Dwayne Lemon - The Necessary Experience

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[Music] you I want to thank God for the message this morning somebody says brother you didn't even preach yet that's because I'm already aware of the message it watered my heart I am learning to rest in God's love and it brings a peace that passes all understanding and the perplexed present truther needs this I marvel at how much truth for this time we know but it still has not had its corresponding effect upon bringing peace in our hearts and in our homes I understand the crisis and God just simply wants to make it plain and so we're gonna talk about a very important essential need that we all have to have and the need was spelled out very simply last night its Christ likeness holiness it is the key way that we are going to prepare a people to meet their God and so as we prepare our minds to receive the word let's go ahead and let's do that upon our knees if you're able to less kneel together if you can't kneel just reverently bow your heads where you are but let us all pray together father in heaven we thank you once again for the wonderful gift of life and I really appreciate what my sister said earlier the purpose of praying for healing and for rejoicing in the Gift of Health and life is that we might better serve you and to serve one another father I stand in 100% agreement with that statement Lord please give us what we need so we can finally be instruments in your hand and ministering to the needs of humanity is our prayer that we ask in Jesus name Amen prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God this is the command of God this is what God is saying to his people that we are to say to the world prepare your hearts prepare your homes for our Lord cometh you know we have satellites that are getting almost everywhere around the globe people are hearing the message I remember being at a church predominantly Indian in Maryland and when I was there I was giving the word and I was teaching about the first the second and the third angels message and as I was going step by step and point by point through those wonderful truths I made an appeal to the congregation had a large turnout that night it was wonderful and many people gave their hearts to the Lord and so when we were done the brothers came over to me and they said oh brother lemon praise the Lord so many people gave their hearts to Jesus and I said hey men you know what I'm thinking I'm saying amen because I saw what he saw so you know I saw the people respond too so I was rejoicing he said no you don't understand he said we because they had these unique looking cameras I never seen them before real high-tech stuff and they said no we were providing a feed were individuals in certain Muslim highly intense Islamic areas in India where individuals are not able to openly publicly worship the Lord Jesus Christ individuals were meeting in a basement and twenty five Muslim men gave their hearts to Jesus and accepted the third angel's message tonight and I thought to myself I said praise God for technology though would be a tool for much evil thank God it can be a tool for good as a result of the Internet as a result of satellites as a result of faithful missionaries who understand that sometimes their mission is a one-way ticket alive there are many who have heard they have a lasting gospel and have accepted it and sometimes I know how it is you know when we don't see a lot you know some of us are youtubers some of us audio verse folks and we we go to networks and we feel like oh there's only a handful that are standing for the truths at this time but I thank God for volume five of the testimonies to the church page 80 where it tells us very clearly that there are stars that during the daytime you cannot see them but they're there but it's only at nighttime that's when the stars shine my point is very simple you watch out and make sure you don't end up with the Elijah syndrome I'm the only one standing for the truth Lord and there's nobody else God says I have many lights that have not bowed their knees to bail and they will best be discerned when the night comes and my brothers and sisters midnight is on his way that's why last night we were talking about prophecy again it's it's it's to the point that God is just constantly reminding us time is almost finished and God's gonna have a whole lot of light bearers that's gonna come out of the Woodworks and a lot of the light bearers are not necessarily the ones you're seeing on YouTube they're not necessarily the ones that you're hearing on audio verse they're not necessarily the ones that are in all of the great public places of the world we're told that the time is not far distant when the test will come to every soul the mark of the beast will be urged upon us and those who have step by step yielded to worldly demands and have conformed to worldly customs will not find it a hard matter to yield to the powers that be rather than suffered arise and danger threatened imprisonment insult and death it says at that time the gold will be separated from the dross in the church true godliness will be distinguished from the appearance in I love it and then it says those very startling words that I know makes me check my heart every day it says many a star that we have admired for their brilliancy will go out in darkness some of us have fixed our minds so much on people I meet these young missionaries young missionaries they bless their hearts now I consider myself a young missionary I just need you to understand but there's younger missionaries and some of these younger missionaries you know III like them they demonstrate how pliable they are in other words so easily bent one way or the other I meet young men that look at talk walk and even dress like the ministers they listen to I am serious they look they act they talk they walk they even dress like the ministers when they preach they preach with the same movements like their favorite evangelist it's very typical in young people especially when they don't have a foundation did you hear what I just said it's very typical of young people well what kind of young people especially the ones that have no foundation they don't know their own individuality in Jesus and so they act and function and talk and dress and preach and teach like the people around them and the problem is is what if that individual that is so incredibly impressing and molding your mind what if that's one of the bright stars that's gonna go out that means we got young people that are preparing to go out as well because they were not rooted and grounded in Christ their righteousness and so God wants us to understand that the message is going out the word is getting out but obviously there's something still more that God wants and I know what he wants and I would imagine you do too or you at least you should because we just read it in John 4 fifteen let's go back there you see in JA in fact before we go to John 15 let's put a little bit more context go to Revelation 18 let's go to Revelation 18 and then we'll go to John 15 Revelation 18 first and then we'll go to John 15 it is true that we are called of God to prepare ye the way of the lord prepare you you and I are to prepare the way of the Lord make his paths straight in doing that a great proclamation as well as demonstration is to be given now the Bible shows us the last proclamation the last message by which we are preparing the way of the Lord it shows the last one that's going to be given in this Earth's history it's right here in Revelation 18 and the Bible says in Revelation 18 starting at verse 1 and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth have waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies and I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that you not be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues this is the last effort of preparing the way the Lord it's the loud cry it's what God should be impressing your heart in my heart - preparing to give that should be tantamount that that should be the number one thing in our mind is Lord how can you best prepare my heart my home that we might be fit to give the loud cry for the third angels message that's what we should be preparing for this should be our focus this is the focus of our education this is the focus of the books that we read this is the focus of the schools that we set up everything is designed to impart an education that we know how to function in this world but warm importantly that we know how to receive the truths for this time and let it have its practical sanctifying effect on yours in my life so that whatever career or whatever it is that I do in life I understand that I'm never an employee and I'm never simply a business owner I'm a messenger of light wherever I'm going wherever I'm going I'm a messenger of light you go to work you understand I'm going to work to be a messenger of light you go to school you understand I'm going to school to be a messenger of light that is the foundation of true education and so it is that God says this is the last message now remember what are these people doing to the earth according to Revelation 18 they're lighting the earth up with what all come on is say it like you study the Bible what is it that these people are doing on the earth according to Revelation 18 they lighted the earth up with what what the glory of God the Blessed wonderful beautiful character of God that's what we're doing lighting up the earth with it now in order for us to light up the earth with the glory of God go back to John 15 now look at it the Bible is very clear in John the fifteenth chapter let us notice God's preparatory steps in enabling us that we might glorify Him the Bible makes it very clear in John 15 we're going to look at verses 1 2 3 again our scripture reading it said I am The True Vine my father is the husbandman every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he does what with it he takes it away question real quick what does that mean when he says he takes it away cuts it off what is it what does he do with what does he do when he cuts what he cuts it off and does what with it he discards it he gets rid of it is that right is that right is that right you're wrong isn't that deep you can think you're so bright when you're wrong notice this you didn't there are two words see it so I'm saying I'm telling you the Lord is teaching us how to study there are two words that we missed the two words let's look at it again in verse 2 it says every branch what's the next two words how can you be sent away if you're in Christ how could you be in Christ and then be gotten rid of at the same time now let's do contrast verse 6 go down to verse 6 what does it say in verse 6 it says if a man does what ah what happens if a man abide not in me what does it say it says if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned do you get that you see if I'm a branch and I'm in Christ but I'm not bearing fruit he does something different but when I'm a branch that's not abiding in Christ then I wither and then I'm cut off and thrown into the fire you see if you ever look up the term taken away I understand English you know English messes us up sometimes that's why it is imperative you're gonna be a good Bible student you have to sometimes reference the Hebrew the Aramaic or the Greek sometimes you just got to do it now if you were to look up the term taken away in John 15:2 what it means is build up any branch in me that doesn't bear fruit I build him back up now you know there's a farmer in the room I would imagine is there a farmer here alright so if you're a farmer or gardener when you set up vines grape vines have you ever noticed that sometimes the branches get caught in the dirt sometimes if you don't take care of that vine properly if you don't take care of it can the branches end up falling into the dirt and they can and you know when the branches are fallen into the dirt they get very dirty and it can prohibit it from growing fruit so what do we do farmers when we see the branch laying in the dirt covered with dirt unable to bear fruit what do we do with it we we lift it up we build it up we clean it up we put it in right position so that now it can bear fruit do you understand that any branch that thank God is still at least in Christ though not bearing fruit God does not get rid of it you see depending on how we study the Bible we might look at God as a gangster we might look at him as a roughneck we might look at him as an unreasonable tough guy that if you don't meet his standards he gets rid of you that's not the picture of our Savior when he doesn't see fruit in yours in my life though we are making efforts to abide in him he does not say no fruit and gets rid of us that's not the God of heaven and earth please don't paint that picture of your heavenly father especially mine God does not treat us like empty object toilet paper that you just use and get rid of it when he sees you're down he reaches over to build you up in the military when you see somebody go down when they get hit weak say man down man down and everybody comes together to build that man back up when there's a cancer cell that's in the body the rest of the cells say man down man down let's go that we might build them up even some of us as cells may lose our lives trying to save the body lessons from physiology today there's a culture that says man down Minister down evangelist down people getting caught up in apostasy and the message is get away leave them alone pray for the minister front minister for them from a very very very very very large distance and tell them they need to get it right while I'm busy building up the branches that are already up man I hope you get what I'm saying we're back in John 15 every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he taketh away and then why said once he built us up then it says and every branch that bears fruit so he builds you up now you're bearing fruit now what does he do next he purges you what does purge me what does purge me to cut cut trim Bruce is that right that's not what it means the word purge is the very word that you find in verse 3 what is the word in verse 3 now you are clean the word purge means to cleanse and so it is that it says and every branch that beareth fruit he cleanses it that it may do what bring forth more fruit why does God want so much fruit verse 8 what is the same verse 8 it says right there in verse 8 it says herein is my father what glorified that the only people who are going to light up the earth with God's glory are the people that are bearing much fruit you got that it's all about fruit bearing got to bear some fruit family God wants us to understand that this means everything to him now when we think of fruit what do you think of you think of the fruit of the the fruit of the Spirit what's the fruit of the Spirit the fruit of the Spirit is love what else joy what else peace what else long-suffering what else gentleness what else goodness what else faith what else meekness what else temperance and how does the first finish again such you ever think about that you ever think about that do you know that everything in our world has law is eating a privilege but isn't there a law you only supposed to eat a certain amount lest you be full and vomit you remember that proverbs 25:16 eat the honey well prophet 2413 eat the honey because it's good but then proverbs 25:16 says has thou found honey only eat it in sufficient amounts less now be filled therewith and vomit honey is good to eat but there's a law that says you only got to eat a certain amount moneymaking there's a law did you know that some I said money-making when you get a chance go back and look at proverbs 30 verses 7 to 9 actually verse 10 to it Solomon says two things have hour required of thee deny me them not before I died now listen to what Solomon says two things have I required of thee deny me them not before I died then he says give me neither I want you to think about that he says give me neither what poverty nor riches literally the Bible says labor not to be rich so notice that he says two things have I required of thee deny me them not before I died give me neither poverty nor riches then he says feed me with food convenient for me less now watch the verse he says lest I be full and then he says and deny thee and say who is the Lord now watch this when he says savvy fool he wasn't just talking about the belly he was also talking about the context of being rich the danger of being rich is that we are think that we are increased with goods we are full and have need of nothing he says that's the danger of being rich but then he also says neither give me poverty the next verse says people on paper now poverty I'm broke amen and it's like well hold up I don't know if God says Amen with you inspiration this was not Solomon saying inspiration stay over here and let humanity kick in give me neither that was inspired the Holy Spirit was saying that to say to Solomon to say to you and to say to me my goal is not to be rich my goal is not to be poor my goal is to be right there in the middle and isn't that interesting that accorded the prophecy that's the very group that's being wiped out is the middle class that's top news on CNN that's top news on Newsweek that's top news on money market that's the thing is right now the middle class is getting wiped out and we got one or two choices you want to survive you better get rich and then when you get rich and then the beasts power comes asset surrender your riches you're gonna be like Lot's wife or you want to survive well if you're not going to be rich then we're gonna have to make you poor and then you're gonna be tempted to lie and steal and go into all sorts of sins just to live and try to sanctify your lies and that's why God says I got a plan get out of the city get into the country get a little piece of land he says I want you to grow some food learn to simplify your life God's God has a plan to deal with the elimination of the middle class and the pressure to put us in one of the two classes that's preparing us to be pressured by the beast power God has a plan for everything God wants you and I to understand balance the balance of his word he says I want you to be a much fruit and the reason why is because he said that's how you're going to glorify me and what is that wonderful fruit love joy peace longsuffering etc in other words there's a law for everything even though eating is a privilege there's a law even though drinking's are privileged there's a law even though making money is a privilege there's a law but against this God says no law God says indulge God says overeating love God says you can indulge enjoy God says you can have overdo it abundant peace there's no law there's no such thing as you are just too peaceful there's no such thing you ever see that I don't know what this I mean I'm literally looking at the first like against such there is no law God says there's no limit to love you can love as much as you want you can have joy as much as you want you can have peace you can be as long-suffering with people as much as you want no limit God says I want much of that and if you really think about it what is the much of the fruit at the end of the day check this out this was very powerful did you know Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit is that right Luke 1:35 that holy thing and the angel answered and said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God so I started looking at Jesus right did you know Jesus is love Jesus had joy Jesus had peace Jesus was long-suffering Jesus was gentle Jesus was good Jesus is our source of faith Jesus was meek and Jesus was temperate when you think of the fruit of the Spirit you're thinking nothing short of Christ's likeness keeping it simple when God says there's no law against being like Jesus there's no law God says I want you to flourish with his character I want you to just manifest his character in such a mark way because that's what the world needs to be lit up with that's what the world needs to see an unadulterated form no fogginess take the glasses off and see it crystal clear and plain Christ says I want a reflection of my character this is why we're told an inspiration the object of the Christian life is fruit bear that's the object of our lives is fruit bearing the reproduction of Christ's character in the believer that it may be reproduced in others Christ object lessons page 67 that's the great focus fruit God has no problem letting people in his house that are just like his son it's when we're not like his son that he has concerns because God is not trying to have a Lucifer part-2 he's not trying to have that and the only way he can be secure from having that is to make sure that you and I got characters like Jesus you understand that so this is the great thing this is the great focus this is what God wants and this is the experience it's the essential experience that you and I must have and the question is very very simple god wants us to bear fruit it's the fruit of christ-like character it's the only way that we can glorify Him on the earth and eventually light up the earth with his glory it's the only way it's gonna happen now the question is very simple why does God want us to bear fruit why does he want us to manifest this christ-like character why does he want us to bear fruit what do you think to be like him there might be like him true that anything else true that glorify him he wants to be in us okay good answers all right and bring others to him let's go to Isaiah 55 and let's look at from the Bible why God wants us to bear fruit let's look at it Isaiah the 55th chapter in Isaiah 55 I taught this at the graduation at Wildwood a couple of weeks a few weeks ago and I think that this is worthy to repeat in the book of Isaiah let's look at the 55th chapter and watch watch how God you know he helps us understand why he wants us to bear fruit I like this how God uses these examples so when you look at Isaiah 55 notice what it says in verse 9 we'll look at verses 9 and 10 the Bible says for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts now watch verse 10 for as the rain cometh down and snow from heaven and returneth not whither but does what to the earth and what is the earth and makes it bring forth what do you think is making it bring forth fruit make forth fruit and bud that it may do two things what does it do see to the sower and what else bread to the eater that's why God wants you to be a fruit I'm just giving you Bible answers I want to make it more specific more plain why does God want us to bear fruit that I might give seed to the sower and bread to the eater that's why he wants you to be a fruit we're getting practical on how do we prepare the way of the Lord how do we help people see and prepare to meet their God how do I make sure me my family are preparing to meet our God God says I want you to bear fruit why Lord do you want me to bear fruit he says because I want you to give seed to the sower and I want you to give bread to the eater now scholars in the room what does that mean what does that mean we just found out biblically why God gives or has fruit production the purpose of fruit and then type in the end the natural world is to do two things to give seed to the sower and bread to the eater now is that hard to understand when we think about farming and gardening now that makes all the sense in the world because if it doesn't give seed to the sower we're going to get stuck in what's called the hybrid world all these man-made seeds and all these manipulated seeds monsanto and all these guys and we don't want that stuff right want the heirloom products is that right okay so if we want the heirloom products then the sower needs more seeds I mean does that make sense that makes sense if we want good healthy heirloom foods that product has to give me the sower more seeds so I can plant more who's the sower in okay in the natural world who's the sower the farmer or the gardener what did you just read in John 15 who's the vine who's the husbandmen what's another way of saying the husband meant the farmer or the gardener so again who's the sower God is you understand that God's the sower all right so what God says is he says I want you to bear much fruit so you could give me more see that I can produce more fruit you understand that how do we do that revelation 2 verse 10 look at revelation 2 and look at a principle in verse 10 this is one of many ways and I have some deeper things that I want to share so I'm not gonna spend too much time at this point but I just want to get the point across Revelation to look at verse 10 this this is a spiritual way if you will that we can give seed to the sower God does not need us for anything in in the context of he cannot function without us he needs our companionship and he wants our companionship because he is love and love always communes one with another so God needs us in that context but he doesn't need us for the purpose of survival you understand that now when God therefore gets seed from us the purpose is to produce more fruit get more seeds produce more fruit get more seeds produce more fruit you understand that that's the purpose of the seed going to the sower so let's study it that study that in that context revelation 2 and verse 10 the Bible says in Revelation 2 and verse 10 it says fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried and ye shall have tribulation ten days be thou what be thou faithful unto death and then what will happen you will receive the crown of life now notice this when we are faithful unto God till the end only that we get that but in addition to that when we are faithful unto death it is as it were seed given to God that he encourages the next generation to be faithful unto death are you following have you ever thought why does God that Christians get killed in truth it doesn't make any sense except for one point God says I am allowing things to happen even to my people that as they were faithful unto death the next generation that comes will also be faithful unto death you know why I know this to be true one day I was reading a little book great controversy and as I was going through it I was studying at the chapter on God's people delivered and went when it got to a point that Jesus says those wonderful words of revelation 20:2 11 when he says let him who's holy be holy still and let him who's filthy be filthy still when Christ says that probation closes the reason we know that is because revelation 15 8 verse 8 is the last verse in the book of Revelation 15 and the last verse in Revelation 15 verse 8 it says the sanctuary was filled with smoke and no man could enter into it who is the only man that could enter into the sanctuary that's only the priest right and if it's the most holy place it's only the high priest now if the sanctuary is filled with smoke and no man can enter in then that means that the only man that would go in is none other than our high priest who's our high priest Jesus so Hebrews 7:25 says that he ever liveth to intercessor for us but he does that in the sanctuary so if the sanctuary is filled with smoke and no man can enter into it then that means that intercession at that point has ceased do you understand that's why God says let him who's holy be holy still let him who's early people are gonna live in the sight of a holy God without and into without a mediator but it'd be one thing if after revelation 15 8 it then shows Jesus comes but is that what happens no then there's revelation 16 1 and in Revelation 16 1 that's when the angels come down with the vials of Wrath and they begin to pour out the seven last plagues so there will be a people on earth who are going to go through a time of Jacob's trouble without a mediator in the sanctuary that's why I thank god they're gonna not only be holy but they're gonna be holy still God has already weighed their characters and he knows they will never turn their back on me don't you want to be counted amongst that number amen and so in that little chapter God's people delivered it says at that time when God's people are still alive probation has closed people are getting hit with plagues and there's a worldwide death decree that says kill all these faithful people question do they get killed no you know why because there's no other generation that needs to be evangelized all of humanity has been assessed from faithful Adam to the Last Judgement of the living and judgment of the day and so that means the only reason that God allowed his people to be slaughtered was as it were that it might be seed to produce more people who will be faithful unto death then they get cut down then it's like seed that produces more people that are faithful unto death until we get to the close of probation and God says nobody touches my people anymore because there's no need the mission has been accomplished our faithfulness unto God is as it were giving him seed that he can encourage others do as you have saw senior brothers do but it also says bread to the eater didn't it so it gives seed to the sower but then bread to the eater so I thought about the bread to the eater part and this one I said let me put some text on the screen so look at this Galatians 6:1 and two brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted then what did he say bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ yea I thought Jesus was the burden bearer but what did God tell us to do you ever run away from people because it's like look that burden no I can't do you know let me point you to Jesus for that now I'm not saying that's holistically wrong but what I am saying is that did you know that it was not a suggestion it was a command of God then we are to bear one another's burdens you know the reason why a lot of us cannot bear other people's burdens according to the text we're not spiritual you see God put that there on purpose when you see another brother that's overtaken and if all you are supposed to be spiritual what is spiritual John 4:24 God says God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth if I'm spiritual then that means that I should be like God I should have a mind character personality like God himself ye which are spiritual restore such a one one of the reasons why we cannot help other people with their burdens as many a times because we're not a very spiritual people because some of us are sometimes very self-centered someone look I got enough problems of my own God says I knew that when I called you the problem is is you're not allowing me to make your burdens light and that's why you can't bear anybody else's burdens it's so simple there are other people literally dying around us sick around us and hurting around us that need real help and God is saying I appointed you to help them and we're saying Lord I can't when the Bible says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me o ye of little faith God says I expect you to bear one another's burdens in the strength of Jesus I was counseling a family the other day earlier in the week you know as ministers we go home and do visitations with various families and I sitting with a family and they started to tell me some deep challenges they're going through and the brother said brother lemon I need help would you be one of the help me I said I will be willing to help you I said you just have to understand the context of my help he said what do you mean I said listen if you are falling and if you're being overwhelmed by the devil and you feel that you are about to pass out I'm gonna hold you and I'm gonna carry you I said but I need you to understand that what I'm gonna do is when I hold you and when I carry you I'm gonna carry you and I'm gonna walk you to Jesus and I'm gonna say Lord carry him and I literally did this example in front of them I said in other words every time you come to me I'm gonna bring you into my arms and I'm gonna put you in Jesus's arms because I want to teach you how to learn to rely on him and I don't want you to develop a habit of relying on me number one because I'm flesh and I can fail number two I can die I cannot be here anymore and I don't want you to be to feel stranded so we bear each other's burdens carrying them to the great burden bearer you understand that that's how you don't get overwhelmed I will help you to be helped by Jesus you understand that that's the context of how we bear each other's burdens God is not asking you take on the load of other people's lives because some of us are so messed up we are real burden and therefore we're like Lord I got to do my own issues and now I've got this person - Lord it's overwhelming Christ says just understand you're gonna bring them into your arms but you're gonna put them in my arms so I need to start teaching you how to learn on my strength and this is what our studies about so watch this so look at this point right here gieux 22 and 23 and of some have compassion making a difference and others do what save with fear doing what pulling them out of the fire who do you know who got pulled out the fire oh come on Bible students who do you know that got pulled out the fire lot fire was coming down you remember that dangerous word that calls Lot's wife to die Bible says in Genesis 19 it says lot lingered husbands all right let's take a second husbands our wives look to us for strength and they are supposed to we are called to be three things in our home men the lawmaker the head and the priest those are the three things God called us to be when we are the head the lawmaker and the priests of our home those are all positions of leadership the wife is supposed to look to the husband for leadership the children are to look to father for leadership and so when the leader is called to do something that God tells them to do they are to yes sir immediately obey and follow what God says lot did not do that the Bible says that when God called the leader and said lot let's go it says lot lingered his wife saw it and his wife was like if my husband is lingering then maybe there's a reason we shouldn't go forward and so even though lots snapped out of it and started making his move his wife was like but my husband didn't make that move I mean what's going on and when she looked back that was the end of her life it was not just because she was a covetous woman even though that was true but it was the example of her husband that laid the foundation for the loss of her eternal salvation and so it is that when those angels said we gotta go we gotta go and lot lingered and all of this stuff what are the Angels do they grabbed their hand and pulled them out of the fire they said we got to get you out of here let's go God says I expect you to do that with your people you see bread to the eater what do we do with food we eat it and it gets assimilated in our system and it gives us strength to go forward is that right look at this in tender pitying love lay hold of the discouraged and helpless ones give them your your your wait a minute God says give them your courage give them your hope give them your strength this is what we do with the discouraged and helpless ones it says by kindness compel them to come of some have compassion making a difference in others save with fear pulling them out of the fire you see sometimes the only way people will go forward is when they can partake of some of your bread they're gonna have to see something in your life that testified parents this is the secret some of our children so rebellious why my children won't listen this old happy with a pretense of holiness but I know that they have not the love of God in their hearts God says parents mother and father listen to me search your heart and find out every area you are frustrating me search your heart and find out every area where you are constantly not letting me have dominion completely in your life and God says and once you surrender to me your children will be partakers of your bread but if they see cheating in the home and we got to understand listen he who is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much when we cheat on small things in front of our children our children are like fiber optic network glass speed high-speed internet download I mean our children are like when ate when they see us cheat when they see us complement when they see us gossip when they see us lie when they see us over indulge in appetite when they see us do anything that is contrary to the counsels we give them it's like a download and then I drew and it is high speed download they get it quick and then I uh that's what mom and dad taught me alright I shall be the same and what they'll do is simply say what you do under cover I'll do it in the open and this is why sometimes we as parents we get floored when we start seeing things happening with our children then they get involved in all these public social networks etc and it gets really bad my brother this is what I'm saying to you is that God is like I can change all of that but you must learn how to give your children you must learn how to give your brothers and sisters you must learn how to give the people in society we must learn to give them our courage our hope our strength true story and I hope you don't mind you know the only reason why I don't I always challenge to speak of these certain events because like brother Mason used to say y'all pray for that clock you know cuz I'm trying to give you me I'm really trying to give you meat and I don't want the pressure of a clock around me I know when the Spirit of God is leading so just work with me family listen in November of 2016 I go and I get checked out for my heart why in 2015 I'm by a friend's house my wife and I go to see a friend and she happens to work in the cardiology department and she works in the cardiology department and she has a portable echocardiogram in her house she says to my wife she says honey you know Alex I'm gonna check you out and this that any other and then she says hey Duane since you're here why don't you let me take a look at what's going on with your heart and I'm like sure I know I'm fine so I'll you know I'm like whatever so they go ahead and they check my heart she checks my heart and I'm waiting for the report like I am you know how am i doing I'm doing great right she says well um your heart looks really big on the left side like it didn't even fit on my screen and I was like really am i dying she says no no you're fine you know you got lve lae and she start using all these terms she says just you know in a year go see your cardiologist so fast forward a year that's how I saw my cardiologist I would have never gone to see my cardiologist were it not for that encounter at my friend Linda's house I go to see the cardiologist I said listen me my friend told me to check it out cuz my heart's a little big on the left side tell me what's going on keep in mind I feel fantastic they said any man that's over 40 years old and can do a brisk walk in less than 28 minutes and cover over two miles has excellent fitness I was doing it in 26 point 33 seconds so you understand that I'm walking in the office like I'm good check me out he checks me out puts me on the screen mr. lemon you see that thing there that looks like a broken hockey stick I said here he said that's your mitral valve he says I'm used to seeing that an 80 year olds he said what happened to you I said I had rheumatic fever when I was a child ah [Applause] lo and behold he says mr. lemon it's not that your left heart the left side of your heart is big he said it's your left atrium he said your left atrium is severely dilated you can go into atrial fibrillation at any time I have to refer you to a heart surgeon fast-forward through a whole lot of events I saw my heart surgeon my wife and I prayed the night before and my son Jared my son said father you sent us to California my son said this you know what my son gave me and I told him this I said son you know it she gave me that night he said what I said you gave me your courage you gave me your hope you gave me your strength because I was getting weak and my son said father you said that you brought us here for repair not for a replacement of Daddy's valve tomorrow when they meet with the doctor show yourself mighty on behalf of my parents I went in there my wife and I went in and dr. Wong says Mr lemon not only is your mitral valve severely regurgitating he says your aortic valve is regurgitating he said mr. lemon I cannot do a repair on this valve I can only do mechanical and you're gonna have to be on coumadin for the rest of your life I said dr. Wong can I tell you a story yes I said dr. Wong there was a man who went to London he went to go preach he went to bed Friday night getting ready to wake up Saturday morning to preach and when he went to bed Friday night he didn't wake up his heart completely stopped and he didn't get oxygen to his brain for over 30 minutes I said what's the prognosis of that man oh he's dead he's dead he's gone he's dead if not dead he's definitely gonna be a vegetable I said I would agree but that dead vegetable man is gonna be here Monday for my surgery in sound mind and body his name is Thomas Jackson I said God did a miracle for him and then I looked him in the eyes with his wife standing right there I said dr. Wong do you believe that God can do a miracle with your hands and repair the valve that has been known to be irreparable you know what he said to me he said I'll do it and I said amen we went to have the follow-up meeting he said Dwayne are you sure you want to do this I said I'm sure he said I don't have your faith I said lean on mine so I said to him I pulled a picture out Nathan Green Jesus in the surgery room I said this is going to happen on December 19 2016 he said all right let's go forward I stand before you 11 months later feeling fantastic with a repaired valve what I'm saying to you is we must understand that God tells us to bear fruit so we can give bread to those who eat there are times that people are not going to have courage they need yours there gonna be times people do not have hope they need yours there gonna be times people do not have strength they need yours do you understand how devastating it is when we get up every morning and neglect worship not only are we hurting ourselves we cannot give to those whom we love our hope strength and courage because we don't have any you can't live off of yesterday's blessings your blessings you got yesterday was for yesterday I don't care how powerful it was you are not supposed to live for yesterday's blessings Jesus says continue in my words you understand that so this is why God wants us to bear fruit to give seed to the sower and bread to the eater now how are we gonna do this here's the secret the saviors life on earth was a life of what communion with nature and with God and this communion he revealed for us what a secret of a life of power if we can learn how to have communion like Jesus did we will have the power Jesus had and we'll be able to live as he lived and minister as he ministered are you aware that this is what Christ enables us to do and so what I want us to understand is that when we begin delving into the word I want us to look at some principles about Jesus and as we look at the principles about Jesus and how he lived in his communion life Christ says I gave that to you as my example and it was not optional the Bible says in Hebrews 11 and verse 6 but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder that diligently seek him now if you were a student of the Bible I imagined you had theology taught here right you have a theology class at Heartland alright good so in theology class I would imagine you had to learn about parallelism is that right now in parallelism parallelism is very simple it is making one point being stated in two or more ways making one singular point but you're expressing it in two or more ways Hebrews 11:6 is an example of parallelism because notice of two words that are parallel it says but without what faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is so literally believe and faith mean the same thing in this verse do you understand that now to make it more simple the word believe if you looked it up even in the Greek it means to have faith but better is at the bottom what does I say at the bottom in yellow to trust many people believe God but very few trust him the Bible says even the devil's believe but they don't trust do you know that there are some of us who believe but we don't trust God we believe but we don't necessarily trust let me give you something here a powerful parallel about believing God what does it really mean to believe or trust God watch this John 5 and verse 38 and ye have not his word abiding in you for whom he has sent him he believed not what is it that they did not believe his word very good they did not believe his word so therefore because they didn't believe the word they didn't believe Christ you follow that let me do it again second example John 5 46 for had ye believed who Moses you would have believed me for he you see when we reject the written word of God is hard to accept the Living Word of God true trust in God is in its simplicity faith is fully trusting God's Word to come to pass because he said it and depending only on the word to do what God said it will do this is faith math you Chapter eight notice what the Bible says Matthew the eighth chapter watch the text Jesus lived by the word jesus prayed in harmony with the word Jesus's whole life was based on the word and therefore he says you and I should live according to the word now again Matthew chapter five the Bible says in Matthew five right there and starting at verse five and let's notice what it says if you're there just let me know by saying Amen okay Matthew chapter five no I'm sorry Matthew eight forgive me Matthew eight and then we're looking at verse five Matthew 8 and verse five it says and when Jesus was entered into Capernaum they came unto Him a Centurion beseeching him and saying Lord my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and jesus saith unto him I will come and heal him G understand Jesus said I will come to his house I'll come to your house I'll heal them how many of you would love that Jesus walk to your home but but watch how this brother rejects the offer Jesus says I will come and heal him let's go through the rest of the story now he says I will come and heal in verse 8 the Centurion answered and said Lord I'm not worthy that thou should has come under my roof but Speak the word what's that next word only speak the word only and my servant might be healed my servant shall be healed now watch this my servant shall be healed for I am a man under Authority having soldiers under me I wish I could spend time on verse 9 that's a serious verse you need understand that brothers saying but nevertheless he says for I am a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I say to this man go when he goeth and to another man come and he cometh and to my servant do this and he do with it and when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel literally Jesus just told us what faith is what did he do that's an open book test cuz it's on the screen what did he do he trusted fully in the Word of God only and dependent fully on the Word of God only for the Word of God to do what it said it was gonna do that's faith Jesus says I need my people to start living like this and you know one of the great reasons why we can't live like this you know the great reason why many of us cannot live like this because some of us no more veil and white then we know the Bible I'm gonna take a drink on that one now if Ellen White was resurrected out of the grave she slapped me a high five you know why great controversy 598 she says but God will have a people that will use the Bible in the Bible only as the basis of all doctrines and the foundation of all reforms do you know how many of us do not know how to go to the Bible to spell out dress reform we run to Ellen why don't we some of us we don't know how to show country living from the Bible we only know how to pro quo country living page 9 some of listen and I'm not saying this the insult what I'm saying is is that we got to do things in proper perspective some of us are absolutely lazy we don't like to stretch our brains we don't like to think through a text because there's nothing that'll make you think like studying the Bible there's nothing that'll stretch your brain like the Bible and the Prophet knew that and that's why she wrote it in the book education and she said there is nothing that will expand the mind like the study of Scripture and so what do we do I don't understand what this verse is and we just immediately run to the LRA and what I'm saying you miss the blessing God wanted to give you God wanted you to study if you look back in the days of our pioneers they did not get together at night and study the Bible and say we all know what the king of the north or King of the South we don't understand the glories you know sister why go in meditation and all I say all right everybody's just stand back I mean this is how some of us think history when these brethren would study for Oh words when some of us are like all proper rest time they those guys were like study time and they were studying I'm I had a not proper rest of course but sometimes it's alright to stay up all night studying and praying and so it is that literally they would study study study and when everybody has stretched their brains to the max God and compassion would say all right and then he'd give a vision to the Prophet she would say thus saith the Lord the Lord has shown me that let's go and then and the Lord has shown me not just so I'm the authority the Lord has shown me that we miss this verse even in her visions she was bringing us back to the Bible what I'm saying is a lot of us are absolutely lazy we cannot exercise trust in God because the only true faith in God is a whole trust in his word but a lot of us are not exposing ourselves to the word yet we want to live like Jesus and prepare to finish the work brothers and sisters it's not going to happen God wants us to understand it can't work like this and so number one in our communion with God every day when we get up when we're studying those words when God presents his word we ought to be like that Centurion and say Lord I believe this and I accept this because your word said it and I am depending on this word only to be fulfilled and I'm not gonna look for outward manifestations we must cultivate this faith you understand that this is why in Romans 4:5 you remember we read it last night we saw in Romans 4 and verse 5 the only people that God justifies is the ungodly we must accept that word naked as it is we must remember when men see their own nothingness they are prepared to be clothed with the righteousness of Christ I must accept the word that no matter how great I think I am God says you wretched I'm miserable I'm poor and I'm blind and I'm naked my only greatness is that God loves sinners of whom I am chief he was willing to use me I saw that's all cling to Fame and claim to greatness my greatness is hid in him in addition to that is something about Jesus and wide it down here I want you to go to Matthew 26 I'm gonna take just a couple more verses here I want to disrupt the program Matthew 26 and verse 30 you can write down the others in Matthew 26 and verse 30 I'm going to show you something that was actually a habit of Jesus it needs to become our habit in Matthew 26 and verse 30 when you get there say Amen the Bible says after the garden gets M&T it says or right after the dinner the Last Supper and when they had sung and hymn they went out into the Mount of Olives you can also read in Hebrews 2 9 through 12 that Jesus spent time in praise and thanksgiving that is something that we sometimes especially at 70 Adventist we don't necessarily spend a lot of time of it because we have babylonian fears we feel like if we start praising God and things of that nature it seems like it's you know we're getting too close to the edge and we're starting to represent the fallen churches but I'm and you know if you've fallen down and foaming at the mouth that's one thing but the mere fact that we're saying hallelujah the mere fact that we're saying thank you Jesus the mere fact that sometimes the hand might go up and we say thank you Lord some of us are like thank you old and present truth can't do that you know we we allow these cliches and terms these perversions of understanding to mess our heads up and thwart our own worship and God says that foolishness needs to go away trying to a bunch of people that are not worthy to be pleased and so it is that think about it the first angels message sing with a loud voice fear God and do what give glory to him is that right watch this fear God and give glory to him who's so offereth what praise glorifies me who so offers praise glorifies me notice that the Bible also says wherein ye be greatly where in he greatly rejoice though now for season if need be ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ whom having not seen he loved in whom though now he see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls praise praise is something that is foreign to many of us many of us are very sad ventas we're very sad people because we feel the world is going down and therefore we don't have any Joy's anymore and I don't understand how we can expect to be filled with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit without measure and one of the fruit of the Spirit is joy but yet we're going to be a bunch of joyless Christians we should not be giddy and silly and foolish but it does not mean that we cannot have a true joy that even in the midst of darkness I know that light is coming we don't weep as others weep you understand that so why does God want us to praise Him it demonstrates the highest level of trust did you know that the more we learn to praise God it helps us demonstrate Lord I trust you even in my fires also it's a living testimony to the world and angels that we are convinced God is good all the time I know people say that God is good all the time all the time God is good and you know we say it as it's very cheap cliche but a lot of times we don't believe those words but when we can learn to praise them even in darkness in the midst of the worst fires that's literally testifying that I actually do believe God is good all the time also it helps us bear our trials better and makes us more cheerful when we can learn to praise God even in the midst of the storms it helps us bear the trial better it reminds us that all as well between ourselves and our Savior it protects us from charging God with folly Lord what are you doing Lord it looks like you don't have control what are you doing also it's an encouragement to the younger generation to be faithful let a son or a daughter see a mother and father praising God in the midst of some of their worst storms that is an excellent witness that we can give to our children that they can see MA nothing is shaking my mother or my father nothing is shaking my brother and my sister also please remember don't get past that now one more slide and then we'll stop these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart God's not asking you to be an actor he's not asking you to be an actor he doesn't want you to praise God when you hate him if you hate God you need to talk to him about that you need to say Lord I hate you and I'm asking you to please help me to love you help my unbelief please give me strength you got to know how to come clean with God with your mouth because he already knows you know what you see confession has never been about making God aware it's making us aware I did one of the most incredible things in the world one day I took a book out and I wrote out my frustrations and when I wrote out my frustrations and actually read it I was shocked I was like man this isn't my heart this is in my heart and it made me come to God in very deep repentance because I was looking at my thoughts for the first time sometimes it's a blessing to be able to say what's my issue and you write down your issue and you really understand it cuz sometimes we got so much drama going on in our heads we don't have time to really think about it but I began to write it down and as I saw it I was able to know how to direct my prayers even more effectively and pleading for God's help you see everything I just showed you right here it's all here ministry healing 253 let us educate our hearts and lips to speak the praise of God if you have to educate your lips to speak the praise of God that means that it's not natural for your lips to do it it requires education so that means that just because you take a moment to say Lord I want to thank you for my trial because I know that your word says all things work to get it may not feel totally natural or whatever at first what we're doing is we're going through an education process this is everyone teaching my children I literally was like children sometimes you're not gonna feel to do it you're not gonna be like look I don't I don't feel like praising God right now this seems a little weird because I'm used to just saying dear lord thank you for this day and please be Obama you know and just thank you for this day I mean sometimes that's the most praise God gets from the average young person's prayer thank you for this day Lord thank you for the opportunity to pray and and then we just go into the request but we're training our minds you're educating your mind but I want to thank you that today is a brand new sunny day I want to thank you because that sunlight provides me with things that I need for my body that it can function to the best level that I can serve you lord I want to thank you even for this trial because such as such and such and you're repeating back the words of God and the more that you do that your mind starts falling in agreement and your mind starts seeing wow this this is true these are the words of God this is true you're doing what Jude verse 20 says you are building up your most holy faith you're educating yourself let praise and thanksgiving be expressed in song do you like to sing I like to sing I'm not a singer but I like to sing you know one of my favorite songs we praise the O God for the Sun of thy love for Jesus who died and is now gone above hallelujah dine the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah dine the glory Reviva again when you're down sing that song you know what I'm encourage you to do that that's the very song that's written in mind cure in ministry healing the prophet of God says that if we sing that song I think will cheer you up boy you up in fact song is a weapon that we can always use against discouragement I am simply here to tell you we'll go ahead we'll finish it later this afternoon my brothers and sisters as I started studying the life of Christ now this afternoon I'm going to show you a real powerful secret of Jesus that gave him so much strength to endure his battles I didn't get to it today but nevertheless we'll get to it this afternoon I want to encourage you God is preparing you and he's preparing me to bear much fruit to give seed to the sower to give bread to the eater and through this training God says I need you to start learning how to exercise faith like my son depend on the word only because I'm telling you we're all gonna go through what Jesus went through do you know Jesus went through a dark period where he did not feel the father's presence or do you understand we're gonna go through that every step of Jesus we're gonna go through it we have our own cross to bear they're gonna be moments that we're not gonna sense God's presence there's gonna be trials where God is gonna allow us to go through it and we're gonna say Lord if only I could just sense your presence and God is gonna make it known through his word hello I'm with you always didn't I say that so it doesn't matter what you feel I'm with you in volume 9 in vine 2 or the testimonies page 215 the servant of the Lord says that Jesus when he was getting ready to go to the cross and he was crying out oh my God my God why is that forsaken me he had to lean and remember what the father said we're gonna have to do the same thing this is why I'm telling you you got to get back to the word and I'm not here to knock the Prophet I quote the prophets statements all the time but I understand them and the balance of the Word of God that's how I study but some of us we don't know where to go if I take Ellen White's statements out of your hand and say or I tell this bathroom and say it from the Bible we don't know what to say and that is not good I'm tell you straight up that is not good because preparing the way is not John did not say and I saw another angel fly in the midst of the 70 I've in his church it goes to every nation kindred tongue of people we've got to get back to the Bible and so what the Lord is saying to each of us get back to the word exercise faith in the word spend time and educate your mind how to praise me even when things don't go right because we're gonna see a lot more things go wrong than right in our very near future and we cannot lose our hold on God question did you understand the study today you understood the study Jesus wants us to walk in his steps it's how we're gonna get power and then maybe some of us in this room that says look I I have not taken my walk with God serious enough I've taken for granted growing up in Adventism I took it for granted that I show up at a lot of meetings you know I go to GYC every year I go to ASI groups I go to a Amen I go to various camp meetings I go everywhere and we some of us have allowed all of that activity to define our walk with God i watch YouTube all the time I had listened to audio Burson 3abn and dare to dream networking etc Saturday some of us have been deceiving our own hearts thinking that we're having a walk with God because we're living in the footsteps of other people's preaching and teaching some of us don't have our own walk with Him some of us don't know him we don't trust him and if you could say preacher you know what I appreciate that you're acknowledging that I remember going through that I remember young people reflecting the preachers that I thought was so incredibly great and all of that other stuff I've gone through that too I'm just glad to be delivered and so all I'm saying is is that I really can relate to these things that I'm highlighting that's why I'm speaking with so much passion about it so please understand we're in the boat together we're in the fight together but part of it is being brutally honest and real with ourselves and recognizing man I've been walking in the footsteps of other people's life I've been frustrating god I've been blocking I know that I got my points of rebellion that I've still yet surrendered to God and if you know that you've been going through these various struggles and maybe are still in these struggles right now and you're saying preacher please do me a favor can you please pray for me if that's you I don't want you to worry about the other sinners who need Jesus just as much as you to your left and right I'm asking you if you recognize that that you please stand to your feet because I want to pray for you and as you stand I just want you to know jesus loves you with an ever lasting love and he is determined and he has pledged himself with blood to make sure that you will know him as it is your privilege to know him and he will give you strength to literally live as he lived to walk as he walked for if any man abideth in Christ he himself also so to walk as he walked first John 2 and verse 6 and God can do it let us pray our loving father we thank you so much for your wonderful words of life thank you Lord for the power of your Holy Spirit teach us continually how to walk as Jesus walked for this is our prayer we ask in Jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Hartland College
Views: 37,934
Rating: 4.7359223 out of 5
Keywords: SDA, Hartland, College, Adventist, Convocation, Seventh-day, Bible, Christian, Religion, Truth, Ellen, White, Sabbath
Id: aq-vdsiCvBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 55sec (4855 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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