THE FINAL EPISODE!!! (Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 5)

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what up what up guys how's it going hey dan here and welcome to an extremely exciting stream video depending on when you're watching this today is the day where we finish season two of minecraft story mode potentially the last story mode episode ever which is absolutely insane i'm excited i hope you guys are excited too i know loads of you have been tweeting me asking me when i'm streaming when do we find out what happens well it's now it's right here it's right now and we're ready to go i'm excited are you excited hey guys i see you in the chat there if you're watching uh on youtube after the fact then how's it going i hope you're gonna have a good time i think we should just hop straight into this and start reading out stuff like the uh the episode description just so that people can start coming into the stream but um here we go above and beyond episode five before in minecraft story mode season one there were i believe eight episodes this one's only gonna give us a good old five unless they introduce some more later down the line but we'll find out more in the story the final battle okay it says final battle so i guess not the final battle with jesse's new enemy brings the battle home to beacon town and the world may never be the same it is going to be insane i'm gonna hit this button and we're gonna start the last episode in three in two in one let's do this here we go i'm so excited we're gonna get a recap because i can't really remember what happened it's been a while let's do this i'm hyped on minecraft story mode here we go it's gonna happen it's gonna happen there is a key difference between a good friend and a bad one yep good friends do what you ask they enjoy what you make for them they never betray you wow not sure i betrayed you a bad friend what bad friends include in no particular order fred and zara ultimately all losers who refuse to appreciate the gifts they've been given dude i won't stand for ingratitude so i took my gifts away oh but then then just when i thought i'd find a promising new friend oh yeah such a disappointment that is when i had a brilliant idea the perfect way to weed out the bad friends from the good to be appreciated i became jesse oh i was right of course the plan worked immediately jesse's good friends flocked to me the better version what and now jesse is trapped underground forever one more ungrateful loser buried away oh yeah you for the ninja that was hilarious that was one of my favorite bits ever really is that jesse will never get to see how much better i've made beacon town oh yes oh yeah we went through the portal to the under underneath i think it was called that was pretty awesome [Music] and it adapts to the choices we make so depending on what we did it all comes down to this i'm nervous i'm afraid but i'm ready here we go what is that oh it's beacon town dude he's changed beacon sound a lot hasn't he but we're underground not underground actually we're even further okay we made it out we are underground that the admin didn't think to fortify these tunnels into town [Music] speaking of fighting admins i can't help but wish we still had zara around i know she was when she was a little much but having an ex-admin on our side seems like it could have come in handy i guess um i can't remember what zara did which is really annoying has already done plenty in the fight against romeo and she's been at it a lot longer than we have she deserves a break did she just go that's fair maybe zara's lucky being where she is right now she's not currently marching towards a fight with the admin maybe it's for the best they've been 10 the fred towner's didn't make it out of the underneath oh yeah to get above the bedrock just to have the admin you know we saved him jesse when romeo finds out what we're trying to do we've seen what he does i don't want to end up like fred i don't want beacon town to be like zara's town we've seen so many terrible things that romeo's done i just can't even handle thinking about that happening to the others to our home yes things look impossible and they might be but i believe in all of us look how far we've come look at all the impossible we've already done exactly we can do this i know it seems hopeless but we can't give up now there are people up there counting on us we are not going to let them down hear me you hear me i hear you let's do it yeah yeah let's do the thing [Music] i like how she's wearing her admin clothes still that's really cool i like that i want admin clothes but not with the admin actually in them i just want to steal his clothes pretty much or have like special jesse admin clothes oh we've already got an achievement into the ruins starting strong guys starting strong so oh oh i was gonna say something then but things have got real aggressive oh he's like no season two no why season two why the ends oh dude look at those admin iron golems those are cool they're really cool and they've got like the jessie thing going on as well the evil jesse oh no please leave the pigs alone oh what you made them kill the pigs why why we haven't actually had much dealing with evil jesse yet i'm quite looking forward to seeing what the others have thought of evil jesse whether they've worked it out or not looks like he's been pretty busy building though but i am glad they kept the cow balloon that's the best that's where the primary terminal is the giant floating tower with no clear entrance yeah probably we've got to find a way up there might be a good idea to hit the map shop regroup get some supplies that sounds good the map shop just go to a map shop look at all these banners by the way they're insane they've like got tons of jessie faces on them i'm also not quite sure what i'm supposed to be doing here oh guys admin and he's with axel and olivia we gotta hide what what where did they come from accident olivia haven't seen him for so long heading exactly where we wanted to go then i guess we just can't get caught yep admin pig that would be cool we having a whole festival devoted solely to you do we really have to go up on stage with you in front of everyone enough you two are gonna need to do a lot less talking and a lot more agreeing if you want to be a part of beacon town not so sure i do actually in fact we were just about to head home i'd be very careful if i were you guys or there might not be a home to go back to at all wow it's just so easy for something bad to happen to a town like champion city for example and oh my goodness that actually made me jump did he just blow it up i thought he was i thought he was joking he just blow up a city okay yeah he definitely just boom wow my no yep i kind of didn't like you anyway but that's fine yo this guy's evil so they are tricked the old friends are tricked by the new jesse no i'm not so sure yeah champion city he blew it up yeah he's a monster through and through and he needs to be put down oh yeah i i guess you're right [Music] now how about you run along and get that firework show ready for the big keynote eh fireworks yes admin uh jessie wait she literally just said admin straight to his face maybe they do know that he's evil i'm not sure we should grab axel and olivia while we have the chance what you were always so worried about and now get him one lesson get him quick axel oh oh my gosh i knew it i just knew it whoa am i seeing double run get out of that jesse i what is come on i'll explain everything but we have to get off the streets to the map shop quick that's insane that he just clapped and exploded the whole thing that was pretty cool i liked that i mean that was evil that wasn't cool at all i don't know what to say admins a world beneath the bedrock you missed the whole series i mean i'm relieved that the jesse out there isn't the real you but but nobody else knows that what if everyone in beacon town turns on you um with what just happened outside axel and i almost did but the admin is good but he's not good enough to have everyone fooled right it's a pretty good jesse impression i mean a totally evil version but yeah but you said there's a way to stop this guy right petra are they being weird still stella may be working for the admin and all nobody deserves that her whole city gone um add it to the list of horrible things the admins gonna pay for yeah let's mess them up oh that's cute weird that the those two haven't been around for the whole season though i'm glad they're back did jesse tell you about the potato yet in the underneath we got our hands on something called a word of passage hashtag potato451 i forgot about that i know it sounds weird but it's supposed to take away the admins powers for good that'll be payback for what he's done to our poor shop come on hopefully it's not a complete wash is it even safe to hide out in here yeah it used to be the safest place around it's safer than being out in the open yeah i guess that's true getting into that tower won't be easy hopefully there's still something useful in here everyone take a look around shout if you find anything while you guys do that i'm gonna keep watch nice okay here we go so um guys just a quick note if you're late to the stream if you're watching live you can go backwards to watch from the beginning just a heads up speaking of heads up let's look at the heads here see what i did there surprised nobody wanted to take these too bad they don't help us though i like the ghost one that's very cool very cool indeed radar what's up buddy so we actually left uh we had the choice to leave radar or to save people last time and we left them there and saved radar which was a big thing i wonder if it helps in the end or hindus just thinking about the people back in fred's cape that's who he's talking about i mean i'm happy to be here really just let me know if you find anything okay roger that roger that okay uh let's go to jack you okay there jack uh fine i guess just feeling a little violated at someone coming in here and robbing the place priceless artifacts and mementos gone everything ransacked i don't know if it was the admin looters i think we've all lost stuff at this point jack but we're all in this together we're gonna fight back yeah yeah you're totally right in the meantime we'll keep looking around might be something useful in here yet thanks jesse i appreciate it so are we looking for like an updated map i'm guessing so because this was the shop all the way in like episode one of series two uh there's a lever should we pull this let's do it always pull a lever guys always yeah hey oh elytra hey jack by the tides i'd almost forgotten about that stash are these the lytra wings those are super rare yeah got him one time when i made a trip to the end nothing better for gliding what was that yeah did you hear that sound like a robot i got the elytra electro whatever you call them as well wings let's just call them wings why guys why are you making me go all by myself huh let's go i think it's going to be one of them iron golems maybe what is it [Music] hey you made it i never doubted it yes i guess i deserve that look at the hat as well beautiful how did you get out of that prison yeah because i broke them out what on earth were you just doing hanging out up there jesse i'm a ninja where else would i be that is a nice outfit ivor so random thank you oh my oh my gosh do you know who that is that is high four founding freaking member of the order of the freaking stone that is a legend standing in front of us nerm within arm's reach hey you're pretty legendary yourself jack just play it cool around him right right cool cool right i can do cool why did that change the story ivor right sup yes i am ivor and you are they call me this the stab walker yeah that's the nickname yes hi hello strange damn person anyway i am happy to report that your plan for the admin worked perfectly he fell for my deception hook line and sinker story about you riding away in prison forever big success and after the admins appetite for jesse's destruction was satisfied i returned to the prison by cover of night to free your friend from that cursive place nice surprise but this animal is quite the escape artist i may consider naming her my apprentice i'm so sorry that you had to be left behind must have been terrible now that the team is back together ivor we need to stop the admin we're supposed to use our word of passage at the primary terminal jesse thinks it's up in the tower yes i believe that's exactly where it is i've heard him reference such a thing several times no one thinks to check for eavesdropping ninjas let me guess there's guards right yes yes though i requested a post there the admin appointed special golems to patrol the place okay just uh you sure we can't like reason with this admin guy you know i'm talking out really you wanting to talk it out jesse taught me to keep the explosions in boom town true i'm kidding right after everything i've told you about him you still think we could just talk to him i don't know i just i just look you know you taught me how to talk about things more i don't know his voice is way more reasonable than the admin axel i'm pretty sure axel's his voice is completely different a plan we just need a distraction maybe a distraction like jesse's big speech at the start of jessica jessica that sounds great but elytra wings don't exactly go up they do with fireworks what's his plan do you think you could get me a map of beacon town of course there it is wow here's the plan like jack said we need fireworks which the admin has stockpiled backstage at the event wait isn't stella in charge of fireworks for this thing perfect never get backstage without fireworks skilled uniforms so we find stella she shows us where they are wait wait wait oh this is actually us i'll grab them thank you suit up and boom backstage passes this swipe is great i thought this was like just a montage of what they could do i didn't realize we're actually doing it you're going to be getting me a bucket of water we'll get to that while we're getting the fireworks axel and olivia will distract the admin oh maybe they are i'm sure i can't just blow up the stage that would be distracting axel then we wait until the big fireworks finale the what it's romeo i promise you there will be a huge fireworks finale petra and jack will wait in the order hall the second those fireworks go off hey let's go that's awesome i used the bucket of water to create a waterfall what what's that the three of us will head into the tower and use hashtag potato 451 to strip the admin of his powers [Music] simple right easy might just be the best crazy i've heard in a while jesse this could work explosions excitement explosions i love it this all starts with getting stella to help us though yeah yeah she's pretty tight with that admin guy are you sure about that she did seem kind of awful champion city was torn down we all saw it stella's been hurt by the admin too there has to be a way to get through to her yeah i wouldn't bet on that well stella does know where the firework skilled uniforms are i could follow her to them and then we wouldn't have to talk can i say how much i don't like this plan you can because you're staying here only jesse stands a chance on the streets because jesse is the admin yeah that's right jesse you're close you gotta change okay let's do it boom i know you think stella's just another victim of the admin but be careful okay i think jesse should be more worried about the admin showing up during this plan good luck friend one serving of admin coming up i can do this i think we've got this so he composes us but we can also pose as him which is quite cool here we go i think we should keep the posters though if we do save the day we should definitely just save them because they're cool to find stella let's go so before we were um we were acting out the scenario we still need to do that um let's look at the booth i mean why not it's got my face all over it so that sounds pretty cool this place just keeps getting weirder and weirder i do like the golems a lot where would stella be because we need these uniforms the uniforms look amazing and oh wait a second there there she is oh and there wait what what the why is that two which one should i choose um talk to guards follow stella but which way this way i'm gonna go this way let's just see what happens because i'm the admin i could do what i want boy do whatever i want oh your greatness i searched everywhere for you stop there i present to you the newest jessie khan volunteers they await your orders not the brightest quartet in the bunch but uh you know what let them take the day off go slime diving or something uh yes yes your leader is giving you a request i want to see dive so beautiful the people will weep that's funny so the reason i did that is so that we have less guards to worry about basically now go dive in slime punks oh there they go that's uh not quite what i had in mind but it's fine it's fine oh forgot that he could teleport need the different eyes as well that would be handy what is happening i leave for even a moment pandemonium ensues stop doing that and get back to your posts oh don't look at me like that you know what you did look at the people in the background they're so shook okay so he just pops in whenever he wants to i better find stella fast before the admin finds me yeah that's gonna be um that's gonna make things pretty difficult because we won't be able to see him coming and if there's two admins in the same place there's only one of them that has red eyes so we're gonna be in big big trouble uh our slot poster why would i want to look at that i'm gonna go and look at it anyway i like everyone's scared of me an ocelot what is that for boy it caught me to do like the ocelots from ages ago could it that's like that's like season one episode one nonsense right there stellar is this you that's that's not stellar wait uh no lawrence lawrence i mean you can totally call me stella though actually looking for stella blonde hair looks kind of well like you but but not have you seen her uh no clue bro maybe try the order hall all the big week bros hang they're doing their big week bro business telling us all what to do okay it's so weird lawrence and stella a match made in heaven that might be her she's hanging out near the llamas we stole her llama so she's probably not too um not too fond of us why she running away come back please come back stella i don't like you and now you're being even more annoying let's just go beacon town looks pretty crazy though it hasn't actually changed that much apart from the big statue at the back and it's kind of just a little bit blown up but it's a lot less blown up than champions now jesse dude just unveiled the new statue you built yeah was that me um character yeah i kind of liked the old one but whoa hey i mean you know what this one oh can i get him to change it back to what i built you know what i changed my mind let's bring the old one back shall we dude i can't wait to see it again not that you know this one wasn't like go with your gut dude especially if it wants the old one back let's do it here we go i can't even remember what i built and it said my story is changing is that it right is that my bill thanks jesse dude uh oh that's unfortunate quick go run run get out of here get out of here quick he's gonna make us change it back though what no you didn't see me see ya [Music] don't say a word please don't say a thing where where is my statue you there nelly what happened to my statue yes he's so scared he's angry though the one you just tore down because your gut told you to what what are you talking about what is she talking about like two seconds ago you you were you want to blame your insolence on me golems oh no no no no no i didn't mean to do that calm yourself dude take some deep breaths okay okay we need to be careful guys uh no no whoops if i change too many things he's gonna get even angrier and more suspicious so i need to stop changing things that's definitely stellar let's go before i get myself in more trouble and get other people in more trouble i can't believe i built that terrible statue though it's awful uh i'm gonna look at the beacon real quick so it's quite cool i didn't mean to get nelly taken away i'm so sorry i feel really bad now she got blamed for everything that i just did i took down the whole statue look at this thing jessie khan in action i mean jessicon would be pretty cool to be fair and can you stop running away from me please oh no if we get caught we are so done more fireworks and banners it's not my fault we need [Music] where the heck am i supposed to get more people i know but those outfits i need it i need those mario outfits take them all take all of them perfect thank you oh gravel where are those extra jessie banners oh yeah awkward stella jesse back so soon this is so awkward since when do you hmm you're not the admin are you oh uh i don't know dot dot dot you can guess jesse i knew it dang she knew keep your voice down all right that is bold i'll give you that coming back when the admin can just rub you into oblivion okay give me one reason i shouldn't just hand you over to him right now what don't be like that everything you've done to me you can be a hero for once you heard me you have a chance to do good to fight for a cause you know is right come on look who's talking you could have supported me as a friend and instead you rejected me i can't wait until the admin delivers what you deserve is so weird seeing you too stella i still don't like her stella's a punk i'm taking these things thank you why is she so mad all the time he literally blew up her city i just stole a few things and jesse is now flying around he's cringing it's like they're trying not to cringe i've got my best friend olivia and axel with me don't i at least they're in on it now that's helpful [Applause] who are you yes thanks jesse we love being your best friend don't we yeah totally it's weird seeing his um his voice change man are your sleeves really tight my sleeves like i feel like they're cutting off my circulation yeah this is chafing me in all the wrong places remind me to never ask what the right places are hey before we go back there if things get hot i want you to know that i've got your back thanks buddy just like in prison and we'll fight anyone who tries to mess with you oh my goodness he taught me in the big house no mercy no prisoners calm down buddy okay well let's not go like looking for fights though okay kind of been freaking me out since we got out of prison sorry sorry i'll try and tone it down keep the ocelot in the cage you know just chill keep it cool let's go to work of course geez well get back there then perfect thank you now we can get to our jobs that we're totally qualified to do [Music] i promise we're fireworks people that's what we do well good luck with your fire working with firework working unimportant i'll grab a bucket from the house be right back go radar go we need to nab as many fireworks as possible please be something here and they're not in here there's no fireworks just stuff who plans a convention with no fireworks oh why can't it ever be easy please when has it ever been easy easier i can't help but notice that we still don't have any fireworks sugarcane i guess we'll just need to make some oh no i can't remember how to make a viola paper around here then all we need is gunpowder and a fireworks star uh that would really add some flash we'll keep a lookout on the exits and stage well they're the fireworks stars i just said literally just now that i don't know how to make fireworks they just explained the whole thing wait okay at least it looks like the fireworks union guys did you see evil there stars evil was on the side all right what color should we go for we've got um orange green blue or magenta which is burst star orange ball or green creeper i think green creep is just going to be the most interesting so i'm going to go for green normally i would do blue makes the fireworks shaped like a green creeper face exactly but um the blue one's kind of boring see look why is evil here are you okay buddy what are you doing shh i'm in stealth mode completely undetectable to the human eye how invisibility potions you'll have to take my word for it wait you had invisibility potions this whole time yes but ninja law says you must wait for the most dramatic time to use them what why i don't know i'm not a ninja lawyer anymore more what invisibility potions uh nope sadly i drank my last one to surprise you here but i'll be watching you from the shadows that is such a random random part of the story evil turned into a ninja man and he's still not being helpful at all because he had the invisibility potions the whole time and didn't actually tell us phenomenal work we have the stage wall to look at do we want to poke the creeper though i don't think we do we want to punch the sugar canes definitely because that'll give us paper sugar cane and then we just need um then we just need the creeper to die not explode though we don't want him to explode let's go this way look at we don't want to poke him that much guess that's part of the show admin me has tasted after speech entertainment yeah not really any fireworks just poke him see what happens oh okay stupid dude powder perfect that could have been amazing i i didn't say poke with sword it just kind of said poke so i was a little bit worried uh do we want to talk to these guys i don't really know or do you just want to carry on oh they're coming this place is just kind of messy well just be like the noble light of truth and shine through the darkness of the mess only then will you scatter the shadows and reveal your goal deep yeah i'll work on that good deal i'll keep on keeping an eye out we're actually pretty done i don't want to waste too much time just in case uh someone comes i don't think there's gonna be anything in here no dutch yes we're good right uh let's go i don't think we need anything else i'm worried that i might miss something that will be helpful later on let's just open the chest just in case because you never know huh a copy of lucas's book whoever owns this chest must be a fan what oh that's weird so we've seen the ocelots um the ocelot head and also lucas's book i wonder if that has anything to do with the story that would be really really odd and annoying because i kind of liked lucas and i think he kind of helped us out a little bit so it'd be really annoying if he ended up being an absolute punk wouldn't it oh it's great paper do we need to do more paper as well three paper i can't even remember how to make a um a firework paper sugar firework crockett's just one paper how many do we need though we've only got one firework star let's just do this see what it does create i think we need two no there's a firework nice that's massive i just need to hey wait a minute you ain't glenn yeah i'm glenn yes sorry i know you wanted me to tone it down but i didn't know what else to do good job buddy i kind of panicked i just wanted you to be safe ah just maybe try not to hit them so hard next time okay that was brutal that was awesome good job radar that was actually pretty sweet work a prison radar yes maybe did you get the bucket oh i got the bucket yeah buddy okay we have bucket we have what should i do about this guy yeah good point just get him elitra okay like tuck him away somewhere roger and we also have fireworks so we're doing pretty good thanks radar there's fake me or fake jesse even here we go i wonder where the finale is going to be all strapped in fireworks ready uh oh oh no why why did you make it so obvious uh jesse hey jesse yeah jesse we want to talk to you more about how great it is being your friend he's you know something's up we got to go now just go do it light them light them up queue yes there's the fireworks the creeper face as well and we're out of here that's pretty cool that's actually a legit minecraft strategy as well you can use the fireworks to make your elytra fly faster it's very cool i just need to oh no perfect just what i needed careful oh don't fall off come at me ugly oh jeez smack him oh it actually hurt him i didn't think that was going actually going to work bye that was close okay time to get the others ah yes right let's put the uh let's poop let's put the water down there let's not poo that'd be terrible this is going to be really obvious though and that's a pretty amazing building i wonder what's at the top maybe a theme park that would be good what was i glad to see that waterfall yeah fist pump fist bumps all around nervous down there sorry just pumped to your welcoming committee was a little strict come on let's get inside right radar's hiding a body not a dead body hopefully just uh someone he knocked out and let's see what's inside this tower i'm actually pretty excited that we can use the um the hashtag potato451 i think it is okay but i feel like there's gonna be some baddies in here first freaky right this place is dead definitely strange though i imagine you might be relieved to have a little quiet right now huh don't i was almost expecting i don't know another huge boss battle or something when we got in here same the admin definitely seems to like those but nothing no it's kind of hard to relax when you're in the middle of infiltrating a humongous tower owned by a deadly madman as you try to find his office and take away his powers yeah fair that's true something weird's gonna happen guys i'm calling it now okay what on earth is this what are in those cubes nether bricks it's so eerie oh yeah there's definitely people here ninjas oh no we're about to get jumped yeah there they are look wait no hold on that's that's the person from before [Music] [Music] what's happening hey guys what's going on stand down ocelots i told you looks like the tables have finally turned huh jesse we can't let you keep doing what you're doing that's enough now oh sorry i'm so confused i think you're confused it's me oh we're not confused we know exactly who you are now hang on everyone no it's our turn to talk not yours not anymore i reformed the ocelots because i wanted to remind everyone of how things were before and most of all i wanted to remind you because the jesse i know wouldn't be running around on some power trip locking people up lucas so yeah i set your prisoners free what are you gonna do about it yeah and telling us our builds were ugly lucas would you please stop talking for two seconds and just let me explain huh and there is the new jesse i've gotten to know lately everything you think i've told you since i came back from the ice palace was a lie the admin locked me in a prison underground took my identity came back here and pretended to be mean that no how do we know this isn't a trick no trick friend and it's not the first time my friend vos the admin did the same thing with him yeah we saw the whole thing is this really true all those horrible things you did that let's get real huggy up in here yeah it's you i thought he turned evil for a sec that sorted out what in the world are we gonna do next wait why are you even in here we're trying to get to something called the terminal we have a word of passage potato that we can apparently use to take away the admin's powers for good yeah a lot of that was way over my head especially the potato but i'm in you just lead the way and the new ocelots will have your back hey okay that was a disaster averted we now have a massive army romeo's quite the jesse memorabilia collector i know we don't have much time but it might be smart to suit up properly agreed oh do we get to choose again oh my goodness there's so many dudes um what have we got we got redstone riots golden goliath ender defender star shield shield of infinity adamantium impervium that's pretty crazy elegamer tim's armor sword breaker or dragon's bane now i think last time a lot of you guys wanted me to choose dragon's bane when we got to choose armor so i'm going to choose it this time i'm kind of like i really want to use tim's armor but i know we've used that before uh there's no pink variety i'm going to go for dragon spain let's go let's do this do this dragon spain you're copying me buddy it's good that we have an army now though i chose a good one you look like you're ready for a showdown let's go oh thanks guys time to end this ocelots that's the worst like to battle thing ever oh dude we're getting close already i don't know if you can see it the achievements are already saying five out of four four out of five even why hello there wasn't expecting you showdown it's about to happen what's the move here jesse maybe you're confused but this is my office hang on let me try and reason with them uh hello jesse it's over admin we're here to excuse me excuse me we are they where'd they go oh i am so upset that you're back that wannabe ninja ivor told me you were still in the sunshine institute he did that made me feel great you got played this makes me feel uh bad it's called a hustle admin and you fell for it hook line and sinker what better way to sneak back into beacon town right under your uh my nose oh you smug arrogant insignificant what pray tell are you hoping to accomplish by challenging me i don't know if you've noticed but i'm just a touch more powerful than you i know that's why i'm not here to fight you i want to talk this over jesse a jesse uh talking it out what's the point in that that's what losers do real people awesome people settle their differences with with no you're not doing any talking right now right now you're just gonna shut up and listen nah you don't tell me what to do that's not how this works bro this is getting intense oh here we go he's back to normal and you know what it's just as well you're back because being jesse is the worst wow oh yes yes i said it i hate being you yep your people your friends they're so needy so clingy have to listen to their stupid voices day after day after day just asking for things i thought being jesse meant that people would do what i wanted to do no one ever asks what i want i shall can i have i am and can i have gold that's what being a leader is romeo it's not all fun and bossing people around sometimes it's hard it's what it's terribly disappointing is what it is it's just but it was fun at first i showed them some super amazing display of my awesome powers they'd laugh i'd laugh but soon they were just asking me to do that all the time you know what's funny you've made me see something it's starting to feel like maybe i should just leave being jesse to you why the genuine article what's your angle here this is a trick right nope no tricks no angles no games just good old romeo telling it like it is what well this has all been terribly in lining and i think we've all learned some great lessons here push him off that i will totally remember for next time push him off next time yeah the next world i build after i bedrock over yours oh i'm gonna get it totally right with that one no new set of people a whole new world oh i'll be a great leader a great friend next time around i should thank you for all these these wonderful little lessons you've helped me to learn there's no way i'm letting you do this oh well you don't really have much of a choice do you sorry but it's time to start fresh make a new world he's going to bedrock over our town dude that's mad oh no what is that doesn't seem good oh you guys are okay yeah he just blipped us back to the hallways again you're gonna blip them anywhere such a check yep could have just pushed him off though i mean he can't fly but so i guess that wouldn't work but hey oh dude he's actually building it already he's just like you know what delete delete the whole thing eternal darkness is happening again we're going to the underground this is not good this is really not good because like how do we get how do we get above bedrock again there's like no way i don't know how to stop this how are we going to stop this take his powers away find the terminal space oh yes potato the roof that's where the admin keeps his portal to the terminal thing go come on we need to get to that portal before the bedrock closes up let's do this the epic music is starting guys are you ready for a finale because i am let's go quick go go go go go go go oh no keep going stay safe okay all right that's what i was gonna say to you what is lucas no telling what's true always get left behind always here we go through the portal just run just jump don't even stop just go there we go get in jesse just please no dramatic pauses please here we go if only that's what another portal actually looked like that would have been pretty sweet i'm so ready i'm glad i chose this arm it kind of matches the surroundings we made it we're here yeah but we don't know where here is this is cool this is the end kind of looks endy whoa check this out this is cool if only there were dimensions like this in minecraft that'd be so good is that the clock from the admins tower random the trip down memory lane is nice and all but how do we find the primary terminal thingy um there's so much stuff in here oh well it's the admins place right so what would he do he'd probably know where he was going so protocol it's him oh it's just more of his stupid recordings you've selected admin protocol oh it's like a automatic assistant or something weird like siri welcome to terminal space nice that's cool man the admins are punk but that is a cool base well shall we it looks like kind of like a testing ground for all his builds because we've got the uh the clock and we've also got the the big totem golem thingy as well only he ever the comes personal assistant system was developed to aid the mighty admin in menial tasks and help his friends navigate the terminal space okay man so when he first made all this he was still hoping his friends would come here too this is mad makes me feel bad for him actually nobody ever said it was easy to hang on to your friends look this is the thing that they tried to kill um they tried to kill what's his name in why have i forgotten his name you know the nerdy guy they tried to kill him with that [Music] he's making me walk really really slow though radar that's his name it is like a testing ground because the ghast was there too the black ghast with the red eyes and the three heads that was there too so that's where he kind of builds all his ideas just kind of like his own personal world which is pretty awesome like a testing world whoa [Music] eyes are code oh i think i know what's going to happen i know how to unlock this we got this get ready i that was all over my head password password password that must be the word of passage potato four potato451 here we go so we can put the potato in here right guess we need to put something in there to get this thing going potato potato it's empty what waiting for material request i mean it must be talking about the potato right sounds right to me uh potato please acquiring potatoes it's like a vending machine you talk to that would be amazing in real life like a vending machine you could just be like potatoes give me some sweets and it just dispenses normal one and a poisoned one which one do we use i mean the word of passage didn't say anything about poison but it did have that weird hashtag thingy that might mean something oh i don't think that symbol ever actually means anything yeah gotta figure out which one is correct surely it has to be the normal one right surely uh let's place the normal one because i don't think the poison potato is going to be any good let me place it let me let me place it please why would it there we go i hope this is right potato i still need to enter the rest of the word of passage so is this 451 right or not till i do all right here we go uh use this is so hard to do um wait what four five one okay do we just have to remove all of them like this let's see i don't know how this grid works otherwise hmm don't think that's exactly right oh no um place poisoned one let's try this one i still need to enter the rest of the word of passage i don't know if this is right or not till i do oh no ah grid look at what is this thing do i have to make a hashtag what does it have to do with potato four five one we got four five one but i think we let me put this stuff back here we go can you make a hashtag out of this by using one and four i don't know how do i do that make a hashtag what out of all of this though i don't know how to make a hashtag all of this that's crazy four five one i'm trying to figure out i have no idea do it in the right order four five one tick hmm don't think that's exactly right [Music] i'm going to try to run a hashtag i don't know how you do it all of this though this is going to get me stuck for ages prepare guys we're in for the long haul but if it's not by doing it with 451 a hashtag is like i don't know how you make a hashtag out of this you can remove this because it's only three wide only write four five one i don't know if you can write that either you have to do it straight that's so weird though like this don't you think that's exactly right number of blocks four five one i have no idea what you guys talking about from left to right what do you mean how do i let me reset it let me reset it real quick so you do left to right four five one maybe do it fourth down fifth down first wow there's so many people going through this okay here we go go back i want to go back hmm don't think that's exactly right so random let me change the potato though because i don't think the poison potato is one this will do the trick oh i see what you mean now i still need to enter the rest of the word of passage i think i've got it if this is right or not till i do come on so it's the opposite of what i've been doing you don't take away the blocks you leave the blocks oh wait that just that just ticked something didn't it something green in the middle one is right ah i didn't see that at the top then dude this is so confusing oh wait wait four five one so does that mean that the right hand column is right oh that says a one i'm just straight i'm guessing now guys five so if i remove yeah so these ones are right it's just this one that isn't right i'm just gonna have to guess i have no idea i can't even guess what this would be so confused have you got any ideas guys remove it's definitely a pattern oh i see i think i've got it now yeah i was confused by the numbers on the side i was looking at in um rows and not columns that makes so much more sense thanks for your help guys that's not quite right agreed sorry parrot what we just initiated a parrot party sounds good to me perfect okay so that's right we just need to put the poison potato in and there we go here we go was that a good thud or a bad thud [Music] into the primary terminal i wish the terminal could just take away romeo's admin powers it'd be easier that way but making this gauntlet was the best i could do oh put your hand into the pedestal to receive the goggle it's got the power to make romeo normal again it might take a few hits to remove his powers entirely but it'll get the job done do you understand sure then good luck zara you're i think you might need it he's made like a golden gauntlet here we go this will be the second oh okay oh we're here to stop you romeo once and for all i told you your world's done now okay they're alive quick get the gold up get the gun up quick don't waste the chance to get the golden gauntlet let's go yeah this is the second gauntlet that jesse's ever touched and had on his hands well this should come in handy sweet what have you done [Music] oh no it worked we can actually smash him i don't know what you're playing but it ends now oh he's clapping again i said it ends someone's overriding the system what come on oh you you think you're very clever well how about we finish this with a little change of scenery what just happened see temple collocally jesse remember when we first met he's playing mind games that was back when i thought we could still be friends [Music] this temple this challenge is my first gift to you whoa now it's going to be where i bury you um rip rip oh my goodness big things happening this is insane can you not just smack him with the gauntlet anyway try it i think it worked that's what i would have done it did work it's gone it's amazing i can still use the gauntlet just die already no smack him oh no hey gordon is mad absolutely magical this is impossible he's like glitching out why do i feel so powerless this is pretty epic like really come on i certainly hope you're enjoying this trip down memory lane as much as i am you know what the snowman was one of my favorite characters actually i liked him a lot are we in a boss fight oh here we go hit the flames back okay let's do this here go slice that was terrible jesse what are you doing buddy here we go here we go this is fire one why can't i hit them back oh i have to go closer there's so many of them though yeah slice and dice buddy see the snowman's the most powerful one we're doing pretty good though i think we have lost too hot so that's fine oh oh what are you doing stop that stop that instantly jeez okay we need to do this again we need to get close and then hit them as quickly as possible now get to him and slice them but he's getting up like every time how do i get close he's got a nice bow tie as well i like it come on let's do this here we go here we go nice nice nice slice get him come on yeah we don't even need to slice him we just need to smack him in the face with the gauntlet the glitchiest snowman in the world oh i am very much starting to hate that stupid gauntlet games are over admin give it up [Music] oh it's going back to this aren't you happy to see me our friendships i wonder who did that i'm not listening to you admin no that's a shame here i thought it would be a nice way of working through some things i don't think so let's just uh let's just chop you real nice this is like an old-fashioned minecraft jewel whoa okay can i get him i think i can get him i just need to dodge when he lunges forward that's not the real petra though so we're good whoa whoa get him yes it doesn't show how much health she has come on come on there we go this isn't so bad this is much easier than the snowman the snowman was more powerful than you there we go i don't know how many times we're gonna have to hit her but this is pretty easy i can just slice it she does some good dodges but i've got the dodgers too punch we just need to keep punching him with the gauntlet though because otherwise it's not going to go well come on finish it finish it come on come on come on bam this is a big punch whoa what just happened oh no no no no no no no no no no no no what is going on please please stop don't take all my powers away no dude this guy's tripping badly why is he he's just zapping us all over the place he's looking pretty bad now though oh it's going to make us choose to forgive him isn't it you can say that again how's that level playing field feel huh jerk get away from me well he's still got some kind of abilities though he's like throwing rocks and stuff dude what is he doing just throwing rocks okay that's fair enough we're just gonna come up and smack you square in the eyes buddy it's gonna be fine it's over here we go sock it to him buddy we got this here comes the music are you ready if all he can do is throw rocks and let you beat me what i am going to destroy you oh jesus no no no no no no this is blowing my mind guys what is even going on come on i can't even press it i'm pressing it so hard yo the flying diving elbow quick grab it grab it ministry about is he done he looks like missing no from oh look it's the original guy oh [Music] why'd you have to go and make everything so difficult everyone likes you and you're nothing hey we're not the ones trying to rule the world what no no i'm not i just i just wanted people to oh geez okay i thought that was going to be the end defo not is the place falling down this place is held together by my powers no more powers no more terminal zone we're doomed we're gonna get married if we don't get out of here pronto what about him what about him he's not our problem anymore but look at him he'll never make it out of here on his own oh she's right just just leave me my powers are the cause of all this stuff first place don't make us choose please please don't make us choose i deserve to stay here and pay for the mess i made i can't believe that but this is what it took for me to realize oh i've had that kind of power in the first place look at where it got you yeah yeah and it'll all be over soon oh my goodness don't make me choose just leave him behind please go on leave me ah in this oblivion um place is falling apart we can decide what happens to him later oh yeah we can decide later that's true that's true i'm gonna take him with me i'm too nice come on story is changing great i hate you when it says that that either means you made a very good or already bad decision before we do we'll be stuck here forever awesome let's go come on jesse come on buddy go underneath good roll you know what i'm glad i saved him just for that roll that was amazing i'm glad everyone said save him because uh i didn't really want to do that jump jump jump jump jump that's a four block jump buddy you can't do that in minecraft or maybe five i don't know you definitely can't do five how can his how can he still have powers that are doing stuff to like these crazy golems as well i can't control it dude did he just destroy the portal as well we're done so it's over there must be something we can do there must be and we got the gauntlet still i don't really know for my mistakes thanks but you're saving your lives okay he's just he's sacrificed himself did he just get squished i think he just got squished oh man this is intense so intense so the admin has got well the admin has no powers anymore so he's not an admin but he's still someone we're alive we are alive yeah and not a minute too soon what about the are the bedrocks disappearing i was gonna say how are we gonna get rid of all that come on calm down everyone calm down you got this it's gonna be okay they're freaking out what is he doing why is he the parrot lord it's all too quiet guys save the world again huh doesn't that ever get old why yes thank you for noticing thought we'd fit in a light bit of world saving before afternoon pie time happy to see you all in one piece too i could go for pie did uh did he not make it crazy as it seems at the end the admin sacrificed himself yeah romeo ended up saving all of us seriously that doesn't sound like the admin to me it was actually pretty noble i tried to save him bring him with us but he didn't make it out i feel better now way better a good person for trying jesse well i'm just glad that all of you are okay and i guess i guess this is all over yeah yeah i guess it is ready what do you guys say we head home i say way ahead of you friend me too it seems too easy guys it seems too easy i don't know what to feel right now what is happening they're rebuilding which is good are they actually gonna keep this that'd be quite cool they they didn't really need to build it so they might as well i like that the cow balloon is still there i saw the whale balloon earlier as well which was awesome looks like they're rebuilding it there's classic jessie jesse oh for goodness sake i am approaching you from this direction and i'm coming to speak with you no ninja trickery hi jinx or tomfoolery here yeah i mean i mean you're right there i can see you i know i know but i'm trying not to sneak up on people anymore so no more ninja ivor then no no i decided it was time to stop running around in my pajamas and start trying to fix a few messes starting with trying to heal the rift between my old friends ah magnus is easy we'll just pop by boom town oh man that's awesome they're gonna be so excited you think so that's certainly the way i'm hoping it will happen well i suppose it's time for me to go this has been fun though hasn't it it has jesse hey what's up radar i was just saying goodbye to he's gone guess ninja habits die hard uh hope you don't mind but uh i've kind of been taking charge of the beautification project i thought why not at least make it look intentional really stepping it up to leader mode if i do say so myself true and it's been stressful but also fun you've definitely been stepping it up really proud of you oh wow this is best day [Music] i just realized they put trees and stuff on it that's cool i like it hey luna luna what's good that is the real jessie we don't like the real jesse remember ready just ignore these losers and be on our way um you understand stella listen i'm really sorry about what happened to don't even if it wasn't for you and your little gang telling the admin off in the first place i'd still have my home you coming sweetie say no good girl we're going to rebuild champion city together and it's going to be wonderful man stella is the absolute worst i can't believe luna went with stella after everything although i guess she did get left behind in the sunshine institute true yeah that's fair now you got everything you need all packed and double checked yes jack this is very no bittersweet for me you know goodbyes are no good hey so i won't say it this time not to people that i will see again you got it come on walk me to the gate oh so she's going off in adventures that's cool so you're leaving apparently for how long honestly probably a while but it's good this time i'm doing it for me i'm trying to like grow or whatever anyway i'm about to say goodbye to everyone and i i promised myself i wouldn't cry is broken it'll be okay so petra's heading off into the great unknown huh i figured definitely sounds exciting everyone's gotta find their happy place for petra it's mostly in unexplored forests and caves yeah i think i'm closing that chapter of my life for a while it's time to settle down here hey you guys are missing out on prime group hug action yeah ah no air actually dying you don't think this is like the last time we'll all be together do you no well maybe i don't know i mean if petra's leaving well i mean until the world needs saving again that always seems to act as a nice reunion hopefully hopefully not too soon though okay well i'm gonna get out of here before i great bye guys be safe out there okay the safest and when you finish that book of yours i better have a great part in it [Music] back in the admins cabin i i know you promised that we'd always stick together [Music] but the invite's still open if you want it no pressure want to go with her wait you're leaving am i ah i thought it was just gonna be a peaceful end and now it's gonna make me choose an ending ah what are the two choices stay in beacon town or head on adventures you know what i feel like this is setting up for um i think this is setting up for i don't know for him to just take over for radar to just be a leader so i i don't know dude i really don't know what to do i'm going to leave this up to you guys what do you want to do i'm going to go the jet tree is happening that's so funny jesse and petra it could do it's up to you do i go or do i stay i leave oh my goodness loads of you are saying leave pick petra people like jesse and petra together oh my gosh i'm gonna leave i'm going to do it it's up to you guys i'm clicking it yeah i think let's go we're going to hit the road for a while [Music] so it's pretty awesome right story is changing yeah i mean it does but but without you here i told you radar things are peaceful now but danger could still strike at any time what do you think pal you me really yeah i hereby promote you from intern to hero in residence thanks boss this uh you have been you are what i'm trying to say is that i promise i'll make you proud you already have hey so cute and i'm gonna miss them too but if anyone ever really needs me i'll be around [Music] that's a cool ending i like it [Music] this is it guys this is what you wanted the ship is happening no regrets no regrets see look you can just come back any time it's not like i'm leaving forever i can come back bye everyone bye bye jesse [Music] hey dummy you're gonna wait up for what [Music] it's happening it's happening [Music] i was kind of hoping you'd be interested in a race [Music] yeah i think we chose yeah we chose the the good ending guys well they're both good endings we saved the world but i like the ending a lot i'm glad you got me to chose that because i was i was close to staying really close is that it is that the end i think it's the end it's getting the stats you and 49 decided to be by petra side no matter what it's literally 50 50 guys we chose the 51 though so um wow yeah that was close really close it's like it's such a hard choice it's unreal what other things did we choose you and 50 all these choices are so close you and 50 let him become the man in charge 51 encourage radar to be his own man and these are gonna be really close so close i guess this is the day before it comes out actually comes out tomorrow so i guess not loads of people have played it but still you and 49 wanted nothing to do with stella so she embraced her dark side oh i didn't know that happened so she could be really different i didn't know that that's really cool yeah not many people played it so all the choices are really close uh we showed zara that there was hope in the world i think that was the right choice really like a really good choice oh 50 50 on took pity on romeo and pulled him out of the void i think his um his ending would have been the same no matter what you led with empathy and protected your friends no matter the cost see i'm a nice guy and this game proves it what advice did you give jack play it cool okay that everything's like 50 50. so i guess like no one's played this yet so you can choose what was that one before did you confront the admin oh yes you could just like attack him instead i wonder what happened different then and then 51 so most people have chosen to leave so far and that's it there was i'm actually pretty surprised it didn't give you any kind of indication whatsoever whether there would be a season three because before there was obviously going to be a season three but this time there there's no indication whatsoever none at all i buy another season i mean by season three i met another season um wow wow wow wow we're done here we're actually done here story mode season two almost said season three story mode season two is dunzo it was good you know what i'm glad it was like a way more positive ending because the ending to season one was really sad like crazy sad we saved the world but bad things happened poor poor little pork chop oh man reuben bless his soul he was kind of in like the beginning of this anyway but guys that is going to be the end of the stream this video and this series so far of course if they do release another season i will be the first person on it as always thanks for sharing this opportunity with me to play this game with you guys because i'm glad i was allowed to i was able to involve you guys in all the choices and stuff like that especially that last one because that was a tough one yeah guys let me switch back to my big old face there we go i just want to thank you again for hanging out with me we are only uh let me point to it 10 000 subscribers away from 17 million which is mad so if you're brand new to the channel we haven't subbed yet then please do hit that subscribe button that would be greatly greatly appreciated leave a like if you enjoyed whether you're watching live or you're watching afterwards i hope you have enjoyed this it has been amazing and i will see you next time i don't know what will happen with this game i'm kind of hoping they make another one but it's also a very very nice end to this series so i don't know it's up to them and you'll be the first to know whether it does so guys thank you again so much for watching you are the best have an amazing day and good bye see you later guys bye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,117,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, minecraft story mode, dantdm minecraft story mode, dantdm story mode, story mode dantdm, minecraft story mode dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, dantdm funny, minecraft story mode season 2
Id: fKkNw9PWXcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 36sec (5436 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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