1/4 MAMC Dwayne Lemon - Has Your Mind Been Diverted

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let me say good evening and happy Sabbath to everyone it is a privilege to be here in the Philippines with God's people with my brothers and sisters and I want to thank the Lord in a very special way for opening these doors it has been at least three years that I have received emails from different individuals and organizations from the Philippines to come down and over and over again the schedules would never allow but it was in God's providence that this time I was privileged to make it here and I trust that the Lord has something very special to say to all of our hearts and so there's no doubt that God has a message for his people that's not the issue there's something that Jesus would often have to say to the churches and Jesus would say let him who have ears to hear hear what the spirit saith to the churches so our prayer is not Lord give us a message God already has a message for his people our prayer should be lord give me ears to hear what your spirit has to say to my heart and therefore I believe it is appropriate for us that as we prepare to go into our study this evening that we would approach the Lord in prayer at this time it is also imperative that I commit myself afresh unto God that I may receive power I believe that we're not living in a time where we have to consistently seek new light you find a lot of God's people always want to hear the latest and the greatest and always want to hear the latest and newest thing but I've learned this if God has given you light and you are not practicing the light that he has already given you God cannot trust you with new light and therefore what's going to be imperative is that we search our hearts to say Lord have a even received the first rays of light and am i living and practicing the first rays of light that you have given to me into my household and once you can say yes thank the Lord that our lives are a life like Joshua that as for me and my house we will serve the Lord once you have gotten to that point God can trust you now with greater light and he has plenty of light to give but even God is a God of order and so let us go before the Lord at this time and I'm going to pray I'm going to go to my knees once again and if you are able to I'm going to invite you to kneel with me now if you cannot kneel then just bow your heads where you are but if you can kneel let's go before the Lord in prayer and let's plead with him that he will give us ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches let us pray together father in heaven we praise you and thank you that you've brought us all safely through another week we thank you for you tend to watch care and your mercy that has been with us all throughout this week and Lord we praise you because you have given us the privilege to enter into another holy Sabbath day of rest and father I just thank you personally for safe traveling journeys for my bride and I and to allow us to be here safely in your country and this place of the Philippines where you have people that need to hear a message that is designed to prepare a people to meet their God father what needs to be done tonight cannot be done simply simple human language it cannot be done by special oratory demonstrations and articulation of the highest order father we need something more than what natural humanity can do we need the outpouring of your Holy Spirit we need power and it's tonight there God that we avail ourselves to you and we ask you to please forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and may you purify our minds and our hearts and allow nothing to distract us but help us to hear the voice of the Shepherd and as faithful sheep may we follow the Shepherd wheresoever he may lead and father I pray that as I prepare to speak to your people and to do the greatest solemn work to be done in these last moments which is to give the world the wonderful proclamation of the first second and third angels message I ask for a fresh outpouring of thy spirit I pray to God that you will please anoint me and grant me the wisdom to know how to articulate your truth in a way that speaks directly to the hearts of your people and father I ask that as you minister to so many and while you come into this place I pray please don't pass me by help me Lord to receive what I need that I may go higher in Jesus for there's more about Jesus that I too desire to learn and I thank you that you've heard this prayer and I trust that you've answered it for we ask it all in Jesus name Amen I'm trusting you all have your Bibles with you amen we dare not come to the sanctuary of God prepare to hear what a man has to say there is nothing special that any man can say or offer to God's people a minister's words are only of value as long as his words are the echo of the words of God can you say amen to that and therefore it is not enough for men to come up here or individuals who have been appointed by God to come up here and to just simply tell you what they think God wants to do something special in yours in my life he wants to change us he wants us to be a people prepared because I'm letting you know right now in case you haven't noticed this world is telling us that Jesus is about to come and before Christ comes there's going to be a crisis that's going to come first and that crisis will start in America but it's going to find its way down to the Philippines and every other corner of the globe and those who are prepared for that final crisis are those who will be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ and therefore God wants to give a message that is designed to prepare us for the things that are soon to come the first thing I want to draw your attention to is the book of John the 14th chapter and I want you to see something that Jesus said unto his disciples and as he said it to his disciples of old it applies to his disciples today and it is a surety it is a promise it is something that should encourage you it is the Christians hope and is found in John the fourteenth chapter and when you get there I'm going to ask that you let me know by saying Amen the Bible says in John the fourteenth chapter and we're going to start right there at verse 1 the great words of Jesus this is the Christians hope it says let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also this passage of Scripture is the Christians hope when we find ourselves living in situations today with its poverty when we find ourselves living in situations today where there are natural disasters and calamities when we find ourselves in situations today where there is death and sickness and disease and disappointment and all of the other things that happens in what we call day to day life Jesus says let not your heart be troubled you believe in God he says believe also in me he says and my father's house are many mansions I promise you I have gone there and I'm preparing a place for you and if I go there he says the promise is that I'm going to come back and when I come back I'm going to be looking for you and I want to bring you home with me this gives the Christian hope this gives the Christian the ability to deal with the issues of life different than the world linked when the world link sees someone that dies they think that's the end but to the Christian we know that death is nothing but rest death is simply asleep and the one thing that's beautiful about sleeping is that eventually a time comes were you going to do what wake up we know that all of the problems of life their temporal because God has already promised a new heaven and a new earth where there'll be no more sickness no more disease no more sorrow no more pain none of these things this is the Christians hope and you must keep this in the frontal lobe of your mind you have to keep it there you got to keep it there because this world is so corrupt and this world is so horrible that if you focus on it too long you could become a person of despair rather than a person filled with inspiration in brother this is the last thing that the people out here in your neighborhoods need to see is a bunch of sad ventas they need to see individuals that are filled with a hope they need to see people that have a peace that passes all understanding if they don't see that in your life brothers and sisters then nothing is worth listening to what comes from your lips the Christians hope Christ is soon to come but Jesus is so good that while in John 14 he encourages his disciples by letting them know don't let your heart be troubled trust in me believe that I'm on your side and that I'm working on your have that I am looking forward to coming back and I'm going to save you by my power in addition to that promise that Jesus gave us that is the Christians hope there is also a counsel that Jesus gave in John the seventeenth chapter you see Jesus was now drawing close to his death you're going to John 17 as Jesus was going close and drawing to his death and he knew that the cross was ahead of him Jesus now is intercessing on behalf of those who are his disciples and not just disciples present in his day but the disciples in the future you and I Jesus now is finding himself getting ready to go to that cross and he knows what he's getting ready to face and now he finds himself intercessing on behalf of his people he says something very interesting in John the 17th chapter and I want you to notice what he says in John 17 and we're going to specifically look at verse 18 Jesus is not simply praying a prayer on behalf of the disciples but it is also a counsel to those disciples who are paying attention to his words and notice what Jesus says in John the 17th chapter and the 18th verse the Bible says as thou has sent me into the world even so have I also sent them into the world Jesus is praying this prayer on behalf of the disciples he's praying this prayer on behalf of his brethren because he knows what they're getting ready to go through and Jesus knows that many of them are going to turn their backs on me but Jesus is because the disciples are on his heart they are written on his heart he finds himself now intercessing and praying to the father and as he's communing with the father in prayer he gets to that beautiful point where his father as and you know the steward as means in like manner he says in like manner as you have sent me into this world he says so I send them into this world it was not simply just a prayer on behalf of the disciples but it was a counsel to the disciples of how they to work whenever we consider the fact that Jesus has left this earth and he's now in the sanctuary above and he's doing his ministerial work on behalf of humanity we are to understand that there's a work for us to do and we cannot afford to do work the way we think we should do it the Bible says we should do the work as Jesus did it is that right so therefore Jesus says as you have sent me into the world so I send them into the world so it's not just a prayer it's a council so in this council Jesus is letting you know what you're working what's my work now in this there was a certain mindset that Jesus had do you believe we have a work to do in this earth do you believe there's a work to be done right here in the Philippines yes absolutely now brothers and sisters jesus said as i did it so i send them to do it so therefore it's not enough simply to work we must understand how Christ's work does that make sense and in understanding how Christ's work I believe the first thing we should review is the mind of Christ in his work why do I think that's important go to the book of Proverbs the 23rd chapter let me show you why I believe that's important it is not just my idea to say that we need to understand that mind of Christ there's a reason for this when you look at proverbs the 23rd chapter we're going to look at the idea why is it important to have the mind of Christ in whatever work that we do let me show you why the Bible says in Proverbs the 23rd chapter now and when you get there just let me know by saying Amen the Bible says in proverbs chapter 23 I want you to look at this if there's one thing that we all do with our minds is think would you agree I don't think there's anybody in this room that doesn't do that we all have a thought about something whether the thoughts a good thought or a bad thought we're all thinking now here it is that solomon god's servant he now makes a statement in proverbs 23 right there in the first sentence of verse 7 that i think you and i should pay attention to the Bible says a principle that is eternal it says for as he thinketh in his heart it says so is heeey now the word heart in the Hebrew means mind so as a man thinks in his mind so is he in his character in his behavior in his demonstration as a person thinks in their mind so they will be in their character so here it is that the Bible is showing us the reason why it is important to understand the mind of God the more that we understand the mind of Christ in his work then the better we will be able to fulfill the prayer of Christ to work as he worked are you following it's not enough to just simply work by doing mechanical deeds it's imperative that we have the mind of Christ that is the motivator to the work that God has called us to do does that make sense so therefore I want to introduce to you the mind of Christ as he went forward in doing the work that he did and now I want you to turn to John chapter 4 we're going to look at that mind of Jesus Christ and I want you to consider it very carefully we're looking at the mind of Christ in his word because Jesus says look I'm coming again I am coming again I'm going to receive you unto myself and brothers and sisters you may not know it but you have power to a very large degree to determine how soon Christ can fulfill John 14 and come back and claim us as his own to a very large degree you determine the timelines and this is why it's imperative for us to get our minds right so that our work can be right the Bible says in John the fourth chapter Jesus he's ministering to a sister at a well and you know the story he ministers to the woman at the well and he begins to tell her about the wonderful water of life his words his life and as he does that that woman gets so excited she can't contain herself and she immediately runs to her fellow Samaritans and starts telling them the wonderful story about how she met Jesus and here it is that in John the fourth chapter now you find that Jesus speaks to the woman the woman is gone she's testifying she's witnessing and now the disciples come back the disciples see Jesus and they realize that if there's one thing Jesus had to be as a human being was hungry Jesus was a hard-working when you work hard you work up an appetite and here it is that in verse 31 the disciples come to Jesus and the Bible says then they are in the meanwhile his disciples prayed him saying master eat but he said unto them I have meat to eat that ye know not of and therefore said the disciples went to another hath any man brought him all to eat who fed him this is what's going on to their minds but notice the mind of Jesus now in verse 34 where Jesus says my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to do what finish his work the mind of Christ in his work was that in everything that he did it was designed to finish the work everything that Jesus did everything that Christ did was based on ministry but he was not basing his work on just simply ministering for the sake of ministering when Jesus ministered he had a focus in his mind and his ministry was whatever work I do it must be designed to finish the work my father gave me to do you know it's possible that many of us can do various types of work but it's not a work that is designed to finish the work I want you to hear me good it is possible to do a work but the work that we're doing if we carefully look at it is not a work designed to finish the work everything that Jesus did was based on finishing the work his father gave him to do literally if Jesus had to go ahead and eat food do you know Jesus would never eat food just because it made him hungry if you study the Bible carefully even Jesus's diet was particularly you want to know how I know I'm going to take you to a text of scripture that you often read but I'm going to show you a verse that many times we don't consider go to the book of Isaiah chapter I'm gonna show you something I'm not I want to make it clear I'm not making any of this up this is all Bible Jesus would not even eat food simply because his belly ground for it and it tasted good Jesus only ate food that was designed to accomplish a purpose and let me show you what the purpose was Isaiah the seventh chapter you've probably never seen this before in Isaiah the seventh chapter I'm going to I'm going to mention the first text of scripture which most of us are familiar with but then I'm going to read to you the next text descriptor that many of us are not familiar with notice what the Bible says in Isaiah the seventh chapter and we're going to look at verse 14 most of us know this text this is that wonderful prophecy talking about Immanuel the Bible says in Isaiah 7 and verse 14 it says therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name what Immanuel now we're familiar with this prophecy yes we've heard about this prophecy you read it in Matthew 1:23 you see the connection there his name is Emmanuel and what does Emmanuel mean God with us right now most of us are familiar with that text but watch this so who is Emmanuel who is Immanuel it's Jesus Christ is that right now watch this notice what the Bible says about Emmanuel's diet in the next verse verse 15 the Bible says in Isaiah 7 and verse 15 it says butter and honey shall he eat why that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good Jesus would never just put something in his mouth simply because it tasted good Jesus would only put things in his mouth that would enable his mind to be able to clearly discern what is evil and refuse it and what is good and he would choose it everything that Jesus did even down to his eating and drinking habits was all based on how can this help me finish the work do you see what I see thus far now it was not just that it was in everything that Jesus did Jesus would not go anywhere for the sake of entertainment unless knew that this entertainment is designed to help me finish the work Jesus would not just participate in recreation just because it was recreation there's a difference between recreation and recreation Jesus would not just simply get involved with games and fun and all these things like when many of us choose things today Jesus always had on his mind how will this help me finish the work if somebody if Jesus was living today and somebody said hey Jesus why don't you come along and play some basketball with us Jesus would say how can that help me finish the work if somebody said hey Jesus why don't you come and go ahead and eat this port or eat this beef or eat whatever with me Jesus would say how can that help me finish the work everything that Jesus did brothers and sisters was always designed to help him finish the work because that was the focus of his mind and if we're going to work as Christ's work we must have the mind that Christ had and we are looking at the mind of Christ and Jesus's mind was a mind that was designed to do what finish the work do you know brothers and sisters that even if Jesus was not married at least in her earthly sense but if Jesus were to get married you know the first thing Jesus would ask that woman Jesus would not consult is she pretty does she does she have this nice fashionable outfit you know those things would be side points with Jesus you know the first thing that be on Jesus is mind when he would assess a woman Jesus would look at that sister and he would assess her character and Jesus would say how can this sister help me finish the work brothers do you understand that in this day and age and I'm going to show you by the grace of God tomorrow that Satan has decided to do something very special to make sure we don't finish the work and you know what it is and don't take any offense to the sisters just study your Bible is true did you know that one of the chief means of Satan right now is he wants to use women to take down God's men this is literally in inspiration it literally says Satan chooses to use women because he can better use them than men sisters you have more power than you know if God can use a woman like Abigail God can use a woman that when David was acting like a fool when here it is he's getting ready to go ahead and kill Nate ball because he asked Nate ball for some help and Nate ball was mad and a ball says David I'm not gonna acknowledge him and David got the news that neighbor said he's not going to help him and David said get the horses and get the swords out we're going to neighbor's house and we're gonna kill that brother David was mad and David's on the road he's ready and Abigail a wise woman Abigail hears that David is coming to kill Nate ball and Abigail decides I'm gonna go ahead and meet David on the way and Abigail rides that chariot and she goes ahead and she gets to King David and she stops everybody in the track and she goes to David and she says David David David David you know you're the anointed of God David you know that you're called of God David why would you lessen yourself and demean yourself and waste your energy and do a sinful thing against God to kill a man like navel who's being a fool and you know what David said David said you know you're wise woman and David said today you spared at man's life I'm not gonna go there anymore you see God can use women in such a way that when men are in the height of their rage and their foolishness God can use a woman to actually help a man see what God was trying to make plain to his heart all along God can use women mightily this is why God has chosen to represent his last day Church as a woman but Satan knows if he can use women the same way God can use women to help a man think clear Satan knows he can use a woman to skew a man's mind and make him make the dumbest decisions that he could ever make and so it is that we have Satan using Eve to help Adam come into sin Satan uses the Moabite women to help Israel fall into sin at the bank of the Jordan Satan loves using women and therefore brothers you listen to me good when you see a woman there has to be more than how long her hair is and how pretty her face is there's nothing wrong with long hair there's nothing wrong with pretty faces but the key question that every man is to ask about a woman that he is considering to become a helpmeet in his life is he have to find out sister how can you help me finish the work that God has given me to do brothers you will save yourselves from a thousand Paris if you learn to ask that question sisters when you meet that guy there has to be something more than the fact that he's broad shouldered and has dark hair there has to be more than just simply the fact that the brother is some nice guy that has a deep sweet melodious poetic voice brothers and sisters or dear sisters you must make sure that when you look at that brother you got to be able to say how can this brother help me finish the work which God has called me to do everything that Jesus did was about finishing the work if you and I are disciples of Jesus Christ everything that we do everything that we eat and drink everything that we use in the name of entertainment everything that we do brothers and sisters must be based on how can this help me finish the work if you understand what the preachers saying thus far let me hear you say Amen now what is the work that God has given us to do what is the work that God has given us to do we can see it clearer you just said a min so that means you understand that God has called us to have the mind of Christ which is a mind of finishing the work and that mindset must govern everything that we do in the name of Christian work not everything that we do is designed to finish the work I will show you that shortly what is the work that God has called us to do what would you say what's the work saving to save others okay anything else what's the work that God has called us to do now you got to speak loud now to the truth what else say I hear save I keep hearing save is that all is that's it that's the work we got to do right now save people restore okay okay a restoration work all right let me give you a practical text of scripture that clearly shows the work we're supposed to do right now are you ready go to Matthew 28 Matthew 28 you know brothers and sisters there's a little book called great controversy how many familiar with that book you familiar with that book great controversy do they have that out here in the Philippines all right now I'm at yeah you're not raising your hand so you make me wonder if you have the book now in the book great controversy page 598 there's a statement that you would do well to commit to memory the statement says we have a chart that points out every way mark on the heavenward journey and we do not have to guess at anything I ask you the question what does the word God has called us to do because I don't want you to guess we have a chart it's called the Bible and it points out how many weigh marks every way mark on the head of a journey and it says we don't have to guess at anything so therefore I want to encourage you don't spend a lot of time guessing what God has privileged you to know what is the work that God has called us to do it is found in Matthew 28 right there in verse 18 notice what the Bible says it says and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world amen is that the work that God has told us to do that is clearly the work that God has called us to do so we are called to go ye therefore to teach all nations we ought to do an evangelistic work where we ought to teach others and to bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they can be saved now I was asking some people here I said how how do they do you know is the Philippines very active in evangelism that's what I was asking I said are they very active in evangelism out here and the answer that I got was yes now is that correct is that correct very active right I saw earlier today you had nice little chip program going on and then I'm sure that you probably got some other things going on I know there's a an organization called PATCO which is of course the Philippines amazing facts of college of evangelism there's work going on out here is that right all right now with all this work going on are you seeing the souls coming in and seeing the transformation and seeing the reality of all the things that God has promised would take place when the gospel is priests are you seeing those things are you seeing those things I hear yes and I hear no you sound like the mixed multitude honestly honestly honestly when Jesus called us to minister to people and to give them the gospel they were supposed to take heed to the message and get baptized but after they were baptized they were supposed to be properly nurtured taught educated and grow in sanctification and become holy as God is holy and take on the work and do the same thing in other places the question is are you seeing that taking place with sweeping force in the work that you see being done here in the Philippines okay sometimes but the majority are saying no okay majority are saying no but I do hear some times right now why why why is it that we're doing a soul-winning work we're trying to reach people but it seems like it's not having the effect that Jesus had when Jesus won people did he not only win them but did he keep him did he do that he sure did you remember Jesus when he talked about the seventy he said father oh the seventy that you've given to me are still here and accounted for Jesus did the best work of evangelism that you could have ever seen because he didn't just baptize people he helped the people to stay maintained in the truth many a times today we get fooled into thinking oh praise the Lord we went to India and we baptized 7,000 and do you know that the great number of those in India that accept Jesus Christ simply add him as another God to their other 1 million gods that they worship many a times not every single time but most of the time the individuals who are accepting Jesus in these various places oh yes they're getting better because that's what we hear we hear the reports they're always growing as a church we're doing wonderful we went to this country we're into that third world country and we preached in one week and baptized 20,000 people our brothers and sisters automatically when I hear those reports I know something's wrong how in the world can you in one week give faithfully the three angels messages where people can honestly understand what they believe and know how to practically live it in one week how can you go over all of the beliefs of the seventh-day Adventist movement and do all these things brothers and sisters I'm sorry I'm not buying that so what happens is we baptize all these thousands of people I get these websites and I get these things all the time or we baptize a thousand people here sixty-five hundred people there I have I even saw something with this son ministry here in the Philippines where they baptize about 6500 people and then when they say oh yeah we did it we did a one-week evangelistic meeting in 65 I said okay something's got to be wrong here that doesn't make any sense now brothers and sisters here's my point what is it that we're missing because we could get deceived in thinking that we are doing the work simply because we're holding evangelistic meetings simply because we're out there just telling people a bunch of stories recorded in the Bible some of us think that that's the work now brothers and sisters we need to qualify that and the way we're going to do it is we're going to look at a Bible character by the name of Eli I want you to notice something here the Bible says in 1st Samuel chapter 1 and verse 3 it says and this man went up out of his City yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh and the two sons of whom Eli hophni and Phinehas the priests of the Lord were there so we learned that hophni and Phinehas they would definitely want they would definitely priests now brothers and sisters when you look at Hebrews five carefully the Bible makes it clear that the the job of the role of a priest is to offer gifts and sacrifices on behalf of the people the priests represent the people to God okay now hophni and Phineas they are sons of Eli they are priests they are in the work they are officers of the church in quite honestly they're in officers of the church in almost the highest order the priest was to be of a high order in the church and here it is that hophni and Phinehas are priests they're working in the church they're giving the Gospel message according to how it was given in those days based on their office but there was a problem let's notice the problem the Bible goes on to say in 1st Samuel 2 verse 12 it says now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial that's another word for Satan how in the world can you be a priest and at the same time be referred to as a son of Satan something's wrong with that it says now the sons of Eli were the sons of Belial they knew not the Lord how can you be a priest and not know the Lord the whole job the whole focus the whole purpose of a priest is to bring people to a God whom the priests know and here does the Bible says that they were not simply sons of Eli which was a high priest they were sons of Satan and they knew not Jesus now this is very interesting because I want you to see what's happening here because we're going to do a little parallelism hophni and Phinehas understood that they were called into an office where they were to minister to the people you and I understand that we've been called into an office of discipleship where we are to minister to the people is that right so there's a parallel then we find that it says these individuals who were called to be ministers of God and to minister to the people were in fact sons of Satan and they didn't even know the God whom their office mandated they should have known are you following now watch this one not only were they simply sons of Satan not only did they not know the Lord but do you know that they still did a ministerial work and I want you to see what their ministerial work how it affected the people the Bible goes on to say in 1st Samuel 2:17 wherefore the sin of the young men the Samaha in phineas was very great before the Lord four men aboard or hated the offering of the Lord wait a minute hophni and Phinehas are called to be priests priests minister to people on behalf of the Lord they however were referred to as sons of Satan and with them being referred to as sons of Satan their work had such a negative effect on the people that they were supposed to administer to that instead of the priest doing what it normally should have done which was to help people love God more it says that when they saw the example of these corrupt priests it says it caused the people to hate the offering of the Lord to hate the church to say I don't even want to be part of this church anymore now that I've seen the exam full of hophni and Phineas brothers and sisters God has called us to go out and to seek the lost and God has called us that we are to minister unto the people and to bring them in but brothers and sisters you and I must understand if we don't demonstrate a character before these people when they come into the church that they can say I am inspired to draw closer to Jesus we might find ourselves in danger that the individuals will look at us after they're baptized after the chip program after the Revelation seminar after the great evangelistic meeting and they get all psyched up and join the church but then they start saying wait a minute I have to come into church for a week then two weeks and then a month and then the list goes on and as they look at our behavior and they say they called me to keep the Sabbath but they themselves don't keep the Sabbath they told me I'm not to speak my own words on God's holy day but it seems like every Sabbath all they do is talk about everything that happened during the week and the last thing they're doing is talking about the goodness of God and His glory and his character when they start seeing that when they say Alma in the chip program they showed all the dangers of eating fish food but then we go ahead and invite the new converse to our home and we got the nerve to self serve them fish chicken and beef and the best answer we can get oh God said it was clean but brothers and sisters you don't understand God said more than just eating clean clean meat God gave very specific instructions even on how meat was to be eaten do you know right now the the way many of us will condemn the people who eat pork and shrimp and lobster and crab you know the way will say all they're committing sin dating abominations do you know many of us are sitting right now who eaten chicken beef and fish you want to know how I know because the Bible says that when God allowed men to eat flesh God said take out all the blood and take out all the fat in other words when God allowed men to eat animals it was not enough simply that they had cloven hoof and chew the cud or had fins and scales God says I want all the blood extracted from it and I want all the fat to be removed and if you want to know is it a sin to eat animals with blood in it you read first samuel 14 verses 32 and 33 the bible says that when they ate animals with blood the bible says it was a sin so if i'm going to go ahead and say i'm going to just go ahead and eat i'm just going to go ahead and eat my beef and chicken a fish and i don't care i'm going to eat it with the blood in it you might as well have some lobster right on the side you might as well have some crab right on the side because in the eyes of god sin is sin and if you're going to get sick if you're going to go ahead and sin against god anyhow to gratify appetite be the best center you could be because you're going to get the same judgment in the end of it saints but brothers and sisters I'm being facetious I don't want you to be the best center you can be I want you to be the best servant you can be amen you want to become bow before God you want to say Lord I want to be consistent with your word but the problem is we will hold a chip program and gonna tell everybody all these things a bad bad bad but then they come to our homes and they see us eating the bad bad bad things and you wonder why they leave people are not looking for hypocrisy it's everywhere already before they joined the church what people are looking for is the same thing that ministry of healing 143 says you know what ministry of healing 143 says in ministry of healing page 143 Ellen White says the world needs now what it needed 1,900 years ago a revelation of Christ and even Jesus would not even eat food unless he knew it's designed to help my mind be clear so I could receive instruction and understand God's Word that I may finish the work and that must be your mind many individuals who have come to the church have left hating the offering of the Lord why because of the inconsistent character of the messengers something's got to change things something has got to change we have gotten stuck in this idea that the work is to hold meetings the work is to just go ahead and hold meetings and tell everybody about a bunch of stuff we ourselves are not living that'll never finish the work that will never finish the work and that's why we have to go back to the blueprint do you know that when Jesus came on the scene there was something that he used to wake up his people Jesus knew that his people were sleeping jesus knew that his people were not living their message jesus knew that hypocrisy was running rampant in the Jewish church and therefore Jesus knew that there's a work that I must do within as there was a work for him to do without and the work that Christ had to do within was found in mark chapter one go to mark chapter one watch this mark chapter one in mark the first chapter I want you to see what the Bible says as we look at the work that Jesus had to do within and what's so beautiful it's a work to be done without I I have found as I carefully study the Bible there's a lie being told about Jesus and that lie is is that when Jesus first came all he did was minister to the people inside the church that's a lie don't believe lies there's no lying no no lie is of the truth first John 2:20 one says Jesus often ministered to Gentiles Jesus would deliberately do ministry with the Jews in the sight of the Gentiles so the Gentiles can see and accept Jesus always had the Gentiles on his mind don't believe the lie that all we need to do is a work within that was not the model of Jesus that was not the model of John the Baptist and that should not be the model of God's seventh-day adventists people what Jesus did was a work within and a work without what John the Baptist did was a work within and work without and what we should be doing is a work within and a work without can you say amen to that now when we watched Jesus do his work you will find that he did this work right here in mark 1 and it was designed to minister to those within as well as to minister to those without notice what the Bible says in mark chapter 1 verse 14 notice what the Bible says the Bible says now after that John was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying what the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel Jesus came preaching the gospel he called people to repentance but there was a chief ingredient that he used in his gospel messages do you see what the chief ingredient was what was the chief ingredient that he used is right in the verse I would never ask you the question lets us in the verse it's in the verse there was something that Jesus used when he preached the gospel and called people to repentance there was something that he used that helped the people see today if you hear my voice harden not your heart do it now what was it that he used according to the verse the Bible says time time look at the verse again in verse 15 he said and saying the what is fulfilled the time is fulfilled now another way of using the term time is we can say today prophecy Jesus would use prophecy as a means to wake people up help them understand what time it is and while they understand what time it is it would help them do something very very special go to the book of first chronicles chapter 12 let me show you the great great great benefit of understanding time 1st chronicles chapter 12 in first chronicles of 12th chapter you're going to understand why God believes in using time why does God believe in using prophecy the Bible says in first chronicles chapter 12 and when you get there please say Amen the Bible says in first chronicles chapter 12 and verse 32 it says another children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do so according to the scripture what is the benefit of understanding time it helps you know what to do do you know that many of us today have no idea what time it is therefore we don't know exactly what we should be doing right now and when you don't know what you should be doing right now you cannot finish the work you can't that's why God says I need my people to know what time it is Jesus came on the scene and he gave a commission to the people he wanted them Jesus if you study the Old Testament carefully Jesus always wanted the Gentiles to know his truth the problem was his church was in such a decrepit condition that Jesus knew I can't bring a bunch of people in my church right now because these unconverted members would cause the people to leave so therefore he had to do a work within but ever so often little bits here and there he would go ahead and bring him in and bring him in but Jesus wanted to bring thousands in but he knew I got to clean up my church first and it was after he cleaned up his church and after probation closed on the church that's when now all of a sudden the thousands were able to come in and it was not a problem and so it is with God's people today Jesus wants to bring in thousands upon thousands of non seventh-day adventists he wants to bring them in brothers and sisters but the problem is is that many of us are in an unconverted and backslidden condition and if the thousands were to come in right now and watch how we are many of them would turn away from the church from the truth and they would hate the offering of the Lord and as a result of that the Lord does not now work to bring many souls in to the truth that's volume 6 at a testimony to the church page 370 and 371 the Lord does not now work to bring many didn't say any praise the Lord because if it said any I would not be here I was not born into this message I found out about this message 21 years ago thank God that the Lord did not say any and just said many thank God when he brought me in he just said Dwayne I'm bringing you in to be part of the solution and not part of the problem but God can't bring the thousands in right now while we are continuing to play games with God's Word and to contradict his truth and to give messages that we ourselves are not practicing God says I will not bring the thousands in until we get this stuff
Channel: HCBNtv
Views: 30,705
Rating: 4.8215613 out of 5
Keywords: Shinto, Sikhism, revival, Confucianism, Tao ism, Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), Zoroastrianism, diverted, Iglesia ni Cristo, Christianity, dwayne lemon, HCBN, Baha'i Buddhism, Judaism, HCBN He's Coming Broadcasting Network Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Prophecy, Jainism, reformation, mind, Islam, Hinduism
Id: sHqLRyil3hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2013
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