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what is going on everybody eddie soundhead back once again here with soundhead entertainment back in rec fest once again here today as we try to continue and complete the saga here that has been the fairfield mud pit and our attempt at winning a demolition derby here uh we've done 10 minutes we've done 20 minutes i said we were gonna do 30 minutes but i should have looked at the settings before i open my big mouth because unfortunately it would appear you cannot do a 30 minute demolition derby so we'll go back and do another 20 minute one and then if we're feeling special if maybe we get the win uh in the bag then maybe we can do a 10 minute encore i don't know we'll see how we get we'll see if we even get that far if we even have the energy uh to carry on if we can try and get a triumphant win here uh and just put this thing to rest because it's been uh what two videos in the making now this is the third one so we want to try and get this done and over with and we'll go ahead and jump into the race right now starting next to uh the 24 the old rainbow warrior here this ought to be good of course pinball and moon gravity still enabled and i'm still getting destroyed right off the start and hitting invisible wall and coming pretty close to killing some fans but luckily they were able to avoid their other untimely demises on this day i'm sure we'll manage to get a few of them before this thing is over with but uh we're gonna try and just focus on hitting people inside of the track not outside of it but we'll see how that goes wiki's going on a ride out there right in front of us is he gonna land on the fans he did he landed on the fans there you go there's a couple of them down already and i've run into him oh i just got ass back there it was there's the first one of the episode there will be many more got our old roster he's going to send me on a bit of a ride oh kind of laying on the wheels i'm on land on my wheels there we go nice recovery right there tiny lund driving as cold trickle you got 10 richmond right here i just barely missed the mole cold trickle came back and got me he was like what'd you say about me came and got me and the fans they're looking on i would not be sitting that close if i were one of those fans but you know what they paid their harder money to get in here they can do what they want let's see who's weak who's going down here we got tiny london another shot there oh jimmy johnson right here in this five cards looking pretty hurt oh we'll get knocked out of the way though oh slamming people in reverse not having a say in the matter come on lightning land on the wheels well yeah there you go i swear one of these days this car is just gonna we've seen this thing get pretty tore up and i'm actually sticking through the driver's door and as i'm gonna do a couple of flips real quick oh i'm gonna get shoved even more hang on we're going for the fence we're coming for the fans watch out watch out the fans oh my oh we got reset by the game but the fans really almost made it right there and there was a death right there in front of me and i got the witness first and we're sitting in 20th position we got to get this show on the road people we gotta get somebody here ricky rudd oh just miss ricky right there he was hurt he was definitely feeling that one oh i'm losing control of this thing i can't steer it into the people that i want to steer into pull back around here baby allison there we go we got a freebie right there he kind of crashed into us oh hard on the wall head on that's one look at his car his car is already torn up it's it's getting hit so hard to turn in blue oh no we get knocked around even more come on land on the wheels will ya land on the wheels uh all right i'm just gonna reset i think that's probably the key that we're like missing out on oh jimmy no nobody's taking jimmy from me on the bear sign but the boston marathon the marathon the boston marathon now your bum oh and i'm flying out of the course again i just bounced off of somebody's pickup truck i think and outside the outside the world we land all slapped immediately immediately upon arrival back inside the mud pit just getting tossed like trash into a can oh god i'm gonna kill myself nope we got eight health left i'm amazed that didn't take me out right there probably should have let's see who wants it who's in a bad way here oh dw i see you dw i see you oh he's gone oh and he took out a couple of fans with him i think that is a yikes for me what about newman here newman riding the tide car oh i hit him from underneath and i'm going flying watch out crane operators watch out oh my gosh we are nearly taking some bodies here today we got donny allison there we go there's a big rear ender and i'm dead that is trouble we gotta pick the face up there's somebody up here with six kills already donnie i see you donnie ah dang it couldn't get the citizens oh the controls in this i'm going to get knocked around here we got to get moving gotta get moving here oh my word and tony stewart oh take down there we go we got one we got a freebie on stick's car oh we have richard brady gonna kill the fans is he coming back down on the fence i think he got despawned ripped in pepperonis who the king got ryan newman in the tiger we already took him or tried to take him out at least once we got old ross here the 24. gotta take out the rainbow warrior himself come here jeff come here jeff come back earl ross in a jeff gordon card you're an imposter oh he's gonna give himself with somebody else no come on land on the wheels you freak there we go i'll take it a little assist from the wall never hurt oh ross wasn't got killed he has respawned and he then took somebody else out immediately i just took neil bonnett on a ride i'm pretty sure let's see can i get back to him nope he's gone somebody got him i believe no no cal petty ah i can't get a cigarette fast enough oh my god i'm getting owned right now oh i'm flying underneath people i'm driving underneath people that are fly don't knew about it i see you you don't go did you touch him oh okay i got it looked like somebody else is going to beat me too i'm almost had a heart attack i was almost triggered to the max right there but we brought it back we recovered we saved it oh big hits right there the wrangler car went flying oh man we're getting knocked around real good here donnie allison's still over here destroyed every time i've seen dolly alex and he's absolutely creamed he's got a takedown that was a freebie right there land on the wheels come on you know you wanna ah all right we're here to reset right there trying not to hit him but uh sometimes you gotta otherwise you just waste entirely too much time floating around because we are down i didn't even notice but we were five minutes to finally gone away on top of the collected mark as he's gone that puts us up in the third all the fans watch out i just i that was a lamar disaster right there i took the heads off a couple of fans i know i did i had to that was a disgraceful act right there newman ah a big hit on newman but he's gonna get knocked around a few more times i think unless he comes back to me oh dang i think that might have done it yeah newman just got creamed wrist and rest in peace you know next individual come here we got greg sacks hard hit right there and i took him out landed on the wheels too oh i see jimmy johnson in this five car he's hurt he's a weak one i smell him oh no watch out got side swiped by somebody there in it oh man that 24 was lining up looking good but he not got just before i could get to him come all right we're sitting in seconds so far not doing too bad we can do a little better though we gotta keep picking the pace up there's i just barely missed somebody flying over my head oh oh oh oh yeah this is a bad way we are in a bad way right here come on yeah yeah too high speed to reset oh hitting in the wall hard up on all right i've got one hell somebody's gonna take me out there we go all right so nine to two so we need two more kills here to get up to where our leaders at and then obviously we gotta keep the pressure on and i just got taken freaking for a ride and i got a free takedown to boot in the process so thank you whoever that was to decide to kill themselves on me basically with what just happened right there got kel yarbo a big hit right there in the door for him and i'm flying through the sky on an apollo mission and now i'm doing a barrel roll and we're gonna reset the thought cause i got all day for that kind of crap to sit there and watch myself do 10 pirouettes i'm not it's not it's on the cards just not in the cards i don't know who that was oh somebody's gone on a ride back there i couldn't even see who it was a 24s i just got a double take down and i did not have a part in any of that just got handed to me on a silver platter and we just now finally landed all right who wants something who's that greg sacks over there oh forget about it i'm just gonna get tate i'm getting free take downs i don't even know anybody i'm getting launched everywhere oh out of the air from the skull bandit watch out for the fancy that's a dangerous place to be sad there's no fence right there for you guys you people are nuts you're sitting there as an explosion right in front of my face all right there's jimmy johnson he has regained his health obviously he has reached spawn at some point there ooh almost got hit from behind by that yellow car was coming at me with a head of steam somebody i think just took out some more fans over there i swear this is a dangerous track for the fans we're killing them all take down assists now i'm triggered come on land on your wheels will you there we go thank you whoever that was give me a little assist there show me in the wall knock me back where i was trying to go 43 big hit in the door and i'm going through the spin cycle watch out for the fans every time the fans find the dumbest places to stand get out of the way you freaks tony stewart tony stewart in the 28th tony stewart is in the ground because we got rid of he's gone he's gone we removed him from the game he is now gone i'm doing a spinner rooney we gotta respawn again here with four health points take down assist triggered let's see who's weak we need a weak one here i want someone who's going down in one hit that someone is me by the way oh i just of course i hit a car that was already dead died fractions of a second before i got it and then there i go oh and there i go again all right we're just ahead of rusty wallace here so oh man we'll just get what i just spawned i just spawned give me a second to breathe here will you please just got knifed around from every which direction is unbelievable and i'm a live carpet god petty i locked him up trying to turn into kyle petty couldn't do it what was that got betty there we go take down oh i got him in the head i got him in the skull oh my word jimmy jimmy i'm walking here i'll give you a shot though since you want one apparently you came up and found me come on jimmy you want it you know what you want it jimmy come on let's go for it no back up davey i saw what you tried to do you tried to take him from me and i'm gonna take you got you sucker all right where's jimmy i see him don't you touch him don't you touch him oh don't touch me either that's not fair ow oh that lady right there putting her life in her own hands i just freaking detached the car and the camera once again i love doing that at least once an episode at this rate come here jimmy jimmy jimmy j jimmy jimmy you're really trying but oh i gotta call that car right here got him oh we're getting all kinds of good ones right here this is going well oh jimmy almost got me right there he did hit me but i'm sliding in the wrong direction there we go landing on the wheels at least got that going for us man this is a wild one okay let's see who else wants some i think my quest for jimmy has subsided i think he might have met his fate by someone else's hand uh which is a shame neil bonnett i just missed the group day marcus come here oh man i'm just whipping on these guys oh there one day see you later dave marcus peace out brother there you go big hit so that that to i'm having a stroke over here i was gonna say lesson learned note to self that 15 wrangler car is rusty and that was the guy that was in second so i'm gonna beat up on him i'm gonna beat up on you mr wrangler oh god fans watch out for the fan we're good oh if any wrangle car just got by me there come here rusty come here there we go oh big shot but that doesn't take him down how is that possible that was a huge hit we're with inside 10 minutes again oh watch out for the fans the fans are dead the fans are quite simply deceased and that is a massive hit right there and i just ass packed the wall all right oh big hit right there and i'm going right back oh somebody bounce off the top of that wall and got shoved into another universe because they are gone let's see here can i get the cop eddie for somebody else get them oh take down assist my butt come on that's some crap that's garbage you know it's garbage who else wants something here who wants a hit that's not what i meant watch out for the fans again and i'm flying over the fence i've had a dollar for every time i've landed outside of the arena here and gone out of the park since we've been doing this mud pit demolition derby i'd have quite a few dollars ray elder oh i barely had a light on him ah somebody knocked me in the wall before i could get to him and i'm getting pushed back into the wall thank you you kind gentlemanly drivers and i'm stuck in the wall i was stuck in the wall come on let's keep this show on the road here oh my you got to be kidding me let me be let me just drive i'm going over the wall again there we go and i'm dead and there you have it ladies and gentlemen so let's look at the score here we got three kills up on greg sacks we gotta try to keep it that way oh oh he's got to take down though and all that but we got i'm gonna bring one back from old school we got pwned right there that uh that look at hurt right in the driver's door too that's gonna that's gonna give him a nice little kyle bush leg injury right there circa 2015 coming right at you in 3d ladies and gentlemen that was michael waldrop's car i didn't know who was driving it oh jimmy john would have shot me in my door come on who wants it got dw right here oh just missed him wait a minute tony stewart tony oh no there were too many people in my way i got a trick i got free take down though once again another freebie landing on everywhere i don't want to be all right fine we'll reset fine you ain't find you in kellyarbro i'll give you a shot oh my god i'm over the fans again [Music] the poor fans never get a break here and the wherever we are oh that was a hard one in the wall right there kelly elbow oh kelly over just got got before i could get to him he got got before i could get him that's a damn shame oh bad hit for us that he's gone he just evaporated he's gone he got caught up in the snap let's see here i'm just kind of doing a victory lap right now even though this thing's nowhere near over with and we still got plenty of time to give this thing up we need to get some takedowns just to give ourselves a little bit of insurance let's see davey here dave you're hurt give me a shot come on come back oh earl ross here no rainbow warrior jeff gordon how was that not a takedown that was such a hit that was a bad hit oh wrangler car no give me back railroads no oh gosh easy now boys oh ryan newman haven't seen newman in a minute he's back with a vengeance oh 30 cars coming at me oh dw we're gonna head on are we yep there we go on a takedown assist i am triggered mark martin i see you and i'm there's nothing i can do about you because i'm just gonna get knocked in every which direction and have no say in the matter and watch out for the fans we're coming down the fence and we got reset all right let's see here we got a 43 car that's seen better days uh he got more of me than i got him there so i don't know where i really want in that whole deal but within five minutes now a potential victory we gotta keep the foot on the throat though to keep winning this thing ryan newman oh give me my camera back i want to see forward not backward come on ryan i'm gonna get you oh maybe not i'm gonna get killed instead all right let's actually give me a good time look at the scoreboard all right we're ahead by five that's not bad ryan newman is lined up there he's gonna oh bad hit right there from the skull bandit and i got double take down assists i'm double triggered oh that's not cool oh man we're flying yep get on the wheels you bomb moon gravity i know a lot of you in the comments say you hate the moon gravity and it's i i like it but it definitely can be kind of annoying from time to time so we won't always use it but i feel like it's part of the challenge here oh bad stuff in the wall stop it again kill your bro that wasn't very nice there bow all right i see how it is i see oh i just got punched in the driver's door and out of the park i go home run jimmy johnson with a side slap there he's going into the fans he's killed the fans and so am i oh my god fans never had a chance i've been stuck on 19 takeouts i don't know how long we got to get one more here dave marcus no dave marcus you're right there you bums quit to giving me take down assists i don't want him oh here we go i just want to land i just want to be on my wheels with drivability oh nobody's giving me a chance to even have 10 seconds all right there we go who is that oh you got taken down right there that's a shame whatever that was was lighting up looking good in that 88 back there oh we got to get knocked around pretty good here in the center jimmy johnson i see him oh but i got knocked out i swear as soon as i lock on to somebody i get knocked out of the park every time without fail oh ross oh get get out of the way freaking dw 17 car in the way oh here we go there he goes a takedown that's 20. i think whatever was behind me and i ricocheted into them that was the final 20th kill there somebody went over the fence and into the fans and got respawned immediately you love to see it unless you're a fan in the stands and then you hate to see it all right here oh lost coming at me oh he almost had it he almost ended his own will and own life on me but he didn't do it he didn't do it i spared him i basically spared him and i got another take down assist and you already know how i feel about it somebody's on the outside of the wall and they respawn here i'm stuck back in the wall back it up oh who wants it who wants it we're almost done here with inside within two minutes here oh that country time cars got owned in the wall i saw that oh look at our car right now look at this thing look at the driver's head on i'm stuck in the wall actually this time dude all right who's in that tire oh no i'm dead never mind don't get a chance to decide i'm out of the parking dead as well rip oh big keep right there from the nine and he's gonna go for a ride and is he gonna land inside kelly yarbrough can i get a shot on him turn this thing around take down assist i am just flabbergasted one word come here there we go we got one 21. there you go our kill count can drink now there you go 22 all right there we go coming on a minute to go there's another takedown we're getting free ones left and right all of a sudden that's like three free ones with inside 60 seconds and we're coming inside 60 seconds left to go right now oh ladies and gentlemen i think we're gonna do it 20 minutes of pure violence and destruction and midair killing the vans i think it's gonna happen oh big t-bone right there another takedown on the ricochet head on the wall but coming to 30 seconds left to go here in just a moment and there it is kyle petty and i all getting shoved in between another car and the ricochet is real right now i'm hitting everybody i'm getting more takedowns 25 takedowns oh we're going ham right here at the end and we're not even having a say in the matter is everybody else running into us oh my word what a lead that's been taken with 10 seconds left to go eight seven six five four three two one that'll do it that will do it ladies and gentlemen and we are victorious with 25 takedowns on the night there you go schooled them absolutely school to mark martin sitting behind us there in uh within second with 17 kills there and would you look at that if you go down the list we got another mark martin set of clones i never thought i'd see the gay the the gay the day oh no you can't say that on youtube no never thought i'd see the day where i'd see two mark martins again thought we left that one at talladega but there you have it there you have it ladies and gentlemen all right so that'll do it for her the demolition arena death match and we've got that one finally in the books after three attempts 20 minutes of just nothing but chaos and carnage but i promised you guys 30 minutes i did i promise you guys 30 minutes of destruction without looking at if that was even possible and then it turned out to not be so now i feel bad now i feel like a liar now i feel like a liar so you know what we're not done yet we're not done yet we got an encore we got to go for an encore right now well when i say something i try to keep my word and we got an encore here ladies and gentlemen and it's going to be quite the show i would say the light mcqueen's back here for one more round of demolition derbies and we have got ourselves a full fleet of competition in the form of lawn mowers i've got one of the mark martin clothes right here on my side you know what you know mark i'm gonna i'm gonna get you mark you're running from me i'm gonna get you oh he he has a tighter turning radius and i do there he goes he's gone all right we got a couple of takedowns already we got quite a few takedowns already these guys are just running into us this is basically just going to be an absolute mess which is why i'm saving it for the entour here mark martin he's gone again mark martin i'm seeking you out for the rest of this episode if i see mark martin he's going down all right and that's just the rule from here on out oh land on the wheels will yeah there we go we even having this problem when we're going against the lawnmowers i can't believe it i can't believe i see mark martin i see him i saw him right across the room i saw him he's gone i wonder if there's multiple mark mars or if it's just him this time we're getting rid of a couple of them mark mark martin i see you i'm getting knocked out of the way before i can get to you though mark martin i want your old grandpa looking self right in front of me stack there you are yeah you heard me oh i missed i whiffed how did i whiff how are you gonna whiff like that come here mark there's no pit lanes for you to pull down mark oh there is to them there's a blue one oh let me turn this bad boy around there is two mark martin's i can't believe it that's amazing there they are they're both in the same shot i just saw the boat there we go oh i got him i hit another guy into him and then here's the other one there he is he's gone oh he's not gone but he's flying up in the air he landed that how did he land that well get out of here then come on that one's gotta take you down it does all right we're not getting credit for all these ones but i promise you that reason again oh he's too early to spawn it was still a ghost oh t-boned d-bone and we're going flying oh hard another wall there [Music] okay all right should we quit our grandpa crimes right now maybe maybe we'll put the mark martin hatred on the back burner for a little bit i think we've given him enough pain for one day i think we've already pretty much won this this tournament as well here whatever you want to call the tournament of death that's taking place carl edwards he's gone don't retire carl go back and sit on the tractor i got the horses in the back you know you do but i wish you would come back you know it's true all right now that i'm done crying over the loss of carl edwards to the to the farm somewhere in missouri we'll uh we'll continue on with our regularly scheduled programming and try to take out some more of these scrubba dubs on the lawnmowers here terry labonte texas terry he's down and out and we get shot into a spinner rooney the boot and that goes jeffrey bow down there goes a couple of guys dick brooks shot him into another millennium all slapped from the side though from an unmanned mower ricky rudd gone glenn roberts mark martin i saw him mark martin he's got his mowers flying into the fans too and it just barely missed him it just caught the tip of the fence lucky ernie irving destroyed who else wants him i saw somebody's lifeless body hitting me in the face right there oh there goes another one sliding on the roof how do you not enjoy this how do you i mean maybe i don't know maybe you have to be a sick freak to like this but this is just this is too much fun and i'm stuck on the lid come on back come on back you know you wanna [Applause] somebody gonna knock me on my no no mark martin tried he tried to gain my forgiveness by putting me back on the wheels but he failed miserably and i tell you what yeah the mark martin hatred is back on now we're gonna make him pay with his life mark martin such a nice sweet elderly man and we're just bullying him into repeated deaths i mean just what that says more about our character than his i would say personally there he is come here oh you bum mark you're not getting away from me i have come too far for too many times come here mra is gone broke his neck got a few other ones in the process got ryan newman speaking of people with no with necks neck problems where's where is he at i saw him where's ryan newman i seeked him where's he at he disappeared he used his oscar meyer weiner powers to disappear and then he appeared again i'm gonna i think i got him i think i got yep that was his big mower right there he's gone got bobby isaac and he's gone should have listened to the voices in your head bobby should have done it mark martin come here you open it yeah we got him i've seen for not winning a championship that's remember the 2007 daytona 500 this is for that oh david he's gone blast into another dimension oh yeah that looked good hurt who else wants some of this i got carl edwards again there you go should have got on the tractor i told you i already told you should have brought a tractor but you brought him and you blew it galia bro gone we're getting rid of all the good old boys today okay again respawns right back in the dirt i got him oh somebody just got i don't know who that was somebody on a red mower just got launched once again jeffrey bodine that's for the dell senior and he's gone [Applause] come on who else wants oh who else wants it daryl lemani texas terry go back to texas how about that that simple we're bullying everybody here lightning mcqueen is supposed to be this great guy and we're look at the spinner rooney midair that was awesome [Music] lightning mcqueen's supposed to be this great guy this great kids character and what are we doing we're just beating up on people we're just we're just playing the bully right now unbelievable what a disgrace i know ron buchard oh i just missed them every morning got him absolutely nailed it put them in the dirt can i get to 50 takedowns for this is over i need 14 more for that to happen i think we can do it especially if i see mark martin out here i see a couple of them and i miss both of them for the champ come on we can get some more i got ricky rudd right here nowhere to go come on you get some more of these there we go all right 12 to go helps if i don't do donuts but sometimes that's unavoidable you come here carla what you're gone you're gone you're gone you never had a chance ernie irvin gone remember michigan dick brooks oh you dick rook survived and that that cannot stand i would not allow that come here dick come here dummy oh turn back around earl ross he's gone ray elder gone come on who else wants uh but donnie allison gone no wait maybe not quite yet oh he's gone he he definitely left us i heard it off in the distance kerry lebani he's in texas i mean i got these guys as numbers we're up to 45 already [Applause] if i had more time i could get to 100. donnie allison shoving them back we're doing a backflip martini trying this look all right i'm letting other people hit me and not the other way around here kellyarno's gone there goes glenn roberts fireball roberts he's gone donnie allison is gone two away now we got jimmy johnson amount of kills who wants to be big five-o right here oh davey allison was number 49 alright well you know 50 has to be mark martin oh somebody underneath the wheels where's that where's mark where's he at there he is come here mark it was only fitting it was only fitting that it had to be mark martin and that one off 50 takedowns what a beating what an absolute beating i mean we are just ruining some lives here all right glenn roberts you want it got him not getting kills credited but we probably have like 75 kills we got all the credit for all the kills we take but we don't get all but of course that puts up to 51 let's just finish this thing out strong here the encore which has just been um absolutely brutal display and just lawnmower violence in the most despicable manner possible really so let's see kyle petty cop betty should have stayed on nbc he's gone oh wait no he survived well there you go he's gone go go hang out with the fans carl edwards oh barely missing joey really barely missed him man unmanned the unmanned mower got by me even this is a sad day ross destroyed ernie irvin out there i see him trying to get to him i think benny parsons just took his own life into his own hands earl ross ah just whip and we're back inside a minute again here the encore coming to a close cop head he's gone this thing is over with jody ridley you got to help me out here all right i just need three more that's it and that's all ron bouchard takes himself out oh just drove to the center and didn't manage to hit anybody what a tragedy come on who wants it glenn roberts fireball roberts no no nobody's giving me i'm hitting everybody but nobody's giving me any credit davey allison he's gone this is just all this has become just saying he's gone he's gone he's gone here we go we're one away now with 15 seconds remaining and ricky rudd is going to be the man to do it get us to 60 takedowns cal petty's gone kale yarbrough is gone they're all gone they never stood a chance if i get mark down here to close this one out i think i did but i don't know i got a lot of guys right there and that is gonna do it right there what a way to finish that off with a pretty hilarious encore if you ask me so 61 takedowns and didn't die at all they will speak legends of this performance for centuries to come and that ladies gentlemen will do it for this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did be sure to hit the like button subscribe leave a comment down below all the good stuff give me some suggestions on what you want to see next in rec fest or in any game for that matter so uh just let me know down below thank you guys again for watching thank you again for all your continued support and with that i will see you all in the next one you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 1,488,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE FINAL BATTLE, encore, PULVERIZING PENDULUM, the worst wrecks yet, wreckfest, wreckfest game, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest nascar, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, next car game, wreckfest multiplayer, nascar legends mod, talladega, figure 8, cars characters, multiplayer, funny moments, crashes and fails, release date, league, hot wheels track, best tracks, soundhead entertainment, ed soundhead, beamng drive, crash, fail, warehouse run, jets, lawn mower, soft body physics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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