MADAME WEB is Astoundingly Bad

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I would like to preface this video by saying making movies is difficult it takes a lot of time a lot goes into it there are many ways someone can mess up when making a movie that being said though sometimes you get a movie like Madam web all right I mean what can I say that is one big pile of [ __ ] some movies suck it is what it is you seen Madam web no I haven't I've seen Madam web it's good have you yeah is it good yeah it's pretty good well these matches say you're lying I cannot talk about Madam web without trashing it it's just not possible so I kind of understand why Chris Duckman made the video he made on it I have other thoughts about his video but we're here to talk about Madame Webb it's kind of difficult to talk about this movie and movies like this without feeling like an [ __ ] the reason I say that is because this movie has so few good call ities I don't even think I have one really which doesn't happen often normally in the videos I make I try my very best to say something nice about a movie most of the time this is one of those very rare instances where I'm sorry okay is this real so let's talk about Madame web first off I refuse to believe that a single soul on this planet asked for this movie that is wrong Elvis I specifically requested Madame Web come on let's just be real Madam web this is what she looks like in the comics she has some pretty cool Powers but she's ultimately just an old blind woman that sits in a web chair thing it's been 84 years I can see how she could possibly compliment someone else's movie but a movie about her I don't know I'm going to be honest I don't know much about Madame web all right I haven't read her comics the small amount of info I know about this character is from what I've seen on online this movie baffles me because it's a theater released Sony Marvel movie and the director is SJ Clarkson this person only has one other movie under their belt it's called toast and it was released in 2010 and I'm guessing most of the people watching this video haven't seen it maybe I'm wrong maybe everybody loves toast I just I'm the one person that hasn't seen it SJ Clarkson is mostly known for directing TV shows and honestly some pretty great TV shows at that she's directed episodes of Dexter succession and house and you might be thinking well she's made some great TV obviously she can make a great movie well I don't think that's the case with a show there's the showrunners who decide the direction of the show and then the directors Who deliver the individual pieces of that story for movies the director is in charge of mostly everything instead of making this tiny piece of this overarching narrative you're in charge of the entire narrative it's quite different who wants a free gaming console huh I bet bet you do well keep listening all right thanks to today's sponsor you could win one you know them you've heard of them before that's right it's your boy rage Shadow Legends baby with over 4 million users and 250 million downloads let's just be honest raid is a mobile gaming powerhouse it's crossplatform you can play it anywhere you can play with friends and family in your own Clan now I know they're giving away a PS5 but let's be honest the only reason you should get raid is because of this character allur the demon spawn good God are you kidding me right now enough I'm going to be honest I committed some sins today can you blame me if there's even a fraction of a chance that someone like this is down there I think it's worth it raid is celebrating the arrival of spring and Taria with a special spring hunt miname event starting from April 15th to May 30th players will need to find hidden items around the Mistwood they simply download raid using my link or QR code then head to Spring hunt. enter your raid ID and start searching for missing items once completed you could win real life prizes like a gaming console or Amazon gift cards with a total value of $10,000 you can also win in-game Loot like Legendary Champions or skill Toms if you haven't started playing raid yet then what are you Wai for click my link in the description or scan the QR code on screen to get insane bonuses you will immediately get a huge starter pack with the Epic champion tayell from The High Elves faction many players consider tayell to be the very best epic that rage Shadow Legends has to offer and you'll get another starter pack after reaching level 25 that includes epic Rector draft she is one of the strongest support epics that you will definitely need in your collection these Champions are only available after using my custom link or QR code come find me under the name Elvis the alien alien spelled a y l i n because someone out there some very special person took my name unbelievable and joined my clan alien a y y l i n and we'll be Legends together thank you so much to rage Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video now back to the review Madam web has four writing credits one of which is the director who has only one other writing credit for a show called Mistresses two of Madam web's other writers must know each other pretty well because they've only worked on the same movies together and all of them are bad and I'm not joking match Shaz Zama and Burke sharpless have both written the screenplays for Dracula Untold the last witch hunter gods of Egypt morbius and Madam web it's kind of insane that these guys keep getting work the fourth and final screenwriter for Madame Webb has only one writing credit and that's for Madam web they're also an executive producer for this movie it looks like they've produced a bunch of movies before but yeah this is their first time writing for one and it shows I'm not saying that it's impossible to write a good movie your first time around there's the obvious example of Robert Edgars who's on an incredible film streak right now and there are other examples of people making good movies on their first go this is just not one of those cases I'm just going to say I don't always agree with Rotten Tomatoes but the 12% for this movie it makes a whole lot of sense according to IMDb Dakota Johnson left her agency WME in favor of CAA less than a week after the first trailer for this movie dropped and according to variety this raised industry eyebrows and generated some unfounded rumors that Johnson didn't like the movie especially since she made fun of it while hosting Saturday Night Live so it's kind of like if AI generated your boyfriend's Perfect movie however The Hollywood Reporter found that since CAA was also willing to represent her production company Tea Time pictures along with her indie film Daddo it's likely the timing of her agency switch was nothing more than film business shuffling Dakota Johnson just did not give a [ __ ] during her press tour for this movie it's so funny do you remember the first Marvel female character that you fell in love with on screen H let me think I [Music] don't at one point she says she loves Marvel movies you know I have always really loved Marvel movies kind of like in that one video when she said she loved limes because there were limes sitting there and she didn't know what else to say I love limes I love them they're great and it was a complete lie what what do you do with all of those limes it was hard to just ignore them so I just lied I love them well guess what in a different interview she said that she's only seen 15 minutes of one Marvel movie before what percent of Marvel movies have you seen uh 4% 4% which is like 15 minutes of one I love Marvel I loved Marvel movies during this same interview she was asked if she could name the three Tom Holland Spider-Man movies and she completely failed can you name the three Spider-Man uh Tom Holland movies yeah Spider-Man and the Goblet of man this girl doesn't give a [ __ ] about superhero movies it's hard to blame her if she just did this movie for the money so who exactly is madam web anyway basically she's an old blind Clairvoyant woman with a ton of Mind Powers she was born without eyesight and she kind of reminds me of an OP female version of Charles Xavier first things first I am a lady so let's go over her powers she has astral projection telepathy mind alteration basically she can make you think what she wants you to think she has the ability to sense incidents before they happen she can perform surgeries with her mind and she can see the future again I haven't read the comics but it looks like she's probably one of those characters that other characters seek out for answers to something you know like that old wise woman that hangs out in a hut and the main characters are like oh my god did you hear about this person they can probably lead us in the right direction so they go and have a conversation with them and then you never see them again honestly if they didn't make this an origin story and instead just focused on an old blind woman I would probably be a lot more interested in this movie it's not every day that you see an old woman as a super superhero and not just any superhero a psychic Powerhouse give the role to Merill stre or something and you've got yourself a superhero movie that is unlike anything that's out there right now I would be interested in seeing that and I'm not lying as far as how the story would work out you'd have to have some master Storyteller to make this compelling I think I'm just so bored of origin stories at this point it feels like every month we're being introduced to another superhero from the comics that were buried in there somewhere that they haven't gotten around to yet oh yeah Dakota Johnson's character in this movie isn't blind remember how I said that she was born blind she was born without eyesight not anymore and it's not like they would be copying Daredevil because he wasn't born blind instead they decide to copy Daredevil it's a lot more interesting when someone becomes blind because of something and what makes her blind it's very very funny okay that would also piss people off the movie starts by by focusing on a scientist named constants this is Madame web's mother she's taking pictures and notes on a spider web in the rainforest they're searching for a very rare breed of spider because it has this super Venom that can do all sorts of crazy things and they tell us that nobody has ever captured One Alive before which seems pretty improbable if you ask me and it's not like the spider is super tiny or something like nobody has ever found it before you want to see what the spider looks like this is the spider it's huge and bright red her security guard is named Ezekiel Sims and he's the bad guy in this movie when I say I [ __ ] your mom you best believe I actually [ __ ] your mom he says this to her I agreed to provide security for you because I thought thought you were close to finding the spider what why would he say that to her why would he be so overt about his intentions he might as well have told her I want this spider for some reason and I'm not going to tell you why but hurry up because I'm not going to steal it from you but I totally will also it's raining in this scene and they even point out the rain because Constance takes his umbrella in the next shot Ezekiel is in the same rainforest but the rain has just stopped I suppose so that's strange and then Constance immediately finds the spider that nobody has been able to find until just now and it's this giant bright red spider how has nobody found this thing Ezekiel picks up a gun and shoots everybody and then tries to steal the spider Constance watches this happen and says I don't understand over and over I don't understand oh you don't do you the guy who clearly wants the spider shot you and the other people around as soon as you found the spider and you don't understand she also says you're making the wrong decision when he had already shot two people like [ __ ] he already made the decision what are you talking about you need to give him the spider you're pregnant think of your child the acting during this sequence is terrible although we do find out later in the movie that she went to the for is to find the spider to cure her child like that was the whole purpose of finding the spider right because this spider's venom could potentially cure her unborn child's disease so it kind of makes sense that she doesn't want him to take it but if he's going to kill you is it really worth it you found one I'm sure there's another one right around the corner this woman is not acting like she just got shot and then suddenly mysterious spider people of the forest swing down and save constant as she's lying there dying the eding and shot composition here is so confusing there's this one guy who climbs down a tree and another who's carrying two giant what are those things they look like huge nails or something they cut back and forth between these spider people so awkwardly it's so clumsily edited it's insane and then they show this guy who's carrying Clarence away and he's bouncing off of trees like he's straight out of Twilight it's pretty obvious when you watch it that they just sped up the footage and it looks so bad the camera spins around constantly in this movie and it's super disorienting the spider people give Clarence a sort of ritualistic spider bath where they help deliver her baby after one of these super spiders bites her it's followed up with some terrible ADR she is strong she will come back when she needs answers these people are in a cave but there's barely any Echo to his voice he sounds awkwardly clear when he's barely opening his mouth to speak it sounds like they just plopped the raw audio on top of this scene and then called it a day I will be here for her we fast forward in time and were introduced to paramedics Cassie web and her friend Ben played by Dakota Johnson and Adam Scott respectively they really love to spin the camera around in this movie and sometimes they do it for no reason and it's kind of distracting normally when the camera does stunts like this it's to emphasize the scene if someone's doing a stunt the camera follows them and it's like oh God that's so cool but in this movie it feels very out of nowhere most of the time so Cassie helps someone out of a car but then gets trapped in it herself as it plummets into the ocean we then get a scene of Cassie experiencing her powers for the first time I guess she's a late bloomer she's in this web very clever and then she touches a balloon that explodes full of blood and then she sees this huge illuminated s sign is that an S for spider she's then saved by Ben we see Ezekiel Sims again but this time he's is a rich man oh jeez he has a lot of money and he gets the women he must have gotten Rich by selling that very rare spider just kidding he kept it in a cage apparently he let it bite him so he got superpowers and he used those powers to become rich I always forget how hot it gets in here with the light and everything so I have to take my hoodie off and then Ezekiel has a nightmare and this scene is so bad I don't know if it was just bad direction or what but tahar raheem's acting in this movie is pretty terrible he has this forced accent and he's trying way too hard to be this evil guy where's my spider it comes across way too forced they took my SPID and I think it was an overall detriment to the character this nightmare consists of a choly and chaotically edited scene of these spider women beating him up using various powers and abilities and then he falls out of a window screaming and it's so funny he wakes up and then he injects Venom into the woman he just slept with he secretes the Venom into her with like his skin oils or something it's very very clever basically he used this woman to get information from her so he could find the underage spider girls from his dreams that he keeps having over and over because he watches them kill him every single night the scene that follows this one isn't terrible it shows Cassie adjusting to her new found abilities she Witnesses things that have happened and will happen we just did this she watches As Time folds in on itself she's desperately trying to control her chaotic environment only to find that she can't control everything even with this power I I don't know I just have a weird feeling the next scene however is terrible God the villain in this movie is so cheesy I can't handle it it's so bad and not in like the endearing way I just can't stand the way he talks was it worth the trouble also apparently they were able to make a digital render of the three girls in his dreams like his assistant was able to make these images of these three girls from his dreams based entirely on his memory it's kind of insane how accurate they are [ __ ] those are just pictures of the girls this next part is slightly cheesy but I kind of liked it Cassie is watching A Christmas Carol because there's that scene of Scrooge visiting a different reality and Cassie can relate to that hate to break a te Scrooge you can't change anything and then she learns that she can change what's about to happen because she has a vision of a pigeon Dying by flying into her window but she's able to save its life by opening the window but it seems like her powers are mostly random and chaotic she has very little control over them they just happen sporadically so I'm not sure how they could help her at all although she is developing her powers so she won't know how to use them right away I guess that kind of makes sense then we see Cassie on the subway and she sees flashes of things that could have happened or things that will happen which are all pretty violent and show Ezekiel killing the girls and Cassie is trying to figure out if what she's seeing is real or not she then realizes that this is what's going to happen so she intervenes she forces the girls off the train before Ezekiel can get to them Sydney Sweeney in this movie is meant to be a teenager and they make her look younger by putting glasses a skirt and a wig on her why not just put a pacifier in her mouth I mean it wasn't really necessary I don't think they're being pursued by a Spider-Man looking character this is evil Spider-Man you know how it was the thing to make Superman evil for the longest time whenever you would see him he was the evil version well I guess it's spider man's turn even though this isn't Peter Parker it's uh this random guy named Ezekiel and he's uh the evil Spider-Man and I'm saying that because his suit is basically just a evil Spider-Man suit it's so weird because he has very little connection to the actual Spider-Man they just gave him the Spider-Man suit so they could use it in the marketing to fool people into thinking that Spider-Man might be in this movie Spider-man sells in the comics Ezekiel Sims is this old guy with super bushy eyebrows brows I kind of wish they used his Earth four suit instead of this black spider suit I know black is like the evil color although if they use the Earth four suit people would probably confuse him with actual Spider-Man it just looks cooler it's got like the buttons on the side so then Cassie steals a taxi and they all Drive Away these three girls get in a stolen taxi with a strange woman because there's this strange person in an edgy Spider-Man suit after them and they're all like oh jeez thank you weird lady for saying saving us nothing weird about this at all feels like a kidnapping Cassie then throws madd's cell phone out the window out of fear of them tracking it Cassie stops the taxi and she's like all right you guys can leave if you want Maddie responds okay that sounds good to me bye but before she can leave Cassie then says uh actually never mind you can't leave sorry no you can't so she drives off with all of them in the car still she brings them all into the middle of the woods and none of them are freaking out for some reason they all have this nonchalant conversation Cassie even tells them that she can see the future and none of them freak out I can see the future as far as these girls are aware they were just kidnapped by a mentally ill woman and she drove them into the middle of the woods and she's probably going to leave you there so they should be so sketched out by all this I know they're being chased by this spider person but still I think I would have a lot of questions and they do they do ask her some stuff I think I would ask to be brought home what I wouldn't do is trust this random person that just kidnapped me especially when they say they can see the future and they're saving me apparently they've all interacted before in some way like Maddie gave her the finger one time who flips off an ambulance if anything that should make it weirder right like Cassie was picking out targets or something it's just weird okay what makes it even funnier is that Cassie leaves them there she drives away with the taxi and leaves them stranded in the woods in the middle of nowhere and tells them to wait my God what are they doing she does this because one of the girls makes a connection between spiders and you know the spider guy who is chasing them a spider person and Cassie has this light bulb go off in that moment like oh my God my mom researched spiders there might be a connection there never mind the man who's chasing me who can crawl on the walls and has spider webs all over his suit so she drives home to read her mom's research on spider and immediately she flips to the right page about the spider super Venom from spider venom don't you guys think that's so weird in movies when someone's about to do research on something they pick up a book and they flip a page and oh my God it's right there of course here it is she could have easily just brought the girls with her to her place they decide to go to a nearby Diner to get food and Cassie is surprised when she comes back 6 hours later and they're gone did you expect them to sit in the woods and play Rock Paper Scissors for the next 6 hours Cassie finds her way to the diner and the girls are all standing on a table dancing for a bunch of guys very normal behavior and this is before Tik Tok or Vine or YouTube now I might be wrong but I don't think people were doing dumb [ __ ] like this before internet clout was a thing Ezekiel the evil Spider Guy arrives he assaults this random guy and then snaps Sydney Sweeney's neck the camera does more of those sweet totally not jarring flips as Toxic by Britney Spears plays in the background it's kind of kind of strange watching this scene listening to Toxic by Britney Spears as this guy in a Spider-Man suit kills a bunch of teenage girls it's kind of weird right is it just me or what intoxicate me now tonally it's all over the place you know the deaths of teenage girls Toxic by Britney Spears Spider-Man costume guy then we're back in the woods with Cassie it was all a vision so Cassie speeds off to the diner in hopes of saving them the girls hop up on the table and start dancing just like in her vision this is so weird because why aren't any of the diner workers stopping them at mostly any restaurant or Diner in the world You' be stopped almost instantly if you did this but these girls dance up on this table for a couple minutes without anybody doing anything so then Cassie drives the taxi into the diner hitting Ezekiel she saves the girls and drives away as Cassie's driving away with the girls in her car after driving directly into a diner mind you and hitting someone she said says to these girls oh my God you guys are so stupid your futures were almost so different you're lucky I was there why are these girls going along with this psycho it makes no sense I know the spider guy was there okay but still so these girls are just blindly putting their faith in Cassie they have no idea why this guy's after them Cassie has no idea why he's after them it just makes very little sense that these girls would be like okay cool you can see the future this guy is trying to kill us for no reason let's go and hang out with in the woods for 6 hours while we wait for this mentally ill woman to come back and do whatever she wants with us definitely not the opening of a horror film so then Cassie drives the girls to a motel and then astral projects to the diner where she has a telepathic discussion with Ezekiel there's this strange flashing light in the background during the scene like there's a guy back there taking pictures with the flash on over and over it's not just to Har raheem's acting that's bad in this movie the lines they give him are terrible as well so you put two shitty things together it's like super shitty like during this scene for example just listen to these lines those girls cannot exist how come you get to decide because I'm the one with the powers did you think you could beat me with your mind oh my God those girls cannot exist how come you're the one to decide because I'm the one with the powers and honestly it feels like a 12-year-old wrote this after reading their first comic book Cassie learns exactly how ezekiel's poison works because he had this during their telepathic discussion no one survives once enough poison enters their system so yeah she shouldn't know anything about how it actually works right maybe he has the Venom in his mouth or something he has to bite you how do you know what it does huh so she explains it to the girls the next morning and then teaches them CPR so remember Cassie's friend Ben well she has him look after the girls so she can take a vacation to Peru to go find this spider tribe in the jungle somewhere that she learned about through her mom's research so yeah she goes to Peru and she uses a map that her mom Drew to find them I'm sorry I don't care how good of a friend you are to someone if they come out nowhere and they're like all right I'm housing these three random girls and they're in trouble and you don't really have a choice they're going to stay at your place so here you go here are these three random teenagers even if you were like all right fine you think you would have some questions who are these people why are they in trouble what's going on why do you have to go to Peru I'm so confused used but no Ben's like all right sure I can't pretend to understand what's going on here he's probably just a massive s or something maybe if I do this she'll notice me it's already insane because he's brother-in-law to someone who's pregnant like 9 months pregnant basically she's going to burst at any moment and then he'll have to look after a literal newborn while having these three random teenagers in his house I mean okay sure while in Peru there's this terrible edit and then Cassie runs into the same man that saved her mother all those years ago but this time he's not wearing his tribal spider gear he's just in Regular Guy clothes now he had a change in fashion sense over the years I suppose he can also see the future so he knew that she would be there so these two people literally just met okay and then he asks her do you trust me do you trust me um no no I don't I don't know you who are you and then he pushes her soul into the same like little pool that her mother gave birth in and she experiences visions of her mother's life we learn that she went to the forest in the first place in order to find a spider that has venom that has the ability to cure her daughter's genetic neuromuscular disorder I'm sorry to tell you that your baby has Myasthenia despite what the film tells us according to IMDb myasthenia gravis what Cassie was supposedly diagnosed with is not something that can be diagnosed before birth and it's not a genetic condition but an autoimmune disorder Cassie tells her mother that she succeeded in curing her in the astral plane and then they hug and then this random guy that she just met in the rainforest tells her that she's destined for great power but her mother didn't have these same Powers when they met in the astral plane or whatever so she just believes that she saw her 30-year-old daughter from the future that's normal I would think I was going insane so Cassie arrives at Ben's house after her holiday in the rainforest and she finds that they're all missing Ben's sister-in-law was in labor so he took her and the three girls to the hospital Cassie gets a vision that they all die again so she rushes to save them and this is like a full-time job for her now isn't it getting a vision that these girls die intervening and saving them and that just happens over and over and over it's like Final Destination you can't escape it unless there's a Pepsi Cola sign there to save the day you might be confused by what I just said but just wait also thank God nothing happened to these girls when uh Cassie was on holiday in the rainforest because that would have been bad thank God their impending doom occurred only after she got back Ezekiel the evil Spider-Man is about to blow up the girls with a grenade yes he's going to kill them with a grenade I think killing them with this super Venom would be a lot easier than killing them with a grenade just take your suit off and approach them and be like hey how are you put your hand out and shake their hands one by one wow they're all dead now but no this guy's filled with rage so he has to go out with a bang I suppose how does Cassie stop aiel this time she hits him with a vehicle again but this time it's even more ridiculous she steals an an ambulance only to drive it through the wall of a parking garage so it flies in his Direction the funniest part is that the vehicle would have flown over him but he decides to jump so it hits him in midair oh my God so that worked out well you could have just sat there and watched it fly over your head I guess he's kind of like a cat you know whenever something scary happens he can't help but just bounce you know oh [ __ ] if I had a dime for every time Cassie hits Ezekiel with a vehicle in this movie I would have two dimes which is not a lot but it's strange that it happened to twice the end of this movie is so bizarre Cassie and the three girls end up in a firework warehouse and they start putting flares into the crates of fireworks in order to distract Ezekiel there's a helicopter watching the chaos as Cassie blocks random fireworks from hitting them with a piece of Broken Steel or something that came out of nowhere remember the random red s in her vision earlier well it's from a massive Pepsi Cola sign a rogue firework blows a hole in the top of the building I guess and another is shot directly at Ezekiel so he punches it at the helicopter and the helicopter goes down I don't even think he meant to do that he just punches it and it hits the helicopter wow okay Ezekiel takes his mask off at the end of the movie for no reason other than for more screen time Maddie uses a piece of metal to skate like legless from low of the Rings for a second because she can do that I guess Sydney Sweeney runs at him only to get laid out so she's now hanging on for dear life wow thanks Sydney that was a huge help all three of these girls are in danger so Cassie has to make a choice instead of saving one she decides to save all three with her mind Powers she like Astro projects her body to all three girls to help them but she can't move while doing this so I guess she's just hoping that Ezekiel will be a good boy and let her do it obviously he doesn't do that and he punches her I don't know what Cassie was thinking you might want to take care of the threat first before you try and save someone oh what the hell see she didn't see that coming I think he might try and stop you just he's kind of been trying to do that for the entire movie the final confrontation the climax of the movie takes place on a giant Pepsi Cola sign you might be wondering how Cassie defeats Ezekiel well she doesn't the Pepsi sign does it falls apart in such a way where it pins him down and then the giant s swings down and makes him fall to his death which mirrors his dream with the same awful screen he then gets squished by the giant pee from Pepsi so you can see him as the camera zooms out with his little face in the pee hole why is the end of this movie a giant Pepsi ad Cassie falls into the water below with a ton of fireworks shooting down isn't it kind of strange that these fireworks are shooting literally everywhere they were confined in a building but the characters are outside of this building but the fireworks are shooting everywhere everywhere I don't get how I get that maybe some might shoot out wind windows or something but come on dude where are all these fireworks coming from like the fireworks are up here in this building Cassie fell in the water down here way way down how are the fireworks shooting down this way into the water like what it's just you know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to be honest one of these fireworks even hits her in the face while she's in the water then we see the giant s from the sign fall into the water why is this s still illuminated what is powering this s maybe the fire works are doing it or maybe she's doing it with her mind powers and the the vision I'm trying to find find some sort of solution to this I don't know why in this video in particular I'm leaning to this side so much I I'll I'll change it up and lean over here Sydney Sweeney swims down and saves her and they use CPR to revive her and it's cute because you know she taught them how to do that oh I guess Cassie is blind now because of the underwater firework that hit her in the face the writing in this movie is so amateur and uninspired and perun at the very end of the this movie Sydney asks a newly blind woman how is your eyesight how's your eyesight what the [ __ ] do you think to which Cassie responds I can see better than I ever have I can see better than I ever have and then one of the other girls asks oh yeah can you see us in the future and Cassie responds yeah I can see you standing up for what you believe in never giving up whatever the future holds we'll be ready and you know the best thing about the future it hasn't happened yet God Dakota Johnson tried to best all right but at the end when she's trying to sound all serious and wise it comes across so fake and forc like oh my God she's blind now so she's automatically a 80-year-old wise woman that has been doing this for decades like what also I should mention that I think this movie was meant to take place in 2004 they say it takes place in 2003 but that doesn't make a lot of sense because we see a PSP in one scene which wasn't released in Japan until 2004 and the Britney Spears song Toxic didn't play on the radio until 2004 and the computer that ezekiel's assistant is using is definitely not from 2003 and in one shot outside the Grand Central Station you can see the one vanderbild building a skyscraper that completed Construction in 2020 honestly I don't know what year this is meant to take place in now that I think about it it's kind of crazy how much Dakota Johnson trashed her own movie pretty much immediately after it released she said this I've never really done a movie where you're on a blue screen and there's fake explosions going on and someone's going explosion and you act like there's an explosion that to me was absolutely psychotic I was like I don't know if this is going to be good at all I hope that I did an okay job she also said that movies like this are bad because they're being made by committees and art does not do well when it's made by a committee I think I agree with this I don't think that's always the case but I think when there's too many cooks in the kitchen most of the time it results in a Messier outcome so yeah that's my review of Madam web I thought it was bad let me know what you thought of this movie in the comment section down below if you like this shirt you can get at same with this hat in the hoodie I was wearing in the beginning of the video that's a y l you can get a whole bunch of stuff there like this this this this this yeah that's going to do it thanks for watching bye the [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 509,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, madame web
Id: gTRQRM9jars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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