Minecraft | ESCAPING THE PRISON!! | Escapists 2 Custom Map #2

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everyone down here from Salamanca welcome back to prison where you've caught me taking a shower with my red wool block this is just my sponge I'm just gonna rinse it myself off dry myself off where we are gonna try and escape this in prison so thank you for all the support in the previous video I'm so glad you're enjoying the escape is to map as much as I am so what have I done today or what have I done in the meantime between yesterday and today well I have kind of sets up I think the master plan and these guys are having a great time jeez why are you enjoying yourself so much in the shower it's kind of weird I'm not gonna like oh wait I get this wrong oh no I need to trade this route down before I get in trouble dad yes I need to trade this with you just in case I get in trouble I didn't even know I had that on me no no I need to trade this with you dad where are you I wouldn't get in major trouble actually there's no detector on this one so dan dan is this you where is he oh it's Roku anyway so that should be fine oh geez need to trade this before I get in trouble yep they what they got there's meat there's meat coming up Tom Steve Dan there we go right I'm going to trade you this and he's gonna be our main guide for collecting emeralds so I have quite a few emeralds anyway oh I'm gonna do this now oh so I need to go quickly to my workstation which i think is rounds here oh I think I've got the wrong way I've got the wrong way I might not have enough time to do it now I'm gonna go to my workstation because I've left a ton of iron smelting in there so let me just quickly grab it from here don't hurt me don't hurt me I'm gonna lose it otherwise and I accidentally kind of left the iron ore there but I've got 18 iron here all right slight sound now of all times can I put this back yes that you can okay okay okay that's good that's good let's go and I'm asleep otherwise we're gonna be in big trouble so when we wake up what I'm gonna do is I am going to go and grab that iron quickly run out with it and a roll call I should be able to trade it with Dan for the most amazing amount of emeralds ever and also I can actually use my chest in my arm in my cell to be able to keep all my stuff safe if I die which is kind of course you don't have cell searches or anything so morning roll call let's go ahead and grab our iron now the good thing about this is that all the cards are gonna be occupied with roll calls so we should be able to get away of this not on oh geez I thought they were anyway um Oh No oh there's a guy in there hello I've just come to collect something let's see if this works I'm gonna have to run real quick and as you can see I'm at speed level 13 hours well quick rod run run I don't know if they're chasing me I think he's chasing me I think he's chasing me so I'm we're a speed level 30 which means that we actually have a lot more chance to be able to run quicker dan I need you I need you I need you quick shift plate yes stall ready Edwards oh man look at these emeralds that is crazy so yeah with speed levels 30 um we actually get a speed buff which is pretty cool I've also got my strength up to thirty-two as well I'm not sure if that's gonna be powerful enough I'm not too sure but this should be a great time to trade for our items so I need to trade out I don't understand Brady I just think you have it in for me don't you you just don't want me to have a good time whatsoever I'm in solitary confinement for a minute but I'm just gonna escape all right let me get out of here there we go why why does he always hurt me it's so annoying he really has it in for me it's probably cuz I smacked him that time with a comb and he didn't like it so I guess that's kind of logical so I need to get to the cafeteria because I wanna trade as much as I can need to get the guards outfit because I have a little bit better protection with that where am I going where is the captain where is it where is it where is it there it is okay and his trade don't ends just so I get that please I need to trade for some good stuff so brian has the guards leg in so I'm gonna grab those guards pants there we go and then we also need yes this would be good to grab this there we go I'm really slow cuz I'm using the wrong hand to do this who else nunchucks yes I want to grab these real quick don't run away don't run away grab these yes okay that's that's no mana trading what we are now work period okay I need to quickly take these back to myself otherwise I'm in big trouble I know don't want to die because they obviously have something in for me so I don't want to die of all this on me because it'll get taken away I'll have to do my whole and get-rich-quick scheme again so let me put nunchucks away God's pants away God's chest plate away and I think that's it's we might actually need some more emeralds so I need to go to work real quick and actually work for me emeralds I think it's round here I'm pretty sure it's around here anyway so yeah we need to work for these animals and I'll show you my best a tip to be able to get rich quick in prison not that any of you guys are gonna end up in prison but you might do if I'm you play this okay right let's grab this iron ore here and we have to do it one by one and put it in like this that's the way this is gonna work so one by one there we go why are we getting lag that's not fair that we go just grab all of these and you just do it one by one like this and soon they were build up as much as possible we should be able to skip gym period so I did a little bit of extra gym gym work when we were in between episodes so let me just grab as much of this as possible and I'll meet you guys back when I've done this and I'll show you my master plan it's awesome so I have collected a absolute ton of iron ore check this out so I've got 1221 iron ore on the go but I'm not gonna take it with me the secret is to leave it here for as long as possible until evening roll because that's when there's the least amount of guards around and I think it's free period right now let me just quickly check here it is actually free period so we're gonna go to the gym and increase our strength because I'm we need to be punching these guards later on I'm pretty sure to get some keys and be able to get to where we need to be I almost punched him then geez I don't appreciate that I don't appreciate that at all that's not fair you can't trick me into punching you he really doesn't like he doesn't yeah you really doesn't like me at all just keep on punching if we can get up to like all my fatigue I think even going up yes awesome and this has been way too long in the shower my fatigue just drips off me beautiful let's see if we can gets you 50 maybe we don't really need an evening meal right now we can go and grab food whenever we like as well so it doesn't actually matter too much let's keep on smacking keep on smacking let's see if we can get to level 50 that will be perfect here we go last one and I've realized where the iron came from it came from this zombie here and now I'm gonna get in trouble it's work period so I'm just gonna throw that out so don't want that I don't want to be buzzed I only buzzed jeez I'm so work period means you know what I might as well just make as much of this as possible because I want this to be my last chance before I actually tried to escape so whatever the amount of iron ores that I have the iron the iron ingots even times that by seven and that's the amount of emeralds we're gonna get back so we're gonna get back an absolute ton of emeralds we have fifty strengths no fatigue unfortunately no intelligence but hey that's fine that doesn't matter too much I might just quickly top that up and then I'm gonna go to the gym and improve my speed actually let's think about this so the this key that you can trade one of the inmates gets you into the closets I don't know what's in there but hopefully there's an opportunity to get the red key there's guards in there which hopefully will ignore me if I have a guards uniform I also want multiple fence cutters because it looks like the durability on them are absolutely terrible so I might get some more just in case why are you in here why are you here there's carrots there's carrots at the end from the zombies they must have been working out and tripped and the carrots just fell out oh geez so it doesn't look like you get fatigue from punching you just get it from the running bit which I guess is okay not too bad so I'm gonna level this up and I'll meet you guys back when I have a plan ready to go we do some trading and get out of this prison and maybe never steal candy again so it's not really a great idea Oh guys I've messed up its roll call and I am feeling very sick because my fatigue is a level 100 why is it raining why are we to do this look how slow I am oh man that's so bad what have I got oh dear oh dear I need to quickly get to the showers as quick as possible but I can't remember where they are why could I never remember where the showers are they've got to be around here somewhere my fatigue is absolutely terrible so I'm gonna have to do my amazing get-rich-quick scheme at morning roll call oh the showers are here come on you can make it press space press space you can make it there we go oh jeez lights out ah I don't have anything bad on me do i I need to get rid of this fatigue as much as possible I don't need loads getting rid of but just a little bit will be fine I mean munch a bit of bread not ideal in the shower all right this should be enough actually let's go into ourselves otherwise our gonna get in trouble why is it raining why is it raining in prison right let's sleep and then we need to go and get our new sets of iron let's go let's do this quickly let's do this quickly Josh I don't want you tattletaling on me okay let's go - it's around this way isn't it yes it is okay let's quickly go get our iron and hopefully there's not enough guards around so that we can get away from them we have 50 speed and 50 strength so you might even be able to punch him to death if they actually find us okay so smelting job 26 iron that is crazy 26 times 7 is gonna be insane go go go go go is he chasing me I don't know if he's chasing me I have no idea I don't know if he chased me but I'm not gonna check because I don't want to find out I want to be as quick as possible dan dan dan dan I think it's this one yes right grab this and grab all my emeralds quick yes I grabbed them all I paused the game I didn't mean thoughts again no don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me I'm gonna outrun you you little punk is he gonna trace me of course he is right get out here oh geez oh geez no I'm in trouble I'm in trouble having trouble I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead officer Brooks is that you again the same one you'll bunk oh jeez I'm in solitary confinement again oh man right um how many apples do I get from that I've got four stacks okay that's not too bad at all did I not get as many as I thought I words I'm not hundred percent sure anyway I've got a decent amount it is breakfast time as well this is a great chance to trade for the things I need to trade for so this should be perfect opportunity so I've got the guy's outfit I can actually member what else I need that's really bad Jacob I don't need a sock mace I've got a better weapon than that Dan I'm sorry I don't need you anymore no no - Jared Phil no Craig no Tom yes I need you so I'm gonna grab how many friends cutters do I need though it may break I don't know if I need more than one I think I'm gonna grab more than one just in case what else do I need is that pretty much it I think that might be pretty much it that all I need and then we can make a break for it oh no I need a closet key oh jeez I might not even need two friends cutters so I'm gonna have to do some more get rich quick and then we have to buy that key and I think that is all I need oh jeez no no no I don't this I don't this I need to get this into my cell no I don't wanna get caught because these are expensive these are really really expensive so I need to get just I think one more stack and then we're ready to go this is going well this is going really well boom boom out of here so yeah I've got guard pants guard chest plates the nunchucks which are the best around fence cutters two of them just in case and I need to remember to turn off the generator which I'm not sure how to do but hopefully that will make itself very clear later down the line so let's melt some more iron I think I've got my stats up enough which is good I think I do I think it's gonna be enough 50 speed and 50 strength is pretty powerful my punch could kill a man right now absolutely kill them so I'm gonna do some more of this and I'll see you guys when I'm done yeah this is this is getting tense now because we're gonna make a break for the prison and if we get caught we lose everything so it's gonna get extremely tense indeed okay guys it is evening a meal time which usually is a great time for an empty belly but I've got a full stomach and I'm ready to trade some things so I have this should be enough I've got 19 in totals ready to be run no run you don't just stick yourself inside the alarm that is the stupidest thing ever to do so I need to highlight this and I need to grab this as quickly as possible dan dad where are you Ryan Martin Jason Rob Jordan Austin just no Western wisdom where's Dan Dan where are you trying to call my own name out here there we go I need you to yeah so now I need to grab um don't hurt me don't hurt me no it's work period Phil don't leave me like I remember which name we need for the the key the key we need the key we need to keep we need the key right you guys I need to talk to you he talked to all of you Tom I don't need you Steve you're the soap man Josh know who else Jason is the nunchuck guy a car remember all the things ain't Austin give me that key Paul give me that key there we go I'll just grab this key and quickly go and put this into our cell so we need to go away we need to go this way our cells right over here so I'm starting to find the prison a little bit better so I think we have everything we need to be able to commit this crime so we compare the crimes get into here without committing and crime to get out we have two sets of fence cutters do I need another set I'm not sure I might be able to do that right now actually so if I grab the iron I think roll call will be next or a shower or something where is Dan gonna be Joe Brian is that Dan yeah dan is in the courtyard so let's quickly grab that a just quickly grab that and then we can grab one more set of iron cutters just because we have the iron to do so right now so we might as well so I grab this and then quickly run away right get out of here come on let's go let's go let's go I can hear the alarms I can hear the alarms Dan you better not have moved you punk is this you know dan dan please don't have moved there he is right this quickly grab here's quick quick quick quick quick left-hand you let me down right 64 of each eye now need more fence cutters who was the guy with the fence cutters Josh I think it's tied with Jay Jason no it wasn't you who else was it fence cutters please fence cutters I need some fence cutters Tom Tom bro Tom I think it might be you yeah it's you okay grab this this and then take my fence cutters so we've got three sets of fence cutters must be way more than enough surely let's hope so anyway I'm just weary because there's no durability on them or there's very very little durability anyway we're gonna take a quick shower before we go as well oh man I'm nervous I'm so nervous let me eat this see some mutton just have a nice meal and a nice shower just to end out our last day in the prison you heard that you heard that Kyle it's my last day in the prison you have no idea why you have no idea right shower time guys how y'all doing how y'all doing the shower is actually working today which is beautiful it must be weird sharing like this in your clothes there's a little bit I can understand why the oh jeez these guys getting a bit too aggressive so my plan is I'm gonna break out I'm gonna sleep and then I'm gonna try and break out during morning roll call these guys are absolutely on one why are you dancing in the shower I mean sometimes there's nothing better to do than just like dance in the shower but I think we could I think we could we put on the cart uniform we use the key to open the closet find out the secret of the closet Josh don't don't shake your head at me Joe even sorry sorry I thought you were Josh I'm the police RJ go ahead of me this could be a fantastic plan I've got amazing strength you better watch out you better watch your back Joe better watch your back right we change what's the keys everyone's getting all rowdy everyone knows something's up you better not be spreading rumors about me I'll be upset okay evening roll call this is where the beginning of the end begins does Haven make sense I hope so so we're gonna just be Kurds and just like standing roll call as we're a normal prisoner it's kind of weird that we we look completely different we've obviously been sent to a villager prison instead of a normal one but it's ready it's down Dan you have helped me greatly I will kiss your forehead there we go thank you so much for your help buddy and it's about to go down we're about to go to sleep wake up and escape the prison I hope so anyway we need to find the van and because we don't know where that is and we all seem to find the generator to to switch off the electric gates hopefully that's all the secret is behind the closet hope so anyway come on I want to go beds actually want to go to bed today there we go lights out oh my goodness okay let's sleep and here we go ahh morning roll cool everyone you know what this means we are going on a rampage so it's quickly grab all our stuff we need nunchucks oh jeez I'm scared I'm so scared good right so we are going to put on our new outfits let's do that it says works best at night but I'm just gonna do it now because why not right oh jeez I'm scared I'm so scared I'm so scared right I need to go to the closet oh this is going right there fantastic where is the closet the closet is near the red doors here we go here we go actually I want to quickly move these because otherwise they're gonna be harder to access what I need to beat down some punks right cause it lets open this bad boy there we go and there's a security camera in here five emeralds okay not like I need those can i kosis no I can't okay we're gonna go down here it's breakfast time this is the perfect time the perfect time I'm gonna arm my nunchucks just in case I have to beat someone down I'm hoping this is a secret generator thing Oh who are you Thomas what are you doing are you holding something Thomas Thomas don't don't aggress me don't aggress me he's got the key he's got the key let's hit him alright coming down it's coming down oh jeez no he's coming down um Thomas stay away from me Thomas no Thomas no oh jeez oh jeez is bad right I got it I got it I got it okay I got the key I got the key I got the key on this jump generator oh no he's back he's back what are you doing here no quick go down go down go down go down go down go down why you're not going down okay I'm gonna run because I hope he's not following me I've got the red key the generator is pushed I don't know how long the generator lasts so I'm just gonna to get out of here oh man quick let's go let's go let's go Oh someone's hitting me someone's hitting me I'm here we go nice right friends cutters please don't let me die please let me die please don't be like yes it wants I didn't need all the fence cutters but we're going we're going oh I'm so glad I got the extra speed is only one follow me oh geez oh geez let's go let's go I can kill him if I need to I've got no food on me why did I bring no food with me who are tents right let's cut out of here as well here we go cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cards yes what why am i dead I turn the generator off I'm gonna lose all my stuff I'm gonna lose all my stuff no really you have to turn the generator off twice oh man Oh Oh No I've lost all my stuff I've lost all my stuff Oh running guys I am back and this guy is watching me why are you watching me I'm not doing anything wrong it's wrong cool time so what I'm gonna do is try and escape I think I've got everything I need I'm pretty sure I only have one set of fence cutters this time which is what I need boom boom what else closet key fence cutters nunchucks I think this is all I need so it's even in roll call time let's go I need to go to the closet let's do this so hopefully this time the generator won't switch back on and we should be good I've increased my speed to 72 I don't know if that actually does anything or not but we're just about to find out so let's be as quick as possible shall we hopefully nighttime is a good time to do it it's lights out right now this could be a terrible idea where's this guy it's even here he's like oh jeez he is here I need to kill you I need to kill you I need to kill you I need to kill you you need to die all right now get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here go away there we go right turn the generator on off even and let's go go go go go I need to be quick as possible oh jeez so we have the key now I'm gonna jump and run and jump and run and jump and run and this should be the end this should be the end let's get out of here go go go go go go go go go I've got the key I've got the key I've got the key let's run let's run just ignore that guy just ignore him let's keep on running this keep on jumping and let's keep on going Oh make it snow no no no no no no no no no not now not now not now not now no losing will stop again I've run out of food I can't believe it I cannot believe it I just don't know if there's a better way that I can do it come on it takes me so long to get all my stuff back afterwards it's insane right it's going to here there we go get in get in get in I'm gonna eat now there we go and let's see if this works cuz the generators gonna turn off other guys right lights out here we go here we go the generators gonna turn off hopefully it doesn't kill me again cuz that would be absolutely unfair where's this guy areas who is this killing that's gonna miss get him away geez he is fast he is so fast kill kill kill kill kill these nunchucks are so powerful his skill takes him ages to get killed no I need to turn this off there we go right let's get out here there we go and run as fast as we can as fast as we can without losing as much food as we did last time I needed to check out see if we got the key luckily I do all right let's run let's run let's run let's run here we go there's a guy could be right there I think we've done it this time a gamma fence cutters I'm ready to go he is definitely chasing me but I've got guards uniform and I'm ready to do this hopefully there's not another guard over here and hopefully I don't lose enough food so I lose my Sprint's and hopefully the generator doesn't turn off otherwise I'm gonna die yet again I'm gonna have to do it all again oh jeez I'm scared I'm scared here he is oh look the van is right here the van is right here yes no you killed me again you killed me again you killed me again you killed me again it's time I'm grabbing all of this and getting out of here all right let's put this on let's set this up now I don't need a wire cutters this time all I need is the red key the the closet key and I shouldn't be able to get out of here so here we go it's prison a tenth time number ten million and three we must be able to do it this time I just need to kill that guy I don't even need to turn off the generator that's how crazy this is I need to get into here there we go go down here and hopefully the generator won't so actually the generator doesn't even matter now I should have broken as much fence as possible without dying okay here we go I need to get this key he's get this key I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you look how quick this is yes yes get out of here officer Thomas you are dead and I am out of here get down get out get out get out let's go oh geez right I'm going to eat some mutton real quick I think I've got time because I don't have to press the generators so I should be good I should be able to smack down anyone that comes near me with my nunchucks you have to smack them properly in the face here we go oh what a perfect time Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go yes okay I'm making it I'm making I'm making it these guys might be quick but I am going to be quicker why are they catching up to me they shouldn't be no they shouldn't be able to catch up to me they shouldn be able to catch me no no don't do this don't do it so they how close are they really close oh jeez I need to be a lot quicker than them to get out of here alive anyway oh man right let's go here hopefully I cut them off if you cut them off oh jeez oh Jesus the end this is the end come on come on get in get it no no no no you can't do this to me no no no you can't do this to me no no no no no offices offices offices offices offices stop I missed I missed the button I missed the button I wanna do this again who knew escaping presume was so difficult yes I know Joe I know he looked me square in the face it was like it's difficult dude I know right it is evening roll call I'm doing this a night so let's just not to mess around and get all of this ready to go so you two get this stuff off this stuff on and we're gonna do this for the 900 millionth time and here we go all of these guys should be and preoccupied hopefully anyway I think I've got everything I need a nine if they sure but let's go let's go and kill this guy and just sort it out hopefully all the guards will be out oh jeez I'm so scared I'm so worried I hope it's a would be lights out yet don't be lights out yeah I don't want 9 police guards following me again that was horrific okay here we go lights out has happened that's not too terrible hopefully anyway because I think the guard uniform is supposed to work better at night anyway get down get down get out he's gonna attack me oh my goodness is stressful oh my goodness is he following me is he following me I think he is I think he is okay he's not right let's quick can we eat some mutton so we don't run out of running power and let's try this again here we go boom let's go let's go let's go let's go let's at ract no attention whatsoever no no attention I said no attention let's just keep on going I do not want to die this time I do not want to die come on we go this is our last chance how close is he oh I don't think it's that far I think he's far away this time yeah that's what I'm talking about or if there's no one else around him we can escape I think it's better to do it at night last night on still a little bit too hasty here we go here's the moment of truth we need to open the door there we go yes yes you punks how are you doing huh how you doing you can't get me you cannot get me drive and escape open the door cheese yes we escaped that's a lot of redstone right there oh my goodness thank you very much for playing the escapists too from all the amazing views and downloads from the previous map it was my mission to make a second improved better version for you guys if you've not checked out my youtube there's a link there you go thank you again nobody thank you oh that's a big face of mine there we go oh my goodness we finally did it yes that's a really awesome map whoo what a crazy time escaping prison isn't that right guys thank you so much watching if you did enjoy that please leave a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated and also if this happens to be the first video you seen by me then please do consider subscribing to join Team TD NSA for daily Minecraft videos apart from that I'm gonna enjoy my new free life away from prison I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 20,941,718
Rating: 4.9063253 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft mod showcase, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, minecraft 1.9, minecraft prison, minecraft the escapists, the escapists, the escapists 2
Id: fnZiw7TWFe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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