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what's up guys welcome back to Delta ruin we are in the card castle but we're inside the prison so we have to escape first we are the trio again all of us are here but lancer is not here anymore unfortunately but I'm gonna go left first because we saw something hiding here while we're controlling or kind of controlling Susy this thing kind of creepy I'm gonna go to Suzy's something first this one hello thanks for inviting me this trashcan is really great the enemy did not get clobbered by Suzy that is actually surprising I apologize for the inconvenience earlier thank you Susie for showing mercy there Susie's first solo puzzle who would a nice memory stop remembering me fondly and this is just the cellar that was this tiny cell okay and now we're gonna go to the eye thing can we interact with that no that's a puzzle okay what up hello yeah even I got arrested and I'm just a pair eyes what's the world coming to really you're what the heck a pair of eyes for some reason I expected something completely different Susie did you solve this puzzle all by yourself you must really have wanted to save us haha no way I just solely on accident on accident I actually thought it was you know a slot machine but it turned out the prize was nerds pretty cool nerds though right whatever the cracks here huh okay I think we went it's like already you do we already go up here this is our cell right I don't think there's any other secret here so it's time to actually try to find lancer huh that's an elevator that's probably not gonna oh what no no I want to go right please not yet Terrell say just to be extremely safe I'm gonna restart and we are back I'm gonna check right yeah look thank God I didn't miss that what is this although oh no all the enemies what the heck is that as animal seems to be alone in these cages now everyone's here so many new people wish we could go back to the good old days when it was just us in these filthy cages and the sound of various animals coming around since I didn't want to fight you guys I got locked up and sorry how can i you guys seem way nicer than the king we're gonna take over this kingdom I'm gonna free you sue Anna I was arrested for making a puzzle without a license I'll never make another word search I promise hello whoa whoa whoa whoa we are the three former kings we beg you free us once all four of us rule together but when the night arrived everything changed how my diamonds my jewels you must tell me if they're all right or you say your world is in danger well that's a shame isn't it gah come on can I talk the other ones oh no I'm just the key no one talks to me what it's actually talking can I is that a happy are you enjoying the show I'm golden Sam what up it's tough being the fourth cage and to Taylor okay interesting huh and we're gonna save this 170 minutes so far and now it's time for the elevator for real let's go or else a alright this lift should take us out of here now it might take a while so ah get comfy everyone wow that's awesome that's a really cool picture right there hey Rosa you know Lance Erstad the King yes when we meet him you think we'll have to hurt him Susie I mean I could have easily smashed him but you guys and no that's not really your thing you're more about uh groveling like total losers and I was thinking maybe yeah I could do that to Susie you mean you want to try acting well Susie we'd be happy if you acted with us and don't worry we'll be there to help you won't have to figure it out by yourself sure alright okay it's for a lancer but maybe it's gonna start something and then snowball into pacifism hey Ralph Susie are you still gonna make those cakes well will you stop making fun of me well if I have to I guess can I'll bake you as many as you like all right this is actually happening yeah like you can make that many do it and Chris is just having the time of their life well this is our stop let's go hey Chris wait a sec you know I'm starting to realize it'll be easier for us to get out of here if we all get along a little more so next time we've had an enemy if you tell me what to do I'll listen to you but you know don't tell me anything stupid or I'll go back to smashing heads alright I'm keeping my eyes on you but okay Chris I'm counting on you okay Susie joined the party for real oh heck yeah finally yeah look at that Susie RAL say can we give anything we don't have anything right now my question is I'm gonna go here first Oh boo-ki music is it possible to go back oh wait a minute wait a minute this floor one you're there one second save them we are in 1f so it's like the elevator in under teyla so okay I wasn't even it wasn't necessary to restart the game you can just go back to the prisoner whoa the elevator ride it's suddenly so fast what is question mark spookier I hope that's not the way to go no it can't be in what is this mellow oh so lonely lonely I be what love three visitors standing inside who are you phew nice to meet you I'm RAL say this is Chris and so what the hell are you doing in there hi I'm innocent innocent I just wanted to play a game a game but the boring Kings found such fun to be a trouble as punishment they craved to imprison my body but I'm fast fast clever clever they lost the chase and locked up their entire race building a prison around the whole world though I'm the only free one huh free but you're clearly the one behind bars things don't seem such from here Leitner's well sounds like you don't need any help penalty that is um so I grow lonely in my little freedom so shall you play a game with me I'll show you what it means to be free sure find the key and it lets you be free free the key is hidden from eyes the old shopkeeper knows a secret fine takea the old shopkeeper Shawn I'm gonna go back to Shawn if I have to Oh what the hell your prison cell gets Moss didn't even save any for me yeah I'm sorry what about here okay somewhere what's more wall I just realized I can't go to the shopkeeper because I'm in a prison and there was no way to like go outside right maybe floor 1f and then we can go outside and then use that those doors to fast travel to the shopkeeper 1f okay what is that elevator to prison formerly known as the elevator to the basement which just happened to have a lot of cages okay all right snail dough what up soldier what with a fast okay okay one second Suzy rudin Rangers came sparkling into view so first of all this is gonna be hard like this is the hardest thing to do at first but Suzy I want you to compliment and I'm Ralph say you can just chill with defending compliment the enemy are you serious what good can I say about someone trying to kill us ah Sudi if you're stuck why not try saying something you wish someone would say to you you are unbanned from free ham sandwich day no one ever said that to me before long live the king oh no okay slow or fast swords rude and Ranger pledges allegiance nice okay you know what you're gonna compliment again and RAL say you're gonna spare this one yeah did you nice you guys look like you're gonna kill me and we spared one no one ever said that to me before now only one Wow and I almost got hit [Music] and we did it very very nice Susie I'm actually getting happy now with Susie you can also spare you actually know you know what I'm gonna defend and Susie is gonna get the spare and we're just gonna defend her there we go 103 at dark dollars well can I just talk to Susie like good good job good job really what's that elevator to the top floor Oh currently stuck at the top floor great so this is the shortcut and that's the staircase so we can't use the elevator that's Adam what's down here hello that's the outside of the castle and now we can go to the shopkeeper sorry guys priorities I want to get that I'm filled right and then to the left and that's the shop I really like this what up welcome travelers strange prisoner what are you talking about a prisoner with an odd manner no you couldn't possibly be talking about him I see after all the trouble I went through to lock him up you want to release him and how did you mention it it could be troublesome if he was left alone perhaps it is better if you heroes dealt with him now after all it's not as if whatever happens will matter in the end perhaps a little chaos might be fun by the way what is that the dorable doll up there take this the broken key AAA was added to your key items if you're so a driven find the other two pieces and get someone to fix them I'll even give you a hint walk where the stars don't shine if you succeed you to come back here and tell me and good luck if you can call this luck some more like a curse travel opening the door doesn't matter to me walk where the stars don't shine in them that's gonna be a bit complicated I think [Music] smorgasbord I think that's something we didn't have before does Suzie have a special thing for every single enemy let's start with the happy end s flattered okay and you're just gonna defend flattered all the enemies can't believe my bozo teammates wanted to fight someone like you so much and there we go nice oh that's so nice can't we wait a minute have an idea what the heck is happening by the way um okay quickly we just have to spare it everyone wait weakened spirit three times Bam Bam Bam eighty three dollars so by the way this one here the orders from the rule that like I'm not sure is that the key maybe but if that's the key piece but I don't think we've seen any rooms yet so uh actually what I'm gonna try it since I have nice Susie a possibly in what if I go back to those enemies fear attacked hello and they're all gone now ah it's that purple beast whoa nice fear look Chris I've got fans okay I'm out of breath no apologize Susie right now that's the first challenge you're not gonna get any cake before you don't apologize okay I will go back into the castle and for now maybe I'm just gonna focus on this maybe if the secret is big enough I can do that in another video or maybe at the end I'm not sure about that Vernon's room yes that's a door a nice-looking door hello what is that normal everyday richness acquired from a legitimate source looks like a family photograph on its cutes hey it's you you're that peaceful Lightner why you even think the Beast that was tormenting us based what Beast uh-huh you even taught the Beast of dark here have a joke Oh diamond a thank you very much you two are real heroes you know that what about Mia you two talking Beast you two on your way to become one at least we sold all of our beds to replace them with treasure my back hurts but life has never been better what bag [Music] okay I'm gonna go up and I think yeah those are the stairs goodbye soldier so this is so freaky in a way it's entire black and white style that's a treasure chest what's in here the club sandwich Susie's gonna love that or no we're okay let's think about this I can toss something I guess just a dark candy right okay oh my god mini-boss so the worms have decided to crawl out and play who's there ha ha ha those fools it's the king or no wait wait I am a rich Lascar that one yeah our greatest adversary now may have claudus past all those other esteemed rooms but those were created by other weaklings now prepare thyself for the strongest puzzle of those life foil worms Oh No god damn it Oh what was that oh hello who are you doing here uh rook so scarred was standing here I'm mispronouncing that horribly I'm sure I think making block pushing puzzles is a totally hunky hobby ax okay that was cool and wait that actually helped us solve everything awesome up the stairs what the heck blue Hasse's are you super-powered darkness and three the head hath you blocked away three times okay um you would do an expert under I'll say you go defend yep huh and hell no Susie it's okay if you don't know how what shut up that's not the problem are you sure all right look wise guy I'll show you watch this um so come here often head happy felt awkward and left hey get back here and let me flirt with you not sure if that worked against the other ones they're all targeting me yeah that's an interesting support attack yeah that's pretty cool I like that one okay no emotion at all uh um I guess I have to do the floating then or are we gonna give Susie more more time no no one is tired so we just have to defend hell now let's see around say do it I suppose if it can't be helped Cathy your beauty is just transcendent your hair is like a waterfall of wait do you have any air or the rebels say what are we doing oh dear wait not so easy huh and only one more left targeting Susie yeah um low in the corner I'm sorry Susie and lonely kiss and now are we gonna flirt we're gonna do it right and you're just gonna defend us you flirted with had a Thea highly-effective that's how you do it guys I'm the master okay I need to be much faster there and now we can spare and you just defend awesome 65 dark dollars what is this thing that's a oh that's where we came from so Noah I'm so dama sometimes think it's a bit annoying because wait a minute oh nice how did I do that Schuyler and that it's the way to go so I actually have to go back again okay that's cool what's this more happiest and bids will you rest here no you won't it's not your bed Vienna and any other RPG I could have rested there looks like Cathy sold all the gems and replaced them with beds looks extremely well slept Cathy looked at you kindly your sins against Hathi were forgiven you felt about the same ah okay now mappy that was worth it to go back here can I sneak past them again oh oh is that that's cool up once you beat an enemy it doesn't chase after you anymore or how does it work that would be super cool if that's the case can now we have the dancers what's that Oh I have to get all of the pictures ela squashy was that that's a treasure chest well I could we nice another one what up hahaha those guys really think that was all I had wrong it's time for you to feel my real power behold my ultimate other how about you can we screw it up I think we have to do it can we talk to you tip yeah place the true strongest puzzle worms this time the difficulty arch magnitude scrander see thou in a hundred years now feeble insects Bama ahaha caliber worms that wasn't really my ultimate puzzle I have a waist better one right here can we see it No goodbye whatever your name is I keep forgetting and this also is softest nice you opened the treasure chest inside was revived meant oh I'm in a revived Minh tis cooler again then dark and eeeh I guess I can't just use dark Candia and give Susi something to eat finally yeah that's good you know what okay one more yeah come on Suzie eat them all up because we can't sleep in the bed we have a revived min tower the heck am I looking at [Music] this is amazing Vance partyi I'm the first party member I'm in charge of the DPS the dancing party soundtrack what is that thing it's a bed for three people or one through a three headed person oh [Music] let us take your coats and put it in the toilet which we don't even have please try the baseballs yeah eat so any joke to these sports and we can all play twister just stay out of our way we lose even by ourselves okay Kulik ooh clover that's summer awesome it's a boombox and a giant baseball for parties Kathy the second party member the healer she was in charge of catering the party unfortunately the cake she commissioned was destroyed in the field somewhere Susie yeah and looking at you it's a tree for parties awesome party is all I can say you got the DPS the healer and the tank I guess good you know thumbs up for that now I forgot was something up there we're only an image yeah so never mind so that was the way to go so it's not just a super-secret we have to go upstairs and a safe when this might be it 5f holy moly ax a shop and under a room what's happened here it's a music player yeah oh no it's full of cartoons flat noises awesome a bicycle is lovingly tucked into bed Lancer a Lancer Oh what's this interesting it's a whole Maitri creation area we got all of those but that's it it resets again it doesn't seem that we can go there right and there's no pattern I think I'm gonna go into the shop first [Music] seriously welcome to my shop you ungrateful worms what is thine interest about yourself I am study couples raxil scarred again if I mispronounce that I'm sorry my hobbies include is calligraphy a lot keeping but keeping cages and long walks in the dungeon rgeous now one of my admirers worm haha so I might amass of funds worms and army of funds so that I may crush his power like fermented grapes into a most delicious and adult beverage vengeance ahaha you're kind of creepy how I amuse myself the King our Lord a king are too cruel and terrifying monarch however he's also brilliant for he decided the Festus Justice to appoint us to me as Duke of puzzles after pretty much if everyone else was fired or placed inside a cage truly a benevolent ruler and the king's son Lancer his son on the other hand is more troublesome than a fistful of fleas he always asked me the worst queries and call of me his lesser dad our relation is Nana you little water beetle I placate you for your father's sake I do not wish to hear your mp3's I would rather listen to the sweet song of death how is he anyhow huh okay that was kind of cool can we sell them yes actually I want to sell a ton of stuff what about the dark candy spin cake no that's very important hearthstone Atlantis or cookie Noah that's like a souvenir some revived mints I mean I guess you can delete or like sale one choke or diamondden club sandwich okay weapons it's not important right now I think we can maybe buy something he'll fifty-year brave acts for Suzy yeah okay yeah actually a mine sure sure we're gonna get everything up exit exit see that in the dungeon thank you for all the help is it actually just a shopkeeper I was expecting like a mini-boss flight but maybe not okay equip I'm Chris no the amber card won't help you Suzie yeah you get the brave axe if I have to oh come on don't you want a brave axe and you get an amber card better than nothing exactly it you get fluffiness Oh fluffy boys with egg white ribbon Oh magic is up okay I'll protect everyone I guess that's good enough for now [Music] what's that an elevator right the elevator ah wait I'm so confused sometimes elevator or staircase all I get it I get it the elevator is now a go now goes back to the bottom floor he was the top one right okay yeah yeah that's it all right so that's just their way back we don't need that we're just gonna write back and considering we have a shortcut all the way down this might be the finale what's that nothing just decoration enough worms no it is actually you will thou may have cheat assistance that the through mine puzzles but in combat thou shalt be scattered about comic maze prepare a Thor battle with what whatever this is huh it's the enemy from earlier but its crown looks different looks the same yes with my control crown I'm ace control any disc-shaped life for man Oh God Oh No it looks like it's in pain it looks the same yes the control crown is painful but I'm certain this creature will feel a relief when it sees how much more pay in it that will be in let's go I love this song right there Lucy's idea okay Susie you want to act what's your idea um well how do I say this I kind of need you for this one that's fine Susie I'll help what are you doing by the way well say you want to apologize to it for earlier right now I just need you to stay still ah what we gotta get that crown off its head yes what the heck help me throw around say at it oh oh whoops yeah full power full power darn it loosen the little huh I somehow survived that an argument gonna question that 20% loose okay I'm sorry but we have to throw you again so this yeah greatly loosen the critical hit pretty much dude those freakin of fabulous kicks I can't even 55% okay we're gonna do it again so all the way up and then ah awesome greatly loosen again and this is probably gonna be the last one Wow Suzie oh sorry for about that 90% and now we're just gonna do a normal one again whoops aw thank God it loosened enough right goodbye $5 so still no mini-boss the poor dude well I brilliant just brilliant I knew you could do it now great heroes thou and I will see you that was merely a friendly test of thine abilities but thou hast won and now a nothin blog Stein Pass I personally could not be less of an obstruction but you left me with you heroes goodbye oh my god dude is it time I think it's time this is whoa this is intense the throne room or maybe just the throne awesome throne though damaged in a struggle wait don't it was richest hopefully a struggle from before and not like that happened recently a wall banners a struggle something happened are you all ready guys all fully healed we save it look at this team they would look at this come on man okay this is kind of cool I do like the trio's answer I'm so happy to see you there's Lancer that's the king that's awesome father Lancer my son have you dispatched the light nurse as I commanded no but I did even better it turns out we don't actually have to fight them they said they could just talk to you and their ally of yes and I think you'll like them a lot there's Suzy she's very purple strong and where are they now um let's go see face final battle guys maybe Hey it's nice to meet you Lancer Lancer my son yes Father do you remember what I told you don't get too attached you have failed they have poisoned you with their sentimentality for yourself Lancer they care not for you their only goal is to destroy our glorious fountain the thing in the background right they are scum no no they aren't oh my god what did you say your let him go you want me to let him go no don't let him go like off the cliff I'll drop him off the edge and let him splatter what kind of father are you dude unless you all kneel and learn your place from super duper dad özgür to actual King villian but will it be light nurse we have to do it right don't listen to him Susie he'll he'll he'll do it he won't do it were kneeling now watch Lancer see what happens when you have a friend Leitner's oh what the you traitor come back here Lancer I can't believe it alright enough already who the hell do you think you are to my people I am a hero to you the bad guy what no way what is this the King block player hello okay we're gonna check first um Susie what is your magic bro damage ouch you're gonna defend and you're also gonna defend the abandoned by the Leitner's his heart became cracked with hatred he cannot be reasoned with but don't give up how dare you come here light nurse how strong are you so far or not not bad okay good first attack the battlefield is rumbling I'm gonna we're gonna we're gonna start with RAM wherever I'll say because it's the king and you're just gonna defend try to reason with the king you might not realize it but this is a world where you don't have to fight I know if we try it we can all find another way such simple-minded platitudes a shame you will not live to realize your naivete now perish with the pathetic light nurse do worship sorry my friends and I aren't going anywhere we'll set arouse a talk became duel HeLa you'e that left us in the shadows stripped of meaning whoo what's happening the pahala field is rumbling like crazy everything is going crazy what about you is Suzie Suzie tried to reason with the kingdom all right so listen up Lancers my friend so if we can get by without hurting you then if I perish so be it show my son the monster you really are all right you want to see what I can do huh Suzie's will is changing talk became red Buster you dare return to torment as I once again whoa ah no no darn its ouch darkness pours from the fountain line um the do will heal or read Buster heals everyone or read damage I'm first I'm gonna just taught myself and you're just gonna do that and you're gonna heal um Mia you tried to reason with the king silence light bringer your very existence goes against our own by the Knights Whalum I shall shatter your heart to pieces your will is changing talk became courage there we go thank you well saying we have found a fresh purpose move with it and it's bouncing around get something get some TP yeah I would snow that was not worth it I'm sorry rail say a verse or two smile I'm gonna courage defense boost um I don't want to use that you're just gonna defend and you're gonna heal me again or no you're gonna heal yourself actually defense raised for this tournament heal prior thank you for the night as appeared whoa yes again okay ouch oh this is actually pretty tricky that was a triple hit the battlefield is rumbling now I don't know if I want to do a red buster is there anything else I can do whatever just spare a kingler and thence defend defend spared King not yellow yet the Knights that pulls the Fountains from the earth it's read this time palm down King okay you know what here's everyone we're gonna start with a red Buster let's go and here you're gonna defend ya on Seussian red Buster but that's gonna be hurtful holy fountains whose shadows are creating a new world our world very nice maybe all I need to do is keep fighting because there's always new dialog what Kings mouths oh my god he has multiple mouths of course that's you that's so anywhere okay calm down um you know what I need it I need to just defend it yeah we're just gonna all defend that's a lot of TPA do you see now our new a purpose so I'm not gonna attack again because I think it's good it gets harder and harder and you just have to survive it but now I can do all Gila which is actually a triple heal right and you're just gonna defend come on routes a awesome that was max soo in this world shall be blanketed in darkness and darkness shall rule ins death didn't hit the other music is of Apia and that was way too close 69 TP look at that um I mean at this point I guess I always have to correct you than defend right yep then you may see you what it is like to live in despair and this again okay let's do this [Music] okay I got it now this is awesome what an awesome attack um again just courage defend defend now enough talk fall before the chain of justice miss again whoo I'm so bad at this is that it I'm duel heal and defendant thank you that was awesome you're quite strong aren't you I am I will it actually hurts you oh no Ralphie no I don't want to have anyone dying no no no no no we're gonna defend defend and you're gonna heal yourself quickly fully heal that's so good if I keep fighting with you like this then what's gonna happen I wonder if you can just attack now though like at the same time if there's like an aggressive way to win this but I'm not sure if we're just gonna courage that uses up TP but then we're gonna defend and get away more TP back look at that it seems that yeah I think I think we're I think we're already winning pretty much we're gonna do it for Lancer [Music] they're ganna courage defend defend my knight I shall not fail you Oh what how did I survive that I survived that without damage and that shocked me so much that I got damaged enough is enough I see you I see that I can't defeat you I have grown exhausted from our long battle allocate Leitner's I perhaps I have been too cruel the truth is I was not always this way there once was a time where darkness and light nurse lived in harmony a time where darkness could fulfill their purpose in peace it would be a lie to say that I too do not yearn for those days huh what happened perhaps perhaps you young ones are right please don't tell me like something bad is gonna happen let us put away our weapons there must be a peaceful solution to all this soozee soozee come now Suzi Now or Never yes okay you're officially on the good team now I think I'm glad you're starting to realize mr. king none of us really want to fight if you could just tell us about your worries I'm sure we can all be friends mr. king yes friends that sounds lovely this is feeling a bit too much like a certain scene in undertale my apologies I am not used to fighting like that my body's getting weaker I'll say please HeLa heal the king yes [Music] now say you're a freakin hero of all heroes how do you feel let's see are you serious never better you did I say you could get up Noah yes Chris I'll deal with the heck spare me the heroics Lancer will you save us [Music] this freakin king you're the leader aren't you so what's your plan to laugh as you cast us all back into obscurity it you can't even say young one let me tell you a secret who quiet people piss me off yes oh my god dude what is that oh my god that is so cool I have to admit that it's so cool right now hey get away from my friend or what you'll kill me nah I'm so I'm so tense because I'm not sure what's gonna happen now what's your plan then to talk me to death you stupid stupid Lightner you honestly think you have any way to convince me not to kill you nah but they might what our people lancer everyone what is the meaning of this sorry dad you're being overthrown when I told everyone you were fighting the Leitner's well everyone remembered how kind they were they decided they'd rather have a king that accepts them me yes Lancer I told you revolution didn't I say that before revolution now I'm the dad wait a minute you idiots the Leitner's are your enemies fools I'll kill you I'll kill all of you yikes I think someone needs a timeout go to your room dad no you all right Chris I have to say that fits you really well awesome style Chris Susie are you alright yeah it'll take more than that to take us down Chris Susie I'm sorry because I healed the king we almost we almost you were right I am I was foolish to think we could act so soft to everyone this isn't the world where kindness always wins is it but we kind of won he's complicated yeah sometimes there's people you just gotta fight but if you never let your guard down then you might just hurt someone you care about Suzy you're beginning to sound like a real hero don't get used to it then I I suppose you and Chris should return home now yeah I wait I said actually yet I guess that's right huh well see ya I started it no way it we can move over huh Chris you wanna go say goodbye to everyone don't you well if you're gonna make me I guess we can go back for a bit let's go oh no we didn't actually eat I'm so confused hello hello Chris Suzie you came back oh well Chris just wanted to say bye you know Oh actually everyone here wanted to say goodbye too please let me know when you leave all right yeah yeah we'll try not to skip you should we start from all the way I think we're gonna do it like this we're gonna start all the way to the left oh my god this is like the ending of undertale what is happening and you're the last one how hilarious okay let's go because you rescued it it grew to respect you or actually maybe shrunk to respect you Lancer what about the King see what the blue person whose name I neglected to learn all along Chris I thought you were going home ways we were but Chris wanted to say bye you know oh really oh that's funny I thought you wanted to say bye because we're friends huh I mean I did not want to so you're the King now huh yes and I'm changing some big rules first Leitner's are now legal second prison is now only for dads may be over think that sounds like some pretty good changes hey your dad you know was protecting the fountain right is it gonna be okay if we mess with it I have no idea but it's you guys so I trust you if something bad happens we'll fix it out yeah I guess we'll just see I guess uh oh well see you later come back soon there's always room in town for a couple of clowns would you tell your prince I say goodbye as well okay is he leaving no he's just a sweet little peach ah I'll be honest at first we weren't sure who to make our new king I mean Lancer has always been a bit of a pain but after seeing how nice he treats you guys I think it'll be fine Top Chef mama me but what is a libration everyone is here this must be the birthday party I made the cake for clovers birthday such a sweet occasionally I cry actually this whole thing is like our fault Oh mah Amiga then your clovers mother now I understand why you ate the cake to protect her ones ha ha wait no I wait if I go along with this can I get more cake Susie calm down we're actually I have some cake in my inventory as animals decided it's ok if the Kings stay in the cages as well but they'll have to put on animal ears and noses you know what you know what guys here you go Susie I'm busy Oh what wasn't it that good fair enough what huh what about us aren't we going to be restored as Kings my treasure is unharmed carry on then what about the lion or whatever it is show's over everybody home what's all the fuss about fewer people are in cages now even more what's going on I slept through everything at the ear looked at you proudly in kiss oh limit one no finer the future look sweet like a pile of bees puke which is honey I think a kingdom with so much hope hope hope you didn't screw it up that means thank you come to our next PTA to we'll have one soon if that's possible I knew you could do it though I was your enemy I was always cheering for you that's how much I just like my job awesome now this one wonderful work my amigos thou has toppled the tyrant freeze dark reached truly history shall not forget the tale of rooks all scarred and the three heroes you did it you stood that rotten tyrant I'll happily accept the bounty of credit for my contributions unless the King reappears in which case I did nothing darn horsey you even done us a big help now all those pieces can live in pieces awesome the great work thank you you're absolutely allowed amazing Oh God honestly we owe you another Oh Oh and that's another beer I it's best you're the best even a little ball can say something like thank you thank you I can go back to being a coat hanger an hour by the by I asked Shawn to come here but there wasn't any interest Shawn way to go kids now we can go back to making the puzzle to y'all love and thanks to your donation I could buy a new hat and some shaving cream yeah yeah got nothing to teach you a life Scott no tutorial thank you and now you Chris Susie are you leaving all right because we yeah oh wait hell if I know I'm just following Chris yeah yeah let's go on Susy Chris are you going to leave um I know I just wanted to say I I really enjoyed meeting you too and hey can you stop mumbling into your hat for a sec can barely hear ya dude oh I'm sorry oh um the heck that's not what I expected Chris sushi I look look oh my god it looks like Suzy is so shocked she's covering the eyes of Chris I hope I can see you against you Anna is kind of cute though it's good next time I'll make you lots of yummy cakes all right um yeah sure dude let's go Chris what an ending can we go back again hey Chris I know you want to stay but we gotta go okay well say what a legendary character [Music] and is that the fountain is this the fountain don't know how but feels like we stumbled into something really important didn't we well there's no time to sing about that now right now it's time to go home right Chris [Music] as you stood in front of the fountain you felt something strange It was as if your very soul was glowing oh is it going to do something to the fountain music [Music] you [Applause] you
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Views: 810,392
Rating: 4.924428 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Deltarune, Delta Rune, Delta, Rune, DR, Undertale 2, Official Undertale, New Undertale, Ending, Finale, Final Boss, The King, Boss Fight, Lancer, Ralsei, Susie, Kris, Pacifist, True Pacifist, Secrets, Card Castle, Sequel, Prequel, Chapter 1, Fountain, Awesome, Amazing, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg, Community
Id: uyzetZ4_gMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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