Minecraft | THE ULTIMATE CANDY RECIPE!! | Custom Mod Adventure

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ah tray horas it feels good to sit down for once but you know what yeah I can feel that right now I'm really really hungry look any food oh yeah what's that go ahead and share the idea with us know what that isn't actually a bad idea that's a that's a really good idea why haven't we done this before yes candy my favorite thing in the whole world right then to the testing chamber okay here we are this this strange very strange setup is here we've got holes in the floor and I have no idea what we're doing right in choice you need to explain okay what's in here we've got sugar and larvae is that it is that all we're gonna need for candy okay okay that makes sense so I'm what you need me to do okay let's do that first show I'm guessing it's gonna be like this so let me grab actually let me grab all of this and then try and make it into blocks so like this no it's oh there we go there we go it's like that okay let's make them all into sugar blocks and now what you want me to do with this sugar I even got an achievement that's amazing we got sugar and now what alright okay that should be fairly simple let me just do one out of time and see if this works okay grab one of these and one of these and place it here and then just put the lava on top okay I'm trusting you here we go lover absolutely everywhere oh no I dropped the bucket in oh geez huh well what do we do now yeah it's not really I'm not too sure what's going on here Oh Travis where are we what's going on no this is this is very very strange I've never seen anything like this before it's beautiful though look at this place oh wait there's a it's not a house over there alright choice I think we should go over there and see what's going on what do you think yeah I agree let's get out of here come on let's see what's going on this is incredible so we didn't create candy but it's randomly teleported us somewhere look at that sunrise or sunset I can't tell which one it is but anyway let's go and see what's in this house it looks like a candy house a we in a candy dimension yeah maybe look they're slimes there's random trees there's see-through rabbits that's that's a little bit weird but let's see what's going on in here this looks great it was like kind of some kind of farm or something and there's a floating island up there that's awesome too right then let's go inside and see what's going on whoa look at this there's machines pumping candy canes along the ceiling there's also what is that like candy floss or something this is awesome and it smells so good in here what do you think Trey are you coming in geez what do you think yeah it looks tasty doesn't it right then let's see what's going on here oh wait wait wait just wait dunk around the corner there's a candy creeper there's a candy creeper just chilling what do we do do we do we go and say hi to it it looks really cute it doesn't look like an angry creeper should we go say hi to it yeah I think so right then let's see what's how are you doing how you doing kandi creeper oh my goodness it speaks it actually speaks oh well hello there forgive my surprise but how did you get here we rarely see anyone other than our own kind around these parts try us you just stop what are you doing you don't need to go inside there do you no I didn't think so right let me just talk to this gentleman right here forgive my surprise but um well it's kind of a funny story so we were trying to make candy because we're a little bit hungry and we added lava to some sugar cube and we ended up here oh well actually that's fantastic I'm quite the candy creator myself I built this whole house just using candy and various other sweets and it's been standing ever since that's really cool that's really really cool that's awesome thank you say since you said you were creating candy when you were teleported here you must have a certain skill to be able to do that well I wouldn't say scale is more science to be honest then this science has gone wrong but anyway do you want to help me make something that I've been trying to perfect it's a kind of candy of course yeah I mean while we're here why not what are we making it's a legendary candy that can only be made using the perfect recipe it's called the ultimate formula legend says it can make absolutely anything taste amazing but by itself it truly is magical that sounds really awesome it sounds tasty however I have not been able to get it perfect but I sense you might be able to you know what let's just give it a go let's make it oK we've got a new quest I'm great I knew you'd be up for it first thing you need is candy of course I think we'll need six candy and total to create this to make candy all you need is some sugar and a slime ball both of which I have farms fall behind you then surround the slime balls with sugar and you should get candy once you've done this report back to me okay candy creeper you are a beautiful looking creeper being you know that you know that right in charge you stay here because I need to go and grab some stuff so we need sugar and we also need a slime balls so we need six of each I'm gonna grab this because I think I'm gonna need a weapon what's this the slime Harvester okay that works um the slime farm I love these pipes that's so cool alright let's take down these slimes I don't wanna get hurt I don't get hurt at all right let's take down these slimes let's take down this big guy so I think he'll give us enough I think we're gonna need six did he say right I'm going in I'm going in oh jeez no he's going towards me all about I'm scared let's go I do not want to die here I do not want to die here I need to go and collect them though big slime back off back off slimes back off slimes back off oh my goodness there's too many of them I hate to kill all of them I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry I'm gonna kill all of them but it's it's in the name of candy it's so that we can make some candies to get out of here slimes you done are you done you done messing with me now I think we don't how many slime balls did we get in total we got a total of seventeen that's not to you really really good let's just pop this back and now we need some sugar the sugar farm okay what are these these are like sugar trees are these are actually sugar trees he's awesome let me take these ones to start off with I got some sugar here how much do I need so if I need I'm gonna need quite a lot I'm gonna need at least like forty five ish I think I'm gonna need so let's grab some more come over here I don't want to take down the trees if I don't need to let's see how many this makes shall we I think I'm gonna need a lot more than this Ryan when these is a crafting table it's got to be this one it's got the pattern on top all right I need to make some rounds here so let's try this okay that's gonna make us three candy that's not enough so we're gonna need about 20 more so let's grab some more let's grab this the yes we have to shave off the bottom of the tree I'm afraid hope he doesn't mind hopefully it really grows because these trees look super tasty if I were living here I'd eat those trees right up they seems so tasty right then let's grab our slime balls 1 2 3 is I think he said we need 6 right I need 6 in total there we go look at that we've done it yeah 6 in total quest complete candy creeper I've got it great I knew you were good at making this right next you're going to need to start working on six individual serums the first of those is the candy serum just grab a glass bottle from behind me and place that and a piece of candy into a crafting table and that should do it come back to me when you have 6 of them ok let's do that shall we look at these bottles he's got it's got tons absolutely tons right then let's grab one two three four five six hopi doesn't mind I'm making his um I'm making his display look all uneven but hey what can you do what can you do and then we just need to add the glass bottle and the candy together and there we go candy serums beautiful another quest complete awesome we're getting good at this well done now we need to turn five of those candy scenes into different color serums let's start with a banana one that sounds good to me to make this you need eight golden nuggets the only way to find those out here though are by using golden sugar flowers in my advance sugar factory over there as the Inga's behind me can't be broken in this dimension there should be a few of those flowers in my courtyard surrounded candy serum with eight golden nuggets and you'll bring the results to me okay so we need a banana serum so you can't actually break gold ingots up into nuggets in this dimension so looks like there's a few out there need some golden flowers let's go and have a look oh man there's a gummy rabbit in here how you doing you are super cute buddy look at his face so cute right then it looks like quite a peaceful dimension which is good apart from the slimes which which we've slayed right there in the flower courtyard is here I'm gonna grab is this the one that definitely wasn't one I just broke it nothing happened what's this one golden sugar flower okay these are ones we need we need eight of these one two three four five six seven and eight that should do it and now I need to put them into it oh no I didn't mean to plant that I didn't mean to plot in that Brian let's grab that here we go let's put these into was it geez are you gonna attack me no they're peaceful good he's jumping out the door so cute look there he goes he's out of here oh the cutest thing alive um is this the thing that I need to have a look yeah advance sugar factory so if we place these in here we should get sugar when this is complete let's hope so anyway no we get golden nuggets of course that's what we need golden Knight it's okay let's just wait for this to complete and there we go eight golden nuggets that's a really cool machine I like that I wish I had one of these in the lab that'd be amazing right then so now we need to put eight in a square and then a candy serum in the middle and there we go banana serum is ours YUM I can smell it for me it smells good right yeah writing candy creeper next up is the strawberry serum where you're going to need four redstone on four leaves of any kind the redstone is behind me and the leaves are outside in the courtyard yes I did see those you'll need these to grab them though is it gonna give me something I hope so when those are collected add them to the candy serum and bring it back to me okay okay dick give me something gave me magic shears silk touch oh yeah I was gonna say we wouldn't be able to collect the leaves without them so let's see if this works shall we we need how many leaves was it four I think it was four so I'm gonna grab these ones on the left just grab these ones there we go oh geez that was quick well we've got four already that was that was really good these shears ROP they're really really good so now we need to go and add these to was it redstone he said I think it was redstone so let's grab this redstone this redstone oh geez I don't mean to be rude I was standing on your counter very sorry there grab this and this as well so four of these and four leaves should create the next serum so let's put four like this and four like this no that's the wrong way around maybe it's like this you didn't tell me the recipe there we go strawberry syrup yes we did it that wasn't too bad so I like this like cooking candy like a professional or I think candy creeper what's next this next one is one of my favorites the chocolate serum ah that sounds really good now you're going to need cookies for this one but we don't have any wheat here in Candyland okay the only way you can make them is with flour luckily the whole floor is made of flour take this and grab a few lumps grab yourself some cocoa beans and the rest is up to you okay we've got on a sweet shovel just as one attack damage and we need to go and dig up some ground so let's do it and we need some cocoa beans let's grab those first cuz I supported some over here just pop this one open how many we're gonna need um three I think we're gonna need four actually there we go that's enough we can actually plant a couple back just to be nice and polite there we go and dig up some of this I don't know how much we're gonna need so we're gonna need we're gonna need four we're gonna need more than that I don't actually know how many cookies we get from this so we're gonna have to grab a few bits of flour there we go and see how many this gives us because if it's not wheat that we use cuz I know wheat and cocoa beans in the normal world gives you eight cookies but let's see how many it gives us normally and I think we need eight cookies here so flour flour cocoa beans so it gives you two so we are gonna need four cocoa beans look at that oh I've got enough of these though I've got enough I'll have I yeah just about nicely done right then cookies and then we surround a candy serum with the cookies there we go chocolate serum oh man I'm trying so hard not to eat this right now it looks so tasty but we can't eat it just yet that's what I was just saying candy creeper the second to last serum is the toffee serum which combines two ingredients we've already used gold and cookies hopefully you have enough cookies left over from just a moment ago but if not I'm sure you can make some more the gold ingot should be behind me eating for gold and for cookies yeah I need some more what do I need more of I need four cookies so I needs three more flour and two more cocoa beans let's go and grab those shall we and I might make some more cookies cuz I'm a little bit hungry so I'm gonna grab some more cookies as well so let's grab these these these and these let's just make all of the cookies nom nom nom oh I wonder if they taste better in the candy might dimension they might do I'm gonna need some more of this as well so weird the songs made out of flour I thought it felt spongy on my feet okay we should have enough for some cookies for this recipe also some cookies for our tasty tasty selves and this gain here and make ourselves some cookies this is really really fun I love this okay let's place hop over here pop over here and the rest in here and we should be able to make cookies there we go we need eight now we need for cookies for this don't we I almost made the chocolate serum again let's grab this and this and this and there's one more just up here you have a really cool Factory really cool candy house right one two three four one two three four it might be the other way around I'm not too sure no we know their first time toffee serum and I get to eat smart cookies let me eat a few of these bring my hunger back up a little bit ah these are tasty these are really tasty I think they taste better over here tray or us you can have to try one of these I'll save one for you when we get back buddy oh no it when weather we go whatever I know did you eat it that was weird geez right then we got the serum okay one serum to go and then we can attempt what we've been waiting for here we go I'm excited this one is that peppermint serum that one should be one of the easiest hopefully you have some sugar left and then the red stone is just behind me combine the two and you should have the peppermint serum to show me in no time okay so we need red stone which is what you just said so we needs how many four is it for all right there's four here so let's just grab it all one two three and four let's grab all these where did the other one go I've already got it and sugar I've only got three sugar I think we need to go and grab one more if the recipes from before makes sense let's grab one from this tree this time there we go that's better and then we should be able to make the ultimate one that I am super super excited about so red stone I see if it's like this see if I guess it right again I guess or I again that's Oh P right then here we go no I got it wrong put it wrong as switch ease all around there we go peppermint serum so now we have a full set of six serums we have candy peppermint toffee chocolate strawberry and banana right then I'm ready for this candy creeper let's make the ultimate serum okay we made it this far the biggest test creating the ultimate serum you'll need to use the candy alchemy table which is the furthest one to the right just each individual serum on the top of it along with three diamonds then start mixing with your hand and hopefully the magic will happen good luck thanks buddy this is gonna be a little bit nerve-racking I think I'm ready for it though so let's try this I need to throw one let's make this where they land on top to now and he needs to land on top come here let's start this again running let's grab this one and start again right then one two three four five six and then he said mix them with the hand and let's see what happens here we go is it working Oh oh my head that was a little bit painful let's jump up and yes yes it worked yes look is this it let's have a look The Ultimates formula we did it candy people we did it look check it out it's beautiful he loves it he loves it I knew you could do it now there's only one thing left to do give it a try oh my goodness it's time candy creeper I'm gonna try this I'm gonna do it for you buddy and now you should be able to replicate this perfectly here we go the ultimate formula let's see what it does oh oh this feel that's like so amazing that feels good oh my goodness look all this speed string the jump boost regeneration resistance oh yes oh that was the tastiest thing I've ever eaten in my life look at this as well avoid the lava but geez look I can jump on top of your house oh this is the best candy I've ever tasted yes oh jeez this is gonna take a while for me to come down from oh the amount of sugar that's in this is unreal yes whoo that was intense the taste was beautiful and the sugar rush was amazing gummy bunny I know you saw that look how excited he is you guys are so cute oh my goodness right and there's going to talk to candy creeper cuz we need to get home now we definitely need to get home now right then kind of creeper how do we get back that was amazing well that was a sight to behold now that we've done it once I'm sure I can replicate it again good I hope you can thank you so much for your assistance you are truly an amazing candy creator thank you but how do we get home right take this lava and do exactly what you did to get here then you should be taken straight back Oh remember to come and visit sometime bye we will candy creeper this has been immense right and Charles we need to go and we need to grab some yet we need one more piece of sugar so let's grab this and let's leave his stuff fix we don't want to be stealing do we that's that's bad let's give him at this stuff back right then it's been amazing to see you candy creeper we will be back don't you worry you can take all of this stuff back you need this you need this you need this and you need one more of this there we go beautiful keep all that stuff buddy it'll be amazing we need to make a sugar block and let's get out of here another achievement beautiful alright we need to get some of these in our house trailers one of the ones that just have amazing candy canes and stuff flying around that would be beautiful right then let's dig a little hole eater place this here dig this up dig this up dig this up and dig this up place the lava and we should be home any minute now Travis you ready let's do this run guys it's a little bit later in the day because me and Travis needed to make the Brad's new treasure room room which is right through here and why is there a zombie here hey hey you know you get out of here Punk vault guard I'll get you to destroy them in a second but anyway welcome to the brand's new underground section it's looking awesome I love this one this is possibly one of my favorite one so far oh gee trust what's out watch out watch out watch out watch out Wow but now that rude intruder has been dealt with here it is it's looking really really cool this is possibly one of my favorite one so far so the candy creeper is here we've got like a kind of a copy of his house on the inside where the candy stairs and the ice cream on the floor yes this is ice cream this is also ice cream and this is ice creams look at the ultimates formula on the Left we've got the candy ball on the right all the glass potions on the right hand side and left and then all of these serums in here and I think this is one of my favorite ones so far it's smells good it's gonna taste good I don't want to see you eating the floor okay no try I'll try to oh my goodness I hope your mum's doing okay where is she there she is hope you're doing okay and you've got a good view of the candy little section now so that's pretty much it for today's adventure guys thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy it then please do leave a big fat thumbs up that would be greatly appreciated know so if this happens to be the first video you've seen by me then please do subscribe and join team TDM day for daily minecraft videos again thank you all for watching and playing some minecraft us today remember this is fully custom fully awesome and you won't see anything like it on any other channel so make sure you do join a team attn today abaya subscribing apart from that thanks keV plays minecraft I'll stay and wait we'll see you next time good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 24,376,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, challenge, minigame, mini-game, mini game, minecraft mod, minecraft mod showcase, minecraft mods, 1.8.1, custom mod adventure, candyland, candy mod, minecraft candy
Id: TtHxGvsfG64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2015
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