Garten of Banban Has LOST My Approval! | Garten of Banban Chapter 6

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we've seen a lot of ban ban on this channel at this point seen a lot of b um oh and speaking we seeing him now speak of the [Music] devil hey guys and welcome to GT not live or as it says behind my head GT live um although you maybe you can't see that because if I have proper posture I literally block it look I see that Ash has been doing some redecorating uh over the last week and uh it has been succeeding spectacularly at that cuz the best decoration is the decoration that's hidden behind my head yes the best decorations are the friends we made along the way that is true that is ACC thank you uhhuh but I want to say because I know I'm going to be fighting for my life in this comment section about this so I was doing some test layouts uhhuh because I thought I had the studio open this morning oh but then someone didn't check the calendar someone decided I want to play Garden of band band so bad yeah see who are you whose story are you going to believe there are you really going to believe that I burn kick down the door and I'm like band ban now yeah that's it it's believable uh that is a YouTube top trend of 2023 ladies and gentlemen L let it be known I don't know if you guys watch uh the the podcast that I do very infrequently uh YouTube hired me out to do this it's called the like and describe podcast it is YouTube's uh first Friends Podcast right it's their big thing where like every other month or every once in a while whenever they feel like it they're like hey we want to do a podcast episode about this trend and it's like okay cool and they they' bring me on and I'd interview people and uh for the end of the year they brought me on and Anthony Padia and I played this game where he like gave me clues and I was trying to guess like what the big Trend was and I got most of them I won the game but the one that I missed and I was so mad about it the clue to be fair the clues weren't great but was Gart aand B wow literally caused me to storm out of the St I was I was so mad I was fiery that's I'm like no it is not here it is not but apparently it is uh it was a it was a list based on like trends that really surged on the platform and came out of nowhere G of band band I guess when you have the four games in the course of one year yeah it's going to cause it I wouldn't have thought of Garten of band band as a trend per se I mean but I guess Search terms right like at the end of the day right like they're all search terms like what search terms got searched the most right or or relatively speaking because one of the things I'm like is I'm like where's Taylor Swift AOS tour because that was one of the biggest things of last year and they're like oh it's it's a relative change you know so if you go from zero to like 100 like that's massive but if you're like Taylor Swift and you're always big you would need a big Delta to get there which is how Gart band band showed up oh so it's like Trends and data yeah not like what's trendy uh Garden of band band trendy OB we're covering it I we are but but hold up that's beside the point you have distracted away from this this right here not my hair but it could be easily confused this I'm trying to see it in the monitor th this left hand pointing right hand open y there you go got it this right here this right here is what you're missing I mean he looks cool sure but we have two more yes okay we have GT so are they all just going to go down behind my head no so I was trying to find the ideal layouts and test some things and sometimes you just can't get a good sense of what something's going to look like until you put it up I I guess but I don't know man like I think bread might have to I think anxiety bread might have to drop it off cuz if you go like I feel like the three have to be I feel like the three have to be United oh absolutely they do right cuz if it's like whoa GT like if it's this GT that that feels kind of real random right so I think they're all going to have to go over here they have to be a unit unit right yeah they have to roll as an Entourage yes and I think you know it would be sad to say goodbye to anxiety bread um however I think that having more of a balance between the rectangles on the right with rectangles on the left age could be a major win I think so I think anxiety bread has given us anxiety for the last year uh cooking companions has gotten a lot of promo you know they've gotten a lot of love off of the floating bread that exists behind my head for a game that released a while ago at this point um and so yeah I think you know GT live laugh love right maybe he takes the place we'll see we'll see test out the layout yes I will and then maybe maybe because I do also want to bring some other things back like the drama llama or the Whiteboard or some other drawing unit ooh you know you for some like a g fun oh maybe I guess before you take down bread then you should probably put drama llama on top of him cuz I feel like the combination of anxiety bread and drama llama is like a match stay right there stay right there say no more stay right there okay I'm staying right here don't don't touch that dial ladies and gentlemen it's about to happen the magic is about to happen drama llama I've missed you bud where have you been all my life here I I see that we're bringing back all the friends actually lot of lot of friends on the couch right now here we go hold up it's like a big collab it is it's a me mega collab we had Stephanie on the couch we have all our friends on the couch there it is match made in heaven look at those two besties this may have just this may have just been Brad's argument for staying for another couple weeks I love it I love let's just make the background as messy visually as possible yeah just chaos right that's awesome all right hey so we're playing band band uh new band band game dropped in the middle of December uh but because we were busy with FNAF VR weren't able to get to it it kind of got overshadowed I think in a lot of ways but you know this is a game that I very curiously open up every single time and you don't know what you're going to get and the I think the the famous Forest gum said Gart a band bands like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get and uh that's what we have in store for today yeah yep cool so uh when last we left off the world of Gart of band ban what was it the the the jester bitter giggle uh made the giant purple kangaroo creature Queen made her laugh which caused her pocket to erupt into a giant Sky beam that released the naughty ones and that was it don't you remember that Ash I hate it here those are words that exist um those are all things that definitely happened at the end of the last one and we were uh escorted around by that giant veiny frog toadster Sheriff toadster oh he is veiny isn't he so we one once again hop back into the veiny world of Gard of band band so without any further Ado I know we've talked a lot here so let's let's start this off guard a band band Six uh again as a reminder they skipped five in case you're wondering where five is uh we did a theory about that uh about how it kind of reveals the secret lore of the big moment of this franchise which is bring a kid day or bring a friend day um so that theory is up there it's it's I think it's pretty solid I also think it's probably going to end up being right where there's this kind of like per this child who these two scientists tried to make cuz they couldn't have a kid of their own but he was malformed and then he became one of the mascots and now he's kind of buried amongst the like rejected characters of the world um I like this guy just I just want to call Garden of band band 7 already this guy like oh I'm in constant Agony please put me out of my misery I'm in so much pain I can heal him like doing like a yodel kind of thing the the the FCD flaccid he is makes me a little bit uncomfortable you say flaccid like every other ban ban episode there's a lot of flaccid happening in band ban veins and flaccid when I think Gart of band ban I think three things I think veins flaccid and choo choo Charles that one time that sure did happen that choo choo Charles Cameo it was a thing that existed did um the funny thing is like it looks like he almost has like a cute little nose here like if this was his whole face if he was just a little stick guy with a little face up there he'd be super cute with the big old eyes but no he he's just a hideous monstrosity like anything else G looks like with that cuz he has little cute like almost pig tails yeah it's just like his stomach is gaping open you know oh man he's got a stomach mouth yeah which is actually kind of horrifying that that is very horrifying so good on them yeah right there you go Garden bamb band Six Shall We Begin let's let's see what Insanity awaits us this time all right here we go the bitter giggle clock for parent looking for their missing child time is a delicate matter click the clock yeah remember that time when we were looking for our missing kid yeah remember that remember that that was the story of this whole thing oh hello protect the queen protect the scepter piece hi okay great hide okay we did it we we hid uh we failed to protect the queen that is true a bitter giggle made her laugh I guess protect the scepter piece I guess that's today's episode protect the scepter piece okay definitely today's episode 3:00 3:00 in the morning why what is so many ah yes here's our good friend toad hello good friend Toad the thought of what could be happening on the floor above terrifies me picture hundreds of angry animals finally escaping with only one thing capable of giving them peace and that's to get you and your friends what are the naughty they're Capt every episode of this I'm not going to sugarcoat it is like completely new big trouble partner we can't stay here long unless you want to be swallowed whole with sharp teeth making you easier to digest what wait wait hold up inless you want to be swallowed whole with sharp teeth making you easier to digest LOL what excuse me that right that doesn't make sense no okay it's like there's a few things and I don't want to address the obvious one I want to address what we're taking here face value yes please so you're getting swallowed you have sharp teeth uhhuh right yes they could become dislodged yeah and keep piercing your real bad yeah so I have sharp teeth yeah not not the entity that is consuming me has sharp teeth or he's eating you and then he has like a handful of sharp teeth and he's popping those like pills oh wow and that's going to break you down a little bit easier it is making it it's like Pepto Bismol for this guy uh I don't know what happened to our good friend here good old Stinger Flynn Stinger Flyn is looking like he's a little rough for the wear today maybe he's taking a nap we'll check in with him later I suppose uh okay so we activated that no that is that is locked apparently wait what I hit you oh good room one we're already stuck uh hello why why are you saying no to me don't reject me what do you want Hello game oh key card sorry about that there we go I know how to do things in this game it's been a while teeny coffee cup the smallest coffee cup ever there we go and wa all Venture begins ooh spooky T that's our ticket out of here partner is it now thank you thanks toster coming with nope apparently not that's fine we're all good here I know follow me prettiest but it should be unoccupied at least all right thank you let's lead lead the way sir the way you weird weird Swagger Monster look at that swag oh strut it I got to say one of the things that's probably most terrifying in this game is oh shoot come on we can't stay in the dark let's head to that L over there okay I I will go for that light I love that this is suddenly like Metal Gear Solid music I'm I'm running as fast as I can my friend go oh hello we should be safe for now that was briefly oh hello oh oh excuse me excuse excuse you no politeness with these guys got to say nothing all right what we got oh you already turned this on great I don't even have to do anything after being dumped down here by your kind many cold and lonely nights have been spent here once that I wish to forget so sorry about that oh I see big door with four Mar I found by the queen at Bitter giggle and a couple of others and was foolish enough to let myself believe that things could get better puzzle but here I am back to square one like I told you earlier we need to get the queen scepter as soon as possible it's the one thing that can allow us to recontain the naughty ones and seal the door behind are we we had it stored in this room away from anyone that could get to it hoping we would never have to use it again but here we are the door opens by here we are which is scattered across the different sectors on this floor great the naughty ones despise the light you should be safe from them as long as you stay in lit spaces okay the first thing we should do is find a way to safely get to the other sectors let's have a look around okay sounds like a plan I have a feeling that when you say let's look around you're going to stand here while I do things is that is that a correct assumption yes that is a correct assumption great so so I I was I was mentioning this before but I feel like I I should probably clarify each episode like introduces things and I'm like am I supposed to have known this like when they're like oh yeah it's the naughty ones it's like have they ever been mentioned about like what LOL what when we're like down in a medieval castle that's ruled over by a giant purple queen kangaroo like is that a thing that I've like oh yeah obviously I knew that that was part of the lore it feels like every episode's just like here's a bunch of new stuff and you're like LOL what did we miss a book yeah right is this is the lore hidden in the is there a Secret website that I need to be going to right now and reading the source code for cuz I feel like we're going to all sorts of different things conditioning introduction and potentiality okay so I got a hat Sombrero o festive Taco Tuesday night for my my little my little guy um right it's not just me right I'm not I'm not just like losing my mind no no you are entirely just justified in this okay great I cuz sometimes you know I I recognize there's a lot of things that we're juggling here so maybe I'm missing a beat on the lore or something like that um or maybe I've forgotten some elements or maybe I'm making a joke or fixating on the wrong parts of oh hello of a detail hello the criminals have won they great they gained my trust they had me believe they were deliverers of Justice alongside me only to then throw me down here like filth as soon as they deem me not up to their standards those rats will pay all criminals will pay all criminals will pay all criminals will pay you feel I feel like all criminals are going to pay from here on out there is no more letting my guard down and no more tricking me from here on out there is no Authority but me is this toadster they gain my trust it sounds like it kind they gained my trust right the fact that he calls it like that he's an authority makes me think that that's toadster I saw you poking through the bushes over there I did did you find want something yes yes great all right well I'm going to keep that to my would just be a secret between me myself and I thank you very much all right let's climb some pipes I'm assuming all right pipe claming woo parkour right they're like oh the naughty ones yeah that's obviously a thing sure yep we're familiar with that right yeah that's obviously think that's been very clearly set up by the lore of this this game okay that's yep nope yep okay no can I make that it feels like a really long jump oh wow good good UPS hello okay what else we got going on here okay go this guy heave wow this is these are some very large sturdy pipes for me careful up there thank you I will oh I got do to you oh my gosh this is like what was the what was the the benett F game that we played not too long ago no way up or one way up or only only up only up that was it this reminds me of only up okay got it what we got over here hello dark what is going on oh it's so dark hello oh my gosh it's so dark why is it so dark can see a right I cannot see a thing what is this little crank oh hello oh hey oh I can't move by the way what what is this thing can I fight it no I can't move I'm [Music] I'm G has anyone put together what the words are spelling by the way has anyone done this cuz does each version does each installment have a new word that it spells out cuz every time we're like huh the words huh the words huh the words okay so so I'm back up here am I supposed to do something different should I not pick that up I guess it is so dark okay so this was this it came from here but it's lit here now you feel strange what is this what was that English to Spanish dictionary [Music] huh that's that's real odd what so I was so I feel strange which means I was like so that and that was a scripted sequence so I was supposed to die there or I was supposed to get re so I was reincarnated and all of that was supposed to happen what is what is that trying to tell me I am so confused by what that sequence was and that and that monster was unlike anything that we've seen before I mean I suppose it could oh your toy is now equipped with a light source okay that's helpful and this is okay so this is where we're going to get some secret thing later in the game so remember that this is here um weird very strange so a Spanish to English dictionary makes me feel strange I'm also going to have to equip my can I can I bring him here now can I get him in here like we cuz I feel like this is dark and there's a lot of like twisty Corners here that I might be like missing stuff in but uh okay where you at bud where you at budster go to this go to this Cloud thunk okay go to here come up here yeah there we go I don't I think oh he does have his light source already great you go into here now you better what what are you doing question question yourself question yourself friend here go this way uhhuh okay now now that you're lined up now that you're lined up great this is so good this is the opening section of the game this is fantastic come on yeah oh he light all right so what can we do with you now cuz this is very dark and I feel like there's there's probably hidden stuff in here or like some lore no nothing over there okay what if we here do this corner nothing there Fair I'll go back there I bet you can do it there you go come on there's got to be something I I I've done all of this oh get out of here come on man come on come on you have a whole section of this room right here why would you B here since I bothered to get him all the way up here come on bud mind oh yep great perfect Collision detection on point as always fantastic and and I'm assuming I just need to come back here but great well I'm glad I wasted all my time with that so hey everyone Thanks for uh Matt Pat wastes uh five solid minutes of gameplay doing something completely useless and feudal welcome to the show part for the course uh so now that I have oh hello bambolina it's our good friend bambolina hey hey partner you happen to know anything about someone who tricks others and imprisons them this Dame claims someone kidnapped and imprisoned her for some time but she managed to escape no it had nothing to do I didn't get a good look at them I have a feeling the culprit is incredibly clever and good at what he does sure and that he's very handsome thank you I didn't say that my gut feelings never wrong and something tells me he is very handsome this is Toad but he came to the right place miss it should be safe here for now my students are my responsibility I can't teach them without a full attendance list the principal would be very if I did we ought to find the culprit but let's make sure we're alive to do so first I agree how about you head over to the introduction sector and look for the first switch I'll have Stinger Flynn Transport oh thank you please please make sure you transer you seem to have been through a lot hey and we need everyone to stay focused I think you should rest for now may we get through this [Music] alive all right oh hello follow the light Po God stop stop you just you continue to like push me around man I have issues with this that is not okay treatment for me he just runs into me constantly come on hey nothing to say just going to stand there in the awkwardly in the bushes okay cool follow the light posts all right oh got quiet so I'm assuming do I start this one or do I use my little light friend now that I got him yeah so this is the way we entered so now we'll follow the light posts okay follow these unlit light posts we're going to go to and we'll just bang our guy on him we'll do Boop go for it nice hello okay go and nice even Rome's like it's dark and quiet in here uh where's the next one where is the oh there it is go together oh we're best buds I feel so connected with you in this moment Jerome oh no oh shoot oh I accidentally right clicked no shoot that was my bad so I guess that was a naughty one coming to get me we got a y what how's your search for the words going Ash I was totally doing that um let's see it looked like you started doing it which is why I I bring it up no I I did start it um I was going through all my old notes of the letters that we got and it truly is all just just gibberish is it um so let's see if we can find some now here Run Okay so there out of here oh Jerome you're the best okay here you're not though you're actually an incredibly cumbersome gameplay mechanic that is so infuriating I do appreciate you as a friend in this weird and wacky Journey oh huh huh okay I've got some info about the letters this is from the garden of bamb band Wiki but I'll be it where's the next one where are you next one uh not seeing it so I'm just going to cck into the distance go go go go go oh there it is yes tell me about it okay yeah I'm don't mind me I'm just slowly working my way through this navigation section if you needed to focus I wanted to let you focus no no please I'm just clicking around so the letters refer to parts of the alphabet reping on the death screen whenever you die only the letters in Garden of Bambam 1 3 and four have been deciphered but six or two are in progress um it's important to not if one of the letters is capitalized it's the letter the phrase starts with okay that makes sense if there's a letter that is colored with yellow or purple that signifies a duplicate letter two for yellow three for purple which is very good to know but I was going to say that's helpful in Garden of band band One the letters say it hurts sad face in Garden bamb Band 3 it's a Cypher to say monsters and in four the letter spell out rejected oh rejected okay so what are the it's monsters it hurts sad face and rejected interesting currently nobody has deciphered the letters and Garten The bamb Band 2 the letters i o r g a n i and c will be documented here to be added as more discovered interesting so Oregon is definitely there on bud oh he is low to the ground and I don't like that also I'm totally lost at this point just just throw just throw it out there completely lost yes so we're all on the same page there's a a light over here I'm going to kind of shim me over in this direction I think I lost the light poles at a certain point I'm not proud of that mistakes were made but we're going to we'll get there we'll get somewhere this room can't go on forever right Welcome to our coverage of Garden of band band 6 which is literally just a black screen slowly moving I so I put the letters from Garten of bamb Band 2 um into a letter on Scrambler uhhuh um it looks like it should say inorganic ooh okay um but there's two but there's no there's only one n so it could be organic there's just surprise have another I organic with bonus eye yeah organic um so that's possible uhhuh it is grammatically incorrect to say I organic and that doesn't seem to be solution so more thorough research needs to be done um oh is I Capital then I I think it might be inorganic and we just haven't found that well the nend would be a repeating letter so that should be a color right unless that's something that's implemented like later yeah yeah it could be something that was like implemented after the fact but I don't remember if yall have any guesses feel free to put them in the comments oh I found a tape well I uh I didn't find the place I'm supposed to go to but I did find a tape so that's exciting I guess I guess oh boy okay here we go well this is going to be my life for the next hour and a half I was hoping that this would be a little bit more obvious um I might need to up the brightness here just just just a sco it is looking that way right it is super dark um settings brightness there we go did that help me at all not particularly all right Jerome this looks like a mysterious glow over there but that might just be the way that I came from maybe different door this room is enormous just throwing it out there I'm hoping that we do not have to do this every time we cross to a new section I'm assuming based on the fact that there is a a generator that I just discovered that at some point this will open back up oh boy where where am I heading now I am I am not well oh shoot shoot oh there we are okay oh my gosh there's there's stuff over there that's where I'm coming from though I am so lost I am so lost in ban ban this is this is unacceptable this is this is unacceptable this is special what a what a special moment this is for all of us I this is still going why is this still going oh boy here's here's a thing that's lit up maybe this will help me to be fair the game like to the game's credit they're like hey follow follow the the the lights which I you know I attempted to do but at a certain point they became so spread out that I couldn't find them anymore that is just you know probably my failing I I want to acknowledge that that was my failing but also same time the game is very dark W through the darkness hey how about here yes dear Mommy we will not talk to the face like Miss Mason said scared Miss Mason me CLA party so they do want to talk to zus so everyone's at a party and zus is on the other side again zus is uh I believe was one of the first if not the first uh I believe it was made out of children oh hey uh but again was one of those that was what is what is the what's the I'll have to brush up on Zulus um but I remember that there's the first kid the perfect kid which was made by the scientists because they couldn't have a kid on their own and that became the green-faced creature that we see in the teasers for Garten of band band 5 Zulus then is what is what is zus in this uh poop I don't want to move out here without without Jerome zus was oh hey it's a light post so I accomplished the mission I failed correctly open great I will take that I open all the doors can I open all the doors n not worth the time all right here we go oh we got got a puzzle ladies and gentlemen finally uh red light start here and work our way down okay oh so that's going to be hitting these switches based on the the couches yep turn on the blue light turn on the green light based on the couches okay what else we got anything else I need to know there's a Drome repair section and we'll get the blue key card from this one presumably which we found the blue section before so hopefully that's not as hard to find the next time around oh speaking of ooh two tapes oh we're getting all the bonus lore I'm getting excited for when we get a chance to use those all right now over here is where we open things up and what do we got going on up here up here we have a light so we're going to have to turn this on this is Introduction sector where things are clearly being introduced into the environment oh and then to open this door it's something else here uh Ash I'm going to take this but will you take a screenshot uh sure because I have a feeling we're going to just need to like do all of these at some point um and rather than me going back to my phone over and over again it' probably be useful to have you checking in on it oh hello your daily dose of motivation life is a series of events played in the correct order a oh inspirational there that was beautiful sometimes it's in the wrong order it's in the wrong order oh oh hey you were an out of me last time ah are they gone are you are you going to kill me what's going on don't worry I I'm not going to hurt you are you not cuz literally a game ago you were the done enough damage as it is see again why I know it doesn't make up for what I've done and trying to take you down trying to take me down I'm sorry yes me apparently look for my kid am I don't know what came over me I just couldn't hold myself back I knew the consequences well and I still went ahead and said that stupid joke and now the Queen's probably dead because of me can I find my kid though can I where's my kid blame you if you don't forgive me I I don't care about you I will be very thankful if you do just know that I I'll do my best to make up for what I did do I I don't care you're here for the switch for the room where the scepter is right you're like a third tier character it's in here why am I dealing with that Locker I can't figure out what to do what Locker this one which locker this one hey thanks this Locker right here is Locker you're looking for so that activated the other switches presumably what's up there binoculars o I can grab them headphones oh nice that for my my drone can derome the Drone have headphones all right so I'm assuming that turned on these switches yes it did okay so uh Ash yes yes will you take a photo of this guy I I tell me when you got it all right okay and we need one for blue hold up hold up got to make sure I'm save yeah wor start taking pictures on my phone yeah I was going to say might be easiest got it no nope okay thanks cool gotcha and then lastly we got this guy right here okay okay so we started with the door did you get the one of the door up top the first one yeah the first one yes you got that one let's start with the door I think is probably going to make the most sense okay cuz I'm assuming there might be like a key card or something behind that door okay oh this is going to be this is going to take forever they're so they're all so long and you got to do this like eight times 1 2 3 4 5 6 okay all right well this process will speed up eventually but right um this is very confusing for me to interpret okay starting from the top yep starting from the top what are the four colors that you see um top row top row okay it's like um how do I describe this color here I've got that one it's here I took a photo of that one uh so let's see it is greenish yeah teal blue cyan cyan teal blue no teal I would have called the cyan teal teal what you have yeah here here teal teal blue cyan cion okay one then teal teal blue c teal teal teal teal blue c okay then blue blue teal C blue blue blue blue te oh my gosh teal C uh blue blue teal teal or blue blue sanan blue blue scanion cion now I'm saying now this is just become a car commercial blue blue c cion science s teal teal science teal teal uh and then whatever the last one is uh teal teal sence blue teal teal wait teal teal Dian blue here we go okay there we go got one nice one accomplished oh my gosh we're going to have to do this so many times hopefully you don't have to do them in like a specific order here let's see what we unlocked watch it be just like random lore drop oh it is random lore case update report case number 14 human macro plus Rufus gyum oh this is the queen okay so this is Kangaroo boun Celia as per Management's request further research on case 14's scepter has been conducted in pursuit of observing what was previously referred to as its magical powers by case 14 RF case 14's Human Genome donor unannounced to case 14 as to not repeat what had occurred with case 6 cross revit's logic puzzle and caretaker has pointed out that there is no official records of a scepter ever being manufactured given to case 14 the scepter on any official records exists only as a mural case 14 refuses to elaborate on where she received the scepter always citing Mis remembrance as the reason it is evident that case 14 is not happy with the decision to have her transported to the lower levels although the same calm and reasonable demeanor persists it now possesses a previously non-existent stance on refusing to cooperate case is permanently not ready for presentation a queen boun Celia you'll never be able to play with the kiddos I feel like making a giant purple kangaroo Queen if that character is not going to be fit for like consumption by the kiddos I don't know what is you know so here we're going to start with red now welcome we could probably cut all of this this is not exciting Gameplay at all in the slightest so I am going to unlock all these things in a very similar way to the way that you just watched me do that one and I will be back okay so we've got Ash's favorite color um anything left to say about that before I hopefully complete this puzzle um yellow is great too great thank you thank you for that and with that message now we move on to fuse them together I'm assuming to create one United image and reveal something special I guess I do not know okay slideshow he got a hide get in here why 6 5 4 3 here we got to wait till Whatever video is playing outside ends what don't say a word what is going on hello anybody in there it's your friend bamban it's your friend B bad that hold up you don't sound like b b even think about opening this door do I have that option can I open this door oh I can can I open this door on one hand I really want to open this door but on the other hand I really don't want to do that puzzle again and I'm afraid that if I open this door I have to do that puzzle again so I'm not going to do it open up open up it is your friend bed bad the lights are turning back on I think the video is ending what is this video worse than I thought and it's all because of me I'm so confused I'm always confused but more confused came from on the way back I'll think of some jokes that might distract the sheriff from obliterating me on site okay good cool story bro oh hello scepter pieace oh it's these are the giant ones for the scepter that we got on why didn't we use these what is this what are the inward light outward light um duh it's a light bulb that uh absorbs light and then a light bulb that outputs light you're so right oh okay sir excuse me sir so can it's weird that we didn't use those at all and they're talking about this movie so should I have stayed outside and watch this movie it doesn't seem like I should have like it seemed like that was going to be jump scare land like oh if you don't get in in time time you're going to die so what I I always have questions with this game there are always many a question to be had with band ban I have more questions than usual right now which I don't necessarily think is is a is a good thing but I'm just calling it out calling it like a Seas them I I know we have the objective of get the scepter but that still feels oddly aimless like what what's happening right compared compared to usual I I will say things have gotten brighter in here now I can actually see the telephone poles or the light poles which is really helpful so I appreciate that um that is very helpful I am bummed that I still have to go inch by inch with my dear friend Jerome and that I can't just run across this giant field yet I guess we'll get there here we go you have a lot of guts showing up here fitter giggle I should take you out where you stand did you really think that I'd allow you in here and look who it is my partner in fighting crime turns out to be working with our most wanted criminal behind my back I had a bad feeling about you the moment I saw you I wanted to use you as bait for the other criminals but the queen insisted we give you a chance oh man he's a crooked cop you should have gone with my instincts as usual I was right you two should go your fate in here won't be much better than your fate out there with the naughty ones I don't need partners I'll find little beak little beak together we'll rid the world of monsters like you I'm assuming that's the little oila bird hello wait what what what's just happened oh hello no I'll save you wait what let's get out of here what what what is go what is going on what has happened why am I running what excuse me excuse me what's going on why why am I almost dead okay we're safe for now from what what happened it's you too the DU of Destruction didn't you cause all this to happen I did and I plan to make up for it I everyone that you care to see you redeem yourself is probably already gone so what's the point how do you even talk jellyfish have no brain we go turn on the other switches of the door let's head to the potentiality sector next I I don't even know I I don't know I I need to process some things okay I feel like so far in this chapter there's been a whole lot of very slow puzzles and then a bunch of things things that are just going completely unexplained which is weird because I think this is the longest gap between Gart a band band installments I think this one was like four months as opposed to like two um but this one feels more disjointed than they usually do and maybe that's just me becoming more familiar with it or paying more attention to it now cuz I'm five episodes deep into this thing and I'm like well I got to really pay attention to it now like this is a real thing that exists that I have to care about um but it feel like maybe I'm just missing things just huge chunks of Storytelling though seem to be missing like oh the video's playing and the the video's done or hey like I know the naughty ones popped out of Queen Melia that were like imprisoned in her pouch but again like have we we haven't got an explanation of what exactly those are right are those rejected characters are they failed experiments I have a big old question mark about that um so so yeah I have questions I will be back I have to take meetings this section took a lot longer than I expected cuz it was very slow but I also recognized there wasn't a whole lot that happened so we'll have to film more here but I'll be back and we'll continue this Insanity in a couple of minutes all right all right so uh we are back I have finished with my meetings I've uh restocked on my air up water bottle because we have way too many uh style and food Theory experiments all happening at the same time which has heavily adjusted all of our eating schedules and drinking schedules which is probably something we should address on an upcoming GT live I probably I'm worried that there's like a going to be a Vibe shift or an energy level a mentality shift ooh if we talk about it well not if we talk about it but just in the episodes that are occurring during this period I don't know you and I have that same energy I feel like I we do got that energy right we got that energy though right yeah the one thing that doesn't have that energy right now Garden a band band no listen to this like somber cello music it's like I'm listening to like the CL the the triangles classical music station it's like band bad man I want that like wacky look at what I'm looking at I'm looking at literally a half and half-faced like flower spiny man who calls himself a court jester and a psychic orange jellyfish and I'm hearing like somber like cello y ya what Sho ya ma know Ma Yao ya ma yoyo ma that's it Yo Yo Ma called he wants his instrument back that lost its effect cuz I had to think about it like 500 times but that's fine let's resume shall we let's move on please please please right who who knew that yoyo ma would be designing the soundtrack to Garden of band band Six here we go so uh when last we left off we had dropped him off but now we have a bunch of tapes to watch so let's see these oh okay here's that boss from earlier the weird chameleon turtle and that was it great that was so informative and very brief okay opila bird what come on are you kidding me those are my little secet Easter eggs oh that sucked so she ran into place and he was in there right and he existed in a room in a room all right in a a chair in a room greenw great I that didn't tell me a whole lot I got to got to admit that was pretty underwhelming as far as tapes go and I was pretty proud of having found those um bitter giggle do you have anything else to say for me no wow you are you are much much taller than I expected you guys are actually significantly taller than I've thought this entire time I'm supposed to be a fully grown adult I'm a mother I'm a mother looking for her child and I come up to this guy's groin like this is just like straight on crot shot I I did not realize either how awkwardly short I am or how awkwardly tall literally everyone else is um bambolina seems to be gone okay so I guess we're moving on to the next room so let's let's let's have some action happen shall we ladies and gentlemen um guess we're there you go are we going this way this the way we're going no that's that's the way we came from so I have a blue key card now and the blue key card was kind of the way I just like randomly came last time so I'm just going to go straight ahead oh oh think smarter not harder Matt um um okay blue none of those are blue I was hoping that one of these would be obviously blue and it's like that's the one I go to but since we're connecting these introduction to conditioning I think we got to go to conditioning next I don't know if I've ever seen the word potentiality you know what Garden band band made it happen they they're the ones that are going to make it happen so make it so there we go we're just going to go straight on straight on the morning nice okay what do we got here we got yellow that is the big old Buzz got oh H hello hello oh it's our good friend band ban clone I for what's his name I really like him he's a funny one I like him too let me see right I want I want to remember his name but I was a big fan of his are you going to come with me or are you just going to hang out for now okay you're just you're just going to ignore me that's fine I respect that Mr Kebab man that's right Mr Kebab man wait Jerome oh there he is okay Mr Kabab man love him there you go let's move our guy right here and then move him right here if I call you will you just appear in here will you no okay so what do we got oh hello so this is the potentiality sector obviously and we've got come on man we have to get back together not a chance your jokes are trash you one leg everybody will think you're the joke when you're hopping around like a bunny we must get back together to prevent that oh you make a good points let me think about it for a second [Music] never what what also uh that one voice sounded like Dan from uh from Game Grumps I'm just calling it out come on man you got to get back together that's so true actually you're you're going to be The Joke Man like like absolutely I don't know if it was I would love that if he cameoed and Gart aand ban I feel like the game would be that much better as a result okay so I feel like I need to balce on these things okay hello come on man you got one leg oh I got a hat ooh nice hat purple and black fedora hat okay hello so there's a layer underneath us I wonder if I can oh and oh and there's a key card down there or something there's definitely something down there so we'll presumably want to check that out um also what else we got anything oh oh there's a button okay I see so I was wondering why the X was there oh come on Jerome don't don't don't be like this don't be a fool Jerome all right there so now I'm going to want you I don't know go down here maybe good now go down here maybe great I guess uh just just go down there just all just just a little bit down there are are you Jerome Jerome stop just down there you go now go like right around here is nice okay now he's all lined up so now oh come on don't don't you dare there we go so now if I hit right here yeah I do like those puzzles they take a little bit to to do and they're a little bit janky to be fair like I feel they're pretty cumbersome they're not the most seamless things out there but I like them um they feel unique they feel different and the idea of like how do you angle your little toy copter to go hit the buttons for you I I I appreciate that I appreciate less my do you ever think about how game bugs like that look in real life or would look in real life where it's just you as a guy like smacking squatting and trying come on yeah so this one's not letting me I have a yellow key card now this this should be opening for us if you're telling me I have to do this again I will be uh sir Andor Madam okay here maybe if I like anything all right derome come derome you've done your work oh my gosh Come on this is not going to work cuz this is not how this thing this guy man this guy right here Captain I know we called him Jerome we need to call him like Captain Struggle Bus oh my gosh his name is Jerome Struggle Bus first name Jerome last name Struggle Bus I love that I'm doing all of this just for something that I know isn't going to work because that's not how you hit switches in this game great I'm so happy about all of this all right well then um that's unfortunate I could what do I want to do here two options uh I could just die and respawn and that's an option but well if I'm going to do that I might as well try to go over here go all right I will take that sure well we'll say that that was exactly what I intended to have happen I didn't anticipate that being the a solution but we'll go for it break look at this coming up with the speed hacks breaking the game oh hey Drome where are you bud okay great I'm I'm like oh there he is going bouncing off that thing oh you were so close you almost had it don't be grumbling at me like that okay there and then there well I'm glad that uh we were able to get down here that's exciting hey maybe this one will react yes woo look at that oh hey bud you doing okay doing okay bud do you need to talk do you need a friend I will find it the perfect joke I might have lost a leg but it will all be worth it in the end I just have to make sure I don't lose the other one but I must remember absolutely no more jokes about being trapped in a kangaroo's pouch well you know it's it's probably good to not do more jokes about being trapped in a kangaroos pouch gotta be honest with you bud I there's a whole Squad of these guys right there's a lot of bitter giggle clones which is a choice again I how they how they oh come on Drome how they relate to the lore I I I honestly could not tell you they're they're trying to build these things but like why were they supposed to be mascots were these the naughty ones okay Drome okay Drome what I need you to do is go up here I know I know going in anything but a straight line is is a challenge for you like real tough stuff okay there we go into the depths yeah there we go okay please let there be something interesting around here survey says probably not Family Feud interviewed 100 families top four answers on the board survey says are you kidding me are you kidding me get out how come on man Ash yes Ash yeah can I can I just have a moment they they give us the opportunity to have our drone have lights that is the key mechanic of this section of the game yeah correct yes and we're using it a lot we are and they set up multiple areas where it is awkwardly dark mhm and so it's like oh maybe I need to bring my drone to explore the dark areas using my new tool the light yes and then you go down and you go through Heaven and Hell to try and make sure that your finicky little drone is getting to the right spot you know like oh angle angle angle angle angle angle angle angle angle and then you get him there and he illuminates that bright spot that dark spot and you're like yeah I did it I'm going to find whatever hidden tape or key card or whatever puzzles down here and there's nothing give me a stupid little cassette tape to use as a VH which aren't even they're not even real tapes you collect cassette tapes with video footage on that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense Ash no that that is really odd you collect cassette tapes with video footage that you then put into a TV without any sort of hookups what they could have at least give me that I would have you know and it's like recycled footage from game one that they put a green filter over and they're like ah it's an Easter egg there is no Giggle here there is only bitter it's bitter giggle reference sorry I your stomach just growl no that was my throat oh making a weird throat sound okay well this is we've seen a lot of ban ban on this channel at this point a lot um oh and speak we seeing him now speak of the devil oh so anyway what were you going to say before I go into a cut scene with this guy I was going to say we've seen so much of ban ban but this one in particular feels profoundly something it's it's have you even I I don't know it's just the payoff is not here yeah I I don't I don't see a payoff yeah this is a this is a weird one this is this one's a strange one I don't know if they kind of lost the thread or I I'm not exactly sure what's going on with this one this one feels very strange though relative and all of them are weird don't get me wrong like this is a very strange game very strange franchise very strange lore but at least like there was some level of cohesion before this one is yeah it's just odd and maybe I'm I don't know man but yeah like you said there's no payoff in any of these moments here I'm going to go up here before I move on and lose things I don't want to lose an opportunity to find you know some secret Easter egg that isn't here come on there's got to be something up here you didn't give me this ability okay so I'm do I have to climb this maybe it's just weird like why would you make steps down that go nowhere and it's completely empty and there's nothing and there's nothing I is this intentional like are they trying to drive are the euphoric Brothers attempting to drive people to insanity at this point just like maybe pushing Jerome around when time is a delicate matter right that's what we're told that's what the game tells us it's a meta thing oh my gosh I can't where you feel like you are just throwing time away when your child is that's what it is somewhere that's the symbolic nature of this whole thing here can I hop on jome EX I cannot hop on Jerome I'm like oh maybe I can hop on Jerome and use him as that would be a br again brilliant mechanic that would be awesome for solving that puzzle and so again I'm in a dark room with nothing is there anything up here like I I there's something is this just going to come later whatever man I'm I whatever I'm done I can't hey ban ban what's up glad to know you survived the madness happening outside yeah I've seen cases escap containment before but nothing this crazy you're not much of a talker so I'm going to assume you're here for an important reason have we not been over this your life to be here otherwise I need my kid whatever it is I'll come with you great I'm so happy that you don't have to please please don't I I don't need you nor do I particularly want you let's let's let's call a spade a spade here I am fine without [Music] you oh good more dark rooms cuz that's that's what we need more of right now all right well here Drome more opportunity for me to use this guy to do next wait ban ban where'd you go he's like ah whatever well I'm glad that he did decide to wait for my little guy okay oh my gosh are you kidding me we're still doing this this whole chapter is literally just me inching along bit by bit with my drone does it now this one needs opening as well well maybe if you waited ban ban okay oh my God why why did they the euphoric Brothers they're like you know what we could do to release a new installment of our game but not have to put as much effort into it let's make everything super dark so that way no one can see anything and all the let's players footage of it looks terrible I this is really really dark right this is It's really can I do I do I you brighten it more no this is as bright as it gets oh gosh okay here we go all right we got we got through the dark hallway so that's a win oh good wait we got multiple bambalinas and multiple Mr Kebab mans it seems really familiar but I'm not sure where I could have ever seen something like this okay cool exercising is the way to become jumbo better start pushing okay huh so is this where oh man this is going to be a slide puzzle game yeah I think so and we're going to have to get to this guy ban ban to idea bulb so give ban ban a good idea clearly okay we're going to have to push those away uh real quick let's see what else we got we got some some of these guys from a previous section oh Lord case update report case number eight this is the spider heteropoda venator gyum uh this is case 8 has escaped containment during one of its sessions and it's believed to be hiding somewhere on the first floor from the surface down the Reclamation team has been notified of this emergency and they have also been informed of the danger that case8 possesses all staff members have been informed of tomorrow's mandatory training session where they'll be read to every where they will be read will they will be read to everything recorded about case 8 and effective ways of fighting back should you come into contact with it two confirmed lives have been claimed during case 8's escape with three others currently missing case 8 will not be caught or will be caught not claim any more lives case is not ready for presentation I like that the killer spider creature uh if I I think this is nabnab right um right I think so I think so but I like that uh you know case a nabnab is uh deemed not ready for presentation but there's still a possibility whereas the giant kangaroo the friendly kangaroo that's like just kind of kind of being a Little Bit Sassy right now they're like never never sees the light of day again okay so we've activated this which I'm assume assuming might have activated the puzzle here let's seec band band so we need band band to get to the light bulbs and this is the way that we came in so let's see I I better get to pushing so I'm going to push you what this way okay yes a slide puzzle right so can I push you away okay you don't go away then this one well this one doesn't really work yet cuz there's no world where they slide around they slide up they slide over right or or is there oh duh come on man it's a slide puzzle know how oh my gosh Come on Welcome to the also the The Garden of Advent episode where all the puzzles are just very slow right now [Music] okay where do I want you to go I want you to goop and and here and here and here can you are you going to get out I need a way for some to be able to get out of here though can you go backwards to this thing like band band was cuz without band ban can he switch all right here maybe I got to do this one first maybe that's the solution here so I got to get to this guy so we're going to go up here we're going to going to shift over we're going to shift you over you over get you forward to it took me I was so bad at slide puzzles when I was growing up hated slide puzzles The Passion of a thousand Sons just absolutely despised them they were the worst um but then there was this one game this one computer game I had to play didn't have to play but that that I would play as a kid called music mum Madness and there were so many slide puzzles in it that it forced me to be better and like it forced me to start learning like slide puzzle strategy and stuff but it was not easy let me tell you is it difficult for you to conceptualize the moving pieces in your head of a slide puzzle um I think it it took me a long time to figure out like how many steps you have to get through in order for for one thing to kind of happen you know yeah uh so here we're going to push you back oh my gosh could they have made this any welcome to chapter six which is also the chapter of just like unbelievably slow and tedious P this is a weird chapter for ban ban I'm just calling it out it is very odd everything is slow and methodical and dark okay great yes a winner is me I have done it what did this turn on okay here we go it opened up the shed maybe you should nope do I need to do all of them oh wait here it's back here now oh do I have to go all the way back now oh no oh this sucks I'm sorry this is this is terrible like I've played a lot of really like this is it's not great guys this is not great all right cut to me finishing this puzzle again the and the thing is the puzzles aren't particularly like interesting or like super welld designed they're just slow and monotonous all right well I'll see you in another couple of minutes we weird man this is a weird weird installment did b b Peak with four wait is it done am I done oh my gosh I think we're done hey did band band Peak with four what was four four was the one we did with Dan where there was like that train system and the guy I think band ban made have peaked with I think three was my favorite three I don't remember three that much I think three was the one where you had the first boss battle which was against the like weird chameleon thing oh yeah what yeah the thing that we just saw in the tapes all right no no no no no no no no no that that can't be cuz four was the fox dog oh four was no four four are you talking about installment four or number four um cuz we're at six now right because we skipped five correct so I'm talking about number four yeah four number four was the last one which was stupid it's the queen queen boun Celia bitter giggle all that stuff yeah and then before that was three which was the boss battle against I think that was the Giants I think two might have been the best two was probably best okay here let's wrap this up so finally hi welcome back uh I don't know if we showed you any of the footage of Ali Just ripping this game apart but but he did he came up and visited and we talked about how uh lackluster Garden of band band 6 is but um here we are we got the red key card after doing an inordinately slow slide puzzle mini game and now here we are so thank goodness hi oh oh hell what is that doing in here bye I can't I can't even I can't even was that was that a naughty one it it's almost open he was jumping so oh hi he was he was a cute boy okay it's almost open so I need to pry it with something all right hey you going to help me no I'm assuming I need to like what it's oh hello oh I like there's even arrows just is that guy over there a friend of yours you can tell him to get down now it's not like we're going to eat his pancreas ha he you can get down now we're friendly oh my God so I should be hiding in the The Shed is what I've taken away from that please don't start me where you going to start me don't you dare don't you dare game okay thank goodness okay so we're starting back around with this thing okay fine look at this the arrow you can tell that they had trouble designing this one cuz they're like we need arrows to indicate where everything is there's that guy over there a friend of yours you can tell him to get down now it's not like we're going to eat his pancreas okay oh no ban man so you are my Liberator did you get my War morning you had your chance to escape by a. what is this oh thanks bitter giggle I guess I I don't know man What's happen I I don't know I I don't know bitter Giggles dead Okay ban ban might be dead who knows all right I'm going to pry open this door just going to pry this door yep let's get going uh-huh are you kidding me I can't I just can't right now done purple key card hey all right let's see if everyone's alive hey B ban nope okay but I have a feeling you'll be back something tells me bitter giggle I also I have a feeling you'll be back as well woo hey I never liked you in the first first place you are kind of strange all right you found your jokes kind of tedious and obnoxious let me go through the dark place since I know I don't need to summon Jerome and carry him around with me anywhere oh great it got darker thank goodness please more Darkness I really wanted to stop seeing so bad right you didn't want to see this game did you no of course not why would anyone want to watch a game playay of anything thing just got to experience it yourself in the darkness there we go purple door here there's a light at the bottom I'm just going to run for it I don't care I don't I'm done that's it this might be the one that breaks me I feel like I've been a guard a ban band apologist for a while now but that day I think has comeing gone this this one broke me hello here we go hey everyone welcome welcome to the [Music] room oh boy hold up Let's Stay Together wait what what my head hurts did you see where sir Dadu went after our Skirmish s d wait I know this place I want to cry the S should be on the office above but getting in there won't be easy we would have to activate the four locks of the door from down here but they need fixing first and they need power I can fix them if there's power but I remember the sheriff rigging the power switch so that it would alert the entire facility to our location if activated it would trigger an alarm which is sure to attract some unwanted guests if you could cover me from above while I fix these switches down here we might just be able to get into that office I'm ready when you are I really don't understand what you need from me you know what I feel like I've had enough band ban for one day I can't I will finish this in the not too distant future but I am not doing it today I just there's been a lot of ban ban in my life and it's it's not been great honestly as as the band band apologist that I am of like oh it's kind of funny and LOL so random and you know it's it's kind of mish and this and that this one this one's not doing it for me this one wore away my love very quickly um not so much that I'm not going to finish it not so much that I won't continue talking about it but uh my enthusiasm has waned slightly from the first half of chapter 6 we'll see where it goes uh and I'm hopeful that you know like you everyone has like a bad chapter like bendy had chapter three uh which wasn't great um you know so so we'll find out this is maybe this is band bands chapter 3 uh yeah this is band band six and and and since they release it twice the speed of any other game there you go it just makes sense so anyway uh that is the first half I guess how is this the first half yep all right yep that the first half of band ban chapter six we'll see you next time I got nothing else for you anyway thank you guys so much for watching and putting up with that uh we're we're getting through this one together uh so anyway as always my friends remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see y [Music] [Applause] n
Channel: GTLive
Views: 518,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garten of banban, garten of banban 6, garten of banban 6 ending, garten of banban 6 ending behind the scenesanban 6, banban, garten of banban 6 gameplay, garten of banban 6 trailer, garten of banban 7 trailer, banban 7, jumbo josh, bittergiggle, sherrif toadster, banban lore, garten of banban lore, garten of banban explained, ban ban, garden of banban
Id: uavABx8YFXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 8sec (4988 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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