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what's up guys welcome back to Delta ruin the new official undertale game made by toby fox this is literally right after I end at the last episode I just can't wait I have to continue and we are in the castle town I want to learn more about our friends I want to learn more about Suzy and I assume all the doors are still gonna be locked it looks like a shop but the door is locked and no one's inside okay okay we're just gonna ignore that and we're gonna go right because East that's where Suzy went already and what's the name again of our companion now say I hope I'm gonna remember that that's the belt aroun again and that is Chris it's the training dummy I made awesome can ia maybe test some um combat now it seems like a great chance to prepare for the enemy a would you like me to teach you how to fight I mean we don't need it tutorial but I'm quickly gonna go through it get it ready Chris see that hard Chris that's her soul the culmination of your being within it holds your will your compassion and the fate of the world if it gets hit you and your friends will lose hpm if everyone's HP reaches zero we'll lose the battle so please take care to avoid the enemy's attack ready let's try dodging Bennett uh epic little fight against the training dummy I love how happier the dummy is great job Chris you're a natural anyhow after the enemy attacks it's our turn Chris first I'll teach you how to fight though fighting is unnecessary in this world there's no harm in a thorough lesson let's try fighting okay we're gonna do what I'm sorry dummy what's that a critical hit Wow Chris that was an amazing attack have you done this before or something okay next let's try defending simply defend and the enemy's attack will hurt you less not only that but you also gather TP watch the orange big bar on the Left I'll explain it next let's try defending great job Chris now that you've gathered TP ah up there okay all the way in the top left corner how about spending that TP on one of my spells that's so cool so you can this is so awesome did this game because you hit the enemy enough it got tired now if I use my pacifies spell on it I can spare it yeah we'll win peacefully so there's even more you know complex ideas and gimmicks let's try spells pacify you kill an ally or spare attire throw the dummy else a cast pacifier great Chris we would have won the battle by an hour now I have just a little more to teach you though acting through this even the most violent of enemies can be defeated through various acts of kindness Chris though it's just a dummy yet why not give it a hug yes please don't be tired I mean come on if the game tells me to you huh growl say Chris I don't think this is what you're supposed to be doing but it's good enough right let's act again what if we do a we're gonna hurt the dummy in love for everyone you have to cut me here ah that's great Chris each enemy has different acts that satisfy them when an enemy is satisfied its name turns yellow when that happens you can defeat it by sparing it if we spare all the enemies we meet we'll never have to find it is that true or are we gonna have an as Gore eventually where we have to fight it Oh dummies all rainbow oh because it's yellow and blue of course tired and able to be spared great job Chris that'd be the end in a real battle I'm really happy I had the chance to teach you Chris you won and $1 from the dummy thank you so very important to actually do the tutorial here because there are many changes oh that was fun you're a wonderful student Chris and in case you ever need a refresher I hear I wrote a manual for you and Susie proceeded to open the menu and use it in your items you got the manual thank you very much hello dummy it's just the dummy a very glad dummy though now hopefully we're gonna catch up with Susie before she does anything they were all gonna go regrets the great door is open no wonder lancer was able to come through Kris once we pass through the store our adventure will really begin a journey foretold exactly about the prophecy but Kris I believe your choice are important to us what are they really now or how will they not matter this world is full of all kinds of people Chris in the end how we treat them makes all the difference so let's try our best to get by without fighting if we can manage to do that I believe this tale may have a happy ending a pacifist right otherwise I fear that you may not find the result favorable oh I'm so sorry is that too much to ask nah dude I can handle it Chris I knew you were a hero the moment I saw you let's try our best all right let's do it let's enter this gigantic epic looking door and begin the adventure are those the same sounds as those swingy things made with the door closed behind you your adventure will truly begin the power of adventure shines within you feel the great door so now we are like in the outside I do like the art style I mean it's similar to undertale enough right you definitely do realize that and see that but it's still it feels more polished and it have dude I'm just excited the field of hopes and dreams we have like a little music list or like the song showing enemies ahead you're gonna die signed Lancer thanks Lancer so I assume it's gonna be random encounters oh no where they're actually on the screen run away damn it what is that route in run in the routine or whatever we're gonna act and check brooding drew near a weed weekend oh nice now I can control Raza I wasn't able to control Suzi Bella Emma you can do magic you with your item can you just defend this ambivalent diamond isn't any girl's best friend oh okay nice one I'm just a normal person hello but why are you attacking is it is it the same as an undertale you're not trying to ruin thinks about elaborate stones and no we don't we're not gonna fight so I think Rousey is just gonna defend and then use the magic convinced how about a lecture now let's convince and you're just gonna you probably can't magic yet right yeah let's defender gamma 34 TPA you told Jordan to quit fighting it was utterly swayed look at that face yeah I guess it makes sense but we're gonna have to dodge one more time with no weight on guys let's go no he trod in anyhow we can spare now I guess that's it I mean I guess maybe you can also know it's not tired yet so that's all we need to do I'm you're just gonna spare as well Chris spared and retainer you 138 dollars maybe just D I'm just gonna call it 38 DM and it seems like there's not gonna be any random encounters I think I appreciate that more to actually see the monsters on the overworld if you're reading this I guess you're dead sign the Lancer Lancer is actually kind of fun and I have to say the first time I saw answer for some reason reminded me of Sam's but I'm not sure why kind of oh look even that reminds me wait isn't it Lancer that is Lancer Oh fuff oh if it isn't my two favorite people psyche you guys aren't even in my top five Lancer where's Suzie you mean the purple girl haha you fools you're too late to stop me what did you do I was so simple she beat me up so I ran away that's a bit anticlimactic [Music] hey don't read the sign it's a work in progress signed Lancer so Lancer isn't a bad guy the answer is just a little a little a little doing it who wants to be cooler I can appreciate that not like the Pyrus a little bit more mean-spirited than papyrus what is there are two objects hanging from the tree ax take one wait can I can I take it these types of trees don't contain an item that can heal you whatever you do it don't check the tree and you see to open your men is the Lancer Lancer you can't trick me take one yes you got the dark candy it can I take another one oh okay you got the dark candy there's nothing enough low enough to take it okay now we have two items um use and this is cool you actually see everything the handmade book full of various tips and tricks heels for th Pierre I mean that is a lot but we have 90 HP and 74 I'll say so that's necessary we taste like marshmallows and what about the manual though you tried to read the manual it was so dense it made your head spin la rel say wait seriously can I just toss it away is that just a joke item like immediately it just begins like undertale this is what undertale is about these little jokes and stuff that you're gonna encounter I love it hey if you head that way my troops will thrash you is that a threat I prefer to think of it as an invitation I'm gonna go oh it's the same thing you know they're rude in again that's a double one a necklace of riddance block your path there is a pub that I'm not getting right it's not Ruby it's something else darn it but I think it's just gonna be the same thing we're gonna convince I'm gonna try lecturing oh and you will you can't act right darn it you're just gonna defend you lectured the enemies on the importance of kindness look at that finger point awesome work Chris and they become tired uh-oh uh-oh it's gonna be more complicated others it's so cool I check shows you if you are in a danger zone Rudin is starting to fall asleep I'm we're gonna we're gonna spare like convince this one and you're gonna magic pacifier the upper one you told him to quit fighting I don't we sway them and pacify there we go I guess that makes sense and now only the upper one they wouldn't do it it dude I never want to stop playing this can we get like the full game like never ending man this is so cool and we can spirits and you're just gonna square this as well there we go a pacifist way sixty-one dear I'm gonna have any more of those enemies or are we gonna get anything else no hello there are you a cook mom amoeba I'm top chef my latest cake worked me to exhaustion what are you doing what is that you're dancing so I took a little nap but mom amoeba a scary noise woke me up a beast was hunched on the table eating the cake like an animal I spritzed it with water I hid hissed and ran off but my wonderful cake is ah Chris that sounds like Susie we must be going the right way let's try to keep her out of any more trouble can we get the cake the remains of the cake are still smoldering pick a piece can I like may young like can I ask my mom amoeba mama Shiba you know that bees please don't come back I'm sorry I can pay you I have a lot of dear the remains of the cake I mean I guess the broken cake was added to your key items the key items wait where a Kia Maia and master Smith could fix it how can you fix a cake cellphone yep this again no no no please no hole that is so spooky it doesn't seem to be working I'm sorry Top Chef I'm never gonna forget you is this gonna be a challenge are you can actually outrun them should i I want to try though yeah because you have hassey now what's up happy are you a queen a queen slime or something we're gonna act check happier and around say can flatterer half here but you can't act so we're just gonna defend seven attack I am a little kiss look at that heart what the heck I'm just a normal person oh oh I get it it's like whims Anna it blocks you into a little um area smells like a soft kiss past you what can I do to you I'm flattered let RAL say flattered you ordered well say to flattered all the enemies all of them we don't need experience just encountering your smile is reward enough oh oh look at oh look at half the year cathy is a pretty simple enemy though cathy has a little secret Oh like dude Kay okay we figure it out more and one the flatter I want to see what happens and you can spare Rudin you told Hathi its teeth look like knives if you can't to think about this and there we go it and now yeah all the hearts this is betrayal absolute betrayal I did not expect that but now we're gonna spare you double spare for half year and we're gonna have some d again right 63 is that our candy again take one seriously wow you can get a lot of items is there like a limit it seems like it's gonna be really big I'm gonna wait for a save point and might have to stay at to heal though because 46 RAL say be careful check the clock in order to solve the puzzle you have to hurry Oh [Music] that's cool that was pretty simple and of course the puzzles begin just like an undertale there we go full HP right maze of death yeah and no no text behold the maze of death prepare to get lost you clowns signed by Lancer there's a chest I definitely want that feeling lost yet you must be utterly helpless among these twists and turns your sense of direction won't save you now signed Lancer what is that thing it's some sort of enemy they got clobbered no no are they dead dude we have to stop Suzi this is not the pacifist way hey wait where am I help somebody haven't lost time Lancer Lancer suddenly best character you opened the treasure chest inside was a white ribbon you put the white ribbon in your armors that ribbon is armor Chris it increases your defense why don't you try wearing it in the equipment menu I think it looked great on you Thank You Man you RAL say you're the best equip um so this is what we have equipped right so we need to go up to item or no wait I didn't even I'm dumber oh there we go you have to select routes a or a Chris can we give them we could give rels say the white ribbon cuteness up and increases defense hey Chris you're giving it to me well does it look prettier yes wow that is so cool dude that's what I'm talking about man into detail and everything we don't have any armor well there's a lot of armor though and this is a second armor wood blade we only have the wood blade what about you okay you have a red scarf seems good Braille say is a bit more cuter now and we're gonna go down a mortal at war of land stuff plan syrup this science private what about this one oh it's just this way sign Lancer oh wait Lancer how did you get there are there multiple answers what's up Lancer I'm doing yeah I think we went it's barely there we got the chest oh no whoa wait a minute even if you're my enemy I've got to warn you a purple beast is roaming clobbering anyone who dares blocker way we don't even like fighting the King left us no choice Chris we need to stop Suzi quick yep we're gonna run we're gonna run to Suzie Suzie antagonist just this way okay what I've Lancer Haho somehow you survived the maze but don't count your blessings before they hatch let's see how you fare against this team Oh three half these doesn't seem too bad we already know what we're gonna flatter all of them come on Ralph say yes out of anyone I'm glad we randomly encountered all over you er ah did we get all of them wait seriously why aren't you guys thrashed you're totally outnumbered you made a team purely of support enemies yeah I was thinking that Lancer they're not balanced at all it's like a dinner made out of three glasses of milk and that's of unusual somehow why don't we talk about this after the battle are we gonna help Lancer become a real bad guy or something yeah we're gonna spare everyone um and you can square this one here we like maths fair no we have to spare all of them specifically individually and now we have the heart this is dangerous whoa and go up Cathy smile the darling smile on happier you get a darling spare there we go great job Chris we earn zero XP and eighty six dollars sweet how much do I get you lost Lancer you don't get any Oh oh my god can I have some of yours no I'm fine later losers the heck is happening Lancer hello again sup I thought you were running away dude oh my god this character is like genius yeah I finished it sup oh my god I want Lancer to be with us the entire game Oh another little puzzle one two three what Oh there we go I think we did it or today lose Suzie Astaire ah I understand we need Susy for this puzzle because we need three at once to press those buttons so we need to go to Susy that's the Delta rune again open up you stupid door oho great it's you guys Susy who were ever so worried about you I was more worried about the monsters how do you get past those spikes before walked through them but this door it sucks don't worry Susie it'll open after we solve the puzzle over there nice tell me when you finish it Susie we need you to finish it sometimes proceeding will take all three of us furthermore only Chris conceal the dark fountain so if you don't accompany us you won't make it home so you're saying I have to speak with you guys yep I'm Jesus going let's just get this over with Yahoo this back of the team cue the fanfara Susie joined [Music] Susy follows at a distance such that no one can tell she is associated can we just leave Susie no okay fine we're gonna do the puzzle so let's do this again so one yep yep and come on yes sound like a door opened oh the heck is that I just realized Susie missed the tutorial next battle we should show her how to act I think she might really enjoy that yes please no more attacking what are you oh you're a Oh a sea round attacked violently you recall Ralph says advice to include Susie in an act okay an X compliment please don't say anything and we're gonna regret and now Ralph a is just gonna defend it you ordered Susie to flatter the enemy what why the hell would I do that it attacked us let's smash it before it moves look Susie it seems harmless if you act nice we might win without hurting it okay okay hey little guy I really like the axe in your face of course where did you get it Chris maybe I should talk to her you wanna I hope this doesn't count like it's genocide right what if I just attack now - what are we gonna like leave or else a behind and Susie and I are just gonna go on a genocide Ramla hey I sneaked by and made a sign Lancer all answer you're amazing the shop okay where's that damn shop I suppose you miss what I said earlier as heroes we have the power to make a peaceful future so from now on let's try to avoid fighting okay what if you just took it easy on them if you weaken an enemy I can use my pacify spell which can put exhausted people to sleep oh yeah are you talking is already doing that well just think about it we might have to warn enemies about her Icarus riot dude this is gonna be complicated if you want to pull off a pacifist run soozee the violet tormentor is now your ally you who the power of Mean Girls shines within the era hey hey kid you'll want to buy a tutorial it's only fifty dollars oh it's dark dollars No ha ha did I say 50 oh hell we just went on sale 20 20 dark dollars no one only one dollar please please I need this right now okay really you changed your mind right persuade gently nurse I'm scared what is this all the different colors we're sorry we're normally puzzle guys but all literal puzzles we've been forced to do tutorials just to make ends meet when the King got power he fired everyone and replies and replaced all puzzle makers with him rook CIL's card Lord of the puzzles speed careful hey that's donation hole if you liked our tutorials please throw your money into a holla yeah sure you put a dollar into holla the hole became full okay the hole is filled to the brim with cash what hole goals monthly tutorial weekly tutorial month will you stop making tutorials I'm Kris master Oh ask me about Chris's um what about ah what about reviving when the HP goes negative your friends fall down but bringing them back is easy town plain foods and spills work like a charm and with a mint you can cure all harm even normal items and spells can revive people huh yeah that's what I'm saying okay uh maybe a bit more fact by what spire later kid okay okay I'm acting we know that or what about a fact it's a good idea to give us bucks it'll make you happy and filled you with lux over there is our donation holla we had a box but it got stole the well well played I'm soozee master asked me about Suzy's um warning when Chris uses warning Suzy can't hit so make sure to there's no reason to use it unless unless you wanted not to hurt so there is no reason now Suzy I'm not gonna let you go crazy a fact Suzy loves when you give us money she will nope don't care did I say something funny huh that worked so this is still full all right okay I'm a Ralph's a master um a pacifier we know that healing is important Relson has a spell that heals dude why use that when you can eat food in it because you only have to use up an item I could have avoided all those empty calories and our facts because fact I like the best thing Elsie loves when you give us money he will hug you and call you honey hey that's not true you don't leave money to get me to do that or else a so precious I'm a teepee master um what's TPA what does it stand for that's what lets you cast spells see you when you see that orange bar cast some spells when it's filled up far TP it's quite the caper T P stands for toilet paper no it stands for tension points again what really these guys okay a secret TP only lasts inside a fight okay that makes sense outside a fight outside of sight having extra feels unbearable no point in saving it's straight-up terrible but leftover TP it turns into extra money so we can like grind money if we just keep defending you mean I only should have been using one Square and now we're gaining TPM you get TP when you defend protect yourself then cast spells friend you also get TP by getting close to bullets that's so cool like a challenge okay I get that you rhymed bullets with bullets so I didn't even catch that Thank You Sussie because it's important and what about you now the King didn't even give us a severance pay his son just gave us all the pennies it cheap be nice but they look awesome this one even has two oh this one has three this one has none unfair but now we're gonna finally go into the shop that is not a Tammy that is not a tell me at all but looking pretty awesome hehehe welcome travelers don't have anything better to do so let's talk about yourself the names seem okay like Shawn pronounced Shawn and this is my little shop do you I like you you're clever haha over the years of collected odds and ends course have no attachment to any of it just a hobby of mine around here you learn to find ways to pass the time or go mad like everyone else Leitner's long ago up the darkness lived in harmony with the lightness they were like God's to us our protectors creators those who gave us a purpose then one day we were all locked away in this prison and the Leitner's never returned and bitter the king took up arms and aims to take revenge upon the Leitner's that left us behind so a very similar story to undertale a-- course even among the troops some still decently hope the Leitner's will return what about the kingdom historically this land was ruled by the four kings from card castle to the east but recently a strange night appeared and three of the kings were locked away the remaining king put him and his strange son into power this land hasn't seen this much chaos since well you don't need to know about that we are legend area so you're the heroes who are going to steal our fountain good luck it makes no difference to me neither light nor dark hold the future for a dark nor in my condition okay so this is literally what we're saying what about yourself the Leitner's kingdom and then we are legendary ax ain't like it's better spend can we sell it what kind of junk you got we can actually sell that's surprising um I'm not gonna sell the glow shard the manual I don't want to hurt feelings else's feelings so we have six space and almost $300 so dark burger amber kardam it's a defensive charm - one are right because because we already have something there the spooky sword that's really expensive I think I'm gonna start with the amber Cardin thanks for that okay space 11 oh wait no what what does that mean space 12 space 11 not sure about that we're just gonna exit for now see you again or not you're a bit spooky but I still like you and now we're gonna equip we could give the amber card to sue Zia but I think I'm gonna start with me amber card there we go a sin square charm that speaks to you increasing your defense now we're gonna save it Susie okay we already know that we'll go up there we go 73 minutes so far that is spooky it's a lone doorframe but for some reason you can't see through it it's literally see you again this is what I mean just these random stupid jokes which are just amazing it's literally just a random doorframe wire hello Lancer well flip my flapjacks the clowns are back in town well bad news since you last saw me several minutes ago I've created a brand new fighting team ready to stop you not even the purple girl can stop me now are you ready to be here just stop talking oh ho ho what is that why are you saying bad ho ho it's my evil laugh like Santa scary right you sound like baby Santa Claus you mean like in a really bad and cool way shut up don't if you attack Lancer you really think you know how to be scary well I am wrong and wanna be tough guys like you really piss me off face it you wouldn't know a scary if it picked you up and hit and bit your face off that's not true oh really can we please intervene right now dude that face is like creepypasta material why don't we prove it we'll start with the part where your face gets bit off oh god dude please oh okay I get it Thank You purple girl what Thanks it was kind of you to teach me how to be scary with an evil laugh oh my god Suzie is getting so pissed I wasn't and now you're going to be thrashed Merry Merry Christmas I guess that's kind of an improvement no the poor things a board of chicks Ari's oh like a jigsaw puzzle block the way okay well this is gonna be complicated so we have to warn them no one else a has to warn them all you and well say warranty enemies about Suzie everyone went on guard sorry Susie and I have a rent payment to make fighting I love fighting and another one whoaaa Oh oh my god that was so close they're trying to calculate this month's rate rent so now they are on guard yeah look warned so now we can be friend I'm Huell all right you can't do anything yet but you can maybe defender and Susie we can control Susie you barely lifted a finger and friends I was thinking the same thing I'm adorable and miss again thank you we're friends now our friends don't hit you with really tough attacks put its job we can spare them all but it didn't check where did I check it I forget let's let's spare yeah yeah that's fair the smell scenario is only fighting to make ends meet no and there we go okay I missed again I always wanted a friend just like you okay let's think about this so take your time this is all you need to do okay that's actually easy now and now we can spare all of them before Susie gets any more okay you won $70 see Susie that's how you do it oh look Chris another puzzle oh no ho let's read the instructions huh the instructions are vandalized Lancer doused fools that will never figure it out now ruining instructions that's definitely against the rules then Adam says PS and make my own rules Archaea well that explains that Susie why don't we just climb over the spiked fence because it spiked yeah cool I'll work on that and you do the puzzle try your best Chris um what is this oh this is easier okay okay you just have to put the boxes on those places great job Chris I think you're onto something hey Chris give up whenever you feel like it it's all good now we're never gonna give up we're filled with determination wahoo you did it Chris great job damn didn't get to impale myself what the heck Suzie oh well come on chumps good job Chris thanks Rosie I'm gonna leave now gonna be alone no they follow me okay hello again now we have an enemy I'm what about up here that might be the way to go I'm gonna check out this area and let's just fight or I guess talk or whatever we do up various guys appear um okay happy you can award or flattered so first of all we always have to warn them yep everyone went on guard okay Susie mrs. R gentler face my diamond cutter oh this might be problematic now but wasn't too bad Kathy's whispering a lovely spell now we can't just like wait a minute back and then flatter all of them yeah all the enemies and making tea later would you like any I'm just a normal person shine China it was to lose again we can like farm some nice points there but I mean I guess that's it right we can spare everyone now you're gonna spare I'm the to riddance and then we have to have the attack with the heart that's awesome and a miss thank God happy let's go with the heart and it's gonna go yeah nice one so what if I just defend okay it's just swearing and immediately it goes okay okay okay ninety-seven dear what is this area this actually might be the way to go because this seems interesting wait first I'm gonna try something can I touch it I can so yeah I'm gonna go up first anyone here oh wait it's a blue area what from the bottom the order of our rooms in the card castle of course if you haven't been there you won't know it that's a treasure chest wait a minute we're really emphasizing that it's impossible if you haven't been there are you sure I mean I can just get lucky era oh where what well this is interesting so I'm just gonna go with like Bam Bam Bam Bam okay I never mind it's impossible so he snapped card castle when you step into the light you'll return to where you were before I'm gonna try it okay so it's just wow do you have to react that fast or does it it always goes into the same pattern never mind just like that okay whoa it's an enemy a pawn man drew near our what up let's shake and you're gonna wait no no we have to warn ya we always have to warn them everyone went on guard there we go what is the that is extremely disorienting because that's the hurt sound hypnotized but your idle animation what um okay so we're gonna check and you're just gonna defend its nucleus doubles as an ice box I get it oh you you see what your what their target is when the battle begins which one who is gonna take damage but now we can I guess lullaby ah that was awesome rail say the pond man fell asleep Susie fell asleep oh my god all amazing but only one oh no Susie use the target I have to make sure to dodge that bullet Elle summer okay let's think about this so maybe spare but no both are pacified so I can I can go to this good night okay um what about now magic pacifier the lower pond manner oh never mind fell asleep and then yeah okay now we can pacify it no one is attacking can we and we could spare already and you you're just gonna defend that was an interesting battle look at look at rel say owe you one $57 grand good morning Susie again so I'm gonna watch out for more of those statues here we have this again Oh up and down and up and down and we got it Lancer ha ha so you've begun to cross the great board the halfway point to our castle mmm impressive so it's a shame you won't make it a step further mini-boss because my guys are about to smash you into blood lots of blood splooshing blood gross and bad but we're monsters well I'm a human I guess so never mind what hey purple gorilla was that scarier oh it was ok why are you asking me because you're really cool and being terrifying I want to be as scary as you you want to be like me yeah well that's stupid but um the new laughs isn't as awful and saying you turn us into blood is cool what the hell is up with the bucket though is to put the blood in oh yeah I'm not supposed to make a mess of course anyway thanks for your feedback and really feeling scary no problem I guess so are your guys gonna attack us or oh yeah I was so excited I forgot to bring any guys but next time it'll be the end for hey I've just been calling you guys clowns does your team have an official name or something can we call like ourselves something yes no we shouldn't and it's decided everyone puts a name in the bucket [Music] everyone's putting their entries no I didn't blue person you can choose okay never mind since you look like you don't care neat paper the crumpled paper this is so hard I mean Susie is probably gonna take something edgy need paper I want to be nice but Lancer label paper is just gonna be hilarious for the entire game so uh sorry I need to go with Lancer you open it up okay we're gonna be called Lancer Wow look at that one it's really good wait why do you get to choose the name hey he didn't crisp it yeah it doesn't matter who may have written it regardless Lancer is going to meet absolutely this may feels weird actually yeah oh I know let's call it the Lancer fanclub for shorts Oh what see you later me dude this character I love it so much the power of the Lancer Fanning Club shines within you the great board so I'm just gonna check real quick I think I guess I can keep on for a bit longer maybe it to the next save point and then I'm gonna stop it here okay wait this is a bit complicated so we have like two and then this one then these two then that one was dangerous and then we should be able to go to this one just always go to the one that it was used before yeah okay yeah oh my god I'm know what to do oh we're done I'm so dumb okay the pond men three pawn men um so first warning okay I'm gonna look if the attack is different but if not we're just gonna quickly go through that oh the two targets this time okay calm down ah darn it 26 on me now we have to mullah by all of them right how many will fall asleep Suzy only want on man uh-oh so we can already spare one pawn man a Morrell say you can magic oh we can't magic yet wait wait maybe something else then if I hang yeah yeah I can act and good night to one and arel say meanwhile can spare the pawn man yeah and this one is gonna fall asleep and this one is gonna get spirited and oh she's gonna get targeted let's try to avoid it and we did it now we should be able to wait I mean I guess we have to spare anyway and then you can magic maybe pacify the pawn manner and wait there's a double sphere awesome we did it it was efficient $71 and all the statues are for suddenly gone I mean in the background there's still some oh that's another safe point actually whoa there horsey pawn men are scary but all their nard doing is following the king us on the board used to have our own boss though wasn't aware peaceful times but now even the boss has been reduced to Kings peon fear not we unlike the simple pawn men possess full faculty over our actions i mr. society and far too intelligent to ever bow down to such a tyrant unless he asks me he's very scary you see well played and okay we're gonna save him 91 minutes great board tour and I think if we maybe can go into a line look at that what one second come on come on guys okay never mind we're just gonna stand here in a line but I think I'm gonna stop this video here this game is somehow just getting better and better I think the more this game is gonna use land syrup just the quality is gonna just rise a non-stop that's how good Lancer is and of course all the other characters really enjoying this so far I hope you guys are liking it as well and thanks for watching and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 420,829
Rating: 4.9348211 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Delta, Rune, Delta Rune, Deltarune, New Game, Brand New, Sequel, Prequel, AU, Alternate Universe, New Undertale, Undertale 2, Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Lancer, Best Character, Secrets, Awesome, Amazing, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg, Community, Pacifist
Id: D4Fviha_YaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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