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Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier, and welcome back to The Forest. Now the forest, just today, as in the day that I'm playing this game, was released up to 1.0 status. And none of the words that I just said made even a little bit of sense in the context that they were said, but that means that this game is finally in full release after almost... four years of development it has finally come out. So I decided that I'm gonna take a look and see what the incredible changes in this game have been, what's going on in it, what kind of new things are there, and... I don't know. I don't know how far I'm gonna get. Probably not nearly enough to be able to finish this game But there's apparently a new ending and a reworking towards getting to that ending. Not that I was even remotely close, and I don't even think that the last time that I played this game there WAS an ending of the game. So I may play this and if you guys want to see more, I could probably stream it for you if you would like. Ah. Are we going to crash? Oh nice moosh. Hello son? What's that in your hand? You didn't have a toy last time- ooh. Wh- uh? ooooo For Timmy. Okay. "The Complete Guide to Survival." Ooh! FA: Ladies and gentlemen we are now crossing the zone of turbulence. Please return to your seats, and keep your seat belts fastened. Uh-huh *Plane crashing noises* FA: Flight attendants in turbines room, please be- *Sound of plane spiraling down, with glass shattering.* Mark: UUUUUUH? And we crash, and then everybody dies. Except for me, and my son. Probably. Not a hundred percent sure, but I'm pretty sure- ohhh hi. Hello! How are you? I'm good. Could you give me a hand? Please? Oh- ohh no my son! No please, I don't want this. Please my son. Help me. Help ME, not my son! Yeah, fine, whatever. All right then! I guess I'll crawl my way back to life. Low Energy. Eat something, or get some rest. Hungry? Find something to eat. Oh, I slept on top of my child's drawings! Okay- eew... Good bold blood hands. How's it going? Oh? Yes, please? Ooo, I'll take that thank you. All right. All good. ooo Alright, anything in the toilet I need? Who had booze in the toilet? Alright, someone who knew how to live that's who. Aight give me that, give me that... Give me that give me that give me that give me that give me thaaat All right, we're good. Hey Matt- Oookay I guess I'll just- Ohoho! I'm sorry!! *inhales* I didn't mean to do it! I'm really sorry about that, lady! I mean you're already dead, so I guess what does it matter? Ooo-! Hidey-hidey-ho, WUMP. Okay, all right. Still good old whumpy- oh? wait okay wait Is this the edible berry or is this the poison berry? God damn it! I'm beginning to think there's just no edible berries in this game. I can never get the right berries, okay? Ah, okay. Whump! All right, let me gather as much shit as I can *does a little ditty* (Singing:) Goin' through all these people's personal possessions. No one's gonna care. Throw a tennis ball! (singing again:) It's my life, (singing:) I'm alone on an island, nobody to love. Okay. So yeah, I've- ohh hey birdeh hey birdeh heyy you wouldn't You better run you better run!! Okay? Well you don't need to worry about nothing cuz apparently. I'm okay. I can't hit I Can't I? can't kill these BIRDS. HOoooo I killed that bird. I'm sorry, I didn't know that was actually gonna work. I had no i- oooh That's probably bad karma to start. I'm sorry everybody I didn't I didn't mean to do it just because I was attempting to do it for like five minutes straight doesn't mean that I actually thought it would do anything! I'm horrendously sorry. *whump* Okay womp I am off to a bad start LIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!!!! You better run you bitch whoa WaaAAAAAhaha!!! Just me, myself, and I, on this island. No one by my side. No one to stop me from being who I really is out of camp. Ohh.. I didn't know we'd be that close to a camp when we landed. If you can call what we did a landing in the first place. Hi! Hi how are you? I'm new to this neighborhood, can you.. Why do you have a shoe on your head? Okay, all right. That's no bueno None of this seems to be very bueno! Hello, Oh! Camera. Very nice, okay, all right. Bag of- Whoa-kay! Guess I'll take these skulls, and that leg. *chuckle* Okay, can I have the stick and not the skull as much as I love juggling skulls Really was going for this stick there more than anything Okay All right cans of gas that's nice Okay, I don't know why-- I don't know why there's so many cans of fuel around here But okie dokie-- a rope, great take that ok! Well there's been fun ma'am we'll get out of here before I run into any the cannibals Okay, so this game has been incredibly updated since the last time. I played so honestly I don't even know where to begin with this shit I'm just gonna go into the woods im gonna and try to build a base the first thing. I'm gonna do is I'm try to build a base oh Well that's new okay, all right, maybe I won't build a base maybe I won't do that maybe that's a bad idea Maybe I maybe I shan't do that. I shall not okay. All right, then do wrong by wait I Can I have a rock? Thank you. I don't want to be too far away from Actually, I don't know I have no idea what I want to be far away from - or near - in the first place I honestly have no goddamn idea. I'm just kind of going into the woods. I usually like to build a nice base By the beach, but I'll take by this lovely pond, too - okay, but it's also by Cannibal outpost, I don't know if that's Gonna be a problem, but if I'm by a pond that means I can get some fish And if I can get some fish that means I can keep some food going you know what I'm saying Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah. You all know what I'm saying. Don't ya. Let me clear out the underbrush here Oh, that's kind of cool, too Because I can kind of just clear everything out and make it all nice and pretty like you know what I mean oh That's nice, ooh Mushrooms - good! Bad - God damn it, of course it's bad. I like how food poisoning in this game is - OOOH! OOOH! OOORGH I don't feel so good about those mushrooms. No other adverse qualities No epic - whoa. It's the boat! Uh-oh it's Shark Bay Okay, someone's buried here. I don't know who whoa What the hell?! Oh! I know what boat this is! I know it's that boat. I saw the polaroid with a boat on it There's a boat right there two plus two equals chicken cassette number five found. Do you mean this cuz that's about there? How do I play cassette how do I do that? Hi cassette combined I don't have a cassette player do I Okay, all right. I got Timmy photo. Oh my god Timmy photo That's not the best photo, I've ever... It's quite a creepy photo actually let me just stare at this photo for a bit. Oh Timmy Timmy I missed you TIMMY!! Timmy you didn't get to keep your survival book how will you survive? I miss you, Timmy ! I miss you ! Whoa-- Sorry lag it let's um Let's just keep that for safekeeping Okay, let's put the hex back in my hand sorry Timmy got a -- gotta take care of business Okay, hope no sharks are gonna get me cuz I remember sharks are an eminent threat here I just want to see what's on the boat, please Okay, those are Turtles. You're fine. Okay. No sharks. No whammies no whammies. No. Sharky's no worries I don't think there would be any sharks in this shallow water, right? maybe Okay, we're fine ha! Oh! Is it porn Oh yacht summer edition man god damn it Alone - Oh rainbow alone on this island with nary a porn in sight I can hardly... whamp okay you? Know whenever I see a lock. I just start swinging. I don't know why they didn't work bye Megan cross of course it was alright What did I get? Ohhhhhhh! oh (5x) I don't like that alright, I don't know what these are Oh air canisters wait do I need to do some deep-sea diving? Oh, I got a cassette player. Well. That's handy okay combine this with this Yeah! Okay, all right, let's try this Oh I like it missing Zachary. Okay. Well. I can't help Zach-- three Okay, [shut up (3x)] restores the energy. Oh really All right shut up, I'll say they'll save that for later. I didn't know that I could sleep here uh What are those? Are those my old saves what? bu... What the last time I played it was last January that soon What I don't know it saved my saves I'm not going back to him. No way in hell. I'd doubt that everything would even work if I went back to him oh, there's a head there I Didn't notice that head Oh, I didn't notice that Oh! oh Ayie, okay, so this teddy bear if I'm to make if I'm if I'm to read the room correctly this teddy bear is Haunted and killed that cuz I feel like I would have noticed that head there also They got to pepper shakers, and I this place is too freaky for me, two pepper shakers. What are you crazy? I'm outta here man (2x) I can't take this crazy town anymore, I'm gonna play my tunes back on shore I think I'm gonna build a base by the beach. I usually like to that's like my that's like my main digs It's always worked out for me before So why wouldn't I do it now? Actually, I'm not gonna do that because I forgot that they patrol on the beach I don't remember anymore. I'm going to make my camp Here perfect all this beautiful. Well. This is beautiful. This is beautiful Well, this is goddamn beautiful look at this shit. Oh bunny. Hey. How's it going there bunny? Well, let's look at this okay craft an item. I know about that nature guide laverra black twin berry There's a lot of animals here cool. Oh This is lovely oh, that's not lovely There's so many collectibles oh, this is nice basics of survival hunting shelter easy-peasy basic fire Yeah, easy-peasy step 3 edible oval leaves berries indigo color poisonous black twin berry Easy peasy let's start with the basics. Huh, let's just start with the basics. Okay wait. I need that okay let's build a basic hunting shelter We're gonna put it right in the shady wady right here, huh, easy peasy Blub (8x) Need another rock, gimme a rock. Rocks. Yes. Please. Thank you. Sticks. Sticks. and log Thunk, oh that's satisfy- oh that's a nice wump on that come on, come on keep going What, I got click every time? Come on. Oh it's good That's a nice wump Oh Yeah, oh That's good stuff. Where you goin' buddy? I'll go ahead and get started on the next one. Wump, wumpy, wumpo, wumpage, wimblo, wabble, wumpy, wabbloh, waflaw, Winona Ryder, and wumbo, whim, wham, waffle Wobble, whoa look blah there we go okay Give me you, I still don't think there's a danger of it hitting me on the head, but you know I don't know maybe, maybe there is, okay blonk blonk, wait, blonk blonk Okay, log Is there another one ? Yeah... whoa That log came right out at me! That was the most terrifying log I've ever seen Ok blonk and - oh Oh! That's nice. Oh, that's nice. Look at this Look at this! Look at this shit. Look at this shit! Look at this shit. Eventually, I'm gonna make the entire clearing is where my base is gonna be so that's why I'm not building in there right now Whamp, okay gimme that... Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, I'm full okay, all right, Oh birdie bird feather Yes, please okay, so what I need now is I need to start making the things for small cabin. Eh , not that We need a gardennnnnnn Water collector that's nice rabbit cage, okay? Stick holder, but let's do this stick holder and the log holder in the rock holder. Let's do those we're gonna need Okay, this is just preliminary. This is preliminary - pearl. This is per- puh preluminary okay? Ok. Can you stop accelerating when I don't need you to thank you. Okay? That's stick holder right there Okay, and stick stick stick, oh sticks to hold the sticks to hold the sticks huh Oh Yeah, okay Stick (7x) See this what cool about the game is It's it's it's so intricately immersive like it does take a long time to actually get any what get anywhere in the game But it does It does make it really interesting along the way like oh I don't know what gonna happen am I gonna die and then you all are like ah it's a markiplier of course. He's gonna fucking die He's an idiot Done all right give me the logs Give me those logs come here. Log eh Alright, log good thing. I can really leap with these logs Alright, just drop (2x). Okay. How's this log get out over here? I have this log before I don't remember all right. Good job me oh Hi, um you're here early uh They'll never find me They'll never find me. Oh they found me okay alright. That's a problem well I'm not ready to face off with you guys... RABBIT Rabbert oh um ?! Alrighty, then can you leave me alone? Did you leave me alone? Yeah, you can leave me alone around Little bunnies going into the ocean little bunnies going for a swim, can I bunny ruthless rock? Money, okay, did you leave my camp? Are you gone yet? Can I go back home? I mean not home I mean, this is my home now. I've become very accustomed to the ways of this world I Am the master of my environment, and you do leave did you all decide to kindly fuck off, okay good? And get real good Okay at some point. I'm gonna need water. I don't have any I'll wait actually you're the pond Okay Okay, okay, what hi? Okay, all right. That's weird. Can I drink? That drink from this Slurp, that's a weirdest symbol. I've ever seen for drinking is weird. I don't like the lips on that I don't like the lips. What wha- the fff! What's going on here, what do I not like the water the bad water the bad water beds bad water Hey hey hey hey lady, I'll fuck you up Wap wap why are you laughing? Okay that was weird I'll take your teeth Ah little bizarre. All right well back to drinking slurp, ahh Refreshing Oh Covered in blood gross Apparently this waters no bueno Oh wait no I'm full on water, I thought the blue meter was the water, that's just my energy, okay? I need to sleep and or make a fire. I'm not sure which let's just go to sleep. That's just sleep sleep How about we sleep sleeps good? I like sleep alright? What else we got here. Oh, it's still dark alright. Let's build a fire or Something like a basic fire a bonfire fire pit. Let's build a fire pit loophole night night night. We deserve something nice. You know Right there Okay, we need more rock and stick. I can't see shit There's another Rock right there how convenient another rock perfect? Why did that have a head symbol, I don't want it, I really don't want to I Don't want to cook ahead. I could get a leg though Just leg Put the money on that make it rain a bit. Let's see oh wait Let's put some money on the areolas put money Let's see oh I could put my meat on there Boink and a boink okay, alright, and then put money in there. That's cooking up real nice alright Oh hi birdie, ok bye birdie fine. Fuck you. I need to make a rock holder. I need a place to put my rocks If there's one thing ok armor That's weird ok skin Rack bone basket everybody needs a bone basket You ask my my Pappy always told me somebody need to be bone basket Rock holder Alright, we're gonna. Put you right there Lump lump I need some sticks, but I don't why you know I'm they ain't gonna go in there was this all about sleep Sleeping okay. We're gonna ignore that happens. We're gonna ignore the noise We're gonna - we're gon - ahhh Not today !! (2x) Get fucked ! Get out of my face ! This my home, this my home !! That's right You deserve that give me your teeth huh who wants something? These guys are easier to kill oh hey whoa okay, alright how about no you don't even look human well Wow, there's a lot e bomb. Oh fuck you up. I'm by the light of my match come on ah Give me your teeth oh Yeah, I'll take your teeth yeah, I'll steal your teeth. Yeah, you better you better be... Reggie Give me your teeth, give me your teeth Give me your teeth. What your gonna do now we gonna do now then you don't have the power of your teeth you are Your teeth give your teeth Hey. Oh, there's more for you more more if you want to give me your teeth, huh? come on ow No how about how do you give a nice tooth donation? teeth Teeth can I have your teeth, where's your teeth? Oh, you don't have teeth. Oh, okay? I see how it is Where'd the last one go oh hey? Ohhhh! Give me your teeth There it is I knock your tooth out Ow, I knocked another tooth out. I'm taking that tooth. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, give me your teeth flap There's another one out there anybody can I have my meat gonna eat that Oh? Slurp oh yeah, you're gonna watch me this with all the teeth I found I am on fire Can I not be on fire I'm still on fire why am I okay, I'm gonna run to the water, I guess Okay, never mind. I'm not on fire anymore All right, that was fun glad I did that oh, how in the fuck are the you, NO took your teeth? Ow okay, that's bad No No, no come on. How the fuck I didn't get hit at all from those guys And this guy gives me three shots after he fell down and went oh, oh oh no not this I forgot I Forgot how annoying this was No, no no no come on now Oh oh, well if that wasn't bad enough I'd best not look down Oh ? well their mistake huh all right? Let's cut it ourselves out of here chop. My I got like I'm tied up by my legs. I'm like oh We'll the only way out is to chop my own legs off. There's no other way around it. Let's do that packin Thank you some sticks out of this oh Please tell me I can't leave baby cribs were these Alright, that's weird. I got some coins A jealous God punishes the parents fault on their children Oh hello, oh hello, oh hello, I got a compass I got a map Really ? All right, I'm sorry I All right, so yeah, I'm full on skulls I've got enough skulls I used to think I could have more skulls by I'm good. I'm good on skulls Whoa down Why not down why not I like down sounds good yeesh, man They really improved all the details on this game like the little subtle details that make it something have been more Terrifying I am I hear someone. Let's put my laid out Oh, I don't know what I hear, but I don't like it Ok ? Ok... Ohhh Let's turn that off. Nice ass okay? Horrible (10x) I don't know why I feel the need to be quiet when this game doesn't interact with my microphone in Airway, but I'm still like Maybe not ? Maybe not ? Maybe not okay, please tell me this is not the way I came here, and there's the way out okay? I think it's a way out Okay, all right Should I go the way of the glowing skull that seems safe, okay, I'll go that way I Don't know if that's good. It's my map doing me any good. Oh oh Ohhh Oh oh Oh oh Ok, this is terrifying this is much scarier than it was in the past I see I have no idea what's going on, and I don't like it Oh maybe what is this is that a squeeze hole yeah, it's a squeeze. Hole. I love me a good squeeze hole Ok, that's a bit louder Ohh, It's quiet down here !? It's a quiet place. Oh, just let the movie I hate it I heard that I heard this dippy step in the darkness Ah, map ? oh my map That's a leg okay, that's a walk oh Oh boy ! Ah, oh oh hi friend Oh hi, AH gotta run. I can't run as goo goo. Pee oh No, no no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Oh my god the babies they did maybe cages oh my god is right behind me. I don't know Everything seems way too calm for how much death I'm in Is it right behind me ? maybe ? I couldn't tell Ok, alright Hmm oh good, I think we're getting out of here finally probably oh look Suitcases listen this wampum open cuz now's the tile can nevermind. No. I won't then I guess what's that? What did I find a cos a cool gasps perfect I? I don't know why all this is here, but okay? I got some circuit boards I guess where am I ? please tell me there's nothing? Oh, In the baby cave !! It led me nothing, I was in the baby cave I was in the baby cave Oh no !! Oh the baby, let's see if we can... AHH You didn't say that cart will !! I don't like their cart will Rope !! Please get me out of here !!! Oh Oh god I'm so hungry and thirsty and tired. I just want to go home I'm not cut out for the forest. I can't survive here. I can't survive. It's impossible. Am I almost there ? Please tell l me it can't climb a rope I doubt that very much, but okay, okay? I think I'm getting out of here. Holy shit. That's terrifying. That's terrifying That's so scary That's so scary That's so scary ! It's so scary. I don't like it Okay Wow let's never do that again? I am oh, there's my camp-- Oh, wow, look it my camp !! A BUNNY Well Oh boy Okay, all right, then don't like these bodies being here. Let's get you here Let's just get you down here ! This is good. All right. Let me get a drink of water. Just really Slurpee blur pee I need some food and badly Oh god that water is no good, huh? Okay, bunny, come here. Oh fuck. I'm never gonna catch a bunny not like this anyway. Oh lizard hello, okay? Oh, maybe I'll get lucky I'm gonna get lucky whump ! *laughs* I'll take this, alright got that. Ok... I gonna take that ohhh.. bunny head. I got a tro- OH NOOO!!! OH NOOO!!! *laughs* *inhale* NO I've got a bunny head! NOOOO!!!!! NOOOO!!!! *sad Markimoo is sad* Imma keep you right here... Oh no, where'd it go? It's gone.. Good Oh no, it's in my thing *more laughter* *sniff* Oh nohoho... *laughter* Oh Boy, oh, no, let's cook some bunny meat ha Let's see about co---okay Why does this bunny still have a head on it? I've got many questions none of them are being answered Let's see if I can kill a bird...nope... okay...alright, then I'll have bunny meat soon enough oh Boy, that is a.... that is a startling discovery I Really like this game. This game's hard as shit, but goddamn some of it.. some of it is special Ah ! good one my rock good my one rock. That's all I needed Let me try to find it a friend once these rocks get to Mating. I'll have all the rocks I need alright *laughs* Two rocks excellent there's another rock....I've got.... OHH Stick, Rock well if I chop into this big rock and I get some small rocks nope okay, stick I need to go wash and then my uh Then my rabbit will be ready O.o Probably. Oh that's not the way to the pond.. You know what I'm a wash later. I don't care if I get an infection at this point. I'll just bare with the infection I'll just live through it. It's fine. Another rock Somebody's sleeping on all these rocks here alright, let's just- let's snooze Sn-snooze Lets lay our head to rest Snoozy boozey alright, oh good. I'm sure this isn't burnt to crisp frompch That only gave me- that only gave me a tiny amount of- are ya dicking with me? Oh look at that moon go, huh, something weird about that Well, I don't want to put the leg there So I'm not gonna alright this terrifying now, it's night. Okay. This is going poorly all right Foundation, custom, custom, oh boy.. bone fence? *Laughing* Treehouse, that sounds nice I would love.. I would love a treehouse That sounds great, I don't have to worry about these assholes.. Ooh boy. Utility.. Oh targets, tree sap collector, that sounds nice! Crane.. crane!? Wooow.. Whoooa! Look at all the shit! Ceilings, skull lamp! Look at all the shit! Oh head trophy.. *quiet laughter* Wait, hang on, I'm gonna make a head trophy. Yeah wait, okay, all right. Let's put this right Let's see can I put it on my perfect okay? All right? We're just need a trophy Oh my bunny no my bunny head Is not there anymore! NOOOOO! Here we go wait wait yes, that's an axe that is not that's not sharp stick OOOOOHH SPEAR !! I don't- wait upgrade spear bones. Okay, don't have bones Cloth okay, all right. Whatever. I got teeth can I do something with teeth anyway. I got a spear That's what I needed okay, so I can fish with this Watch this shit you guys watching you guys watching this shit. You better be watching this shit shits about to get real Should I eat these? Not good for me Apparently these are good for me. Okay. I need a fish I'm not gonna be able to find a fish am I Hmm welp I'm boned Okay, why?? Alright give me your teeth. Oh shit, I'm gonna take her teeth Oh Take your teeth, thank you Okay.. I think that was the last straggler I think that was the last that was the one that killed me before so now he's gone so tough shit Okay, all right then easy enough. I guess oh, let's eat some bars. I forgot that we actually had snack bars That is much better. It's still night. Which is a problem, but at least we can see some shit, okay? I'm making double the double the holders double the holders for double the fun and eventually I'm gonna get all these logs that I Toss down the night. I'm gonna get them back to my base, but I want to be better about organizational bullshit You know the shit that I don't care about I want to be better about that because that's how you be a good whatever gamer, person, human, yeah All right, so we're full on rocks. We're not full on- OOOHH It's dark here. We're not full on logs Pop okay getting more logs. I know I tossed down more trees than this yeah, that's a lot of log We're gonna need a lot more than that if we're- Oh it's almost day?! Please sun save me from the night. Thank goodness gravy Alright there's more logs, but I don't have another log holder gotta get more sticks Who knew I needed so many goddamn sticks actually I knew that from the very last time that I played this game I remember needing an incredible amount of sticks Hey much better What is this oh shit never mind destroyed it well, didn't matter anyway it was part of nature and therefore deserves to be burned Wait no that doesn't seem right. Yeah, whatever it's good enough There we go- BIIIRRRRD Oh Just a little delicious, it's pretty vicious. That is pretty goddamn vicious. All right. Let's put the meat on there whoa There's a nightmare of a whomp. We've got food. We got shelter. We got good shit going on here Okay, so this is good. This is good. There's a good or a good start It's not a great start, but a good start. Okay. Oh, it's beautiful Brand-new day new opportunities my son's missing everybody I know and love probably thinks I'm dead My wife is moving on, NOOOOOOOO Ok whatever lets build a log, lets build a log Rabbit-skin don't I have a rabbit skin. I could build a rabbit skin. Let's put it, right there Bam Ok *laughs hysterically* Wow I made a rabbit skin for Mah log it's like a nice hat on my house. You know a house hat as we all know Yeah, there's a beautiful day. Oh everyone's running through the fore- BIIIRRRRRRD Come here bird Every time it happens, I'm shocked and surprised God dammit I need to put more shit on here. Give me that Okay, how about more light Put another whatever you have it on here Meat yeah, that's good. Okay and with that Oh BIIIIRD came to the wrong house bird I Should feel bad about that, but it's about survival. That's survival. That's all it is Okay anyway, so I'm gonna save and I think I might end this here. This is super fun I forgot how much fun this actually could be and how hard it is to actually get going the long game I don't know but apparently I've got a map now which is awfully convenient for exploring and literally everything I am at the very south end of everything here But anyway that'll do it for now, so thank you everybody much for watching Let me know what you thought down the comments below if you want to see more of this. Let me know there as well Thanks again, and as always I will see you in the next video, BUH BYEEE
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,609,290
Rating: 4.949842 out of 5
Keywords: the forest, the forest game, the forest gameplay, the forest full release, the forest markiplier, the forest ending, the forest playthrough, gameplay, gaming, markiplier, lets play, scary games, horror games, crafting, survival, sandbox, building
Id: w89pYyzmGHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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