Game Theory: This Place Is NOT Happy... (Happy Meat Farm ARG)

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Hello Internet. Welcome to Game Theory the  show that actually knows how the sausage   gets made. And you can't, too, if you watch  our sister channel food theory. Speaking of,   if you haven't watched fOoD theory, check  it out. Apparently It's Markiplier approved over the past several months, if  there's been one thing that I've   seen requested constantly in the comments on  the subreddit and on Twitter, it's more FNAF to which I say, Why? How? What do you expect? But   if there are two requests that I  see constantly? It's 1 more FNAF,   and 2 to solve the horrific mysteries that  are happening over at Happy Meat Farms. Not to be confused with Happy Humbles Burger Barn,  completely separate thing. Just a lot of joyful   beef products dominating the indie horror space  these days. I couldn't tell you why, but hey,   as long as it's not killer animatronics or  haunted toys, I am all about it friends. Anyway, for those of you who don't  know, Happy Meat Farms is a video   series currently being uploaded onto  the YouTube channel. This place is not   happy. When I saw so many requests coming in  from you guys, I knew I had to check it out. But when I went to the channel there were  only three videos, It’s not a whole lot to   work with or so I thought. Watching them it  immediately becomes clear that this is far   from a nothing burger. Three short videos  quickly spiral out into a very complex,   very expansive ARG filled with juicy LORE,  all about a meat manufacturing company engaging in some very unsavoury practices,  let's just say cruelty free. This is not.   But the most interesting part of all is  that this one isn't finished. The ARG   surrounding this evil corporation still has  presumably one more video left to release. It's been a good few months since the last video,  so it's unclear when we're likely to see it. But   I figured now's as good of a time as any to dive  into the mystery, because I believe with what we   already have, I can tell you what Happy Meat  Farms is up to and what the missing video is going to reveal. Ladies and gentlemen, the steaks  and the steaks have never been higher. Side note,   did we get a Hellofresh sponsorship for this one  or not? Because it feels like a slam dunk. No.   Okay. Can we can we reach out someone maybe  like, I don't know, the meat packers of America? I'm very good at packing meat. You know what?  Never mind. Strike that I said that. Also,   before we get things started here, because  this is an ongoing ARG, I want to bring up the   five rules of solving these sorts of puzzles  that we've talked about in previous videos. Don't want to have to resort to me uploading  a video that looks like this again.   Whoa boy, that was not a fun series of  days for me. So anyway, long story short,   without any further ado, I present to  you what I call the five P's of ARG’s. So with all that out of the way, it's time to get  to the meat of the theory. It's the same steak   from earlier. I get that I've reused the joke  already, but we bought these beautiful steaks.   I didn't want them to go to waste. It’s like  a $20 cut of steak for, like, a one cent joke. MEAT TRANSITION. Things start out with  a warning message that lets us know   that only authorised happy meat farm R&D  personnel are allowed to view the video.   It also asks that the parties who view  the video sign a nondisclosure agreement. So, uh, since I don't want any of us  to get into any legal trouble here,   onscreen is a totally real and not at all  dubious NDA that's going to keep us all   protected. All you need to do to accept the terms  and conditions is to write down in the comments: “I accept” if there's anything that  you see that's disagreeable in there,   write “Sussy Bussy” No need to read it  closely, though. You can absolutely trust us,   this is absolutely how real life contracts  work. You all signed in the comments? Great. Let's begin. The video shows us three  rounds of genetic treatment testing. Each   experiment lets us see the subject name, animal  type, age, sex status and recommendation for   the next step. Special shout outs to the cow  test subject here, which is code named M00. Get it? Get it? it’s a cow, moo. Top shelf  internet humour. Right there. In the first   two rounds of testing, we see that things aren't  going so well after treatment. The test subjects   have developed large tumours and eyes on parts  of their body that probably shouldn't have eyes. Others have mutated to such an extreme  degree that they outright blur the photo   entirely because, quote, “looking at it  causes extreme discomfort”. Thank you,   happy meat farm for your thoughtfulness and  foresight. except ah, you know there's just   one problem with that move. the last frame the  image is on screen, the blur filter disappears. While most subjects are either kept  for further study or outright killed,   two develop extreme growth and  are then sent to h.r. Not exactly   sure what human resources are going to be  doing with a gross lump of mutant chicken. But clearly this is heading in the  direction that they want. And when   the final animal m0101 escapes the  facility, the whole thing's declared   a success. And Happy Meat Farm moves  on to begin human trials. But hold on, there's something else here, something  in that legalese that appears at the   very beginning of the video. If you  bother to read the entire disclaimer,   as I'm sure you always do in any agreement  that you go into, including the contract   that we just signed on the channel a few  minutes ago, you'll see at the very bottom. “For more information, go to  And you know what? Yeah, I would like some more   information, please. So let's head on over.  And it's a very normal, very corporate looking   website. Squarespace. Did you? Well, my  friends, you got everything you need. Your list of products and services, your  company history, your glitching. Welcome   video with hidden text. Hold on a minute.  That's not something that you usually find on   a corporate website. And if that one didn't  tip you off, the copyright will 2023 huh? It's copyrighted from the future. There's even  an employee portal that can only be accessed   with an employee's unique, happy Meat Farm's  ID, which, you know, we're eventually going to   have to hack into. Let's start off with that  glitching video on the home page, shall we? If you pay close attention to the video,  you're going to start to notice something   odd. The transitions are inconsistent throughout  the vast majority of the video. They use slow,   gentle crossfades to complement the  sweeping beauty shots of their pastures. But every once in a while you have  a transition that goes like this,   a hard cut to the next scene. And  therein lies our key. This ain’t   my first rodeo here cowpokes. If there's  a place to hide single frame easter eggs it's during hard cuts like that. That  one frame between hard cuts tends to be   overlooked by someone who's just casually  watching. In fact, the Happy Meat Farm   welcome video has four of these single frame  moments, some of which might look familiar. There are little experimental monstrosities  from the first video P0113, C0174 and our   good friend M00. But one of these things is not  like the other. At 24 seconds into the video,   there's a single frame with the code ZX159G and  if we have to put this into the password prompt   for the Happy Meat Farm employee portal, it  opens up.We are behind the curtain, friends.   Or we will be in a second because  I'm not done with this welcome video   yet. While the hard cuts are certainly  the most obvious secret thing in here. They're only hiding an even bigger  piece of the puzzle. That's right,   friendos. Happy meat farms is using secrets to  distract you away from the other more hidden   secrets. It’s a pretty clever move, I got to  say. You see, at 44 seconds into the video,   if you happen to be watching in full screen,  which, why would you be? But sure. There's a   bunch of random letters that are nearly blending  in with the background. Ladies and gentlemen,   break out the togas. It's a Caesar cipher. By  plugging it into a decoder, we see that it reads,   quote: “host, assimilated, mother colony  established preparing the reconnection”. That's ah…it's a bit concerning. The terms  mother colony and assimilation make me think   aliens are aliens somehow involved in the  animal testing we're seeing here? Possibly,   but there's nothing else from the previous  video that comes close to expanding on the idea. I'm going to need more information here before we   can fully commit to the tinfoil hat  on this one. So for more information,   let's go back to that newly opened employee  portal, shall we? The employee access page   gives us a glimpse of what life is like for  someone who's working at Happy Meat Farms. Their employee orientation video emphasises  how important privacy is to Happy Meat farms   and openly admits that stress and trauma are  expected as a part of your everyday. To combat   this happy meat farm has offered MANDATORY  THERAPY and it assures its employees that   anything odd they see is all in their heads  and they probably shouldn't worry about it. This couldn't possibly be gaslighting, could  it? No. they're just listening in on our private   conversations with our therapist in order  to know which ones have seen too much and   which ones to bump off. Look, there's even a  list of benefits that we get for working here,   including compensation in the  event of our untimely demise. When your likelihood of death is  expressly called out on the employee   home page, it might be time to start  looking for a different line of work.   There's also the not so subtle mention  of being part of the New World Order. See editors? I told you working in the dungeon   wasn't so bad. Editors: Yaaay. What we're dealing with here, my friends,  is a corporate culture that's constantly   monitoring its employees, knowingly  exposing them to disturbing events,   and offering therapy to  gaslight them into silence. Basically, it's Amazon. Beyond the  employee benefits and onboarding video,   the portal has two very clear passwords  that we need to find. One to access the   R&D department and the other to  access human resources. Maybe then   we'll finally be able to figure out what  they're doing with all that chicken goo. Elsewhere on the site, there's a quick  backstory for the company. Apparently,   the company is based in Florida because, of  course, the weirdo alien food mutation company   is based in Florida and was founded in 1998  by a woman named Ramona Bynes who aspired to,   quote: “Give animals the best quality of life.” I think the gooey chicken in the corner  might want to have a word with you. Happy   Meat Farms almost went bankrupt in 2014 until  it was bailed out by a new unnamed partner who   helped them turn things around, which could  explain the shift in the company's goals. Although they still claim to use no genetic  modifications or growth supplements elsewhere   on the website, we learned that they  lobbied to kill a bill that would require   groceries to put a special label on  anything that was genetically engineered. It seems like that’d be something that a  totally organic farm would want, but what   do I know? I'm just a dumb creator. Politics  are above my pay grade. Speaking of creators,   we see the website mention that they've  started to partner with up and coming   creators like the cynical critic and fellow  SpongeBob theorist Alex Baleof all people. Guys, maybe you should do a better job of vetting  your brand deals in advance. Take it from me. This   is the type of stuff that will get you cancelled  on Twitter. On the other end of the spectrum,   in one last very meta twist, you can see that  the company appears to be having an ongoing dispute against the This Place Is Not  Happy YouTube channel the place where   our investigation began. Happy Meat Farms  claims that the videos being uploaded onto   the channel are fake and doctored, but I think  we know the truth. It's leaked footage from the   R&D department, footage that we see spoken  about in a different part of the website. So knowing that we have ourselves some  more passwords to find, let's go back   to the whistleblower YouTube channel and see what  else they've uploaded recently. On November 24th,   2021, This Place Is Not Happy released  its second leaked video titled Happy   Meat Farms Genome Modification Test  47 Skipping Tests 44, 45 and 46 I see. Which I got to say, I don't hate. I  can only see so many deformed chickens   before my appetite for McNuggets  is gone for good. In this video,   we see the shift to human trials.  At the beginning of the upload,   we see employees have themselves the exciting  chance to volunteer and be a part of the tests. Two weeks vacation, a 401k and untested  growth hormones injected directly into my   arm. Woo hoo! Where do I sign? Only four of the  test subjects we see are actual volunteers. The   rest are classified as insubordinate employees,  outsiders and noncompliant journalists. It's great to see so many people willingly  step forward and not coerced at all to help   the forward march of science. Just like last  time with the animals, any subjects that show   significant growth are immediately sent to H.R.,  but it's subject H0027 that ultimately stands out. She's a 47 year old female, classified as a host,  odd word choice there. There's no picture of   this extremely dangerous subject because it  turns out that they've escaped. Usually not   something you want to have happen after you  mutate them into a horrendous flesh monster. It's also worrying that this one is labelled  as extremely intelligent. Despite the escape,   they declared the test a success.  sufficient growth has been achieved   and the video ends with the phrase mother  will be pleased. There it is again, mother. Right after testing on an older female that  was explicitly labelled as host. We know from   the website video that a mother colony has been  established that a host was assimilated. Could   mother actually be a single entity with  the colony aspect being something more   akin to the Aliens franchise? Where a single  mother alien: The Queen is planted somewhere, say a 47 year old female host, and then begins  the process of reproducing to create an alien   colony. certainly seems plausible based  on the evidence so far. After the tests,   the video returns to the original employee video,   which thanks us for participating and for  being a small part of the New World Order. Then the video glitches once more and we  see something moving. While it's meant   to be a distortion of the hands that are  holding the earth. When it begins to move,   it almost looks like another test subject.  Big black eye on one side, pale, patchy skin. Plus we hear a distorted voice Don't feed them the way the voice sounds. Yeah,   I can imagine that coming from one  of those horrible flesh piles. But   what does it mean “them”? what “them”? And  why do things keep getting sent to H.R.? My guess is that these experiments are  being used to feed whatever mother is,   that H.R. doesn't actually stand for  Human Resources. But to prove it,   I'm going to need to access one of these  new login pages from the employee portal. And wouldn't you know it, this new video is  the key that we need to unlock it. Doing it,   though, is going to be a bit of a  slog instead of just looking for hard   cuts. This time we're looking for letters  that show up prior to any of the others. Normally the letters start  blurred and then become readable,   but at different points certain letters  just appear without starting off blurred.   Putting them all together in the order that  they appear gives us the code CM042T. And   with that we head on over to the login  pages and while it doesn't work for H.R. It does unlock the R&D portal and it's on the  other side of that link where Happy Meat Farm's   mask begins to slip, and what that webpage reveals  to us is going to have to wait for next time. This next page has so much to talk about.  Plus, there's still a final video we have   to dissect. Just didn't feel right to  squash it all down into one episode. So,   yes, there is going to be a part  two here in the upcoming week. So if you didn't do it earlier, smash  that subscribe button so hard it turns   into subscribe button goo, subscribe  button goo that we can feed to mama and   then hit the bell so hard that you  don't miss part two when it drops. I promise it's going to be worth your while.  Because while this story feels weird and gross   right now, what's about to come next  is something that no one would expect,   and given that the ARG isn't totally finished  yet. It's up to us to solve this thing together. But hey, that's just a theory. A  GAME THEORY! Thanks for watching.  You've made it to the end of the video, which  means that you clearly like spooky ARGs. Well,   if that's the case, then check out the  video to the left where we try to solve   the twisted history of Generation  Loss, a new ARG that's starting up in the near future or if you want energies plus  goo non chicken this time sorry. Then check out   the Friday night funkin bob mystery. That one is  the link on the right happy puzzling my friends.
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,108,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: happy meat farms, happy meat farms explained, happy meat farms reaction, happy meat farms arg, arg, arg explained, arg solved, happy meat farm arg solved, happy meat farm arg explained, happy meat farm, analog horror, happy meat farms music, happy meat farms ost, happy meat farms theory, happy meat farms password, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory happy meat farms
Id: 6PYpsKN7o2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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