The Kings of the Earth and Jesus' Deliverance of All Jewish People | Mike Bickle

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go ahead and gather a few wood we have a handout for tonight that i'm going to cover real quick but it's a lot of verses with some pretty intense things on it that we're just going to give a snapshot at and then have a big discussion around it and yet have ministry time throughout the evening as well so i'm going to have uh stewart grieves stewart this guy most of you know stuart he has been here for 22 years all the years of ihop he did the night watch from midnight to six in the morning six days a week for 20 years well i love that stewart i mean to you you go hey that's what i do but anyway i just appreciate it all right let's stand it's going to go to a time of worship father we thank you for your presence holy spirit come rise on our hearts like the morning star magnify the son of god in our worship in jesus name amen come anoint our hearts for devotion fix our eyes upon you jesus [Music] our magnificent obsession forever [Music] anoint our hearts for devotion jesus jesus holy holy and anointed one jesus jesus [Music] you are the risen ones [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] straight to your heart [Music] [Music] my jesus is [Applause] is [Music] jesus i love you [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for your name is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus come anoint our hearts [Music] we fix our eyes on you your eyes are on us we fix our eyes on you your eyes [Music] your eyes are on us we fix [Applause] [Music] we fix [Music] i love jesus [Music] oh jesus i love you thank you for your [Music] presence [Music] thank you for your presence increase i love you jesus [Music] [Music] come holy spirit find me [Music] you don't reject [Music] kindness keep on deserting love breaking [Music] you you don't reach [Music] rescue me [Music] and jesus [Music] [Music] for oh right to the depths of me [Music] [Music] bringing me i see jesus [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] two [Music] become humbly is [Music] great [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] done it over and over [Music] oh [Music] you you can have all my love every part [Music] oh [Music] you can [Music] all my life [Music] every part [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] you have won me you've won my [Music] oh [Music] i am yours [Music] yes i'm [Laughter] [Music] i am yours lord yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] lord i am yours yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you are you are my only one lord there is nothing else for me where else [Music] you are my first love you are my only one lord there is nothing else for me [Music] i am yours [Music] yes through it all [Music] or we thank you for your presence come and increase or bring illumination to your word in jesus name amen amen thank you jonas park just go ahead and stay up here because you're going to go right into the we're going to receive an offering in a moment and you're going to have a song let's take a moment just to greet the folks around you just put your hand out hello my name is somebody say hi to mark anderson over there and chris reed hey [Applause] don't good either way okay let's go ahead and grab a seat we got a little commotion up here on the front row because chris reed brought his wife missy missy wave at everyone no that way so he's got his four of his six children here so we love it welcome okay if you want the teaching notes for tonight and don't have them we're just going to do this briefly but i want you to have these verses raise your hand up if you want the notes and you do not have them okay keep your hand just do that and the ushers will see it ushers do do the double tasks get that to them real quick and then we're going to take an offering in just a moment at the end of the meeting back there we're talking about after it's all over uh eric mataxis is going to sign books any of your books really but the bonhoeffer is the one i'm really pushing but any books he said i said do you really want to stay like an hour and he goes i love it so much and so uh he's gonna do books back there tonight and tomorrow night eric is that right and sunday you're gonna be here sunday morning as well you and ken fish are gonna we're gonna interview you sunday morning keep your hand up high get those notes i'm stalling for a moment so that the ushers can do the notes and then get for the offering we're we're receiving an offering again these i call them our five guests these different uh men all their wives are here not all their wives but their wife each of them brought their wife they brought all their wives [Laughter] no we love that their families are here this is beautiful this is a family affair and so this is a beautiful thing but they all committed to just to come on their own expense get their own airbnb pay all everything and i said no no we want to bless you this is not quote a ministry event this is a time together in the holy spirit and we just happen to have some evening meetings but we want to be a blessing to them that's just kingdom to do that and so if you want to participate in that online we want to ask you to to give and give generously because we just want to blow a big kiss to their heart and bless them well here i am to finish the i'm the tag team offering guy i do want to i do want to encourage you in this again this this room does not need a teaching on giving i just want to give an incr a real quick encouragement beyond all the reasons that we give i want to encourage you this particular moment you want to give here's why because one of the dynamics of giving is it gets our heart connected to the moment we're in we just want our we want to take every avenue we can to get our heart alive our ear attentive to the spirit we want to take in the moment and giving is one of those things that opens the doorway for the holy spirit to make our heart tender so i just want to encourage you you don't need it you're a generous group but this is a key moment and i just i want to encourage you in that so i'm going to pray for us instead of you pray murray come on up here i want you to pray for the evening because murray hebert and deborah deborah stand up if you would just go ahead they helped launch ihop and were here for many years and they moved a mile down the road to the wyom base and wyoming i always say they're our best friends you don't need to have a best friend but we got one anyway we love ywam and so though the y wam is the largest missions movement in history and ihop we have committed to raise up a million intercessors around the world to stand with wyoming and murray and deborah they move from here a mile down the road to the wyoming base and they're doing like the fire and fragrance type of thing intimacy with god worship prayer and they're taking it to wyoming basis and many other places around the world it's called 111 global and 111 means malachi 111 which means everywhere in the earth incense and worship is arising that's malachi 111. that's a great name 111 gold and so we've been buddies for 20 years plus and you helped lay the foundation of this place and and you're with mark mark stand up again i just i we just love mark anderson and wyom our partnership mark's got the master key to all of our buildings and i got him to his and i got an office there he's got one here we never use it but we got it and it's symbolic and i love it and so i go to his wyoming base i go this is my property and the ywam you know like the dts they go to this i go yes this is my property but i'm going to let you guys meet in it and they go who's that guy you know but anyway we're in at the heart level we have been for 22 years but murray just say us senator i'm just so blessed you're bringing worship and prayer around the world and then pray for our gathering together yeah i'd love to um malachi 111 i mean i just i i think we live in a remarkable time the promise of malachi 111. the reason we chose that passage really is the coming together of missions say global missions and global worship and prayer movement and that his name is going to be made great everywhere which means hearts are going to turn to jesus they're going to love him in every place he's going to have the labor of his soul a people who love him with all their heart soul and might they're going to give them the fragrance of their worship and intercession and ultimately it's the government of god on the earth as it is in heaven and so that's a great and glorious day in front of us and i think we're all living for that and it's amazing so i love it and so we're going to invite our ushers with the offering because you gotta pray for the offering too and the meeting okay i'll try to keep that all and and he is an anointed worship leader not just a preacher i love it when you lead worship i mean he's a preacher worship leader mobilizer of missions movement i mean what a combination i just so appreciate that give us your best prayer man i'll let you know i feel like i need music or something laura can you help me out and i'll tell you by the offering if your prayer worked okay okay okay great oh jesus we love you we love your presence with us we love that you're leading us god we thank you for the promise in your word that you will build your church you will build your house of prayer and the gates of hell will not prevail against it and i thank you for the witness of that in our hearts i thank you for the witness of that in this room and in this city and cities and nations all over the earth god you are leading us into a place of victory a promise you're advancing your kingdom and we bless you for that god we love partnering with you who is a god like our god who acts on behalf of those who wait for him those who lift up their voice in worship and intercession and proclamation of the gospel who is a god like you and we just pause to remember you we pause to give thanks [Music] we pause together to say that we love you and we thank you father that you promised that the glory of the latter temple would be greater the form than the former and that all the gold is yours and all the silver is yours you really will build your house of prayer you really will have a people from every tribe tongue and nation who love you and so we ask god stir our hearts to give wholeheartedly stir our hearts to give extravagantly in every place god i asked for your church in every place that we would live for your worship on the earth as it is in heaven even here in this room and we love you we thank you for it amen i give my life to spend and be spent for you i give my song to be touched by your fire and consumed and some say it's wasteful but they don't know you [Music] cause i give my love [Music] and i get you [Music] and you feel all in all [Music] every longing so yes you fled my so i pour out my love to make more room for you and i give my eyes to the one who is faithful and true [Music] i give my time [Music] holding fast to your spirit of truth and some say it's foolish [Music] but they don't know you [Music] cause all that i need i've found you [Music] so i pour out my love to make more room for you so i pour out my love to make more room for you [Music] and you must increase you must increase yours is the kingdom yours is the glory you must increase you must increase yours is the kingdom yours is the glory you must increase you must increase yours is the kingdom yours [Music] is [Music] so i pour out my love to make more room for you so i pour out my love to make more room for you [Music] to make yeah room for you i pour out all my life to make more room for you [Music] amen [Applause] well i asked mike if i could take a minute and uh just lay out a bit of a framework for how to engage in tonight how to engage in tomorrow night just processing a little bit just these kinds of meetings i i find that it helps a little bit to know how to engage when we kind of know what kind of meeting we're in when i when i say what kind of meeting we're in what i mean is you you show up to these kinds of things and at first the individual comes and kind of makes it by accident what they want it to be like i'm coming because i think there's some prophetic ministry happening or i'm coming because there's some really amazing people i want to hear what they have to say or i want to hear what's going on you know those those kinds of questions hit us and so curio a mixture of curiosity hunger and just uh what we do as a family all of it kind of works to get us leaning in together but i want to lay out a framework for you that i think will help you a bit in terms of tonight tomorrow night and beyond because i think many more of these are going to happen in the future and what ends up happening is we end up kind of going why did they do that and why did they say that and why that and not this and so i want to just do what i do i tend to do in these kinds of moments we are in a prophetic moment i just want to be very just right now we are in a prophetic moment we've been in a prophetic season that's clear from 2018 to now we've been in an unusual prophetic season of divine activity sovereign leadership the lord's been moving the lord's been speaking the lord here and many parts of the world has been setting things in order and in place for what he's about to do and so as it relates to our little part in our little story in our little family what the lord's asked of us we've been in a prophetic season but right now we're in a prophetic moment and that's different prophetic moment is what mike's about to talk about the way in which the lord sovereignly brought and drew key leaders from around the body of christ here to this place for this moment for a sovereign reason for a sovereign purpose and so when you find yourself in a prophetic moment you've got three different options not there's more than three but let's go with three for now you got three different options when you find yourself in a prophetic moment you can have a pastoral meeting an apostolic meeting or a prophetic meeting and knowing which one you're in will help you engage and process with it with the right ear and the problem is the reason that these meetings are hard is because they can be any one of the three at any given time are we in a are we in an apostolic moment right now we've got all these key leaders from different streams they're bringing their contributions they've got things to say related to what the lord's doing it feels like we're in an apostolic moment in which we're strategically aligning around god's purposes to move forward together are we in an apostolic moment is this an apostolic meeting or is this more of a pastoral moment where we're where we're trying to talk to the family about how we navigate this how we respond what we do and some of the nuance that you bring to a pastoral moment well i want to submit to you that tonight i don't know what we're going to do tomorrow night who knows tomorrow night may be more apostolic might be more pastoral after tonight who knows but who knows for real you don't we don't know what tomorrow's going to be but i do know that tonight is a prophetic moment and i just want to alert you you're in a prophetic meeting and by prophetic meeting i don't necessarily mean though i love words of knowledge i love i hope we get a hundred of those tonight but by prophetic meeting what i mean is lord what are you saying the pastoral meeting is the one we have later to deal with what that means and how we respond and the nuance to work through together the apostolic meeting is okay the lord spoke what do we do about it now in our different ministries and movements and and the things that we do what do we do about it now and so again when you have the kinds of people the lord's drawn and the kinds of dynamics of being together for such a time as this but the kinds of things that the lord is saying i just want to say it again i'm being a little redundant knowing what meeting you're in helps you engage accordingly and receive the proclamation in the right way in meeting with the right ear and i want to i want to encourage you tonight not just mike but beyond this is a moment of prophetic proclamation this is a proclaiming what meanest thou this and the bigger picture and the bigger story far beyond our family far beyond our movement far beyond our ministry for planet earth lord you have something that you want to say what is it that you're saying give us ears to hear so i know that murray prayed and i just want to do it again if that's okay i want to i want to pray that we have ears to hear tonight and a heart to receive without and we'll work it out later i just want to say that we'll work it out later the tensions the dynamics we'll work it out we've got time together lord i'm asking right now all over this room increase the spirit of prophecy in the name of jesus i'm asking that she would increase the spirit of wisdom that you would increase the spirit of revelation that there would be an increase of grace and anointing on us as your people those watching on the web stream those in this room let there be an increase on us in our ability to navigate prophetic moments with a listening ear and an open heart to you and all that you want to say of significance for us and for our families for the days to come in jesus name amen amen thank you david well let's look at this handout i'm going to just give a little introductory thoughts and then just look at a few of these very heavy verses and give a little bit of the meaning of them tonight's meeting will be i believe very different from the three meetings last week and i believe tomorrow night will be very different from tonight and then saturday night is our the send meeting but it's not going to be a normal sinned meeting recruit meeting they've had several over the years there'll be some other elements of ministry and prophetic going on even in the midst of that meeting so we've got two more nights ahead that will be probably very different from each other i'm going to share for a little while not real long and then we're going to have some of our guests come up here and uh uh chris will be standing up here making some comments but also just asking the lord for key words of knowledge and some of the other will be here and some of our leadership team we had our elt our executive leadership team met with our five guests and some of their team to this morning talked about some of these things so they'll make a few comments we'll pray for each other and who knows exactly what we're going to do well uh i'm going to pray again so murray prayed david prayed now i'm going to pray well i mean we are the house of prayer i mean it's what we do but i'm going to go different uh a dear friend of mine bill johnson his wife benny forgot news she's very very ill and it's serious and we've got all these lovers of jesus who believe in the luke 4 18 healing ministry and we're connected to many streams to the internet right now around the body of christ so what a key moment to stand with a dear friend and his family right now so father we ask for benny johnson right now i ask you to extend your holy hand and touch your heart touch your body and lord we take authority over anything the enemy's doing to bring harm and destruction or any kind of demise to her body and we ask for the healing power of jesus lord we thank you for bill and benny and their many years of faithfulness how they've held the line for loving jesus and the power of the holy spirit so we stand in the gap together for our beloved friends and for this beloved woman in jesus name we say jehovah jireh jehovah rapha lord come and visit in provision and healing we ask for your provision and your healing in the name of jesus and we thank you for it in jesus name amen and amen well a couple of introductory thoughts before i just give a a a short look at this handout here before we have others come up and make comments april 9th as i've said almost every one of these uh meetings we've had in these two special weekends in july is what we're calling this is that a april 9th the lord highlighted six different ministries now those six ministries you wouldn't have thought of putting them together meaning each one of them in their own right is very important and the lord's on them but bringing them together for a meeting i would have never thought about it and the lord highlighted each of these six ministries i hop being one and then the other five and then in the next 14 days or 21 days something like that we interacted with them and each of them had in their heart hey we want to come and visit kansas city in the first of july and the lord put this together and i thought lord what you know we've said this many times we don't know what's going on so since the middle of april i've been asking for three months lord you know what are you doing this thing was so organized by you and selected these six and like why and i'm i've been doing this long enough to where i don't want to jump in and get an idea because my resume proves i'm always wrong so i just said i just don't know and then and thus the name of the meeting two weekends in july you know that's because i don't know what's going on then last week we had the three meetings and sunday morning as well and and then monday i was in at the house of prayer in the prayer room and i was saying lord just help me and the lord dropped a really key phrase in my heart and for me this is for me i'm not speaking for the other five or even for the ihop leadership i'm speaking from a very very personal word as the lord made it clear i have summoned them together i have summoned you for a cause and a purpose and and i kind of knew we were brought together by the lord but it was a summons because the lord wants to start a conversation and i don't mean start like like we're the first i don't mean starting that way but in terms of our worlds and our lives he wants us to engage in a new dimension of the global conversation that he's going to release in the body of christ it's a new dimension for all of us in many ways tonight i want to highlight two very significant realities that are gonna drastically affect the human family there are two drastic dramatic powerful terrible reality is about to emerge in the earth and the bible's real clear about him over and over again and yet the body of christ is mostly silent with almost no conversation about them and it's going to alter the human family and it's going to be the the preparation part of this is god's preparation to transition the earth to the age to come at such a time as this and i have them on the notes here now my favorite topic undoubtedly i'm not going to talk about tonight i'm just going to mention it because i have to mention it my favorite topic is the beauty of jesus as bridegroom king and judge the beauty of jesus bringing the body of christ the first commandment to love god with all of our heart and the great end time revival on the billions of harvest that is the ultimate thing that's going on the lord is preparing his transforming his church to be a prepared bride he's coming back revelation 19 7 for a prepared right a mature church so the beauty of jesus is a bridegroom king a judge he's a king with power he's a bridegroom with desire for relationship and he's a judge with great zeal to remove everything that hinders love but all three of those manifest his beauty with no contradiction whatsoe whatsoever and that's the context he's going to bring forth the great end time harvest and the transformation of the end time church from a church with a laodicean spirit of dullness to a prepared bride deeply rooted in love and the sermon on the mount and all these subjects that's what i love but tonight i'm not going to give a really a teaching i'm going to give a a prophetic just uh declaration and you're going to read most of the verses on your own i wanted to put those verses there a little bit to overwhelm you to where you go like whoa because we see them all in a row it's like my goodness and then the natural question is if these are true and they are because we believe the word of god why isn't the body of christ talking about these things that's the issue that i'm addressing tonight number one you'll see on the hand out there the first half of the page the number of times the kings of the earth are mentioned the kings of the earth are going to be are going to come together this is unprecedented they're going to come together in an unholy unity i don't mean in every sense of the word but they're going to unify their they're going to use their resources their their military their money their people their legislation to attack the word of god in the body of christ with all of their force that is a formidable enemy the world has never seen any obstacle any enemy any force at this level ever nothing close to it in history i'm talking about near 200 nations the kings of the earth the presidents the prime ministers in agreement to use their resources their military their legislation to stand against jesus in the word of god we've had little hints of it through well more than hence i'm thinking of stalling and thinking mal and and ch and communist more than hints but we've never seen a global coalition at this level it is in its in my opinion i'm not prophesying i i might be but i'm giving you my opinion right now i believe this coalition is coming together in these days and i believe that my i don't know at 65 years old if i will see the fullness of it in my day i really might but i am convinced for 10 reasons i'm not going into it tonight because this is a declaration not a teaching that my children and grandchildren will see the fullness of it in their day i believe we're at that hour of human history the greatest force of resistance and evil the kings of the earth are you kidding me coming together for evil in an evil coalition to stand against the word of god that's reality number one that's right in front of us now again we're billion soul harvest preparation i mean the transformation of the end time church that's what our delight is in but the context is going to be a formidable enemy and opposition but it doesn't trouble the lord he says i got this matter of fact i allowed it for the generation of which the earth will transition to the age to come and i believe we're in the early days of that generation and again i'm not prophesying that but i believe it for a number of reasons in a very deep and personal way and so uh that's number one the kings of the earth like my goodness number two is just the most terrible thing to say but it has profound amount of biblical passages is that these kings and the antichrist government which will emerge in the days to come are going to come with a fierce attack against israel for the desire for the goal of exterminating the jewish people in the earth that's their goal they will not succeed but jesus's first line of defense is god well it's his power in the holy spirit he's going to raise up the end time body of christ in partnership with him as a bride and say will you together with me go these unbelieving unsaved unbelieving jews under persecution will you reveal my love and mercy because you love me this much that we would do this together and god's gonna cause gentiles to reveal the god of israel to unbelieving israel and this is a very important and dear thing to jesus people say i'm not really into israel i go well i'm not really into israel i'm into jesus jesus said this is dear to me and there's 10 reasons that's a made-up number but a lot of reasons why it's very dear to jesus and well that's not for tonight but because it's dear to him it's dear to me because i love him i'm in and he says would you do this with me i go oh jesus for you with you yes well they won't really appreciate you when you're doing this many steps of the way but would you do this anyway the nations will come against you and even many of the unbelieving jews themselves will resist you but this is dear to me for a number of reasons we're not going into tonight well this is the greatest crisis in human history and the greatest revival we don't have to talk about the revival we talked about that a thousand times so i don't want to take our time on that but i mean i love it so much the greatest crisis is what i want to alert you to in human history i believe is 10 20 30 years i don't really know the time but i believe it's within the lifetime of people on the earth right now and yet the body of christ is almost no mention of this almost at all the only group that i know of that mentions the crisis is the group that thinks we're going to be raptured out of it so it's just kind of a cool story because we're up in heaven anyway it doesn't really matter it's kind of a neat story make some good novels you know it's going to be really heavy down here for him but i am convinced that the end time church will be in the midst of the trouble as the conduits of mercy and love and blessing and it will be our greatest privilege to love jesus in that kind of reality well here's a point that's important these two negative realities there's a few other negatives but i'm going to lock into these two these two negative realities the kings of the earth in a coalition and the israel being brought being uh chased down and they're fleeing as refuge as a refugees and imprisoned and mar and killed and these two realities are they need to inform here's the key phrase our paradigm of the billion soul harvest we're looking at the billion soul harvest that's just kind of a phrase people say it's not an exact number we're looking at the transformed church revival and people are thinking wow you know in that neat kind of and i say this not trying to be negative but it's kind of happy church paradigm like revival the music is powerful it's gonna be awesome i can't wait i can't wait read the word that revival's coming but in context to the most incredible pressures in human history it will be glorious but it won't be neces it won't be fun in the natural in our flesh and so we need an adjustment of our yay revival we're thinking well we got toronto plus pensacola throw in the vineyard healing throw in some paul kane level words of knowledge a little fire of god a little bit more power like john g lake throw him in and bonkey whoa the lord says it's going to be way more powerful than that but it's in a context you're not counting on and if i'm thinking of the 10 year olds this thing to me is all about the 10 year olds or whatever age my grandchildren it's the 10 year olds if they don't understand what the bible says when they're 20 and 30 and this or whatever age this thing comes to fullness or whatever you know i'm not trying to give the exact number they will be so angry at the shepherds who never told them anything about this they'll say why did you not tell us the truth why didn't you help us be braced and and acclimated to jesus's leadership in this way because it will appear to many that the word of god is not true our pastors lied to us they told us there'd be no big heavy trouble a little bit of trouble but not a big trouble and there's all these innocent maybe sincere lies being told about the future and god wants to raise up shepherds who are getting the 20 and 10 and 20 year olds ready for the next 10 or 20 years 30 years to where they're prepared and ready to go i believe that tonight today july 8th 2021 we are in our world again i'm not talking for these other five at all this is me i'm not even talking for the ihop leadership this is me i believe for me i'm starting this is a sovereign moment a historic moment for me because i want to begin to engage openly and publicly in the conversation of the kings of the earth coming with rage to destroy and exterminate the nation of israel and us standing in the gap in the bonhoeffer corey tim boom kind of faith and tenacity and love for jesus i believe that the convert from my point of view the conversation is starting tonight in a whole new level 1986 1983 when i first met bob jones he told me these kinds of things by revelation and they made no sense to me at all no sense 1983 told me a number of things like this and i just couldn't relate to it at all and a little bit and he said well the lord's going to make it clear to you i have to see it in the word there was in 1986 which is 35 years ago literally on this platform right here with about a thousand people on a tuesday night was the first time 35 years ago i told our young adult church i said the days are coming where there's going to be a nazi germany rage against israel and we have to stand up in the corrie ten boom bonhoeffer type of faith and i remember you know i'm a young man at that time 30 years old they're all in their 20s a lot of them and they're going like what did you just say and i thought oh i don't even like this 35 years ago and so i began to search this thing out i taught it again and that was 86 and i thought i'd get in 87 and i've been thinking of this giving hints of it through the years always wanting to prolong the proclamation of it and just hints two minutes here a minute here in the middle of a sermon just a little idea talk about it with our leadership behind the scenes that kind of stuff but my point is that tonight today july 8th i am that's historic because i'm wanting to go public and clear i don't want to be intense in just human zeal i want tenderness compassion i want a full responsible biblical presentation i want to give people chances to adapt to this we have time for us to grasp this and to go deep in it and get ready another generation so it was last year it was july 2020. i'm on i don't know the exact number but they told me it was seven zoom call was seven thousand devices seven hundred thousand individual devices with many of them had many people listening and it was one of those global calls with david damien and and uh some of you were a part of that and they asked me they said hey would you talk would you take isaiah 19 and that's just the chapter i use to represent this reality and if you read isaiah 19 real fast you probably won't catch it because because but anyway they said would you unpack some of this maybe 15 20 minutes i don't know how long i took to these 700 000 devices all over asia and around the world and it was pretty intense and i talked about jews and prison camps and these kinds of things and the body of christ standing up for them and many people said wow we really want to be ready and get our young people ready other people said we didn't have a clue what that guy was talking about and other people got really angry and said that is the worst thing i've ever heard and so it created a big hubbub uh last year july now we're one year later and so this is my that was my first installment publicly on an international level although 700 000 isn't that big out of eight billion people it's like one thousandth of one percent but anyway of the human population but it was a it was an international statement and a lot of interaction with people since then and this is one year later and now i am believed for monday i wasn't going to share this i didn't have this on my heart to say in these meetings but monday it became clear to me again i'm taking responsibility for it i've summoned this gathering and one of the reason is to for in terms of your world to begin a international conversation with these two elements inserted into the revival story because we're all into the revival we're all into the beauty of jesus the bride of christ the transformed church but without these two elements in the conversation and the lord put in my heart put them in the conversation starting now so i am this is my second in public uh international installment we've got a lot of people on the web stream all around the world involved in this so let's look at this handout again quite briefly my introduction was plenty i kind of laid it all out for you so i can just point this out to you look david in psalm 2. 3 000 years ago he prophesied of this generation and i believe it's this generation i r at 65 i really might see the fullness of it in my day i don't know i don't care i just want to be with jesus here or there how does it matter to me and i've always kind of dreamed about rooting for the young people from the balcony of heaven you know go binge ego you know you guys in the midst of the tribulation but i'm up there with jesus you know glory to god benji don't back down come on i taught you better than that and and i didn't really want to be in it i want to be cheerleading and just say well lord i trained a lot of people and blah blah blah i don't know it doesn't really matter to me but king king david said this the kings of the earth there's that phrase one of the first times it shows up in end time prophecy they set them can you imagine 200 heads of state nothing like it in history what is their aim to stand against the god of israel and against his son the messiah paragraph c what i want you to see here in paragraph c is that these kings they are under the power of immorality they're drunk with immorality and they're drunk with blood like here's my point word of god to end time church they will be drunk with immorality that mean they are amoral they will be perverse no conscience dulled scarred seared confidence a conscience led by demons and then look at this passage revelation 17 6 they'll be drunk with the blood of the saints they will be intoxicated by murdering the saints but the saints are going to have a revelation of the glory of jesus and the power of god and he who is the resurrection he will be our first love we will be fearless because he is the resurrection and every choice we make for him in this age will have eternal uh implications that are glorious beyond measure but just look how many times the kings are mentioned you can read those on your own paragraph d they're going to make war wait catch that 200 heads of state using their military their legislation their economics their technology to make war i like what stewart said today when you make war it involves tactics it involves strategy and resources they're going to have tactics they're going to have mobilization in their strategy and they're going to use their resources to try to exterminate the church and also even the nation of israel even unbelieving israel and there's reasons why satan wants to exterminate them that's for another time roman numeral 2 here this is startling to me startling to me jesus uh well not that he's going to deliver them the amount of references of jews in prison camps and his refugees in the nations in the generation the lord returns i have here in paragraph a read them on your own 30 references the majority of them i just got a few there are straightforward a few of them are by implication by inference but if you understand the majority then when you read the ones by implication you're clear what it's talking about it's it's 30. do you know how many times the bible says every i will see jesus when he comes three times in the whole bible you know how many times it says the great trumpet of god will be blasted with jesus five times talks about jews in prison camps director and efforts 30 times 10 times more than the bible talks about every eye will see him the bible saying end time church this is real this is sober but it's glorious because there will be an intimacy with jesus like no time in history in the church paragraph b this must be spoken again 35 years ago i said it a couple for a couple of minutes and then went ah i said lord i want to talk about that and then i said it again in 1987 and a little bit here and there the last 10 years in our sea bets world i said it a lot in the last three years some of you don't know what that is that that's not important right now but i said it a lot but it's not it's private bible studies and i'm saying lord we've got to prepare because if the young generation does not understand this they will be so offended at jesus and the shepherds who never told them the truth why didn't you tell us this it's crystal clear of the bible but also it needs to be said so like i've had over the years just in my little whispers of this because i've whispered it over the years people said uh well it's really offensive to the jews but and i get that that's real offensive but the bible says i get about 10 references i have six of them here but there's about 10 or 12 of them where the prophets say israel has to recognize that it's their sin that caused god to drive them into captivity they have to say it with their mouth to god and so people say they're so offended i go you think they're offended at me wait till the god of israel requires it for them to see it because here's why because it will cause a gratitude and humility because it's going to cause world government to be given to them he's going to cause them to be the priestly nation in the in the millennial kingdom their destiny but they'll walk with so much humility because they see their past and see how gracious god delivered them but through a furnace of fire as well but it will produce a humility and a gratitude in love and that's a bigger story for another time okay let's look at this paragraph d paul said he said god's going to use gentile believers to provoke israel to jealousy what does that mean god is going to use gentile believers to provoke israel jealousy and for 2000 years since paul said that it hasn't happened in 2000 years yes one guy here one guy here one guy there we're talking about the whole nation of israel is going to come to yeshua to jesus in salvation because of what they see the spiritual reality of gentile believers relating to them the whole nation is going to get saved this verse has still not happened yet again a couple of rare examples i believe that in the fires of a great persecution a literal holocaust that's going to surpass nazi germany is what's on satan's mind he won't succeed in completing it but he wants a holocaust that hitler and it was interacting with satan and came up short and the antichrist says i might go far beyond him he'll come up short too but he has rage and power far beyond adolf hitler and the end time church they are going to rise up because of love for jesus and the glory of seeing what this means to him that he's letting us be a part of this and they're going to actually stand in the gap like the corey tim boom type thing in the bonhoeffer thing and we'll talk about that later but uh being made jealous means unbelieving jews will say we want to have what you have in god what do you have in god we'll say well it's the god of israel the miracles the life the fearlessness before death because of the resurrection we're not afraid of death the jewish messiah he's your god we're grafted in because say wait a second how can you guys do this we don't even like you but you're standing resolute because of your love for him and you're saying because he loves us this much what and they are literally going to come to a national salvation and they're going to be the inaugural a government that affects the entire millennial earth big subject for another time well i met bob jones uh let's go ahead and turn page two when i met bob jones 38 years ago he told me he goes god's calling you to stand for israel i said he goes do you stand for sir i don't care about israel i never think about israel you know i like charles finney george whitfield john g lake reinhardt bonkey you know i don't do israel i do revival he says well the revival's coming in this way and the lord sent me to strengthen you guys to see a few things you don't see and he said the lord's going to raise up a young adult worship and prayer movement's going to touch the ends of the earth and he's going to use you as in part of this and many others as well of course but he said he's going to use you but he's going to require he said he's going to cause corey temboom type of faith and humility as the model for this future movement i go curry tim boom faith and humility is a model what's that mean he goes i don't really know but he told me that she will be a picture and a model of it and i think the bonhoeffer story is so uh so significant and eric mataxis book on bonhoeffer is so critical it's an eschatological prophetic book meaning it speaks into the global end time purpose to transition the earth to the age to come it's there's you know i was uh uh talking and to him and some others and i go how many bonhoeffer biographies are there and the number with the estimation about 50. do you know how many people in history have 50 biographers probably about 10 people i don't even know who they are maybe abe lincoln you know maybe martin luther i don't know you know bernard clairvoya a few others i don't even know 50 different people written this guy's life he's only been dead 75 years 50 people most of the books sell a couple thousand well one of them out of nowhere sold a million why i tell you monday when the lord says i have some of you i just got this little whisper in my heart i want that book to sell 20 million i went to philadelphia it is a compelling story that will draw people into the story line of the main martyr who stood up for for the jews bonhoeffer is critically important to inform our courage and what he faced he was only in his 20s and 30s my goodness anyway i love that book well paragraph e look at the passage here's what jesus says on the tuesday he dies on friday on the last week tuesday he gives this message in matthew 24 and 25 and luke 21 is one message he said i want to tell you the problem that's coming this is a very informative passage a lot of people skip this passage it says it's trouble coming leading right to my return that will be so intense no time in history will be like it before or after because a lot of people the reason why this is important he said this is so intense that if those days were not shortened no flesh no human beings would survive it physically eight billion would die if it was not shortened but it will be shortened like here's why i'm saying this many scholars want to relegate the problems to 70 a.d but 70 a.d is not the most intense time in history that led to the coming of jesus in the sky and if 70 a.d a million jews died in 70 a.d but 6 million died in nazi germany so it whatever jesus is talking about 70 a.d is a down payment as a prophetic foreshadow a terrifying one but it's not the fullness because a more intense time happened after 78d called nazi germany so 70 a.d does not eliminate all these passages and i say that to a lot of my scholar friends they take this they just want to get rid of it all they want this out of the conversation they don't want it in the future they want it in the past tucked away out of our minds but i'm telling you we must prepare a generation to see the beauty and the glory of jesus to rise up in faith and confidence it is our glory to love you no matter what it costs us and if this is dear to you it's dear to us we're in it with you to the end paragraph f jesus i mean paragraph uh zechariah he says there's coming a time all the nations all all 200 all the nations will come against jerusalem that has not happened yet 70 a.d a few nations a handful of nations in the roman empire nothing close to all the nations of the earth not even close and he says and half of jerusalem will go into captivity there's according to today's numbers there's 600 000 people in jerusalem i don't know what the numbers will be in 10 20 30 years whatever but according to today could you fathom 300 000 going into captivity you know what captivity is prison camps death camps that's what captivity is captivity is horrifying 300 000 from one city this is massive and again i i can't hardly get a whisper of hearing this anywhere in the earth i didn't want to talk about it i internally i was happy to internally leadership meetings behind the scenes and maybe a minute or two here or there publicly paragraph g this is luke 21 by the way luke 21 is the same tuesday afternoon as matthew 24. he's in the same message and he's talking about the days are coming look at verse 22 where all the things that are written by the prophets are fulfilled all of them this did not happen in 70 a.d this did not happen with nebuchadnezzar in 586 bc when all the prophecies written come to pass and it leads to jesus appearing in the clouds read it on your own roman number three i'm just going to give you a few of the 30. all 30 are here i made this list about 20 years ago we got this list together and i went this is terrifying 30. almost nothing in the bible has 30 references to it terms of the end times that that tells you the magnitude of emphasis this is to god's heart i go 30 because you know i would you know at first when i first saw this i saw like two verses then i saw a third like oh this gets serious then four feet like oh my gosh five i had no ideas i searched the scripture 30 and i might i've missed a few i'm going this is like really huge in the divine narrative why isn't anybody talking about this well here's what it says in psalm 102 this is written for a generation yet to come god's verse 19. he's going to look down from heaven verse 20 hear the groaning of the prisoner to release those that are appointed to death he's going to intervene and deliver them and rescue them out of these prison camps someone says i don't like that word prison can't say neither do i just so you know i hate the word prison camps i can't think of a better word that is accurate to it well isaiah 42 look at this next one the lord hears the god of israel the father speaking to the messiah i will give you as a covenant he means to israel in context here's what you're going to do jesus there's coming a time you will bring out prisoners from prison those who sit in darkness from the prison house a people robbed and plundered here all of them snared in holes hidden in prison houses look at verse 23 this verse really gets me and it's the verse i want to mark us with and it and in the whole passage read it on your own it's a little bit uh there's two three verses here who will listen to this message he's telling it to israel he says it two times in a row 22 i mean 23-24 when you read it he goes israel are you listening gentiles are you listening will anybody listen to this message and over the years i go listen to it i'll talk behind the scenes to my leaders i'll make a few handouts i don't want to say this stuff last year my first time out 700 000 devices or whatever the number was this is my second time i'm going there's no going back i mean i realize where this web stream's going there's so much excitement over these meetings and the different streams and the prophetic ministry and we've got all these inluckers i want to say this right in the camera this is a summons of the lord to call us to arise and to listen to what the prophetic scripture says we cannot dim dismiss this we cannot get rid of it through theological gymnastics to get it out of the storyline it won't go away who will listen to this message it says here jeremiah 30 look at it the timing indicator when he releases him from captivity is when the whole nation serves the lord this is the national salvation at the end of the age chapter 33 i will cause the captives of judah the captives of israel in the days when i save israel when they dwell safety they've never dwelt in the land with safety they've always had enemies antagonists they've always had attackers at every level every time they've been in the land from the prophet's on i mean in david solomon a thousand years bc they had safety for a moment or two i mean for a generation or two but since the prophets here ezekiel jeremiah 600 bc they've never been in the land with safety and they're not in the land with safety now but they're coming at a day where they'll be in the land with safety and it's in that hour that timing indicator where god has delivered them out of captive they've been captives why does god want us to know this let's come down to the very end of this look at ezekiel 39 this one's really graphic gentiles the gentile believers it has to be believers because they're the only ones paying attention to the word of god gentiles will know they will understand this that israel went into captivity because of her sin and i will bring the captives of jacob and i will have mercy on the entire house of israel this is national salvation all of israel gets saved i mean save means they love jesus i don't mean they just honor the torah in some way they love yeshua they love jesus the son of man they love him but this will happen verse 20 after they've borne their shame for they were unfaithful to me for when they dwelt safely in the land when they were safely in the land they were unfaithful to me then when i deliver them they will know the lord israel does not know the lord this is yet future there is coming i don't want to give a big teaching on this i could take 30 minutes on this there is yet a time coming in the future i believe the near future they will dwell in safety in a counterfeit peace uh covenant that is of the devil it's of darkness they will have a moment of safety but what they will do in that time of safety they're not in safety now they will strut against the lord and they will be unfaithful to him that he will break he will intervene and break their pride and then deliver them after that and then it goes on you can read it yourself he goes the gentiles and all of israel will know i did it i'm the one who did this right now when you say this to them very angry but the lord's going to work out a way where they see it they own it and they walk through the millennial kingdom the inaugural government of the millennial kingdom will be jewish unsaved jewish survivors of the great tribulation they will have so much they will come to jesus at that time they will have so much humility and love and gratitude they will rule like no government has ever had because of their history and then in joel chapter 3 it says in those days at that time when i bring him back from captivity when does he bring him back from captivity when all the nations are gathered around israel that's never happened they've had a few nations gather around israel here and there but never all the nations this bringing back from captivity is in a time frame when all the nations are together against israel that's yet future look at this verse 14. multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision for the day of the lord is near there's coming a time the multitudes of the earth this isn't the valley decision is it will they accept salvation by faith that's not the decision will they stand for jesus's leadership will they go forward and stand for his purpose for israel because he's actually allowed this all the nations to come against israel then he's going to flex his muscles show his glory and break the power of every nation and show himself as the deliverer of israel and the king of the nations he's setting this up on purpose and all the multitudes in the earth they got to decide whether they're going for god's purpose jesus's purpose with israel or not in context that's what the value of decision is and we're not there yet but 5 10 15 20 years this thing everyone is going to have to choose one way or the other because the lord is going to orchestrate it all over the earth we all have to choose and if people don't understand the purpose even a little bit they're under pressure they will deny the lord's leadership in this and then that will be step one they'll eventually many of them will deny the lord it will start by denying his leadership in this this valley of decisions a critical issue well i'm just going to end with that i went longer than i wanted but i wanted to give a prophetic declarations i believe that we've been summoned this is again for me my second installment a year later and i want to begin to talk about this with tenderness i want to give a biblically responsible timely uh answer with you know training others to go forward so lord i'm gonna to have some of our leaders come up in just a moment but lord here we are before you and lord i'm saying yes to you i am saying yes to you lord i don't like this message in the natural but i love you jesus and i love your leadership and i trust your leadership and i ask you to marcus i ask you to mark a generation mark messengers in their 20s and their 30s right now to get ready the generation coming after them i ask you to awaken a whole army of preachers across the earth they would pay attention to the biblical narrative this una seemly element of the end time storyline mark your shepherds in the earth i ask you in jesus name amen and amen well i'm going to here's i'm going to have uh a couple of our ladies come up here gabriel deborah dana how about tracy schleicher come on up here if you would you we were talking i was talking with some of you today dave schlecker come on up and help me with this and i'm gonna ask uh eric and and francis to come up here and just kind of be on deck to make comments and chris reed come on up here too and and we're going to ebb and flow any of my other leaders on the front row here anytime you got something to say chris just come make biblical comments but also kind of look over the room and anytime something touches you we're going to pause because we're going to see that we can do bible teaching impartation of messenger ministry and prophetic ministry and healing and ken fish you get something jump up here mark anderson anytime just come right up here and uh let's let me see i gotta is it microphones let's get microphones in your hand yeah ladies yeah grab them so gabriel we i was talking to you today you just i don't here let's all come a little bit closer yeah so we're all kind of on the camera i want people to see you let's just have a conversation okay i don't want to interview everyone i just want just let's get in the conversation and francis you and eric jump at any time and eric do what you do eric do what you do like what how can you say that you know do that kind of stuff okay that's preposterous i can't believe you're asking me to do that now um it's exciting to be here mike thanks for sharing all that it's uh it's overwhelming to many of us if it's not overwhelming to you you must have been here for 10 years listening to this stuff but this is overwhelming but it's um it's it's very good it's excellent thank you anybody grab the mic anytime and we're just gonna have a conversation gabriel you start and dana deborah you guys just jump right in there and just whatever's the overflow that's on you i talked to you earlier today we talked a little bit about this but say some of that or say something different okay well i just want to say that initially especially if this is something you are hearing for the first time i remember hearing this message for the first time and just some of the initial thoughts and feelings the emotions that get stirred up and you know we discussed a little bit today about how you feel kind of the temptation to withdraw to protect to hunker down to endure and just survive and kind of make it through but i was actually 14 years old when uh i first came to a summer camp 13 years ago it was 14 years ago i'm 28 and it was the first time that i heard about end times an antichrist jesus coming back in a clear way and i remember i remember just leaving that summer a little bit like oh my goodness what does this mean but then as i began to process it all things really started to make sense in a profound way for me meaning oh my life makes sense if i know that jesus is coming back i can make sense of what i want to do with you know my time and how i'm going to give of my energy and basically finding something worth dying for therefore it's worth living for there was something that just clicked in me as a teenager you know and you already have all the other emotions of like what am i about what is life what's the meaning of life and getting a hold of this end time message when i was a teenager i always say it was the mercy of god for me in my teen years because i really made choices that were so counter-cultural to all of my other friends to all of the other things that were happening around me i would be friday and saturday nights when you're supposed to go hang out with people listening to the egs services that mike would be teaching on this from a long distance and i'm not saying that to pump myself up but i'm saying that to say this is for a generation to come and i'm now a mom of two kids and the more the sobriety of this message is hitting me in a different way because no i'm no longer the young one with the youthful zeal that's saying i'm gonna give it all and rah-rah-rah you know i still want that and there's times i'm like oh god give me the zeal of my youth again but now i'm i'm looking at it with a different perspective thinking my kids are going to have to live through this and they're going to witness this and uh i was reading a book recently in may it's called the torch and the sword by rick joyner and it's yeah it's amazing um it's a third it's a third part of a series of books where he has visions of you know the lord showing him things that would happen in in the last days and preparing the church for the last days battle and there's this part in the book it's actually at the very end of the book and um he's rick joyner is with this little girl this little 12 year old girl by this stream and this little girl has been fighting they're surrounded by this enemy horde all around them and this little girl has been fighting off this enemy horde and and you know waiting for the rest of the church to kind of come and and participate in this last days battle and there's this moment that rick joyner just has this thought of pity for this little girl that didn't get to live an innocent childhood she didn't get to have you know the the happy sweet moments of just playing games and living kind of in a fantasy world with her friends and doing the sweet things that we all want for our kids like when covet hit last year in some ways i felt like i had this mourning a little bit of i don't know what it's going to be like for us to raise our kids and not even really do the things that i did as a kid you know whatever that looks like the going to concerts the going to you know sports games i don't know if life is really ever going to be normal and i felt like there was almost a little bit of a mourning that i went through last year just thinking about raising my kids in that way but anyways in this book he's feeling the sense of pity for this little girl and he gets rebuked in the vision says don't you dare pity her this generation self-pity is the worst thing that we could give to this generation because they were born for such a time as this and they they are called to be the participants in the last day army and what an honor what a crown of glory they have laid up for them don't you dare pity your children and i'm saying this more out of faith because i continually have to realign my own heart to this but i want to prepare my daughter and my son to live with the perspective of do you know what hour you're living in and the glory and the power that you're going to see do you know that revelation 12 10 you very much may well see it with your eyes that now salvation and power in the kingdom of god has come and you've overcome the accuser of the brethren because you do not love your life to the death do you know what hour you live in and yes there is something mike's been saying we're in a birth canal that's transitioning us to the age to come and guess what happens in the age to come the little kids can can play with the lion and they can lay down with the lamb and they can play in the snakes as they're gonna have their moments of fun and innocence and purity but for now they have been chosen and summoned to live in such a time as this and we cannot pity our children we have to prepare them for the glory that's about to come uh and again you're not done so give the mic to someone but take it back say wait i want them one more thing and you guys jump in anytime and and chris come on down on this side so i can kind of like nudge you every now and then there you go i like you oh deborah what are you thinking all these guys are been a part of the leadership of ihop most of them you're like eight years but the rest are like 20 years so they've all been around so we've been they're all 20 and now they're all 40 or something like that and uh that's what happens after 20 years but anyway and so this is all a little bit of our gang so yeah i was also thinking as gabe was is the first time that i heard this and i was 19 years old it was 25 years ago and at that time the holy spirit was awakening me to the finale of the story and i think it's really important that we see this as a story and the culmination is the return of the king the culmination is the spirit and the bride saying come from all over the earth jesus will have what he purchased on the cross he will have a bride fully prepared and made ready to rule and reign with him forever so in light of the big grandiose you know eternal perspective then we need to have a healthy theology of suffering those are the things that then we can move into the the sobriety and the urgency and the weight and the gravity of the things that mike was unpacking tonight and so i i just think for all of us really this is this is the gospel of the kingdom every generation is called to live this way we are all caught you know called to look to the to the man who is coming back the coming king to to look to the fullness of what is he going to look like when he comes in the fullness of his glory when every i will see him what is that day gonna be like and then we also know that once more he's gonna shake everything that can be shaken and and so there there's there is the great and there is the terrible and and yes this this honor have all the saints that we get to enter into this revelation of who he is and give him that kind of of response of wholehearted worship obedience and so i i think for me obviously now i have four kids and so i i i'm seeing it different than i did as as the 19 year old but i i am just a hundred percent agreeing with everything that gabe said this generation was born for such a time as this and it is the most glorious hour to be living in so dave again you're with those three you guys have shared that now deborah and dana twins triplets so this is your younger sister by 10 minutes so oh by four minutes okay i'm older and wiser um wow they both uh launched started ihop with us 22 years ago they were both eager and going hard and dave was and tracy was and you guys all you were and i just i'm so proud of you 20 years later all of you guys look at you go wow anyway i'll quit all that stuff but just talk i just can't get over that right now i'll interrupt you i'm just uh i'm remembering how mike opened it and he said the beauty of jesus is my favorite subject the first commandment is my favorite subject and you know that's the where that's where i want to spend all my time and the truth is that's how he got to the message he just gave because his heart said to god all that you are jesus i'm not holding back all of your beauty in all of its facets in all of its dimensions you loved me with everything i want to love you with everything and i don't want to pick and choose and i don't want to say i'll take this part but not that part so it truly is a first commandment invitation um and i think that's an easy way to to step into this even when it feels hard or heavy i think it's just jesus saying will you say yes to all that i am will you say yes to the whole story to the bridegroom to the king to the judge to all that i want to do to every purpose in my heart to the maturity of the church and all the cost that that means will you say yes to me and i do feel that's just the simple invitation jesus is putting before us what it's unto really is it's the revelation 12. it's it is the loving not our lives even unto death and and our children entering into that i can't help but think of how the lord has gone out of his way to establish this in i think of 1988 the lord spoke audibly to bob jones as mike was pouring over song of solomon 8 6 for the first time you know because those of us that have been here know that's that's real common but this was the first time and he's he's pairing it with john 17 and he's praying this prayer and the holy spirit comes on him as he prays father the very love that you love your son with put it as a seal upon my heart let it be a seal upon my heart and you know many many of us know the story but in that moment the lord speaks to bob jones audibly bob jones calls and he says i am giving you song of solomon 8 6 i want this to be something you give your life to all of your days and i am going to put it upon the body of christ globally and that song of solomon 8 6 and 7. it's the love that many waters cannot quench it's the love that will burn in the hearts of everyone giving their lives it's the tender fellowship of the godhead the trinitarian love the love of god himself burning on the inside that's what we're talking about and so that tenderizes our hearts to this conversation it causes our hearts to lean in rather than leaning out and go i want to know that love jesus i want to know you i want to know your beauty all that you are and i believe that's the the conversation jesus is inviting us into so i'm going to give the 60 second like i did today of the song of solomon 86 it's july 1988 i open a wedding invitation it says song of solomon 8 6 a seal of fire seal of love on the heart like what i don't know this verse instantly the spirit touches me and in one second i'm weeping that's happened three times in 50 years right just instantly was being touched by the spirit and i pray that prayer i don't know what that verse even means and i turn it into john 17 26 i go father the love with which you love your son put it in me and i'm weeping and trembling i call those receptionists i know something's happening to me i don't know don't let anybody interrupt me this is which is the only time i've ever done that in 50 years called the receptionist and did that and i'm in a few minutes later the phone rings i pick up i'm still on my knees kneeling weeping it's almost home at 8 6 and the wedding invitation hello she goes bob jones is on the line he said he just this moment heard the audible voice of god so i go hello bob he goes mike i heard his audible voice to call you now i'm on my knees reading song of psalm 186 he goes he's speaking to you from song of solomon 8 6 right now he goes i haven't looked it up i don't know what it is but he's going to release the anointing of what's the grace of that verse to the body of christ worldwide and he wants you to stay locked into that all your days and so i'm so touched and then for the first time i read song of solomon i'm going ugh like i'm ugh and i don't want to do song of solomon i don't want to do i like age six i don't like the rest of the book and but the lord's i reminded the lord my father was an international boxing champion i said lord i'm the son of a boxer i'd give this to the women's ministry and and that was an eight no i mean it i was i didn't like this and i read it for two years i went this is sour to me and then about 1990 it flipped and and that's central because this what i shared tonight is two of the most difficult realities of the end time storyline there's 25 realities i gave you the two hardest ones in one message so don't think this is the story line because without psalm of solomon eat six this doesn't make sense go ahead hebba yeah i was just gonna say that just just come up here a little bit as we're talking i can't help but think of first corinthians 13 where it says if you give your body to the flames but have not love it means nothing and so the goal isn't to just grind it out and and and make it you know not that we could even without the grace of god but the goal isn't even martyrdom that's not the highest thing that we're you know life vision martyrdom that's not it it's to have a heart that's burning and some of us will be martyred some of us will be preserved some of us will be caught up who knows you know it says in daniel that some will be caught in captivity that some will be burned so there's there's different versions but the heart that's tender is the definition of success and so i think if you could say that again that is so good the heart that's tender is the definition of success and so it and it doesn't that's not limited to an occupation it's not limited to a season of life you can have that access whether you're just starting or whether you've been doing this for years you can access that by the grace of god and so i think of the story of bonhoeffer i think um that eric wrote about and i and i think of the story of corey ten boone and it's easy to think wow they're so heroic and to write it off but when i think of that i think of john 12 where jesus says that unless a seed dies it will bear no fruit and so i think that those two heroic you know brother and sister and god that we have bonhoeffer and cory 10 move they're pictures of what the lord will bear in a generation and i think that um that we will be mothering the bonhoeffers we will be mothering not just women fathering and mothering together as a body of christ we will be fathering and mothering those a generation against generation of young bonhoeffers and i think that if we would steal that out and just feed them the american dream we would steal a destiny of god that he's given them and a grace of god to walk it out what i want you to do is i want you to take a moment let's just stop and pray i want you to pray whatever god puts on you the song of psalm 8 6 the tenderized heart the raise up the bonhoeffers just anything just let's just take for a moment and wait on the lord let's take a few minutes not super fast right now yeah let's just ask the lord to give us a name to give us you know one or two could be our children could be uh you know people were discipling could be our sister or our mother whoever it is we feel like the lord's highlighting right now just ask the lord holy spirit give me one or two names you mean that they would be that they would mother or father as the next generation of bonhoeffers or corey ten boom lord we ask for that right now holy spirit we ask that you would come just in that simple that he speaks in a whisper and lord we present them right now before your throne lord thank you that you hear us you're real you really are on that throne you're a real king you're not trying to be a king you are a king you're the king on your throne and we submit even now to your leadership and we bring these precious people before you whoever it is the lord highlighted just bring them before the lord and lord we ask that you would give us grace lord we don't we don't know how to parent how to pastor how to preach how to intercede lord teach us how to pray teach us how to disciple in this hour that we would not steal the destiny of god and feed them the american dream when you have a bigger dream you have the dream of a thousand year reign ruling and reigning from jerusalem and you will have volunteers in the day of your power lord and so lord right now we ask that you would give divine ideas that you would rescue this generation that you would rescue us from being apathetic towards this generation you would deliver us from indifference for our brother and our sister and their calling of their destiny lord wake us up wake us up as mothers wake us up as fathers wake us up as brothers and as sisters shake off the apathy the slumber the drunkenness of our own dream lord wake us up in the holy spirit to see the ones that are right in front of us to sow into in that next generation lord in jesus name let's just wait for a moment come holy spirit lord we just recognize your presence right now come in mark hearts marcus lord ask for your weighty presence touch hearts right now release your fire we're not gonna get in a hurry here we got some time right now come holy spirit come release your fire right now your fiery presence we recognize you in our midst right now lord you spoke audibly that you would mark hearts with a fiery love i ask for the fire of love song of solomon 86. that's what you said you do to the body of christ of the earth mark people now and those listening in the web stream raise up young bonhoeffers mark a generation of young bonhoeffers and curry 10 boom types more lord lord i'm asking you this week to give prophetic dreams that's really personal i asked for prophetic dreams for this company of people and those watching us by the webster that would mark them in this way they would never ever be freed from this sense of being summoned to this whole message not just the negative part but the negative two there's different ones as the fire of god is resting on you this is a significant moment for you there's a yes rising up in your heart you don't even fully understand the message normally you want to understand more before you say yes but there's an available grace right now to rise up and say yes you're just saying yes lord whatever you have for me whatever this means whatever do you have for me lord i want to say yes to love that you would love me that i would love you back into whatever this means for the days to come that fire of god that mike was talking about a moment ago if that's on you i want to invite you to stand right where you're at this is a significant moment for some of you this is a turning point in your life you don't even have to fully know what it means you just know there's grace for a yes that i don't fully understand but i need to respond to what the lord is stirring right now and you're willing to add these two negative elements in the revival message in the bridegroom message and the glory of god message we're all into those but it's in this context so we've got to put this into the message just if you would just hold out your hands like you're receiving a gift just if you want to close your eyes just this is a moment between you and the lord nobody else is in the room it's just you and him lord i'm asking for more right now more fire of your divine activity on the inside release more in the name of jesus increase god i'm asking on savannah right now lord that you would increase that this would be a significant moment for her the reasons that she came here the the prayers that she's prayed the commitment she's made to you in secret let this be a a critical moment god i'm asking for olivia for so many others across this room and watching right now god i'm asking for ones that are at home i'm asking for the watch parties for randy for kelsey right now release fire on them right where they are in the name of jesus cattywood right now in the name of jesus release fire right on her in colorado increase all over this room and beyond god you're marking different ones sovereignly yes we are weak but the available grace is greater than our weakness we declare it tonight with the prophetic proclamation comes an available grace that wasn't available yesterday but we believe that for tomorrow there's even more god for the challenge of discipleship for the challenge of standing in the face of fear and resistance we believe there's even more grace tomorrow than there is today but today we say yes to available grace what you're stirring up break the power of fear and intimidation in the name of jesus fear and intimidation right now who do you think you are the accusation i break the power of it who do you think you are no one knows your name he doesn't know your name who do you think you are i break the power of that accusation right now in the name of jesus who do you think you are that accusation from the evil one that fiery dart right now i break the power of it in jesus name and we declare grace grace for that which you're marking us for grace grace it's all you in the name of jesus we release and we we proclaim and we recognize greater grace in jesus name chris has got a few words come on up here chris i'm gonna have the worship team come up and just i just i'm so addicted to anointed music it just just feels like where's the music at i love it just just play softly if you would so mike in his wonderful teaching tonight talked about how the the gentiles i believe romans 11 that the gentiles would provoke the jews to jealousy because of the love of god expressed through the gentiles that we would cause a hunger in them and then there's another verse that speaks in romans 11 where it says paul says if the if the diminishing or decline of the jews brought about the gentiles betterment or receiving the gospel he says how much more when the jews received jesus so if their rejection of him brought the salvation of the gentiles what will happen when they receive him will to be life unto death it'll be a world transform for a millennial kingdom and so then he spoke of the corey ten boom word from bob jones and then of course we've got eric up here about writing the book about bonhoeffer and so i see this narrative of the gentiles provoking the jews the time of the end of the tribulation when they look upon him whom they've pierced and say you you're our messiah so we see this gentile provoking jew the jews rejection of jesus brought about our acceptance us coming into the kingdom and so i see then this marriage this unique relationship jew and gentile corey ten boom female bonhoeffer male and then i think of peter and paul the gentile to or the apostle to the gentiles and the other the apostle to the jews and so i kind of feel like somehow this is a unique sovereign moment because this corey ten boom and she said it's so great lord put the names of people that would be like future corrie 10 booms the female version of those who take a solid stand in a in a time that were approaching and then the male version of the corrie 10 boom bonhoeffers so this marriage so to speak jew and gentile blessing one another and then i think of peter and paul and it's like i don't know that i can't make sense of this but it was like the lord saying something to do with peter and paul but it was like a marriage it was like one of them was in the feminine form paul peter and paul i don't know if that's like one of them is a female name in a family or a marriage yes in a marriage here is there a peter and a paula in a family anywhere in the room here pauline type yeah pauline paul if it is just quickly wave your hand real quick [Music] i just feel like that there's a connection there that the lord is highlighting this moment right here right now and i'm i feel this very strong it's gonna show up in a minute let us just stay with it for a few minutes so lord we just ask right now that you will kiss this moment let it be a sign and a wonder because it might be a middle name as well because [Music] what's that just saying loud yeah someone's somebody saying with a big voice [Music] will somebody get him on the phone or something that's got to be it it's okay where it's going you know this is a unique moment this is a unique moment in a big living room together so we're not a hurry so just just camp out here for a minute holy spirit we just invite your presence yes lord we love you jesus we're not trying to make anything happen we're not trying to go fast we're just camping out together as a family and a living room i'm confident i know what i saw and i know it's relevant to this church this service this moment we've got it right here dave said that this was a holy moment or something like that this was a sovereign moment yeah dean you guys work on that hello hello so i guess um you're connected to the church here okay all right well so it's interesting because i saw like peter and paul one apostle to gentiles one apostle to the jews and this kiss of heaven this union this marriage that would ultimately bless the world and bring the restoration of creation the jews bless the gentiles and the gentiles are going to turn and bless the jewish people so i'm assuming you're peter peter can you hear that are you is this peter barely is this peter yes this is peter okay so i think this is um i don't know if that name is like a generational thing like junior senior but i see like a generational thing [Music] peter whenever he says something if it's true just say yes let's just acknowledge some way so we can know yes that's true that's true [Music] and then like the name marie maybe i believe it's marie [Music] there's something significant about i don't know if it's a name a middle name or a family member but anything anything that's true just acknowledge it so we know that's true who is it who is it [Music] like we're hearing the delay in the echo yes the generational people i have [Music] we're going to make this work the devil's fighting it but we're going to make it work you talk louder peter and can we get a little more in the mic please okay yes i can talk a lot let me turn down my tv yeah please please do turn that down and just listen to us so he's watching the service at least he's watching the service turn that off and just interact hey god knew who was watching will do so the name marie and i asked you about the name peter being like a generational name multi-generation yes and then the name marie yes okay um who is marie the ones that married us wow so that the person that performed the marriage of the symbol peter and pauline married by marie so peter paul and mary [Laughter] and and so you know we we can enjoy this but this is a sign and a wonder because i didn't i i didn't know mike was going to talk about this but i literally saw this corey ten boom female bonhoeffer male apostle gentile apostle of the jew this mutual blessing relationship and i think your marriage is a token of that what god is doing here tonight this commissioning or whatever it was you called it summons this summons i believe that that the details of your life and your marriage are speaking to the truth of this reality this marie performed this marriage that i'm talking about symbolically but literally performed your actual marriage and then something what is this the 8th of july so something to do with we're about the middle of july since uh all these other things are symbolic the timing is something is going to happen for you both in the middle of july [Music] that's when we were married july 18th there we go okay so does does bonhoeffer or cory can boom mean anything to you it does yeah no to them i don't know if you heard mike he asked if bonhoeffer or corey ten boom mean anything to you yes yes why we've heard about them our mentors used to talk about them to us and their heart okay so july 18th you said yes so here i just want to point it out i know i'm being redundant but i want to make the point mike said that this was a summons this night this moment july 8 2021 to this message that he's breaking afresh dave slyker stepped up here and talked about this was a holy moment and not quoting verbatim but your marriage represents the mutual benefit of the jew and the gentile how they have blessed us we're going to bless them and all how this kingdom is going to culminate you were married the marriage was performed by someone named marie and the timing were literally upon the timing of when you got married and it's something to do with like 24. wow 24 years or something like that that's when we got married we were 24 years old okay okay what does jew and gentile mean to you say that again what does jew and gentile mean to you what was the point of your mentors bringing uh corey ten boom and bonhoeffer into your lives and and thoughts and what does jew and gentile mean to you ah that's good enough no for real so you were married at 24 how many years will you be married it will be um 23 years that we've been married so you were married at 24 it'll be 23 years the timing the middle of july this mutual blessing is represented in your marriage as a token and that is a i heard the voice of the holy spirit say what i'm about to do in this word you're about to give is to be a prophetic token and a sign and a wonder and a confirmation to confirm the word spoken tonight that this night will be the commissioning the calling to the body of christ at large to say now is the time now is the time for corey ten booms bonhoeffers to rise up with courage without fear of death and you're going to see a mutual blessing in the relationship between jew and gentile and gentile and jew in the days ahead just like your marriage is represented by apostle peter and apostle paul wow wow so i just speak blessing right now in the name of jesus something else the month of june i think happened as well uh for peter something significant in june but lord i just pray right now that this moment this kiss of heaven let it be highlighted from this moment forward that you were through a sign and a wonder and a word of knowledge and a prophecy that not only will their marriage be a token of what's coming in the days ahead but courage bravery union love connection love for one another preferring one another that is ultimately going to think be the thing that brings our messiah back to us to save national israel let's praise the lord for that [Music] can you give a quick 20-second answer to does jew or gentile mean anything in june the monkey oh june i'm sorry i thought you said you again uh what june means to uh peter he was born in june june the 29th that's a few before thank you so dean you had came up you had something um i was born in june the 29th 1974 and my dad was born june the 29th 1947 74-47 dean you had something to share oh you got some more no don't sit there this is another word where the father and son have the same exact birthday just like the word that i gave to eric mataxis and ken fish who both have the same birthday as their father and so does peter um i'm just wondering uh the birth dates were uh 1947 and 1974 74. is that significant i mean 47 significant 74 i can't think of i can't think of anything but but the generational thing about the uh the junior and senior with with peter so not only do i and i and i'll and i'll be totally transparent when you brought the phone up here i saw pedro i mean it was on the screen of the phone i guess pedro is the hispanic form of of peter so not only is this multi-generational but it's multi-ethnic that god is raising up of bonhoeffers and corey ten booms it's gender irrelevant ethnicity irrelevant god's just looking for some people with courage who have an understanding of the times and seasons and are willing to say i'm going to stand for the jewish people because ultimately their salvation is going to be the salvation of the world mike i just want to ask you uh this is i find everything funny right when i say funny i don't mean i'm mocking it i mean i just i when i'm delighted by something it's it's i just find it funny and it's it's funny because we're talking about something i mean look we haven't been through the scriptures the way you have and i'm sure there are people tuned in right now who are thinking what you know they want to go through and and really get the teaching so that they really agree with you that this is what god is saying but let's assume that right so let's assume 20 or 30 years whatever that at some point this is happening but the question that i would have is what is happening today meaning how do we respond to this today and what i would say because i i say this all the time when people uh you know if i'm talking about the bonhoeffer story people say how did this happen how did this happen in germany how did it happen and i say it happened exactly exactly like it's happening in america today exactly in other words we can put aside the eschatology and the jews and whatever for a moment and just say right now we are not being called to stand for the jews in the way that we might be in 20 years or whenever it is so the question is what do we do now and what i really believe and i've said this about the bonhoeffer story is that like at like any of these prophecies there are all these layers right you're talking 70 80 and you're talking about this and there's so many things i really believe that the church today in others we can all easily agree now that yes i want to stand up for the jews when this comes i want to be ready i want to be but i always say okay lord what are we doing now are we doing anything now that requires courage so today in america and i know we talked about this last week but people are being silent about a lot of things and when you speak to them they say no i i know yes i believe now you don't have to agree with me but the point is that i talk to people i say yes oh i'm sure the election was fraudulent i'm sure or i'm sure that there's stuff about the vaccine i don't want to take the vaccine but people are afraid to talk about it or the cultural wars about the gay agenda oh i mean that's those are the ones that's no that's really obvious right so but i'm saying with that we've been dealing with for years and stuff but that's the newer stuff right but they're all these things and i think to myself you think you're going to stand in the most wicked time in history with the rise of the antichrist satanic power what are you doing now if you are not this minute committed to live that way now i don't see how it's possible that you think you're going to be ready and i say that also because people say if i'd been alive you know during uh slavery times i would have been against slavery or if i would have been alive in nazi germany of course i would have stood up for the jews and i think that's really great but that's theoretical just like talking about what you're going to do in 20 30 years is theoretical what about today what about yesterday and tomorrow are you willing are you will we say i'd be willing to die okay are you willing to get cancelled are you willing to lose a job are you willing to lose a friendship if you're not willing to do those things it's hard for me to believe you're willing to lay down your life right and so i think when we talk about laying down our lives it is as we know as christians it is a daily thing you die to self when you accept jesus you die to self he will have nothing to do with you and his resurrection power is useless unless you're dead resurrection power is useless unless you're dead only when you're dead not when you're very sick when you're dead the resurrection life of jesus can operate through you and so we have to die to self yesterday today tomorrow and we have to be willing to live utterly freely without fear i mean we can talk about saying i don't fear death now that's that's great and we shouldn't fear death and we can talk about that with there's a passage uh in my bonhoeffer book right where i talk about what he says about death and all those different things but i think okay again it's still a little bit theoretical you don't fear death but you're not facing death today what are you facing today you're facing cancellation you're facing this you're facing that what are you willing to do and i'm not saying looking for trouble but if trouble comes to you do you shrink or are you allowing the lord to use now to form your character so that when these things come you have been walking that way for years and allowing the lord to train your heart and soul and mind and i i think literally before i came here like minutes before i got in the car i got an email from my publisher this is just the strangest thing and he said that parable i think it's parable books or something like that it's a christian book thing decided i was too controversial and they are cancelling my book that's coming out in the fall called is atheism dead and there's nothing controversial in the book not a syllable nothing political nothing whatever but i thought to myself we're living in times when christians are canceling people and if the if the remnant church cannot stand against this and say we're going to live in the total freedom of jesus christ i'm not going to be afraid what i say i'm not going to be afraid to talk about sexuality i'm going to say it in love i'm gonna say it because i would do anything to help a young person not go through the hell of that lifestyle for 20 years before they come out the other side broken and and and bleeding and we have to be that kind of a church so if we expect the jews in 25 years to be impressed with our faith i think the non-believers today need to be impressed with our faith and need to say when i look at you you know i'm amazed that you you spoke about that gay stuff and you didn't seem divisive i mean you said controversial stuff but you really seemed like you you loved those people that are struggling with that like you acted like you weren't judging them you acted like you were exactly like them struggling with your own stuff and you were speaking out of compassion that impresses me maybe i'd be interested uh in hearing more about your god because i saw you do that and that's so counter cultural and it's so counter-cultural to talk about other things and to talk about the scripture saying we are created male and female in his image period that's counter cultural so if we cannot be counter-cultural and heroic now that's what the stories of bonhoeffer and corey tim boom say to me today and if we don't live that way today we are kidding ourselves if we think we will be ready to face what mike was talking about a few minutes ago yeah i just want to amend that and just remind you of what jesus says that if you're faithful in the little things then you'll be faithful in the greater things and i think there's a generation rising up that is a kind of romanticizes this i would die for him well are you waking up an hour early to be with him you know it's it's the little things can you get a job and actually work can you you know there are a lot of like i i'm i'm speaking to myself too you know we joked around a little bit about my reading and everything else but we bought your book again and i am because it's like no if i can't discipline myself to get through one of his books what makes me think i can stand in other ways and i want to i want to bring something up okay way to make friends you make it sound like they're very hard to get through i am hurt i'm very offended i'm offended okay um i i want to share something because i i just feel like i want to say this and then i'm going to be done for the night but uh no don't be done for the night would you like a little more volume for for your bike sure let's give it a little bit i can't quite hear him um and don't be done for the night just okay stay up here okay okay i'm just tired of standing okay um okay but i will stand because it's a little thing okay um okay first let me say i stand with mike bickle is um as a man of god the more i have researched this man and the more i get to know this man and talk to the people who have walked with this man i go that's a man of god over there i don't know i humanly don't know of another person on this earth that has studied the scriptures more than he has as consistently and it has resulted in a life of integrity and uh and sacrifice for the kingdom and so i will just flat out say this is this is my brother that i will stand with now having said that everything he was teaching today a lot of that is new to me so i don't know if i agree with all of that and that's fair 100 in fact i don't think you'd want me to go oh yeah i get it now i totally believe you know because it is new and i want to address that with some of you that are here and listening and going wow that's i haven't heard this kind of teaching that we don't just grab it because it came from mike but my duty now is to read okay and study and look into this has nothing to do with his character has nothing to do with his scholarship i want to study and i want to know are these things really true biblically now having said that i will say this whole principle of i'm not saying i don't believe this or i'm struggling with it because of the persecution and the suffering that you're referring to i just need to study it period because i think there's a lot of people that will be against this because it sounds like bad news to a degree of what will happen to the jews and we have a tendency you know when when you talk about the judgment everything else we don't like to talk about judgment okay i i i wrote a book it was my worst selling book because it was about hell and there were some teachings coming out just kind of trying to dismiss the wrath of god because people are going well i wouldn't be like that so why would he be like that i'm like well he's different from us his ways his thoughts are different from ours and trying to explain that the god of scripture describes himself as a god of wrath over and over and over again we try to read the bible every year as a church and one year i just decided to highlight in pink all the judgment verses and then in blue all the promises there's there's more judgment like this is who our god is and it it's a wrestle because i almost don't want to talk about that side of god it's like you want to hide that to attract people to your god but you've got to understand this is a lie that has been going on where where you know god confronts uh the people like jeremiah we saw people are preaching peace peace when there is no peace you know like oh you're in a safe place when you're not in a safe place there is a wrath that's coming and you you really can trace it back to the creation when satan himself says okay god's not really going to kill you is he you're not really going to die are you this has been a common theme and so i just want to make that clear that i i look at this and i go gosh our human tendency is to not want to believe in some of this story and it's because we want the safety and we want the comfort like so many have said about our children but don't let that sway your thinking read the scripture for what it says and study these passages for yourself and that was just on my heart yeah i love that francis said that thank you it's it's really important to hear that really important again like chris was emphasizing in a prophetic moment when there's kind of that heightened okay god is doing something and then the something is a whole bunch of bible we've never read that's the problem we often find ourselves in the prophetic declaration is 30 bible verses i don't even know where the book of name is what do you do and so the the the accidental pressure is to get emotional and either fight or flee you know it's like to get emotional and accept i want to be part of the team i think that's what i'm supposed to do to be part of the team i got to say yes to this because it was prophetic or we go ah no you won't pressure me and uh the reality is the the kind of behind the scenes that we gave these guys this morning was we spent a good you know 2002 to 2007 five years every saturday night every sunday afternoon mike would teach something from the end times every sunday afternoon we'd argue with him for two hours especially stuart and i we'd argue for two hours there's about 30 in the room because i would take something here get a handout maybe at 4 500 here and then 30 on sunday afternoon for five years they would take the hand out and find out where the errors or the missing things were so it was 30 against one every sunday afternoon but uh but i love mike because he lo he let these know nothing 20 year olds challenge him on every point and with joy with patience went through the passages together and rumor has it that i even won a few of those arguments and so then later on that's why it's called a rumor stuart said some might say dark saying so the uh so then later on we do the center for biblical end times studies 500 in our family and many more online and our 50 facilitators amazing they go three years and every wednesday and every wednesday now there's 50 and and 500 and online folks challenging mike as he's going through these 150 chapters and so combined you're talking about eight years of mike laying out thoughts the community challenging but the point is there was there was eight years to wrestle and work it out and so the prophetic declaration to get our attention to what's in the word is to put urgency in us to go after the word to not be passive about the bible but not imagine we got to know it all and accept it all today and so so the so the prophetic jars us out of our complacency and gets us into urgency so we take the passages more seriously to give time to them the point isn't to agree with mike or any prophetic messenger the point is to agree with the bible and the point is to love jesus i just want to just [Music] yeah yeah this is really normal thank you for reminding me i was getting a little preachy so the uh so here's what happens a new idea hits you there's a concept in education called transitional space a new idea hits you and it it sounds right but you don't fully grasp it but it's right enough to dislodge your old idea so now you no longer believe what you used to believe but you haven't quite arrived to the destination of believing what that guy believes and so you're in this awkward in-between moment of transitional space where you don't know what to believe i can't believe that anymore because it's clearly wrong but i can't believe that yet because i don't i don't fully understand it and so that awkward in between is a really normal place when i said at the beginning of the meeting hey we're gonna take time after this and pastor and get a little apostolic on the side whatever that means we're gonna we're gonna take time for the normal transitional space that comes you don't have to arrive at the destination of radical belief yet you don't have to give your life for the message that was just preached yet but time is ticking even what dana said it's so critical to not because so much was said on this passage to this platform tonight it's so critical to not lose what dana said because we're american we pick and choose from the theological buffet of whichever messages we feel the most affinity to i like the father heart but not that bridegroom thing i like the intimacy message i don't know about eschatology and we're so american buffet about how we do bible but dana's point is so critical in going forward because the reality is what eric said was right we need to take a stand today if we're gonna take a stand tomorrow but the reality is we're not so great at taking stance our way forward isn't necessarily i must now do better at taking stands our way forward is i need to get a love for jesus that i do not have that's causing me to back down at key moments it's it's without shame it's the sweet repentance i like uh you know jonathan edwards phrase those sweet resolutions we make sweet resolutions when challenged and the sweet resolution is i do back down now but i don't want to back down later my way forward is to love jesus and the love of jesus will help propel me into eschatology so that i'm not picking and choosing based on my taste my theological taste but if he loves it i love it but i gotta love him to love what he loves and so the so we kind of do intimacy and end times separate but but tonight is a declaration of hey you're kind of running out of time on that one you're kind of running out of time to pick and choose you've got to have urgency related to the declaration of the hour to recommit to intimacy that gets you back into urgency they're they're one message they're not two and our way forward is to fall deeper in love with jesus can i add something to that um just uh when you know when people talk about loving jesus and falling in love with jesus for a lot of us guys sometimes that sounds like the song of solomon you know it's kind of mushy it's not my thing right um it will be and uh yeah on the in glory we know it will be but on this side it could be a struggle so i want to ask a question of a boxer i want to ask a quest that's right uh i want to ask a couple questions one is i sometimes think that most of us intellectually we would say look of course i love jesus i would die for jesus i would but in a funny way i believe one of the ways you increase your love for the lord is by doing the thing right now so if i say i love jesus and somebody says well if you love jesus you would speak more freely you would be more courageous and i believe that out of pure obedience if you have no emotion uh you might not feel like it but you say out of obedience because he says if you love me you little baby you just do it and when you do it you step into more intimacy with him and and i think that so it's not emotional the emotion follows the action and we know that that's biblical and that's science right that you know when you smile you somehow something happens and you feel more happy if you treat a person lovingly that you don't feel lovingly toward right i know all men and women always feel unbelievably loving toward their spouses unfailingly right no no wow let's talk about courage they can't even admit that let me just say you're pathetic you know what i'm talking about right but the lord says feeling is love is not an emotion love is an action so in the moment that you hate your spouse you are commanded to behave lovingly doesn't matter how you feel and when you behave lovingly out of obedience to god the feeling will follow or if you behave lovingly over a long period of time that feeling follows you build love and so i think we don't want to forget that the two are connected sometimes pure obedience you know something's right you don't particularly feel like it but you know it's right you do the right thing because you obey the lord and i really believe those those feelings follow but mike i want to ask you a question can i ask you a tough question it's a very tough question you ready what's the capital of north dakota it was bismarck correct thank you i'm done no that was not the real question that was good though huh he's not just a bible guy he's generally smart no my question was what's the state of which the capitals pierre uh that would be no it couldn't be yes yes south dakota yes yeah okay so well here's but here was my serious question as francis and i are trying to process is just because we love you and respect you so much we're just inclined to believe it right but there are people watching uh they don't know you they don't know the history of ihop and the history they don't they've never heard of paul kane and bob jones they don't get any of that stuff and so my question is is there any reason you've held back from laying out the case for people so you could say listen listen don't take my word for it read the book because i think there are a lot of people that unless they see what you have done in all these sessions with these hard sessions that that you know it's just so easy to dismiss especially dismiss especially when our flesh says like i i hate that and i can think of a thousand objections and but if there were a book is there a reason that there isn't a book about this since you've done all the uh the work already what's the capital of south dakota here all right so no the reason i'm playing with him i've seen him on videos and that's what he always does there's a reason i was ready on that one i'm gonna tell i'm gonna tell you why after you answer this serious question i'm going to tell you why i asked the stupid question what's capital north dakota because there's a reason for it involving dick kevin but seriously you when we are in the process of getting a lot of it published you are yes okay because and he's got some prophetic words too but go ahead i will know that like right now that's it then i don't know i won't waste the time but i just say it because when you share this stuff i'm thinking oh i wanna i've got all these questions and i i i wanna i wanna know what you know i love it and i i just i hope that's coming soon i'm gonna be bugging you about that very regularly it makes me happy amen amen so in connection with the word that might gave tonight i heard i heard i heard this that the lord was saying i want you to pray for the restoration of zion of course this is obviously what natural zion jerusalem right but i think that that's specific to a person is somebody named zion in the room [Music] just just one person one person okay so so your little boy zion caleb edward son zion is zion it's like i see him in and out of like hospital um that's caleb edwards's okay right here no no hospital no caleb edward's son zion is in and out of the hospital okay i'm seeing something someone in and out of the hospital like some kind of [Music] right back there all right wait somebody speak for her that's got a strong voice just one person one person so son's name is zion and so lord this means something to her and i'm gonna pray this prayer for your son even though it's not the the hospital connection one is a real hospital one of our leaders and she works at a hospital okay so father right now i'm asking every person in this room for this child this child for zion i think this is also a prophetic moment that you keep talking about i feel like these are signs and wonders and tokens to confirm not that it needs confirmed but you know the bible says the lord confirmed the apostles words with signs and wonders her family was in zion illinois her family was [Music] [Music] [Music] sure was there something to do with sitting with connection to the dowie john dowie yeah inside illinois okay so because of that okay so your grandfather was a cop in zion illinois and some of the family there was disappointed because the healing didn't happen and so your grandparents so there's been sort of a shutting off of the heart towards the supernatural well there's well wait wait let's move on i you got something on a baby zion yeah that's what you started with and we're gonna play it's a really critical one just a few of you just gather around this lady right here i don't think this is it but we want to pray for you yeah so just a few of you stand up right now around that lady and pray for her and go back over here that's important lord right now in the name of jesus it's your good desire to bring healing to this baby with the name zion whose mother works in the hospital lord we just pray for the mighty touch of god and healing to be displayed and lord we're believing for some good news in the matter of hours or days so that that will be a further confirmation of this message that god is raising up corey ten booms dietrich bonhoeffers for this hour lord we believe what you're doing in this hour you're raising up brave men and women who will stand for zion and we're gonna do it symbolically for standing for zion here and the other one as well lord in jesus name okay so this is another baby zion okay this is the zion edwards the one we were talking about when you first said okay this is so i don't want to lose this one so so lord in the name of jesus you see this faithful family and just as when just as when jesus was a baby herod tried to take out his life in an infancy stage because the enemy knew what jesus would grow up to become now lord i'm just praying for the healing of zion the preservation of zion in the name of jesus lord there is an anointing upon this young man lord i believe your purposes are for him to have a gift in music and singing a voice an intercessor an intercessor in worship and the enemy wants to stop one more because his name even has significant meaning and his name had a purpose that his parents didn't just randomly choose it but was given to them for him so lord we just pray he will also be a sign and a wonder lord that he will be raised up and healed and delivered and just his life revolutionized and let his life be a sign and a token of what you're going to do for zion in the future we praise you and thank you for it in jesus name so his father is an anointed worship leader so the little baby is probably in the same flow of his father is there hospitals involved with this one yes yes see it's like some kind of unique condition um so lord i just pray that you'll touch the baby i pray his diaphragm his lungs lord lord will just be strengthened and i pray every organ in this area lord that will just be healed in the name of jesus breathe the breath of life into this baby and give him vitality and strength lord like he's never experienced and let his life and his healing be a testimony that you are jehovah rapha our healer and you are still jesus the healer today and we believe for it by the stripes laid upon your back we claim it for this baby in jesus name amen isaac did you have something oh okay i thought you believed it i got to say i thought you got something to share i did yeah yeah you're after this okay i you know i'm just so touched by um the story of dedrick bonhoeffer and just how remarkable it was that when he goes to the church in new york city in harlem he's so impacted by the black church that's there because they actually preached the gospel that was one of the things that i read i did read part of it that they preached the gospel and that they were a people that were under oppression and yet filled with so much joy and vibrancy in life and i'm a firm believer that the lord calls us to crawl before we walk and i believe that there is a day when we're gonna walk with the jewish people but one of the things that is is burdening my spirit just as we're in this room and listening to the testimonies is how the black church in america is looking for an advocate black believers are looking for an advocate and those that will stand with them and and i i thank god for eric and suzanne and the many hits that they've taken as they're standing up to so much of the social tide and chaos that is coming in into the culture but i want us to look around the room because it doesn't take much boldness for me to stand up here and denounce woke-ism and you know critical race theory and blah blah blah blah we those are all self-evident things but one thing that is not evident is this people and other churches like us taking a stand for god's purposes in the black community and that has to be in the narrative because we can talk about unity and the body of christ all that we want but if we i'm speak for myself if i as a white believer i'm afraid of taking a stand for god's purposes in the black community because i will be denounced as being woke and i'll be denounced as a marxist and buying into all the critical race theory blah blah blah ideology that's out there then i have become silent and i think that i need to take a stand for this and i can't speak for everyone that's in the room and i can't speak for the other leaders a part of ihop kc or mike i'm speaking for me you're speaking for all of us because we're with you on that i am feeling the burden of the lord over there in the midst of our conversation in the midst of all that is going on i want to tell you that it takes courage in this hour to stand for god's purposes in the black community and we need to contend for them and we need to believe that god is going to raise up the fifo ministry and already is out of the black community and that we as a majority people in america need to receive the gift of the black community because they have something to impart to us not just to them because ephesians 4 16 says that every joint and ligament supplies one another in the body of christ to come to maturity and we cannot come to maturity without the black believers all across this nation and the nations of the earth coming into unity and fellowship together because god will have an inheritance in every tribe and tongue and nation and that part of the story cannot be left out and i would put before us that this is a litmus test before many of us before we stand with the jewish people in the days to come i want to challenge us on this and i want to ask us to consider where are we in our hearts in standing for god's purposes hear me on this god's purpose is to come forth in the black community amen well said and just for the record he is speaking for a large company of us that is well said isaac i appreciate you vocalizing it this is our last thing we're going to end with this dean so uh this has been a very full evening and uh i was actually hesitant to even share this at this point just because it has been so full and we've ended up going in three or four directions i would say tomorrow night will be very different than tonight i'm just sure it will yeah but i i feel like there's still yet a response to mike's word in particular for young people david stepped up and encouraged a moment of encounter and i believe that was right but every movement ages over time and there were a lot of people that looked more like me than like a 20 year old that stood and i want to specifically give a call for the teens and 20 somethings and what i really feel is a burden for those watching online as well as in the room when mike was sharing i was struck on many levels today we were we were talking earlier and someone said you know it's after he shared that word where the stand he's taking in a public way and someone said how did we get here right how how has the lord brought us together at such a time as this and for me i immediately knew the answer because while i was answering maybe a different question than that person was asking i remember in my 20s coming up multiple times here it was a very different place it was even uglier if you can believe that all the chairs were orange plastic and i had some of the most glorious encounters with the lord listening to mike give messages that he's still giving today because of his the faithfulness of this man and the word of god but i had encounters with the lord that that were a part of me uh understanding my life because my parents came to the lord in the jesus movement i grew up with an unusual fascination for god from five years old when i walked into my parents living room i have to get saved from that point forward i remember hearing the songs that my parents and others played and sang the prayer meetings and the jesus movement i was focused on the return of christ from a young age and i just want to give a little bit of my testimony because i want young people to hear someone older than you saying to you this is your hour to respond i mike you remember the imperials i yes so like the imperials trumpet of jesus right i i'm remembering larry norman and the songs of of the return of christ i remember bill clinton in 1974 right i remember the bill gaither song and being in church the king is coming you remember that how many all remember that song the king is coming and there would just be glory on that song and i was young but i was fascinated and i thought i want to be a part of his coming because whatever i'm feeling now i can't explain but it makes sense for me and in my young heart all i knew is i want to be a part of whatever i'm feeling right now and apparently it has to do with his coming and that arrested me and gripped me those songs and in my heart i was having private conversations with god i think i'm called to be a martyr when i first got married i had conversations with my wife i'm not sure we should have kids because i'm not sure i'll be around that's how serious it was to me and there was a longing in my soul to be a part of whatever it was god was doing and then later in life in my 20s i would come to this room during regular church services metro christian fellowship metro vineyard fellowship the passion for jesus conferences the prayer and prophetic conferences and wherever i was especially during that period mike could preach on john the baptist the forerunner message the beauty realm the song of solomon david in the heart of the father the bridegroom king and judge the return of christ and quite often in those days he would give a message it was all over scripture and then he would end with a call if you are being touched if your heart is burning if there's something inside you that feels like god is talking to you and inviting you to give yourself to this message give yourself to this life that is a holy moment and a holy invitation and it validated something inside me as a young man see i don't think the problem with our young people is that we ask too much of them i think it is that we ask far too little and what happens is in the affluence of culture and the rise of so many substitute forms of false fascination they are encountered with multiple voices that promised them significance and beauty and satisfaction and so we have an xbox culture and an extreme sports culture and have been there done that jaded generation that at 20 years old they're old souls and bored and wondering where their next fix is because they've never been invited to something big enough to matter and fill the void of significance in their life and so when mike would give that forerunner message i was up here every time my heart would burn that would be like that's the king that's the coming one i don't fully understand it but in my five seven year old heart 12 13 year old heart 19 21 year old heart 27 28 year old heart when i started getting connected to the possibility that i could be part of something bigger than myself it gave permission to me to believe that my life mattered and that my private conversations with god weren't an accident but that he had actually been talking to me and saying would you like to have a significant life and so the forerunner message the forerunner call the spirit of the things we're talking about it's all the stuff it's a bunch of verses it's a lifetime pursuit i remember mike saying in almost all of these i'm inviting you to something but it's going to take years to unfold it's not going to happen tomorrow jesus isn't returning tomorrow i'm inviting you to a process and a lifestyle 10 20 30 years and in my 28 year old heart i'm thinking we don't have that kind of time [Music] there was urgency in me but what i heard was give your life to something and it was an invitation here's what we need to be asking our young people a question big enough for them to die for when you give someone an invitation big enough to die for the ex the emotional exchange of value this is worth my life all of a sudden gives them that sense of significance and purpose that nothing else can give them and i'm talking to the teens and 20 year olds right now if your heart has been burning at any point especially when mike was talking if you're watching online and you're sitting in your living room or watching at starbucks or in your bedroom and you're on your ipad and you stumbled across this but all of a sudden your heart is burning i'm asking the teens and the 20 year olds in the room whose hearts are burning i want to end with this to stand and i'm asking online if you are listening to this and your heart is burning stand where you are kneel where you are you are being given a summons tonight to a significant life and it's not just about will you die it's not about martyrdom it's about the divine invitation that you were born for something and deep in your innermost being you've been wondering what is it that i was born for and until an old guy like me and an even older guy like mike steps up and says the king is coming and do you want to be a part of his triumphal return and your heart goes yes until that moment you may not yet know that for which you were born but once you say yes in a moment like this it's planting a flag in the concrete of your soul that from this point forward you are going to engage in a pursuit you're going to fail you're going to mess it up you're going to get some wrong theology you're going to still struggle with certain things that the holy spirit wants to keep talking to you about there's a sanctification process there's a purification process there's a whole lot of stuff but this is the invitation to that glorious life because you have a part in the story of god and so i am asking you if you're raising your hand if you're standing i'm asking you actually i want you i just want to invite this is how we this is this is what did it for me i want you to come forward come forward every step is a step into destiny if you're watching online i want you to just believe that you can be present with us in this moment you're kneeling you're standing in your bedroom wherever you are shut off the other stuff this is a summons to a generation to be a part of the great last days movement of the holy spirit [Music] you're going to disappoint yourself and you're going to think you disappointed god [Music] but stay steady trusting his grace and love could the ministry team please come forward any yeah everyone's the ministry team how about that we have we have a whole flood it's spilling out into the aisles if you're here still and you're over 30. come on up and pray for people pray for people i'm talking to the teens and 20-somethings in particular and all you're going to do is ask god to baptize them with fire answer the cry of their heart and put a seal of divine love on them and holy spirit that's exactly what i pray would you baptize a generation with divine fascination would you baptize a people young at heart full of zeal maybe messed up in 10 ways still trying to figure it out but they're leaning in in a moment like this a bunch of you come on up we're going to end with this the worship team is going to be here going until 10 o'clock tonight so coming up great for folks eric will be in the bookstore signing books but we're going to sign off now see tomorrow night at 6. we're just gonna linger and worship and pray for people now they've heard the divine wisdom move around pray for anyone lay hands on pray god i'm asking you to answer the cry for significance i'm asking for the forerunner spirit and the call to a forerunner lifestyle [Music] would you baptize a generation in love would you mark them would you cause their hearts to burn you are being given permission tonight to burn [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] come holy spirit [Music] a new generation of worshipers the lord is whispering your name it's been him all along he's talking to you he's inviting you a great burning from the heart of god matched in your soul with great love come holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] hear their yes [Music] just say yes yes jesus yes holy spirit just say yes [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] i say yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] i say yes to your call [Music] i say yes to your call [Music] [Music] i say yes to your [Music] i say yes [Music] you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 24,496
Rating: 4.920145 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, ihopkc 2020, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, isaac bennett, sunday, church, francis chan 2021, eric metaxas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, christian music 2021
Id: zcax0lKcs1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 5sec (11345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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