BRUTAL 90s NASCAR at Talladega! | Wreckfest

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I'm gonna go ahead and keep it a little watch out walk off packing and I am flipping over we are pill rolling down the backstretch and Overland I'm over the fence what's going on everybody Eddie sounded back and once again it was sound entertainment and we aren't bank in rec fest once again here today back at one of the most classic tracks in all rec fest the Talladega Superspeedway mod and it is time for us to get these nineties NASCAR cars that have been recently updated on track and get into some action so we're lining up here for our first race of the day I did do a couple of practice runs before I started recording and believe me when I say this is a killer combination right here we're gonna be seeing all kinds of problems especially right here at the start they love to get squirrely in sideways they're wrecking a little bit behind us there goes one through the infield in front of us we lost the Cole trickle lost a couple of them behind us but we'll continue on our cars actually raised up a gear ratio level higher above every other car in the field so we do have some speed that way if we get pwned on the start of the race we at least still have a chance to compete afterwards but there is some slicing and dicing and shuffling going on the first corner I'm at it towards the wallet I've been absolutely destroyed on the first hit of the day we are killed Oh ready and we barely made it through turns one and two we were in the middle of one and we met our demise already we got to reset this car just so I can see what the scene looks like right setup and it is a sight to behold look at this as I live down the track look at this that is the start to our day at Talladega all right and we are off and underway for attempt number two hopefully item number two lasts us a little bit longer but we'll see is there somebody wrecking in front of the field already look at the carnage I'm folding behind to see what it's a huge one it's a huge one at the grid of the race and we are still charging down to turn one so what's gonna happen down here this is the real question no we I think I saw a couple bounced off why didn't you just slow down in the middle of the corner Oh our clones are taking everybody out and we're going for a ride again in turn one side I'm flipping over I'm in the wall and I'm rolling down the track pure wedding and yet again we just get destroyed and turn one but I could at least continue on this time as some others aren't so lucky watch out clone or just pull right back up into my path that's cool that's a couple cars are losing it right behind us and nearly collect us luck Lee we're out of the way sorry take her I gotta get through your buddy this is gonna go ahead and shove you out of the way you hate to see it we gotta catch the leaders well it took us practically all race but we have caught the lead back out of the final corner on the last lap pass the money outside learner driver I clip them set them around better get my cycle for that podium when I clip them I'm their psycho now I gotta split these boys for the middle I gotta get by the pro at the line I am even footing it come on knocked him on his lead did I win no no second place first loser and what a way to lose it oh that was an unbelievable finish well that last attempt was a heartbreaker but the best way to get over heartbreak is to go out and win and apparently swerve which is what all these cars are doing and crashing into the field as we drive by just look all cleaned out by the 23 come on man that wasn't necessary we were doing cool too until that happened but all right I see how it is I see all this see how it is out here at Talladega we all know the trash man yeah you drive like it will give you a packing just for that buddy yeah take that yep Bom oh look at this mess Oh a t-bone right in front of us that was hard that was a Soul remover right there that one looks like it hurt he came through that corner at full speed and got that guy oh lift off little lift off off the corner almost spun it out but we're good I got one driving across I tried watch out Dale the good old Dale Don Cheech car once again proving its terminate earnest so I've got some action down here on the backstretch so I'm gonna go ahead and keep it low watch out what top packing and I am flipping over weak heart pill rolling down the backstretch and over in I'm over the fence watch out for the fans get the fans out of the way everybody scattered is I'm gonna stick the landing in the infield of Talladega Superspeedway that's how our day has gone I don't think we're gonna have much oh man they're still managing to wreck each other out here oh why it just keeps coming well I think we've seen all we need to see here well the hits just keep on coming here at Talladega so I guess we'll just keep on hitting that restart button - I'm gonna look at the sliding already look at this and there goes the 77 and there goes a bunch of them in here goes me oh I just really got clipped oh please and I'm hit again in the wall up in the air and I've already smashed the car we didn't even make it to the first corner yet oh I got a big meaty beefy run on the outside let's go let's go don't draw your clone I'm gonna paint with 77 again that ended very poorly for me well this is gonna and extremely poorly for me and it has okay it would be mad at that that was my own damn fault three wheels you know what they say you hate to see it oh these guys oh I could never quite get the push lined up on one of them like I want to and then I almost hooked them which is even where especially going in a corner so maybe I should leave the bump-drafting for the straightaways has a pretty good case of why just appeared right in front of us or behind us really and just gonna go ahead and ride up the clone real quick look who we didn't just get turned around right there with that little clip and I'm gonna give you that out oh what a block what up block by the scum that almost turned him oh my dad I'm over here buddy and we just got stuffed in the wall and just stuffed and stuffed again we're getting stuff like a Thanksgiving turkey that was a couple of days ago and here we go and fly into the air now what a grand scene this is here at the Talladega Superspeedway you love to see it oh my goodness you'll love us your clothes coming at you later than late what in the world that look at our driver look at our car that that's gonna be an F in the chat you unless aerial acrobatics is attempt the better and I'm already being spun into and actually dumped into the pit road wall there it is there it is ladies and gentlemen what a start and I guess I'm just gonna drive down pit road heat down this inside real quick got one flipping up at the top of the track couple at the bottom we survived though make it through up to 14 that's the chief it's gonna drive by him like he's standing still and then almost run into him for no reason and there's a wreck up in front of us Oh watch out pyromaniac what are you doing pulls across the track and gets smoked oh my goodness best lap oh we got a wreck a big one up in front of us and somehow we're gonna avoid that but we're not gonna avoid the back of the general we spin him out I almost wrecked myself there look back find a wreck you know the rules mayor Suicide Squad I'm gonna play with my food a little bit here this is a leader I know we got this one in the bag but I'm gonna keep it interesting what do you see come here let's see if we could push this all my ease got a back bumper that's kind of messed up so definitely not gonna be the best pushing scenario but come on let's give this bum draft down at least a little bit my man oh boy look at the snaking that goes on I guess we're just gonna go to the outside of you know Oh what are you doing what do you get when he just whipped me they just write to me and he's flipping himself what is that that is a terrible decision he just took himself out of the race you're stupid dude what are you doing and we're both gonna get past here in a second by the idol then I just lost the lead so all right we're still close enough though this race is far from over ball power into the corner all the way to his bumper old man oh no no he turned me oh the ultimate Karma know what I'm gonna lose the no no I tried to just shove my the way and I got got well there you have it nothing quite as classic is just giving the race away in the last corner but once again when you manage to do it will come across the line and I think six then had a chance to win the final corner fell the top five that was a bum move I'll keep it real I know what I did that was a bum moved by me and I'm gonna redeem myself by me I give you my word as I just dump the 77 and here goes a collection of cars we're heading right at the start see if we can give a little happy tap to heavy metal hero into the corners actually not where you want a bump trap but here we are as there's a big one with the cones that we get clip and just gonna save it on the bottom of the track we lose a spot and get mini-pak but we're all gonna thank you for that rivet as you're about to get dumped by the trash man I'll return the favor I'll pay it forward top hi Roy here we'll give them a push down the back trudge why not let's go oh look at the snaking look at the snake and come on its back bumper straight - Oh which way you guys go and hell I don't like the sneaky business I don't like that I'll give you a push all day if you want to actually take the push I'll give it to you but they don't wanna know you definitely don't want about you scum you want to take it back all that started well but then they do their swerve and urban impressions just like that what was that that was racing brilliance right there's what that was I don't even have an explanation for it I got learner driver here again rub here at the front we're gonna play with our food again probably cuz this is looking like a pretty good shot I'm gonna try to not just give it away like we did last time fun day oh what the heck what in the world I didn't even do anything ha ha I gotta get out the way bride you killed come on game now forget dad fun with these guys on the backstretch again I don't know breakfast it'd be kind of dirty back there I don't know why that guy just turned on me like he did but he sure did maybe it's cuz I'm giving all these guys pushes that they don't want me we just like get this guy out of here I don't know before it you all will suffer so learner driver get out of here see you later pimp psycho with sex go psycho psycho stole my win so cycles gotta get out of here get him out of here then we got that beast in the lead Oh watch out on the hit back there oh we didn't Mon be stopped I got your number beast you weren't the car that's funny but you look just like him so it's close enough oh my goodness the lip I caught the truck overnight that was there oh no no no this is gonna happen again no it's a white flag you actually have to be kidding me we are gonna have a similar situation again we are coming to the white flag lap there we go final lap and I might have spoke too soon I think we actually might be able to recover from this on the last lap but we got to be fast we got to go buy a heavy-metal hero here without any problems we just gotta fly by him and that's all we're gonna do the leader is up there about three seconds ahead of us that car from the distance up in front of these two oh I don't want to wreck into these guys but I have to I'll give you a push pyro I'll give you a push on the back stretch if you'll actually help but you're won't you just turn your bum so you know what have fun back here you two scum I'm going for this win I got two seconds two seconds two seconds I got a make up what and a half one and a half seconds oh is it gonna be enough this is actually gonna be close isn't it oh boy come on I need that gear ratio to put some work in for me watch out always swerve the car will sit in the groove again we are catching the best luck with cars being stuck lately what is going on we're gonna cover through this line it's gonna be close there's cars in his Lane there's cars at his lady crash we win we win just like Stockton the other day just like the Stockton figure Eight's we did in our last breakfast video dude that was a such a close similar finish man a car in the racing groove disrupts the leader we catch them right at the tail end of the race it gets no better than that well there you have it ladies and gentlemen hope you enjoyed in this video if you did please hit that like button for me and subscribe if you have not already all that stuff helps me out a ton and I'd love to have you along with us for more videos in the future and with that being said I'll see you all in the next one you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 2,178,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wreckfest, Talladega, 90s NASCAR, NASCAR, crashes, wrecks, flips, crash compilation, highlights, funny moments, nascar crashes, worst wrecks yet, mods, forza horizon 4 money glitch, wreckfest gameplay ps4, beamng drive crashes, wreckfest xbox one, beamng drive monster jam, lawn mower, sound of thunder, forza horizon 4 fastest car, forza motorsport 7, monster trucks, 60 fps, beamng drive realistic crashes, hot wheels track, talladega throwdown, wreckfest 90s nascar, console mods
Id: JpwvDE-_eY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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