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what's going on everybody he'd he sounded back and once again it was sounded entertainment we aren't banking rec fest once again here today at the madman stadium for a classic demolition deathmatch we've got a brand new vehicle to try out from the latest DLC pack of this is the Bugzilla monster truck and this thing looks sick and it looks like it's about ready to destroy some people so what better way to test that out then with a ten-minute deathmatch against the special mix the vehicles class we're off and let's see what kind of destruction we can add up here oh man and a mountain RV already this it's an ideal start for a monster truck honestly and then the combine harvester comes in animal on board all the lawn care appliances are coming in to help and then I get robbed I look at my rear suspension my engine already just in shambles so that's brilliant a school bus there gives me a shot will try and bring things around here through the smoke we go it kills my FPS you love to see it pack an RV in here drive underneath the school bus and nearly oh I'm out of the side is RV I'm being sandwich my RVs and Harvester this is not the ideal start as we packed our harvest they're in and I'm already down to 31 oh there we go we pack it everybody around here Oh cycles hurt already on this mower come here oh man I need you come back here oh he's out of my reach I'll just knock the mass around the couch you do not want to be in one of these small vehicles in one of these events especially when there's people driving around and monster trucks and RVs and school buses a God knows what and super trucks and semi trucks it's just a it's all bad out here to be on a lawnmower or on a couch it's a bad time like look at this poor guy right here destroyed and then I actually got the worst end of this what is this what is that oh all the logics coming out of here right at the end of the year I love to see it and I'm gonna get pummeled by this harvest I'm getting bully dog dead I just got destroyed and we are all the way down little the grid add xx out of 24 so we need to pick up the pace says we just sent that bus flying holy barrel-roll oh and then the attacks again coming back revenge of the busses how many school buses we destroyed this year it's about time they came back at us and it's only fitting that they do it now cuz this will most likely be our last kind of standard rec fest video of the year so we got to go out with a bang here and get ourselves on the board of this demolition derbys we just school a bus yes that pun was intended believe it or not come here mister the chief from dragging you around and I'm gonna take this big old truck as well oh the passion wagon is a little lawnmower that's that's an interesting sight I don't know how much ash is going down in that wagon but that'll be for another day maybe we're just knocking these little vehicles around they stand no chance man they have none whatsoever old me and rivet I'm just gonna miss and it's kind of janky without these wheels are just it's a little weird and you got to try and line them up there we go oh there's our first takedown of the day a big big squish on a lawnmower oh I'm doing a spinaroonie in the middle of the air and jumped over that RV I thought I was gonna land on him for a second I would have been awesome all been clipped I was gonna try to land up for that combine and tip him over but I couldn't get there without getting tipped and all that guy just went flying on the couch and I think we just killed him but didn't get credit for it so that's awesome oh my goodness so lon don't mind me into a wheelie that was beautiful and I think I just almost got a clip but barely missed it camera start freaking out the RV sent to a spinaroonie all we got the couch what you got the couch get out of here checking out pyromaniac to come here I remember all these names we lost the NASCAR name so awhile I hope they'll come back eventually but for now we're getting familiar with some of these guys over the bouncer we're taking them up the hill oh we're coming back down watch out that was a near miss right there that player would have taken it guy out of the event as well just save that guy's day you're welcome I know these guys are just darts without feathers basically isn't what this entire event it's just kind of fly around and open you run into somebody during it all you jerk you respawn just in time believe it now that it's what deeply offends me right there what up great down the RV and then another one into the side here we go we finally got a couch here all we'd launched him just gotta keep moving though you cannot try and hunt these guys down too hard though it's just gonna cost you too much time we're in a fifth oh oh if I could have hit pyro right there that wasn't perfect oh they just don't line up sometimes man he just kind of be in the right spot at the right time oh there's a hit on the chief again bullying the continuation yeah get up the hill come on we gotta try and get some kills here we got to get up the board all I'm being sandwiched in between everybody come on we could do this we got an end of the year strong as we said I'll take out any super truck or combine harvester bus or what-have-you I'm coming for you all yeah tip over the bus get him out of here what a waste what a shrimp they're all channeling their energy today we are as well but we're channeling their positive shrimp energy we got to use it to our advantage like right there I'm pyro get out of here come on I'm coming for all you a combine harvesters oh I almost tipped them over should have tipped them over I'm gonna get one of these combines eventually I'm telling you the master we're getting you out of here come on to a couch oh and heavy metal gyro just gets blasted to the smoke come on you got to give me some credit for this damage game you're killing me out here seemly not getting any credit for these damage I'm causing some of these skills that I haven't getting I'm just shoving Rivet around the track shoving pyro around the track he's going flying can I hit him oh yeah we got credit for it too you love to see it unfortunately that only puts me back in fifth after I drop a spot so that's a little unfortunate but we'll keep up the carnage as we are past half away and I didn't even notice so so preoccupied Oh are we missing a wheel on this bus back here is he immobilized not a lot of damage that can be done to the buses unfortunately get out my way combine harvester we got turns to make and rounds to make as well let's see if we can fire back through here Oh get out of here couch we got oh yeah there you go I love just coming through him blasting a guy on watch yeah we're coming psycho man and both he lands hard and face-plants oh the poor guy didn't have his belt on you hate to see we just took out a nut sir lawn mower nope oh you poor souls but we're in the lead so it's a worthy sacrifice look at this combo right here it's hurt we got to come back rim later I'm gonna get the rest here though in the meantime mano is chasing me around get out of here I just saw somebody out of Margit launch that was beautiful go for all our visa come on I'm knocking you guys out I'm going for anybody at this point looking all the harvesters are hurt look at these guys I say all of them I only see two but they're both beat-up forget the chief down here he's beat up all we got buses getting tossed around couches in my way get out of my way thank you come on somebody you gotta want some of this I know you do who wants to give me this cuz our bees hurt all the with the whip on that RV look at him look at this scum quite literally with no health as I just get all of these garbage out of my way just get him out of here all this guy's getting tipped over on in my face I could have been bad gonna come by just driving to reverse up the side of that hill that's a beautiful sight come here chief oh oh yes we caught like the ricochet hit on bad that was what killed them that was awesome two minutes and 30 seconds left we're in the lead we got to hold onto this oh my yeah and what I hate Oh what I'm dead okay well we got actually a little bit of a lead we can't afford to give it away now so we got to stay on the charge Hill we got to try and get some takedowns and secure this end of the year victory here we got a weak one in the Beast oh there we go I took a guy out but I didn't get credit for it although when I got credit for that one I want to get the bus to it double take down get him out and I'm going for the harvester to that tip him over right there nah he's good ah come on I'll get you I will slay the Beast how convenient that he's named the Beast come on we'll come around I'm knocking all you out of the way get out of my way I'm gonna save the day for some of you right here at the end of this thing as we're coming up on a minute in 30 seconds to go chimera sir yes we got a man a weally to boot we took down the combine harvester we have slayed the beast literally oh now that is neat that you love to see take every inch of that death as I'm getting shunted and given shots all at the same time over here but come on we gotta wind this thing down with a bang we got 9 takedowns were in the lead oh but I'm on my lid I just got turtled come on we can save it there we go Bemidji style that'll be coming back in the new year by the way oh geez ah it's sandwiched around a toss around get off of me under a minute to go oh my word weird we might make off with this thing but we can't give up yet I kind of want to get to 10 takedowns can I get one more takedown before this is over they give us a nice big round number can I do that yes there we go right on cue oh I am loving it no I don't love the big hits but I love giving them 30 seconds to go come on doll the t-bar I'm getting knocked around well I think this one's pretty much in the bag I got an idea let's let's run it up this side of this thing for 2019 all the carnage we've caused the destruction that we've laid this year is I'm gonna get pummeled on the landing even all you ain't kidding we're getting thrown around under 10 seconds 5 seconds 4 3 2 1 and that is 2019 in the books ladies and gentlemen that is our final rec fest sort of regular video of anything for the year and what a year it has been man thank you all so much I hope you enjoyed all the things we've done this year cuz it is in a way it's there was a lot but it went by so fast so I don't really know how to feel about it but we'll have a year interview coming up in a couple of days and we'll refresh everybody's memory zuv how 2019 went down and we'll look forward to 2020 coming up here in just a couple a day that is kind of disgusting to think about but nevertheless it's coming up and we gotta get ready for it so thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and with that I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 838,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster truck derby destruction, bugzilla, monster truck, no reset challenge, wreckfest, hot wheels, talladega, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest ps4 review, wreckfest customization, nascar heat 4, xbox mod, ps4 mod, console mods, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, wreckfest 90's nascar mod, funny moments
Id: 19sB2_uvO0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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