TALLADEGA THROWDOWN! [Pinball+Moon Gravity] | Wreckfest

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they're all watch out I'd hook Betty Parsons and I am flipping I am just going for a ride once again and we're headed towards the infield we are in the infield and we're into a tent look at my driver he's outside of the window net that is not good what is going on everybody and he sounded back once again it would sound head to entertainment we are back in a rec fest once again here today because it is Talladega week and it is rec fest Wednesday so you know what that means that means we got to have a lot of fun and that's exactly what we've got in store we got the 90s NASCAR mod we got the pinball mob we got moon gravity let's get into it this is gonna be a hectic first corner as always I've given them a little breathing room to race and figure it out they have it there was one reckoned down on the apron watch out oh that's back the back of the field and that's it a bunch of us are going into the fence I'm driving on the fence I'm working in just around the fence and I'm not the only one that's weird I was gonna just slowly crash down back onto the racing surface and what a way to start the day is I'm just slowly pure wetting down the track there it is and we took quite a few of them out there with us it looks like five or six cars up here around sort of close calls and misses but this one's gonna be able to keep on going well I am a little too far behind so we're gonna go ahead and just crash this one into a wall and stand about that all a huge hit right there I'm gonna get hit on the track by Jeff Gordon just cleans me out on the ricochet oh man you hate to see and he's having a ride of a lifetime into the inside catch fence and flip and we're gonna drive right underneath them and just launched him even further and he's gone out of sight I don't even know where he's always flying out of the track he's long gone we lost them I guess I'm just gonna hit aspect out of this race yes we will all it's a hard one oh he just got launched into the corners with that one well let's see what we can do about turn one here on our next attempt is they're wrecking up there in front of us that they saved it though we're making contact back here and that's it we're in the fence again on where do they got cars driving underneath us and we're flipping through the infield grasses a bad time here that turns 1 & 2 at Talladega and we're no stranger that it said all we're still flipping does the moon gravity has just got its clutches on us right now at AIDS it's it's gonna get us we're gonna slowly come to a stop here we got another one right here by us and you know what just go ahead we'll get out of here in Reverse why not all you jerk knock me out and ask you to put me back down on the apron and that's probably gonna make me stuck so next attempt up into the first corner watch out everybody got some guys bobbin and Weavin watch out Jeff Gordon again we've had enough coming together so he was wrecking back there oh there's a lot of back there there was a lot of cars that were just wrecking back there oh it's getting worse every time I look back every single time and it's not getting much prettier in front of me look at this pack up here look out spread out everybody is we are all maxing out we are gonna try and gain some spots here on the bottom I mean it's all rusty watch out rusty I just asked back rusty and Mark Martin puts me in the wall that was Mark Martin all under crashing Jeff Gordon's crashing about Mark scratchy hate to say it my arch nemesis Mark Martin and I have come together once to get a Jim Gordon it's flipping into the fence that's a beautiful sight would you look at that oh we got Oh somebody's wrecking in front of the field and there they go there they go no no this is bad this is very bad and once again I'm flying down the backstretch just racing somebody while I'm flying through the air what a beautiful sight and I'm just grinding my way down the backstretch now oh my goodness what well at least my number still applies even when I'm upside down that's cool my gonna crash into this guy wanting upside down and reverse is that what's gonna happen today no I guess not where's gonna go ahead and glide right by him and into the grass maybe will the grass flip me back over it will hey there you go all right well hey you can't still drive this thing I can whip it around here and we'll survey the damage is this thing has seen much better days that was quite the accident that was a long one at how man we get another one there out of nowhere I believe boys I believe in you that we can get this first corner without causing the huge one at least once but not today apparently an ego rusty gets me a good one again and we're going into the fence again and I'm in the spin cycle here doing spinning Rooney's all the way down the track and we're back on the apron once again we're not doing as bad as that guy up there in front of us my goodness he's having a barrel roll an endo red flip of a lifetime now he's up in the air can I Drive underneath him nope no I could not it was worth the try though a valiant effort Oh somebody's getting launched again oh my god I am crashing just trying to look at that that is not my proudest moment I will not live but man that guy was going for a ride that's all look at him he's still flying over here I've crashed into him again how did I even manage to do that sometimes I even surprise myself and that was definitely one occasion let me try the high side out here going into the corner and see if I can get some some wholesale passes going they're wrecking up here it looks like just in front of us all the quarter the outside stick it to the middle oh we got some air come on hang on to it don't wreck on me don't wreck on me this is gone all wrong I'm going upside down on the backstretch and now I am barrel rolling down that very same backstretch in Cohen end over end now down that very same Bank Treach this has been quite the day at Talladega I swear this has not been treating me very well as I am still flying in through end through the Talladega infield as I crashed down and hit the back end of the car and now I'm going even faster as I'm flying through the air at Talladega am i gonna go back on the racetrack now at least yes as I came in the rear of the car this is just maybe a world record' long distance crash and I think we might have the gold medal here when it comes to our Olympic score we're gonna bring it to a rest up against the fence right here and yeah that looks to me like another solid day here at the Talladega Superspeedway well we've gone low we've gone high why not try the middle and then it just gives us a huge slingshot and we're into the back of a wrecking car how are we gonna hold onto that there oh there's a lot cars wrecking back there Oh watch out I put Betty Parsons and I am flipping I am just going for a ride once again and we're headed towards the infield we are in the infield and we're into a ten we have just crashed into something I don't know what kind of building this is supposed to be but we have crashed into it and hopefully nobody was inside but look at my driver he's outside of the window net that is not good can I believe we survived that first corner but can we survive the backstretch somebody else isn't in either we've been knocked around I think we might all man we had a good save going and then we got knocked in the air and now we are just sliding on the side sitting sideways where's Paul wall when you need them this is still going on this is an ongoing situation and finally we plot back down on the apron so another long-distance event watch out everybody everybody's scrambling to try to get to that bottom it's not fitting for everybody and there they go around up in front of us oh it's an explosion of cars I'm getting hit how do we get you that oh my knee others did not Oh there's cars flying everywhere back there that is quite the scene oh my goodness yep that that's what you hate to see but also love to see here at Talladega what could these wholesale spots on the outside man we got that run you had that beautiful run that could this be it good this would be the one this might be some of the Oh watch out I'm up in the air and there's a car just sitting there and that's gonna cause a whack Morgan Shepherd No can I save it no absolutely not and I've been just added insult to injury and when the infield and my will to live is crumbling by the moment because my beautiful race has been completely unearthed and destroyed what a just sorry excuse for an existence of Morgan Shepherd I gotta find my way back onto the racetrack here and of I see Morgan Shepherd again today it's not gonna be pretty because he's got us again I think I just almost wrecked Mark Martin oh and there's a big wreck in front of us so there's definitely no all miles and I almost just clean Mark Martin out for good and then just a huge flip right there behind us the outside has worked for us somewhat before maybe it can work for us again as many Parsons is bobbling around here and we got to focus on the task at hand and that's getting the win but if I see Morgan Shepherd today I'm it's gonna be hard for me to have any kind of mercy on him as I get off the ground I heard some carnage back behind us and that's what I'm seeing oh my oh my God he's flying through the air that was an incredible sight things are getting pretty racy right here on the south side lay me and Kimmy sure you're making some contact I'm gonna get a run it's Mark Martin oh it's my arch nemesis we'd better stay away from him he's gonna come up and get us oh here we go and there it is another masterful flip here at Talladega they're a dime a dozen really and I think I just cause some people to hit the wall hard and then I hit the fence hard and somehow we're gonna be able to come out of this alive am I gonna get hit by one of these guys might as well steer into it and this race is pretty much over anyway but we're gonna send it to the garage the hard way or maybe the easy way I don't know we got here pretty easily inward just completely destroyed who said oh the heck is that Neil Bonnett get out of here dude this is my time to be wrecking as much as I like the high sign I think I'm gonna pull it back down a little bit lower oh don't know why don't know why I'd want to ever do that just completely got destroyed that's beautiful that is a beautiful sight you should have just kept it up I should have just stuck with it and now look at me now I'm flying high I'm in defense I'm flying over the fence and we're back in the Talladega infield that we are pretty soon gonna be able to call home we visited so often it's kind of ridiculous and once again look a little bitter right we're in my car completely destroyed we're having trouble getting off the line over here like a lot of these guys I'm gonna stick it through the middle up here Richard Petty and Benny Parsons some of the greats can I come through here at my try my have to use up Benny a little bit I love using up a lot a bit I think I might just cause him to crash oh he's taking off he has lifted off ladies and gentlemen Benny Parsons what a legend the guy Richard Petty all just aspect a king I've been t-boned and we are wrecking it again I am in a spin cycle can I get it back oh I might be able to hold on to when somebody was flipping outside the racetrack somebody is flipping right behind us and somehow we're gonna survive all that with some cars dead on the apron we could at least use this as a chance to try to catch up and I need every advantage I can get try and catch up to them oh my I forgot there's a little lip right there this is gonna be a bad one we are flying through the grass we're gonna be flying over the pit wall and just into the garage and into a bus parked in the garage and now over the garage and on the garage roof and now back into the middle of the garage there it is ladies and gentlemen you have seen an infield tour of Talladega just like that from the track to the garage we're even gonna land on our wheels how about that well you know what since we landed on our wheels let's just go ahead we'll pull it up we'll pull into a stall right here we'll get it ready to get loaded back on the truck cuz this thing is just about worthless to us now and that's great well I want to test this out I want to see oh my god it does launch you that's awesome all right I actually I am that that is still there in a way this look at this all I did was jump that one little spotted now we are just tumbling oh this is quite the sight it's beautiful in a way oh barrel rolling now we are just getting it all this this flip is going insane this is what it looks like on the moon and we get a stock car race on the moon and see if this is legit I think that would be a good use of our time I really think it would be and speaking of good uses a time I guess we're gonna use some of this time to pirouette with our racecar before finally coming to a stop on the pit wall well there you have it ladies and gentlemen let's see what we can do this time if I could not cause the big wreck that would be nice if I could not get involved in somebody else's big wreck which is kicking off right in front of us and it was rusty getting taken out by Mark Martin I get hitting the door get hitting the rear end and if somehow we're gonna save it I don't know how we're gonna save it but that that that is a miracle nothing short of a miracle look at these runs we're gonna get on the inside off the corner mark get out of here Mark Martin get out of your old we're hooking each other in the wall I'm off the ground guys save it please David oh we saved it again oh this has got to be it this has got to be the run if we're saving it like this look at this Carlisle we're just gonna get oh we get a huge run Mark Martin I'm coming for revenge buddy you and me mark that's a pack just for you buddy specialized home delivery always gonna take out the field behind him and he does and that is Mark Martin in the fence and he is just flying through into the infield see you later buddy we saved the spot boy and he is tumbled to the infield and we've still got a shot at this race we got to keep going Oh watch out Joe do you quickly coming down low or slapping doors watch out rail there I just wrecked him hard oh my god they all just crash they exploded they all exploded again I just saw something to get liftoff with somebody else's roof that was a bad crash and I may have started it come on we got to get a couple more spots the back stretches looking hectic oh we got cars flying around the backstretch we got cars wrecked in the racing rooms watch out oh there it is we gotta use this to get to the lead watch out somebody's driving across the track up here watch out Morgan Shepherd just got killed that's Karma we're going for the lead oh I just swerved Oh junior out of the way Eddie's in the wall oh it's all come down to the last corner and we are gonna do it if we have a clean front stretch oh my goodness we are gonna survive one of the craziest races in history here at Talladega in wreck fast that was a nuts run right there that was insane we get the dub and we seal it with the victory that was sick well there you go ladies no you have to hit the like button for that if you haven't subscribed already make sure to subscribe that'll pretty much do it I don't know what else to say Talladega Week is here I'll see you in the next one peace you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 1,471,181
Rating: 4.8277493 out of 5
Keywords: TALLADEGA THROWDOWN, wreckfest, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest review, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest ps4 review, wreckfest customization, monster truck, nascar heat 4, xbox mod, ps4 mod, console mods, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, wreckfest nascar camaro, wreckfest 90's nascar mod, talladega, hot wheels, funny moments
Id: EWAtd7XCmgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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