The Fixies English ★ The Fixiphone Plus More Full Episodes ★ Fixies English | Cartoon For Kids

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[Music] [Music] where you the coast is clear the humans have left come on let's go [Music] lasya where are the fish looking so tired cuz they're not getting enough air in there the water in the aquarium is dirty and it needs air but the filter isn't working the filter yes that device over there these fish need our help and if we don't do something right now they could die right first I'll fix that light while you and masya go over there and see what is wrong with the filter but I want to go and look at the filter too you're too small for this oh whoa whoa whoa and you're a giant I mean you're like six feet tall huh that's enough arguing no look let's go [Music] well let's check it not working no like where are you I love here what are you doing up there nothing hold on we don't have time for that get down we have to get this switch working what's the matter with the filter well probably something's caught inside and it's stopping the motor from turning a filter is used to keep the aquarium water clean a motor in a filter turned the paddles and pumps water through a fine net or a sponge the dirt in the water gets trapped in there and the cleaned water is put back into the aquarium many filters not only clean the water but also add air to it so there will be more oxygen in the water you see even though fish live their lives in water they need oxygen just like all of us [Music] please way to go there there are lots of ways for people to breathe underwater as an experiment try putting an empty glass upside down in water and you'll see that some of the air stays in there that's the idea behind the ancient diving bell an empty Bell was lowered under the water and some of the air remained in there for the diver to breathe and about 200 years ago the first diving suits were invented the diver got air from a hose that started above the water this let the diver spend a long time under the water then even walk around on the bottom but just not too far later on people learn to squeeze a lot of air inside of metal tanks and that's when scuba diving started scuba divers breathe the air stored in these tanks so they can swim freely and even dive deep down below the water work is done the light is on and the filter is working and if this looks so exciting that's if they're not fish but monsters thank goodness they're behind glass Pappas just hang on we'll be right there to save you but I don't even have my Packham at key they must be so hungry you're right they're hungry Nolan come on I can't believe those fish they're so ungrateful we went ahead and fix their filter and all they wanted to do was double us up and down the one who saved you from them I was the one why sure what was going on [Music] okay hold it do you think giving her some food will help as long as you're not thinking that food is me [Music] yesterday the thick seafoam huh try to guess what we have with us you guess what I have a banana race car no nothing chocolate Paris box do you give up my dad bought a new phone for himself and gave me his old one he said I can keep it oh wow and what have you got look ah you got a telephone - it's better than that this is a fixie phone Papa's got himself a new fitzy phone indeed this old one to sync and can you make calls on it ah take a guess come on let me show [Music] ah hi there Papoose hi no like are you going no like don't just call me if you know I work so what I can make calls on my phone calls to humans that is but to fix these you can't a fixie phone is a smart phone made just for fixing not only can fix these call each other with it but they can get on to their own special fixing internet on a fixie phone you can find a camera a flashlight news games movies and CDs those are the fixies favorite song big thing kids love them and so do their parents because pixie phones can easily let parents know where their kids are and whether or not they're in trouble over the years humans have learned how to turn telephones into mobile phones and mobile phones into smartphones I use them to call each other and to go on to their internet a smart phone is almost as powerful as a computer but they still have a long way to go to be as good as fixie phone [Music] yeah that's really cool guys only this foe does the same but can your phone do this take a look over here you mean here it's just a mouse and now look here whoa [Music] but he's not he's not on there but look here once a mouse helps the user navigate around the computer and when we move it you get no one else can see the fix he except for you and he can help you super Oh it'd be great to have my own sexy phone what are you talking about you're not a fixie what a shame I'm off to school guys get so upset you even forgot to take his phone I have an idea [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] look wow this is great now I've got my own 60 phone it's just like you've got well three clothes Tom tonus Tom Thomas let me use your phone to call myself I need to find my phone oh wow you've changed everything in here where am I I guess I'm papas huh what a funny name you came up with for me nolleke just stop I don't have time for your fooling around what who is that that's uh notnot like oh is this do you know who I just called does anyone know who this phone belongs to out here Oh your mother found it I'm coming give it to us give me your phone [Music] but how can I call you up the barcode and so what do we do if we happen to see humans right and what have you've got nowhere to fly then we turn ourselves into screws that's correct there could it be on earth could I have putted such a scatterbrain ah its professed for you genius there's no need to hide from him he's our friend where has it gone ah did you lose something again professor yeah how did you guess it's just awful yesterday I started testing a new iron and today ah it's totally disappeared into thin air where could you have put that thing um I've got it down to two places it could be in the warehouse or mmm not in the warehouse yeah information I'll help us find it or not help us find it follow me to the warehouse [Music] if we have to look inside each one of them it'll take us two days maybe we'll get lucky let's look at this one wow it's a fan made in Germany by the way he's right there is Catalan man professor it's gotta be magic oh yeah here's how I think he's doing it I think the professor has glasses made to see through the boxes of course not I only know how to read the barcode that you can see on each of those boxes oh yeah exactly if you look at the printing on packages and boxes you'll often find a symbol with a lot of black lines and numbers these symbols are called barcodes each barcode has all sorts of information what the item is what country it came from and even in which factory it was made with the help of a special reading device a scanner it's possible to read all the information the barcode holds it really is an excellent system for stores to know what they've got you don't even need a scanner to do it I can figure out barcodes without one I'll teach you if you want let's see we're looking for my box with an iron Wow bring in the professor today on almost everything that is sold there is some kind of mark for instance this kind of mark is called a barcode and this one a QR code these marks help us find out a lot of information suppose you walk by a building and see a QR code on it just point the camera on your mobile film addict and information about who built it and when it was built will appear on the screen isn't that great it's a shame not every phone can do this yet and that's not all there are also marks that work without pictures there are electronic chips that can hold information these chips can be put inside of ID cars or travel passes and all you need to do is press the card near a meter so it can check if you're allowed to go on through uh-uh you just made my day you found it so quickly what would I do without you huh is something wrong this is not an ayah sandwich is that mine yesterday I wanted to put it into the fridge only I guess I put it into my Oh I just get distracted so easily look we need to think this through logically if you win and place your sandwich into the box where the iron should have gone then you must have put your iron oh here you are here you are my new iron oh I looked everywhere for you thank you my friends once again there's no need to thank us at all you're always there when we need help you've even let us open our own school here in your laboratory and we don't have to hide ourselves yeah that's because you're so kind [Music] [Music] the microphone and what do you think should we go and see a movie hey you didn't type everything that I said you should listen more carefully and you should try using less words no look hey Alice what are you arguing about uh well I was writing a letter to Johnny I was not you I messed up my finger and nolleke offered to help e no idea that you're such a yapper oh now I see Tom Thomas didn't you know that you can call Johnny straight from your computer you sure you see that picture of the phone just click on it [Music] hi so what movie do you want to go see hey there I don't care just not pirates and those robots hey Tom Thomas why aren't you answering me I am answering you hello hello talking to them microphone I don't have a microphone there you go end of conversation all right then talk right into their suka come on you use headphones to listen it's a joke it's no joke we talk into microphones and listen through headphones but both of these devices use a special membrane to do their job the membrane inside of a microphone is used to capture sound that is then sent through wires as an electrical signal and inside a pair of headphones a membrane helps turn that electrical signal back into Sally so it turns out that a microphone and headphones are built in a very similar way even though they are used quite differently and so I talk right into here Johnny hello just wait a second first we need to plug your headphones into the hole where the microphone gets plugged in ah I get it go ahead now it's a microphone Johnny I'm here can you hear yeah he can hear but you can't know like switch it over to the headphone jack I already saw robot and I already saw it no I don't think there's anyone who didn't see it [Music] you didn't see it then let's go see it no I don't wanna I think the robots will be even more boring than the Pirates do you want to see the pirates make up your mind you want to see the pirates or the robot I don't want to see either one no link what are you doing what am i doing it's cuz you and Johnny don't listen to each other I've got a good idea you need to talk like police on their walkie-talkies when you're done talking and they're ready for an answer they say over great ideas when we talk to someone using the telephone there are two channels for the sound we talk to you the first Channel and listen to the other person talking for the second one but sometimes two people need to talk to each other using only one channel for instance sailors and taxi drivers use one channel ratio sense when a radio sets turned on you can hear the other person talking but they can't hear you talk unless you push a special button down then they'll hear you but you won't hear them so that means you have to take turns talking because if everybody tries talking at once nobody will understand anything so then to let people know that you're done talking and you're ready to listen to what they have to say say over Johnny hello why don't we try talking like police on their walkie-talkies whenever you're done talking say to me over over [Music] all right so we go into the movies over yeah I don't feel like it why don't we go play ball instead over sounds good are you talking to you before over I can't tell you that it's classified we follow the rules wow that worked out great over over [Music] [Music] reflexes add this to that now what do you get uh three don't you remember bark bark bark all you have to do is bark three times that's too hard a trick for to Santa maybe you could teach you to jump through a hoop I already tried she just sits there come on Kusaka give it a try try showing her this sugar sure Sokka come on jump go to school see you later animal tamer great job shoe Sokka our lesson for today is on the subject of reflexes I'll write it here for you car let's listen someone's late again ah colleague my glasses are gone are they here they're right there on your forehead oh how about that forgive me for interrupting let's continue our class and so thanks so much so you turned into screws again does anyone know why that is because we have to hide ourselves from Cubans but you don't have to hide yourself from professor you genius we do ah you had already transformed before you had time to think and that's what we call a reflex to explain it in simple words a reflex is when our body reacts to something automatically without needing any time at all to think about it when we touch something very hot we instantly jerk our hand back when we're about to fall we swing our arms and legs to try to keep our balance just imagine what would happen if we started thinking how and in which direction to move them so it's fair to say that our reflexes helped to protect us okay they protect us ah my nose itches excuse me I didn't mean it professor sneeze is that also a reflex it most certainly is one fire didn't want to but then his nose tickles and achoo bless you thank you dogs also have reflexes of course dogs have reflexes all animals do yeah it's something all good animal trainers know they use the animals reflexes to teach them tricks many humans teach their pets lots of commands like to bring a ball to count or even to dance but to train a pet you got to know what to do a good animal trainer always has plenty of treats handy as soon as an animal follows a command correctly like standing on its hind legs are jumping over a hurdle the animal gets a treat and then the trainer makes a unique signal right away like clicking his fingers or blowing the whistle after repeating this training over and over the animal develops a reflex once it gets the signal it carries out the command and then gets a treat but the most important thing about animal training is to love your trainee and never hurt it otherwise no treat for [Music] damn it we just learned in 60 school how you can train to Sokka yeah with the help of reflexes with what where's Chuseok color sure Sokka come here a nice simple one at this too then now what do you get it's a miracle three you got it no it's not a miracle science is what it is you know how to sock a box whenever she sees a fixie around that's what we call a reflex you know I understand and do you know how I can teach your jumping well we didn't figure that out yet wait a sec I know how chasing fixies isn't that one of two sokka's reflexes probably although right so let's go and train the dog huh nothing's ever too much for a good friend shoo Sokka [Music] where you the coast is clear the humans have left come on let's go [Music] masya where are the fish looking so tired cuz they're not getting enough air in there the water in the aquarium is dirty and it needs air but the filter isn't working the filter yes that device over there these fish need our help and if we don't do something right now they could die right first I'll fix that light while you and masya go over there and see what is wrong with the filter but I want to go look at the filter too you're too small for this oh whoa whoa whoa and you're a giant I mean you're like six feet tall huh that's enough arguing no look let's go well let's check it not working no like where are you I love here what are you doing up there nothing hold on we don't have time for that get down we have to get this switch working what's the matter with the filter well probably something's caught inside and it's stopping the motor from turning a filter is used to keep the aquarium water clean a motor in a filter turned the paddles and pumps water through a fine net or a sponge the dirt in the water gets trapped in there and the cleaned water is put back into the aquarium many filters not only clean the water but also add air to it so there will be more oxygen in the water you see even though fish live their lives in water they need oxygen just like all of us [Music] way to go there there are lots of ways for people to breathe underwater as an experiment try putting an empty glass upside down in water and you'll see that some of the air stays in there that's the idea behind the ancient diving bell an empty Bell was lowered under the water and some of the air remained in there for the diver to breathe and about 200 years ago the first diving suits were invented the diver got air from a hose that started above the water this left the diver spend a long time under the water then even walk around on the bottom but just not too far later on people learn to squeeze a lot of air inside of men tanks and that's when scuba diving started scuba divers breathe the air stored in these tanks so they can swim freely and even dive deep down below the water our work is done the light is on and the filter is working and if this looks so exciting as if they're not fish but monsters thank goodness they're behind class purpose just hang on we'll be right there to save you but I don't even have my pack a mat look at how they're chopping our teeth they must be so hungry you're right they're hungry no like come on I can't believe those fish they're so ungrateful we went ahead and fix their filter and all they wanted to do was double us up and I'm the one who saved you from them I was the one watching what was going on [Music] do you think food will help as long as you're here we come I heard him he ran into the hallway you check the kitchen Olek and I'll check the living room [Music] [Music] where could he be hiding the office we forgot to check in there [Music] there's nowhere in here for him to hide inside the shirt no like Tom Thomas couldn't even fit half of himself inside of that shark yeah then in my huge face uh-huh he's all scrunched up in there and laughing at us oh there's no one but I know that I heard is he he you imagined it let's go take a look in the bathroom I imagined it it's so stuffy inside this armor the arms got stuck [Music] how much longer you gonna look for me Arbor is very hard clothing worn by warriors to protect them against swords and arrows people started Becky Garber in ancient times but the full-body armor that night's war didn't start until the Middle Ages the armor worn by Knights on horses was heavy it could weigh a hundred pounds and if a knight got knocked off of his horse he'd need help to get back up again by the way the Knights horses they wore their own heavy set of armor for protection hey did you turn into statues Tom Tunney if not you and me who else lift up this visor I can barely breathe and how come we surely cuz I can don't you see my arms got stuck we see you look funny funny to you but now I'm stuck and I can't get out of here come on oh yeah [Music] just what we need right now she Sokka what's wrong with you it's me stop it [Music] help I can't get up come on let's undo the latches no look quickly [Music] thanks for helping me nothing I couldn't have done it without you uh-huh before dad gets back protective clothing isn't just for people who are fighting in battles travellers put on special nets to protect themselves against mosquitos and nets and beekeepers wear protective clothes too if they had nothing to protect them from bee stings their job would be quite painful without their protective clothing it would be impossible for firefighters to go into burning buildings and save people and how could astronauts go into outer space without special clothing it's freezing up there and there's no air to breathe at all and that's why they wear a special costume called a spacesuit when they travel the spacesuit not only protects astronauts from the cold but supplies them with air so they can breathe by the way the fixies also wear protective clothing so they can stay safe while they work well there's did we get it right it looks like we got it right only wears the helmet no liquid thanks their Chuseok I rode a horse calm yourself down there we go it's all back in place again too bad that your night looks like a ballerina twirling around you see his arms I can't move it it's stuck here's what we'll do give him something to hold well how's that look perfect now we can paddle him to bow [Music] [Music] the lever [Music] [Music] Hey it's so strong that's so light I could lift it up with my finger oh my but do you think you could lift up your knifes and don't know you never tried it so then go on and you were so much bigger than that nightstand but not me the fixies will be very small but they are actually much stronger than humans yes it's true what you don't believe me why who's stronger an elephant or an ant you think it's the elephant well of course it's so much bigger but did you know that one and you can lift up fifty ants its own size and an elephant it can't even hold up one so it turns out that for its size an ant is much stronger than an elephant and the same goes for fixies Dixie's are incredibly strong for their size they can lift things that are a hundred times heavier than they are and fixies can jump he times higher than their own height if humans were as strong as fixies are they'd be able to lift an automobile all by themselves yeah Tom Thomas it's time you built up your strength well how start lifting dumbbells or if you want to you can use my barbell no thanks all use the dumbbells my dad has there in his office I think oh there's one and where's the other one aha there you are I'll get you out of there [Music] all right I'll get right now hey what's all the racket hi there simcha we can't get the dumbbell out from under there well of course you can my self is pressing down on it so that's what it is and I was worried that I lost all my strength well that means we have to lift up this sofa we can't do that it's too heavy for us we can do it Tom Thomas get me your hockey stick from your room we can't move a sofa with a hockey stick don't worry you'll see here I brought what is it for we're gonna use it as a believer well yeah a lever works the same way that a seesaw does with a board resting on top of a piece called the fulcrum but with a lever one side is longer than the other and that's the secret to its power but a levers help it's possible to lift any weight all you need to do is get the short arm of the lever under the load and push down on the long arm and the longer the arm the more weight you can lift and that's how a lever makes people stronger well can we find a fulcrum in here maybe the Stumbo can that be our fulcrum great idea now you're thinking the right way you're ready to go let's go lean on it Tom Thomas [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm so strong did you see now watch how it looks dad's heavy weights for you look I can do it didn't you just see me lift up the sofa like the sofa the lever did did you ever hear the saying knowledge is power I've heard it although some physical power won't hurt you either so pick up your leaver and go and play some hockey you know how those hockey players are [Music] yesterday the fixie phone huh try to guess what we have with us you guess what I have a banana race car no nothing chocolate a pair of socks ha do you give up my dad bought a new phone for himself and gave me his old one he said I can keep it oh wow and what have you got look [Music] ah you got a telephone - it's better than that this is a fixie phone Papa's got himself a new fitzy phone and give this old one to sink and can you make coals on it ah take a guess come on let me show it [Music] hi there Papoose hi no like no don't just call me if you know I work so what I can make calls on my phone calls to humans that is but to fix these you can't a fixie phone is a smart phone made just for fixing not only can fix these call each other with it but they can get on to their own special fixing internet on a fixie phone you can find a camera a flashlight news games movies and CDs those are the fixies favorite song big thing kids love them and so do their parents because fixie phones can easily let parents know where their kids are and whether or not they're in trouble over the years humans have learned how to turn telephones into mobile phones and mobile phones into smartphones I use them to call each other and to go on to the Internet a smartphone is almost as powerful as a computer but they still have a long way to go to be as good as fixie phone [Music] yeah that's really cool guys only this phone does the same I can your phone do this take a look over here you mean here it's just a mouse and now look here whoa but he's not he's not on there but look here a mouse helps the user navigate around the computer and when we move it you get it no one else can see the fixie except for you and he can help you super Oh it'd be great to have my own 6 e phone what are you talking about you're not a fakey what ashamed I'm off to school of guys yep so upset even forgot to take his phone I have an idea [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] look wow this is great now I've got my own pixie phone it's just like you've got well three clothes Tom tonus Tom Thomas let me use your phone to call myself I need to find my phone oh wow you've changed everything in here where am I I guess I'm papas huh what a funny name you came up with for me nolleke just stop I don't have time for your fooling around what who is that that's uh not know like oh is this do you know who I just called does anyone know who this phone belongs to out here Oh your mother found it I'm coming well fix those numbers later [Music] give me your phone but how can I call you up [Music] the remote hey simcha the bun got stuck on little oh how can we get it back our they're looking learn no like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no like she stole the remote no like where are you hiding no Lake hello there cities hey where are you hey Tom Thomas you got here just in time usako ran off with the TV remote and so what I can turn it on without it and my favorite cartoon is just about to start I get about the cartoons will ya know like he's missing I'm afraid no like hid inside of the remote and you Sokka took it oh no no it's a big time trouble Tom Thomas there must be something you can do choo Sokka to Sokka come here where is that dog hiding I'm gonna go look in the other rooms for now I'll wait here Chuseok is not out there where are you hey simcha I ran to get a pack of that what are you gonna do with it I'm gonna search for the infrared ray that comes out of the remote that's so great but what is it I'll explain it to you inside of most remote controls there's a special type of light bulb called a light-emitting diode or LED for short when we press a button the LED sends an invisible infrared ray and in the TV there is a receiver for these invisible Ray's the TV understands the command that comes from the remote control and carries it out like changing the channel or the volume [Music] if the Rays are invisible then how is it possible to see him in the pack of Matt had sassy special goggles that can help me and now what Yelton Olek get him to close the contact on any one of the buttons no legs you gotta push one of the buttons down on the remote [Music] [Music] nothing for you here but here's something Kusaka come here do you want a hot dog so you wanna play tough all right then [Music] you're in one piece how did you find me by looking out for the remotes race it's just a shame it's impossible for me to see him what are you saying you can if you want to see infrared rays all you have to do is look through a digital camera try it for yourself turn on the camera on a mobile telephone now go ahead and press any button on the remote control and point the camera toward the front of it you'll see a bright dot on the screen of the camera that's the light emitting diode working it's letting off a special light that can't be seen by the naked eye it's also possible to point the remote control at a mirror and then through the camera you can see how the light emitting diode turns itself on so what that means is that invisible Ray's bounce off of a mirror in the same way that regular life does so you can control the TV by bouncing the light from a remote control off of a mirror you don't believe me then go ahead and try it yourself by the way if your toys more dull stuffed under the bed we would have found the remote without the goggles don't worry about it when the cartoons are over I'll put them away [Music] [Music] the Packham at simcha can I have the packer back I'd like to practice with it a little before the exam take it you're really good once I think good I couldn't very worse with it I wanted a vacuum cleaner actually you were pretty close there he did manage to get the hose at least this is not at all funny in order to get a tool out of a packer mass a fixie must not only press the button on his chest but he must also clearly picture exactly the tool he needs by the time they are adults this is the feces to do but while their children they must study hard to master this important skill as facies learned about new tools they take exams to prove they know how they work and if they pass an exam the new tool is added to their pack amounts and there's no end to what you can find inside screwdrivers hammers ladders values and even soldering irons but many of the tools that fixes use were quite different from the ones that humans and the reason for this is very simple is because the keys have to fix appliances that are much bigger than baler I just wish I knew which tool was gonna be on that exam you're gonna ask about it's a secret it's so bad but I'm sure you can keep a secret right of course then I'll tell you today's exam is you won't tell anyone [Music] huh it's a secret okay [Music] lyndie you got it thanks a lot no look it's not really me should be [Music] thanks a lot for what what secret about the players oh that you know I picked a new topic I decided to have her won't be the tool only it's a secret totally all right I'll try to do it to Lindy [Music] [Music] super I'm sure you're gonna pass that's only if he asked me about a hammer I'll be right back a hammer would be way too easy for those kids so now it is a drill [Music] right hammers wrenches drills food drivers faces mallets awesome guys all of these are super duper quilters yes indeed that's all that's enough of this I'll just go and take the adapt yeah come on professor well what do you want to ask me on today's exam nothing you already passed what you mean you're not gonna ask me anything at all no need you're actually getting tools out of a platter Matt but how could you know that that's a secret and we fixies sure know how to keep secrets [Music] go around left side it's crazy you crash no I won't [Music] [Applause] see I told you what huh nothing hmm now you talk with your computer like it's your friend listen that's enough playing for today Oh mom just a little more I'll give you half an hour while I cook dinner and that'll be enough for today with a computer [Music] this stinks I'll never get through all of these levels in half an hour no way hey but what if we could stretch out the half hour how we should take the hands in the clock moves back a little mom will catch us fine then let's slow down the speed of the clock yeah but how you gotta know things like that since olden times many clocks run with the help of a pendulum the pendulum controls how fast the hands of the clock turn if you make it longer the pendulum will start to swing slower and the clocks hands will slow down if you make a pendulum shorter the clock will tick faster most clocks that are made today don't use pendulums they run with the help of Springs or with an electronic chip instead but even so there are ways to change the speed of these clocks - [Music] wow you did it it's amazing how much slower it is they don't give you lots of time to play but now you got to slow down the clocks in the kitchen yeah and every other clock you gotta turn this to make the pendulum longer now the clock will go slower [Music] over there let's go do it we slowed down every clock and your mom didn't see a thing that's great yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] he got another one awesome you're unbelievable way to go that strange oh thanks you're both just the time masters of the universe yeah but I'm getting really hungry and mom hasn't called me for dinner cuz a half hour has been passed on the clock Hey do you smell that something is burning what happens a fire I don't get it I was just waiting for 30 minutes like I always do but everything burned this time maybe the clock stopped no take a look they're working Oh I'll make you some oatmeal oatmeal for dinner mom I need to uh I'll be right back you see what you've done time Masters of the Universe you gotta go speed those clocks back up okay okay Chris feed them up they'll be caught up in no time humans have come up with lots of different ways to measure time for example if you stand a stick in the ground you can measure the time of day by watching where its shadow falls that's a very simple clock called a sundial another simple an ancient clock is a water clock it keeps track of time by measuring how much water has poured out of it and if the clock uses sand instead of water it's called an hourglass but humans weren't able to accurately keep track of the time until they invented mechanical clocks they come in all sorts of sizes from grandfather clocks to watch his worn around the wrist today we also have easy-to-read and accurate electronic watches and clocks but the most accurate clock of them all is the atomic clock it tells the entire world the exact time [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tom Thomas why is your alarm clock ringing in the middle of the night huh really is it still night out look Tom Thomas but the clock says that it's morning interesting yesterday fire and I sped up all the clocks so that's the reason the alarm went off fed him up are you crazy Tom Thomas asked us hmm so what do we have to do now don't you know get to school it's time I'm joking no back to sleep don't worry I'll get all the clocks working right again can I go and fix them with you huh fix them you boys are the ones that always make the problem [Music] [Music] the remote Hey the button got stuck on the remote how can we get it back out of there looking like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no like she stole the remote no like where are you hiding no Lake hello there Fitzy's hey where are you hey Tom Thomas you got here just in time you sucka ran off with the TV remote and so what I can turn it on without it and my favorite cartoon is just about to start I get about the cartoons will ya know like he's missing I'm afraid no like hid inside of the remote and you sucka took it oh no no it's a big time trouble Tom Thomas there must be something you can do choo Sokka Kusaka come here where is that dog hiding I'm gonna go look in the other rooms for now I'll wait here Chuseok is not out there where are you hey simcha I ran to get a pack of that what are you gonna do with it I'm gonna search for the infrared ray that comes out of the remote that's so great but what is it I'll explain it to you inside of most remote controls there's a special type of light bulb called a light-emitting diode or LED for short when we press a button the LED sends an invisible infrared ray and in the TV there is a receiver for these invisible Ray's the TV understands the command that comes from the remote control and carries it out like changing the channel or the volume [Music] if the Rays are invisible then how is it possible to see him in the pack Allah had Sassy's special goggles that can help me and now what yells - no look get him to close the contact on any one of the buttons no look you gotta push one of the buttons down on the remote wait [Music] [Music] nothing for you here but here's something [Music] Jew Sokka come here do you want a hot dog so you wanna play tough all right then [Music] you're in one piece how did you find me by looking out for the remotes race it's just a shame it's impossible for me to see him what do you say you can if you want to see infrared rays all you have to do is look through a digital camera try it for yourself turn on the camera on a mobile telephone now go ahead and press any button on the remote control and point the camera towards the front of it you'll see a bright dot on the screen of the camera that's the light emitting diode working it's letting off a special light that can't be seen by the naked eyes it's also possible to point the remote control at a mirror and then through the camera you can see how the light emitting diode turns itself on so what that means is that invisible rays bounce off of a mirror in the same way that regular life does so you can control the TV by bouncing the light from a remote control off of a mirror you don't believe me then go ahead and try it yourself by the way if your toys weren't all stuffed under the bed we would have found the remote without the goggles don't worry about it when the cartoons are over I'll put them away [Music] [Music] creatures reflexes add this to that now what do you get uh three don't you remember bark bark bark all you have to do is bark three times that's too hard a trick for to Safa maybe you could teach you to jump through a hoop I already tried she just sits there come on shoo Sokka give it a try try showing her this sugar chisaka Ellie you come on jump see you later animal tamer great job choo Sokka our lesson for today is on the subject of reflexes I'll write it here for you car let's listen someone's late again ah colleague my glasses are gone are they here they're right there on your forehead oh how about that forgive me for interrupting let's continue our class and so thanks so much so you turned into screws again does anyone know why that is because we have to hide ourselves from humans but you don't have to hide yourself from professor you genius sure you had already transformed before you had time to think and that's what we call a reflex to explain it in simple words a reflex is when our body reacts to something automatically without needing any time at all to think about it when we touch something very hot we instantly jerk our hand back when we're about to fall we swing our arms and legs to try to keep our balance just imagine what would happen if we started thinking how and in which direction to move them so it's better to say that our reflexes help to protect us toe kitty they protect us ah my nose itches excuse me I didn't mean it professor sneeze if that also reflects it most certainly is one fire didn't want to but then his nose tickles and achoo bless you thank you dogs also have reflexes of course dogs have reflexes all edibles do yeah it's something all good animal trainers know they use the animals reflexes to teach them tricks many humans teach their pets lots of commands like to bring a ball to count or even to dance but to train a pet you gotta know what to do a good animal trainer always has plenty of treats handy as soon as an animal follows a command correctly like standing on its hind legs or jumping over a hurdle the animal gets a treat and then the trainer makes a unique signal right away like clicking his fingers or blowing the whistle after repeating this training over and over the animal develops a reflex once it gets the signal it carries out the command and then gets a treat but the most important thing about animal training is to love your trainee and never hurt it huh otherwise no treat for [Music] [Applause] we just learned in sixty school how you can train to Sokka yeah with the help of reflexes with what where's choo Sokka color sure Sokka come here give her a nice simple one at this too then now what do you get it's a miracle three you got it no it's not a miracle science is what it is you know how to sock a box whenever she sees a fixie around that's what we call a reflex you know I understand and do you know how I can teach your jumping well we didn't figure that out yet wait a sec I know how chasing fixies isn't that one of two suckers reflexes probably although right so let's go and train the dog nothing's ever too much for a good friend shoo Sokka [Music] the drums you hear I would love to but the only thing I can hear is no likes banging Noack what are you doing everything my soul oh no it's the drummer to rock them didn't you know that why don't you go and rehearse somewhere else if you wouldn't mind yeah I just can't work professor you genius will you come to the laboratory there's something very strange in there what I'm hearing some kind of awful sounds you are I think it's a ghost back from the dead don't you worry about ghosts Lisa I'll check what it is hmm so it's you making the racket what I'm just rehearsing well what is it don't worry it's just a piece of equipment rattling you know what you should do you should go and practice back at home my young friend [Music] it's not very hard to make a drop one way to make it is to take an empty barrel and replace its bottom with a skin made of leather or plastic if the skin is stretched tightly the sound can get very bright and loud really big drops are usually played with percussion mallets or beaters while smaller drums can be played with sticks or with bare hands instruments that make sounds by being shaken scraped or beaten are all called percussion instruments there are lots of different percussion instruments like the small hand drums that are called bongos big shakers with handles called maracas cymbals made out of metal they'll those really make a lot of noise and there's tambourines ratchets and even spoons that's right people can make music using spoons as a percussion instrument [Music] go ahead I've just got some homework to do I can do that and better than you can - then I'll go like that or like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] instead in their head [Music] maybe someday they will get it by me [Music] keep going Nolan and now let's turn it off can you hear that it stopped buzzing it did hey everybody it's no like yo what's up so our noisy ghost is back I thought you were practicing at home now Tom Thomas is drumming there I had to run away well our excursion is over and now I would just be so happy to listen to your rock group [Music] [Music] yesterday the disguise good Thomas what do you need a second aquarium especially fish first of all it's a terrarium and it's not for fish it's for lizards and snakes whoa my friend Katya asked me to take care of him while she's away that's why I brought him here take care of who there's no anything it's a chameleon Olek I think he's awesome don't you worry I got him what a monster seen before it's because a chameleon knows how to disguise himself and changing the color of his whole body you ever seen a military uniform they have special patterns and colors that help soldiers hi that's called camouflage and people learned it from animals for instance a caterpillar can look like a twig and a seahorse can look like a piece of coral an ordinary brain rabbit becomes white in the winter so a wolf will have trouble finding it in the snow but the champion of camouflage is the chameleon this master of disguise can change its color in just a matter of seconds hey where's your chameleon go oh it disappeared it didn't disappear it kind of lost she won't hide so long let's find him sure Sokka have you seen the chameleon where is he do you see him to trick him into coming to us huh we should trap something many likes what do they like I wonder what else their food and what do community well let's fly sword caterpillars roaches where's the fly gonna come from just you wait I'm gonna get you hey oh god yeah you don't see the caterpillar complainin no look you start buzzing buzzy yeah like a fly yeah and flap your wings too [Music] keep doing this until the chameleon shows himself [Music] [Music] I gotcha in the Army they use camouflage all the time they use nets that look like bushes paint their tanks and colors that make them blend into their surroundings and even fly in special planes that can't be seen by radar they do everything they can to disguise their location but it's not just the army that uses disguises photographers camouflage themselves to take pictures of wild animals people use makeup to camouflage their blemishes an artist's they disguise old walls with bright happy pictures and people just love to put on masquerade parties where they disguise themselves in costumes and masks and of course Lexi's have their own great disguise remember well what is it now we won't run away mr. master of disguise what are you gonna say now if only I could discuss myself out well Nolan what are you talking about you know how to disguise yourself a hundred times better than him ah hey chameleon look and learn there's a real disguise [Music] but if you need a fix at least somewhat less you great but if you need a please
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 4,759,882
Rating: 4.1827292 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: xwDRxjkwqTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 46sec (5506 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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