The SCARIEST Tape Yet! | MatPat REACTS to The Walten Files

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oh oh no oh [Music] oh hey hey oh hey okay wow ah so great so good i love it so much um [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where i'm alone on the couch at the scariest hour of the day a.m no start of a new day scariest hour um no i guess to me 3 am so fun fact i'm still working on the walton files episode we're doing we're doing a film theory if not more on walton files it's a big series there's a lot to unpack especially for something that not necessarily a lot of our audience will have been exposed to in the first place so you have to kind of like level set with a bunch of stuff but a lot of my research for this has been happening after the hours of midnight um and 1am and it's not fun friends uh i know a lot of people like meme and comment and make jokes about i shouldn't have watched this after midnight it's it's true you shouldn't take it from me as the person who is making the video commenting and putting together the pieces of these videos and having to re-watch sections over and over again and dig deep into it and also concoct the horrors in his own mind of like what is the awful thing that this story is telling me right now uh let me immerse myself in that so i can communicate to an audience and tell like my own version of this horror story uh so it's taking me to some weird places at some really uncomfortable hours of the day uh but anyway maybe i've jumped ahead of myself here too much hey guys welcome to gt live where we're not live joke joke but uh today we are continuing our exploration of the walton files uh we've already done two parts of this i've been really enjoying it you've been really enjoying it it is this amazing series that is just rife for theory fodder uh for putting the pieces together there's a lot of really cool really interesting information here um it's it's really i've been having a great time researching it ideally when the sun is still in the sky uh because once you start letting the stuff seep into your mind late at night it becomes a lot harder to sleep let me just say that i've had a lot more productive evenings thanks to this i'm watching these videos and writing scripts and then it's like well can't really go to sleep now so i guess i should record something i suppose um but i wanted to continue our exploration together uh last time when we left off things we were about midway a little over midway through tape 2 or upload 2 of this series right now walton files is kind of mostly found in three main uploads three canon uploads officially called walton files there's a couple of non-canon videos mixed in uh we do have photoshop now installed on the computer so we can brighten and lower images as we go through it uh but really what these have been is us theory crafting in real time you guys getting a sense of how i do these theories it's a it's you know how i'll peek behind the curtain as far as like what i'm looking for or the how i connect the pieces as i'm watching through stuff before i really start doing like deeper research digging into the stuff that i haven't been able to find or the pieces that i missed um going back making notes for myself and double checking things stuff like that so you know we've done two of these if you haven't seen those you absolutely should if you're interested in this series please make sure you subscribe because this has been a fun one well i based on the volume of content that there is here i guarantee that they'll probably be at least one more of these um like i said if the film theory does well i'd love to kind of continue this as an ongoing lore exploration over there as well so uh without any further ado friends uh this is walton files two relocate project where we are in the process of figuring out which animatronics are stuffed into which suits so last time we saw that banny the bunny uh the purple rabbit is stuffed with a woman named susan it looks like susan woodings um we started to learn that shaw the sheep uh is stuffed with a woman named rosemary uh who is the missing ceo jack walton's wife and that she was lured to the back of the burger restaurant or the storage facility um i think burger restaurant where she was you know the the usual when you're talking about content on these channels the usual uh brutally brutally chopped up and shoved into an animatronic suit and the undead soul went on to to possess the the metal that it's created by so cool yeah uh so let's continue friends uh let's let's continue the relocate project shall we crank it up ah we're starting off in just the most feel good place you can great okay so here we go already we're starting off um i'm assuming that this is going to be uh rosemary's near print screen oh no i no i no thank you i do not want to save to one drive i just want to print my screen i want to take that um but i'm assuming this is going to be rosemary's missing poster uh image adjustments so brightness you can do uh what i've learned over the years is brightness is one method exposure actually tends to yield even better results in a lot of cases uh see missing oh yeah you're not getting the problem is just the quality is a bit rough you can't see july right there july july 46 some tells me that's not it earlier they did give us the the date of these tapes so i bet we could find that out pretty easily you can kind of see the y there the r um and this is let me just make sure that i've got this on the highest quality possible yep four quality 480p there you go friends ah let's try one more thing but i mean it does seem fairly obvious that this is a rosemary's i just you know it's always good to kind of like triple check this stuff but see how exposure actually gives you a little bit more color differential there that you're able to just accomplish more it brightens up it brightens it up in a better way for finding these sorts of like hidden clues um yeah at this point i think we can reasonably assume that this is rosemary walton but uh you know i wanted to see if we could do another version of it okay here we go great there's rosemary rosemary following footage was recorded during july 1978 712 to 714 on which three bunny smiles technicians volunteered to stay three days at the bunny smiles uh storage facility uh for the purposes of reprogramming the animatronics cool so the interesting thing about all of these tapes is that they're all released within months of each other right they're all in that ninth july and august 1978 territory uh and if you think back to the first walton tape the first walton tape was uh early like 74 and then 82 so we saw 74 82 and now you're seeing kind of the midpoint in the story and so it's helping to fill in the gaps which is really cool employees left to right are ashley hillary kevin hillary nationally in the middle great next footage shows the three employees restoring the bonds burgers 1974 but um the place itself was open for a short period of time in which um there are a number of cases occurring around the area number of things that's interesting so this is the first time that was act i think if i'm not mistaken this is the first time we're seeing the cyber fun uh date of founding because it was censored in an earlier one property of cyber fund in 1975 so so bonds burgers launches and immediately closes in 74 probably due to jack walton's disappearance probably due to rosemary getting suited getting chopped up and shoved into a suit and so now cyber fun was created the next year in the wake of his disappearance so that's interesting i've lived near the restaurant about the place playing music during midnight like two or three in the morning just raucous partying in the middle of the night it's weird because back then the company didn't really worry about hiring night guards yep but yeah they never do people inside the restaurant okay screams of an adult woman probably because there was a woman screaming in the back storage areas of the of the sorry there you go probably because a woman was screaming in the back storage facilities of the of the restaurant every night between the hours of midnight and three in the morning i don't know that might be it what's weird about this is that the last day bombs was opened they only let like one or two families in that's interesting later that the animatronics like the entertainers were completely absent and the current proposed huh that's weird that is odd [ __ ] this foreign hold up texas chainsaw massacre i i get maybe i don't know it's more blur witchy the forest uh the texas chainsaw massacre actually happens in like she does run into a forest doesn't she i thought it was more open fields i don't know i don't know you might want to check your horror movie references there don't you think i should take some time i mean we gotta move on with the others didn't necessarily that's going to be totally doable when they they're in this shape totally fine it's totally the reprogramming of cool robots will be fantasy hey kevin i thought we could add the blanket eyes feature on this one i think it's a really damage almost like someone did this intentionally that's interesting okay so huh so calling out the eye and i was gonna say the eye here in this uh image is very prominently placed so it seems like someone was trying to sabotage bon in order to get bond to stop following him looking at him tracking him um and this is also interesting because if we flash back to here with the rosemary story and where we're kind of flashing back to to what happened to rosemary we see that bonn is in his full form he's new this and that so between 1974 when rosemary and jack disappear die get stuffed in suits whatever and 1978 which is when this is happening you see the robots really enter a state of disrepair even intentionally get attacked or ripped apart in order to stop them from rampaging so someone has hopped in to try and destroy them and kind of slow them down which is interesting oh see there's the yeah the company kind of revives them after nothing is okay so so now okay mess with the endoskeleton so now they're starting to seed in that idea of either needing to stop the endoskeletons to stop the possession or like dismantle them so they can't rampage anymore or that the endoskeleton itself is where the soul's possessed spirits are housed in order to um either use them for their own nefarious devices cyber fun or to just kind of like again to dismantle the robot uh and preserve the soul kind of it thing so cold in this place look at this key what have you noticed how the company gives us this tiny key but never mentioned its purpose oh that's interesting i mean why would they give us a key with that is weird and and they do mention that's interesting because they mentioned the key last episode when we were kind of going through they're like hey load up your backpack and the key is one of the items that you drop in along with jack walton's severed head because why not but that's way back earlier hello this will probably be the last part of today so yeah bad news your programming case was unsuccessful a lot of intermediaries when we tried to restore the robots time to damage and better deadline okay yeah as hillary tell us said we're to a more organized plan but for now this ends the reprogramming phase for the relocation project and vlog all right there you go but wait a minute am using the camera because i am planning the binary where there's tv why would you do this at night the project i will show this once you wake up i know you guys told me not to wander around why would you do this alone and at night dumb guys no don't take me awhile but i realize the key leads to those doors they put back doors labeled backwards so i'll just go take a little peek see if i can find anything interesting and then go back simple oh yeah that's that's a great idea so interesting how many doors are here there's 12 so you start with one on the left and ends presumably it goes all the way down and back so six on each side so there's 12 doors uh interesting okay what's inside eleven or there's some of these flooring stuff i came across this door which uh which was open yep anyway this room seems to have some spare indoor pieces and looks of it some onions animatronics i guess okay i won't go into detail about what i find since i'm in a oh weird there's 26 or 20 so there's more than 12. it's a lot more 26 to 27 okay i think um as you see here there are some uh spare heads nothing i understand to be on so she says that but yeah i know you can see you can see that the camera is also lingering there so so right there that's a new guy that we haven't been exposed to yet this like white and purple bear uh huh that's interesting so that's a brand new character so last time we saw hints at a gray rabbit that hasn't been talked about hasn't been shown hasn't been addressed yet now we have a white purple bear as well okay oh here's the great rabbit again it looks like well this isn't bizarre i can't really tell if this money is a robot or a puppet but like because why is it hanging on the wall this is really weird right here okay this is really weird okay so this is this is our puppet stand-in i guess uh gray rabbit is our marionette because you notice the strings she specifically calls out and again like when i'm doing this stuff right you're not only asking what is the story telling me but what is the creator of the story telling me so you're looking at it from a meta standpoint and so here very clearly whatever the flashlight is choosing to linger on is supposed to be like are you noticing this hopefully that people noticed this and that was the white and purple bear in the last scene uh this scene is very much about the uh strings and like oh i can't tell if he's a robot or a puppet but i'm seeding out the idea that he's kind of a puppet why is he hanging on the wall why would he be hanging out with so we have our puppet marion here that did sound like like there's absolutely no way i'm getting close to that thing i'll probably show you [Music] so this is interesting though uh so she says i've never seen this clown thing before but in all the promotional material or at least some of the early promotional material in the first upload the 1974 stuff uh billy the clown was a character right he was part of like the canon crew um so it's weird that she wouldn't know who he is so that implies that either he is a different clown or that he's been like erased from history in some way uh this is also pretty interesting where here let me just i'm going to grab this real quick um see if there's anything interesting along the edges here uh nope why would you do that would you do that to me why would you do that to me game why are you doing that here boop and print screen boop and come on come on i don't know why photoshop does that sometimes okay here we go um image adjustments exposure you gotta show me anything new no it seems like it falls off almost immediately once you enter the black uh let's just do brightness just double check i didn't know if there like you see how there's some words there i didn't know if we could maybe see some of that no it seems like we're pretty well limited to what is immediately around us [Music] let's do curves yeah yeah you're immediately falling off okay you have nothing there what you see is what you get here we go uh but we got 6 11 70 question mark right 73 you know it has to come before 78 so about this i'm pretty sure that clown thing had a cassette player installed okay june 28th so again they're giving us some dates and images here so in june 28th of whatever year we're not sure but there was only four characters so the clown i guess i'll have to be graven though so it looks like it might be they're trying different names of the restaurant bonds pizza ah bonds pizza there it is bonds pizza pizza bun yeah so that's just a funny easter egg that's cute as dude has cassette players [Music] see i told you i told you she said i'm not there's no way i'm getting close to that thing fast forward 20 seconds i gotta put this tape into the clown into the clown's stomach sure uh this is obviously very clearly a riff on the fun time animatronics which is fun who had the speakers in their stomach [Music] who wouldn't want a childhood birthday with this thing supervising things are gonna be great [Music] i don't know what it says at the end there um jack susan charles rosemary sophie okay so we know jack disappears we know rosemary becomes shaw we know that susan becomes banny so and we know that rosemary and jack are husband and wife we don't know who sophie is so that tape is either the way i see it is that tape is either is doing one of two things right it's either giving us the five original spirits the five original victims who go on to possess each of the five animatronics bani shah buzu bon and uh clown billy the clown i guess um or that's a family right i don't think we've seen charles i don't think we've heard of a charles yet uh we know rosemary and jack are married sophie unclear but maybe she's a part of the family like maybe charles sophie are part of the family although susan susan whittings i think was her name and she wouldn't be a part of the family so huh there's a couple ways to interpret that but that's that right there that's super important oh yeah you're dead well thanks for the lore clue i guess [Music] it's so intense hey uh quality congratulations uh them or uh bond himself he's got both his eyes back in so good job he put his eyes together the animation style is is so disturbing oh the sound coupled with these like rudimentary drawings is actually just hello i really think the funny movie do i like oh oh hey hey oh hey okay wow ah so great so good i love it so much um a couple wow okay so first off here's uh a hidden youtube link so that's good now secondly we had this what's this all about okay they left the next day they thought ashley left early yeah is the is the restaurant really that big uh is the storage facility really that big that they can't hear the screams of their companion great they left the next day they thought ashley left early but she was in the back doors she was in the back door screaming as much as she could but no one heard the screams the following days the caretakers would complain about the awful smell coming from the back doors company decided to shut down the facility until new advice the relay okay project was unsuccessful ashley is still there but she's not screaming anymore she saw something she wasn't supposed to see and now she's beautiful she's beautiful she's beautiful that's interesting so we have this continuation of the theme of characters who are killed by the animatronics becoming beautiful in some way that's really interesting um we have how the relocate project ends here um ugh gross we have some reversed audio here which is really interesting i love that we spend all this time installing photoshop on the computer and then all of a sudden it's like i need to download the video and do all that um to do reversed audio okay and then so we got this and credits the other voice was cheap text speech oh look at this rocking this rocks up here i'm just gonna since there was a hidden youtube link there i'm just gonna hold on for a second [Music] okay okay what was it it was hold up that's cool i had a feeling i i suspected this is a it hides it everywhere okay shadow man feeds me when lights go off interesting so shadow man is probably calling back to what matt miramat called out last time which is that like shadowy figure that appears when uh shaw leaves a room so that's really cool uh what is this uh bouzou bon bani there's that purple and white bear that was hinted at before huh okay shadow man shadow man feeds me so earlier there was all that fuss made about how banny is starving um so that's probably tying in with that and now here we've got this code let's see what is this what is this uh oh god okay let me just write it uh it's gonna be u2 dot because it's this means it's unlisted right k07 uh this would be cool i love secret videos capital q lowercase q e d zero f q yeah yeah oh no really hmm is this video available shoot did i type it in wrong for you unavailable oh no did i type it in wrong did it seem like it should have worked how do you do is it you two huh let me try one more time hey guys hi bean how are you buddy yeah hi guys khan academy kids so uh sorry about that brief interruption little intermission there with a special guest appearance by ali but with the camera off and with him out of the room i was able to to play around a little bit more i i looked through the video one more time i tried a couple of different uh alternations with zeros and o's because sometimes those are hard to differentiate between uh as as anyone who grew up with an nes trying to type in massive codes would learn uh l's and ones and o's and zeros are literally the worst and i found out that i had actually swapped a zero and an o with each other uh so anyway i did find it uh there is indeed an unlisted video here uh it's called lucky u which is really exciting uh i'm really excited about this so the story of bonds burgers goes back to 1958 oh wow okay um where two college students had the same idea of animated performers the names were jack walton and felix crankin it took them 16 years to actually execute this concept by that time cranking and walton had built their own families felix married a beautiful lady and walton was not only a great husband but a happy father of three children okay so i wonder if that's again going back to the charles sophie rosemary jack um and susan i wonder happy father of three so we know it's a family five and billy the clown says five people's names that we just heard i wonder if this is it um and we have not seen anything of felix and the beautiful lady that he married so this is interesting okay so this is exciting this is a secret video just found off of that one link towards the end of the last video uh which is cool so i'm excited i i i don't know hidden videos unlisted videos are always really exciting to me um people who hide unlisted videos it's just really cool so here we go let's see what we've got i would assume because it's unlisted it might have more lore than typical because it shows that you're just like invested in this thing at this point [Music] we've seen this before oh oh okay opening day 6 28 1974. family fun for all ages open 10 a.m okay wow nice open at 10. good job guys we just start early okay so this is opening day footage presumably first birthday party 6 30 1974. okay oh cool so this is giving us like the timeline last shows before closure 7 10. what was it 7 10 sorry 7 10 to 7 19. okay wow so it was only an operation because opening day was where opening day 6 28 6 28 2 days later it does the birthday and then literally less than a month after it opens it's closing yeah that's crazy all right last show's before closure huh which means that something has changed right thank you for the smile sponsor oh there it is this is telling us 6 28 74 7 20 74. wow this is amazing i love the fact that the timeline is just being explicitly laid out for this is wild okay you don't even need to speculate who's this what is this that looks like it's it looks like it's bonds bottom half because of the blue because of the blue and white but the top half looks more human 1031 1974 okay so this is after it's been closed and condemned maybe that's also bonds red tie maybe that's just bond looking out on halloween or something weird storage facility k-9 we've known this later that year so by the end of 74 although to be fair so this is 12 10 74 but property of cyber fund in 75 so a little bit of weirdness with the dates there it's just giving us the timeline this is great oh geez uh what do we got here shipping codes 12 15 and ha so i wonder if okay so k9 k9 k9 so these are all to be [ __ ] so these tags are oh this is exciting sorry i'm just really i'm excited when things come together right and it's off of a cool unlisted video that we found um so canine is the shipping facility they all wind up in canine uh 11 12 13. i'm wondering if this relates to the rooms in the back doors area that we just learned about from ashley's little adventure with her key i would guess yes 123.75 so they're all kind of like thrown back there but you'll notice that bond still has both his eyes so they haven't been attacked or gouged out yet oh so now we're rounding a little bit to 6 11 74 6 11. something happening so this is oh hello you must be so confused about what you saw don't be scared my little bunny answers will be given eventually but don't try to solve this puzzle only with the pieces you have so far this is only the beginning for i'm going to tell you a story of broken people beautiful people he is so sorry about what he did to them but there's nothing he can do remember that safety and kills sophie [Music] do you think there's safety in pills sophie uh huh safety and pills sophie here real quick before we let this play anymore um you must be confused so what happened at 6 11 because 6 11 74 and our opening date is 6 28 so it's even before it opens something happens in it i would be brightening these images but there looking at the screen right now i'm not seeing anything that i'm like oh yeah this absolutely would have to be brightened uh this isn't leading me anywhere like it i don't think i see anything there that would be worth like right now this is brian oh weird okay well there's still people oh there it is okay so all right all right now we're getting somewhere so i don't know what the white bear is i mean maybe he's representative of the pills um but this tells us sophie walton right so she is also a member of the family so we now know that jack walton rosemary walton sophie walton which then leads us to believe that both chris uh which we heard from the billy uh the billy cassette tape and susan woodings is also formerly a walton and must have gotten married um and i think that's our walton family those are the five members of the walton family um i'm going to tell you a story of broken people he regrets what he did but there's nothing you can do to bring him back that's interesting jack is the jacker felix that's i think that's the question right now with you know that he did something wrong and he regrets it i feel sorry about it is either jack or felix right like they are the main characters they're the ceos they're the ones who are kind of like supervising us and there seems to be tension between them so it seems like one of those two is what that's in reference to great oh love that love that well can't you see i made them beautiful i don't know how i didn't even mean to but i did they tried to talk to us analog they will be heard this is this is their cry for help besides they want us to know what happened that year so 74. but we must be patient oh hey an anima endoskeleton look they are filled with life they dance to the music they laugh and sing along are they are they laughing and sing along right now they're perfect okay there it is that makes sense to me they are beautiful there it is huh we'll see you soon oh they will see [Music] okay okay okay so that explains the the beautiful stuff i think what this is ultimately boiling down and we obviously we still have one other key upload here there's a bunch of non-canon stuff that i don't know is like i'm gonna watch it just because a lot of times the non-canon or questionably canon stuff informs the main story or might tie in in some way um but before hopping into kind of the third upload here the the beauty versus not beautiful thing it seems like this is a story of human failings that this is a story of uh mankind uh disappointing failing uh losing in some way and by becoming a robot becoming an animatronic they're they're they become beautiful they become perfect they lose their human insecurities their human failings and being a robot is like ascending form so that's that whole you will be beautiful you will be perfect because the robots have no errors they they exist in a perpetual happy state um they are not fallible in any way uh sophie so sophie seems to actually be our main she's she's our mic stand-in it feels like so uh michael afton is kind of our through line through the main fnaf games sophie seems to be our stand-in here where sophie must have had a tragic event been part of one of these traumatic events and then his prescribed pills or is taking pills in order to forget them or recover or deal with the stress or emotional trauma at the very beginning of the series um there's that reversed audio that says because i i in researching these theories i started to like reverse the audio off of these streams and it says like hey uh you're finally starting to remember they will come for you sophie and here again we have that reiterated they they will see you soon sophie um but you're finally starting to remember right that line that was in it's one of the first lines that you're presented with in this story but it's in reverse um seems to say that sophie is recovering her memories whether that's through the pill i feel like the pills might be blocking the memories and so she needs to stop taking them or something and it feels like maybe the white bear is representative of the person who is either giving her the medication or represents the medication itself uh so that's really interesting that's a very cool upload very explicit actually in the timeline which i really appreciate um cool cool uh so with that being said now it's time to hop into walton files three which is the final uh official we know canonical one uh some of these other ones like mysterious house booze ghosts i believe our questionable canonicity this one we know is so this wow this one's really long it's an hour we'll see what we do with this one um let's start it we'll see how it goes and then maybe i'll do another one where i just edit it because i don't want to do like a full hour long like we're just gonna sit here and watch this for an hour uh i don't think that would be fair to martin walls or to you guys like i can't imagine that there's an hour full of like let's talk and let me actually react but maybe we'll do a i'll watch it we'll cut down the reactions but let's see where it goes just off the top because we're just finishing off time here okay so now we're flashing through what's come before yep these are all clips from the previous tapes that we've seen wait wait that wasn't though this is new okay so these are all tapes that we've seen this this we've seen yep relocate project we've seen this shot we've seen this we've seen that susan wooding's opening in brighton mission brighton michigan come join the party okay i like that there's a place now brighton michigan i think we knew that before did we know that eleven a.m to 11 p.m nice wow it's a kid's restaurant that like lasts a long time oh wow so the oh wow so there you local 57 is it no it's no this is the it must just be like a tongue-in-cheek joke it's local 58 isn't it local yeah it's local ha that's funny i'm like it's not 57 right it's local 58. there it is that's a great reference i'm like oh my gosh is this connected it wouldn't make sense from a lore standpoint but i thought that would be fun local 58 okay so local 57. uh cool but this is telling us the forest that brian stelz gets killed in right san san juan juana's forest saint juana's moanas okay that's that was brian stells wasn't it or is that susan okay wow there's a lot of stuff here wow there is a lot of stuff here uh bouzou okay we saw the condemn yeah we saw to let me out of here we've seen that seen this seen this we saw the pills we just saw the pills in the hidden video but if you hadn't seen that that would be new information oh that's is that a missing poster that i'm assuming we've seen this missing poster before but let's just double check that looks like jack's missing poster yes which we had seen canine facility that's brian stells and that's brian do we know who that is maybe not sophie oh geez man man this just goes and goes and goes holy geez there's the sleeping bags that we just saw there's this is terrifying this is like real the real life old-timey photos just creep me out to no end um it's like miss peregrine's uh school for peculiar children where they just mix it like the whole story was based off of him finding a bunch of like creepy old photos and trying to cobble a story together yep and just disturbing across the board uh interesting [Music] okay so i'm assuming that this is sophie i think this is sophie like flashing through her like her memories coming back or like the fragments of her memories coming back okay they keep cycling through the same okay they keep cycling through the same images same images same images same images it's just the cycle to fill out the time okay boy another secret code uh youtube slash h so i'm assuming the next half of that logo or that link is going to be hidden elsewhere but now we know sophie there it is sophie walton yep 22 years old born in 1960 so this is putting us in 82. oh 82 82 i love that she looks like a me um 82 is the year that brian stills dies uh oh which okay connecting dots again which really strongly infers that sophie uh brian was killed and they say he says when he's dying like they thought i was her or they mistook me as her or whatever they they thought i was someone else i they must have thought it was sophie so it seems like the animatronics are trying to bring the family back together through the delightful you know the delightful unifier of death and being stuffed into a robot too so that's cool jenny wait what jenny letterson 26 or 1956. oh this is a different person okay oh my gosh footage from october 15th 1982. okay so this is kind of the most recent information we've got presumably bunny smiles games cyber fun tech okay oh cool so now we've launched into the video game beta tester the golden ticket oh look at us we're so lucky we get to test out a buggy game for all its secret secret lore bits video game tie-in 75-82 yeah i love it so this is this is like petscop this is this is snap in reverse right instead of starting with a game and launching into a narrative book series and things like that now it's going the opposite way here's the narrative series that we're launching into the game bunny farm coming to a video game near you getting video game console they got to release this right they've got to be making this this is the game i wanted to show you something oh nice yeah i played it for a while i thought you would enjoy it so petscoping also uh they installed the machine in the basement of the building not so long ago so please try to be careful the janitor told me these are hella expensive and wicked expensive you might say i see so do i start the game yeah let's go huh so right jenny okay okay here we go so we got a bunch of save files there's always uh there's always secret stuff in save files okay uh if petscop and everything has taught me anything uh let's turn off captions just so i can see what that bottom thing is okay so uh that's interesting chris so presumably uh that is we're assuming now because chris was in the five names that's her brother i don't know if she knows she has a brother the janitor played star labs interesting so we haven't seen any mention of like i don't think star labs uh buddy smiles test file file jenny has played and then bunny smiles test okay but we have chris which is really interesting okay so you gotta choose a name now i see your name over there yeah but the idea is that you play the game from scratch so so again uh what i talked about earlier and a lot of this series has been us talking about the art of theory crafting in the first place this is again take a step back and put yourself in the creator's shoes not in the narrative shoes the creator very clearly wants to draw our attention to hey look through that list of names and see what doesn't make sense uh what's what should we notice um so in the in the script right he calls out oh you gotta make sure that oh i see your name over there jenny but the real intent is to lure you down to the bottom where you can see chris and or star lab you know some of those things that don't really fit and you're like i wonder what those are i see uh put my name over here then that's great actually i love that that's really cool soapy that's adorable jack jack's picture all right gang gather around what is it mr b oh man look at this game what is it bob look at the graphical fidelity don't tell me you guys forgot about today oh wow a lot of flashes there's a lot of flashing in this one it's really interesting uh nothing okay oh oh i know i know ask me please i know ask me anyone else wait were things disappearing there's these videos are really dense it seemed like there was something flat yeah there is stuff flashing back there you see it the the white is it it could be just people coming and going or moving around all right danny what day is it today today is the annual fruit festival we do a huge party on the restaurant every year they do a party on the rest not in the restaurant mind you they do a huge party on the restaurants like in the restaurant is too mainstream but partying on the restaurant that's really what i forgot about that this is me too well i'm sure this party is much better than last year's rack oh wow okay a lot a lot again doing a lot of flat i'm not seeing anything in the flashes though which i guess is good because it means i'm not having to brighten everything but there's a lot of them happening much better than last year's rack you would think that the reference to last year's would baskets you guys brought fruits right fanny what are we gonna do oh no is the food festival cancelled mr b i don't think anyone cares about yeah important well i couldn't help but know dumb salamanders what well i couldn't help but notice you guys need fruits real quick my bonds filled with all kinds of foods we got a new character hippo why don't you guys do me a small favor and i'll give you all the fruits you need oh this is interesting okay bar and adventure that is what the last video ended with right so shadow man feeds me when lights go off uh i we're in the this is that video game so that last screen that they flashed up of the barn and everyone around the barn i think was just them teasing upload three right where it was i want to see the pigs and the chickens and the animals and the bars all right peeps that one seemed like he might have had something no it was just everyone was off screen okay and still nothing all of us working really hard [Music] what is billy's role in all this what is the deal with billy really [Music] do it it'll be fun all of us working together festival [Music] weird that's super random i don't know about that one is eat the hippo you know something i like about the game is see the artwork mandy loves birds she loves to hear birds sing too dude i don't know why but there's something about it that seems uh really familiar to me does jenny know i should show you the controls okay so that's the question i have is does jenny know like is she purposely showing this to sophie knowing that it's gonna because i'm assuming this is gonna activate like sophie's memories right it's gonna wake her up in a way uh the question is how much does jenny know i think is the the big question mark playing later on all right okay okay so you use this thing to move around oh man it's fnaf world all over again and you use these buttons to interact snap world don't do it yeah you're gonna play this game for a while a few days ago you're gonna you're gonna have to take it down from from steam and then refund everyone and then release it for free and then it's gonna hang over your head for years and people are gonna make jokes about it and you're gonna have all these awkward spin-off titles and it's gonna be a legacy and people are gonna wonder about the canonicity of it just going down the wrong path i noticed a bit of stuff yeah yeah this game looks very unfinished i saw a ton of errors world vibes again levels and it crashed a couple of times that's strange but then again we're taking more than what happened yeah when bsi installed these machines they clarified that as well but here's the thing these glitches are very creepy if i'm totally honest um that's why i wanted to show you this in the first place i know you're into that yes i funny smiles incorporated have i heard that name before yeah i was super popular that company has been pretty relevant these past few weeks yeah did you hear what what happened some weird rumors and [ __ ] apparently there was this one employee that reported to somebody not too far away from here actually he hasn't been seen around ever since he drove to that place yep really yeah the word got out quickly some family members say it was his first day sure yep this makes sense well what's his name ryan ryan ryan brian yeah see okay well i hope he's doing all right same well who knows maybe he's okay i mean it's been a while since he was last seen right brighton's not that big of a town anyways they would have found him by now yeah you'd be surprised we have this other girl there are ways to hide about it there's more oh other girl okay this young employee named ashley oh okay so they're catching us up on kind of stuff we have already figured out so she became a young adult this is funny sorry young adult that's this is a perfectly natural conversation that we're having here she was a young adult urban legend around here why people say she died inside of some old bunker from the company her body was never found most say she was privately buried others say she's still stealing that place that's funny that they made a story to get located and we should probably just continue with the game yeah who wants to hear about this kind of while playing some child's game perfectly natural conversation between two normal female 20 somethings bobble the hippo was the original owner of the town he had two sons pete and johnny bobby made the promise of creating the best quality barn in the world rip the hobby older year oh they're you good sophie oh that's cool yeah i was just thinking about i don't know the horrific stories of murder and disappearance so do i have to like do i have to go to a certain character or ah um if you get close to a certain character it'll let you access their level so neat let's play chad's level i don't like this one it looks boring wow that's my favorite character oh well it's up to you really man look at you judging mick judgerson i didn't think you had a strong opinions about these characters based on how like nonchalant you are about this whole thing yeah whatever why are they focusing on this that was so this is one of those so again this is one of those moments where it's a weird it's a very weird moment to hang on and it makes me wonder what's going on so it makes me think that it's the number of cows three four five six cows so six so the number six right there's six apples in the tree there's six flowers in the ground there's six cows so six six six something about six six yeah it's just right it's a weird moment to pause on you're like why does this matter is it because it glitched so after the glitch what happened here there is one more cow now like glitch into another extra cow it's also so to be fair right so obviously they didn't make a video game this is all being done in kind of like key framing animations i would expect right like um you know it's the character just being animated it's not actually like playing a video game to tell this part of the story unlike petscop where i think they probably did actually make the game um that could also be just used to hide a cut honestly uh and maybe that's why there's more cows there so instead of doing because this would be really hard to map out in real time match with the vo stuff like that um so that could just be a production hiccup too where they needed a moment to pause have a relatively stationary screen where nothing's really going on and just fuse multiple takes together so i could see that being the case too which is why you get 6007. i like apples too great maybe you should do his level do a level how about billy billy clown he's creepy i'd like to clap one you you are a fool press this button that is incorrect i like the clown one is not the correct answer uh see i told you this game was a little broken okay i can tell you know i keep thinking about bunny smiles it sounds so familiar that's so weird the compression so many memories but it's so hard to just remember exactly sorry um probably just bring you with random thoughts of mine no no not at all sophie however i do uh i gotta do some other stuff i got this one essay i need to finish i'll see you around i'm gonna show you okay unclear whether it's writing or not but it's it's i i i'm really excited to show you this game but i i gotta go do this other thing so you just play this game okay bye see you oh all right just talk to me in case you have any questions regarding the game okay yeah sure yes hi bond wait shouldn't you be in the barn with the rest of the gang yeah everything's prepared i'm supposed to sell this party but most of the stuff i need is located in the ridiculously complex pose say did you help me out to solve the puzzles sure ridiculously complex first we need to get the party hats they should be in the all right good track oh great yep [Music] hi hello all right cool how do i sophie no reaction to any of that it's totally fine yeah it was supposed to be glitchy cool you know level of functionality slightly above fnaf world great [Music] i love 8-bit man no animatronic themed horror restaurant story is complete without its own 8-bit mini game am i right classic something happening i feel like i should be seeing something [Music] okay so we see bond running around nothing too much you let me in he's just he's just standing i hear these puzzles are supposed to be ridiculously hard oh wait okay wait okay okay there's that there's the purple and white bear again we need to get the party hats they should be in the basement oh now we're getting to the basement there we go yeah let's get into the basement that's where that's where the real gameplay begins let's be honest this game is very broken more than i thought right i don't know if sophie would continue at this point i think she'd be like all right my friend's gone i don't need to play this thing anymore this is garbage i'm done peace out all right it's weird that the rocket lingered it's an interesting detail ah the basement beautiful [Music] ah she figured it out cool yeah did you figure it out oh okay okay what's it gonna pump out [Music] a pencil got a pencil [Music] oh nice weird very bizarre way to clean that middle spot top center top center top center no you're full block them yeah there you go oh there it is leaving the door wide open the quality ai got him there we go there we go boom gameplay for the win great do we give a gift yes give me that gifty give me the gift day show me the gift [Music] oh what's that what i like how casual she is about the like smushed human face that she's okay yup great cool so good so good i'm so good with this whoa weird oh so we're breaking okay so we're done with the gameplay stuff now i guess footage from october 16th 1982 okay and this is the i'm guessing this is the great puppet this is so we've touched the gray puppet which is leading us to a new recording it exactly happened yesterday i don't know the game just it just crashed i was so plain and the game just kept showing weird visuals yeah you think yeah it was so weird like if i was being told something i guess like a message maybe maybe the message was subtle subscribe to game theater subscribe to film theory to unlock the mysteries of the series the time where i was playing and there would be times which i would do certain stuff that would cause the game to glitch and display some bizarre visuals and stuff this thing is glitchier than superman very late [Music] why not just wait so we can play together tomorrow morning right play together i mean you can go to sleep if you want jenny all right good night sophie good night perfectly normal conversation between two girls yes sophie still continuing ooh hey that was just great money i think again right yeah so the gray bunny is becoming really important now so the gray bunny and the white bear seem to be competing or both trying to wake jenny or not wake jenny wake sophie up from this uh they both seem to be tied to her memories the medication her recollection of events which is interesting um there's a high chance bunny farm file data has been corrupted or its information has been altered replaced by a third party hmm that's not concerning at all we recommend you unplug the machine immediately opening the file may lead to unknown glitches and errors in the levels if you do want to continue however we warn you that the machine could suffer major changes and it's worst case a complete shutdown deleting all valuable information do you still want to continue um well i do want to continue but i can't today because we've gone on for long enough but hey we got to finish relocate project we got a decent chunk into part three and we got the secret video which is cool we even got a secret amu ollie cameo so uh interesting stuff this third one is a real departure really breaking from kind of what's come before much slower pace you can tell that it was a little bit harder i think for them to kind of create this part of the story by recreating the video game stuff uh it's that's just it it's just hard to do it's a lot of like very clearly this is a lot of animation key framing timing it's it's a very complicated process so this part of the story feels a lot slower feels like it's taking a lot more time to kind of get to stuff um so next time we hop into this i will probably uh you know maybe cut up some of this or you know slim it down a little bit uh so the next time we happen to this i'll probably like chop some stuff up or slim it down a little bit that way it kind of has a little bit smoother flow there's a little bit less dead time as it it figures itself out or who knows maybe now that it's starting to glitch it kind of picks up um interesting it's interesting stuff i think we've gotten a lot of i think we've gotten a lot right so far in the lore right we've known that the walton family was all related and that there we were suspecting that there was five people it really seems like uh chris is kind of the lost member right now so he's the only one that we haven't gotten in touch with um it seems like this is all about sophie's memories coming back to the forefronts uh and we'll see kind of what tragedy that unlocks uh because you know if the memories are buried and you know people are drugging you to kind of keep those memories buried you know something exciting is on the other side of those memories so i guess that is what we'll find out next time as we probably wrap up and conclude this initial exploration and catch-up of what the walton files has been up to over the last year or so uh so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it and as always i'll see you in the next video so in the meantime it wasn't live but it was a video for you thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,558,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walten files, fnaf vhs, the walten files 3, react, reaction, matpat react, matpat reacts, the walten files reaction, the walten files explained, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf security breach trailer, game theory, game theorists, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, fnaf vhs tapes, fnaf tapes, walten files, martin walls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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