Dwayne Lemon - Broken Homes? Husbands love, Wives submit...

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I mean think about it God made a call to all husbands God made a call to all husbands what was that called the Bible you know it the Bible says husband's love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and did what gave himself word brothers and sisters when you want to understand love love is understood by what God gave and that's why the cross of Calvary is central to the child of God even in the time of the most holy place the more that we understand the cross of Calvary the more we understand what love is and the Bible says that husbands love your wives as Christ also loved the church and brothers and sisters we have to confess that many of us as husbands we have not loved our wives as Christ loved the church we have been more busy trying to get paid and make money so we can go ahead and pay a mortgage then we have understanding that we need to invest time in our precious brides from our sides we think that's simply providing all these other things I mean think about it go to first Timothy chapter five and verse eight I'm going to show you another way to look at a powerful text first Timothy chapter five and verse eight notice what the Bible says when I think about the alarming level of adultery that has taken place and is taking place in the house of God brothers and I'm not you heard me say the house of God didn't you I'm not talking about outside I am NOT talking about outside the Bible says in first Timothy chapter five and verse eight if you dare say Amen the Bible says but if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel now some people can read that verse and say I need to be a provider for my home meaning I got a hustle take two three four jobs have five businesses whatever it takes so I can earn enough money to keep a roof over our houses and there are many husbands that work like that and many of their wives ended up leaving them to go under another man's roof why because there was a higher provision that needed to be supplied when the Bible talks about providing not for their own it not limited to finances the brides need to know that they love that they are cherished that they are adored and that we love them and brothers and sisters I understand pressure we understand pressure this world is not our home and there's a lot of pressures that this world can put on us but that's what we have to learn how to trust Jesus we have to not allow the pressure to beat us down so hard that it results in a neglect of the one that we have pledged to love to have and to hold till death do us part and it is because these provisions are not being made today that that's why we see many our homes that are breaking up and we're finding all this adultery and estrangement and divorce and all these other things and if we as husbands could remember the word husband means house band binding the house together in the love of Christ binding the house together in nurturing and building up and strengthening brothers and sisters we can see a lot of revivals take place in our homes but the council is not just a husband because there's also a council two wives we know that the Bible also tells us wives love your husband's because you remember the Bible says therefore as the church is what subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husband's in how many things and everything now listen I understand if a man is being a cave man if he's being a brute if he's being an animal then certainly a wife is not to submit unto animalistic behavior that is not what God is advocating but there are times where a husband and wife may have disagreements but that husband is he has demonstrated that he's a man of God if he has demonstrated that the decisions that he's making is based on the word and the will of God if that husband is demonstrating that his life is surrendered to Jesus Christ and he says I believe the Lord is saying this is the direction we need to go it is the wives biblical responsibility to subject herself and to say not my will we're going to do what you say now this hard you know why that's hard because we live in a women's lib age we have never seen the exercise of women's right even in the day Adventist Church like we see today sisters want to do everything equal to the man and sometimes it's not about right sometimes it's about what's right you didn't catch that it's not always about exercising our rights you and I sure would do well to read first Corinthians the eighth chapter Paul talks about the surrendering of rights for the furtherance of the gospel we've seen some serious mess take place in the church because right now there's agitations involving women where they want to exercise their rights regardless of what God has said and the order and structure that God has given and therefore that poison that mindset has crept in amongst the 2013 sisters to the point that one time there was a sister you know sometime you know I remember one time I saw a woman disrespecting her husband right to his face I saw now wait a minute I'm not her husband but why am i seeing a woman disrespect her husband in other words sisters sometimes can think that they can just snap off and say everything they want to do the head thing you know think that they could just come off and say what they want and it's interesting it's interesting because all Satan is trying to do is he's trying to pimp play and puppeteer our sisters I want you to think about this there was an instance there was an instance in the days of Ellen White where Ellen White saw a sister who was speaking disrespectfully to her husband now some of us might accept this as Ellen White's writings but there's some of us who are a little bit more studious and understand these statements as the testimony of Jesus I accept this not as Ellen White's writings I accept this as the testimony of Jesus Mary this is Illinois right into the system Mary I wish in all sisterly and motherly kindness to kindly warn you upon another point I have often noticed before others a manner you have in speaking to John in rather a what dictating matter John you need to do this John give you the very very dictating telling him what to do now watch this she says you speaking to John in a rather dictating manner the tone of your voice sounding impatient a woman who was talking to a husband and she's talking with a dictating manner and sounding impatient to a husband this more I said she said Mary others notice this and have spoken of it to me it hurts your influence now watch this it gets deeper than this see she saw it she's his sister you're trying to profess Christ but your influence is being affected because you're disrespecting your husband you're disrespecting him now the Bible tells us that Abigail had a husband by the name of Mae ball and the Bible says that navel was a son of Satan that's what that came out of Abigail smile when she came to David she said he's a son of Belial but you never once find Abigail disrespecting him she was a smart woman more importantly she was a godly woman sometimes we keep thinking that another person's behavior becomes a license for us to let loose the demons in our hearts we have to understand that we have to ask God Lord take away that demon so that even if my husband acts like a demon I will not render evil for evil but how much the more when the husband is not a demon how much the more when the husband is sincerely and honestly seeking to honor God and do his will but we just can't help but who we are as sisters and we just got this snappy attitude we blame blackness and all these other things and say that's just who I am that's ridiculous brothers and sisters the Bible says he must be born again there's no blackness there's no culture there's none of that foolishness that gives us a license to be disrespectful to your husband don't buy into these worldly reasonings worldly excuses you cannot only have a bad home you can miss the seal of God notice what she says next after she made this point right here she says it hurts your influence look at what she said next she says we women must remember that God has placed a subject to the husband she says he is the head and our judge whoa this is a hot only those who are converted can accept this I'm serious only those who are converted can accept this I'm serious look at this watch this we women must remember that God has placed a subject to the husband he is the head watch this point and our judgment and views and reasonings must agree with his look what it says if possible now I sit in other word I'm blanking that screen now I'm not gonna read it you are not gonna read it I want you to listen to what I'm saying listen to what I'm saying the servant of God under the anointing of the Spirit of God speaks to the wife it says we have to remember we are to be subject to our husbands he is the head of the household and then our judgments and our views must agree with his if possible but the question is it because some somebody some some people run to that if possible so if it's not possible I'm not agreeing no no no no that means you're reading into the quote watch the quote so watch this let's say it was not possible let's say it's not possible to agree you're saying honey I think we should move here the husband says no we need to move here you can't agree if possible great but if you can't watch this what happens if you can't agree now let's finish the quote it says must agree with his if possible if not the preference in God's Word is given to the husband where it is not a matter of conscience we must yield to the head only a converted woman can appreciate that quote Saints why am I saying this did you hit my prayer did you hit my prayer before we started this study I knew I said father I know this broken home do you know how many broken Adventist homes era do you know how many broken Adventist homes sometimes I started feeling like Lord I have to go and get some counseling classes or something because everywhere I go all throughout this planet I run into families that are constantly breaking up constant husband and wife I said that's it we don't want anymore we're tired with they're just tired of fighting and it breaks my heart to see that in the remnant band for all this stuff that's going on all around our world we can show them Bible and spirit of prophecy we can show their everything to show them this stuff but the problem is Saints this saying well talk is cheap this saying let me find one Adventist home that's well-ordered show me one Adventist home so wouldn't it be more powerful if our homes were well ordered and then we gave the message wouldn't it be more powerful that's the point God is trying to make but it can't happen when we have husbands and wives behaving like this
Channel: Family Blueprint
Views: 19,922
Rating: 4.9361024 out of 5
Keywords: Dwayne Lemon, Homes, Family, God, Jesus, Saviour, Wives Submit, Husbands love your wives, Wives Submit unto your husbands, foundation, Family Life, Marriage, broken homes, faith, dictatorial, husbands, wives, spouses, troubled marriages, spouses fighting, Men leading, Ephesians 5:25, Love, Seal of God, Church, time, provider, 1 Timothy 5:8, house band, divorce, Ephesians 5:24, Women's liberation, church, disrespectful, seal of God, influence, women, men, head of household
Id: R-tjWLip2V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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