FIREBALL MARIO!!! (Super Mario Odyssey #5)

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hey guys how's it going welcome back to another stream or YouTube video depending on when you're watching this but welcome back most importantly just super mario odyssey I am so excited every day to play this game I can swat a moon at the top which I think we tried to get last time not 100% sure I think we did and you know what Mario is looking a sweltering right now because we just arrived at this brand new location I can't remember what it was called the seaside Kingdom Bubba Lane and we have oh geez why is there four places to have a look at is there a reason for that I don't even know but let's get out of here we need to head most importantly to that little guy over there and there's also this one over here so where do you want to go first what do you wanna go first I'm gonna go to the yellow ones it looks like it might be the easiest one to get to and let's see how much we can get done today I swear I just saw yet right there what oh geez okay yeah probably should've done that probably should not have done that come on down okay go we get a dog what are you doing to me get out of here geez I'm gonna get killed all over the place what is that you see that I'm so weird I look at these guys there's no beach volleyball into the monster situation is resolved I wonder if that's a minigame that would be amazing hey guys sounds good I'll have an 8 a fantastic a day I am just about to have an even better one because I'm playing Super Mario Odyssey I just go over here right over here actually what did he just say with every slurp our Sparkle water drains away so I'm guessing this is not Bowser's doing I don't really know right let's do this here we go he's gonna serve some hats I love all the crazy cap people because they just have hats that are just towering above their head especially if there are snail fabulous new products goods Oh pirate yah we got the pirate outfit I'm actually gonna buy the pirate hat I'm not gonna buy the outfit because I think there's another one that could suit better with the pirate eyes awesome and then I'm gonna buy the moon as well give me this movement I didn't see actually how many moons we need for this try to get all the outfits yeah I am trying to I am trying to that's some of my that's some of the best parts on here Mario you look ridiculous at the moment buddy and we actually only need um we only need 10 from this which is quite interesting too you only need 10 moons right I'm gonna make my way because I have 6 shells I'm going to quickly make my way over to the oh wait got distractions how on earth do I get this - I just swim what what what how do you get that there must be a way to go faster are there any of those rocket things around there is a rocket thing right there can you see it where I'm gonna do this quickly I don't Mario's swimming around in his um I don't even know what to call this big old winter jacket for too long I need to make sure you know we were comfortable but we need to get to the purple lat forest looking thing where is it right over there okay we need to make our way over there but first let's do this here we go I need to just go straight forwards I'm not gonna touch it there we go that was magical absolutely magical haha all right let's get this power moon and then we're already down to just eight that we need but I need to give Mary a little bit of a different look can we go oh my gosh look at those things these things look insane I can't even do anything to them I'm gonna swim over here it's gonna take forever if I need to get over to this purple guy why is it taking so long I need to fight oh it's got these things everywhere you see these power flowers I'm gonna call them these rocket flowers they're everywhere so this is what makes you run on water so cool I told you Mario wants to be Sonic I know you I know your secrets Mario he definitely wants to be Sonic right let's jump on this bad boy here let's see what we can get from this guy but I'm feeling I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you no come back come back hello I've accidentally killed this snail I need to buy things from you I'm so sorry welcome aboard right the resort hats the resort outfits I always like to say that as well I like the Sanja to these last things if you didn't know the artifacts going two hour into the Odyssey I like the pirate hat should we get the resort outfit but to get the resort outfit I need to gather a few more of these things so for now I can't even change out of the jacket right now but until I buy something else wait a second there's a flipping moon under there the Flum there's a moon right here and why is no why you hurting me get out of here I didn't even spot you guys there's a moon underneath this laparis coming up I need it I need it I need it how close to I used to get there we go get the pie outfit or the resort outfit you guys need to choose I don't know what you guys want to choose but I will check the chat in a second oh there's a chest over here what's under there oh it's just one of these that's fine we needed that anyway because you keep getting hit by stuff need to grab this checkpoint to Mario there we go what do you want pirate pirate oh my goodness those of you on the pirate outfit okay okay that's what we're gonna go with then just go and grab that pirate outfit is the easiest to notice easier to swim what is that thing what are these stuck in the bubbles oh okay you are octopus I'm getting out of here no no no definitely not what have you got to say sir that button is the key to restoring our precious fountains okay we need to work out how to do that whoever plugged up the fountains wasn't messing around there's a moon up there as well I don't know I'm supposed to get these moons that are so high up there's got to be another ability or something around but you guys really really want me to go and get the pirate outfit so I'm gonna do that right now and that's good because we've already got we haven't really got that many purple coins to spend right let's grab this 150 absolute bargain I'll bite your hand off buddy change now as well because we definitely don't want to be in that puffer jacket how are we looking guys I want to see it I want to see it there we go oh he's got the eye patch on it everything oh that's awesome good fits guys good outfits the court cries out for sweet sweet volleyball it does I can't get rid of that though I'm sorry can I Clow these ones right let's go and see what we need to do I need to gather well I need to pop all of those like glass jars but I'm not actually sure how to get up there there's got to be a way let's see what happens if we go across this way it kind of looks like Mario is wearing a dress in a weird way but hey I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be mean to pirates cause otherwise I'm gonna be in big trouble aren't I God Mary keep going buddy yeah there we go all right there must be up here see how we get up there good choice on the Marriot am the pirate outfit though guys I am liking it a lot oh we want to go in here just in case we do want to buy the resort outfit we're gonna need those to enter the lighthouse you must go a bit further ahead well like this way or backwards do we have to go down those ah I see it's kind of like a dungeon we need to go through those jump through the hole in the world which he seems to be doing whoops all the time on this playthrough definitely want to get these though oh my goodness I'm so bad at this let's just grab them this way Oh Mary are you doing all these crazy flips I can't even control how I did I just use oh man how did I just lose three hearts on that the Talon down here is quite long only a fish could make it all the way okay so I have to become one of those fish decor in the lighthouse from his first dive down it says under what the tunnel so I'm guessing I might need to become one of the cheap fish maybe not a hundred percent sure I swear I just saw a a checkpoint around here where was it it definitely was one or is it down here I was down there let's grab that just so we can get round here a little bit easier there are cheep cheeps down here as well I'm pretty sure that's what they're called isn't it the cheap cheap fish right the ocean trench under water is so difficult without them there we go bum bum bum bum ah ah they look so funny this is the most hilarious fish ever right let's go I think we can go online with these things yeah we can definitely go on land here we go the strange in the middle right mr. chief chief we're going down buddy there we go ha ha I don't know if we did need it we might have done I don't really know but hey oh we definitely I'm not actually changed into a fish that's interesting I didn't need it I look the cheep cheeps have lights I know that that's pretty cool that's a talent right there there's glass tease out the way we just need to oh my goodness okay yeah we need to get rid of those eels ha ha ha can we hit them they look like the ones from Super Mario 64 if you guys have seen that before they look exactly the same yet we definitely can't hit them okay let's let's not do that again I'm just out on the lookout for these purple coins and power moons that's all up that's all I've come here for but I think we're gonna have to do a few of these underwater trials to get all of these switches pressed so we're gonna have to do that oh my goodness this is terrifying absolutely terrifying he could eat me in one shot it's blast all these out the way as well right hello friends how are you we definitely could not have done that as Mario that would've been insane is this the lighthouse I think this might be the lighthouse here we go I don't think I need to be a fish anymore I think this world's actually gonna be quite quick I can remember the other one the other world is after this I can't actually remember but I'm sure we'll find out ah yes I mean get the we get the check points for up here too right let's see what happens when we press this button I'm gonna guess this some kind of you know some kind of projectile fired which would be good and if we get four moons that means we'll be over halfway when we're done here there we go beautiful right this crack this and I think yesterday we figured out the way over halfway through the game which is pretty cool yo that is a projectile right on his bald head ow he try all you want I will never surrender the delicious Sparkle water oh my goodness he's grown hair he's grown some kind of angry hair is this gonna be like a four-stage boss battle always mad now three fountains left let's hop to it let's now I need to figure out how to get on that one because that one doesn't have a lighthouse actually did none of them have a lighthouse that's kind of weird what a dive Mario that was absolutely beautiful that was amazing did you see that dive how great was that so amazing let's have a look at the whole place so we can go we can definitely get up there but there's lava in the way there's one up there which I'm sure we can get to somehow this guy is just popping off these crazy spikes what are you doing buddy are you okay the giant angry octopus and then we've got this one no actually sure how you get up I think you might have to scale the side but we're gonna find out we're gonna go over to this other one first let's say go right Mario stop stop there we go we need this one there we go get these coins you never know what kind of outfits we're gonna need to buy next buddy right how are we gonna do this we've got lots of all these guys yeah those guys can get the the lava out the way that's cool but do I desperately need them I'm not quite sure maybe we can spray water yeah I'm pretty sure that's how you do it but how do we get across this bits oh wait can we overtake them I have even tried that yeah why haven't I tried that let's see this is a cool hot spring though I like it I'm gonna grab you we can okay sweet hold why to jet forwards yeah these are awesome I keep forgetting that you can just kind of take over every enemy you like see I can kill you first buddy I'm higher than you be to jet upwards whoa okay okay this is a little bit crazy I'm liking it though I like that a lot actually woah woah okay these guys propel themselves when they what happens what happens are you okay yeah oh no it's turned into some black sludge you gonna need some water but that's so creepy where I could overtake you instead come here I need your help that was insane okay I'm just gonna use this guy to get over here I don't know if we actually need more water than that because the moon is right here how do you actually how do we open this do we have to grab that I swear the moon was just here it's right on there Oh is there gonna be something in the pool maybe I thing is crazy though right see what happens ah there's a pool of water in there did we do it no I swear I just saw something explode though come on buddy get in the water you're okay you're gonna be fine you're gonna be fine you may have just hit that but it's okay whoa whoa okay I did not expect this to be a pool of water would just love a chillin on top that's pretty insane all right let's grab some of these hot springs are so nice and warm they certainly are even when you're in a pirate outfit buddy all right let's grab this shall we there we go I wish I could grab the moons with the hat that would make so much more sense is there audio lag they shouldn't be it should be fine let me just click like they shouldn't be it should be fine I don't know if I can check it's fine I'm just gonna have to deal with it see you guys there we go it's really lagging that must be that's not me that's just to do with YouTube sometimes it just freaks out and I don't know why so if there's lag I'm sorry it's not my fault from my end I've done everything I can to avoid it hopefully all is good Wow get that get that right in the heads you great lava Beast excellent work just two fountains to go right oh look at this we jump into this do you reckon let's see if we can make it nope Oh oh yeah we did make it it could probably launch us if it was stronger that would be cool look up Mauro just inside the fountain crazy man right we need to head over to here I am gonna teleport just who's gonna be much faster than walking or swimming you've beaten the obstacle octopus okay I need to do that next but I need to get these fountains first and we're already on five moons which is pretty decent and I've kind of seen loads of them that have been just hovering around the secret ones maro does look good as a pirate my goodness these guys kind of look good as pirates too I am your master do not kill me they're gonna do it anyway I need this checkpoint back there we go rolling Canyon okay I'm guessing there's gonna be one up here you cannot see the magic of this place without all four fountains are okay so we might need to be getting some other things unlocked before we can get to some of the higher the higher light moons but we're all okay stop doing that buddy I'm gonna get up here so he doesn't hit me there we go what does this guy say hey sir what does it say I try to get the power moon in there but alas I'm not fleet on foot and could not outrun the danger maybe we might need one of those goombas for that but I'm not too sure just bought some more purple coins down here where is the next one it's up there but I'm not quite sure how we're gonna get up there maybe we just need to go up that that rolling passage let's have a look no I can't get up there I need to get right up there how would you reckon we do that guys do we need there's a patch of water here to get through the canyon I'm gonna go through the canyon and see what happens see if we can do it oh these things are crazy very crazy we might need one of those things that we used earlier those octopuses to get up there because there's just because there's water there which means you could refill if you wanted to oh oh oh she scarpered whoops I forgot about that I could get a moon up there as well I'm so sorry we did a moon last time that involves like the Cooper's falling in love and I could have done it crazy these things are absolutely crazy let's grab that man this is actually terrifying right because some more purples similar there's these pools of water everywhere and with these pools of water we can refill the octopuses octopi not really sure what to call them I think that octopi right let's kill all these boxes come on Mario whip it whip it whip it whip it pirate Mario there we go call loads of coins back we've almost made like our money back which is cool alright give me this that is is this oh it this is the top okay that makes sense that makes sense let's just grab this button we just needed to go up the canyon so there's one more I need to find but that one is definitely in the middle of nowhere it's just on that top left part I'm not quite sure how to get there but I'm sure about to find out so they ugliest octopus in the world let's go down this way oh I love our married as a dive that's kind of like Mario 64 as well I know I'm always talking about Mario 64 but it truly is one of the best games ever Bowser Prince oh it has been here huh right I think there's a way we can do this if we get the octopus that's what I'm gonna say let's try it I don't know how high we could go know what's gonna hit you not you hit me there we go we just oh yeah okay these do flick up straight into the air I didn't even realize how high they go look at this these guys are crazy then we just go up here and we're done easy mode easy mode the stone pillar seal I like Mario's eyepatch I wish you could just keep the eye patch on at all times that would be great and now I guess we're gonna do a boss battle so we've got another moon and hopefully we'll get a multi moon after this as well will we get a multi moon if we do we've completed it already which is insane progress Garak bunk I'm sure Bowser's here at some point oh that actually kills him does it no no definitely doesn't oh I think we're gonna have to octopus his heads with their like the hydro pump attack time to take back the sparkle water okay how are we gonna do this oh geez he's definitely mad he is definitely mad okay we're gonna have to go down I think we're going to be able to grab an octopus and then do it that way come here buddy I mean it don't be oh my goodness he's blowing them up why would you blow them up those are your those your family don't blow them up don't blow them up don't blow it up no it's gonna explode it's gonna explode I'm gonna go over this way your friends are working against me let's see how we can do this I am guessing we need to get onto that guy's head so I'm gonna go these aren't really that fast though and they can't really dodge the sea mines that well how am I gonna get onto your head buddy oh wow that hit me are you kidding me what's wrong with you may lg's have died I don't know how I'm gonna do that was my chance of getting the moon a high you can press Y while boosting okay let me try that next let's see what happens I'm gonna do a little practice run here so a why ah there we go perfect that's how we do it thanks guys and this is how you make it faster I completely forgot about that I don't know why it's like the best part of this guy right here we go let's go up refill go up and then across look what I got him got him and pull out his weird bald heads ha ha that was great I love that Hey look at him spin around so we have - oh jeez no no don't hit me don't hit me I've just realized what was going on I was trying to figure out how I get on his head to do it like a ground-and-pound but that's not I was supposed to do all right what can we do now I feel like we're gonna have to get on his head again but to ground-and-pound it this time is that how we're gonna do this watching out for the mines watching out for this there we go thanks for your help by the way guys I would take an ages to figure that out not doing too well the hell for an mi come on come on come on don't get by that don't run out of water either come on is so fast so fast I'm gonna run out yeah I run out so quick This Is It this is it yeah there we go got him look Barry was like inside his head at some point and I died why why why have I died do I have to start that again now I do oh man that was such a noob mistake I've failed you guys come here buddy right we know how to do this properly now I didn't realize you had to go on his head for the second bit look at this this is so cool right let's cool off pull off your brain you're getting too ahead of yourself zoom around here I think he comes around this way so this might be the best way to go this is the coolest little little character ever okay he's not gonna come around this way we're gonna have to meet him around there well maybe is little pun there we go here we go oh I missed I just missed that's annoying it's really hard to aim for his head because he doesn't stop he just keeps on going which I guess is because he doesn't want to get hit it makes sense no Mario you meant it I tried to do the homing attack where did it work all right here we go attempt number 503 here we go we've got this we can do this wow that was close do we have to wait for him to stop maybe we do maybe we do maybe we don't know we don't okay guys keep on getting him definitely not okay I should not done that quick I need another squid do not hit me buddy do not hit me there we go that's how you use the homing attack this guy's destroying all of his like oh what was that I have no idea what that was oh my goodness look at that he's like throwing out these spiky shells he's a menace a crazy menace whoa okay that's a new thing I didn't know you could do that either right we're going in it looks like he's not gonna stop this so I'm gonna go in and just stomp on his head come here octopus you have the finest mustache I've ever seen but I am gonna destroy you yes got him is that it yes finally we got him oh my goodness his head exploded did you see how far that swelled are you kidding me that was insane that was hilarious we actually did that pretty quickly here we go walk in the middle grab the multi moon and we're actually done here guys which does mean we can visit another outfit store which is crazy because we've already just changed into the pirate but the more outfits the better I say definitely now we're gonna see if this place changes somewhat because they said the magic of this is being blocked by the water so let's see if it changes a lot of the worlds we've been in the kingdoms have actually changed Mara is feeling good about himself I like the pirate oh there we go what a pretty sunset it's so nice the fountains and the sparkle water our back but it doesn't seem like I'm og Bowser's in this kingdom anymore shall we head to the next I guess we could I just want to see if this will fire me away let me see if this happens you've got enough power mines are all goods let's see what happens whoa okay yeah that definitely works it's like a crazy theme park there's something down here as well what is it is it just it's one of those portals let's go through it and see what happens I think this is the one we went to before I'm pretty sure like the water one go pirate Mario you got this buddy where are you add into the lake King and yeah that's why men and a power moon in there okay that's a moon from before we don't actually need that one but we'll take it there you go here's a nice little shiny moon I wonder if this one will adds to the other one though hello I want to go back can I go back there we go I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get back then not even scary I don't know if you have to go back yeah the more the more outfits the merrier see you guys no you guys definitely no I don't know if we're gonna have a choice for the next one because we chose between snow and seaside this time but let's warp ourselves back to crow walk hello let's warp ourselves back to the Odyssey and let's get out of here we can always revisit these later on if we need to but I think we've got all the power moons we need guys there we go boom so we'll have to 113 but if it counts the other one 114 what does it add up to I'm have to go back to the other world to add it to the Odyssey 130 yes so we need to go back to the other world so there's another world before that in the sand kingdom that we need to get me to claim a moon as well here we go I wonder if we're gonna be able to visit the moon that would be insane have we got a choice or do we just go on the luncheon Kingdom Bowser can't run forever is this a whole world about food if so this is gonna be the best one ever so in the seaside king of Noah 52 the luncheon kingdom there's 52 as well let's do this unfortunately there is no choice otherwise I would have given it to you up up and away I think we've already got three kingdoms left that's my theory I'm pretty sure because then that completes the whole like balloon of the Odyssey I think just notice the Odyssey is losing some of its colour as well which is a little bit weird you know why it's done that it's been a bit battered and bruised I think we're doing okay though we got we need to collect more artifacts actually but it seems to be that because I collect the the purple coins near the end of the world I just jump out and go to a different Kingdom alright here it is we should be we should read up on the luncheon Kingdom next it says here this country is famous for using a volcano to prepare a dish called the stupendous stew let me guess Bowser wants that for his wedding right he's gonna steal the food as well absolute Punk but hey I'm excited to go through a world made out of food that's gonna be amazing look at that not Volpone oh it's actually got a giant chicken and a giant pot of stew you above the volcano I am looking forward to seeing what outfits we can get hey guys the brudos are off with some cooking the Brittles are so weak summer thetic we can kill them all right okay let's see where the hat shop is that's the most important thing it's past the boss fight okay looks like we're gonna have to try that out first put jelly beans everywhere we've got Cooper's with chef hats on this is a great place this is a great place to be there's tomatoes that explodes fantastic oh actually we can it take hold of these I think I'm pretty sure we can transform into those there we go I don't know why you'd want to but we can they jump pretty high you just go up here sweet is that straight to where we need to be it pretty much is okay I am going to just quickly somersault on here Assassin's Creed style and just see what on earth is going on is this pure sugar that's incredible that's a lot of sugar right there let's see what's over here ah hello sir how are you I've seen you before he keeps stealing my hat for some reason and he's gonna steal it again right I love the color of these moons oh my goodness it's like my favorite moon color so far look at this it's like a really light shiny blue it's great time a challenge one though oh jeez no any my hat back give me thank you right I'm gonna head over and do the brutal fight first just because I guess what do you want to see what kind of hats and outfits we get for this land would be help if we could find some coins there's some over there but I don't think and we have to get them yet actually I might be able to nope oh I made it yes I'm learning I finally learned after hours of playing this game how to actually control Mario Hey look they're 3d apples that's kind of cool is that a moon up there it is let's go and get that one too it's two moons down we need 18 moons on this one guys so it's a little bit of a larger a larger ask but there is a boss battle usually with the larger asks there's like a mission and a boss battle whereas before actually there was a mission and a boss battle there as well Wow it's salts I'd prefer if it was sugar that'd be great all right let's get back to where we're supposed to be and then oh my goodness almost fell off and then we can go ahead and do the boss fight I'm hoping for this one boss fight and then some shopping that should just be how everyone lives their life right here we go how many are left there's three of them so we need to feed them twice the foul one just disappeared with the golden chain chomp which I'm not complaining about but looks like we got three boss battles to go which makes sense if we only got three kingdoms to go that's what I'm saying we stole a whole boatload of this places upender stew you for the boss's wedding but I'm gonna head back up to the volcano to finish off that's to you after I'm done with you I don't think so I've got rid of one fat rabbit I can get rid of another one I'm about to destroy you sir oh no it's this guy we had some troubles with this guy last time he's such a punk right let me hit you there we go perfect so these boss battles kind of just stay the same they just kind of rank up in difficulty a little bit go away go away kick the jelly beans I think they're jelly beans anyway go away at least I could knock him out the way if he gets near me can you stop now that would be great stop stop this poison is outrageous I always struggle with a poison you know that guy's right let's try and get this guy he's gonna be sick again where is it gonna go oh my goodness whoa okay I jumped in the poison that was stupids there we go got him what yeah there we go it erases all the poison as well just kids whoa this butt is nuts he is revealing all these hearts though which is also giving me coins I just waiting to like stop doing this let's go round there we go that's much better get in before you sick get in before he's sick this is the last one it doesn't matter if I take a hit come on I told you I get him I got the fat rabbit there we go it's poisonous paint it's also weird that the poison is coming out of his mouth because that means he's eaten a lot of poison a little bit weird but hey let's grab this and let's go to the shop cause the only guy in front of us in between us in the shop the brothels are after some cook here we got 15 to go guys right Mario let's get to that shop let's spend some of your hard-earned cash another cheese rocks oh my god it says rocks made our cheese I would eat those up in a second that actually is there was no joke they got guys throwing frying pans instead of the hammers which i think is on the thumbnail of this stream the hammer bros throwing firing no they're throwing cardi was there they're throwing frying pans there we go what is this it's like a pretty important lever oh it's not even a lever it's a fork I see that's amazing oh my what's that smell delicious as long it's not a bad smell look how cute these guys are I love all the pendulums oh my goodness the forks talk big welcome to Mount Volpone Oh home of the hugest flavors anywhere I'd show you around but things are kind of on fire right now well that's never a good time is it when things are on fire look at these giant tomatoes or tomatoes depending where you're from in the world but here in the UK we call them Tomatoes right how do I go over there there's some Purple's definitely not that way I don't wanna go in the poison there's more poison down here which I am NOT a fan of hello sir how are you you don't like you having a great time actually I know you kind of like you need to go to the bathroom who is that that that bird up there I shot out of nowhere and took over our stewpot oh that's not even supposed to be here just when we're making more of our specials - bender stew - everyone was getting ready to dig in looks like that birds asking for like steak or something which is a little bit weird right I just want to get that pigs I saw some Purple's can we do this we can't but I'm gonna grab these thank you sir right there's an arcade as well as Ben get a moon from that kick these jelly beans I think that's candy corn actually there it goes right oh no this is lox why this here is a place where chefs come dressed to cook no matter how you slice it you're not oh I get to dress as a chef I hope so anyway let's go into the purple store first I should be able to buy at least one thing that's worth which is usually the hat lets out like oh it's both of them welcome welcome how you doing chef at painters cap we got souvenir forks a vegetable plate and a sticker right guys we're gonna have to make a decision should we do painter chef or let's see what other ones we've got here see if we've got any new ones or clown painter chef or clown go you need to find you need to say what you what you want here I'm gonna buy this moon in the meantime painter chef or clown Lowe's you guys are saying chef like tons of you okay I guess that means we do get to unlock that door which is good chef it is thank you for your input guys we will buy the clown outfit at one point as well I've just realized I need 15 coins to get this let me just grab this let's put this on anyways we're gonna look amazing there we go I wonder if this will allow us to go in the in the thing look at how that looks slow weird right I need I need six more purple coins let's go and grab those and then I can buy the full outfit there must be some beyond here right come on show me the purple coins show me the purple coins okay show me the moon that's fine you're gonna get you gonna go out there are you that's not fair is it why would you do that it's really unfair moon how do I get up there hey there's three coins though why call them coins they're like apples oh there's the other three right we've got this already ah that was easy I just need to figure out how to get that moon though whoa Mario you need to stop doing these freaky moves dude where is the moon's up ah there we go we have to just pick ourselves up there that's fine I just want to knock these down just cuz I seen them Kapow oh my goodness that was nuts I think we need to go to the the slots as well just because we do there we go ping give me that moon thank you sir right we can buy the chef's outfit now that's perfect what did you say you said something to me slacking off no way of course you're not right let's go and buy that Chef outfit that was quicker than I thought it's gonna be and then we can go into the into that secret door which I'm excited about I wonder where they're keeping just four chefs or I need to speak to you sir I would like your finest chef soup thank you I would definitely change now I've already got it I know I know I know there's so many cool outfits in this game guys so many I want to buy them all look at him looking fabu looking so fabulous Mario what a what an absolute dude okay let's see if we are allowed in here now what is it like when we throw it does it like a chef's hat still it does it's so cool I love that little such can I go in please sir this is where dress where chefs come dressed to cook and hey hey you got the clothes in the Hat come on right in let's see is this a chef minigame would be amazing Oh something else is happening this guy's gonna explain we've got this pot on a good simmer Reeb rings out the flavor but you know what could be better a little hotter that'll do it but I just can't get any more heat from that lava okay nothing worse than a soso simmer I think I'm gonna need this guy thank you right how are we gonna do this there's lots of crazy tomorrow's up there do we need to just jump in the pot ourselves do we oh we do okay there's our moon thanks for the moon guys simples just dress as a fireball and you can make the perfect soup I mean I will take that on board next time I'm cooking all right what do we need to do next these these like tomatoes are crazy no no no no that's run let's run no no no I can't even I can't even avoid them I can't even avoid them what's going on how do I get up there please stop doing that please stop doing that tomato oh my goodness I can't even see I'm like in first person mode somehow hello I need some help desperately there must be a way to get the flame up here I did not mean to do that I knew that was gonna happen I know you can dab on them I don't think so that's against the law now guys remember all right I'm gonna transform into this maybe there's like a special attack we can do no there's definitely not a special attack we can do um oh can we jump on these no we can oh we can yes we can I see I don't know why I just walked on there that was stupid stop it's not Mary oh stop your butt is on fire what come on come on I need to just grab one of these right so we can actually like go on this because it's molten and hot I just need to jump on the tomatoes it's cool when you learn the techniques like it really is super cool the way they do everything right it's go down here there we go that's much better here we go another simmer boom getting the soup or stew I don't really know see you just get the power moon's doing good cooking get some power moons and that ahead of us looks like a wall made of food this whole land is made of food and is beautiful let's put it that way look at this massive pumpkin as well it looks like or a massive Apple yep I'm out this way thank you well that goes to power moons just being dressed as a chef and we've got our lifes back as well which is perfect right I'm gonna go to the slots quick which I you believe are just behind here cos you will be ruined don't worry I'll save the day eventually guys I just need to you know gamble just a little bit but it's for the greater good there's moons in here oh that's five of them as well I knew there would be yes please let me grab one of those beautifully colored power moons so it's after the Reds Oh can I do it this way you reckon or is this I'm gonna try it I reckon we could do it it's after the normal heart oh geez I did completely mess that up here we go after the red hearts yeah we can do more than one at a time how do I not do that before after the red hearts wrong way completely wrong way good job Mario no the other one moves beforehand no I'm sorry do it quicker and I ended up doing it slower good job well done let's all clap for me clap for dantdm good job buddy rice rice again so after the red hearts yeah there we go right let's do these ones separately this time there we go and this one as well yeah we go everyone's clapping luckily emojis that's hilarious give me this moon I deserve it I'm also gonna do the one for the coins just because it kind of boosts our coins like crazy and cuz there's five of them it might give us more we wrap our me so it's eight hundred and eight actually seven nine eight is what we're on right now we want to get the coins and see what happens so after the big heart grab those let's see how many we get last time I believe we got like 40 I'm pretty sure anyway there we go how many do we get this time seven nine eight up to I think it could be 40 again sir eight three eight so yeah 40 coins every time you do it that's pretty good so if you want to kind of earn those costumes and that money a lot quicker just go to the slots and do the coins every time it'll be quite tedious but get you a lot of stuff like a lot of coins quite quickly right what are we doing now we are going to grab these because I want them hello I found the pirate tell me where one of the moons is crossing to the magma okay I feel like I need to be one of those fireballs for a little bit but I can't see any out here there's one what are you saying what's that see that slab of meat sure you do but that bird hasn't not yet don't know what he's waiting for when he sees it though that birds gonna make off with our meat - bet you anything he does so do I need to like protect the meat climbing the mountains to be a piece of cake but the paths up to our stupa has crumbled to pieces there's no way up there now not unless you can sprout wings or I'll hitch a ride with a flappy type interesting I think I'm just gonna become a fireball instead there we go just what is this though is it like treacle is it custard I mean it's hot so it could be custards that would be pretty nice can we jump over here do I want to jump over here I think I do I just want to grab this just so I can go back here if I need to this is cool though I like being the fireball we can dash around we can jump really high I remember an artifact reminds me if I forget to buy an artifact on the way back even if it's just the five one just because I really want to grab one our Odyssey is really empty considering we're quite far through the game we haven't actually collected that many artifacts my Moon senses are tingling I feel like there's a moon down here is there a moon pretty sure this is a dead ends yeah but there could also be a moon you never know are you sure there's no moon oh man it's just purple Queens well that means that we can have forward our you can afford at least one artifact before we go back dang dead ends I really thought that was gonna be a moon this time maybe not right can we explode those boxes do you reckon let's have a look this big old box right here I'm gonna guess we can well the bets here we go I missed I completely missed that was an idiotic move let's try that again I missed again are you are you for real Mario come on now let's try this properly No maybe we can't explode this I thought we'd definitely be able to explode this that's why it's here right nope maybe not okay come on I need your assistance again where else can we go we've got the boss but what to do which will get us three moons and then we've got seven more to get so I seem to be a lot better at finding the purple coins rather than the moons right now hey I've got a lot more to explore so I'm all good and as well as like a hundred purple coins on every single level which is actually pretty crazy considering how small the levels are ah there we go there's a hat door over there we can go there man you're hungry but you have to watch can you eat and watch at the same time I mean I reckon I could I could probably eat and stream at the same time so I'm sure you guys can do that right please give me some moons we've got some Forks perfect see that homing attack usage guys beautiful right what do we got here looks like we're going up for them Purple's I like I like I'm gonna go up there okay that's quite a cool mechanic I like that a lot which one do we want to hit this time let's go laughs okay I don't think left was the right one well maybe it was maybe you can just do this yeah there we go then we can just do note that way are the way Mario Mario chill it shut it out no your very own oh you want to go the other way buddy Mario sort out there we go why are you not doing this right okay I need to get my homing attack down I don't know why this is making so much difficulty for me there we go can we homing attack these though is that the problem I don't know I've just kind of jumped on them instead let's do that that seems to work there we go that's much better right where to next let's go this way there we go made it to the power moon that's what I'm talking about we just need to really get up to a multi moon and then we're good to go I can't believe we're actually getting through this quite quickly I mean if you go ahead and see all of the moons and try and get every single one that's gonna take you a lot of time but it seems like the story might actually be pretty short which is weird there we go all right where should we head to next I'm guessing we need to go up here to try and make my way up there but okay this guy jumps really really high look at this this is pretty cool like candy fountains this is actually really hard like really difficult to aim I've got my coins though I actually don't need anything else I just wanted the coins actually maybe I did I needed to get out there don't I or can I go I think see you anyway I don't think we can go up these okay we don't need to we can just do this but I can't get through not not skinny enough right looks like I'm gonna have to do some parkour I can't do normal parkour so fireball parkour is taking it to the next level oh we did it no I just didn't have enough momentum so unfair I don't know why I said it's unfair just means that I am NOT very good at what I'm doing there we go that's much better and here are the cheese rocks that's what I'm talking about how you doing sir there's the meat up there we need that meat to finish our stew but I'm sure that crazy bird is gonna go after it what's he covered with salt that's how we treat our meat before dropping into the stew extra tasty I'm sure it is buddy I'm sure it we got these guys can I can I over take these last time in that one of you I couldn't actually ever take you because someone stole my hat yeah there we go I can throw them why are they jumping all the time though why are they always jumping that's so weird why are you jumping I didn't tell you to oh that's how he moves that's so weird so weird right I need to try out what that guy is doing you ready are you ready ready to get chopped in ba ba ba ba ba rapid attack rapid attack you're gonna get destroyed that's crazy rocks made of cheese people throw in frying pans at each other did you expect anything else from Super Mario Odyssey I don't think you did I think I've got some Purple's there as well I literally can't see anything that I'm doing it's absolutely mental is there a moon in here I'm gonna guess there's a moon is there a moon is actually really hard to aim these things especially when you're flicking them so fast there we go let's get rid of this large bit of cheese there's a lever what does this lever do I think I need my hat to do it there we go I like it say he's got blue hair too lots of these mobs and characters and stuff they will have blue hair I appreciate you I'm gonna be you because I kind of like you oh man frying pan versus frying pan did you see that here we go power moon as a Koopa it'd be funny if they stayed in that forum that'd be really funny yeah I know you can get the Super Mario 64 look which is really really nice but I don't know how to get it we must be able to get it at some point I don't know if it depends on how many coins you've collected how far gate through the game you get a Torino being part of the volcano dive in I don't know we've got to do to that bird kind of reminds me of the birding cuphead which is a little bit terrifying right tomatoes you are scaring me I don't think I've ever said that before there we go right coming mr. tomato I need your assistance please but then this okay I got this I got this - and jump boys - and jump uh where do I need to go next though what is this that looks a little bit weird okay we can light it on fire Mario you supposed to be in the fire there buddy I don't think you're supposed to be he doesn't even care yeah he gets hit by the flames but does not get hit by this one look at him oh maybe he does what I did not mean to do that Marriott Marriott mara mara calm down what have I done to you buddy I'm so sorry kind of you actually look a little bit awesome and now your hats fresh oh man I'm always burning Mario throwing him into poison I don't know why he still works with me guys right let's pop this right here I need to get this tomato as well there we go and there is a purple coin up there but actually do I need that I think I need it let's go yeah I got it perfect what else is there to do up here I can get up that way but I don't if I need to there's also these guys too which are a little bit crazy well okay you can definitely step back oh my goodness no stop stop stop stop slightly stop I like your hair but I'm gonna get you out of here geez alright we need to find a couple more moons because by the time we get to the boss we're gonna need some all there's another hat perfect are there's cheese around here as well I kind of needed that guy we can get him back in a second it doesn't really matter right here we go oh man look at this this is like flame parkour again I just need to not rush it and I'll be fine yeah actually it is way harder than it looks I promise you I didn't even need to do that I know I should have done that should not have done that I was stupid I tried to rush it I've already said to myself to stop rushing and I do it anyway let's try again shall we there we go keep bouncing around maybe you can't make that jump then I'm gonna go like this and just chill there we go Marriott school is a flame like really cool what is you next know that was bad that was really bad no why am i walking into the lava am i stupid I keep thinking that I'm uh I'm still a flame when I'm not so dumb alright what's up here this is so weird jumping in all this like purple pink custard what is under there it's like bubbling is there something under there there's just a moon is it all bubbling like that am I just seeing things I don't really know we're actually making such good progress today guys there's probably the quickest we've actually worked on a world the previous one was even quicker I think that might be in the quickest one right we need to take this very very carefully it doesn't look like here but the flame Mario moves really really swiftly it's mad I don't know why it took that risk alright let's go this way let's grab a little bit more of those purples because as soon as we actually when we collect these we'll be able to affords the highest one which is goods the highest um artifact I mean what else have we got around here nothing let's make this parkour jump this is gonna be risky it moves it actually moves here we go hot ah man that was rough I almost missed that one too that would have been so bad alright the moon's up there I don't think we need to be a flame anymore so I'm just gonna quit out of here boom completed in the magma narrow path now this is actually pretty challenging while Mario stop with the sideways somersaults I can do your normal somersaults but not your sideways guys not the sideways right I need to grab that Cooper real quick just to bring him down here because I have a feeling there's gonna be something oh is he there what are you doing sir I didn't even see him there absolute atrocity I keep losing all my coins I keep gaining let's try that again shall we I didn't even see him around the corner he's right there throwing these frying pans at me come here buddy face me like a man and then become let me become you there we go you almost hit me again well this guy can jump like crazy look at this good jump well quickly right you ready for another crazy frying pan yet I think so you can't actually aim them down why would I want this what is this hello no I don't want you I'm going to destroy you I want to know what this is hold and throw oh it's this but where can I put the golden radish I don't actually know where to put this I haven't seen have you guys seen anywhere to put this yet cuz I definitely have I missed a checkpoint over there as well didn't even realize I'm gonna go back to see if I can put this anywhere just while I have it hit the checkpoint as well where can I put the radish is it over there is it up here there is a moon up here we can go and grab this moon while figuring out what enough to do with the radish do you know where it was the chat is insane and it is on the slow mode though guys and try my best to keep it controlled I know I'm stuck down here now I need to throw it where was it try and kill the brown monster I don't know it's brown ones that you get talking about where is the place is it gonna be all the way back there because I kind of don't wanna go back there I'm gonna leave it here for now and then hopefully I'll be there when we come back I don't really need to do it right now I need to concentrate on other important matters whoa okay you guys change it up I've got to transform into a four could be right back we go here we go even more purples this might be the most Purple's we've got so far guys 46 in total we've spent some as well that's a lot right now we need to figure out one earth need to do of this meets because I'm a little bit worried that we don't actually know what we're doing but hey that's always the case with me so don't worry I would say you're in good hands but you're probably not here we go meet plateau where is the meet is that it that can't be it twitch what oh oh oh I see it was covered in salt I've transformed into a piece of meat what look of it just like a bouncing mario's of meat it's got mustache on it this giant birds gonna take it away that is absolutely crazy oh no he's gonna put me in the pot that might actually hurt quite a lot hello he's got you out he's dropping me in he's dropping me in I'm gonna die I'm gonna be cooked into a meal oh maybe not we're fine we're just gonna become a tiny little part of it I didn't think Mario could transform into so many things you know guys he's transformed into t-rexes tanks I mean you name it he's transformed into it oh my goodness I did not realize that Roald go this way little corn go this way there we go you know what I'm just gonna I'm gonna die it's fine it's absolutely fine just calm down Mario calm down buddy calm down take her take a ground pound and grab the multi moon my goodness he almost went absolutely crazy we did go crazy that's why we fell in mad man got a multi moon another multi moon do we have to fight this bird now because this bird's gonna be super mad at us I think we are oh he's blowing me away no put the pot down put the pot down this bird what is this Birds problem oh geez okay whoa there's the craziest volcano ever Mario what a shame that you're such a good chef I am the cascading magma so I put me all the way back to the start is that right is that what's happening here oh we have to go inside the volcano that would be a pretty awesome thing to yeah we plastered all the way back here that is one angry volcano it's still erupting okay right where are we now we did all this before did we do this before I don't feel like we've been this on this bit yet maybe it just brought us back to this bit and then we must have been because this is where the Odyssey is we need to go all the way up there okay I'm on it let's go oh yes we cut straight across there that's why it's were part everything and now I can't get back to the plaza oh who are you you're different oh you have fireballs perfect all right let's get you out of here let's light all of these I don't know what oh okay I was gonna say I don't know how many you're gonna need then they just they just literally allow me to get two that's fine right we only need one more and we've completed this world as well guys we're doing phenomenally well just as I fall in I mean that's fine I need a heart give me a heart I keep falling in and hurting myself while hurting Mario even there's a little love cooper over there where we could get the last magma from um magma the last heart from but I don't think I need it just yet where else do we need to go we need to go up there how do we get above the food the food's gone crazy I just need to get this I need to become this just lava there we go where can we say Q ah there we go oh maybe it's the dead end from before there's a way through Yair exactly so we can go over there as well I'm not sure actually we can do that right now just in case there's a moon but I feel like we haven't really done a boss fight or anything yet I'm pretty sure oh look at that should we go in that I just want to see what's gonna happen here we go go in go in there we go it's gonna explode us isn't it Lord B yo okay okay yep those definitely did not happen before but that is insane what happens if I go in this one does it send me back I think it does I wonder if we need to use it or not so I just bought some purples as well yeah wonder if we need to use that or whether we can just go around the other side let's have a quick look then we Karger on the other side we do actually need to go into the cannon comply where do we need to go afterwards looks like there's little marshmallows in here I don't think there is right can we go through here I just noticed a crack through the middle we need to get to that little like cave thing and then we should be able to get inside the volcano oh maybe not let's go in here there we go seeker hat door where's this we've got plants we've got poison we've got stuff that doesn't look that friendly at all and it looks like it's gonna keep on changing beautiful just make sure on the little bits and then we get right I need this thank you whoa okay yeah I knew I was gonna do that Mario chill chill chill I can't I can't deal with you when you're acting like this buddy there we go are there any other ones there's one there and there's one oh geez no do not do that there's one above this guy I'm not quite sure how to get that just duck just duck if in doubt just duck what oh my goodness get him jump on him and just chill took a lot of concentration I don't like those flowers at all they're so mean here we go here we go here we go here we go yes got it quite an extra moon that is absolutely the last moon that we need grab the moon and let's get out of here there we go float in and sink in why definitely did a lot of both of those in mind a lot of sinking as well there we go get in there this is actually like an incredible game guys I can't explain to you you guys know because you're tuning into the streams every day but this game is it's just so phenomenal so Goods careful there Mary oh geez right where do we need to next so we can go up we've done the Scarecrow Oh have we though this this is a new one okay maybe we haven't we have not used a key before either as well we've saw a key on a different level but oh wow okay I definitely definitely made this harder for myself I didn't realize they fell down there we go done it no needs time a challenge number to complete we're getting way more moons than we need this is perfect I'm giving these coins as well buster there we go right we can't get through there so we're definitely gonna need to be a little bit of that flame aren't we a little bit of magma Mario Mario the fireball well actually can we get across here yes we can okay I take it back we might not need to do that at all oh and if you recollect the purple coins you actually get normal coins back that's pretty interesting too all these coins are back to over a thousand after buying swimming outfits today okay maybe we do need to get back there we need to I'm gonna teleport to this if I teleport to here and then become flame ball Mario I should be okay flame ball fire ball who knows I have gotten you out for every stream I've done two new ones today we did a pirate and we're in the chef outfit at the moment it's looking pretty phenomenal so you've actually done two different outfits in one in one video today which is pretty pretty good it's right where you have to go up here come to it the old-fashioned slime way where can I go now I don't really need the coins right now so I'm just gonna hop into this volcano no this is a cannon which should hopefully send us to the volcano and I did just see a mini moon I know I call them mini moon so how many Purple's are here I take all of these thank you there we go I just spotted a music note as well and get another moon we're doing a really good job today that's a cool tune I like that they use the old-school mario tunes for these it's so cool oh I need to go up here as well what you definitely made that difficult for me I fell in as Mario I think have I died no I'm good okay I do I died they're not even horrific haha remote island in the lava I think that's our twentieth Moon for an 18 moon world that's pretty good I'm his fix all the spots to crack open but just my luck I can't walk in there without getting knocked to my melon wish someone could get the job done though wait what up uh there's literally melons or is that peppers I don't know but that's that's pretty crazy I'm gonna do this I could fix these cracks for you surf the crack fixing expert is here there any down here I think they're just up there so you to watch out for these peppers I thought there were melons just because he said melon I look at those gymnastics when you do the Mario moves properly they do just feel so fluid it's amazing alright I'm gonna grab myself this moon over here please and I just found another little painting like a secret one down there so I'm gonna do that as well 21 moons I don't know what the most moons we've got in one in one Kingdom is but within pretty well today this must be almost a records all right how's it going this is Becker Peach's castle have we been to Peach's castle yet that looks like the one from Nintendo 64 come chef Mario coming through I can skip this I'm gonna skip it I didn't realize I could give it oh my goodness what Yoshi's house Yoshi lives in a tree with a with a flipping pizza oven I mean what where am i oh maybe this is where we can get the Nintendo 64 outfit sorry I'm not home I have gone speeches Castle Yoshi Oh Yoshi however you said look at this giant tree though this is mad right okay let's do this I don't know what oh can I don't get over there can I get over there I don't think I can this is just like a viewpoint isn't it ah man it's teasing us it's actually teasing us with this world so you must be able to get here somehow ah that's so cool so cool is there no way I can get there though I would love to be able to I don't think there is because there's like no secrets around here is there any way to get over there do reckon guys I think we've just got yeah there's no checkpoints and stuff ah that's such a tease such a tease all right I'm gonna head back now it'll be awesome though then you must like visit it later on what console on I'm on Nintendo switch don't had to think about that but I am I'm on the Nintendo switch one of the best games consoles ever just the fact that you can play it like this like I'm playing on a TV right now obviously but you can also wait what's this hello you can also just play it wherever you like as well which is amazing yo look at this chef Mario looks amazing in this world and these are the hammer bros by the way guys these are the ones that have been replaced by the frying pans and they used to be kind of the the guys to go to when you had like a bonus level you had to defeat them all the time but you guys will know that you play Mario before the old ones anyway I love how they brother picks a lot of the chef Mario's too all the special Mario's have little pixel arts - that's so cute I need that I need the coins need the coins need the coins oh just got them all I almost risked my entire life for that just the way this wraps around the 3d environment is oh no I did not mean to do that whoops got the moon though it doesn't really matter beneath the rolling vegetables I got my health back that's fine there we go Mario I'm so so pleased that this is a thing we go in here - what is this oh no we do not jeez I'm such an idiot sometimes I just like mesmerize myself with how stupid I am right let's get this flame so completely gone off track I need to go round this way that's the only way to go isn't it which is is it possible I think it is yeah I'm pretty sure that's possible we just need to go up here and then round here somehow is there a flame though there's no flame okay we need to figure this out it's okay I enjoy a puzzle Archie don't you guys know that how do we get round there right let's do this let's ping ourselves up there must be a way for us to get hold of a flame there's a cannon oh there must be another cannon somewhere I'll be back here though weird very weird we go up here let's see what happens when we go all the way up whoa there's flowers up here okay I do not like you what no I hit you buddy I hate you I hate you with my ground-and-pound butt and you decide to do that to me I can't believe it and I you know what for a stream I haven't actually died that much today I've got a DS to the mound but not as much as I normally do they can kind of make up for it cuz I've got so many moons actually we can just go straight through this way we go straight through the middle here oh okay okay did not know you could do that so if you shake the joy corn it actually does like an attack yo it's guys Savage and that's how we must break the box you have to shake the thermo I was gonna say we mode but it's definitely not one of those okay tomorrow I need you know tomato know what I'm gonna try going up here while those bounce since when do they bounce that much I'm gonna try going up here and see if there's anything that can help us out I'm actually stuck for once what but giving them a hat back I missed give you out back there we go what's up here please help me out it's gonna be the stew I could have teleported but that's fine no more meet up here it's just the stew that's fine but I need I need some guidance I need to go over there I can go around this way maybe through there because all of the multicolored bits are the like they're the walls you miss the music no I didn't I got it cuz I got the moon I'm gonna run this way I must need to go up there I swear I knees go up there but how there's a moon up there can you see that there's like a slot maybe I need to be a fireball and then go through that little tunnel there I can see it now here we go Mario do a big jump from everybody save yourself and get out of here right there's a little like where's the passageway it's a passageway over there let me grab you no let me grab you this tomato is gonna destroy me there we go can we go into this we can oh this is just where these are I don't like you Mario I don't like you maybe we could blast through these no we definitely can't blast through those do you know why we need to go I need to be a fireball I am a fireball but I'm also a little bit stuck I know I need to be a fireball but for some reason I can't get roused oh geez oh geez oh geez careful careful careful watch out for the fireballs guys maybe if I travel back you can definitely go under there do I just need to go around that way is that the way I need to go do you guys know I'm always a fireball I know try the cannon I did try the cannon but there was another cannon there let's walk back to here because this is where I got to this is where I got distracted before I just need some assistance from the fireball maybe I'll get in the cannon again what is there another cannon around here maybe there might be a secret one have a look see oh there's a secret door though I like that see there's a cannon on the other side which means there must be another cannon somewhere else there's also a platform up there with a moon on it let's quickly see what this chump wants you can open the door for me no let me have my hat though are you little little punk little punk alright let's do this this will get us another moon which will mean we've had like so many moons on this level but there we go we got this spinning round it's spinning round this make me dizzy already let's just keep on going I'm rushing it I should never rush things I can't even use I can't use my think and I know what oh I need to go on the edge I did not mean to do that I was meant to hang on the edge I need to definitely hang on the edge of that and then let it spin me around I haven't got my hat to help me though that's what's kind of putting me off alright let's do this then this because that means I can't even like I can't make my jump last longer either okay so we need to do this that's what we need to do but we need to collect these ones first let's go down and then get them get them Mario Mario there we go you're gonna run out of time now though buddy come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah I got a moon it wasn't cooperating at all man just cause he hasn't got his hat he thinks he can be super cheeky spinning athletics well you do have like an Olympics game don't you marry her okay let's be careful this one oh my goodness he's doing all kinds of jugs know why they'd like to do this hopefully that means I keep the moon this is so difficult without my hats it shows you how much you rely on their hat sometimes there we go I'm gonna get another power moon after this if I do it right least I'll do it this way this time there we go okay oh my goodness yep that's better that's definitely better that kind of is okay hello I've got way too fast no I still need to figure out how to complete the rest of the map actually know what I need to do this well how far is it doesn't even go that far afterwards whoa okay I'm losing a lot of coins marrows turned into cop head guys he's turned into cop head well whoa whoa whoa calm yourself I say Mario but actually it's me controlling this so I really could do with my hat look at that scarecrow stole my hat and now it's it's really hurting me there we go that's better so you just jump up Mario's got insanely grippy shoes and you should be okay right I've got this now I've got this now there we go I've got the patterns what what why I said I had the patterns than I messed it up how do I do how do I do this one like this okay that works yes haha oh no idea how I just did that why I did I did it clues cop heads you have to go back and watch my videos guys then you can find out who cut pedis we've got two more moons from that though we have got 24 24 moons that is mental Mario you need to stop doing this to me tomorrow is an absolute crazy man there we go right let's figure out how to do this shall we so I need to find another cannon there's a cannon there I do not want to do this again I'm sorry the cannon right here so if I get in this one like oh no I did not mean to do that or did I I might have done there's a way to get back here but then where do I go if that kind of fires me back over there why am I so stuck it shouldn't be this difficult and trying to do the the pink milkshake parkour and still not being able to do it properly that's what we're in it's not hot at all it's just milkshake there we go so if I head up that aisle up here again where do I need to go give me your hat buddy I need to take you out I'm gonna chop up all these right and back up here can I just like do this nope oh maybe I can here we go here we go where did I just land back here dude why am I so lost I don't understand let me do an aerial view of the situation so we need to get up there can we just go around the edge actually let's try it well I didn't not mean to do that let's try and go around the edge here because it looks like you might be able to there we go through the turnips all this whatever they are yeah there we go we can get around here I knew it that cave over there is the only way to the peak that's going here all I was looking for was through the turnips or parsnips I don't actually know what they're called no stuff thrown at me stop throw that at me there we go Barbra Mario skills company was so lost for so long I really thought I had to be a flame Mario and then the other Island distracted me I mean it was a terrible terrible situation but we did and now we have to get this corn to behave itself come on buddy come on buddy there we go I don't like this I don't like the corn I don't like the corn I don't like the corn Mario Mario Mario oh man I'm gonna do this here we go yes ha ha I don't care about those purple coins I just needed to get out of there oh man all right this looks like it could be quite treacherous too but there's so many purple what there we go here we go here we go this let's do this there's more here we found like 75 of these that is insane 78 if you include the ones we haven't actually gotten here oh yeah making the leap of faith I don't actually know where I'm going I know I could have made it then there we go easy as pie nope did not mean to do that I was meant to make sure this goes a light I need to jump onto this thing I think okay I'm on Mary we've done this before just don't hurt yourself like last time it'll be embarrassing there we go that's the moon completes but how do we get into that door hopefully this makes a bridge and then we'll be sorted that'd be fantastic climb up the cascading magma 25 moon's though 25 moons in a single episode is actually good going now question is cockatiels showdown oh we're actually gonna be up the birds okay let's do this this has been the longest Kingdom by far guys probably doesn't help that got stuck for a little bit but okay oh yeah get through the door buddy don't embarrass yourself kick these rocks in anger all right what do we want to do now we want to get away from those for starters whoa whoa whoa whoa kick the rocks kick drunks in anger where do we need to head we're currently here we need two heads like round the corner okay we're in the right way that's good just got these you know these big old flowers to worry about oh man I can actually hit those things away how do I not know that before it needs to go out this - bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah it's a 1,000 100 coins that's mad let's make it over here I need just stop doing that because that's so risky what does that say careful on those flipping platforms armed man it's gonna start flipping again there's another I'll see we can make it over there I don't know what that is though it looks like a penguin or a bird next to the cannon we need to become a fireball for that though so maybe that will happen later just ping ourselves up here why do we need to pick ourselves up there for look at there 79 oh my goodness we're almost gonna find all of these Purple's that means we've we've explored like crazy well okay get out get out don't do this ah they can't come down whoa almost jump straight on that that have been so bad it's like a cool side and I am a warm side get outta here there's also these peppers that are gonna destroy my life not sure I was always excited about a world full of food but now now I'm not so sure oh geez Oh Mario you make me sorrow dollars can I save this can I save this I cannot save this because I cannot teleport I'm dead no I told you I told you about the poison as soon as the poison is introduced I guess apt every single time it really punishes you for falling off and Mario at the best of times is a fast runner so sometimes it just makes it even more difficult okay give me find those Bing let's do this I need to get to the end of this need to get to the end of this come on peppers do your worst and they jump from here and a long jump and make it like an absolute professional that I'm not there we go right come on fourth flick me let's head on up way to destroy this bird somehow I don't know how are we gonna destroy this bird but we're gonna give it our best shot these mechanics though you can actually like - jump in - these are it's magical everything about this game is magical what do I need to do now I need to why I didn't need to do that but I've got 82 purple coins I can definitely afford an artifact before the end of this video guys I could have put all three of them so I've got 80 67 in total right the last little climb and we're gonna destroy this birds I've had enough of your nonsense buddy it's getting this Canon and let's destroy this Punk I don't know why he's being so mean we're about to find out it's gonna be a boss battle in a giant bat of skew which is so funny so funny come on a big bird your eyes are all skew II what are you gonna do to me really all right let's get all these things out of the way because these things are gonna be a big pain in the butt let's get rid of as many of these as possible just so I can have as much space to move as I can all right how are we gonna do this I actually don't know you're gonna be sick okay beautiful all I can go up here go go go go do not hit me with those that's unfortunate here we go what okay so we need to wait for it tremendous I need to wait for it to be sick and then climb the sick I don't think I've ever said that before I don't ever want to say it again that is craziness wall need to watch out for the peppers watch out for the bombs we've got this though guys this bird is out of here are you anything to do with Bowser hope you're not you've already got rid of one of those one of those bunnies whatever they're called go on then be stuck on me here we go oh it's changed it's changed but it doesn't matter I'm gonna pop you anyway right on the heads I wonder if it's gonna fall in the stew and then change like a chicken stew that I'd be pretty kids okay let's let's be careful here cuz they're gonna start throwing down so much stuff I think I've cleared enough of a path now even we'll take that though so give me coins 1160 oh geez okay maybe I should not have done that I need the hearts gonna be sick be sick be sick it's doing it oh we have to jump in that's interesting actually like that a lot these mechanics though like I literally cannot be more amazed of this game that's so cool and you're out of here get in the pot get in the pot that's what I'm talking about splish splash you are dead and you turn into a multi moon that's gonna be so many moons for this one world Clovis up to 30 for one and there's 50 I think there's 56 in this one look at him floating around there we go so if I'm copy can make us float anyway why can't you just make us flow over the poison huh Cappy I'm gonna have to have words with you buddy what do you want now hopefully we are done here because then we can go in the Odyssey I do want to buy something first though I think I can buy all the artifacts because we've done so well on the purple coins we could buy artifacts which is amazing look at that 28 I want to go to the shop real quick splish splash rip bird rip but indeed get out of here right you ready guys let's go to the shop I'm gonna buy some artifacts energy I've only bought two artifacts so far in this so many to grab here we go welcome welcome I would like your everything thank you yeah I'm gonna buy this I'm also gonna buy your Forks and I'm also gonna buy your vegetable plate thank you thank you for your kind service sir we still don't have enough to buy both of these we need 45 so we need a lot more meat eighteen I think right now we can head back to the Odyssey and see what Kingdom is in store for us next okay it's not gonna let me teleport now it's gonna let me tell the poor let's go Mario I'm loving your game buddy this is probably one of the best games I've ever played I reckon which is a massive massive does that say 18 oh I got them yikes I'm put it on yeah this is one of the best games I've ever played and I played a lot of games how many have we got now that was so many moons oh wait we were two on one slice left okay I did not realize that the Odyssey is powered up 141 moons I thought there were two slices maybe there is but I can only see one which is a bit crazy oh oh is that in mid-air we can now head to Bowser's Kingdom do I want to do that we can go right there yo okay I did not realize that was gonna happen do we get moons here in Bowser's Kingdom I don't think I can check capture list oh there's so many things we haven't captured yet I missed one here it's like a pokedex there's lots I having captured yo look manhole cover Pole meat meat is on there that's funny so fan out in 31 right I am going to be so mean to you guys I am going to end the stream here because i've streamed a little bit longer than I needed to today I wasn't meant to but I wanted to get those - well it's finished but I'm gonna end the stream here I'm gonna do another stream will be either tomorrow or the next day I don't know yet but do it stay tuned for the finale I'm guessing of Super Mario Odyssey thank you so much for watching whether you're watched live or whether you're watching after the fact if you have enjoyed yourselves then please do leave a big fat like on this video if you want to stick around or watch more videos by me every single day then hit that subscribe button and join team TDM right now apart from that guys I'm so sorry I'm leaving you I'm so sorry I feel really bad and I want to play it too but I have to leave it for the day I'm so sorry guys next is gonna be absolutely amazing gonna be the finale of Super Mario 2 see ya leave a like subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one have an amazing day and I'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,691,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, super mario odyssey, dantdm super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, nintendo switch, mario, mario boxers, mario human, mario fireball
Id: TQsl9nxs_1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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