Genocide Sans & Papyrus | UNDERTALE Rejuvenation

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/StallyStickman 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys welcome to undertale rejuvenation a fan game about a genocide run but of course things are going to end up being a little different and it's gonna be interesting to see what exactly is gonna change we have four chapters here and of course we're gonna start with the first one and we have the intro a long ago two races ruled over earth humans and monsters of course you know this already yes I do after all we killed them every last one and now partner hello we get to do it all again okay okay we are going to have so much fun together that's quite the introduction chapter chapter one the leftovers oh is this after a genocide run do we have to kill the people that we didn't kill or is it just a repeat this papyrus it is papyrus okay halt human now we're not holding hey quit moving while I'm talking to you hey the great papyrus have some things to say first you're a freakin weirdo not only do you not like puzzles but the way you shamble about from place to place the way your hands are always covered in dusty powder it feels like your life is going down a dangerous path however papyrus see great potential within you everyone can be a great person if they try immediately I hardly have to try it on hey quit moving this is exactly what I'm talking about you know I think you are in need of guidance someone needs to keep you on the straight and narrow but worry not I papyrus will gladly be your friend in tutor I will turn your life right around we don't care though I see you are approaching are you offering a hug of acceptance wow yeah my lessons are already working divert pylus welcomed you with open arms and here we are papyrus is sparing you what happened okay of course I guess we're too far in now we've got the genocide in our bloods all right all right only fighting is gonna work so I'm sorry little dude or tall Garuda for 2068 well I'm almost we're almost there huh well that's not what you tell a pirate - shut up you have more important things to do um oh did we not actually kill the Pyrus a virus oh god the fires are you alive Delphis I'm gonna take you back to my lab I think there's still time are you gonna resurrect papyrus I think I can save you or turn him into an amalgamation I don't know what you're gonna do chapter 200k judgment judgment Hall yeah okay here we are sans time a bad time and there he is that expression you're wearing I won't grace it with a description but you're really kind of a freak aren't you so yeah so this makes sense because sense can kind of see that you're crazy now you already know what's gonna happen hello it's a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like these kids like you oh hello calm down what I was it yeah should be burning in hell there we go yeah we've got megalovania that was strange right little bit but okay act I guess it doesn't matter what we do is since this is the sands fight one attack one defense kill them and gain more power oh this is a little different it's not exactly the same attack and do a little baby jumps but okay something feels wrong we have items we do work let's use a snowman piece or filet chipiya we all look oh we do have karma but we don't have the full alert level and the full HP you because we you didn't kill up a virus that is exactly what is wrong we were being sloppy a sloppy genocide Rama but this is the same Samson in here dodging what I'm not just gonna stand there and take it can see that Thames but I have beaten you before I can do it again even with level 18 only our reports show an anomaly in the time-space continuum I'm months jumping left and right stopping and starting whoa okay I do like this oops I forgot about that idea it is the same thing it feels different though all along a minute wasn't it a massive anomaly last time things are already different but they're only gonna get more get more and more different I guess and then we've got papyrus and elf is forming into like I don't know a super super hero that's your fault isn't it it is and now we're completely destroying the universe and timelines apparently everything is different something feels wrong okay I'm just gonna keep going maybe we can even spare oh no I'm seriously I'm asking you for real you have 18 love and a last I checked that's not what it should be okay sense no I'm sorry does this even count as breaking the fourth wall not really right because it's actually in the game why are we level eight - you know I don't know but I'm gonna use the noodles real quick for full heal okay and then this repeats what end okay good good with full HP but who knows maybe I'm just bad at counting oh did you count papyrus that would make sense I guess in a way Santa not even sands knows ah that papyrus is still alive that could be it I don't understand we killed everybody now I can I we were sloppy I'm kidding of course I bet you ruined our world for good this time what is this okay they are easier though this is different these are not the same attacks they feel easier you have more space to move around in yeah definitely better ba ba come on sense [Music] what did you do wrong I don't blame the Econo are in this together you called me your partner don't blame I call the records hot land water has snowed in the ruins I look through the core myself and still nobody will be nice what this is different okay this is really different you know what forget it I'm just gonna reset can you reset though or it's something gonna change I'm gonna use the fire just just to be safe but okay we all we have to go through this one again I kind of like that there's a new platform what changed Oh what do we have the gastric masters that definitely didn't change so here it's always the easiest to stay it at the bottom Sam says that sounded like papyrus Sansa there you are papyrus papyrus what what happened to you where have you been yes well you see you there I was offering the human hug now the human did not like this however they rejected my friendship and struck me down oh woe is papyrus fear not however I had nearly passed out in the cold I actually kind of liked that sense right is like actual genuine just happiness in a way [Music] when I awoke I was in miss Elvis's lab she was so relieved it was slightly concerning she said I had to rest for a while to regain my strength but the great papyrus cannot just sit in moon dawdle I left quickly to come and find you I looked everywhere but to no avail I had almost given up hope when out of the blue I heard explosions and instantly knew where to find you the gastric glass or something else well bro well that's a pretty great story but I need you to leave us alone for a bit don't be ridiculous brother I just got here sorry bro but I need you to go home I'll come by later okay that's also sweet all that sounds is trying to do is protect papyrus right now sans what are you hiding from me are you teaching the human about kindness yeah we're doing that don't say that but I was gonna want to join in well in that case I must stay papyrus no but iris papyrus it isn't safe here the human might hurt you again sans that gives me even more reason to stay I fail to human once I can't fail them again everyone has good in them even if they don't think so human can do better since we can teach them how Paris okay okay you can stay really yeah just stay out of trouble all right okay fans and as for you behave yourself what's happening I don't want to reset but I guess not now let the battle commence Chapter three year Double Trouble reunion okay almost whooaaa or the bends or their dancing oh I can't stop they're looking at it they're both just going crazy how very interesting sans and papyrus papyrus 20th act when he defends he's holding back be careful oh okay and now give me some time to check Sam's his movements grow slower okay so he's already exhausted I guess okay this is so interesting so sans are gonna dodge but papyrus should be attackable Oh fans can I do the first attack not sure bro yes you have been very cruel as of late however I don't think you know the harm you've done so I will demonstrate what cruelty is for you whenever you feel you have learned you may spear me um okay it's kinda cool I guess that's one way to rue do the sands fight again it's a nice twist I'm liking this actually it's a really cool idea you feel Santa's judgement crawling up your spine okay we don't have to do this and mercy probably I mean it's not gonna work right Cara or whatever is gonna be like nah yeah yeah Oh papyrus eyes light up and he looks at Sam's aweso and shakes his head remember the trail attacks do much more damage than normal maybe try again later Oh No okay this again so the game already knows there's not gonna be a actual sparing only if you want to a betrayal attack I gotta eat a little bit there gotta be more careful yeah the jump thing is a little sensitive so you gotta be careful good let's try Sam's but he's just gonna yes a No so human have I taught you anything yet grow it they just tried to kill me Oh human it was kind of you to spare me however the point is to not harm any let's try listen to oh nice Oh a nice moves oh no it's the I want the papyrus bones of course I mean oh yeah yeah yeah exactly it's gonna be the pop pirate attacks whele that is such an cool little detail papyrus expects too much from you so does it change who I target first well human don't think Oh dudes really sans yep drats boiled again by dibs what if we do this one together okay Sam's oh no no sense aah you cheater oh okay oh I didn't even see you okay calm down oh and quickly no you're crazy dude you almost killed me do I still have items ouch but I should have a save after chapter like three like if I have to reload I guess the piece but we do have to go through this which isn't too bad because I'm gonna be able to learn I wish there was bad the attacks and then like jump over the gastro blasters I need to I need to use a legendary hero this team is so good his team is so awesome but ok I healed twice so I got hit a little bit on the second run through a year and even more there but that should still be good enough the virus is bouncing up and down like an idiot no dancing dude they're both bouncing having a good brotherly brotherly time well guess that's it three strikes you're out oh no oh look at the virus Sam's going crazy the special attack oh whoa my pirate is in shock I can see that he's crazy um and now in shock but it doesn't matter because Sam's is the one defending him dance what was all that we're supposed to teach them to be kind papyrus they clearly aren't getting nicer well human I really wish you had learned something so far because now I'll have to use my special attack oh no the orange bones ha ha here we go amazing virus good job oh you're blue what what but all those orange bones were my effect ok I get you yeah I think I think they got it ok what's happening ah no reading this doesn't feel like the best use of your time but I still did it so in your face Sam's blue fighting is tough right mind if I help you out of course not brother just go easy on them yeah please do ooh oh ok orange ones I mean orange ones no problem if you already have to jump around like a madman even though okay it's getting a little bit it's tough to do it perfectly that was like I should ask you but I don't have any good healing either human are you learning anything if you are you aren't chewing it please stop attacking it's not time yet though whoa bro whoa literally bro is stop it please you too this is not okay you know we're sans movements are slowing I got to eat a little bit I got a Hilda but it's gonna be a repeat that is terrible attack in Greece doesn't matter okay so this was kind of this was awesome but then the orange thing is gonna be the real difficulty I mean what Bam Bam Bam Bam Ellen got hit a little bit and just you you were real quick do we know I can it's gonna be dead it's gonna be over here I have one more one more chance to heal my HP back but I already miss Dell and then this what this is so hard you don't I don't even see anything did my eyes are dying here nice though okay just attack sounds look my karma isn't going down though what is this human please this is becoming tedious here bro take a load off I've got it this time alright since I'm trusting you on no account services family dude okay but look the HP scanner since you're just spamming stop trust revoke it okay yeah we're just kind of we're just gonna spam now because I don't know what's happening human I am warning you spare me this next turn or I will need to use drastic measures more orange bones you heard him kid if you don't want to see it now would be a great time to die yeah what and I'm dead I mean the sense you can't you know fault me I obeyed your command you cannot just give up you did Karate determined okay things as Gorgo where are you gonna put me to chapter three okay oh no don't tell me though if it's a save point do I need to restart do I have my item okay oh no I do oh maybe that's Dumbo dushala sir should I have do I have to restart and try to know hit or like know heal the other phases to make this better but I don't think it's gonna be that difficult hopefully let's just keep attacking san said something like the human tried to kill me and maybe that changes depending on who you attack I didn't want to see if I attack papyrus tower yeah yeah okay that's cool they just attacked you it does change the dialogue a little bit and I wait I think I think papyrus even said something different there I should have I should have checked that if I die again I'm gonna try to check that we're gonna try to attack papyrus again and now they just attacked you Wow the human chose me they think that means they like the lessons quickly I'm to listen to you okay that's kind of precious I'm kind of getting the hang of this it's still difficult but it's actually a really cool attack I'm going to try to heal here and only the legendary hero should be almost good enough but the problem is what I didn't realize that we have to go through this but okay like I said I'm slowly getting the hang of these jumps here the little ones are the real problem especially if you have a jump between platforms we time it illegally please believe me oh I forgot about the bones but okay just keep spamming the button so you don't have to deal with the menu bones and already here so I really mess around with healing and stuff last time so this should go a lot faster and rights oh nice to enter spam just ban that's the best way to get through it this is problematic this is a really problematic attack 1hp yeah but this doesn't hurt you if you if you're almost there which is nice because that's how it works the problem is I don't want to have to use the pie if phase four I guess is gonna be even harder so let's lay just noodles is still full HP because we don't have the full 99 HP M so we have to go through this again maybe it is a weight but no Twain Jesus dude every time a game has a an attack like this it messes me up like these are the hardest attacks in the games I'm serious is just too too too much to see you okay let's just go on attack yeah this is the crazy one [Applause] I mean not too bad we actually got through it fairly okay good you're still kicking alright then you prepare for our final lesson yeah okay oh hello little bone cool dude I'm so dead the final lesson it's gonna be my actual final lesson what does little bone snake just Boop me and kill me then I feel so good though if you do that alright and I think I have I have a quick way to dodge the menu bones wait a little bit and then fight okay all this nightmare again so I maybe just go up and down a little bit but no and now I now it now it all falls apart it's just it's crazy I just have to get it get out of here God what is this now okay it's not the final one yet no okay just you just eel noodles right there now again no jump festa so you wait a little bit and then you can go to the fight with a fight action without beginning here it's your so taking it ok this was the crazy one right all right down the bone the cool dude yeah we've a bunch of HP now so this could be good now little sneak no please one hour are you since god dammit sense [Music] Kairos ooh yeah but I received me kinda do the jump no come on anyway was it so slow or what I fail [Music] whoa why is it so fast oh my god it might be it the double attack papyrus is looking kind of mad at dawn I mean thanks for the orange bones papyrus I assume Emma okay sense Sam stop sansweet my fingers thank you no no no dude sounds going crazy for why it's not gonna be happy with this that's not how you treat a student I mean at least you're gonna get a full heal I assume because I don't think it's gonna start phase 4 with 1 hp [Music] I'm papyrus that look they're both exhausted human we ever given you everything we've got I don't know what drove you to do this I don't know what made you want this but I know what has driven me what has driven Sam's human allow me to tell you about some very complex feelings feelings like losing a friend losing all your friends being hurt without any reason getting hurt by someone you once called a friend I think sands is falling asleep being lost and hopeless these feelings you must be what you are feeling right now yep there goes sense but that's why I still believe in you human there was always a chance to change even for you and although it may feel as though everyone has given up on you I still think you can do better even if it's just a little better even if it's tough it pipes I know that you can do it anyone ten if they're just deterrent enough to try with this determination music in the background I'm going to give you an opportunity to change human I'm sure you know the right thing to do I believe in you but I yeah thing is it actually gonna work sense wake up look at what the human is done oh hey bro sans the human spirit me oh really yes [Music] I don't give a JD all it took was a little help from the great papyrus now a human do it the sands face I'm so proud of you sands we need to celebrate I can be in charge and there we go do I really have to redo it those fans what have you done it's okay papyrus the human will come back soon what are you talking about you killed them sands you killed them really all right sands all right now it's personal now it's personal No yeah do you really thick and not Getty so it was the same if you attack sands you would have done the same like in the original undertale sands are you okay papyrus I need you to get out of here sands I'm serious please that appear whether you still can but sands you're hurt it's too late from you PAP sorry things have to end this way don't say that oh no Huah oh I can save you I can I can take you to Elvis please pirates Elvis didn't fix you she made things worse she injected you with something terrible so she did now now you need to pay the price for my mistakes I'm so sorry but virus sands please don't go I'm going to die of a virus but you don't have to please go sands please sense oh we are level 19 19 love oh oh oh no don't do this to me god damn it what oh nothing no defense negative defense finish the job all right oh my god it worked Castro you know what happened or is it just a termination who knows don't worry about it well nope nope it's a big nope oh I'm lying to myself I know what happened I know what sands was talking about now this feeling it's hatred hatred for the person was taken everyone from me that is what has gotten you this far isn't it you're incredible hatred towards others but now that I know this now that I know the reason why you fight I understand you human I will help you be good I am determined to see it through and that is how I will defeat you chapter 4 what is it called determination of course that's pretty epic Oh what hello if the skeletons finally grew a spine I am afraid of checking the great papyrus lots of everything can take damage what maybe try tiring him out of here does he dodge or does a shield attack all right we have now we just have to keep attacking ah yes I meant what I said you know I really do hate you but I still believe you can change what are your attacks gonna be buddy oh wow this is trippy oh this is kind of Awesome whoa look at these effects the movements okay [Music] but I need to stop you before you kill the rest of us if that means that I have to kill you please no it's only because you left me no choice I don't die on this earth I don't understand the trajectories dude she's this random hmm at least we thought oh save I'm sorry human so you stay down no I'm sorry you gotta reset and we're back so this all good oh no the damage is so bad of course it's not Sam's anymore so now it's a different kind of fights we don't have kr we don't have the car nah but we've got more damage [Music] oh this is terrible this is so hard [Music] please give me a heel how would it sands use those things oh I understand papyrus isn't to use to using them again it's a news thank you well nobody oh no that was a mistake but I have to get better at this anyway so maybe it's for the best the blue bone is what really messes deserves okay and attack [Music] we could have been great friends we still Canada you all you need to do is put your weapon down are you sure the Pyro's I don't think that's gonna work [Music] okay I like it papyrus still doesn't really control the blasters well again yeah papyrus that's not how you aim oh but that's all you aim oh come on oh thank god but I don't have anything left come on jeez okay this is gonna be tough with the healing ends that I have and that it that every time it repeats as always so that's gonna be it the entire FA is gonna be tricky here this is the same pattern at least it is I think like oh I'm just gonna take it damn it if you gave me some time I could forgive you I'm sure that's what sands would have wanted it for sure and I don't think that's the case at all whoa endo stars is hyperspeed oh come on [Music] due to our a this is too much it's even for science it look at how look Oh precise oh my god what our I'm just gonna I'm today I can't even do it because every time I need to repeat that I need you to stop fighting me otherwise I must continue hurting you your actions can no longer go without consequence what give me a warning papyrus oh this is not all business come on how much more oh my god bones in the menu you can ice snowmen peas after this it wasn't too bad actually it is random okay that's kind of that's not too bad oh no it's a new I do it with how oh come on okay now it's really bad dude this game is face how and the fastener for this a dude no and I lost everything go screw you papyrus back to 57 is unfair okay I didn't get hit at least it's first I hate that you can jump to it lower please let me get fight you just fight immediately huh [Music] okay nice to stay up I don't mind bones oh thank god oh no I'm dead I'm dead nothing can save me here I'm dead but even if you spare me that doesn't stop you from hurting others to HTM how I don't even have enough time dude [Music] this is this attack don't worry about the yelling but okay I forget which one this is it's been so long all right this is madness as well oh you don't have enough time I don't have time a final race are you crazy little little piece dude it what is this fight right now what is phase 4 how much more please tell me that's it I need to fight I don't want to go through this one again please papyrus don't go too crazy you should want to prove that you won't harm anyone but I'm beginning to think you're too far gone for that screw you papyrus I am too far gone right now so I would have loved to see a happy ending Santa's dead papyrus and you're using his attacks I see your tricks you have to try a little harder than this attack if you want to kill me if you give me a heal after this this is gonna be your end this is a warning don't you dare and oh my god it is okay papyrus you're gonna eat a legendary you were right in front of you I'm gonna go through this one again it might get more difficult to later on and come on stay calm don't do anything crazy papyrus is sweating the virus is getting there determination is getting to him I guess [Music] perfect and immediately sight was that too much for you it was too little too virus sorry here's something easier yeah that's a good joke I'm Remy Tomic good joke hey it's true oh really you provide us are you being nice no that would be totally cool actually I would be totally cool with me Wow okay I mean sure seventy-nine Sela didn't take a hit there even if you speared me would it matter everyone I love is gone [Music] no I didn't have time oh come on what the Pirates are crazy do I have the noodle steal I think it's time and now I just need to remember what happened here I forgot that already though okay at the biters oh the gas regressor is the hardest thing about this entire battle no but okay four th got them it's got them at the virus what regardless I'm getting really tired from all of this fighting don't you agree I don't know we still aren't good enough to change I don't give you a chance I think you still know what the right thing to do is there's still a chance to change go ahead human prove to me you can still be good but I see that bowing I would have considered it I would have considered it but that bone is just disrespectful papyrus I'm sorry but I can't even kill you so or maybe I can or not they would run up on oh oh oh oh that's it where do we get papyrus the undying Wow okay I'm I'm okay I can feel my body splitting apart like at any moment it'll be nothing but a pile of dust but I'm okay that was your last chance human mom I'm sorry but you are too far gone to be saved I need to stop you now no matter the cost it's got 88 HP bro there are lives at stake and I cannot stand by and let you kill them prepare yourself it's time to show you my real special attack what's happening okay okay [Music] um okay this is gonna be a problem and love that the bone doesn't even give you a chance I don't have anything so this is not gonna be anything so I'm gonna try it one last chance does this actually work I don't know maybe that's the easy way out I'm human that wasn't so hard was it but I think you're still gonna die because you're like injected with determination although a little late you did it so I guess my work here is done sans is going to be so excited to win oh right when I well it's okay I'm hungry and you didn't like my cooking anyway I think I'm going to go home now this is an empty ending but it is an ending undertale rejuvenation damn oh no and that's not a happy mercy ending at all and here we are I guess that's one way to do it chapter one so that's kind of nice I guess you have all of these things here you want to try again the thing is I do kind of want to go back but I've been here for two freaking hours maybe maybe another episode just where we go back I think that would be okay because Jesus Christ I don't know how many more attempts I'm gonna need until I learned the final attack I don't know how long is it how long it is he's also a problem and of course we're gonna take a look at the credits here code and sprites buy a suit foot on gamejolt I think that's how you say it or suit suit originally brought the game joke by an EO FLL champion main menu theme by r3 music box mega load Trussell i guess that's how you would say mega load travels on mega load Trussell by sam music skeletal smash by lord master under Tila all the characters of course by toby fox and the texture correction by steel Matic dragon and okay like I said I'm probably gonna go back come back to undertale rejuvenation chapter 4 final attack it's gonna be tough we technically beated this episode but I guess the true ending is where you continue genocide guys thanks so much for watching I hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 2,005,071
Rating: 4.9098792 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Rejuvenation, Undertale Rejuvenation, Sans, Papyrus, Genocide, Genocide Papyrus, Papyrus Final Boss, Boss Fight, Papyrus Fight, Sans Fight, Megalovania, Bad Time, Chara, Second Genocide, Full Game, Merg, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions
Id: QzV5O2QZN_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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