Observations: A New Season & Chris Reed's Vision Related to Luke 4:18 | Mike Bickle

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] person okay let's all gather together if you would get in your s grab a seat lord we're asking you to heal bodies tonight lord come and touch us so everybody grab a seat if you would father we thank you in jesus name we ask for the spirit of grace and healing and power come and touch our bodies tonight come and connect our hearts to you in a new and a fresh way we thank you in jesus name amen and amen [Music] we've come to worship [Music] endureth forever it forever [Music] to generation we were [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] you are hallelujah [Music] endureth forever [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are good all the time all the time you are good since you are good all the time and all the time you are good [Music] [Music] forever [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah who you are [Music] shout out to god with [Music] shout out to god with the voice of time we'll trap your hands on you people shout unto god shout unto god [Music] for the voice [Music] [Music] shout unto god [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord is with you mighty warriors [Music] the lord is [Music] hmm the lord is the lord is [Music] is [Music] is with you my lord [Music] he's anointed you to proclaim the gospel of our kingdom liberty to the captive you've anointed us [Music] let's not be ashamed to proclaim let's not be ashamed to proclaim to proclaim your goodness to proclaim the excellencies of our god christ the christ the risen [Music] the lord is [Music] the lord is [Music] so rise [Music] oh sorry [Music] you're this is this is this is [Music] you said you are [Music] you declared your desire is for us you declare it let us [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] this is this is [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and all i am is all [Music] [Music] is afraid oil is my crossly perfume i take my alabaster box and i break it open the fragrance arise [Music] let the fragrance rise [Music] let the fragrance arise [Music] so take care [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] let the fragrance rise [Music] let the fragrance arise [Music] let the fragrance arise let the [Music] fragrance [Music] do [Music] [Music] straight to you we love you jesus [Music] worship straight to your [Music] [Applause] [Music] say to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] eyes with the fragrance to rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] merchants straight to your [Music] oh [Music] let the fragrance arise [Music] and i lift my voice to [Music] oh my soul [Music] rejoice joy my king in what you [Music] hear let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ears [Music] my [Music] oh my soul [Music] resource and take joy my king hear what you hear [Music] let it be as sweet sweet sound [Music] in your ears i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you and my heart will fall [Music] are your dwelling place [Music] thirsty i come after you [Music] jesus my joy [Music] my rewards [Music] oh your loves restore my soul [Music] now i'm yours and you are mine and from my heart a song will rise [Music] i love you i love you [Music] and my heart will follow [Music] oh [Music] i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you and my heart will fall [Music] after my heart will [Music] miss follow [Music] our hearts fully devoted this is our prayer [Music] father we thank you for your love come and reveal it to us tonight in a new and profound way god whose spirit of wisdom and revelation come the love of the father to the son of the son to the father and the spirit we need your help we love you in jesus name amen amen and amen thank you andrew thank you worship team let's go ahead and remain standing for a moment just go ahead and greet the folks around you just reach your hand out hello my name is pretty good yeah if you would like the teaching notes tonight and you did not get them and you want a hard copy go ahead and raise your hand up just wave your hand if you want a hard copy shh let's all grab a seat hard copy we always have them on the internet but some folks like hardcopy i'm a hardcopy guy i'm both you're both yummy too well announcement number one okay here we go so uh in a few weeks this is gonna change we've been doing you know kind of a combined family service at six for that during the fast and for the next few weeks to debrief the fast but on may 21st we're gonna shift it back to what happened before the pandemic when we were having our 5 p.m church service that we're requiring our staff to come to and then 7 30 our encounter god service with intimacy teaching and you're doing john 13 to 17. yeah and a bunch of you're going to help me but we're going to just camp there for about a year but we're still going to bring that to the 5 p.m so it's not like we're doing it only at 7 30 but 7 30 every week and then we're bringing the best of it to the 5 pms good good so may 21st that's going to begin so just mark that in your calendars and then of course um isaac and dana and i and sometimes mike and stuart and many others we've been doing that family conversation on wednesdays that's number two right yep number two so number two that's shifting also in may around may 12th wednesday may 12th we're going to continue to do that it's going to be the ihop kc podcast we want to encourage you to subscribe but really what we want from our local family is to be a part you can uh just jump in on the zoom call through the zoom link you can engage in the conversation make comments ask questions we love the interaction with the family in the conversation how you do that because a number of these had like 5 000 people participating so how do you do that well the the 5 000 plus that are watching are watching on facebook and youtube oh that's archives or whatever whatever but it's like if you're part of the family you get to kind of come in and be in the front row and say stuff do we have any healing testimonies we do anybody get healed around here they are good i want to hear about it i'm going to do those in a second but i want to take a second actually since you're here i want to take a second and pray for our students [Music] that's i can see that's the kansas city team in it [Applause] most of our students right now are somewhere else or on their way to somewhere else they're in seattle they're in st louis they're in little rock they're all over the nation so starting today they're going to be hitting different cities dallas and elsewhere to uh do what we call our ihop spring trips so they're going to be ministering in churches prayer ministries evangelism and we're just we're believing for an unusual week of salvations and healings and beyond out and about we've been just pressing the lord for it and we feel like he's pressing us to believe for it and so i want to take a second and pray for our team since we have the kansas city team won't you guys stand right where you are and if you want to stretch out your hands towards them because they're doing the outreach in the ministry here here they're going to be hitting churches it's not like they're taking off they're just doing it in this city versus dallas or something like that we actually one of our one of our global classroom students from south of here her spring trip is coming to kansas city to be a part of the kansas city team [Music] [Laughter] it's so good to see you it's so good to have you here live and in person we love it welcome to kansas city so if you would pray for our teams we'd love it father i'm asking you the prayer we pray so often from ephesians chapter one that the spirit of glory father of glory i ask you to release the spirit of glory in them and through them i ask that you would surprise them and you would the way that you would speak to them the way that you would move through them i ask you for the manifestation of power i ask you for prophetic impressions divine direction i ask for new surprising relational connections you would sovereignly connect people here and there in new ways even with new ministries and new family dynamics we believe you for that in the name of jesus amen and amen amen thank you my friend dan bohai i need to borrow a microphone let me here we go so we've been now about six weeks on tuesday dan and we're going to go on a bunch more weeks on tuesday over at ihop u healing services and scores of people have been getting touched i mean really touched by the power of god tell us a few well i got a call tonight at dinner um i had a momentous night tonight mike somebody somebody from ihop bought me a steak dinner it was a miracle it was a miracle um um john chisholm bought my dinner tonight okay but anyway i got a call while i john chisholm he's got deep pockets he could do that long okay i get it i get it just kidding john but um uh tuesday night tuesday night i laid hands on a lady named masha from south dakota she'd come all the way from south dakota because she's desperate for healing she's been bound with depression anxiety bipolar manic depression and addictions for 38 years and i felt impressed to lay hands on people before i preached it was strange i felt like the lord said pray for him before you preach so she came forward for prayer i laid hands on her she got taken out by god whatever he does she was laying on the ground and she called me today she's throwing away her cigarette she doesn't have depression she doesn't have bipolar and she's set free [Applause] she came now listen she came from south dakota another lady came up to me um and from wait she came from south dakota not for the meeting she came down here because she was looking for hope and she heard about the tuesday night healing and she didn't want to miss it so she came to the tuesday night meeting and got set free from 38 years of addiction and depression [Applause] south dakota she's back in south dakota now so she came for the meeting yeah okay so let me go on there's another lady came from colorado named peggy and peggy had a car wreck several years ago she has several fractured vertebrae she has very many herniated discs and she has brain damage from her car wreck where she no longer can hold dts trainings for y wham she can't take mission trips so she's been kind of in between because of her accident well she came tuesday night not knowing if she could stay because he was she was in so much pain but she wanted to be there but she didn't know if she could stay and that was the night god said pray for people before you preach and so she was a lady that came up i didn't get to put my hand on her i got without within three feet of her and she went out in the spirit and she came up to me yesterday afternoon at the prayer room and said i kept thinking when's the pain coming back when's the pain coming back and she was bending around at my car window yesterday in front of the prayer room by the coffee shop for an hour telling me the story about how she's had no pain she has no pain her brain's working again she has a sense of humor she's not foggy in her brain and she thinks she's going to be able to start doing mission trips again for come wy-wham come on so she um you were there you caught her that's the that's the lady that catches everybody that lady there um i don't know how she does it she catches men my size and she's little so i don't know it must be like a leverage thing i don't know be careful be careful so so anyway so then so then i had a man fly in to be in the meeting from fresno california his name's dan i laid hands on him spirit came on him just to come to the beginning just to come to the meeting i can't get over this just to come to the meeting he now listen to this he's had esophageal problems where he can't swallow and he starts choking all the time for eight years and he and now his esophagus is open wow wow are you kidding me um i had a word of knowledge um about a foot that was damaged and a man named rich who hasn't been able to ride his bike or run for seven years because of a damaged foot this week now he's riding his bike and running god instantly healed his foot um [Applause] okay peggy south dakota rich daniel oh jessica a lady i i called a lady up to pray for a lady i called a lady at a service just come let me pray for you and i grabbed her elbows it's weird i don't ever do that i grabbed her i usually grab hands or cheeks i grabbed her elbows after the service she goes i was born with defects in my elbows they've been hurting my whole life they no longer hurt come on i didn't know i didn't know anything was wrong with her elbows i just grabbed her elbows and got healed that was jessica and then oh okay this was my favorite one so friday night after i left the service here being in the room you know with the prophet seer chris who i've never been around anybody with that kind of a anointing to see phone numbers and addresses and names i didn't know that was even possible so i went home intimidated insecure and jealous well hey dad yeah i'm so holy man i am so holy dad so i get home it's like god do i even know you i mean am i saved yes my grandson comes backstage and he was blown away hudson he goes grandpa why can't you do that yeah i get it i get it i said i do you're just at the wrong meetings i do yeah so saturday morning so saturday morning i get up and i repent and i said god this isn't of you i celebrate chris's gift i want you to increase it i don't want to be jealous i want you to increase it and i i repent for any of these stupid feelings because they're not from you god you called me to wear my armor i can't wear his arm it won't fit i have to wear my armor so excellent so anyway so saturday night i was asked to minister to 80 yuan missionaries at a barn over in kansas city just east of martin city it was like 80 missionaries why whammers and i'm like how am i going to minister i don't know their addresses and phone numbers i i i did that i did you know what just grab their elbows stay with that stay oh my god that is awesome that's so so what happened was at the end of my sermon at the barn the lord gave me a name i've never had that before and i said to a guy on the front row your name's robert right and he goes yeah and i said now you got kicked out of your church because of an encounter you had with god and you've been bitter at your church for about 15 years and you've been trying to overcome your bitterness by just working busy in the church but you never let god heal you and tonight he's going to heal you and that guy fell down on the ground on the front row and started weeping and he got set free [Applause] come on hold on and so then so then uh i see a lady in the crowd now i'm ministering to 80 wy-wham missionaries i i mean i'm ministering to 80 wyom missionaries right that's youth without any money is that right but we love white women i love them too their ywam people are the ones that are running with me on these tuesday nights kevin stark they're all helping me he has a whole team of why whammers i love them but i see this person in the crowd i see a person in the crowd and i said oh man your husband left you in a lurch and you're really in pain and you can't sleep and you don't have wisdom you don't think because he never told you things that you needed to know and now you're having to find out on your own and you're everybody's waiting to see if you're going to crash and burn and the lady starts weeping after the service she comes up and hands me a check that's the biggest check my ministry's got in several years and on the way home that night the lord whispered to me don't try to wear anybody else's armor good word okay so here it is she told me she had 26 year marriage her husband i'm not i'm not going to details but i she told me i told her her whole life and so here's what i want to tell you 38 years 14 years 15 years seven years all these people had these conditions for a long time and god still broke in some of you tonight have had conditions for 10 20 30 40 50 years time is not an issue to god when he decides to break in is his deal you staying in the faith and belief is your deal tonight could be your night come on everybody in this room tonight if you stay in hope that leads to faith that ends up in belief all things are possible to those who believe so tonight could be the night so don't say well i've been prayed for a hundred times that's what all these people told me and they still got their miracle amen so tuesday night if you come tuesday night i'm going to preach a message on the most powerful force for a christian as dependents not independence depending on god and then if you need to be baptized comes tuesday night because we're doing baptisms okay is that good i'm done thank you but hey we're going to pray for the sick in a little while in this room yeah we'll do that later yes thank you i love i'm glad that you said that about your armor and that was important so this is the greatest miracle of this week last year this time i was home because kovad grounded me home right after 11 years of 300 days a year on the road last year at the end of march 1st of april i came home and i've been here for a year last year i was 417 pounds at this time this morning when i got on the scales i was 299 pounds [Applause] yay [Applause] so so i broke 300 when i was 28 years old i'm 60 and a half so i am i am going through a 32 and a half year barrier that i've never gotten past and i'm by the end of this year i will be normal like all of you what are you aiming for at the end of the year [Music] so by the end of the year i'll be 6'5 240 right now i'm 6'5 299.3 yay i love it fun up i love it that you said you went home last week struggling with jealousy i like that no because that's human to have those kind of emotions and for you to say that a lot of because you are a intensely sincere godly man with spiritual depth so a lot of folks are going oh well we were feeling that about your 72 000 testimonies of healing we were kind of feeling that way as well so everyone has their own lane to run into their own armor and it's so good for the lord to grab you and say wait get back into who i and you are forget all that so thank you for sharing that i really appreciate that okay just want to share a couple two testimonies over the last uh six weeks or so we've been talking about uh these uh men and women in the black community who have had a significant impact on the body of christ and um on our ipc website you can go check it out it's called the malachi project and one of the one of the goals of the malachi project is to identify men and women in the black community who had a significant impact uh in within the context of the gospel usually when we think about uh black leaders male or female we tend to think of them in the context of um in terms of social reform and and social justice but seldom do we think of of men and women who had a significant impact in the gospel who operated in the realm of the spirit who operated in science and wonders and so forth i just want to highlight the two uh i think they're two my favorite actually um george lyle and prince williams ed and iron judson he was a missionary who left american soil around 1812. and is known as the first foreign missionary however that is not true the first foreign missionary that left american soil was a man by the name of george lyle in 1783. he was born in slavery uh got converted while he was in slavery then he got he his freedom was purchased and he then went to jamaica and planted a church that a church grew up to about 500 members the second one and this is probably the most inspiring one for me this will be very inspiring for some of you there's a man by the name of prince williams and he uh went um as a missionary to the bahamas but but get a load of this he went to the bahamas as a missionary when he was 70 years old he was 70 years old when he said yes to his call as a missionary and planted a small house of worship in jamaica and he pastored there until he was 104 and so yeah and so so much for thinking that life is over at 70. now he said yes to the call of god at the age of 70 went to the bahamas he pastored and led until he was 104 and the work that he started multiplied to about 164 congregations in the bahamas so that's george lyle and prince williams let's have the ushers come up and take up our offering again uh i just want to invite you guys to check out on our ipc website malachi project we have um several of these stories have got videos some of them don't but they again they are very very very very inspiring father we thank you lord for your provision in our lives father we thank you for the grace of giving lord that you invite us lord to partner with you father we ask you lord that you would would bless the sowing of the finances the lord we ask that you would multiply it in jesus name [Music] amen your love is extravagant your friendship [Music] it's intimate your love is extravagant your friendship [Music] oh so intimate i find i'm moving to the rhythms of your grace your fragrance is intoxicated in a secret place your love [Music] is extravagant [Music] your friendship [Music] oh so intimate [Music] spread wide in the arms of christ [Music] is a love that covers sin no greater i love known [Music] you considered me a friend you captured my heart again oh my beloved oh my beloved spread wide in the arms of christ is the love that covers sin no greater love have i ever known [Music] you considered me a friend would you capture my heart again [Music] oh my beloved again [Music] amen thank you andrew isaac can you come up and give me a couple words here and stuart last week was really something special for us and a bunch of you were here at various we had five different meetings last week three public services and two long like three hour leadership meetings and uh chris reed came and and the lord used him in a very very dramatic way and most of you kind of got the feel for it because many of you were here but some of those that are just joining us are kind of hearing whispers like what happened what happened what happened and so i just ever so slightly i'm a little bit just what you last week was special wasn't it i think it was a very remarkable time i've never seen anything like that in terms of a ministry setting where there were words of knowledge with detail and words and family and calling people on the telephone and and uh and things of that nature so a lot a lot happened you know absolutely you know the the there's just a couple of things that just strike me about this weekend and that is that you know it's so true when john says what the angel told john that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of jesus that as chris was was ministering with such precision and humility and unction and i've seen a few guys over the years due to do the detail thing but there was a there was an unction that came with it where the entire time in my own heart i just couldn't but help to love and worship jesus and and and just go lord this is how you see your people and just being provoked and challenged i want to see people that way i'm not talking about the information but this in terms of the lord's heart and so there was a real powerful spirit and an authority on christ's life as he was ministering prophetically it was quite remarkable yeah one of the things that struck me and i'm sure many of you felt the similar way was seeing the lord speak over our friends those that we knew in the spiritual family and and the details and their children's names and what so struck me was this idea that jesus is a better friend to my friends than i am the amount of information he knows but it wasn't like a pain point it was a celebration point to celebrate and and then secondly there's such an importance of stewarding the words that the lord speaks to us when you get a word whether it was you were ministered to that weekend or not or previous times in your life that we take those words and we cherish them before the lord you know mary it says that when after she has the encounter with the angel gabriel it says that she cherished those things in her heart and and she took them seriously and i've taken some words and i took a word that that christ had given me in another meeting not a public meeting and i began to write it down and extract just different things the lord was saying and i had about five points that i could remember just from that day but when i went back and really began to look at it i came away and i'm not saying this is a whatever point just as a point to us of stewardship i came away with 60 data points that i'm supposed to take before the lord in prayer that that the lord had had given and so maybe that's you maybe you have words in your past you have an audio recording saved on your phone or you have dreams there's testimonies of dreams exploding in our midst right now the dream life and if you begin to write down your dreams and we begin as a people to not just celebrate the prophetic and not just pray for the prophetic but actually steward it actually take it before the lord in prayer and actually begin to cherish the things that the lord has given us individually and corporately the lord is going to increase this at an exponential rate and so i just want to put that before us as a family i love what you said i was so touched by the way my friends were touched yeah i mean i saw people i really love get touched yeah i mean he didn't give me a word some of the leroy word or something oh he gave me he gave me a word oh he gave it it wasn't just the word it was a promise it came with the joy of the lord traditional promises i mean straight up wait wait we're moving on yeah no no no no no no no no no no we actually like to expound [Music] i mean it's on my playlist on my iphone actually but uh i don't know if i have the nerve to call this a spirit of joy on you guys but whatever it is what i'd like to say yeah we will have the nerve for you my shoes would you please come forward it's a mushrooms come up here quickly strong ones now actually the only thing i want to say was you know isaac said that um you know you know isaac said that you know if you were ministered to or not minister to that was probably the biggest thing that i walked away with was that even if i was administered to i was still ministered to because our friends because our friends are being ministered too yeah absolutely thank you lord thank you well tonight what i want to do is i just want to tell some stories that are that i'm drawing some perspective about last weekend and what season we are is in a spiritual family and the best way is just tell some stories that i am interpreting this hour through and the thing uh i really love about chris is that i'm very aware that he is a down payment of what the lord's going to be doing with many young people i mean some of us old guys too but many young people i remember in the 80s bob jones and paul kane had this prophetic gifting that most people would say was an unusual level of prophetic accuracy it really was they were two of the most uh i don't know what the word says but a lot of folks around the world looked at them and said there's not very many people operating in that level of prophetic revelation but both of them insisted i mean without false humility where down payment there is coming a new generation of young people and they're going to operate in a spirit of revelation far beyond us we go that's so humble for you guys to say that they said no this is really real and as i was uh uh talking to chris about his story when he was 25 years old he's 36 now it all started he's you know he was a pastor and just a little congregation and just kind of going loving the lord since his youth but suddenly the lord began to touch him and it was kind of awkward for him to even understand what was happening and you go on youtube and hear his story but for about a year he said i'd be in bed at night not every night but sometimes two or three nights in a row sometimes a few weeks and nothing happened but the spirit of the lord had rest on me and i didn't know what was happening and then all of a sudden after a year of that not that don't think that's the way forward my point is it wasn't happening before that and then suddenly it begin to increase so my point being there's a lot of folks that are 25 years old there's a lot of folks 50 years old it's not happened but it doesn't happen until it starts happening and all of a sudden you go wait it's not me i didn't earn it it wasn't my intense devotion i mean our devotion matters but this is bigger than our devotion and i just heard over and over in the 80s there's coming a time there's a young adult generation and it's going to be normal for multitudes of them to be moving and words of knowledge and revelation so when i look at chris i don't go wow you're amazing and i think he is amazing because of his humility not because of his gifting it's his humility and uh but what i look i go lord i heard about this and this is going to be happening more and more and more and so i celebrate this so i i meant i just think a little bit about chris uh just to kind of get in context i just met him recently and at the it was in february at the rick joyner round table february 20 21 22 23 uh so some weeks ago and rick joyner comes to me and many of you know rick's name he's one of my dearest friends over 30 probably 40 years by now since late 80s however long that is and rick said hey i got some young guy that i want you to meet and i said cool at our round table because he has this annual round table and typically 20 or 30 leaders comes the same ones every year he goes he's a new guy he goes he has a depth of revelation that's actually like paul kane i said rick stop i've never seen anything like the ministry of paul kane in words of knowledge and i said i i don't know i go that's a big word but rick is zero hype you know and i went what did you say he goes i'm telling you it's real and and he says he's half my age but he said this like three times but has twice my discernment humility or something or wisdom or something i can't remember and i ha ha ha ha and so i meet him and he sit around the table talking to these guys that i'm going what what but the thing i came back to our team i just said i have met this guy i didn't want to say paul kate i didn't want to introduce him that way that's why for the couple weeks ahead of time i said he's got a great message on the fear of god i want to be with people that care about the fear of the lord if they care about the fear of the lord then lots of other things could work and but i saw this in in at rick's place over in north carolina and at charlotte and so i thought huh and i said come and i said no pressure i'm not going to present you that way at all i just want you to teach on the fear of god whatever happens happens but it just so happened that many things came together for us in terms of our purpose bigger than him so it's much bigger than him but uh but he's a down payment of what's coming and that's going to be happening in the midst of a number of your lives and your children and your grandchildren i mean this is going to be the way forward and the closer we get to the return of the lord we're going to see more and more of this we for those of you the reason i wanted uh isaac and stewart to say a word or two because some that are tuning in they were not here those of you that were here you saw it so i didn't want to spend time telling you about it but it was uh i probably i don't know i don't count numbers like this but saw him probably call out a hundred people that's a i don't know if that's the actual number with such detail about their lives and and it was just it was quite remarkable but i kept saying lord this is where this thing is going there's going to be thousands of them doing this thousands of your servants and many of you young people and again before that year when he's 25 it started touching him and this strange sovereign touching it wasn't happening before it started happening and you can again hear the testimony the reason you you might be encouraged because you don't know what's gonna what might be happening in your life this time next year or the year after year after but like dan said dan bohai don't wear another man's arm or another woman's armor be who you are i don't want to be this guy or that guy i want to answer to the lord for who i am because the lord is orchestrating a global symphony an international family of affection as what he told me years ago but a global symphony we've all got to play our instrument we don't all want to play the same instrument so we can be wowed by what the lord does in somebody but we're understanding that the master you know uh the master musician so to speak the lord jesus he's or the orchestration of this whole global symphony and that's what we're plugged in and i go lord if about a million more people start moving in this kind of thing in the next five or ten years i mean then well we know what's going to happen i mean we we know there's going to be a billion soul harvest coming in well how to i've been i've been asked for the last seven days what's the takeaway points and the takeaway points roman number one here i put three there's this time next year we'll have 25 takeaway points there's about 10 right now but i just picked three there's a really about 10 but a year from now and two years from now we're going to see a lot more and it's not going to be about a person's gifting it's going to be about a season we're in and a storyline that's been unfolding i mean this storyline actually started in the human sense uh with bob jones and that death encounter he had on august 8 1975 so however many years 1975 was that's the first time and anyone i know about connected with this particular facet of the end time young adult movement because there's many movements in the earth and many of them are going to cross-pollinate and connect with each other but but this particular one which involves the people in kansas city and many of the of the ihop family there's more ihop family that doesn't live in kansas city they live somewhere else but they're still part of the family and so this part of the end time young adult worship and prayer and you know evangelistic church planning started literally in in august 8 1975 when bob jones had that encounter and he stood before the lord and the lord sent him back from death and said there's going to be a young adult movement come out of the city it's going to touch the ends of the earth but though that kind of story line is unfolding around the earth and i love those stories and i want to hear lots of people's stories but i love our story and i say thank you lord you've been so intentional about this so intentional so i'm going to pull a few things out here point number one paragraph a it was clear to us literally last friday april 9th last friday now some of you uh you'll hear this as i share tonight and you'll go i don't get the dates i don't get the stories and i understand that if i was in row 10 and you were telling me these stories i might go like what what are you talking about and i get that but some of you as i talk about april 9th and april 18th those are just two days to remember i'm going to mention them a couple times the lord highlighted them a year and two from now you look back and you'll even look at this little one-page handout and see these dates and these names you're gonna go oh oh it makes more sense now so that's why i like to record it and get it down not because everyone needs to get it tonight but as it unfolds i've been in this for some years now and often it's five and ten years later the dots connect i go are you kidding why didn't i connect those dots back then and the lord's always connecting dots and the stories unfolding but we are entering and i believe as of last friday literally we're entering in a new season a season with this particular people that is again with people all over the earth we've had over 20 000 people full time here and many friends that were never full-time here and we're all in the same stream together and there's many streams like this that we're friends with but since 1975 how many years is that real quick and that's 97 46 years ago yes 46 years ago i'm looking back after 46 years hearing the story and i'm going this is really lord you've really made a point to make a story for us and when i first met bob jones 38 years ago he told me he said you're going to be one of the oldest men in this movement and again there's going to be a number of movements and we're all going to be cross-pollinating and be friends and celebrating each other he says you're going to be one of the oldest people he goes bob says i'll be with the lord he goes but it will really be your children and even your grandchildren your grandchildren will be in their strength when this unfolds i'm thinking well my children are age two and four i haven't thought much about grandchildren for a while they'll be in their strength are you kidding cause yeah they will be in their maturity and in their strength your grandchildren when these things come to fullness and he goes you'll be an elderly man and i'm 65 now and i don't know what italy is but i know that we're entering in after 46 years of this particular storyline friday was a new season that's a big statement to say that and i'm not going to super develop that right now but i just want you going huh really we'll see that's fair too you could do we'll see i've done plenty of will see throughout the last 38 years and i'm more shocked than ever when when many things i did not expect happened so when someone goes i don't buy it i got i don't even mind i get it i get not buying it you're talking to the right guy just keep your heart in conversation with the lord just let it unfold because the good thing about truth is truth can be scrutinized and it's never hurt when it's scrutinized truth is only strengthened and so just let it unfold but last friday april 9 2021 i'm just telling you right now we can talk about this in the weeks and months to come it was a new day for us paragraph b we want to be intentioned and i'm going to develop this a little bit this is really important paragraph b about recognizing our sovereign alignment sovereign mean god set it up with other movements and other streams now the lord has established in in my 38 years here in kansas city when i first met bob and then paul kane and then the others i have the lord has connected me to a number of streams in the body of christ that are not us and we're not them but they love us and we love them and we partner at a certain level and it's not about look at a guy with a big ministry and say hey i better go get his number and network with him if i invite him to bit my big conference he'll invite me to his i'm not talking about that i'm talking about sovereign connections but i've seen over the years when sovereign connections were highlighted by the lord we got to be intentional about celebrating them and leaning into them we they don't just take care of themselves because we're humans and if we don't if we don't identify it and invest in it it doesn't go where it needs to go and i've seen a number a few of those sovereign connections break down over time because they were not intentionally cultivated so after month after this week i go lord i'm going to be very intentional about connecting with sovereign alignment with other ministries and reconnecting in a deep way with a number that have been in our midst in the past and somebody i have the word some somebody goes some well we've had like 22 000 full-time people probably not everybody but some are leaders some are not leaders some are here and some are there and the lord's made it really clear to me there's a home coming in the spirit that he's orchestrating in our little world but he's doing it in other streams as well and some of that homecoming in the spirit people will be geographically reconnected and others they'll stay in their city or their nation but the family connection will get a little bit strengthened and it'll be nurtured and so it'll be a homecoming relationally though not geographically but they'll be geographically so i want to say that i believe that as of last week we're taking the convergence that happened in 2018 i believe it's going to be the next stage of the convergence and some of you don't know what i mean by that and but again we'll break it down little by little as we go paragraph c a third takeaway point again there's about 10 right now that i could probably uh if i really pressed in eight or nine or ten real takeaway points and probably 25 a year from today because they just keep landing things keep unfolding i believe it's this it's this luke 4 18 and we'll get there in a minute in luke 4 18 you know that's the passage where jesus says the spirit of the lord is upon me to preach the gospel to the poor and to restore and to heal and to release and all these glorious words but the phrase actually there's 12 phrases 12 phrases in luke 4 18 jesus quotes isaiah 61 and if you go back to the verse that he was quoting isaiah 61 there's 12 different activity of the holy spirit 12 categories that the messiah would do and when jesus came into nazareth it said luke 4 18 he only quoted a few of those 12 but a we get it all 12 of them are in the conversation with the lord and i look at those 12 i mean they're fantastic they're bigger than our purpose tonight to break them all down but i look at one of them really jumped off the page and the lord says i'm going to heal the brokenhearted and the brokenhearted some folks think of the brokenhearted well they're they're addicted to this or they're stuck in that and undoubtedly there's that dimension but the brokenhearted are mostly not only but mostly relationships that are broken in families friendships i don't think there's anything more painful in the human experience and maybe there is but i don't think so then the pain of isolation i don't think there's anything more painful than the feeling of rejection even if it's not real even if it's part real the feeling of abandonment those are all really this different facets of the of the same diamond you look at it he says i'm gonna heal that and i'm gonna release the luke 4 18 just as dynamic but in a family spirit i'm not just going to use people to help the oppressed get liberated i'm going to heal their sense of abandonment and rejection many believers in this room in that room and all the ministries of the earth they're sitting there and they go i just don't feel connected i just feel alone i feel like it's getting worse and worse and the lord is saying i'm gonna heal that watch wait and see and the lord did something really sovereign to us in the convergence of 2018 but it's only the beginning of the beginning and he's doing that all over asia and many other places as well and but uh there is a brokenhearted luke 4 18 which again is quoting isaiah 61 that's the real passage the full passage is isaiah 61 but luke 4 18 was really highlighted by the lord to us okay look at roman numeral 2. so last friday okay chris comes now i i heard this rick joyner he operates in the same level of paul cave i go oh that's that's a little intense rick i mean come on man and then i met uh chris at rick's place in february 24 21 and 22 with dean we were there together and diane was there we got to meet him a little bit and uh i went up to him i said hi how you doing and i said i didn't know anything about him and i said i just wanted to know if he even had a frame of reference for anything that i was going to talk to him about have you ever heard of paul kane and he said well actually the last year of paul kade's life we had this incredibly close friendship and i go really that that surprised me because i wasn't i wasn't in that much communication with paul a little bit his last year i walked with him for like 30 plus years but that last year not so much i was not in that much communication a little bit we had a few uh meals together and stuff and i said really he goes i probably talked to him every week on the phone and i know paul kaine almost as good as anybody there's a few that might be on the list more than me and i go paul kane does not talk on the telephone you cannot be telling me the truth there's no way you talk to him every week or whatever the number is he didn't stress every and i figured out and found out it's actually true and i thought wow you have a real special connection to him and that touched me that him and paul were that close because i was so close to paul and our purpose was so close and together in the holy spirit and so i'm looking at this kid 36 years old i'm thinking you know there's i'm lord because of the the way that paul and bob were established in this purpose of this global young adult movement again they ministered to other streams but they had a particular loyalty and focus and commitment or whatever the word is that focus even on this stream and so i said well i said that that's that touches me and so but i didn't want to overly tell introduce him that way or tell all of our leaders a few of our leaders i said i go this could be real intense or i don't know i'm not going to make anything happen either there is or isn't because you can't make things happen that aren't supposed to happen so he comes and stays at john chisholm's house on thursday night he gets in and he has a dinner with john and a few of them meet and he gets in you know and friday morning nine o'clock uh april 9th last friday uh is our first meeting maybe 10 or 15 people in the room a handful on the zoom call what and i said tell us your story just tell us your story and he goes well before i tell you my story he did tell us a little bit about that year when he was 25 years i mean 11 years ago when he was 25 years old where the spirit started surprising him and resting on him and kind of perplexed him and again i love stories like that because that you don't have to have that to happen but you never know when that might start happening because i've read a lot of biographies some people get touched by the lord in that way when they're in their 60s some in their 20s some in their teens you just don't know you don't know some will be in their 80s and it'll be a whole new decade ahead of them in the spirit the lord he doesn't have one way and he won't let anybody get the corner market on how he does it so you always stay just okay okay because at the end of the day it's little weak and broken people like us that god uses there's no super saints we're all folk and there's one trophy case in heaven we all know that and it's it's good that we celebrate and we're wowed by what god's doing in others but at the end of the day we're just folk together rejoicing that the lord's helping us and so that's the storyline and so he comes and sits down and he goes he goes i'm going to tell you something really strange really strange this is how our day starts paragraph a he goes i've i've time stamped this and he showed it to me on his phone and it says november 20th he says i got this word that when prince philip in britain when he dies it's a timing indicator for the kingdom there he goes i don't know how much of the kingdom but it's going to be a shift a dramatic shift on the day he dies he goes i don't really know what that means he goes then the lord gave me this riddle right here on paragraph a here he goes when the prince will pass it will be 418 at last he goes weird i'm looking at him because 4 18 means a lot to me but he doesn't know that i go and i look at the time stamp and i go okay he said when the prince will pass it will be 4 18 at last you get it i go yeah oh i know i mean it registers but i probably is a lot i'm not getting and so he asked us if it meant anything to us and some amazing things happened with daniel lim just the week earlier with luke 418 because it's luke 4 18. that's what 4 18 is but chris didn't know that now we go to paragraph b i'm going to have to give you about a three-minute background to explain why 418 is so important for this hour in history in our sphere of the kingdom again it might be for other streams and ministries as well i don't know but i know for us for sure paragraph b now if you don't know this story paragraph b here this is gonna you're gonna go what but this is quite a story paul kane's mother her name's was anna kane the lord promised her in the 1920s that she would have a son she had a daughter she you're gonna have a son she a very prophetic woman in the 19 in the teens and the 20s a pentecostal woman and the lord spoke and she had an incredible history of accurate prophetic words before paul cain was born the lord says you're gonna have a son and i'm gonna use him good catch this five miscarriages in a row over the next eight or ten years five miscarriages the reason i'm telling you this a little bit because you when you think it's the 11th hour and it's over it's not over when it looks over it's not over finally at 45 years old she gets pregnant like okay okay i guess that's half the age of sarah and abraham well she's eight months pregnant but her body is in big trouble and this is verified on medical documents she had four terminal diseases eight months pregnant 45 years old but she's got her son but the doctor a uh well i mean a doctor of great high reputation and this is documented in various places i mean all the details are you get it on the internet and stuff he said woman not woman that's new king james or something i'm getting a little carried away here woman what have i done he said you need to go home and die you're never going to make it through this last eight the eighth month you're not gonna make it you have too many things and i have them written down here tuberculosis heart disease both breasts were destroyed with cancer three tumors in her womb he said you're going to die so she goes home heartbroken 45 years old lord you promised you promised i'm not going to make it through the month midnight the angel of the lord appears to her and says daughter be a good cheer you'll live and not die and the angel of the lord touches her she's instantly healed of everything and the lord tell the age of the lord tells you you're gonna have a son named paul and he's gonna go forth in the power of the holy spirit et cetera et cetera again you get a lot more of this on the internet there's quite a few people who tell the stories of it that's not my point to tell his whole story to create a context for the story of what happened last friday well she got healed paul used to love to say this she got healed at age 45. she got so healed that she lived to be 105. when she was a hundred and paul he's adamant about this he goes she went six clear to the last couple years the next 60 years never went to a doctor once perfect eyesight never a sick day in her body in her for the next near 60 years it's like that angel touched her and everything got made new you know this organ that organ everything was rejuvenated and when she's 100 years old they said different ones said she never had a day of sickness paragraph c now we're tuning in to the story that i want to tell you that has relevance to us from last friday so paul's uh paul uh his mother tells him paul you know she's in her 90s now 96 98 100 102 104 and told him for some many years right before i die i'm gonna have one of the most significant words from god for your life and he said well mom's give it to me now you know she says no no no the lord said he will give it to me because i don't think she had it so she wouldn't mean secretive she goes i don't have it but he's promised me i would give it to you and it would impact your ministry and it would impact the people that you're impacting he goes well tell me pray mom you got me because paul had such a gift of revelation but so does mother just get it now lord we give it to her well it's february 1990. she's going on near 105 years old she doesn't have the word but she becomes really sick and she goes into a coma so she's not conscious she's a comatose and bear almost never wake up for like two months maybe three months i don't know the exact number because i was close to paul at that time and paul is well he loved his mother so much but he also wanted to get this word that she called one of the most significant words you'll ever receive in your life and he's like well if there's anybody i trust prophetically paul would say it's my mom because i never saw her miss it and so at this point in time paul kane is is uh really establishing the vineyard church and and some of uh most of you that are a little older you know the vineyard church those of you that are younger maybe you don't but uh the leader of the vineyard church is john wimber he went to be with the lord in 1997 and and he had you know there's about 2500 vineyard churches today around the world couple hundred thousand members total that kind of thing it was a new movement that was birthed in the 80s and so me and paul cain and some others were connected to the vineyard and i'll tell you that story in a minute excuse me and so paul he he's moving around the vineyard asking everyone would you pray for my mother she has a word for me and it a lot of us that loved him we thought that was yeah we'll pray for every prayer meeting here in kansas city we prayed for his mom at least for a few minutes but a lot of folks were annoyed but i'm kind of kind of glad because it made it was such an issue everybody talked about it like why are we praying for a 105 year old lady to be healed to give a prophecy to the guy that's got the greatest prophetic gift we've ever seen why don't we pray for our mother instead of us i mean everybody was praying for paul cain's i mean we were the urge to some are a little annoyed 105 year old lady to give a prophecy to a guy who's got the strongest prophetic ministry i don't think so and there was a lots of hubbub about it for a couple months so paul king calls me i'm here in kansas city he's in dallas where he lives he goes mike he goes would you come and be with me in dallas tomorrow by tomorrow my mom's going to die tomorrow like well she's been comatose for two months how do you know tomorrow she's gonna die he goes you really need to ask me how i know this i go oh yeah good point because his word of knowledge saying so i tell diana i got to go to dallas because paul cain's mom's going to die she goes how do you know he's going to die but anyways so i'm there i'm thinking i've never heard a person say when someone's gonna die you know that's kind of an odd thing i don't want to get used to that kind of prophesying so we're standing there i'm standing there there's three of us in the room paul as i mean with the anna kane 100 near 105 years old he always countered her nine months in the womb she's technically 104 but he always said 105. but anyway so paul's kneeling down with his ear next to her you know gently crying she's going she's going i'm standing in the room and there's a medical person there's three of us in the room and i don't want to like look at them they're like they're having an intimate moment so i'm just like staring at the wall i mean it's a very tender but sad but and she comes awake for just a moment she whispers something in paul's ear and then she dies and i'm looking at the clock and i see the digital clock and it's 4 18 in the afternoon i'm just staring straight at it and so uh so i catch that and paul is so sad he doesn't come and tell me the word i think he told rick joyner before he told me i was right there in the house with him he was so grieving i said you know this is the time for me to interview him and so i just kind of backed away and went in the other room and so the medical people come in and they said what time did she die he goes i don't know like oh i'm positive i was looking at the clock 4 18 i was right over bed so there were 8 4 18. so then it's a little time passes and and paul i you know tells me the word he goes the word she gave me was luke 4 18. that paul that you would go forth in the spirit of luke 4 18 but so would the people that the lord has given you to nurture and to strengthen and i mean in our group our young adult group that was yet future that would we talked about that many times that one day there would be this group and they would do 24 7 prayer you know and you know this was a few years before nine years before ihop started so we were just a sign on the wall in 1990 you know 24 7 prayer with singers and musicians and people said what's that i don't know it's that i can't figure it out but we talked about that young adult movement and so paul knows this word is for that young adult movement but far beyond us i mean this is jesus in his end time church i mean he loves the the billion so harvest is coming in he goes it's luke 4 18. i'm going to move in the spirit of the lord's upon me i'm to i moving power heal the brokenhearted and again you get four or five uh specifics in luke 4 18. but you go back to isaiah 61 the original there's 12 different dimensions of the activity of the spirit again this is for another day to break all that down so i don't even put together it's 4 18 in the afternoon and the verse is 4 18. neither does he think oh man luke 4 it hits me so we're announcing it to people all over the vineyard luke 4 18 there's an anointing of the spirit coming in a greater measure and we knew it was for them but we also knew there is going to be a historic eschatological end time move of god and a billion so harvest and luke 4 18 would be in the center of that which really would be isaiah 61. don't ever forget luke 4 18 is just a down payment of isaiah 61 that's the big one verses one to three so i'm talking to somebody it's i think i don't really remember to be honest i think it's a couple months later it's a little bit later i'm at a church and they said well when when did she die i said well uh sometime in april i said let me find out oh it's april 18th she goes oh so she died at 4 18 the date at 4 18 in the afternoon and the promise was 4 18. i said that is who picks the verse in the minute they die and they all add up i mean it was awesome i mean it might seem humorous but it was really awesome i go this is a cl i mean it's a heart this is a core promise for what is yet coming and again it was happening in the vineyard in other ministries and different streams but and i love that i love the power of god today i don't want to just wait for tomorrow i want the power of god today but i'm very aware that there was a bigger a global explosion of luke 418. so paragraph d okay we have the luke 418 and so look at paragraph e a few verses before it the spirit comes on him the context that the spirit comes on and i don't want to lose this point because this is real special to my heart and to many of you as well but the spirit comes on jesus when he's baptized in luke 3 22 and notice this is the first time where father son and holy spirit are openly working together i mean they always work together but it's all in the text right there you see the spirit the son and the father and they're in this conversation and the anointing is about jesus and it's that event in luke 3 that jesus talks about in luke 4 and so that's the beginning this is the reason this is critical for our world well others as well but i'm just wanting to make sure that we're right stewards of what god's telling us is that when i look at luke 4 isaiah 61 those 12 dimensions those are the power of god on our physical and emotional life i mean healing broken-hearted healing bodies opening blind eyes spiri physically as well as emotionally but there's emotional and physical dynamics of it but when you go to the original place luke 3 where the spirit came on jesus it's father seven holy spirit it's a hint of the trinitarian conversation that they have and so we find in the upper room discourse which we're going to unpack a little bit i mean the reason i say a little bit because there's so much more than we understand in john 13 14 15 16 17 those five chapters that is the spiritual dynamics of which we will understand luke 4 18 and isaiah 61 the emotional and fiscal blessings through that's the spiritual dynamics of john 13 to 17. so jesus we get the tip off of the trinitarian conversation but it's not to the end of his ministry that he lays it out to them and it's almost like he was saying luke 4 18 is going to work best through this lens and again when you take those 12 things of luke 4 18 isaiah 61 through the lens of the upper room discourse and then the 150 chapters of jesus as bridegroom king and judge i mean we are going to have a feast we're going to experience stuff that our hearts will be so filled with the love of god we'll be love sick worshipers of jesus the idea of dying as martyrs will be seen as a privilege it will be worth it it will be worth it the end time church is going to be fed on this kind of diet well let's turn to the top of page 2. now it's got to go back because there's some sovereign connection with other ministries that's hinted at here well no no not hidden it's pretty strong but i mean it's bigger than us and the vineyard ministries it's but i want you to get this because there's some real specific takeaways that we've been operating in a bit for 30 years but the lord is saying i want you to know that luke 4 18 at last has come you know because remember last week chris sits at the table he goes when when the prince will pass it will be 4 18 at last he goes i don't even know what that means that's got to mean something it was crystal clear and i go i know it is a new season it literally begins on that friday on that last friday not that there has to be a day but sometimes there is a day and there's so many dimensions to all of this and my point isn't to break them all down right now but one of the key things is the way that god connected the ministry here in kansas city with the vineyard the vineyard ministry again some of you have never heard of the vineyard it's a fellowship of churches there's about 2 500 churches they started in the 80s a couple hundred thousand people are in it john wimber was the leader of it and he went to be with the lord in 1997. now in the 1980s in the 1990s i'll say this maybe is a little intense statement to say but i want you get a sense of it from where i'm sitting john wimber is one of the most influential leaders in the western world in the body of christ he would go to was that you john no that's good i heard the amen because he he was the avenger pastor but anyway uh like you go to frankfurt germany 7 000 pastors gathered for four days to listen to it went to melbourne australia i was with him seven thousand again went to london six or seven thousand pastors i didn't know anybody where six or seven thousand pastors city after city would gather and hear him for four days i mean i don't know anybody you know if i'm saying this with great respect because i've had billy graham you know cheerleader billy graham would go to a city that you get 7 000 pastors for the lunch and they would tell about the plan to reach the city then the meeting's over you know and i'm sure it's more than that but i mean and that was the most prominent ministry i know but four days city after city and i go wow you know i mean i just don't know very many people that had that kind of impact of the body of christ so with that behind so some of you who've never heard of john wimber the vineyard it is a big story but that's the point of our connection is what it means to us today but it was so impossible for me to connect with him he was one of the most prominent men and i was one of the most unknown men but we're going to be like great friends like right that makes sense in other words there wasn't a chance of that that was going to happen so 1984 i paragraph eight bob comes to me is really key he said i hear one of his open vision things and he goes i saw there's a ministry about 35 miles southeast of l.a we never heard of the vineyard i still hadn't at that time because they have a banner in the spirit over them called uh called compassion and worship and he says and they're gonna cross-pollinate with us in here in kansas city and we have a banner and the spirit over us called prophetic and intercession i said a banner in the spirit i mean that's perfect that parabolic language like what do you mean a banner of the spirit i go does everybody have a banner in the spirit over them and i don't know what he said i don't even have an opinion about that but i said what do you mean he goes they have a a abundant grace for compassion and worship that's what they they'll do many things but they will do those two things with an anointing of grace that's abundant above what's normal and he goes here in kansas city he goes when it's all said and done you're going to look back and you're going to find out there's an abundant grace for prophetic and intercession and some of you know the story in the 80s and the 90s we had a number of prophetic people here that were it was talked about all around the world it was in i mean nearly every christian magazine of the western world they were telling the story good bad or ugly about the kansas city prophets and just for fun there was no such group they were just the guys and gals that worked together but there was no such real term like that but they were talking about and and he said well you wait one of these days the intercession grace is going to hit you well i think 22 years later after i hop i think the great the prayer thing hit us right prophetic and prayer now we're not that great at it but we got an abundance of grace for those two things over the last 38 years and com and worship i mean the vineyard would have compassion and and and worship compassion and worship he says you're going to connect like i don't even know what that means connect and what do you mean compassion and worship and so i paragraph b about almost four years go by bob comes to one of our staff meetings i'm pastoring the church right here in south kansas city and and he comes with maybe 10 or 20 people at our our leadership meeting there and he says i heard audibly it's october 87 paragraph b he goes john wimber is going to call you in january i go that's about as likely to happen as it's not going to happen john wimber is so many people want his attention all around the world he doesn't know anything about me why would he call this little pee-wee in kansas city he goes i heard it audibly he's going to call you and you're going to connect with him good i love it bob and bob really had a lot of accurate prophecies but i thought this was a little bit out there so january paragraph b diane says yeah she picks the phone up she goes who's this she goes it's a guy named john wimber she doesn't know who he is and i went right it's one of my friends you know it's isaacsliker.com calling me on the phone and so i think they're pulling my leg because they were in the meeting and they're going to tease me i go hi john how you doing buddy because i'm going to pull one back on them he goes uh this is john wimber uh is this mike beckham yes sir uh he goes i'm from anaheim i would like to talk to you for a minute i'm going oh my goodness and so he goes would you he says the holy spirit spoke to me it wasn't one of my friends joking would you come i got a staff retreat we meet morning afternoon evening for three days nine sessions they each go about two three hours my whole staff of a hundred we go out to the retreat place nine sessions he goes uh would you the holy spirit told me to give all nine sessions to you i don't have nine sermons to give i mean i've got nine sermons but i need like 20 hours in between each one to get ready for the next one i go i went yes nine sermons in a row one of the most prominent leaders in the body of christ then when i yes and we hang and i go when this is saturday night he goes oh tuesday this week so i hang the phone up and i i am like not happy actually i'm more intimidated and afraid that happy diagnosis who's that i got a guy named john which was who said i go this is a big never mind this this could be a disaster so i go there for those three four days and me and john connect in such a dynamic way it was i mean we were i mean like this almost deep friendship in three days that's a little exaggerated to say it that way but it was not it was strange and he leaves it he says you know the lord has told me in these three days that i you and me are going to be close friends and we're going to travel together and i'm thinking again he's at the type of his uh the prime of his ministry i got a little church in kansas city i don't even know what he wants me to do for him i don't even know what it would be and so some time goes by paragraph c so january goes by i come home and mike the team goes what was it like it was incredible but i don't know i feel like it was fun but i'm a little unsettled as to how this was going to work so i come home in february i don't hear from him february march april may june now it's june 5th almost six months later bob jones comes to me in a sunday morning's out in the parking lot and he goes hey that wimber guy he goes have you heard from him lately i go no no i'm sure it's fine he goes well in october 87 i told you call you january he did exactly right yeah he goes well i'm telling you now he's calling you this week he's going to call you again and he's going to open three wide doors to you and you're to go through those three wide doors and it's going to be a seminary uh a holy spirit seminary seasons uh you know uh seminary season in the holy spirit i go what's that mean he goes well i i heard the audible voice of the lord and an angel in the in the dream he said tell him this is a warning not a promise like how could it possibly be a warning i mean john wimber is this a cool guy in this incredible ministry how could it be a warning not a promise and bob jones says well the angel of the lord told me that uh he's has a million people on his platform across the world and he's going to put you on this platform he says but the problem is you don't know how to come in and go out before the people on a platform of a million people like what does that mean he goes i don't even know what it means i will come in and go out before the lord and that's a phrase about king david and some others in the bible but i knew it because i'd studied the life of david it shows up a couple times it means you know carry your heart and relate to people in a right way i go why would that be so hard it was incredibly hard in front of him there's so many good bad and ugly swirls when there's a million people involved there's enemies there's friends there's networkers there's jealous there's fighters there's lots of so many dynamics i'm not getting into that but it said it will go for three years take notes because it will be a seminary uh holy spirit seminary season and it's for this young adult movement many years from now and there's a time it's going to begin so then john one of the three doors he opens he asks me i got it right here in paragraph d he goes hey would you go to scotland in england with me for a couple weeks he goes i'll pay for it all i'll just take care of it i just want to i want to get a hotel room next to me and we're going to i'm going to do all the sessions he is he goes and i'm going to have every meal with you and i did morning noon and night every meal we talked i don't know how he talked with me for two three hours and preach and talk to me but we went from morning to night i mean for like 14 days type thing or what i don't know the number of days is like that two weeks-ish and we became dear friends in that and i thought this is amazing he goes i want you to travel around the world with me i mean long term every meeting i go really why why do you want me to go with you i don't have that much to say and uh he says well i want you to the lord told me to we'll figure it out as we go so i'm in scotland and i'm telling john wember these bob jones stories the comment the first day of spring and blah blah blah you know these these signs in the heavens things he goes this is so interesting so he asked the question hey can i meet this paul kane guy or bob jones pick the one you want and would there be some like sign in the heavens for me like i don't know how this works and jack dear who's one of my dear friends he's me and jack are talking to paul and jack's talking to john and paul and we're on the phone you know trying to me and jack trying to mediate or whatever the word is you know i'm talking to john and paul and then paul's talking to jack and john and you know and because trying to figure out how this is going to go forward because jack dear's calling john long distance you know in scotland and saying uh so paul kate says yeah paragraphy this is cool but i'm telling you paragraphy because it's very significant that's why i'm telling you paragraphy paul goes yeah he goes tell john the day i arrive there'll be a local earthquake and the day i leave there'll be an international earthquake so john's question is well what day is paul coming and paul's answer is john you pick the day and john goes i pick the day and an earthquake hits locally and then i pick the day he leaves and earthquake hits internationally and paul said yeah wow this must be a pretty important meeting we have coming up so john picked december 3rd and it's all written up you can go read the details so an earthquake hits pasadena which is right by anaheim and shakes it shakes fuller seminary which john was a professor there for some years and it shakes and the the whole place is shaking so john calls me on the phone you know our trip in scotland's over and he's back at anaheim and oh yeah paul had a word for him he says here's the word jeremiah 33 8 because there was different issues in the vineyard that needed to be repented of i don't go into all that and john and the word of the lord was jeremiah 33 8 the lord is going to give you mercy and a whole new beginning jeremiah 33 8. so wember loves that he goes hey mercy i love mercy and then he goes so now uh he's you know he's gone home from scotland it's a week later we've overcome you know got over jet lag and uh we've been there for a couple weeks in england and uk and so he's at home and john calls me goes here i can believe this he goes paul k gets in my in locally today and he gave me the word jeremiah 33 8 and the earthquake hit at 3 38 in the morning exactly on the on the number of the verse he goes what i go i don't know and so on the day he leaves december 7th one of the most uh destructive earthquakes hits armenia and 50 000 people die and that's international and paul said here's what's going to happen when compassion and worship come together with prophetic and intercession and they cross-pollinate in the full way it will cause an earthquake in the vineyard locally and it will cause an international controversy an earthquake across the nations and many things will shake and that's a prophetic sign and we thought wow wow until it happened and i mean there was so much controversy and strife in people and because the compassion i didn't even know what it meant by compassion and what john says well i'll tell you compassion means that way we care for the poor the the powerless because the it's more than just the poor economics the powerless but compassion it was healing by compassion now in the 80s anyone that's my age in your 60s you would know this in the 70s and 80s everyone talked about healing healing by faith almost and that's very very biblical by the way but if there's a hundred books on healing there's a hundred books on healing by faith that's how you get healing by faith wember was the only guy i ever heard of except for one sermon here or there healing by compassion like well that's if that's just different he goes no the lord told me the healing ministry is by compassion and by faith too we're not putting that down but it's a connecting with at the heart level i go okay we don't really we kind of like go hard for faith we don't think much heart connect you know we're just trying to get faith you know and wimber was one of the first guys that said this all around the world and it was in 1980s this was radical it makes more sense now but i've never heard anyone talk that way all the healing books are healing by faith and again faith is still very important and that jesus taught it as biblical but nobody every now and then somebody would say compassion for a minute then i go what's this worship and it intimacy with god in worship because in the 70s and 80s they started pastoring in the 70s and in the 80s all the charismatic non-nominational churches mostly we just turned the music up turned the amplifiers up and shouted at the devil you know we're going to win we got authority we know who we are we'd swing in the air we'd beat the devil down and and if you didn't sweat and lose a vocal cord at the end of the worship service it wasn't a real meeting i'm exaggerating we had fun but everyone just did louder harder jump higher scream harder swing harder everybody was doing that all around the charismatic world worldwide you know and i went to the vineyard meetings when i first went there it blew my mind it was this intimacy third i mean an hour sometimes an hour and a half and the mellow we love you beauty you love us i went i have never been in a worship service that did this for an hour there's always that one song that's a little bit tender and what i'd go to these conferences five and ten thousand people at them or maybe five to seven thousand people and for an hour of worship they'd be weeping i mean whether it's germany whether it's south africa whether it's melbourne australia or new zealand we went to all these different nations london a lot of places he would bring this new style of intimacy with god worship first commandment beauty of god tenderness they never had one song that you could do that with you know i go i've never seen this but i liked it it was weird but i did like it and then the lord began to talk to me in those days about first commandment beauty of god except each other i went oh and the lord says i want compassion for the powerless luke 4 18. and i want intimacy and worship not only that they only did that for years and years to the best of my knowledge there might have been a few exceptions but very few i want the prophetic and intercession to go through that grid and it's going to fill the body of christ the young adult end-time prayer and worship and church planning missions movement of young people they're going to be touched by compassion they're going to be energized by intimacy with worship they're going to move in words of knowledge of the prophetic and they're going to be faithful in prayer and he's going to put it all together and our group here the compassion and intimacies worship we kind of choked a few times like we didn't have any songs hardly that were like that the lord said this is what i want and this is going to fill the earth and this many other components but these four need to be in place and when this started being implemented i mean over europe again whether south africa and hong kong new zealand singapore wherever wherever john wimber went he brought these and i mean some guys like the worship of compassion they didn't like the prophetic intersection others like the intercession and the worship but not the prophetic and the compassion it just created so much turbulence it truly was an earthquake well i paragraph f i'm just getting close to the end of this real close to the end of it i just looked up john wember today because last friday the riddle the riddle that chris gave us he goes when the prince shall pass it shall be 4 18 at last does that mean anything to you like it does to me it means luke 4 18 and it's the vineyard connection but it's more than us and the vineyard it's way beyond that because what the lord spoke that the word is i'm not going to go on and on about this but october 5th in a very dramatic way he says i'm raising up october 5th 1990 an international family of affection i'm going to take the top leaders of many different streams of the body of christ i'm going to take them out of this dream and drop them into that stream and out of that stream and have them intermarry into this dream and it will produce an international family of affection that's what he told me whatever you do make sure that who's ever with you you help them go to the next place don't ever tell them no always help them go and so i i've trembled before the lord and i said lord you know because i've had people over the years they go i'm going to move to chicago and i go i just want to help you they go are you sad i go i'm afraid to be sad right now yeah i'm sad but i've got to help you get there because the lord is going to mix and match streams and the vineyard was one cross-pollination with us and them and it wasn't an easy connection and many of the vineyard leaders connected with the kansas city we had lots of friends that were kind of you know coming through our way a lot connected a lot did not connected and the thing broke after after about eight years it broke and the lord's saying well that was round one there's another round coming and friday it was when the prince will pass it's 4 18 at last and i think chris is the one that said like the lord was sighing at last we're going to see it take these four components not only these four but these four at the core of it with the other 10 things that go along with it so i looked at internet today and i just put luke 4 18 vineyard because i know john preached on luke 48 i'm a positive i heard him many times and bert wagner who was the the main director over the uh after john wimber for near 15 years a great man of god i mean a very deep man of god and i really appreciated him i just read today he just wrote he said if i had to pick one scripture i never knew this look at paragraph f that defines who the vineyard is it's luke 4 18. i go no way just today because i put wimber luke 418 just to see i didn't think anything would show up and he says so the director of the vineyard for those near 15 years says that would be the one verse that i would say defines us and i the lord is so into this so now sunday sunday here we are we're up here and chris reed ends the service all these different words of knowledge et cetera he says joshua six even though you don't know might not know the reference the walls of jericho are gonna shout at the walls and blow the trump or whatever joshua's sick so we'd do this thing for five minutes you know he said 30 seconds and we went for five minutes how many of you were here where we did that okay and then i mean it's like yeah i was like just like boy i don't know am i gonna do that one again i kind of got carried away it was kind of fun though but anyway so we get a message that when we're doing this within the same hour in the same hour we're here doing this joshua's sick shouting for the breakthrough anaheim vineyard john wimbers church is preaching joshua six and they're shouting for the breakthrough the same in the same period of time we are here i go i don't believe that i need to see that and man we got it we got the data they're shouting in the same 12 30 minute period even say call it an hour just to be safe the same hour period we're shouting joshua 6 for the breakthrough the anaheim vineyard they don't even know we're even anything talking about them or thinking about them with jeremy riddle the worship leader phenomenal worship leader donald scott the pastor is a dynamic man of god so i'm going to try to do this in two minutes i might go to four but divine poetry i want you to catch this i'm going to do this rapid fire divine poetry now i love to say this about the lord i say about the lord i say that uh he's a king he's an architect he's a city builder a nation builder he's a scientist he's a mathematician he's a musician but he's also a poet everything that he does maybe not everything but there's poetry in it now we can't see the poetry when it's happening usually normally looking back over you go oh my goodness he said i'm i'm a musician and a scientist and a mathematician and a city builder i am a poet too and so there's so much divine poetry and so much what the lord does now it's an imperfect science to try to figure it out and some people overdo it they try to find poetry and everything and it's probably true but they're trying they're forcing it and i've seen some people do some weird things based on that and i have found mostly it's when you look back the dates line up the names line up and lord says i knew that blow your mind i knew that you'd like that and i go lord you're an amazing poet and so you can't build or plan your future based on poetry but you could be wowed with gratitude when you recognize it and i think that in the resurrection we're gonna look back over this life and find out thousands of times everything lined up but we didn't even know it in this life and in the age to come i mean we'll know what some we just filled with wonder and gratitude like jesus you're such a brilliant scientist you're a nation builder you're a poet you're a musician who are you this is amazing and so i like to just catch little glimpses of poetry again you can't build on on it but you could look back with wonder and gratitude and say oh i love you i love you i love you and the people that get touched by it it just creates the wonder so last friday april 9th we find out the azusa street revival the famous revival that brought the move of the spirit in america started on april 9th i go well that's interesting april 9th is when prince philip shall pass it will be luke 4 18 at last and so april 9th we go okay april 9th that's a that's a cool day april 9th why april 9th because uh you know shouldn't we just wait till april 18th it's only nine days from now if we just hung in there it'd be 4 18 again but it's the end of our 40-day fast and jesus touched the anointing of the spirit related to the 40-day fast and and the revival there and then one of the the most uh destructive earthquakes in america's history it happens april 18th just right after the great revival breaks out there that's a big story for another time so now my friend paragraph b and i don't expect you to follow paragraph b very well but i just want you to say well he said it we didn't know what he's talking about but i just wanted to say it there's a guy named ken fish and and you guys will know him in the days to come i'm at rick joyner's round table you know in february a few six weeks ago and there's 30 40 guys and ken fish was oh he worked with john he was his personal assistant for 11 years and wrote many of john's materials a brilliant phd theologian great writer but he moves strong in the word of knowledge and signs and wonders like john wimber and he's connected to the ju wimber anointing all through the years and and he loves the compassion worship prophetic the whole package and so i go to rick joyners and they got all the names you know rick jordan over here's lance wall now then this guy here this guy here this guy here mike vickel and then ken fish i can i didn't know you came to this meeting so we're right next to each other he goes well for whatever reason i'm here i forgot what the reason was and right across the table is this kid named chris reed you know we're all next to each other and i go man i haven't seen you for a little i mean he's visited ihup a few times but real excellent preachers moves and signs and wonders words and knowledge but he was faithful to the what god said about compassion and worship you know intercession and a prophetic i go it's so good you're here and so we talk and in every break me and him and chris and dean we go over there talking you know between every break and so we just go from eight in the morning to midnight i mean literally without a break because there's so much to cover and so friday night last friday night we have uh the meeting here and we go home nine o'clock and and ken and and chris are good friends so he he texts me he goes hey how's it going with chris i said what a crazy day 9 a.m this morning the three-hour meeting you know the april 9th when the prince shall pass 4 18 at last and all the words that came and the words that came were so tender and beautiful to us because our friends are touched but really the message is 418 at last has come and the supernatural dimension confirmed that although the lives being touched is is worthy in and of itself i go ken i can't even tell you what happened this morning and tonight and so we talked on the phone for a little while for about a half 15 20 minutes at nine o'clock or 10 o'clock last friday night i said no it was amazing i mean yes the ministry was great but there's a purpose unfolding it's that wimber thing from back 30 years ago that cross-pollination i said and something really is intense is happening so then the next morning which is last saturday dave syker comes to me and he goes hey you know that ken fish guy that kind of wimber type guy because he's been connected to wimber for 40 years you know the movement i mean in various ways and in agreement celebrating it he goes i saw him on a show yesterday with argument taxes now some of you don't know eric mctaxis but he is an incredible guy i love this guy i watch his videos and stuff and i go ken was on yesterday april 9th erima texas show everybody taxes you know he's famous for the bonhoeffer biography that sold a million copies every incredible writer but he interacts with all these top like stately type leaders the high elite types but he leads them to jesus and he loves jesus and so dave says ken fish was on aaron mctac's show yesterday i go really i didn't even know they knew each other so i watch it and they're talking all about john wimber april 9th we're here in our room here in kansas city talking about paul kane and luke 4 18 and his mother and the cross-pollination of wimber and the guy that i connect with john weber in a really major way is now telling this big audience on tv about john wimber on the same day and i'm thinking oh my goodness and so i see erin mctax i said i want to recommend you go check out his his stuff and do with that what you want but i look underneath it you know because on youtube that thing shows up underneath you know some options and it says eric mctasis on bonhoeffer i've got his 600 page biography it's this thick on bonhoeffer sold a million copies i mean it's really excellent bonhoeffer is the martyr who stood for the jews against hitler and i go oh that's interesting so i clicked on it and because i've read some bonhoeffer stuff and he's like a prototype of standing faithfully in the face of persecution for god's purpose for the jewish people against hitler so i read this and it finds out i'll pop down to d that paragraph d bonhoeffer i i i actually see five of his one-hour shows on bon appetit like get addicted to it for a day or two i go unbelievable bonhoeffer is a martyr on april 9th it's the same day as all this is happening april 9th are you sure and then the other book he wrote was the one on martin luther and martin luther most of you know martin luther and the stand he took in the protestant reformation but there's this he takes this courageous stand at the diet of worms now worms is the name of the city it's verbs but if you're american you go worms and then the europeans laugh at you and so it's the city of worms or worms the city and a diet is an imperial assembly where the emperor calls it and so they were trying hitler i mean uh luther he was on on trial for taking a stand for the word of god and if if luther doesn't back down he's going to get executed like the day after or the day after the day after it's the most significant day i'm reading all these different uh historians and a number of them say this is probably the most significant day in church history after the book of acts when he took a fierce stand against the all these things and it happens on april 18th it's 4 18 again so i'm looking at eric mctax's stuff i go he's got april 9th and he's got april 18th and these two guys that are critical and then his third biography wilberforce you know it's like what i mean i can't think of three lives that would inspire this young adult generation in this hour than those three guys right there and that's and him and ken uh fish are like great friends and i thought how did this all happen anyway i just been on this holy spirit honeymoon and these dates and poetry and again i understand that i lost half of you about 20 minutes ago and a couple of you said how about 40 minutes ago okay i understand because if i was hearing this and i didn't know the times and the dates and get them all mixed up that's why i want to put them down here for you i'm telling you we something happened last friday when the king will pass 4 18 at last it's april 9th it's a day where the most one of the most uh faithful martyrs who stood for the jews against hitler that is his date he is remembered 418 is one of the most faithful witnesses martin luther at the risk of being killed if he doesn't back down he does not back down and he's just saved in a surprise way one again the most significant days of church history et cetera et cetera anyway i'm just saying lord these are just a few thoughts in the last week and just putting this story together well amen and amen we're going to pray for the sick now for a few minutes we're going to pray for compassion i want you to stand up if you want to let's you know across the room you don't have to you think no i'm comfortable i'll just stay seated wait dad where are you going okay okay i'll give you a minute okay i get it i'm that age let's just wait on the lord wait uh did one or two you guys dave you guys want to say something about this week you didn't okay because earlier you said you might okay good you if you some of you really want to get this and you said i couldn't get it the first time i just go watch this a couple times and talk about it and those dates will get really familiar because there's not so many but the story is a little complicated all the names and dates are new to you but lord here we are we're standing in your presence lord i just declare as we shouted last sunday for the breakthrough as anaheim vineyard on the same morning in the same hour with shouting for the breakthrough and i thank you for the holy spirit alliances you know people like francis chan and andy byrd oh just so many on and on and and why we're connected to so many ministries around the world that lord i ask you for that homecoming in the spirit of our own our own people that are here and there lord you would cause a a renewed heart i ask that the broken heart some that are feeling lonely left out i ask you for a sovereign turning around of the broken heart here and there lord i ask you i ask you for the people that are thinking i've got these promises for the prophetic but it's been years and years and years well anna kane 45 years old five term four terminal diseases 45 years old five miscarriages boom it all changes in one night you know chris has got this youth ministry going along and then suddenly the spirit starts touching him night after night he doesn't know what's going on it all changes bob jones and paul kane told me many times there's a young adult army raising up all around the earth they're going to move in these dimensions way beyond what we are i thought they were exaggerating but it's true so lord i just prophesy over this congregation those that are joining us by the web stream i just say it's a new day i say luke 4 18 at last at last luke 4 18 at last lord i thank you for those four things compassion worship intercession and prophetic marry them together in a billion young people across the earth lord and only you know what that means i don't know exactly what that means bring it all together like you said 30 years ago that was 33 years ago where you put me with john wimbert 33 years we've been waiting 418 at last so lord we're saying we're leaning into the conversation we don't fully get what's going to happen but we know much more is going to become clear in the weeks and months ahead we say yes all over the room you're just in your heart you're saying yes yes lord i'm in i'm in i want to understand luke 4 18 but i want to look at it through the lens of the upper room discourse i want to see it through that trinitarian conversation i'm going to be a part of that conversation so father i ask you right now in jesus name for healing i ask you for compassion and healing luke 4 18 is about healing bodies and hearts but i'm asking for heart for our bodies right now i'm asking you holy spirit you would release healing right now tonight over people's bodies we're just waiting on you lord it doesn't matter how loud you get it doesn't matter who you are it's the authority of the name of jesus hey isaac would you give him a microphone and bring it down for him dan i want you to jump up here help me let's get our piano guy okay let's get our piano guy good good thank you andrew more than a piano guy lord here we are but i'm just asking right now for healing let's wait on the lord for a few minutes i used to watch wimber with 5 000 people he was waiting on the lord sometimes three and four minutes nothing happening all the pastors in the crowd are so nervous because it's gone three whole minutes he goes so what because i'm just the mailman it's not my problem here's let's just wait nothing happens let's go home something happens let's stay a little bit later that he was so supernaturally natural his style was so just low-key and supernaturally natural i love that style so much humility so here we are lord benjamin have you come up here and get another microphone and if somebody gets words of knowledge did you come on up here stand next to dan over there they give you the word of knowledge and then you put a couple of them together and then we'll call them out together so you if you get a word of knowledge then just put you over on the side so they can they don't have to come way out front yeah okay if you if any of you get words of knowledge lord give us words of knowledge right now for healings it's people like us who do the stuff there isn't any other kind of person the people like us am i right dad we're just inside together now right here on the front row that's holding the baby this isn't really a word of knowledge for healing for your body joanna is it her yeah but i see there's a lot of pressure on you but what you don't know is there's like a i see this like a big contract that's going to be coming that's going to blow your mind and you've been laboring for god you're a worship leader right there's a big like there's something i see like a contract coming that's going to blow your mind and you're going to think wow why did i worry and i see that on you it's as clear as i see you it's like god highlighted it it's going to blow your mind there's a man back here that has a back a back issue and it's like a pinched nerve is that is it him you think it's like a it's like a pinched nerve and it's like kind of on the left side just keep it keep your head up and if that's you just come up here real fast any of you that he just described come up here and say i don't know if it's me well maybe it is you so come on up again any of you in the room but get a word of knowledge just an impression just come give it to binge and binge you could save them up and get three or four of them in a row you're back come here come here just turn turn sideways so lord i pray right now let the pain leave right now in jesus name in jesus name it'll get better now you'll feel better all the way when you go back to your seat you'll feel a lot better you're back yeah in jesus name lord all of the room we ask pinch slurp anyone in the room has got a back problem just raise your hand any one of them leave right now okay yeah hand up high the two or three folks around them just lay your hands on them i'll pray you pray too if you want you can even just whisper a prayer let's make sure everyone's got a hand on them from somebody the holy spirit does more when the church prays for the church again it's hands like ours he doesn't have anybody with his hands on him wave if someone's not not there please just move right in lord i speak to backs right now lord and i ask for the fire of the holy spirit lord you said luke 4 18. you said luke 4 18. you said you would heal those that are down trodden that their bodies are hurting i ask for the fire of the lord to come on them even right now lord [Music] more more of your presence lord ask you for more of your manifest presence [Music] some of you are feeling the fire of the holy spirit now lord he gives little tokens like that to kind of stir your faith up others of you you don't have to feel that but sometimes when you feel that the lord's saying i'm letting you know that i'm listening to your heart right now i'm talking to you our lord just increase the manifestation of your fire and your power until you've got three four words okay and or just give them to us yourself just how about you summarize them okay you can't do that so josh josh uh while mike was even teaching i kept seeing a vision of your baby girl's heart and i heard the lord say she will run her race she is like secretariat she will run her race amen [Music] here in this section right here i just saw someone in there the lord put their hand on your left shoulder he wants to heal like pain in the left shoulder blade here in this section if there's anyone i can pray for you is there someone anybody right here i'll go pray for her i got right shoulder blade and then the left hip and pelvic area and lower back [Music] again if that's you any one of those raise your hand up we're going to pray all just kind of a big prayer across the room raise your hand up high remember if the body of christ cannot be spectators you're in the room and you've got the spirit living in you you're on the team okay so you can't be in the room and be watching the football players down the field if you're born again and you're in the room and someone raises their hand st you can walk it's legal in the body of christ to cross an aisle to lay hands with someone that's completely legal to do that in jesus name lord you've highlighted these and we ask you in jesus name to raise healing to these specific areas because some of the simplest words that's what unlocks somebody's faith and touches their heart lord i ask you for healing in those specific areas right now in jesus name anything you get just jump right in yes so somebody's having problems breathing i don't know if it's asthma i don't know if it's emphysema but you're having problem breathing and god's going to open your lungs right now if you'll come up here i promise you you'll feel so good and you'll breathe so good like he's going to open your lungs and you're going to breathe like you've never been able to breathe before if that's you come up quickly just real fast i just want to touch your lungs open up just stand here right now just take a breath maybe a few folks stand behind them just in case again just don't wait to be called just jump right in there yeah we're all active participants yeah just come stand behind all of you yeah there you go thank you [Music] but let the fire of the holy spirit let the fire of the holy spirit released [Music] me hey just sing a worship song just we love you jesus a soft one so we're just singing and half of us in the room are praying the other half where we love you jesus i just love us sanctuary the holy spirit will more engage with the lord and with one another and then when he starts talking or something just bring it down a little bit then go right back to [Music] this is the atmosphere the holy spirit loves when jesus is the center holy and [Music] anointed this is one of my favorite vineyard songs right here [Music] does jesus release your power jesus jesus i mean half the room has a broken heart and he's got through one or they did just recently so lord i'm just asking exactly here we are we're your beloved our hearts are broken various situations i ask for the broken heart those on the web straight with a broken heart they feel alone they feel isolated they feel left out they feel hurt by someone they love your word is overcome by your spirit's you look around the room and power lord's touching someone just call your face and just say lord more release more of your power release more of your presence again i want you all kind of paying attention what's going on around you we're all in this together [Music] does it have to be prophetic just pray a verse over him if it comes half the time it will be professional [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus we love your leadership [Music] [Music] a sister that just had to go home said that the lord told her that the lord is going to heal all problems with bladder with bladder okay go ahead skip two or three in a row and then we'll pray for him um so i'm thinking of john for where he pulls the women aside and i really thought the lord wants to heal the womb and menstrual cycles in the room okay knees knees right or left or down or you don't know there's a better both right eye from an accident migraines specifically the right eye specifically the right eye [Music] i feel like the father wants to heal people who've been hurt by divorce husbands wives and children that's very painful yes anybody that has any of those things and you want prayer raise your hand now and you don't even have to say it to the person who comes up to you raise your hand up high again we're all the sanctuary the spirit look around some of you need just to get out of your aisle just to go walk 10 paces to get used to it just get out of your don't be frozen on that seat just move around the room [Music] and i'm saying that to give you permission because you're thinking i don't want to be proud i don't want to be presumptuous just step out and just walk around the room and just anyone with their eyes and clothes lay your hand on their shoulder pray for it go ahead your name is like i'm on my list your spirits like water to my [Music] or heal those situations heal those broken hearts heal those [Music] i issues you i love you jesus i love you [Music] i love you [Music] the holy spirit loves this conversation the holy spirit's moved when people express their love for [Music] you jesus has terrible abdominal pain somebody has terrible abdominal pain i don't know if it's cramps i don't know if it's your intestines but you have abdominal pain god's gonna take it away right now if you come up here say you there could be several views if you've got that come right up here yeah let's get back right back to the worship [Music] perfect the people will have dreams tonight or if they're in the night watch they'll have them tomorrow one morning when they go to bed [Music] but i pray for the spirit of grace on the vineyard i pray for all the vineyard pastors in america and europe and across the earth there are 95 nations jesus but i pray for a a spirit of favorite grace on the vineyard and a whole another lover i ask for a wave of your spirit on my lips your spirits we thank you for the grace that rests on them for all these 40 years [Music] but we thank you for john wember and his wife carol and the staff and all the kids and all the pastors [Music] [Music] in england and all the different leaders and all the down lines david roose in canada all around the earth jesus that's gonna touch david parker release the spirit of power on him [Music] jesus said lord release grace on every vineyard pastor on their spouse other children a new measure a new breakthrough a new power a new beginning for many a new commissioner a new day a breakthrough for their children [Music] [Music] issues so who's breathing now who can breathe better your lungs are healed your lungs opened up i want to hear i want to hear the testimonies who's breathing good have your lungs opened up amen who else who else did we prayed for breathing is it opened up can you breathe good it's like it opened up amen who else your lungs opened up who else you they opened up you can breathe good right who else you can breathe good yes this lady here amen now who had stomach abs abdominal pain and the pain left who had your pain left your abdomen right who else who else had abdominal pain and the pain left your abdomen [Music] now this is very very this is very important what i'm going to share now listen to this very important you guys some of you have held on for years and years and years and years and you've been prayed for a thousand times and you're weary in receiving prayer i wanna i wanna i want to ask you to dare to step and press through mike gave a word earlier this year when he first came back from his vacation that if he went to give this family one verse to meditate on it would be philippians 3 14. we've got to press on and press into faith and not past experience but the possibility of what christ can do if we press in if you need a miracle and you've been holding on for years and you said what's the use i've been prayed for hundreds of times i want you to press through tonight and believe tonight would be your night amen come on somebody you've been waiting for years god wants to resurrect hope god wants to resurrect faith and so if you need a miracle that you've been holding on to faith but your faith is weak tonight just press in just press into god's possibility and i want to join with your faith and pray i think god's going to do numerous miracles tonight if you'll just press through one more time amen if you need a miracle and you're weary and tired but you want to press through i want you to come up here i want you to come up here and we're going to believe for the supernatural breakthrough in your life amen so what happens is we just naturally get lethargy can we go who cares i don't know pressing on means we lay that that mindset down that's what it means to press in right now we lay aside the i don't think nothing's gonna happen let's lay that down for tonight [Music] jesus someone prays for you and you still want dan to pray free stay there jesus i love you [Music] lord [Music] got a word that god was going to heal some tingling in the nerves tingling in the nerves he had hands feet just the nerves and also my my brother has one here yeah i believe there's an anointing for people that even aren't here in the building if the lord's putting someone on your heart to pray for them for their breakthrough that they could receive that tonight even if they're not here good if there's someone on your heart in a real specific way tonight just take a few minutes to pray for them for they'll have a breakthrough in their [Music] life [Music] jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love [Music] jesus i love you i'll love you i love you jesus i love [Music] lord i ask for a spirit of grace again for the prophetic spirit that tonight will be a night where people have a breakthrough even in dreams and visions in the night release the spirit of grace on people that have never had a spiritual dream surprise them tonight or this week later this week in jesus name [Music] your name is [Music] your word is [Music] [Music] your spirit's like water to my [Music] jesus i love you oh jesus i love you i love you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i [Music] i love you jesus i love [Music] jesus i love you i love you i love you [Music] jesus i love you [Music] grace grace to our hearts grace grace to our souls grace grace to our might father we receive grace grace to our hearts grace grace to our souls grace grace to our might father we receive grace grace to our hearts grace grace to our souls grace grace to our minds father we receive grace grace to our hearts grace grace to our souls grace grace to our minds grace to our hearts grace grace to our souls grace [Music] grace grace to our hearts grace grace to our souls [Music] [Music] oh we receive the spirit of grace [Music] tonight [Music] yeah i just felt like the lord was highlighting baron wombs just all across the room and different hormonal issues and infertility so yeah father we just partner with you god we ask would you go and open up every womb that's closed in the natural and in the spiritual lord would you go forth that people would be able to conceive tonight that they would look back and see that tonight they conceived in jesus name father we receive your grace your love tonight we know that we haven't seen the fullness yet [Music] jesus spirit of grace rest upon your children word that proceeds from the mouth of god is grace help us [Music] recover your sight to the blind come preach your good news give us grace to grow in knowledge to proceed for [Music] jesus i love you i love you i love you [Music] jesus you jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you i love you jesus [Music] my soul your word you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 27,268
Rating: 4.9153094 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, ihopkc 2020, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, isaac bennett, sunday, church
Id: ggXumx56sws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 5sec (10445 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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