Dwayne Lemon: Origins-Who Is Your Father? 8/14/19

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art and in my heart and I don't know about you but there are times that you can have a habit that's so real and so strong in your life that you literally begin asking the question does God have enough power to really change me can I actually get my life so in harmony with the revealed will of God according to his word that Jesus can actually say to me one day well done good and faithful servant and I don't know about you but I'm realizing that the devil is really attacking God's people's minds while sickness and disease and problems with money and all of these things are happening the devil's target point is the mind he really wants to get access to your mind and get access to my mind because the devil understands something that the Bible teaches the Bible teaches us that as a man thinks in his mind so is he and so if Satan can get access to our mind he knows we cannot help but to reflect his character and his will thus that's the reason jesus said to those jewish brothers so long ago a verse that really startled my mind and i just want to give this to you before we have one more prayer jesus said something to his fellow brothers his jewish brothers and in this verse never hit me so hard until recent years one day jesus was talking to all of his brothers and they kept telling jesus that they were Abraham's children and they were very proud of it waver Hamm's children and it got to a point that one day jesus had to show them or tell them who their father really was and jesus said in john 8 and verse 44 he said you are of your father the devil and then he said this and this is the part that really got to me and the lusts of your father you will do if God is not your father then by default Satan is and whatever Satan you ever said something like I'll never do that you ever said that to somebody some folks before oh I'll never do that let me tell you something right now if God the creator of heaven and earth if he is not your father then by default the devil is our Father and Jesus he did many things on this earth but the one thing jesus never did was tell a lie and Christ says if the devil is your father the lusts the desires of your father you will do and so I believe we're living in a time where the devil is trying to adopt us he's trying to get you and I to either walk away from God or stay under his tutelage and in either one of those efforts at the end of the day God is here to deliver to heal and to bless and so every message that I will be sharing with you of the five times that I will have the privilege of speaking with you the Lord has made very clear what he wants to be covered with his people and you're gonna find that what we're gonna cover is gonna hit the heart it's gonna hit the home it's gonna hit the church it's gonna hit every dynamic of our lives because God really wants us to be truly converted and so as we prepare our hearts to go through this study I'm gonna have one more word of Prayer and I'm gonna kneel to do that and so I'm just gonna ask you to please bow your heads with me and if you if you're inclined to kneel you can kneel with me if you're okay with it I'm okay with it otherwise let us go before the Lord in prayer our Father in Heaven we are truly grateful for this opportunity that we might come together as brothers and sisters to study your wonderful words of life and Lord we're just praying at this time that you will please forgive us of our sins but that you'll also grant us the gift of heaven you Holy Spirit we pray that he would come and that he would minister to our hearts we all have needs father and you know every single one of them and not only do you know them you know how to supply solutions to them and so we come before you with heads bowed and some of us upon our knees and we're just praying please do for us that which we cannot do for ourselves open our eyes and help us behold wondrous things out of your word and we do ask all of these blessings in the worthy and mighty name of Jesus let everyone say Amen if you have your Bibles with you I want to invite you to go with me to the book of second Corinthians we're going to the book of second Corinthians chapter two and it's a very powerful statement made in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 Paul wanted to provide comfort to those who are in affliction individuals who have done wrong and in doing wrong they you know when you do something wrong you want to be forgiven don't you you know that's something we can all relate to we've all done something wrong and when we do something wrong we want to be forgiven we want to have the assurance to know that though I might have done something wrong that I am forgiven I'm pardoned for that thing that I did wrong well there was a brother in the midst of the Brethren in the Church of Corinth and Paul got wind of some of the problems that was happening with this brother and Paul began to give counsel to the Brethren in the Church of Corinth of the importance of making it known forgiveness when Paul began to walk through this he started to go ahead and speak to them and I'll go ahead and write and start in verse 3 the Apostle Paul says and I wrote this same unto you less when I came I should have sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice having confidence in you all that my joy is the joy of all four out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears not that you should be grieved but that you might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you verse 5 but if any have caused grief he if not grieved me but in part that I may not overcharge you all sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many so that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him and do what else and comfort him lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow verse 8 wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him for to this end also did I write that I might know the proof of you whether ye be obedient in all things to whom he forgive anything I forgive also for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ now watch this Paul is making it clear that there has been an offence and in the midst of this offence Paul says I didn't allow it to allow me to get overcharged with anger Paul says I'm writing this letter unto you because I don't want to simply make you aware what I'm going through I want to make you aware of what the will of God is and what you should do towards this brother who has obviously committed an offense and the thing that he wanted them to do to the brother was what forgive him forgive him give him the assurance because Paul was concerned I don't want him to be over much sorrow in relation to that you ever been so guilt you ever felt so guilty about the wrong decision that you made that you can take it a little bit too far you can begin putting a judgment upon yourself that puts you in the position of God I know people who have put themselves in hell before God did they began to say I've done so much wrong there's no way that God could forgive me I am hell bound when God says no actually your heaven bound and so it is Paul says make it known to brother that not only you forgive him but let him know I also forgive him for what he's done that's a that's a comforting statement isn't it what would happen if the Brethren didn't do it well verse 11 kicks in now so it says in verse 11 lest in other words if you don't do this something's gonna happen what does Paul say in verse 11 he says lest Satan should get an advantage of us if they did not forgive the brother Paul says what would have what would happen was Satan as it relates to the rest of it Satan would get in that Vantage over them he'd be able to overtake them and get them to do his bidding which by the way is not forgiving so Paul makes it clear make sure you do this lest if you don't do it Satan's gonna end up getting an advantage over us now how did Paul know that what is the close of the verse a it says for we are not ignorant of his devices one of the great reasons why Paul was so powerful in his ministry one of the reasons why the wonderful little book called education written by Ellen White where she actually likens Paul and she says that next to the man who spake as never a man's faith now if you don't know who that is you'd go back to John chapter 7 and you'll find out the man who spake as never a man spake was none other than Jesus Ellen White says next to the man who spake as never a man speak the most illustrious teacher this world has ever known was the Apostle Paul now you know why that's the Paul had to be dead for that to be stated because you know why it's hard to hear a statement like that without getting a little puffed up so Paul had to be dead before that statement through inspiration could be said because you know why that was not Ellen White that said that Ellen White was just the pennmen the writings of Ellen White is what today we called the testimony of Jesus can you imagine that Jesus said next to me the most illustrious teacher the world has ever known was Paul Jesus held Paul in such a high esteem now why is it that Paul was so powerful well one of the reasons why you just read it not only was he anointed of the Holy Ghost not only was he thoroughly educated and the list goes on but one of the reasons why Paul was so powerful he said because I'm not ignorant of Satan's devices family I'm here to let you know if you're gonna make it through the final scenes of Earth's history if we're know if we're gonna know how to stand true to God during the closing scenes of the investigative judgment if we are going to be counted amongst that Revelation 2:10 group that are faithful unto death that we may receive our crown of life there is no way that we're gonna get that crown and there is no way that we're gonna be faithful up until the end unless we to become aware of Satan's devices I want to give you a message that's gonna touch your mind make you search your heart and cause you to make a decision to be on better standing ground with God we are very much in a war we did not ask to be in it we did not sign up for it but the very fact that you and I choose Jesus by default you are in a war and as a result of that you have only one or two choices and in truth in my mind I don't even have these two choices but I'm a saint respectfully for you because I respect your choice but we have one or two choices again in my mind I don't even have two choices I only have one choice but respectfully you for you I'll say you have one of two choices you're in a war nothing you can do about that you're gonna have to just kind of except that fact but you got one of two choices win or lose for me losing is not an option and that's why I only have one choice and for me that choice is to win but I respect the fact that if you say well I choose to lose well I think that's a terrible choice but I respect the fact that if that's the choice you made then that's the choice you have a right to me but I would like to encourage you choose to win now if you're gonna win jesus said something in Luke 14 let me show you in Luke 14 if you're gonna win once you accept the fact that you're in a war once you accept that then as a result of me standing for Jesus I have invoked the wrath of Satan and any of his followers because of that fact I'm in a war and so you can either choose the winner choose to lose in this war if you choose to win watch the second witness to what we just read in 2nd Corinthians 2 and verse 11 in 2nd Corinthians 2:11 we just saw if we're gonna win we must become acquainted with his devices we have to it is imperative that we understand the movement of God it is imperative that we understand the righteousness of God it is imperative that we understand the truth of God no doubt but in addition to that we must understand Satan's devices that's one of the reasons why the Bible reveals it for us to understand it now watch the second witness Luke 14 in Luke the 14th chapter Jesus made the same exact point again he was talking about the qualification for disciples and when he was talking about the qualifications for disciples Jesus got to a point in Luke 14 that here is what he said and it's very very powerful the Bible says this in Luke 14 right there in verse 31 and notice that the language is the language of warfare it says in Luke 14 of verse 31 what king going to make war against another king sitteth not down first and consulted whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand are you following that thought do you see how Jesus says an intelligent King never enters a war without understanding his enemy the understand that that's literally what Jesus just brought out in Luke 14 you never go into a war because any person who goes into a war is gonna need artillery you're gonna have to have some things that you're gonna use in that war to ensure you win but how can you know if you got enough unless you first understand what your enemy has so that's what Jesus said what king he's asking it almost like it's a silly thing to even think otherwise he said what king goes to a war and doesn't sit down first and say to himself do I have enough artillery to go against my enemy my enemy might have more than me I think I need to be sure what my enemy has so that way I can make sure I have what I need to succeed against my enemy do you see how we have a second witness Christ wants to make it clear we're in a war we can't do anything about it we didn't ask to get in it I understand that I didn't ask either but we're in it and so now we either have the choice to win or lose but for us we understand there's too much at stake to lose losing is not an option therefore we must win but if we're gonna win Jesus says then you need to understand some things about your enemy gotta understand it now I can assure you during our five sessions this being one of them during our time together oh the man Christ Jesus is gonna be so lifted up I love lifting him up I love talking about him I love studying him and I desire more than anything else to reflect him to those I come in contact with so please don't misunderstand my statements like we're gonna have some study time together we're just gonna glorify the devil and understand all these deep things about him no that's not the mission of what I'm here for what I'm telling you is that there are some things that is very essential for us to understand because we are in a war and we need to get an idea of what the enemy is really trying to do I'm gonna put a verse up on the screen that I know you have read before and I'm so sorry that you know the lighting is not the best but I tested it and you should be able to see some of this so this is proverbs 16 and verse 18 for those of you taking notes proverbs 16 and verse 18 makes a very profound statement that you'll understand it more and still more as we go throughout our study the Bible makes it very clear pride goeth before destruction and and haughty spirit before a fall now if any of you have ever done Bible study and when I say Bible study I'm not so much talking about just sitting down and teaching people the Bible but if you've ever gone through like classes on how to study the Bible then have you ever been through that before you went through a class on how to study the Bible all right so for those of you who have gone through that then the word I'm about to use shouldn't be foreign to you if you had a fairly decent teaching there is a way that you can study the Bible and one of the ways that you'll see is that there's a way you can arrive at Bible truth do something called parallelism okay parallelism what is parallelism is very simple it is the expression of one point or the making of one point but expressing it in two or more ways example you remember when David committed sin with Bathsheba he goes to God and he says purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow remember when David said that he was making one point I'm dirty and I need to be clean that was the one point but he expressed it in two ways purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow same point you follow that all right do you know parallelism is in this verse right here notice the parallel pride goes before what destruction all right then it says and and haughty spirit so what does hearty spirit being parallel to pride very good and then it says before a false so what is fall being parallel to destruction you got that so pride comes before a fall that leads to destruction that's a biblical fact now the reason why this is important is because in the beginning of time we should know maybe we don't know but the Bible says in Revelation 12 that there was a war in heaven it was a war that took place in heaven there was a rebellion that a being by the name of the devil and Satan well at the time he was still called Lucifer but he became the devil and Satan and noticed the language that Isaiah uses in Isaiah 14 12 through 14 it says how art thou what fall in never remember we just looked at that word fall when somebody falls in a spiritual sense we know it's gonna lead to one destruction so it says how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which this week in the nations what was the foundation of Lucifer's fall that was going to lead to his destruction notice the rest of the verses for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the cloud I will be like the Most High so what we're seeing is a fall that took place with Lucifer what was the foundation of the fall pride pride a self exaltation and remember so we're looking even through the experiences of Lucifer and many others thereafter we're gonna see that man that verse that what we just read is serious isn't it because pride always comes before a fall now the rebellion started with Lucifer in heaven right well let's take it a little further in revelation 7 and verse 11 it was understood that angels were to be submissive to God as it relates to him and his throne and that whoever stood on the throne was the one worthy of worship because the Bible says in revelation 7 and 11 and all the Angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne on their faces and they worshipped God whoever sat on the throne received worship so when the devil says I'm gonna exalt myself on this throne what he was trying to do is remove God and take his place to receive worship that belonged to him this is what pride caused Satan to do to stand in the place of God himself to try to dethrone God and put himself on the throne that now he is worshipped as if he's God don't lose this point I asked the question I said what kind of group of mine am i coming to speak with you know you know that ministers when we come to a certain group of folks we're supposed to prayerfully inquire like what kind of group are we coming before and you know like what what is it that God would want us to say and we need to adapt our messages according to the group so in my prayer I was like Lord what do you want me to talk about so he gave it to me so I said oh well I guess I guess this is gonna be the group I'm gonna be dealing with that's what God did with me before I arrived when I arrived I then had some questions and when I asked the questions and was told about the kind of group that I had the privilege of being with I said praise the Lord God confirmed what he told me so I said yeah alright second witness wonderful now here it is that I'm walking through things that I'll call Fundamental Bible teaching and because I'm going through fundamental Bible teaching some of you can finish the verses before I even finish quoting it and that's good cuz you know that tells me that means that you know that's good you know it's wonderful it's nice to talk to a group that knows but I also know that the Bible says to him that knows to do good but they don't do it he says to him it is sin I am NOT here to find out how much you know I'm here for one thing I'm here to challenge you what are you doing with what you know that's what I'm here for I'm not here to find out how much you know I'm here to ask you what are you doing with what you know the same way God asked me every day Dwayne what are you doing with everything that you know so just stick Whitney don't worry we're going on a very powerful journey the Bible makes it very clear if we're gonna succeed in this war we must understand Satan's devices we have looked at a powerful biblical principle pride comes before Falls which leads to destruction we're studying now the first fall that ever took place in the Bible and it started with a being known as Lucifer and Lucifer fell because of pride and that pride caused him to want to remove God from the throne and put himself on the throne so he could receive what normally comes to the one that sits on the throne according to revelation 7 11 what comes to the one that sits on the throne worship don't lose that well we know the story that the Bible makes it very clear that Satan did not win and Satan should have known that he wasn't gonna win because aim Jules already knew that they are not worthy of worship you remember that John the Revelator himself had contact with an Angels remember that the Bible says in Revelation 22 8 and 9 it says in I John saw these things and heard them and when I had heard and seen I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me that these things and then say if he unto me see thou do it not for I am thy fellow-servant and of thy brethren the prophets and of them which keep the sayings of this book worship God the angel made it clear angels knew we are not worthy of worship but we have a fallen angel who forgot his true education and he wanted to remove God so now he could be worship well the Bible tells us very clearly that unfortunately or fortunately Satan was removed from heaven but he landed somewhere didn't he rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them but woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea because the devil come down unto you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time so when he came down to earth he told this lie now I want you to pay attention to the lie because there was a purpose behind the lie you and I if we did tell a lie didn't you have a purpose behind it wasn't there something you were trying to make come to pass through that lie well so it is with Satan and I want you to see what Satan did I don't want you to just see the lie that he taught I want you to see the purpose behind the lie watch carefully Satan lost the battle in heaven now he's on earth now that he's on earth he is on a very similar mission notice in Genesis 3 and verse 1 the Bible says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made very true and the surface said unto the woman ye shall not surely die now that was part of the lie but it went a little bit further you shall not surely die but then he says for God doth know that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be open and you shall be as God's knowing good and evil so the enticing point that Satan used to get Eve and ultimately Adam to buy into his deception was pride you'll be exalted if you do what I tell you to do and disobey what God tells you to do you'll be exalted to a higher existence self exaltation is the foundation of why sin came into this world how do we know that because when he said you shall be as gods literally the word God is Elohim so when he said you shall be as gods remember in the beginning with the war in heaven Satan's mission was to dethrone God sit on the throne so he could be worshipped as God himself now he takes the same thought process and he introduces it to Eve and he says to her you shall be like the supreme god himself in your disobedience you'll be like him he's trying to fulfill his desire through the people are you following that pretty fundamental so far don't lose it so here it is that when the devil came down to this earth and now woe unto us indeed because he's definitely coming to us with great wrath but he's coming to us with a plan his plan is that he wants to fulfill his desire through you and to fulfill it through me and he started with our first parents on this earth here it is that along with that the Bible also starts showing that even through kingdoms the same exact mission of Satan the Bible says in Genesis 10 8 through 12 and cush begat Nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord and the beginning of his kingdom was babel and erech and accad and calneh in the land of Shinar so notice that now Nimrods on the scene he's a mighty hunter before the Lord but the word before actually means right there the word before means against see that so when this says Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord he was a mighty hunter against the Lord so Nimrod was God's enemy follow that now Nimrod started the kingdom what was the kingdom call it's called Babel right now I want you to watch this dealing with the history of Babel let's notice once again you see Satan's plan here it is the Bible says in Genesis 11 and they said go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven now look at the motive of why they wanted to build the city it says and let us notice this and let us make us a name so notice that we're gonna build the city for the purpose of doing what make us a name let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth and the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men builded and the Lord said Behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech so the Lord scattered them abroad the from thence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city therefore is the name of it called Babel because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth and from thence did the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of all the earth I want you to catch what's happening the Bible makes it very clear we need to understand Satan's devices if you're gonna win the war in the beginning of time Satan himself fell and it was because of pride self exaltation it was foundational to his fall well he gets kicked out of heaven so now he comes down to God's children and he's now trying to fulfill his original desire through his children so he says why don't you disobey God because if you do it you'll become like him which is exactly what he wanted so here it is they fell for it sin comes into the world now there's all these kingdoms getting set up and when Nimrod sets up his kingdom which is called Babel which is very very important to us because of these last moments of Earth's history we know that part of the war that we in is gonna reach its climax with an organization called Babylon so this is not all truth this is not past truth this is present truth what we're studying and so what God wants us to understand is well as we look at the very foundation of Babylon that last group that we're going to be at war with the foundation of Babylon is self-exaltation here we go again when it says make us a name literally if you look up that term make us a name there goes a Hebrew word right there what did they mean when they said let's make us a name it says as a mark or memorial of individuality honor authority to become renown that's what they wanted they wanted to exalt themselves well this is interesting because as we begin to fast-forward through the time of Babylon we're gonna see something you see instead rather than humbling themselves and repenting they prefer to preserve their lives on their own and then make it a legacy for other generations to behold that upon their all merits they were able to save themselves this is the foundation of Babylon the foundation of Babylon we saved ourselves look at what we did that's the foundation of Babylon now here it is the Bible says the axe salut opposite for whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it rather than them humbling themselves and repenting of their sins they came up with a plan that did not involve humility but it involves salvation they wanted to save themselves through self exaltation rather than be saved through humbling themselves before God this is foundational to this Institute called Babylon you start to see this thing unfold because when you look at the fall of Babylon in the literal sense the literal Kingdom when you think of none other than Nebuchadnezzar how can we forget where for King let my counsel be acceptable unto thee and break off thy sins by righteousness and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor if it may be a lengthening of by tranquility literally they were saying Nebuchadnezzar humble yourself before God break off your sins by righteousness confess your sins acknowledge it humble yourself before God nebuchadnezzar here's the admonishment but the Bible is very clear he did not pay attention at the end of 12 months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon the King spake and said it's not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power and for the honor of my majesty I mean totally missed the message all it took was 12 months miss the message he forgot the graces of God you ever did that before when you were in your trial Oh Lord I'll humble myself a thousand times over God delivers you and all of a sudden in a matter of months we forget the hand of God and how he moved on our behalf it's an old problem and so it is that as we see that the Bible says while the word was in the Kings mouth there fell a voice from heaven saying old King Nebuchadnezzar to thee it is spoken the Kingdom is departed from thee well here it is that as a result of that we know Nebuchadnezzar went through seven years of absolute turmoil punishment and judgment but thank the Lord he came out of it it wasn't the close of his life thank the Lord and so it is that Nebuchadnezzar as he sobered up it says and at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven and mine understanding returned unto me and I blessed the most high and I praised and honored him that liveth forever whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion and his kingdom is from generation to generation now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the king of heaven all whose works are truth and his ways judgment and those that walk in pride he is able to abase Nebuchadnezzar makes it very clear why he fell it was because of pride thank God he repented before destruction well here it is that once again we're just watching this plan of Satan unfold through him through and through now watch this when unfortunately it came to Nebuchadnezzar his son we know that there was a problem in daniel v a-- says Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords and drank wine before the thousand and Belshazzar whilst he tasted the wine commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem that the king and his Prince's his wives and his concubines might drink therein he wanted to have all origin with God's holy vessels well here it is that it goes on to say then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was at Jerusalem and the king and his princess his wives and his concubines drank in them they drank wine and praise the gods of gold and of silver a brass of iron of wood and of stone in the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand and rode over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace and the King saw the part of the hand that wrote and what did it say and now a son o Belshazzar has not humble down heart and though thou knewest all but has lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven in that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain and Darius the median took the kingdom being about threescore and two years old let us go to the book of Revelation the fourteenth chapter in the last gospel Herald to be given to the world the Bible says in the book of Revelation the 14th chapter the last gospel Herald again starting from the beginning of our message we learned that the Apostle Paul was a mighty warrior for the Lord and one of the reasons why Paul was so mighty and so powerful for God was not only because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit his deep studious life his strong prayer life in addition to all of those facts Paul told us one of the reasons why he was victorious it said in 2nd Corinthians 2 and verse 11 he was not ignorant of Satan's devices we saw that Jesus himself said no King goes to a war without understanding his enemy and we acknowledge the fact that we are in a war therefore we need to understand our enemy and one of the things that God wants to reveal to us about our enemy is the foundation of his movements and so it is that the Bible made it clear pride always comes before a fall that leads to destruction and so it is that when we look at the Bible we saw the first fall that ever took place in the existence of God's creation was none other than that being called Lucifer himself he fell and how did he fall he fell on the point of pride which was self exaltation taking the place of God as a result of losing that battle in heaven the Bible says okay heaven you can rejoice because he's gone but those of you on earth woe unto you we watched his plan unfold where he came to Eve and he tried to fulfill his desires through her exalt yourself above God in his word and you will be blessed then he did it through kingdoms starting with the foundation of Babel which was Nimrod all the way through to Nebuchadnezzar and then finally Belshazzar but the Bible says in Revelation 14 and verse 8 that second angels message it says and there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made how many nations she may think about that she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication so that means that Babylon is distributing some type of inebriating product to everybody on earth yes it does produce lies and deception but the foundation of it is the same exact thing that we've been studying and so let's notice it when we deal with the fall of Babylon spiritual pay attention and there front of another angel saying Babylon is what fallen is fallen now Babylon cannot fall unless what comes first pride so that means that pride is the foundation of not only literal Babylon pride is the foundation of spiritual Babylon because it can't fall except maybe what pride first cuz pride comes before a fall now watch this when it says and there followed another angel saying Babylon has fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication my friends go to Revelation 17 watch the verses carefully we're going to go to Revelation 17 notice we're establishing all these points because if we miss this point we could be fighting while we're beating the air and losing the battle in Revelation the 17th chapter notice what the Bible says now revelation we're looking at the 17th chapter and we're going to consider verses 1 to 5 I'll go ahead and read verse 1 you'll do verse 2 I'll do 3 you'll do 4 and we'll take you to verse 5 when you get there let me know by saying Amen the Bible says in the book of Revelation chapter 17 and there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me come hither I will show unto thee the judgment of the great that sitteth upon many waters so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns and upon her forehead was a name written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth now we know that this is not speaking in a literal sense is speaking in a spiritual sense so now we know that there's a seat there's a great horror on the scene called Babylon the Great and she has many many daughters now watch chapter 18 and this look at verses one through five and then verse seven let's notice in chapter eighteen starting at verse one again I will start at verse one you'll do two and we'll take it down in Revelation 18 and verse one and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies for her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities verse 7 together how much she did what glorified herself and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her for she saith in her heart I sit a queen and AM no Widow and shall see no sorrow what was the foundation of Babylon that merited all the judgments of God pride again self exaltation you know nine times out of ten when we talk about Babylon and her wine we think about doctrines don't we we watch my words very carefully we limit it to doctrines but not God God open face in the scripture told us the foundation of what even produced those foul doctrines she glorified herself this is the foundation of the sins that reached unto heaven that God ultimately said come out of her she is irreparable my brothers and my sisters what God is trying to get across to you and get across to me is that from the beginning of time all the way down to literally the end of time the great battle is gonna be even amongst God's people the pride of Satan versus the humility of Christ reigning in the heart and the question is which one do you have is the pride of satan or is it the humility of Christ you know why this is very important for us to understand you see we are believers in the everlasting gospel aren't we do we believe in the everlasting gospel amen we believe not only in the first not only in the second but we also believe in the third angels message isn't that right well let me let you know something that came from that very testimony of Jesus that's spirit of prophecy in relation to those who believe the third angels message notice the quote and be in a prayerful state of mind as the storm approaches a what kind of class not a small a large class who have professed faith in what in the third angels message but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth what do they do they abandon their position and then join the ranks of thee now hold up wait a second who's the opposition no no no no I'm sorry I Satan is foundational but what is the earthly opposition that they join that's Babylon that is Babylon notice what it says but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition and what ends up happening they become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren that means that there's people right now that are talking third angel's message Real Talk there are some people right now that are talking third angels message they have a problem they're not allowing God to sanctify them through obeying all of his truth if this process continues the words of inspiration are clear we will eventually abandon position you see you remember how I started our message remember I told you that startling statement jesus said you are of your father the devil how can the devil become your father very simple when God is not you understand that remember that and what did he say he said you loved your father the devil and if the devil's our Father what did Jesus say he said the lusts of your father you might do he said the lusts of your father you will do you understand that now why is that so important to us because my brothers and sisters God wants us to understand listen Peter said Lord I'll never deny you Peter was sure but he did not know himself Peter had a evil spirit of pride that was still in his heart and when listen to my words carefully when the crisis came the talker man listen y'all don't understand how much of a privilege it is to be alive at such a time like this I'm talking about me I'm supposed to be dead but I'm alive God spared my life and he allowed a transition to happen in my mind that I get to go all over the world and give them another principle of the gospel that I did not do as effectively in my previous ministry I am so thankful God spared my life that I can honor him by sharing what's very very important for his people at such a time as this Peter was sure there's a lot of people on YouTube right now don't they sound just like Peter you can pick the YouTube video and you can listen to the so-called tough guys and tough girls that are hiding behind those cameras and talking all sorts of present truth jargon you can go to audio verse and you can go to 3abn and you can go to channel and you can go to whatever place you want to go and there's all sorts of people that look like tough warriors like they're just gonna be faithful until the end forgetting what God has said that many a star that we have admired for their brilliancy is gonna go out in darkness volume 5 of the testimonies to the church page 81 my friends what God wants us to understand you want to know who's gonna make it in these last days it's the ones who overcome pride and you can preach present truth proudly I speak the truth you can keep that wicked demon in your heart while you talk about the movements of the papacy while you talk about apostate Protestantism while you talk about the sins that are happening in the church and that pride has gone nowhere it's just sitting right there do you know this week I'm gonna show you what privately what what humility looks like I'm gonna show you biblically this is humility man I can't wait to do this it's almost like you know I wish I could just excuse me you just forward all the other meetings and get to the next part but y'all got other blessings coming amen you got other blessings come but I can't wait to get back here with you seriously God has given the message and I want to give it to you and I pray that God will deliver us from that thing right there pride pride pride is arrogancy it's pump it's a swelling it's a constant lifting up of oneself but you know what Jesus gave us to overcome this wicked thing there's this this very wicked demon do you know what Jesus gave us to help us overcome pride he gave us some true education you want to know the education go to Matthew 11 I'm getting ready to wind it down here I want to give you a couple more points I'm gonna let you go in Matthew the 11th chapter Jesus gave us something that will help us with this I'm just so thankful that God has helped me see this now the summaries I couldn't see it before it's amazing it's amazing how the heart is so deceitful it's it's blind I mean literally I thought I understood this and for me it required open-heart surgery so God could get my attention that's what it required for me I am certainly not saying that for you I don't recommend it but at the same time I'm like Lord do what you got to do to get your people's attention because some of us I mean our granite rock hard-headed I mean we don't listen and God sends all these loving warnings it's like he just says I need you hey we need to talk about that and we keep saying in a little bit Lord I'll get to that guys like listen you can't you can't keep having these problems in your home you can't keep having these problems with your family your children your wife this husbands and wives right now that are literally estranged to each other will not reconcile it notice what I said will not meaning they could but the sacrifice is too deep and they will not reconcile with each other and the chief reason that is not happening is because of that wicked thing called pride but they actually have the nerve to come to church and to sing when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be while pride is sitting right there reclined and very comfortable and we think that we're gonna make it to heaven like this talk about the heart being deceitful there are some of us that you know there are people who have offended you and you have not as Matthew 18 verse 35 says you have not forgiven them from your heart we live by this I forgive you but I'm not gonna forget well what if God did that with us right and we start you know acting certain ways that God says I've given you power to do you have to act that way towards that person now Lord after what they did to me mmm their probation has closed and God says really is that right so you're gonna keep coming to church and you're gonna sing the praises of Jehovah and you're gonna let pride sit right in your heart and you actually think that I'm gonna save you like that that's how wicked our hearts are very deceitful above all things and so what does Jesus say Jesus says I need to cure that and the only way that he can cure that demon call pride is through the true education of Matthew 11 what does the Bible say in Matthew 11 the Bible says in Matthew 11 right there in verse 28 he says come unto me all ye how many all ye that labor and are heavy-laden what does he promise to give and I'll give you rest then he says how he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me I don't want you to lose that part take my yoke upon you and learn of me what does Jesus want us to learn about him he says for I am meek and lowly in heart and by this you shall find rest unto your souls my yoke is easy my burden is light if you're carrying a burden that you say Lord this burden is so heavy then one thing we know for sure God did not give it to you isn't that beautiful some of you can get free tonight some of you are carrying burdens right now and it feels like it's just crushing you to death Jesus says I didn't give you that burden the Bible is very clear my burdens are light it's when we try to carry it on our own that's our crisis we're back to Babylon we're back to Genesis 11 let us make us a name that we can come renown let us do it on our own let's save ourselves on our own why do you keep trying to solve your own problems are you aware that you cannot love people I mean did you get that straight in your head yet or do you actually think you could love people on your own the kind of love that you have I don't want it the kind of love that I have naturally you should not want it the Bible is very clear love them as I have loved you that's the only acceptable love not this conditional multi-layered standard that we create in our own minds of what love is you can't love people and I can't either without Jesus truly we can do nothing and you got to believe that we go around saying oh I got peace I'm good I got peace yes you're peace Jesus says I don't leave peace like the world gives he says my pieces of a whole different nature you don't want the fruit of your spirit you want the fruit of the Spirit and so Jesus says the only way you can learn this you got to learn as me you got to study my life and what does Jesus specifically want us to study he says study my meekness and my lowliness in heart he says that's what I want you to study you see I don't know if you're aware of it I told a young man the other day brother Lemony says man it's so hard being a ministry it's so hard how do you do this in ministry I said yes a ministry would be easy man if you didn't have to deal with people that's what I told him I said man ministry would be so much easier if we just didn't have to deal with people but God is too wise to make a mistake God brings people in contact with each other because he knows that's the best way to purify the heart cuz sometimes I can stare in the mirror and I could look at me and be like man I am a great guy I'm just phenomenal I mean I could say that all day long in the mirror but then when I say that to my wife my wife's gonna say well I do love you in spite of you know says she's gonna give me that reality check she's gonna give me that reason that I need to stay on my knees my four gifts from God Jared Kayla Caleb Jada my four precious children as of November this year 18 19 20 21 for adults in my home I remember the days my children remind me daddy you still need more of Jesus to perfect your character I have a church that I serve as an elder I have a ministry where I travel all over this planet and I'm always dealing with people and I'm always reminded there's more of Jesus that I must still learn God designed to deliver us from ourselves by bringing us in contact with people that's why God does not endorse monks and nuns and being Hermits that's not God's plan you don't disassociate from people to learn holiness it is in the midst of mingling with people that you learn your need for holiness and Jesus says and when you mingle with the people he says learn of me study my meekness study my humility and he says and I want you to look at it and I want you to behold it so much that by beholding you become changed do you know the remaining four sessions all we're gonna study is how the humility and meekness of Christ applied in the life gives us victory over the foundation to the many sins that we commit do you know that that's all we're gonna study for the next four sessions that's it I have nothing else to give you that's all I got because I'm tired I'm tired of all these so-called present truth preachers talking all this stuff and they don't show the people how to live they don't help the people know how to live don't tell me about I need victory over sin before probation closes but you don't spell out what victory over sin looks like when I'm dealing with my wife when I'm dealing with my children when I go to my job or my business and I got to deal with all sorts of characters what does victory over sin look like in those interactions this is what we need I lied to you not this is what we need God has I mean he has exploded that thing in my mind son they're talking too much theory a gospel that's not practical it's a worthless gospel I want to show you how about the grace of God you can overcome pride but I'm giving you the source already it's only gonna come meekness lowliness of Christ and I'm gonna show you in this last section right here little portion right here I'm gonna show you how this is a last day message because I mean I meet some strange people they actually say brother lemon that's not present truth I said so meekness and lowliness of Jesus is not present truth really yeah Maggie didn't say anything about the Sunday law I'm like bro listen I'm showing people how to get ready for the Sunday law I know that what I'm about to show you right this is the preparation for the final crisis you don't get this you're gonna be part of that great controversy 6:08 group you're gonna be like Peter you're gonna think you strong and ready to stand for the Lord and when the storm comes you'll be surprised like Peter was watch this when we think about the meekness and lowliness of Christ I want to show you this I mean when I when I see that Jesus is our example boy do I mean this go to first Peter 2 these are our last verses and we'll bring it to a close first Peter 2 jesus is our example I want you to see what meekness is because is what we're going to have to study we're gonna study this throughout our time together during this camp meeting there's what we're gonna be studying so first Peter 2 19 through 24 when you get there say Amen now watch this the meekness of Christ is a beautiful part right here it says verse 19 for this is thank worthy if a man for conscience toward God and do a grief suffering wrongfully for what glory is it if when ye be buffeted for your fault you shall take it patiently but if when he do well and suffer for it you take it patiently this is acceptable with God now watch for even here on to where he called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us something what did he leave us he left us an example Amen that you should follow his steps now watch who did no sin and neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reviled what did he do he reviled not again when he suffered what did he do he didn't even so much as give a threat but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously who was own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed you literally just looked at the meekness of Christ doing well in the midst of suffering wrongfully that's meekness doing well in the midst of suffering wrongfully that's the meekness of Christ now the reason why this is so important is because did you see that beautiful description in verse 22 it says he did no sin and neither was guile found in his mouth you know why I know this example of the meekness of Christ is a last day message keep your finger here go to Revelation 14 do you remember in Revelation 14 you see when we go to Revelation 14 we often think about you know 6 through 12 I get that but we're not going there right now we're going to Revelation 14 4 and 5 in Revelation 14 verses 4 & 5 remember the example of Christ did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth this is a demonstration of his meekness in the midst of suffering he did no sin no deceit was in his mouth he continued to do well when he was done wrong he never gave it back he never gave it back when he was done wrong he didn't even threaten anybody if you do this to me one more time I will do Jesus never even did that talking about meekness doing well in the midst of suffering wrongfully what is the same revelation 14 4 and 5 good news it says these are they which were not defiled with women for they are virgins these are they which follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth these were redeemed from among men being the firstfruits unto God and to the lamb and in their mouth was found what no guile so notice that no guile in Jesus's mouth in these last day people no guile in their mouth then it says in verse 5 concluding for they are without fault before the throne of God the only way you can be without fault is if God keeps you from falling into sin Jude verse 24 now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless so literally these last day people have somehow learned of Jesus they're reflecting his meekness how's it going with you how are you doing with that when you're reviled do you revile again and I'm not talking about that one or two days or one or two weeks or one or two months is it your lifestyle that when you're reviled you do not revile again that when people do you wrong not even a threat comes out of your mouth your demonstration of Christ remains consistent in the midst of a people who are inconsistent how are you doing with that how am i doing with that this is the meekness of Christ continuing to do well in the midst of suffering wrongfully as a meat man that's a meat woman they continue to do the right thing when even their own husband does the wrong thing when even their own wife does the wrong thing they continue doing the right thing or you find a home like that I guarantee you you're finding a wife or a husband after God's order but that is the meekness of Christ Philippians 2 1 through 4 our last verse and I'll let you go in Philippians 2 verses 1 to 4 what does the Bible show us we're talking about not only his meekness but we're also talking about humility when we're talking about the humility of Christ Philippians 2 1 through 4 the Bible says in Philippians 2 verses 1 through 4 if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfill ye my joy that you be like-minded having the same love being of one Accord of one mind let nothing be done through strife or vainglory here we go but in what lowliness of what lowliness of mine so this loneliness is not an outward acting that's not in harmony with our heart are you following that this lowliness this humility is a humility that comes from the heart are you following that okay but it says but in lowliness of mine what are we doing we are steaming others what better then ourselves look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others that is the lowliness the humility of Christ putting others before yourself giving them your best putting others before you as steaming them better than you and it will show in your service in how you treat them and deal with them I remember my wife and I went to a home this only happened once and I don't say this too you know because this is on the internet or whatever you know I'm sure there are people watching me who housed me and my family so I want to make it very clear that this is not something that my wife and I ever used as an occasion of judgment towards anyone we really don't but there was something that struck my wife and I and it only happened once we have traveled this world and we have been invited to many homes to stay with people and usually when you go into a home what usually happens is there's a guest room you know you get a guest room you get put in the guest room somewhere no problem but one day we came to a home and when we came to this home it was a fairly small home but there was like a bedroom set up in the living room area and then there was actually one bedroom and a husband and wife lived there so obviously walking through the house I saw a room and then I saw another area where the bed was and I said to myself okay this is where my wife and I are gonna stay no problem but as I put my bag down the husband said no no no brother lemon you're not staying here I said oh okay and I said oh must be another room that I'm aware of you know like a bat cave somewhere this dude press a button and the door opens up in the girl there goes the other room I mean I was just thinking like you know there's got to be another room somewhere that I'm just not aware of he says no no he says come and he walks us and he says this is our room he says but while you're here you are our preferred guest you will take our room there's a very nice room private had its own bathroom everything he said this is your room I said well where are you and your wife going he says Nona will be sleeping in the other room and my wife and I later on that evening was like do that before they gave up the better room they gave us their king bed and nice room plush carpet privacy comfort and they took the couch that flips out as a bed and the bars you can sometimes feel it through the mattress you know they they took that bed I was ready to be like okay you know this is normal we the guests we take the bar bed but no he said no mm-hmm he said no one comes to our house whoever comes to our home to get the best they get the best of what we can give and that left a very deep impression on my heart for many years ago lowliness I will give you the better and I'll take the worse because I esteem you better than myself from the heart anyone who learns this lesson of the meekness and lowliness of Christ I can guarantee you they will be part of God's team that will go through the final crisis and finish the work because we just saw through the prophetic lens the 144,000 they learned it they learned it so this is a last day message this is what God wants us to experience and by His grace we must experience it and so my question to you is very simple if you know that Satan's plan you see remember we we discovered his Wiles we're not ignorant we understand what he's trying to do Satan doesn't care how much you preach he doesn't care how much books you give out he doesn't care if you are a canvasser he doesn't care if your so-called medical missionary he does not care if you are an endtime preacher he doesn't care about any of that he's not afraid of you and he is not threatened as long as that pride can recline in the heart Satan says I already got you go preach go teach and in your preaching teaching and canvassing he'll let you know no man nobody preaches it like you nobody does it like how you doing he'll make you sit down and listen to a sermon and and he'll put thoughts in your mind like you know if that was you preaching you could have said it like this devil does this stuff all the time and we play with that we fluffed that pillow her hair is not as pretty as mine her outfit is not as nice as mine Satan gives us a thousand reasons to exalt ourselves because that's his wiles preach the truth just keep the pride where it is and so my appeal is very simple if you know your victim of pride if you know that it's alive in your heart and you have not received that true education from Jesus yet you haven't learned the meekness and the lowliness but you're saying lord please let me leave this camp meeting different than when I came if that's your prayer I'm inviting you to stand to your feet with me and as you stand I have no doubt that God stands with you and he will give you victory thank God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ let's pray our Father in Heaven we thank you Lord for helping us to understand better the foundation of the movements of Satan he is trying to get us even so busy in ministry and finishing the work that we do nothing about that wicked demon of pride that exists in our hearts and Lord there's no way that you can save us and most certainly you cannot use us in the true finishing of your work if we do not learn of Jesus his meekness and lowliness my hope and my prayer is that you will help all of us to receive this within our hearts truly we pray open our eyes and help us behold wondrous things out of your law and we thank you dear God that you are still willing to forgive us for our self exaltations please help us through the power of your Holy Spirit to truly receive the meekness lowliness of Jesus for this is our prayer that we do ask in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Caribou Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship
Views: 4,339
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Satan, meek, humble, humility, pride, arrogancy, impasse, marriage, denial o fself, self sufficiency, gospel
Id: 3DLlp1nlFsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 39sec (4899 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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