is going to be lightning and thunder all the holy angels big thunderstorms roll across the prairies middle of summer and I can remember to this day even as young as two and three years of age I would wake up here this Thunder and the lightning and I would just be careful and put my head under my pillow I wouldn't tell my parents but I was afraid because I knew that if Jesus was coming I didn't know if I get to go to heaven mmm and I was terrified I didn't didn't know wasn't until I finally got through to the seminary I learned through an evangelist Harmon Brownlow about the gospel presentation mmm simplicity of the fact that you can know mm-hmm he who has the son has life she who has not the son have not these things have I written unto you Loni that you can know yes do you have eternal life but that that brings me encouragement because I've gone through a litany of spiritual and medical challenges that they don't want to give my whole medical history here but yeah that cancer twice big-time melanoma fourth level you don't get to level 5 you min and then prostate cancer not so long ago I'm damaged goods yes God isn't finished with me yet hey man he still got a plan no love I'm glad I would not you know I was so shy as a child even though I was the firstborn had to kind of help keep my brothers in hiding mom was with a washing machine out there in the prairies no electricity no no running water we had you know toilets out in the back and she'd hang up those old-fashioned diapers on the line they would freeze as solid as bricks she'd have me come out there and hold my little hands out there she stack up all these hard bricks on my they've weighed nothing and he was frozen solid but so I must confess that I tried to to be a good boy mm-hmm but I went through some private things and I'm very ashamed of mmm but God is a good cod yeah thank you for taking care of those kinds of things money as you want to give us perspective there are some who are fortunate enough never to leave the Lord side to go see 13 years I broke my ankle twice playing basketball on scholarship on Friday night so using those exact same breaks if you like same ankle so I tend ask that question because my pastor told me Lord let you break your ankle to keep from breaking your neck so so because you don't always play it straight praise God we have a God who is patient and loving and forgiving and can take damaged goods and and and make something very very useful out of them women's rights are lives my mom's folk are Canadian back three generations where are they all east of Nova Scotia Toronto here eck my aunt married a french-canadian so they ship us off to Canada in the summer so to get rid of us our friends in Boston New York they would get rid of senator 290 on the door it is beautiful it's always cause I know a little bit about about that end of Canada that's cold stuff out there if and if the Ukraine was like that then Lord bless you because it those are rough Nebraska type winter and out there they know how to do snowed in I do cold f Canada when I was ten years old and I can still remember though getting a saw and going out and sawing the snow yeah it's a great big huge blocks that we built our own big glue mm-hmm people don't realize that you can walk on the snow it's so hard yeah yes yeah you remember those days oh yes all those very very well Buffalo New York so no snow and nothing but snow I take QuickStart and I want to get to another question go to our music my mom and the Deaconess that went to church Sabbath morning got snowed in the church between Sabbath school and end of church I think something like 27 inches fell they simply could get a church so they broke into the church kitchen and they kept a record and they had a feet they just ate their way all Sabbath apt enough to praise eating Church food and leaving the money not enough finally the plows came through and they got out so we they no snow in Buffalo New York also this little russian-speaking Church korean-speaking Church I always wanted if we if we couldn't go to church we had our own little church at home sure and my folks would have me help have a lesson er of some story and often we sent the chairs up so that I could be the preacher hmm and I would always insist on being a preacher this actually happened my brother Jody once said mom how come Loni always gets to be the preacher I want to be the preacher oh I'm going to be the preacher and she finally came over and sat me in the back real hard and said lon you sit back here let Jody be the preacher he got up I muttered - loudly okay he can be the preacher but I'll be God hahahaha you know God must smile at certain he was kid indeed yeah like me to preach how he got at the mouthful yes forgive me for that and dude before we go to me that I want to ask you you mentioned your lovely wife Jeanne married how many well I am so excited to be able to tell you I married her a very young age for as long as he was even well this is hard to believe we had to get permission from the state of Maryland to get married back in those years you had to be 21 mm-hmm so she had just turned 21 on the week we were married I was still 20 so my folks had to write a letter to the governor of the state of Maryland in that same and so this August we will be married 50 years last year how hard to believe I mean I look at her and we laugh at each other this can't be true when did it occur to you I remember she was if you have someone who's actually directing and giving you spirit of prophecy counsel that's someone you stick with but when did it occur to you oh god this is the one well that point when she kind of as we were in college we were we were free to date each other but we wrote letters bringing it all the time and the more she wrote the more I realized this person has a depth and there's a beauty about her and she felt the same about me her parents like me my folks like Jeanne and when she finally moved out to work at Loma Linda University while I was finishing my senior year last year we decided to get married we did get married for last year and it's been just an absolute wonderful joy ride ever since that's a wonderful family you say president and you're kind of glisten when you spend atop these the widow it's my wing all right makes me look good you can't imagine what I'd look like when I went to the college I wore red socks okey-dokey they were wearing red socks again now like head of my time we're going to go to our music then I want to come back and move into some of the stuff because we had a chance you and I to interview together several months ago and I want to get back and get a little update on that because that's a wonderful story that the Lord sort of walked you through just really an exciting story of evangelist we're talking about evangelism in general the church has total memory evangelism 3 p.m. has the blessings on the go and this is an idea whose time has come pastor Don has been in this all of his life de-facto but it's so fact about what he has been doing and talk a little bit about what he did for the church before he went into quote retirement but one of them was some music just now and at this point we're going to call forward Danny Shelton who is going to be doing really a beautiful song here I am dear Lord [Music] Here I am Oh [Music] take me now take me now Justin [Music] take a breath he gave me take this Lahti and mow me Oh okay and I'll be what you want me to be throughout eternity [Music] I'll bring each of my life for you late Brett for you Brett for you [Music] you are and take me now take me now hands I am take the bread he gave me fake money and more [Music] Oh three wall and hell of a foamy I'll tell the world what you mean to me what you mean to me mean to me take me now [Music] take me now just as [Music] take the bread you gave me hate it Bonnie and move me Oh again Thank You founder and president and friend Danny Shelton very well song very well done my guest is pastor evangelist speaker author writer lecturer fairly long and impressive list Alani mischenko and lonagain good to have you here exciting for on me here and I just thank the Lord for all of those things that he he designed that I should have a part in coming up as a little kid growing up on the plains of Saskatchewan in the wheat fields mmm playing in the dirt with my brothers God had a plan yeah we have ever dreamed I would I would be with the oldest continuous religious broadcast on the planet other than the Lutheran our voice of prophecy yeah the third speaker in the history that I would get to have the funeral for hms richards for george random and work with him in the ministry i just say lord thank you yeah quickly before we move on to what we want to talk about walk us through the voice apostle years how could you get a call to that ministry how long were you there well I worked with George vandeman for five years from 77 to 81 traveled all over the english-speaking world with the it is written revelation seminars and I was the associate on the telecast but then George was just getting into the heyday of his career and he had told me he was going to train me and I would go on to the broadcast well after 10 years I realized George was just pulling he would did his best it wasn't until at least 10 years later that he finally decided maybe I should to get to back off hmm so I went took a church and pastored in Northern California in Paradise California for 10 years well meantime Harold Richards was on my case regularly lon I'm getting older I need some help we gotta have you come down you're the only person I have in mind I've worked with the Brethren please won't you come my said well Harold I'm I'm happy preaching up here and I but then I started to go down twice once a month for two years I went down and did the announcements and some segues with them and finally he said Lonnie if you don't come I'm and he died very shortly thereafter hear Richard jr. so that was a very painful thing for me to be pastoral ministry because I love the one to one and to encourage laymen to lift up Jesus and to share him and witness so that's how I kind of got into the radio television because we got into some television productions and Bible studies and yeah yeah God has given you such a wonderful radio voice you know the joke you got a face for radio but you don't you looking guy but you got you at this smooth baritone voice it just came across so well on the radio and there were so many of us who look forward to that broadcast really not each time that came on I got to tell you something interesting I grew up in a black church my father was ordained in the black church and I'm used to a little bit of amens and response yes yes Lightman called and response but I'm also cognizant the fact that when I got to it is written to work with George vandeman and I was doing some on-air commercials talking to the you know right to the camera into the audience and trying I was preaching at him I was really giving him the books and so forth and they said no you got to just talk do you talk to people so I went and had some coaching of all people from Lillian siobhan you'll see her name on many of the big movies and television she was the coach for many of the Hollywood people including all the folks on Walt Disney's the Mouseketeers uh-huh and she would have me repeat things over and over again just saying Lonnie just talk to me just talk to ha don't shout don't try to be over and I thank the Lord for that kind of coaching to help me back it off and just use the gift that God has given me you had Edna's limoncellos coach that is wonderful that's what it came from because you developed a great radio personality in your voice very warm very relational well and and very what she would always tell me and I tell other pastors too you got to take a breath Jeanne reminds me of this by the way pause like a beat silence is just as profound as talking it upside so bring on the Lord hey man while we were before we were talking you said something to me about a question I want you to go onto that now that they says HMS which is about the oh when is it welcome because that actually is the basis for getting ready to talk about with all of these tools that we have in dramas hms richards used to be asked whenever he went to camp meetings all across North America and Canada and overseas brother Richards when is Jesus going to come when is Jesus going to come and we got these new inventions now called washing machines and clothes dryers when is Jesus could also be asked you know those those Adventist ladies are supposed to be pretty conservative in California we understand they're wearing a little makeup a little Rouge a little powder and some of them in little Jew jewelry what about that for the Richards his classic answer was well if the barn needs painting painted it wasn't 11 but he would be asked when is Jesus going to come yeah he always had a one-word answer one-word answer when is Jesus going to come well I'm getting ahead of myself when is Jesus going to come when all the preachers that are in junior jail and most of our audiences that I speak to at element they don't catch that yes it's because it's very very clear in the New Testament when Jesus speaks by the way in it in the King James there's a huge advantage as much as I like all different translations and by whether one of my favorite Bibles is the new Andrews University study by like all those my helps I love that I can I can't wait to study my a Sabbath School lessons because I want to look at the helps and I'm reading through the Bible again this year a little bit in the Old Testament some from the New Testament from the Psalms but in the King James the words the Shakespearean ye the thou that's always singular now you don't get that in the modern translation yes you you don't know if it's singular or plural when it's you in the King James it's almost always plural but ye is singular yeah it's to me it's very profound mm-hmm Jesus says see a or friend watching ye are the light of the world ye are the salt of the earth one person yes ye are a city set on a hill one person ye have an unction ye have an anointing you are Jesus Christ you are me mm-hmm you don't represent that you are me you are the salt so as a pastor and the more I've studied this prayerfully I'm getting so excited about some of the tools that are available now to laymen because the work is not going to be finished by Mark Finley and Doug Batchelor and Dwight Nelson and all these great evangelists it's going to be finished when the individual layman recognizes Jesus says and I just talked to Danny today go ye yes and he often asked his audience how many years do we have out there not only as nobody we all need to be a part of that before Jesus comes and that's going to be the glory of heaven able to share the stories of how our light impacted somebody else and that's what brings glory to Jesus so these new tools I want to talk about some of those tonight mm-hmm plays alone I really like that that that he is singular it ain't y'all know you're next to bigger G now my dear brother Ronnie Miller Cinco I will do to you what one should not do to a guest and that's throw a little surprised at you okay little curve as I mentioned a little bit ago you and I were together some months ago for a very special baptism that you were very very instrumental in and we get a chance to unpack that story but the let's see the Baptizer was you the baptized II was someone that we sort of flipped in on you tonight so she's here I'm gonna have Laura come on come on no happy to come on okay it's here Laura's here hello sweetheart oh wow what a pleasant surprise well dude in just a day Lord I made it down is good to hell well now of course we got a reasons that we got a really not a story on a few hours ago me if I was at work well this is what it is or a summer field and Lonnie I guess you got to walk us through the story because it's a great story well the way bein proclaim is a part of that still thank you so it's good it's good to having this terrific yeah you know you have a network on the 3abn telecast called proclaim yes I don't even think I've ever gone there I don't know how to find it if because I'm computer illiterate but proclaim is where Dwight Nelson Doug Batchelor Ken Cox lonnie malenchenko and others are teaching 24 hours a day to preaching mmm somehow this young lady Laura she worked in the bishopric office where her priest was her boss yeah dedicated Catholic her husband's dedicated Catholic they're very involved in the Catholic Church and very dedicated in that remark but she got to watching the three ABA been proclaimed and one particular subject really bugged you yes tell us about that can you hear her Sheila biked up yeah she's my help mm-hmm what happens when you die in that I thought I knew what happened and I was learning or hearing differently and so I ended up riding him and you guys gave my email to her so we started an email correspondence and she really was not too pleased with the fact because she said well my mother passed away and I'm communicating with my mother yeah you kind of right to give him a little piece of your mind I wasn't yeah you were kind of upset with what he was yes I mmm so we began to talk and I tried not to be too overt yet everything I shared whether it was from the Bible yeah and she was a good student she would go and track it down and read it and so pretty soon she began to feel she could trust me and that she could go ahead to some of the other studies because this would really hung her up yeah but we got acquainted I actually gave her my talk telephone number and I said I'm going to be in Cleveland preaching one weekend and I'd like to pray with you and on my way back give me a call so I get a call she was so blown away that this television personality the celebrity that she'd be swatching was actually talking to her what happened to you I couldn't talk into thinking out of mind it was just blubber five or ten minutes it was a one-way conversation I would ask you something and then nothing would come back but I led her to the Lord through the sinner's prayer he didn't have the assurance of salvation and Laura has never been the same since as a lark it's been absolutely born-again bright beautiful my new sister in Christ and I told her that yeah and she's been she's been struggling to grow and can tend to understand she watched the broadcast but not only that I decided so that she had time she missed a lot of them he was at work with the priests office she began to ask him some questions and the folks at the office there and he slapped her one day mm-hmm in front of other people now this was a public slap this is not something to do in the office heaven just asking too many questions but she began to study she began to grow and it was just a beautiful thing so I said to her one day I've got an old old set there's none of these exist you can't buy him anymore my voice prophecy speaks that you show I don't know how you get him but you must have had my work yeah your ways so I sent her what happened I started watching them and I never sent you a set yeah he sent me a set of VHS VHS tapes aha I had them all as a people I don't have a machine could I loan them to you this he only said I have mmm she said I'll be the custodian I'll be sure to keep them for you but I've given to her and she studied that series you'd look at some of those four and five times yes usually she doing better than I did so you were really searching and seeking yes and I didn't know that when I originally wrote him I didn't know that I was seeking but as it started coming on and sinking in I thought I need more of this I need and I was spiritually hungry and I didn't even realize that until I started hearing all this and couldn't get enough of it and I couldn't wait to get home from work and watch the tape and as he said I watched some of them four or five times and I was typing and taking notes because at that time I thought I would be given the taste back to him and I didn't want to forget when I was learning mm-hmm and it was just so awesome no let me ask you a question very quickly because her first her initial contact he was a bit of a challenge because you had you had sort of quasi stirred the waters a little bit but you saw through that to a person who had a heart was really looking for answers sincerely she did you know Laura I just mentioned a little background here and I don't want to give away things that are very private but she has been abused by men for her life and taken advantage of been a doormat to the point where she has no sense of self-worth know that she was nothing she and she did anything for anybody just to try to please individual and so I sensed a deep deep need here she could not converse with me on the phone but she is a gifted writer communicator and I would share a little something on the email and it would come back a page and I couldn't keep up with the correspondence all the time she was she was just so hungry and so in in earnest about knowing this new person who became her best friend just for example of some of the kinds of things that happened that were miracles along the way she said I now know Jesus but I've got to go to this annual event that my husband and his buddies have had we've all had for years we have a great big bourbon party and we all have to bring a new bourbon recipe and I'm supposed to go there and take a bourbon recipe my husband expects me to do this because he's in charge hmm but when it came close and I told we'll take a coca-cola recipe or something different and she didn't know how to do that and I said you just drink coke don't drink the beer because she always they're all and she said the problem is we always get so drunk when it's all finished everybody takes off the clothes and go swimming nude in the swimming pool I can't do that now that I know Jesus but my husband expects me to go so I said Laura Jesus wants you to start to walk tall with integrity amen that's a new born Christian and you tell him that he is found he's promised he doesn't lie he will do something I don't know what it'll be but it'll be a miracle that you will not believe and he will take care of you she wrote me a note and said what happened that weekend it's rain the biggest rain is yeah months in India there was no swimming to the castle the pool party and it's been those kind of stories one after another that's it the the correspondence between Laura and Lani has been such that Jeanne understands when I met there Laura's been talking to me I got a send a little note and then he'll come where she sometimes right back practically when I just sent it but she has grown to the point where I feel that this correspondence it's this thick pages of of you know a nap by 11 just with your staff today with Jill and with the folks at remnant publications yeah and I talked to Danny Shelton today we just been on a email we're hoping that we can pull together all of these emails into a new kind of book that will just be an exchange of emails because it shows the development and the evangelistic book that's how you need to be patient and share when they have a question what you don't quite share till later and Laura's been willing to open by the way she still works with a priest he's still her boss and we've been supplying her occasion little articles because you were responsible for the Sunday bulletins yes but it's got a lot of right mmm a little clips I can study also we put little things in a sudden bulletin well Prezi and some of their members is just blown away where did you get this it's good stuff he could wanted for Easter here didn't you mm-hmm they're like what you shared they didn't say that look nobody said they didn't is always they don't anybody's a missionary Laura basil and not only that she started giving Bible studies amen design title studies now yes and it's on thunder in the Holy Land and he's narrating it he made us that available to me so I have a small class that I lead and it's great it's what I'm learning a lot last night was great what was the title last night and love is a pity letter word keyword keyword and she didn't know this first in all of your life with this background feeling he thought love was a feeling I tried to explain to her ear Ross Phyllis agape but she thought I've never generated some of these things but in this series we explained what good love is a principle principle I'm not a feeling oughta feel ago yeah well now she's excited about that you have become a student of the word longing saying that you take really assiduous notes when you hear something you you're taking notes and you're going back in your you're studying and making sure that it is so yeah and per pastor is dr. Norris sterno and you're in which church they're the first first FDA yes you mean and the pastor's wife is a Bible worker Eileen in her training she has told her she's watched her and helped coach her she said I think you know many of these lessons as well as I do yes you're taking such copious notes you've done the research as a result of those videos that you show on 3abn mm-hmm so here is a product here is a new three 3abn a man I can stand up and say there I am a little by the grace of God praise the Lord what a surprise you know yeah we thought we right I drove my wife had run their public she hardly knew this did she know not very long Wow couple I did that before but you didn't know yeah well I was going to meet her at the airport tomorrow on my way to fly well we stuck in oh praise the Lord so no I got to ask you one question because you are still working at the the Catholic nice I am yeah you're still there and obviously loaded using you to bring information and but you had no intention of quitting when he when he slapped you were you never mind set to walk away no I was already a changed person by then and I just let it go by hmm mmm part of this I think is because of her background of feeling yeah such a doormat this is what it takes I'll be but she's done that and I told her Laura Jesus was slapped Jesus wasn't used you represent Jesus in ways you don't understand what those other people around you can't believe that he would do that to you and this this is not Laura this is Jesus who sealed in her expression lay her Calvin so I want you to stay with us till the end they are but I want to ask you a question before we sort of move on a little bit walk us through or compare the old Laura to the Lord that is now first of all we see you're smiling all the time I don't know if you were smiling before but you smile a lot now but give us some sense of the old law as opposed to the lower of today the new Lord who's walking in Christ Jesus the old boy didn't know Jesus but I thought I did I thought I was a Christian and I just didn't even really think about it I wasn't even on the fence like some people are on the fence and I wasn't even that far I just didn't think about it I thought oh I'll be in heaven and I didn't realize that you you don't just think you're going to be in heaven and you get there and when I was saved I could feel I felt different I could feel Jesus in me and he has me doing things that I never would have done before and I'm right now I'm getting over a hurdle of a very shy and scared to death to get up in front of people and I was asked to read scripture at church and the first time they asked me it just scared me to death and I just I didn't say yes or no I just had this scared look at my face and they said well I can tell you're in a panic I'll go and ask someone else and I let them walk away and go ask someone else and two minutes later I felt really bad and I realized that by not saying yes to them I said no to Jesus and that really bothered me and before I was saved I wouldn't have thought anything about that who and bothered me at all and but I care very much about how I treat Jesus now and long story short I learned through help of my mentors kaeleen and pastor Lonny both gave me some TLC and coaching and on that and I learned that I can't think about how I feel when I'm up there reading it it's the Holy Bible is God's Holy Word and I am honored to be asked to read his holy word to his people they live and whoa I have been able to use that and remember that in other situations that because then we did a washing in the feet and I was kind of I had done it before one time but I had a partner then and this time I didn't really have a partner and it was up to me to get up off the bench and to go downstairs and join the other ladies and I it was easier to sit in the pew I just can and then I remembered Laura it's not about you or how you're feeling don't listen to your feelings it's about God and in washing other people's feet is like witnessing and helping and it's being Jesus and so I jumped up that did it I jumped up and went down there and the minute I got to the doorway a lady said may I be your servant and I'm like yeah Wow the Holy Spirit really took care of it immediately a beautiful really neat the way the Holy Spirit works with me now you know and when these things happen she always sends me a note okay and she just effervescence and overflows with joy and writes poetry this and so this all this I hope will go into a book that can encourage other people who may also feel like they're nothing like they have no purpose they've been abused I've been taken advantage up but there's hope for Loni there's hope for Laura and I just chuckling here to listen to her because I've never heard her talk so much in my life you're going to become an apostle paul yeah here we go where is Ray Lana you've been serving law for so many many years but it must feel kind of nice in your quote retirement to have a full fee of this of this magnitude that someone who and I see a trophy I mean for the kingdom someone who you're preaching there's a direct link from your preaching to the baptismal pool to the girls to what she's doing now must feel would be used of the Lord at you know I just say humbly and thankfully to God be the glory and it is true though there's nothing more fulfilling in life ya help lead someone else to Jesus and she's getting that now that she's seeing people asking questions and recognizing God is using her as a voice um different things happen in my life even alledged say semi-retired we were in a Taco Bell the other day and we're waiting a long line seeing our in a hurry to go somewhere there was a piece of paper over on the floor well you know on some of these fast-food restaurants that's just and people are always cleaning it up but I went over just I thought you know I could pick that up and put it in the trash the manager came over he spotted that and he said I saw that sir I want to tell you that that doesn't happen there's something different about you hmm we don't realize the importance of the impression we make yes whoever we are whether a beautician or whether you work under a car and your mechanic we don't realize the power of our testimony oh yeah in whatever we do however we say it I happen to just the other day narrate an Easter program in Phoenix Arizona one of the big churches had a full orchestra they acquire and I decided I just needed to spend time in prayer and just as passionately as I knew how do the narration between the songs mm-hmm little did I know four people walked off the street into that service never darken the door of one of our churches before one of them was a former Episcopal minister of music you know in a church I didn't know this till I left just two days ago and the pastor called me they said he is so impressed well he said that person who read I can't believe how he read that one so simple was it bad no I was so moved that I sensed there's a presence here and I want to start coming to your church oh praise God well that tells me whoever I am whatever I do it makes an impression and we need to do our best give our best and so I've tried to encourage Laura it isn't about you you now represent Jesus and he's using you and whatever opportunities you can even in a bourbon party even in the priests office yeah she's a missionary like you and I aren't but of course many many of our viewers on our telecast are wonderful dedicated Catholics and by the way Catholics once they discover the Bible and the importance of a personal commitment of Jesus they become some of the most dedicated wonderful we baptize now your East's in the Philippines when we were there because they recognized there's something different about this message and so it's just a real honor to be a part of that kind of you know that gets me up in the morning mm-hmm and I look forward to her emails praise the Lord well first of all happy that you could make it but I've arda turan and secondly that God is doing such wonderful things in your life how God will stretch you and move you from a comfort zone a very safe place he'll take you to places that you didn't think you could go and give you jobs that you didn't I think you could fulfill but that's happening in real time in your life yeah amen I got to ask a quick question when I called you just a couple hours ago and you weren't at the office were you actually driving here no I got here to Livan course this morning we saw you the thing was trying to keep her away from Ukraine which I lost your lunch and appointment by the way yeah we had to take someone to take you and someone to take her and we couldn't let you get together so we do have a dress for you folks are truly beautifully deceitful you pulled it off it's wonderful I love it great surprise and we praise the Lord just hoping that for some reason something didn't slip up and you'll get an inkling we were really pleased about that but this idea that God will use anybody at any time in any place in any way to lift up the name of Jesus is a powerful powerful thing I have a swinger oh good about that cabdriver in New York he writes it and I use this in sermons often and he's taking this old lady and realizes that she's going to a an end of life care place what do we call him Hospice yeah and she asked the driver to take her all around Manhattan and stop at certain places this is where she used to go dancing as a little girl this is where different things and at first he was you know miffed that he had to pick up this old lady and it scare your old old fashioned suitcase and toward the end she finally said she wanted to just because she said my doctor says you don't have much time left he turned off the meter and drove her all over New York you know the Sun was coming up and then she said I think I need to go now and so he took her to the address the orderlies came out put her in a wheelchair she took he took the suitcase in and she said goodbye he realized this was it later he wrote and he said I I think that that was the most important thing I've ever done in my life Alun ffred we tend to be told that it's going to be the great things mm-hmm but it's that little thing that we do oh because before she left and he left her she said how much do I owe you she didn't know he had turned the meter off and did you don't owe me anything well you got to make a living welp there are other passengers and then she took his hand and said thank you thank you so much and he said that's how I want my own mother to be treated but he said you know we think that it's a big thing but it isn't what people what we it isn't what you do or what you say it's how you make people feel yes I agree and my understanding what Jesus talks about and what other spiritual writers have said this is what's the most important thing and everybody has that chance with your cab driver or a haircut person or beautician you can make a person feel better for Jesus sake and say what makes you tech man amen powerful very very well said and the fact that God will use anyone anytime take quick start we're coming down to the end of our hour i was called one day from someone who knew someone knew someone who knew someone there was a lady in a nursing facility and she had been flipping a dial and she heard me laugh just the laugh and she said you know i got to meet that guy with that laugh anybody laughed like that laughter i gotta meet him so she called her nurse who called someone else who called someone was called april wharf who called my wife and we said let's go beat this woman and there she was in the hospital she had had a bout of cancer and what was going to be a 10 minute visit lasted two or three hours and we just talked and she said I just I just that laugh I just love it so after do you want to come to church so she said yes we she had a power wheelchair I had to build some ramps so that she could go up into the back of the van I remember the first epified brought her to church in putting the ramps together I ripped my suit pants from there he's from the top right down to the knee oh so I said well okay and the next week when I picked her up I had on jeans out of my time a jacket but I am jeans then I changed later and she said one when you rip your suit pants helping me I saw that I studied that and your response to that really said this is their trouble - Joyce until we baptized her two years later she passed went to sleep in Jesus we've come to the end of our first hour so very very quickly stay with us we'll be back in just two minutes and two seconds UCSF [Music] and we are back 3abn today alive I'm Samer my guest pastor Lonnie Mellish anko and we put a little trick on him at the end of the first hour but I think you forgive us I think we can get to all ways that was one of the best things that's happened to me in a long time praise Allah other than my wife and I before you went to the break there you know one of the people that's gifted uniquely is Jeanie she has an empathetic spirit that she hurt she worked for a counselor dr. which abhi remember that name is Goga hmm they wrote books and so forth he said she should be a counselor because she is intuitive she understands people and she is so empathetic with individuals who are going to hurt her and so forth she God has given her that kind of a gift and I didn't thank God she knows me too forever like a book praise the Lord so we are happy that the Lord is making such a great progress and that you stayed in communication with the guy thinks you need someone to bounce things off of yes and she's doing such a wonderful to continue to do that and we're talking right now trying to do a book that will help people know how to witness through this particular exchange and we've handled it and so forth and some things obviously might have done differently or I might say you should have done it this way but God leads every person uniquely a man ever he's not a cookie cutter that makes everybody the same you're unique Walter artis always said God made us Neapolitan like I said yes yes indeed yes indeed and and the Lord gave you the sensitivity the text of the discernment to know that though you're preaching had challenged long-held beliefs in her life that in even though her initial email challenged you a little bit I go back to this you saw through that to a person who was in need who was looking who was searching and that began this phalanx of emails going back and forth that it's that empathy and that acute awareness for that this person might be just as ugly and is obtuse and as wrong as anybody you don't want even go there but Jesus reminds us that his love is agape love wants to reach out most unpromising unlikely candidates and Mary Magdalene was exhibit 8 I'm going to be preaching about her this weekend when I go to the east coast everybody else was ready to stone her mm-hmm Jesus saw potential yeah and and I just thank God that he gives us that acute sensitivity mm-hmm when it's needed yes who would have known I mean I could have just written her off for somebody to sell she's got some problems and it's I'm not going to go there I'm retired I can let somebody else take care of that but God does not let us retire yeah from being his represent services and think of Lonnie given her particular background having had such negative relationships with men had you just sort of blown her off the kind of damage that that would have done given that she's reaching out for the first time to a man that she respects very intuitive very into if you're absolutely right yeah yeah and I will break out of that yeah raise the Lord plays a lot well let's do a couple things we want to go to our music for the second hour then I want to wade through this pile of stuff you got here because there's some tools we need to get through this I'm so excited I can hardly wait to hear myself speak very good our music again is coming from our founder our president our friend Danny Shelton this time is going to be singing there's power in the name and this is right there is power in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no name so dear to me [Music] the name of Jesus I'll cast my every kiss on here I'll lay the mat he [Music] there's power in the name of love [Music] there's victory in the blood of the land [Laughter] there's healing in the name la pieza my master my Savior my friend amen and you will God with us with our to touch and say [Music] he's worthy [Music] there's power in the name of Pisa there's victory in the blood of the land there's healing in the name my master I say for mine there is love yeah me [Music] Amen well done power in the name of Jesus felt very very true Lana were just talking I'm very excited about this idea of producing a book that is the email correspondence between himself and Lowe I think that's a great idea and it would be a book that I would read well if a chapter was entitled my priest slapped me today you'd want to know what this was about was actually yeah yeah I mean what she did slap back or did she just pray for him but it's a good idea and then if you put some transitional things here's what to do next years what happened next is the kind of thing it can be a sort of a syllabus for those who want to know how to give a Bible study in this modern days I think I'm wondering the Bible instructor who has taught this kind of thing I don't mind if they take that and say you know Lani could have gone this way or maybe he should have used this text but God must have directed him this way on purpose cause look what happened and now whatever yeah I think I'd be kind of kind of excited especially to read some of the chapters and the things that happened yeah yeah on the way she's just grown like a little tiny seed into a beautiful Laura amen and amen amen well we wanted to talk about it and we get to get to now the idea of tools that make it easy for you or certainly take some of the drama and trauma out of giving Bible studies or sharing your faith or witnessing for the Lord one of the things we do here at 3abn is we have the go evangelism tool and this sort of falls in that in that vein that there are things that the Adventist Church has produced that assists you in sharing Jesus and one of the things you do as you travel and you travel fairly extensively still is highlight some of these tools because they make it kind of easy I worked a revivalist and I go to churches often with homecomings or convocation we can count and minicamp made a type thing and can't matey's and one of my passions is to ignite a passion on the part of the laymen to recognize that Jesus said if you do not share this the very rocks will cry out yes well many of our people they don't realize that they can't just sit in the Pew and twiddle their thumbs that doesn't work they have to be involved they are to be light they are to be solved and many of these tools in the last 15 years I'm excited they're not Adventist produced a lot of them are Catholic Jews Church of Christ telling the very very doctrines that are so basic to scripture that you've heard on 3abn for a minute these years for example recently one of the greatest Hollywood award-winning producers his name is Martin double Meir dedicated Roman Catholic he decided you know the health systems in America are just some of the spiraling out there going crazy the White House got involved and Hillary tried to do certain things and then Obama is doing different things well let's take a look at health care and he discovered that the Adventists have been around since the days of John Harvey Kellogg and the breakfast food industry in Battle Creek and so forth and they have some of the highest ratings according to the Nielsen ratings they are the best providers of health care in America mmm well who are these people how did they begin he did a series through the eyes of the healthcare ministry called the Adventist and a Martin Doble Meyer is a Hollywood award-winning PBS you know what that is Public Broadcasting your tax dollars pay for his salary and when he does a documentary for instance he did documentary on those kids that are Amish in the Pennsylvania number years ago the whole school was killed by these murderers and how the Amish forgave they're the killers unbelievable story he's done those kind of actual documentaries that have become classics in Hollywood and you can go online and Google and get these and they'll move you he did one on the Adventists and he went back to the days of John Harvey Kellogg and they breakfa the food and talked about the disappointment of 1844 and it's a powerful documentary it is on the basic teachings and I mean it's it's one of them my favorite by the way I'm on here for 1.5 seconds ha ha but I don't say anything if you blink your eyes you miss me I happen to be speaking at Kettering Church the wiggity was there and so put me on and I'm just passing on the stage but this is one of the most beautiful beautiful presentations that I know of yeah and I pushed this big-time he's so impressed with Adventist that he did Adventist to about many of our doctors and health professionals who spend their vacations and they take their staff they take their nurses and they go to Paraguay they go to Zambia and for instance at Kettering they took 50 cleft palate specialist new surgeries at their own time their own expense on kids with hair lips and so forth and that's Adventist - mmm that these people are different they go on vacation to help other people yes then he'd just come out with another one and he went to spencervale a number of our Adventist church schools and basically said to the world you want your kids not to be killing each other and your teachers having incest with their high school students you send your kids to an Adventist school they're the ones who know how to do it right so to me this is one of the most amazing tools from the eyes of a Catholic yes yeah so it's powerful yeah I highly recommend the evidence I know what have met Martin Domeier and he doesn't do light stuff he does thorough documentaries he delves into subjects he does the research he doesn't ramifications of that research and he comes out with a well produced very very persuasive convincing very logical very sequential product and if there's someone and and this can appeal to someone who is very simple an easygoing or someone who's educated a PhD a doctor it it will feed and fill and inform anyone in that continuum this is good material very convincing and something you can be proud to put in the hands of someone that they will watch again and again because it's just that well done exhibit a we have at the Kettering Health Network where I was for a number of years as the vice president for spiritual services submissions Kettering hospital is one of those top hospitals winning the Nielsen ratings several times the best provider health care in North America and we've taken over a number of hospitals that were going under they're begging us would you just put your umbrella over us let us become part of you because you're obviously God is directing something well some of these hospitals are run by Mormons or Buddhists or you know all kinds of other faiths Jews and how do we put our arms around all of these different faiths and make them a faith-based ministry like ours or they're afraid well we all have to become Adventists if we join your hospital Network the Kettering Health Network we would show that movie the Adventists to the entire employee staff well if that's who Adventists are we can relax where we want to buy into that yeah kind of health care we want to provide so it's a beautiful beautiful testimony powerful well one of the others if I could jump into this real quick oh yeah is most folks who recognize the picture on this book Senator Joe Lieberman he ran for the vice president of the United States a number of years ago there's a lot of questions about as a Jew in Orthodox Jew what if the president died and he said they had to take charge and the war was going on would he go to the Capitol or the White House because he wouldn't even ride in a car during john f kennedy's funeral and gore and some of the others talked about this in his book this is a book called the gift of rest rediscovering the beauty of the fat of the Sabbath for madula he has the most 5000 years of rabbis and Orthodox priests to tell about the beauty of the Sabbath Oprah Winfrey has gone bonkers over this where did you get this concept this is not written by an Adventist and I tell my Adventist audiences you read this book and I promise you and even ministers have confessed to me we've read the book they'll never keep the Sabbath quite the same it's a beautiful thing about that beautiful dimension of we all need rest by the way that septon Airy idea of every seven days is in the animal kingdom it's in all kinds of things in terms of the agriculture of our country if we just captured he touches on this so it's a beautiful witness now where can they get that will they go online I guess - huh amazon.com yeah google it and I bought these I've gotten I've gotten so many giving away so many I'm lucky I still have one laughs haha but that's another great tool I've just got to say a word about something that happened just not long ago right here on his podcast oh yes we brought your Londa in your own vision Yvonne Louis when the Pope came to Washington to address the United States Congress there's a young lady whose name is Yolanda innocent it was back then as yet now she's married to dr. Schubert Palmer she was as Joan Rivers the comedian she dubbed Yolanda the queen of jingles nobody in the history of advertising has ever done so many jingles as Yolanda de salón de she did some of them with your own Yvonne here but back in those days Yolanda was sort of a well let's say she was a Philistine she was a Jezebel she was a heathen she did not care about God she would became born-again Christian very dedicated conservative born-again Christian and she married dr. Schubert Palmer who was a chief of cardiology at the White Memorial Medical Center in Los Angeles and both of them are brilliant musicians so yes they have orchestrated and put together some incredible music and we presented this at the National Cathedral in Washington just about the time the Pope came when he was going to announce his family day in Philadelphia happened to be there that we could he he was in a Philadelphia but we did this Adventists couldn't come they had to invite if they wanted to come ahead and bite somebody from Capitol Hill the White House they worked maybe on you know were ambassadors or lawyers or attorneys or they work for senators congressmen twenty-four hundred people packed at the National Cathedral listen to wintley phipps Yolanda Phillips Steve Darmody Jennifer Lee mountain and we had congressman Barry black the chaplain of the US Senate was the co-host with me he later said that he recognized at least 300 people from pets from Capitol Hill that were in that audience so we're trying to put this on we wanted to go to England when Danny and your team were over there last year but they told us because of the Terrorism that was going on that we shouldn't come this time we were hoping to invite the Queen because we believed this needs to be and is very clear the spirit of prophecies endtime that the people in high places government officers people who make laws the legislators they need to understand the importance of God's Ten Commandment law we're hoping to take this down under to Sydney Opera House hmm we're bringing it this fall to the Kettering Health Network in a big beautiful palatial but this was done in the nation's capital and I just talked with with Yolanda today we're so proud that she together with your own John McCain and your own Eva Yvonne Wanda Lewis they have put together a follow up of Bible studies to be done by video in churches and congregations and schools wherever after that comes to town they have just put together and they're editing as we speak 100 additional songs 10 for each commandment and the lesson is done in music mmm and it's all the quality of these kinds of singers so there's a website should go online right now if they can put it on the screen beloved work musical yeah they're not ready to sell all of them yet but if you go online there you can find the information and you can get those and you can even get the Ten Commandments musical that you'd maybe not get to Washington or you won't get to the Sydney Opera House you might not get to see it with the Queen of England and England but you can do that and have those follow-up studies one hundred music by the way this is not your traditional gospel music it's not mellow Shenko or heritage singers or del del coeur this is high classical it's almost like opera these folks do some incredibly beautiful music wintley phipps he's on there mm-hmm so that to me is one of the latest new tools and again it's not for everybody but it's certainly we wanted as you said all classes of people can enjoy it but this we hope will reach the kind of person that wouldn't darken the door of a church this is maybe a mayor of a city yes or a chief of police or something that they like quality classical music I would highly recommend something like that so that's a new tool yeah I was looking at the voices and the people that are populate that particular project that those are some of the best we have in Adventism and just a knife tool very very well done and you do some narration on there Dean I do I do Charles Hager Brooks and readability and others like that man you driving you got the voices that's a very very very very good project TV and I don't go to the movies but on occasion there are some things that are coming out right now that are pretty pretty amazing mm-hmm this came out in the theaters all kinds of awards and nominations Mel Gibson decided to do something about Desmond das the only person ever in the history of the United States military all the branches to receive the Medal of Honor the Congressional Medal of Honor when he would not carry arms well that movie I don't want to be critical but it didn't receive the awards that I think it could have many people thought it would sweep Hollywood they had some fictional thing there instead and I'm but I know why because it had beautiful it was about a spiritual conviction on this person in hollywood's liberal folks don't like that mm-hmm they want something secular so the New Yorker magazine you know what they said about this it's pornographically violent mmm well it does show violence that's not the most violent movie they've ever done at home now but no that was one of the worst wars we had over there in World War two in the Pacific Theater Desmond das did you ever meet him I did I did too of yes autograph when I was a little kid but he was a personal friend of genies in mind this is available you can find it I bought this in Costco mm-hmm piles up you ought to share with your friends you don't want look at this at night I'm not very well yeah but the integrity Jeannie and I wept in the theater when we watch this powerful opportunity for people see who seventh day of NSR and that they're they're contributing to our country they're willing to be soldiers who don't go to the death for the country but the number of people he rescued they show it beautifully and they show their troops in fact Mel Gibson he went on Jeannie watched him on and it on the internet he said it was to one of the greatest credit by the way all the actors were from Australia and they don't have an English problem they have American accents yeah they do quite well yeah they were so impressed they went back and the actor who portrayed Desmond das he went to his home went to his farm he stood there and tried to just capture who he was as a person of integrity and the grandkids and the kids of Desmond das said to Mel Gibson you portrayed our dad just like he was a man and mom that was mom yeah so I'm proud of this kind of a movie but again I don't know if you'd want to watch it too many times it's so but it's powerful it is part of it is strong and and my wife and I are in the same category we're not movie goers but we did go see that one now here's what I noticed learn about the tools that we've looked at thus far they are and what's the term I can use toe in the water kind of tools this is not 2200 days this is not hundred forty four thousand not healthy form address reform or Staters are dead this is something that someone who is of a secular mindset someone who's a skeptical skip a skeptic about being preached to yes or being catechized these are the kind of things that you can say hey just watch this and it's a nice opening words it just cracks the door a little bit and softens the heart that may have some boundaries but it may have heard the name seven Aventis or have some negative connotation but these kind of things will pull down those barriers and build a little bridge to salvation that may be something a little stronger may erect another barrier that you don't want have to do and you know looking at our world right now looking what's happening in North Korea looking what's happening in now Lausanne and over in Afghanistan and Syria mm-hmm things are not getting better things are really really heating up and I don't think it's by accident that the prophetic Word of God says that in the last days I'm going to raise up Isaiah's and Jeremiah's and esters and Daniels and Joseph's I don't think it's by accident that we have attention coming to this country that Ivanka Trump is a Sabbath keeper mm dedicated Orthodox Jew she will not answer the phone or the doorbell if the president calls her she keeps Sabbath Shabbat Friday nights I don't think it's my accident that dr. ben Carson was up there running for the president I think God wants those who are honestly searching as was Laura and they watching 3abn and they're watching and reading and they're sensing there's something missing in my church and what I need these as you said are tools to help us but I believe that some of these individuals up there in prominent places on purpose and God says you wait I just heard a person who is a an underground evangelist won't even say his name into the Laos and Cuba some of the most powerful evangelists of Vietnam for 70 years communism is ruled Hillary Clinton when she was a Secretary of State went over to Vietnam and said well show me something that communism is doing for this country here do you know what they showed her are you ready for this our people the 49th parallel of South Korea North Korea mm-hmm the Pathfinders and young people would send up balloons that are imprinted with pages of the scripture they have some money in them and an enrollment to a Bible course and even some little pieces of food that they can eat and they send them up by balloons and they float across into North Korea that is one of the toughest places to get well this person goes into North Korea Vietnam is the next toughest place and because of that ministry that has impacted those people they have now decided that the way to reach the people in our community I will not describe bathroom procedures here on air but in many of the primitive countries of the world I mean they go to the river and they take a stick and that's about it and they drink the water and so what it's just absolutely horrific they have now what is called bathroom churches they have discovered that if they will have a regular toilet and men's side and a ladies side and they issued tickets you could come to this at 10:00 to 10:15 in the morning is your time and the next person is 10:15 to 10:30 and the next for 10:30 it's called bathroom evangelism because the people in the Vietnamese they don't have such a thing they come there and it's so wonderful to them they take the shoes off and then now get around they get to find out about Jesus and they're called bathroom churches and Hillary Clinton when she asked what are you doing for its communists they said look at what we're doing for our people here with these bathrooms and Hillary Clinton said you want to know what what to do in these countries go to the Adventists you know how to help people I'm going to make a difference teach them about Jesus well long story short pray about this I need to be careful what I say because for the first time in 70 years they're hoping to have some advanced holistic meetings over there some of our church leaders some of who've been on this broadcast could not meet accepted private homes but they're hoping a year from next fall that of the 10 individuals the Communists have to approve I have to send sermons over and they'll delete what you can't appeal you can't ask for church membership but I'm hoping that maybe I'll get to go and do the first series advantage of these meetings over there Wow and that's coming up I hope I haven't said too much that won't affect brethren over there but God is going to use different things in these last days with different people yes it might even be bathroom evangelist mm-hmm you know I think and we can use on this that we've come to a town where God is going to tear down the walls and expand it and as to methodology that he will employ and exactly to to do the gospel and if we get hung up on the idea well this person is not perfect how can God use them well he can use the mill gates and he was a Cyrus you know that he designated a hundred years before he was even born so you don't have to be a perfect vessel to be used you just a donkey pretty precise so a Mel Gibson sees the story and says I want to make a movie about that and it highlights Adventism on Martin don't mire is fishing around and says oh this is interesting let me do a story on this anything he's done Bonhoeffer he's a number of other things but he's done with two three projects now on on Adventism thorough well done so God will use anyone at any time in any place to get the message a message out and now senator Lieberman who all of us New Yorkers know he's a Jewish guy but he's speaking the truth and truth is coming out of out of out of strange mouths but it's still truth the rock and we can the rocks are crying out precisely well you know one of your other broadcasters we've got 3abn we got homeland a broadcasting you hope channel you get hope T a amazing fact that made you Becht yeah Carlos Pateros is down there in the South with I know Carlos yeah what did that called its oh my goodness I'm looking at the thing in my mind Carlos what's a key safe TV he and his friend who's a Native American have discovered in the state of Idaho and they're ready to announce this I shouldn't say too much because I don't want to steal their thunder but they've discovered that the Sabbath for instance the Sabbath I've just discovered recently it was kept in Hawaii with the early Hawaiians until the white missionary came hmm told them we're keeping the wrong day in the South Pacific that's true the Sabbath was kept yes the Sabbath is embedded in hula and the Sabbath was kept in Africa by many of those countries st. Patrick we just had Saint Patrick's Day he was a Sabbath keeper yes the knew that a change of the Sabbath had not reached Ireland by the time he so he was a Catholic priest keeping the Sabbath and they have discovered through hieroglyphics in Idaho an ancient lady who was a Chiefs wife and her parents and grandparents has taken and shown hieroglyphics in the caves there and this is going to be revealed I can't share too many details but it's there in hieroglyph is a big halo around the number four in a number 10 hmm and stories of how God has come and told about Jesus and how the Reformation took place and so forth in Indian culture and that they the bottom line is that they kept the Sabbath Native Americans of North America kept the Sabbath yeah until the white man came there are Inuit stories I believe that God is ready to unfold so many secrets yeah I think in Jerusalem some of the things that are going to be uncovered maybe the Ark of the Covenant and who knows what else the Ten Commandments themselves mm-hmm I believe that the evidence will be so clear one of these days there'll be so much evidence that a person will have to choose not to be saved yes yes you know yeah 3abn is right at the front edge of trying to get the word out of the good news about Jesus and that he's coming back soon we don't mind being a tip of the spear on some of these things and I agree with you so very much it's a and Dennis's often what a wonderful time to live what a wonderful time to be alive to be partnered with God in sharing the greatest gift ever given to our frail hands and that's lifting up the name of Jesus but I think God is going to do some marvelous and miraculous things to get the word out and that's why this idea of elder Wilson's total member involvement what you're doing what we're doing what other networks are doing there's nothing so strong as an idea whose time has come and this is the idea and this is the time I know they have a couple of graphics here they don't want to forget ones the next book on the list they're moving up on them look at my notes here see what else we got one of the books is is Bill Hybels is it just a walk up the duck walk across the room Bill Hybels is the greatest biggest Church in North America I think is in Chicago now I don't subscribe to all the things that Bill Heiple does but I do know this he has a book called you know we think we have to learn about the 2300 days and I can't witness until I've learned all the things that Laura's learned and so forth he says when you're in a post office and you see that lady going to send a gift to her husband in Afghanistan her erect a little package from the girls and boys her his kids her kids and she doesn't have money enough money to pay the stamp just walk across the room yes you see that lady on food stamps in that grocery of mine and she's kids hungry and she doesn't have much food stamps just walking across out the room you read Bill Hybels book and I challenge you to get through the first chapter without bawling your eyes out powerful witnessing tool hmm then there's another book similar to that just a scrap of paper mm-hmm this was written by my own director of the world Bible School Kurt Johnson scar Johnson shape you want to hear some unusual stories about Kenneth Cox or about teenie Finley or about some of the key leaders that you see right here on this telecast you get Kurt's book just walk just a scrap of paper something you want to read about teenie Finley and about abuse in her life mmm just a scrap of paper powerful witnessing tool and again you'll be weeping to reads chapter what else have we got there anything L never got Thunder and the Holy Land Oh Thunder in the Holy Land you really get me excited about this and I'll get emotional you know in all of the history of Adventist Church since the days of William Miller who was greatest powerful Baptist preacher at first and he never did become a seventh-day Adventist but he we have trouble sometimes getting people to listen and pay attention our friends at McKee that's Little Debbie baking they helped implant three kids right out of college in the Holy Land and they lived there for six months with full television regalia and they did a series called Thunder in the holy man 26 fresh studies now the host of those can be you it can be a local conference evangelist I went down paid twelve thousand dollars out of my pocket to be the host of my series with those three kids I've never met them but they're the ones who carry the lessons but that is such a new way to present Jesus through the major doctrines of the Scriptures wondering the whole attended the meeting is that Jesus whenever Jesus spoke Thunder happened I don't happen huh so we go they go through all of those here's here's the incredible thing about this new series it's designed to show in your home to invite your hairdresser the person that will always check you out the grocery stand person who takes care of your car and services at home Bible study of the people who start coming to that are you ready for this 90% of them are so hooked by that they'll watch all 26 of them Wow ninety percent and of those 60 percent are baptized and a man dedicated Crusoe's are incredible stiffle this is just being launched since the general conference in in Texas and San Antonio and it's being taught now in our seminary and Berrien Springs Michigan and I have the privilege of being the host on my version of them but that to me is one of the most exciting things that's happening right now she's giving that series and I've seen people baptized just by watching them oh and a person like my doctor and Kettering opens her office on Friday night for those who want to come in and just watch these series people are coming in they're being baptized now walk me through this again - I understand you can have it made so that you can insert yourself as the host of the UAB one of those aha that's an interesting that you have lie down to Georgia Cumberland conference there with Charles Byrd aha he's the one who's the brains behind the not change the default person who's you can buy the tapes and get him on it aha but an evangelist in North Battleford or Manitoba Saskatchewan he puts himself in that and they start showing these in the Winnipeg in Saskatoon and Yorkton and toward the end of the series they say you know that person that's the host of that well he's going to come here and hold a series of weekend meetings here mm-hmm the guy that's on there that yeah he's going to be here yeah he's so that's what I want to start doing with some of my ministry to go to some that is an excellent that is an excellent eye tool new tool Newton really good idea that's something you want to investigate a funder in the hole in it you've got a lot of stuff here also we have put it on the screen anything else you got okay we did love it we're all kids and when I got ya this I this is my Warren Bible my preaching Bible travels with me everywhere I stopped wanted out you I mentioned it earlier the Andrews University study but I've got one you don't have this now this is the new King James it doesn't have these in the house but the study helps at the bottom but about 40 or 50 different scholars the very best in the most recent archaeological research yes I can't wait and every day I learn something new from this agree it's just powerful yes so if you're watching and you were looking for a Christmas present or a birthday present or a thanks being present for a Halloween present or you have no excuse you just want to buy something new and read it get the Andrews University study Bible I don't get any royalties for saying that but this is one of the most beautiful ways to rediscover Jesus in the scriptures Andrews University study yeah I have two I have a 1 it's a little larger than that and somehow over the last year so it the word shrunk so I bought the biggest print they have and everything even that one I've got to put my glasses on I love it but I love that Angie study Bible so I got a big hardcover one it weighs a ton I know we're running out of time so what are the graphics yeah back there okay Leslie else oh here it is here it is huh Oh clear what Jack Black was a professor at Southern University and he would try to rewrite the Bible for his grandchildren when the him family worship you try to give it in more modern paraphrase those eventually became the clear word Bible but he corrected that it's a clear word paraphrase it's check blank O's more modern when Jeannie and I first read that together for our own little family worship I wept at the first page of Genesis it was beautiful yeah well the clear word folks through the review and Herald publishing Association now Pacific press invited Lani to do the audio version of the entire Bible and man clear word all right and because my radio voice I had to do it on my own time with my own you know pushing these buttons in the studio on Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's I did that for four years Bible is finished and you can go online and get that if you don't like to read you can drive and you can listen to the Bible yeah the clear word so that's another tool mm-hmm native dude a well well okay made a new day and there's some other lessons kidzone to cover editor native this bill and other lessons yeah do you have any friends or loved ones who are Native Americans Cherokee or any other Native Americans we've discovered in their history because I talked about the Sabbath mm-hmm one of my dear friends that I went to interview his chief coyote man of the Yakima tribe in Washington the North Pacific area the United States in particular we've discovered that the Sabbath is embedded in their culture so we had the natives tribes get together and put together a series of Bible studies written by them with their own culture their own stories and Native American art well native new day do you know that that series of lessons we now baptize fifteen Chiefs Wow you know how important the chief is on the reservation his word is more important than the Constitution and the men in the White House what the chief says is law and what you so chief usually does the whole tribe does we've had ministers of many different denominations come in and say this is our culture this is who we are yeah here's our church take it over we've taken at least 11 churches Wow so this is a new and then we've got something else too the voice prophecy called Kids Zone first time we've had anything for kids ages 8 to 13 since I was a kid myself and it's puzzles and games and stories and lessons they can go online and acts to get it but voice of prophecy has things for Braille they've got things for pidgin English if you're in the South Pacific and of course you have lessons Doug Batchelor has lessons it is written has lessons you use these tools but if you know anybody in your area who happens to be a Native American if they read native new day they will be totally convinced because this is who they are this is what their culture is is Monte Church I'm a Houston program called native new day was he involved in suggest the same name he's the one who I mentioned a moment ago they discovered his hieroglyphics yes and they're ready to release this infamous ha his ex for what they thought on the walls excellent graphic just came up I don't want to miss that one what was that one was the 60 second over in a hill and this girl had to first this is a Church of Christ person he was a minister who became convinced as Laura misunderstood then her mother was not talking to her mmm the dead know not anything he studied very very carefully and John 3:16 was the key for him he that believeth has ever left see Mike and he that believeth not he's gone well that doesn't mean there's everlasting punishment and whom mr. fudge was defrocked and thrown out of his church for his convictions on that subject he became an attorney now he's I don't know what what what the future issues are there but this is a fantastic witnessing tool by my Church of Christ ministers of Christ and Ellen mr. fudge you can go and get that one too excellent we had jumped over what the Bible says about 31 Bible study guy mmm I have a little booklet of outlines and Bible studies called what the Bible says about woman you can chain reference your Bible with color-coded Bible marking by the way laura has done this with her Bible and she finds out to be a powerful witnessing tool so that's another tool you can find out the local heavens book centers or go online what the Bible says about mark Finley's done wanted he'd renamed his about the same thing so don't get confused he has a bigger one Minds a smaller one already oh the family reunion concert I thought it had to be at some of those tapings and recordings great stuff I've been recognized all over the planet when I was in Africa doing a series of meetings Kurt Johnson and I went to the Serengeti because we want to see lions well we couldn't find lions our Adventists guided no code we finally hired a guide he took us over there in this we're looking through binoculars and I have a pith helmet on my wife wouldn't recognize me a Jeep pulls up with two white people and an African guide and the African guides is now a saint go your Loni Mellish anko I said who in this planet are you you varma Mela Shenko I recognize you from the family reunion videos mmm musical video somehow he gotten online but we signed up those two people from New York for the discover Bible lesson and he was so excited yeah del Del Coeur it is written heritage singers you know God has used those videos powerfully to reach all kinds of people know I mean to vote did you do oh they've been at least fifteen or sixteen of Millie I've run out of uh-huh I've haven't been there now I know that many but yeah good good stuff great music wonderful people good friend who is asleep in Jesus Warren Judd and his kids and one Jay and yeah yeah yep yeah so wonderful stuff let's see family Union Church wombs there's a there's a video that we don't want to do about that particularly for people who've been hurt so many people that started in church somebody hurt them somebody off editor said something unkind what could you do that this is a video designed to help an inactive or person to stung and to encourage them and you know the best potential we have church membership is former members yes if we just knew how to love them back mm-hmm and fall says we need to do that but we've kind of cover the list there I think I just want to let you know that it's been my joy as a revivalist to share these tools with laymen and if you didn't get them all get in touch with the folks here at amazing at 3abn and let them know that you want to know what those tools were Church wounds that sounds like now something that a lot of people can relate to all right a very very strong and I'm looking at this you've sort of covered the gamut movie Watchers music listeners people who are straight Bible students people want to borrow a little simpler people want something innovative people want something that's easy and sort of non invasive like just walk across the room and do something nice for a person so in looking at all of these tools tools there's something literally for everyone that's right yeah yeah really great stuff and quality it's not shabby stuff it's not secondhand this is done and unlike that book what the Bible says about this is not preaching this is just helping people recognize that the Bible needs to be studied here little there little mm-hmm by themes and by comparing Scripture with Scripture here little there little we come up with what the Bible teaches on a subject which we may disagree with based on our background I'm bringing up so that's simply an outline with the scriptures and people can come to know the answers themselves mmm when looking you have to open the Bible you have to chase down those texts yes and yeah in make way stronger who would think that a United States Senator would be giving us a study and in-depth treatise on on the Sabbath on this ever the gift to rest again something that we didn't produce but that the hand of God is on again be used in a very marked and and powerful way always used to be on a sale I think even at Costco with this out of date now it's a couple of years so you'd have to go online and yeah sort of hunt it down just a scrap of paper is that to something we can get chronic they would have to get that through Pacific press or the voice of prophecy that's Curt Johnson's book on what happened how did Kenneth Cox become a born-again believer how did teenie Finley and some of these other key people that we know mm-hmm powerful stories gripping stories moving up about and the scrap of paper is usually a Bible enrollment card that was left somewhere in a washing machine tacked to the bulletin board in in an apartment house and that's what led these individuals to start studying and discovering Jesus totally transforming their lives and that's what the important thing is for our lay people to realize yeah it's the little things it's that taxicab driver that just took care for that lady and and saying that word how you made them feel and picking up a piece of paper and in taco well other it makes it as possible people are indeed why you're something we didn't talk about too much Lonnie the idea that you can you can still get I remember this came out years ago and it sort of made a big splash and then sort of went away the idea that you can have sixty second image we're in the spot that you can take to your local radio station and and and and have them playing there I have some of those voice props we produced some spots test-marketed across different parts of North America because people who are not church-going they wouldn't dark in the drawer at church when they're driving to work in Chicago or Detroit early in the morning you put a 60-second spot professionally made on prayer or and on the secular station they don't like religious stuff you have to do it in humor so we use Homer Simpson the boys like Homer Simpson to talk about prayer going to church and things like that those spots of called image awareness spots people were calling in saying our listeners loved those send us more well they're very expensive to make and young people today as they go on the internet and stuff can go viral instantly if we could just encourage our people to do things unique to get the word out mmm I like that idea so you're not coming to something that's overly preachy or turcica a second station wouldn't run it anyway but it sort of eases I'm into it and its image awareness we had WF RB and prospered Maryland the station manager called me at the broadcast headquarters one day and he said I have a confession to make I'm not a member of your faith but I have just been born again so I need to confess something I've been stealing we've been pirating those spots I don't mind we've been sprinkling those spots all throughout the Rush Limbaugh hour oh my soul did we think it gives them a little bit of balance well that tells us something in 60 seconds yes and make a difference and the listeners loved it in the station manager who write and say send us more of these well it cost us a fortune to make those professionally and but those were I play those often when I go to speak just to give an example of what you can do creatively kids today they create all kinds of stuff most viral really really good if your church has I'm thinking a an evangelism budget maybe the church can sponsors you said maybe a little steep for a person to do them but by the same token use some church advantages and budget and it's an ongoing ministry you know you want to be there it's coming it's running it's running so a lot of these things are fall into that that category I want to go back to to Martin domeier's work because it is so populous and and so a so current and so well done this has been on PBS as a not he's put it on several times in fact you couldn't buy this for a while yeah he ran out of here to do another version another bidding but that's where you can you can probably get it through the local Adventist bookstore which are not so prevalent anymore but go online google google it and go to amazon.com yeah you'll find that and yeah others too it'll list some of the other movies at Dover wire did but the Adventist is the one I am really excited about the first one yes the first Adventist to and then there - one on Christian education I think the first time we thought we saw it on the local PBS station here and then we bought it so that's so that we have it but that's a good tool our phone and that's the tool of that work that you can share with your your values the term high end friends people who may not be drawn to some other kind of tool that would do it because it's very very well done it is a professionally done documentary done documentary style very informative and yet spiritual and and very well done I'm just going down this because there's some of you got 14 different things in there all and they're all really really and I promote these of camp babies I tell our people you know it's so simple now I never had these tools when I grew up and I went through the pastor administrative been in ministry almost well close to 450 years pretty soon these are now being produced and some of them are by Catholics by Jews by Church Church of Christ and many of these people by the way if you look in the phone book you'll discover that there are seventh-day Methodists there's a seventh-day Church of God there's a seventh-day Lutheran's and many many churches now have Saturday services yes all over the country yes so people are beginning to recognize that their biases from the past might need to be relooked at there may be some things that we have we've compromised on yes and that's one of the things that makes me so happy for what you represent here CA and Danny and the 3abn ministry it's gone worldwide it's about lifting up Jesus it's about Jesus yes it's all about Jesus they're much said the day we moved to saying well I believe this or this is right and this is not right it's got to be Jesus oriented how does this doctrine embellish and enhance my relationship to Jesus Jesus yes yes that had a bottom line yeah and we talked about that in our corporate meetings if we ever stray from the pure gospel the pure words as we know it to be as if we have a stray from that then we think God will take away his mandate we exist to give the gospel not man's opinion the European in my opinion we all got opinions but we need to give the Word of God and while we stay with that and then we are value to the kingdom of God question that came to me before I didn't get a chance to ask you the idea of what's the title love at work where did that title come from well I'm not exactly sure because the palmers dr. schreiber palmer and Lada they came up with that but I think they were looking for a mnemonic L a W love at work law of God the Ten Commandments hmm so I that's where I think it is they have a new title for this follow-up series that ties together with this one I'm not sure I have that particular little quip right here don't have my glasses try mine ready ready you got it okay those 100 new songs that are coming out ha ha way you get those is to go online there that graphic that we gave earlier ready but the one on the same thing if you go to the love at work you'll find both the Ten Commandment musical with all those major major musicians again that is not your average gospel music yeah this is high opera but I can't listen through the fifth commandment without breaking down in tears it's so powerful and some of these are very complicated musical oratorios yeah you've listened to some of them I'm sure I'm just so proud of them and it's a wonderful thing I've noticed something about you know as you get older you become more sensitive to things and and you use terms like like I wept or brings me to tears it's a lot more than when you were younger you know you realize particular when you get some history with Jesus II and see what he's done and what he is doing and you muse on that it does ofttimes bring you to tear you've turned into quite a crybaby in your old age my wife gets after me from time to time but you know what when you brought Laura in here I was moved I didn't know if I could speak yeah because it's God created us with emotions oh yes the Lord Himself had emotions he didn't have the wrong kind of righteous indignation but God will have wrath in the final day we don't want to be part of that we want to be in the site of his justice and as mercy amen love but there is another side and often we don't look at that in church very often and people often think well that's that's the kind of god I don't I'm not interested in he's vindictive that's not the point God is going to put things together and make things right someday and he's going to bring justice and those people who know headlines their loved ones are lost in a terrible terrible way or some person murdered someone else or took advantages or abused someone one of these days God is going to take all these broken pieces of the puzzle put it back into a beautiful picture he's alone but Jesus paid the price and the penalty of the sin the scars might mean that some individuals who never repented will have to pay the price of facing the other side of God's character of love which is justice which is justice yes yes and before our time cepsa we're down to our last minute I do want to just mention to you should you want to contact Pastor mellichamp it's Lonnie Mellish in co.com one word Lonnie Mel Assange co.com there it is at the bottom of the screen and he is revivalist he is like the Holy Spirit he goes it goes I go where I'm invited where he's invited indeed but he has a lot of tools and if you are looking for a way to sort of interface with your community maybe put a little jump start in your evangelism he can come and he can do precisely that good man with a lot to save the Word of God and he'd be glad to come out that website you can find out where I'm preaching a list of speaking appointments includes Boston a couple of weeks and Tennessee and Georgia coming up this weekend I'll be back at the okay Arizona camp meeting and so forth gotta cut you our time is fast lift into eternity alarm day enclosing to wish you both Grace and peace to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ appeared in soon bye-bye good night and God bless [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 11,914
Rating: 4.6571426 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Danny Shelton, yt:quality=high, Lonnie Melashenko, CA Murray, 10 Commandment
Id: 2AVAtwip96Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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