The Fasting of The Soul Revelation || Exposing The Secrets Of Fasting || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is what I teach in a prophetic school is called body Decemeber spirits where if God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks he and I few hidden oh it's not him that God speak when I'm watching news and there's something coming out on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking [Music] [Music] [Music] I see and I see an era Oh is oh man that's me I see a young girl I see Lilian in the realms of the Spirit ROG ROG changer name - James my last name is James when the last name is in Chains it to James D o M and a with Donna as far as ISO letter J ISO letter e we say with who is Anand I saw my eye and I see a name with an M and I'm singing then something like Melvin that's and then next to you I saw Alan Alan I saw Sally I am seeing a lady crying by the name of Robin after Robin I saw a boy with a name like Nicholas after Nicholas I moved again I'm in the 68 now I moved in the realms of the Spirit I saw beyond after Ian I moved again in the realms of the Spirit I saw a lady name like Tiffany after Tiffany I moved again in the realms of the Spirit I saw a name like Brandon I looked at you I saw later era I saw an O I saw aw well Roy is your last name I don't know why I'm in a bank in London I'm seeing a lot of pounds what's your last name my parents pounds prophesied I sit W really is your brother and I saw your father I so let us see isolated E I so let us see isolated e is your sister IRA they shall be another IRA in the future I'm seeing something like Libya what's Delia the last name I saw a lady by the name Sandra embracing man I saw someone by the name ken and I saw someone by the name of Wendy and I saw someone by the name Cheryl I was in 1916 and I saw the parade from Memphis Ferry and I saw all of them and I saw it connected with the Gilliam family I saw summer when I saw sunray I moved in the realms of the Spirit I saw Robin after Robin next to Robin I saw us I saw I see an emic open I be a n what's WR ah a TAS I saw a name like Oh is Natasha and Latasha I'm singing lady by the name Theresa I am the singer holding hands with a ladylike grip be Arab rib was Beverly Brenda your other end I saw a name like speak the last name is Smith I don't know is Kelvin your brother Kelvin is it Calvin Smith jealous man but in the realms of the Spirit I saw a name like there lemme lemme 2:15 ha ha ha I see see I see an e I don't know if you know anybody by the name George what is your name I thought V Vicki Vicki Vicki prophesy Vicki come on somebody who is Olga Olga it is this one prophesied I'm seeing people racing cars sherman formula formula one racer whose name is Shubham shoemaker yes and that's your last name yes sir prophesied Mike my uncle I'm seeing fire fire fire fire fire and I also moved I saw a name like Scott's now I also moved in the realms of the Spirit and I saw October written on your forehead right now um it's my birthday see Zen Zen I saw a named Cody Alex your mom's brother I saw a name like extra Esther Esther I moved in the realms of the Spirit I saw another name like VV violence violence I moved on the realms of the Spirit I saw another name like David I moved in the realms of the Spirit I saw under the name I saw Timothy I moved again in the realms of the Spirit I saw a name like Tanya Tanya I moved again in the realms of the Spirit I saw a name like not turn a turn Natasha I moved again in the realms of the Scrivener so a limb like nail in the ndal Nelia and i saw the name Olga I looked at this man your grandfather I saw a deal I saw a view I saw a deal I saw something like I saw tea I saw a king that's your maiden name who is Ben who is bad my bad waistband what is this tree what is this what is your brother's name Sergi prophesy come on somebody aw ha a Ducati ha ha say ha I don't know why I see em I see Al and I see your sister [Music] waise here but right now I'm seeing an angel holding a plank up there and the plain card is written over somebody's ha ha god bless everybody watching me this is the guff of the Prophet passion Java excited to sit here today and bring you a new revelation that will change your life and take you to another dimension I'm sitting here excited tell you that God is about to shift your life and take you to another level therefore when God is about to begin something new he cannot do anything without revealing to his servants the Prophet almost 3 verse number 7 says the Lord surely the Lord will do nothing unless they refuse it to be 7 the prophet and he have given me the revelation of the season that if you grasp it and walk with it as you enter your next year you are going to move in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit and you are going to operate in a new dimension so what's this step number one of what we can talk about today we are talking about fasting and I elaborated it yesterday we have the spirit we have the soul and we have the flesh your spirit eats prayer the spirit is eating Word of God when you are reading the Bible your spirit is eating when you are hearing from God your spirit is eating when you're worshiping your spirit is eating right now as I speak words are from God your spirit is eating the spirit it revelation it is all those things but then you're so also you've got its own food in which I'm going to deal with today then your flesh needs KFC rice ABCD this earthly food that is for the flesh therefore we have been exposed to be in a place where we fat from earthly food and we have been in a place where we don't fast our soul therefore God gave me a revelation to come and speak to somebody that it's time for you to begin to fast your soul your sony too fast and needs to be rooted into a fasting that you can strengthen your soul before you get into the new season because it's all gonna begin with the first thing that we are fasting right now and if you didn't know that we are fasting you can join us wherever you are no matter which they are you watching this video join the fasting and if you are here we have to understand we are fasting eleven days eleven days so if you have a special offering of the day I want you to go to the website profit passion calm if you know and you believe in what we are saying today you're gonna give an offering of eleven dollars eleven cents or one hundred and eleven dollars or one thousand one hundred and eleven dollars any seed with one one one one one go and give the best that you can as for as for David he says I cannot give God what cannot cost me so if one dollar is the best to you give one dollar and eleven cent if eleven dollars is best for you give eleven dollars and eleven cents one hundred and eleven dollars one thousand and one hundred whatever seed in one one one one may the Lord bless you as I play this song I'm gonna let you listen to the song begin to pray begin to give and hear what God has for you today there's a revelation that is about to change your life and bring and make a turnaround and your life will never be the same whatever been holding you I it's about relationship because it's all starts in the soul may the Lord bless you as you give in Jesus name Rob ABBA read a city or salamati [Music] feeling I am swept up in this love them only plane but then you surround me with your heavenly embrace you open up the hammer and I can fully see all the Angels come down then mommy you wrap your arms around me and wipe my tears away made my broken heart whole and the angel say [Music] [Music] meeting all your Qaeda we'll go through you say no more hiding cuz you're Annie and I'm you my eyes are open wicked God by my side I see a kingdom coming bye-bye you assure me God will find filled with all your glory from the ashes all right [Music] [Music] Oh Oh king of khang [Music] can you care [Music] the king of kings [Music] you god bless god bless God bless god bless those that are giving god bless those that are fasting god bless those that are hearing the Word of God and know that God is about to take your life to another dimension he's a good god he's a wonderful God is a mess for God to everybody and I'm just it I'm just excited sitting here to then bring you the revelation of the day you're so can fast as you have been fasting your flesh and I'm gonna do with that Shawn Williams bless you for your offering I'm going to be dealing and touching a lot of things that are in the scriptures and also bring you into a place of understanding much about the soul I'm gonna retouch a little bit about what I mentioned last night so those of you that are not watching can get to understand this step number one it occurs to bless you for offering step number one you have to understand that God created the spirit of a man that's Genesis chapter number one verse number 26 to true to Westham between eight God says let us make man after own image in our own likeness marina bless you for offering and then BOOM the spirit of man was created chapter number two verse number seven eight God took the dust of the ground and then formed the man drew the unblessed for offering and then the flesh was made from the dust of the ground the Spirit was made from God therefore you have to understand Tyrone bless you for offering that in the body was nothing until God a breathe the spirit into the body once the spirit entered in the body there was a sign and a wonder that never happened before Williams he expects offer offering a sign and a wonder that never happened because in in heaven angels are ministering spirits Benjamin bless you for offering anything heaven God is a spirit angels are ministering spirits human beings now they are different Joe bless you for offering you have to understand when God bless the spirit for the men to leave there was what in science lab called chemical reaction palette Alexis bless you for offering there is what they call the chemical reaction this so became Netanya Abraham bless you for offering it's like when we want the color gray we cannot make gray we take black and white when we put together black and white it becomes gray so the Bible says when God breathed into the noses of men the breath of life men became a living soul man was not mad so the soul was not mad but when God breathed the spirit into the flesh man became a living soul therefore heaven was shocked because the soul never been and never was created after that meaning God began something new that they have never been that what makes human beings special because the angels they cannot be blessed demons they cannot be blessed or cast why because they don't have a soul they don't have a soul they don't have a soul so angels don't ever saw demons don't ever saw God is a spirit we don't know anything about God so we know that God is a spirit and those that must worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth now him and him in the Holy Ghost when we deal with human beings they became different speeches because human beings they carried the flesh in which angels don't have the flesh and they carry the soul and angels don't have the soul Gwendoline mossad bless you for offering so it is the soul which became the most special thing that demons are looking at human beings they are desiring this song they want their soul they come after this soul at the same time if the angels are looking at you they are looking for the soul that is why Jesus came down on earth not for your flesh Jesus never came down on earth not for your spirit Jesus came down on earth because of your soul let me explain Jesus came down on earth mainly because you have a soul that is why when we are preaching the gospel we are not winning spirit we are not winning flesh we are winning source because Adam became the fastest so on earth and when he became the fastest soul on earth what happened the moment he became the fastest soul on earth at that specific time table arabasadi Banda Neira Boscia at that specific time God ye the Adam is a precious being on earth together with his wife and he introduced them to one thing the first thing given to them was food which food not meat because meat is the food of the flesh so there was no chickens for Adam there was no deer for Adam there was no beefsteak for Adam there was no beggars for Adam why because it's the food of the flesh and God never intended for the flesh but he intended everything for the soul therefore he said every fruit I have given unto you you eat the fruit which the Bible is talking about is not a mango if you go to the book of galatians chapter number five verse number twenty suit tuesdays now the fruit of the spirit is love patience humility meekness patience long-suffering all these things are called what the fruit of the spirit so when God was giving him fruits he wanted his soul to eat right but if you check now there was a specific fruit which God says you are going to fast from the fruit that is in the midst of the Garden of Eden which is called the fruit of knowing good and evil why are you not supposed to eat it you can't eat it because Jesus comes and he says what comes in is not a problem but what comes out because what determines what comes out is what entering in right so you have to understand that what you put inside determines what comes out so the moment they ate the fruit of knowing good and evil they themselves were not evil they themselves were not good because Adam never knew what is good and you never knew what is evil right but once he ate the fruit that a very moment God said come out from the garden because you knew what was going to come out from them that is why when they came out they produced two sons Cain who was evil and Abel who was good because they ate a fruit of knowing good and evil and contaminated the soul therefore God removed this saw the man from the Garden of Eden Edom is the presence of God meaning the soul used to live in the presence of God right and because the soul was in the presence of God and God removed it wanted it bad so you gave a prophetic word I will send every demon Cody Jesus The Sun will come and who brush the head of the serpent right the seed of the serpent right because the fruit you have eaten with good and evil the seed of good and the seed of evil is not inside of you therefore everything you shall do as human beings you have fruits that are good and evil that is why people are good and evil because of what Adam placed in his soul that is why the Bible says in my mother's womb I was conceived in sin when you are being conceived sin is taking place barren sierra bless your offering so God was speaking to somebody and God was telling us that unless your soul is clean you cannot come back to heaven therefore man is out of the garden Cain became evil grace appear blessed by offering can become became evil I became good an Abba is mad at the generation of Seth began to call on the name of God listen to me now why are they calling to the name of God they are calling to the name of God was God have hidden his face from human beings why because this soul is dirty and God cannot connect with those that are dirty right therefore there is a distance they began to call on the generation but you understand that they get better and get better and came a man called Noah and in Noah because the flood was coming to destroy the Napoli's and the fallen angels and the angels that came and slept with the daughters of men God destroyed everything and spread the life of Noah and his children and the children of Noah gave bet there was some ham and japhet which is also another mystery without teach one day because Noah gave birth he was he was one person who exactly like Adam but he gave birth to a Chinese and they gave birth to a Caucasian men we to make it easier that the white men and gave birth to the black man from Africa which is hyung who gave their to cush and cush went to africa and began life in Africa and other one called the round face which is Chinese went with the Asian and study their life there and when those three were gathered they gave it to their children and in the children of the African guy called Koosh are unless you feel free they came one person by the name Murad right Nimrod here medium in the Holy Ghost Nimrod Nimrod he appears now and he releases a commotion in the book of Genesis chapter 11 Yemen Yemen of Allah goes he said let us build a tower and make names for ourselves the Tower of Babel on the Tower of Babel as they began to build it it was not only physical tower but in it was a spiritual mystery which was a connection to human source how do you know this prophet if you study about Nimrod you are going to find out that Nimrod the Bible says she was a hunter God says she was a hunter but you don't see him hunting for rabbits you don't see him a hunting foot idea he never looked for a gun a spear or any weapons that we take into into the player into the wood when we are hunting no he was a hunter of sauce why because he was rebellious from God number one God says multiply replenish and scatter around the earth to Adam and he said to Noah Noah came out from the ark multiply replenish the earth we are supposed to review the earth Nimrod said no let us go back to God but why are we out from God because God they've seen that our souls are contaminated and they have given us a judgment flesh you came out from the ground you go back the soul is contaminated coming from the garden the spirit to always come back to God but he said no let us build a name for ourselves let's go back the first thing is doing is building a tower that tower is a higher level of an outer and out there is a place where you can access port house there is a portal into your life if it's a witchcraft portal which is an access to control your life your business your future right but this specific outer was to go back to heaven that is why God you have never brought down bad Khalifa in Dubai it is a tall building but God have not brought it down why because it is no portal access to heaven yebin is not a sky we have first seven on earth the Bible says heaven on earth does the first heaven it's good atmospheric heaven it is the same Evan bless you for 90 for your offering it is the first event on earth here that you see the Bible sending a letter was second heaven by a why wind have been opened and a chariot came out were seized a fire came out when Jesus was baptized heaven opened and out came out all these animals are coming from heaven which is he on earth Garden of Eden here on earth but you have to open a portal to access it that this very important Nimrod was opening to access so he can be in heaven with his flesh with his sauce and with his spirit so Nimrod now comes hunting for souls he came hunting for souls he's looking for saws he built a tower of babel with what with a portal cobraman beam a CD but i didn't call with a portal which when you got looked it says a big word there's nothing we can do to stop them but the best we can do let us give them 16 languages and 16 languages were given to them and they divided and scattered around the world God did not stop them but they stopped themselves because they could not communicate all right but he hear me and him in the Holy Ghost Nimrod yes a specific place called the tower of Babylon of Babel which is not a portal to go back to God with your flesh with your soul we must be number one he is a rebelling against multiply on earth number two is repelling the way which is Jesus Jesus is the only way to heaven says no let us find ourselves a way but the main question is if this city which was beating is that special where did he get this the revelation to build it because for me to build my house I must have a plan but for me to write a plan a plan should come out from another plan so why is he getting the plan Oh bless you bless you Meilin not being free offering where is he getting that plan because for me to beauty a house I need a plan a plan has to come from a plan but he is the first person to begin to build he is the first person to begin to build water Jim you can build a city going back to heaven it's because way before he was born you understand that there is also a mystical city which can found it and when he came founded it we never heard about the death of Kane no way in the Bible you yet Kane died in fact God wrote a tattoo on his forehead and says no one shall cure you but I'm I so pretend to kill you and we don't see his death then we move again and we now see Abraham comes and the Bible says and Abraham looked for a city in which God Himself was the mecca and builder many there is another city which was known to be here Abraham walked every looking for it died looking for it but this specific one memory is not building it because there is a spirit upon him that is leading him to lead the source to go into a Potter for me to access the end I need your Porter so what do I do I go to the airport airport is a two words coming together air Porter portal it's a place to access a realm so I can never be in the air unless I find a porter so I go to the airport air Porter for me to be on the road I need to go to the road port road porter support for me to enter into the sea I need to go to the sea port see Porter so the first to be built was not in airport was not a road port was not a seaport but was a heaven put havenport was a heaven portal being built that is what you see now when jacob is fast asleep this is angels going up going down accessing a porter Freire Dublin super offering is accessing a porter the are using a lighter to go up and down up and down which Lada it's a portal that they accessing it therefore Jacob took hold of the angel and says I will not let you go unless you bless me why if I don't let you go that day is broken people are going to come and they are going to find out about this photo and they are going to go so portals are placed there to block or to open so that someone can access it but these are spiritual Porter not for your spirit but for your soul because you have to understand this your spirit already have a portal anytime your spirit can go that is what if you sleep your spirit can be taken to the different places but your soul was banned you cannot access Garden of Eden you can attach the seven your soul is banned if you die your flesh shall go back to the ground where it came from and your spirits of God back to God weight came from every spirit of a hidden of a Christian who may go back to God where it came from but your soul Hakka Brahma diakon Glamis EDA your so shall be judged if it is not contaminated with a seat in which Adam placed in it for all your sins and fell short funda from the glory of God if your soul is not saved by Jesus who died on the cross if you don't receive Jesus hakka brass keyd by what to happen you're so not enter Heaven it will go to hell that is why when the rich man died no metal yet cash he had money yet the house is on earth he went to hell in a male many cars you have it no matter how many houses you have it'll matter how much cash you have in your pocket book in a matter what you can claim to have on earth your money cannot take you to heaven your mansion cannot take you from heaven nothing can take you to heaven but if your soul is in the right place in the hands of Jehovah it took re heaven do you have a place in heaven today is my question if you give in your life to Jesus is my question is just so in the right place with God is my question now here this mystery if you check in the book of Revelation revelations chapter number 18 ha it now reviews now that if you are even if you receive Jesus and you are not in the right place with God you can miss straight your soul you can sit back your soul to the devil remember the first ohonta of source is Nimrod in great Genesis chapter number 11 and he built a tower Babel tower Babel which is the same place same city which Nebuchadnezzar came to stay in babble on and babble Nebuchadnezzar is there and why is it Nebuchadnezzar is there because the word Nebuchadnezzar itself is a mystery Nebuchadnezzar is a mystery Nebuchadnezzar is a coming in of towards never never any B or if you're writing an OB or means a god of wisdom with a small energy god of wisdom but if Kadeem ISA means a God of protection so Nebuchadnezzar it means God of wisdom protect the king god of wisdom protect the king that is why you went now and he set on the babylon Babel in the same place which Nimrod began to build when he set them they say the bridge men of wisdom I don't me Daniel is wise bring him here that is what you see wisdom is more greater in Daniel modern in Solomon Solomon is the founder of wisdom but is not a fad of wisdom it's like faith Abel is the founder of faith that is why the genealogy of faith does not stir from Abraham it starts from Abel in revenue in Hebrews 11 it's that's wrong Abel but she died before you get better to eat because concluding but the Abraham gave birth to it and Abram became the father of faith so Abram is the father field that is not the founder it is Abel who is the founder of faith if we talk about wisdom Solomon founded wisdom but Daniel became the father of wisdom that is why you see if you go to the Book of Ezekiel 28 were did not compare the wisdom of Lucifer with the wisdom of Solomon but he said you are wiser than Daniel because Daniel is the wisest one on earth and Nebuchadnezzar says bring me down you bring me all this wise men around me why mobilization Hanlin free offering why because the numeron means what nimrod nebuchadnezzar means what the god of wisdom protected the king so you need watch people around him and he also starts creating a putana to the devil building an idol worship it so we can access the devil why it's a place of a portal which numeral began to build it is the same place which is still there up to now in Iraq in Iraq after all these years it's to be in Iraq that is now the same place if you go to the book of Genesis chapter number 18 revelations 18 I will shock you today revelation 18 from base one says and after these things I saw a great angel come down from heaven having a great power and earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bed for all nations he have a drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication Babylon is not a woman now which is in fornication Yeti's and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and missions and their merchandisers of the earth I worked the rich through the abundance of a merchandise this lady called Babylon I become a fornicator with kings and other people merchandiser which is an exchange an exchange she is the trading source through what sex fornication and I yet another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people which means those people are any hair so how when people are having sex sex is more spiritual than it is physically that is why we say don't fornicate they don't have sex before marriage don't be a doubter as don't have sex wine once you engage yourself intercourse sexual with someone you tie sauce with the person that is why we have so ties so ties some people are owned by other people because they are in people they are living in people sauce it's so time that is only connected through sex now the Bible is calling the same woman Babylon referring to the Babylon from Revelations in Genesis chapter number 11 from Nimrod why because Nimrod is a hunter of souls how do you catch a soul it has to be through sex therefore fasting of the soul you have to stay away from sexual activities you don't give sex to your soul your spirit you have got food your spirit is the Word of God your spirit is the revelation what I'm doing right now I'm feeding your soul is called soul food worship is a so food hymns are so food trays so food God is a spirit and those that worship Him does that feel God they freed him with worship right but there is contaminated worship where evil songs can be saying into your soul conscious music soul music conscious is in the mind soul music is a music that is going straight to the soul so there's good food for the Soul and there's bad food for the Soul Holy Communion is the food of the soul that is why you understand when when Nebuchadnezzar was sitting on the table invited everybody come and eat with me and he had wine with me because why it's food that is going to the soul it's a drink directed to the soul food is going to the flesh so therefore even Jesus when he when he was about to die he gave this disciples to drink he says this is wine drink it why because this is my impetus and unless you eat my flesh drink my blood you can never never have a part of me that is why this is when you shall be taken the first thing you do when you go there you say dine with me and we have wine with me we're in heaven that is why strong drinks and wine is not for Kings says the Book of Proverbs teas for those that are not wise it doesn't mean means what it is for fools it's another teaching I'm gonna teach service releases for all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants and the merchandisers of the earth and works in through abundance of the mentioned ice and I yet another voice of from heaven saying come out of EA my people in the year not partakers of the essence and ye receive not of plug use and and he has seen you have reached unto heaven and God remembered her iniquities so in this fasting you are breaking so ties number one if you are writing right at number one you are breaking so ties because so ties are connected and brought to you through six Joseph Warren is battle because thou Proteus wife portavoz wife wanted Joseph to trade his soul into a true sex so Jack Joseph ran away flee fornication I was teaching on my special group on whatsapp yesterday I have a word subdue for my sons and daughters and I did that teaching us today and also there's a private one on my fault and i toted them and III was sharing with them about about feeding the soul I said if I'm a hungry for KFC any food on earth I don't go to KFC and look at people that are eating and then I'm satisfied in I'm ok I'll be extra under when I look at people eating but why is it pornography is different why is it people when they are sexually hungry they can watch pornography and be satisfied without having sex it's because when you're watching pornography you are feeding your soul it is the contaminated food poisonous food that you are feeding your soul when you're having sex is food for the Soul there is a music which is food to your soul contaminated food to your soul there are foods you can't eat to your soul the know that see of knowing good and evil when straight into their soul and release the evil in their soul that is why if you look a baby in the room the baby growing up without seeing anyone doing good or evil the baby was - having good and evil without killing anyone murdering someone he made that his own brother who told him if astronomy is going to that if was in him so there are things we have to be away from movies that are sexual things that can arouse you music that are sexual that can arouse you sexual stuff why are we too fast when it's end-of-year you need your soul to be pure you need your spirit to be pure and you need to have a sound mind it is in that place where we break out from every events of 2018 because we are going into 2019 but some people be stuck in 2018 because they are so is too knitted with the things and the events of 2018 that is why when someone is masturbating they walk back all the way to 10 years ago 20 years ago to think of someone they connected with the interosseous but they are still connected in their souls there's too few for each other they are still connected therefore fasting of the soul breaks so ties breaks you from former events breaks you from your past and it moves you into the future you can never be welcomed by the future unless you say goodbye to the past and that's the secret why we are fasting the fasting of the soul remember the disciples waited on the upper room for ten days they didn't have their wives why they were fasting it was the fasting of the soul for ten days they fasted fasting of the soul and when they were fasting fasting of the sauce you understand that the hunt of the sauce Nimrod who made the sixteen languages to be released on earth and people scattered because they could not understand each other the Holy Spirit came down when they were living the fasting of the so in Acts chapter 2 and they the sixteen language were brought back together as one and the people around the world all languages were shocked hearing them speaking in their own languages and they said how come these people are heroes but we hear them speaking in our own language how because fasting of the sauce it gives you spiritual language and gives you access to the Holy Spirit and it gives you access to heaven the head is rushing mighty sound from heaven they had they had it opens your spiritual ears and it is so it opens your eyes clothing tongues of fire they saw it opens your spiritual eyes it opens your spiritual ear someone wants to hear from God come on don't you see angels fasting of the soul it opens your ear it opens your eyes it subtends your spirit more when you're fasting fasting of the flesh it strengthens the soul positions the soul disciplines the soul the soul is craving you so you can have ABCD you say know it it disciplines the soul but fasting of the soul it discipline it's it perfects your spirit it puts your spirit in a well placed to hear well from God to see to be more active in the realms of the Spirit and I believe people are fasting with me too and God is opening your eyes you're in your spiritual level is being elevated because you can never achieve anything in the flesh unless you achieve something in the realms of the Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit or abraha bahasa g'day so you have to understand this Holy Communion is the food of the soul therefore you are encouraged to a Holy Communion every day every day but don't you use alcohol now take Holy Communion sufficient for the day do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the Holy Spirit so you have to understand that demons cannot be kissed why they don't ever saw angels cannot be blessed why they don't ever saw human beings can be done both they can be blessed or they can be cursed why they ever saw I have a book called life it's my new book you can go and download it it's very [Music] [Music] go to my website and given offering of the day be it you are giving 11 dollars or one dollar and eleven cents or 111 Debbie says I cannot give what cannot cost me give something with one one one why because we are fasting 11 days why number 11 remember Judas is a betrayer from 12 disciples 11 were left why because number 11 is a number of Nimrod betraying rebellious if you're a person you have been fighting a rebellion spirit it's a Nimrod spirit people they always come up from your church they're in Bergen it's true they study on judge they do name assassination what you do is to fast those 11 days 40 days fasting it's powerful yes it is good I was teaching that on my group yesterday comparing 40 days fasting and 11 day fasting what's this 11 days is ok 11 days is ok but in 40 days cannot be compared with 11 days because 40 day fasting deals with wilderness issues that is why Jesus was led into the wilderness to fast for 40 days to do with wilderness issues which are physical that is why second chronicles chapter number 20 when the armies joined together to go and attack the Israelites Joseph had to call everybody to end any fast to fix what was happening in the physical but 11 days he deduced with a spiritual realm forty days make you conquer physical issues but number 11 makes you access spiritual things 16 languages of the Spirit I have a book code 66 levels of speaking in tongues first the sixth language sixteen languages are called tongues of men after sixteen languages of tongues of men they are tongues of angels and that dealt with it in every tongue they and the first part is very important you can go and download that book is called sixty-six levels of speaking in terms if I had time I was gonna talk about that one but you have to understand this god is not worried about your flesh God is not worried about your spirit your flesh out what back to the ground where it came from your space or Bob back to God which came from but you're so you're so you're so you're so therefore remove your soul prophetess Angela bless you for offering prophetess Tami bless you for offering a new product Ruth Prado bless you for offering you have to understand this it is very important for everybody hearing my voice it's very important for you to master and understand this mystery that God is looking for someone who can break out the Nimrods field Genesis 11 Nimrod appeared rebelled the book of Kings is the eleventh book people rebuilt or is rebuilt from God because of POW and Jezebel and the prophets of Baal mislead people to worship idols and God raised Elijah to destroy the rebellion spaces it bow his bow let him be served if God is God let him be served Judas removed eleven disciples are left why he rebelled and betrayed the master Revelation chapter number eleven two prophets they'll rise but people will repel organist them number eleven is a number of rebellion there are people that have been fighting with the spit of rebellion in their houses in their families in their marriages people fighting against rebellion spirit and everything that they've been doing let me talk to you somebody the fasting of the soul it repositions you it breaks the woman called Babylon which is written in the book of Revelation chapter number 18 a woman called Babylon sitting on a beast drinking blacks that is why sex when you break a virgin blood is released sex blood is released when a man releases a seat yes it carries his DNA his blood in his innate any sexual activity is a connection with the blood and the woman was drinking blood why she was a merchandiser of source trading sauce through what fornication through sex I'm talking to somebody was being controlled by sex God has to release a special grace over your life to deliver you and in this fasting cry to God you have a girlfriend you have you you have six or friends sex or what what you need to break off from it you are dicted from pornography break out from it and then this fasting seek the face of God pray each and every day as I conclude I want to give you this word every day when you woke up in the morning ELISA bless you for offering every day when you get up in the morning do a physical fasting the fasting of the flesh and this so fasting don't eat don't drink seek the face of God and your life will never be the same the first thing you do when you wake up pray introduce your fasting to God if you are hearing this message today tomorrow morning woke up safer than I am of Jesus I pray unto you I call your name in Jesus name and now I'm praying to let you know that I'm fasting I'm not eating I'm not drinking I'm not touching any food or any drink from morning to four o clock 4 p.m. and I am NOT going to be watching dirty things nothing will contaminate my soul I'm not gonna watch TV that there was poopit I'm not gonna be watching any entertainment I'm only going on TV to listen to your worship to your praise to your revelations to watch prophet pass on prophesy prophet passion teaching I'm eating revelation I'm eating limbs I'm eating the Word of God I'm reading the Bible every day right you make a covenant like that eat your God for the next 11 days I'm fasting and I'm praying a number myself from every so time every so try that you know how do you know if a sorta if you have any woman that always comes on your mind while you're having sex with your wife or with whoever you having sex with she is a sort I to you when you're masturbating is a sign of a so time whatever comes in your mind in your soul when you're masturbating is a so time you need to break out for masturbation you to break down break out from so ties need to break down break out from those in attainment of addiction you addicted with with uh with the drugs drugs it's a so craving you're so is craving for it your mind sex it's a so craving for it you're so wants to eat it dirty things break out from alcohol break out from from from from drugs break out from Marwin on all these things they have you ever noticed that we have things like marijuana cigarettes wine which is not known why is it a scene is it a sin to drink no because you can point and say the Bible shows don't have one don't drink you can't point the face and say do not smoke but it's another teaching I'll come and teach you and give you hidden scriptures that are in the Bible Shelly Julian philosophy often how come and teach everybody about those mysteries but we have to understand this your soul needs to be served salvation of the soul Lord Jesus come into my heart is the first level teach about levels of of of salvation that's why you have to wake out your own salvation I'll leave you with this word everyday you prepare yourself food you prepare yourself lunch you put money for transferred money for lunch why you are preparing and feeding a tank of your flesh do they sell for your soul give an offering every day for the next 11 days spent eleven dollars or one dole 11 cents eleven dollars 11 cents of one hundred dollars and eleven dollars one hundred and eleven dollars and eleven cents or one thousand one hundred and eleven dollars and 11 cents any seeds with one one one one one one one one pray and seek the face of God break out from any addictions any sexual activities and I know your life going to turn around and you're going to see the mighty hand of God God blessing you God changing you God is shifting and blessing your life or Bri body akan Kumasi garden any questions if you have a question please don't hesitate to ask me right now so I can answer you and that can be a blessing to you we need to introduce fasting of the soul that there were only ones that took faster the fasting of the flesh but there is a need to fast the fasting of the soul the original fasting which God intended for Adam was the fasting of the soul where he did not eat the fruit of knowing good and evil which was were meant for one to be wise wise way not enough flesh not in a spirit but in your soul it was the food to the soul acha BRABUS atta gematria rice bless you for offering g m'm rebellion Amazo congra body a tater Amanda Cadabra Cadabra salamanders everybody a castle Amanda how to break out from his so time I I have a book that I wrote about that you can you can find it there's a book that I wrote about marriage why did I get married I I wrote how to break a so time overcoming the forces of sex you can go ahead and download that book overcoming the forces of sex and why did I get married I I thought how to break a sorta is another Teachman itself but this fasting we hope you to break so ties as well I have a prophetic school and a prophetic baptism prophetic baptism is not a baptism of water it's found in the book of Acts 19 verse 6 it's coming in this month end on the 30th 31st and 1 January those three days Daniel God bless you for offering those three days I'm doing prophetic school and prophetic baptism people already have registered a lot of people are flying into Maryland some already are already here for tester service so they can you tell the fried and and continue to to the week where we are going to have this I am diabetic if you are diabetic just do the the fasting of this show only I'm only doing the fasting of the soul how to activate the prophetic gift you can also sign in the prophetic school online so if you can make it here in person which would be more beneficial you can also do it you can also be watching on a private periscope it's going to be a private one so go to the website private person at home on a school days in person who school join that one and your life will never be the same again another questions all right god bless you I don't have much time I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to be doing one-on-ones for today if you have registered for one-on-one takes our office one I know we have a waiting list some people don't pick if they don't peek we can add you for today's programming so make sure you text the office phone and we'll be there too to be a blessing to you and I will be doing a one-on-one ministering and blessing people I pray for everybody watching me right now let the blessing of Abraham Isaac and Jacob may release over your life the prophetic anointing rest upon you today leatherby a divine favor and a divine grace to be upon you I pray that your life will be cut up outta to another dimension I pray that jaw of a God would touch and blessed bring forth a major turnaround into your life a key mama mama-mama Masuku Bundy render led a sternum already st abram and a radius Tecla he grande oh mama mama ma su kuba there is someone you are watching me right now it's like you're who you came here but the reason of your wife that was in America and you are believing God for papers but your wife was rejected a green card and you are watching me right now you don't know how you so get your papers you will believe in God that if your wife gets papers then you want to get papers and we've been struggling a lot and you can't go back home and things that have back home and you can't even finance those that are home because you can't even get enough because you don't have enough papers for you to be working the job you are supposed to be working you are really educated and you have more potential to be established but it seems as if papers are holding you the Spirit of the Lord is ministering to me that your breakthroughs come in 2019 there is a connection that is going to come and there's a huge business that is a palooka there is another person watching me you an inventor you an inventor been working on a project for over 10 years you have been working on a project and it seems as if when you're trying to share your vision with people one is an standing you have been trying to put things together the Lord is speaking to me that in the month of June there's a million dollar flow that is gonna come because I see you signing papers I don't know why I see a name with Aviv but I do see you signing papers and they turn around these coming your way set the speed of the Lord there is somebody you're watching me right now you are wearing a floral floral grace your floral dress there's like greenish reddish or something like that I see you wearing a floral thing and you have been having the issue with your blood flow your blood flow you been they've been something funny it's like it's not normal the way you've been having your flow and it's loose you are losing a lot of blood you have tried to go to the hospital been trying to get medications but things are not waiting for you the Spirit of the Lord is telling me to tell you that I'm touching you right now I don't know what you're watching from is it periscope or Facebook and the state of the Lord is saying I am healing you right now I'm healing you right now and I'm touching you right now and I bring forth favor I knew there's somebody your child they've got a problem with the left kidney now noticing I'm putting forth a new kidney go back for a scan the doctors would be short for my anointing is upon thee and your grace bah-bah-bah-bah bah-bah-bah-bah bah-bah-bah-bah shakeela Mandara various secret and/or oshika behind a man be cabidela a bomb Brava da covilhã javi you have a Harry just removed it and you blast it next to you on the office on an office desk we placed on them you just started watching me and you and you are believing God for a new life you are tired of the life you've been living it seems as if you are confused about two ladies and you don't know which one to take you what to do I don't know I see you've been married before to somebody and then you left that person with a child but now you're too late is in front of you don't know which one to take the spit of the Lord is telling me to tell you there have been a whisk up that have been working in your life you shall go back to your former wife and you shall restore your marriage you shall love you and you take care of you and the Spirit of the Lord is saying the change of which I shall be broken as you go back to the first lover of your life since the Spirit of God Jenny for hi Tom the Spirit of the Lord is upon in Jessica and Jennifer and the Spirit of the Lord is saying I am touching you and my grace is sufficient apologetic Jennifer there's a financial breakthrough that is coming today's another one you are in the suitcase and you're believing God for papers you are believing God for papers it's been years now and you don't know what to do you have been there for over 14 years you are believing God for papers I remain there but seeker behind a baroque raha de bazan I keep hearing 2019 you also break forth yours in the month of February there's a breakthrough coming to you with the issues of peppers there is a peppers that are being released I see citizenship also coming to you the Spirit of the Lord is telling me it's your time and is your season go forth and prosper go forth and prosper your time is now your season is now mokuba Ocado basta vin de ballet Mandela Capretta kita there is a lady in America you are watching me right now you were married before you have a child you have a daughter that your daughter is in Africa the Spirit of the Lord is telling me I see men in front of you taller than you dark in darker than you dark in complexion not not black but just dark in complexion darker than you I see him next to you and then Singh trying all that you but you are afraid to love again and you're afraid another thing do not miss your opportunity do not only see the time I have given you this is the men that I've sent to comfort you to love you and to be there for you yes they are complication than is like but the Lord says I have sent him for you and they shop an establishment coming to you there is a marriage breakthrough that is coming to you restauration is coming there's another lady watching me your name such as an S and and I see you are watching me and believing God for a marriage breakthrough there is somebody in your life already but you you you don't know what is up to exactly because he's not really talking about marriages the Spirit of the Lord is saying both of your marriage breakthroughs are coming in 2019 I keep seeing papers coming I see papers coming or Ramon Deborah Masada band le creuset merry band le havre has a turn and omaha's eppley co a band a hurry Mandarin Oh boohoo she minge rock about Tsukuba and a random then then the Nina macumba see GABA Rhonda Rhonda Cassie Kappa Raimondi red Deborah Davis Tina Ron delicate rowdy Molly dunes Ali croc a Brujo ski depandi me rebounded and efficacy Kabara body aesthetically agraja debatable T&O sakura body a stay now watching me you are in india and your daughter is a prophetess somebody prophesied to you concerning your daughter your razor property as I see you don't know B the long hair black hair long hair you have a moustache black moustache a and you're tall you are believing God for a major turnaround also in your finances so but the work of God can take place I see you walking with the men of God and supporting the men of God but the enemy been holding your finances the spit of the Lord is saying there's a shift taking place in the next in 90 days I remember you financially and I bring forth a turn around okay bro mamacita meh meh meh meh azúcar Peruzzi kadai and am i speak healing to your head right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Capra mama Seiko obama abama Marisa Cabana Allen de la musica de buried on Sally Ikeda aquí de aquí de la liga Ackland anonymous EDA Bolanos Angelo Musa Gibran de código de no remember Hozuki time the last group I want these ones to see it if you can even those that I prophesied about peppers so you see if you are believing God for peppers so a seed of 219 even those that I'm talking about right now those are people that in depth those are people that are stuck in loans those are people that have borrowed other people and they don't know how they're gonna pay back the money bet you borrow the bank or your buret some people you don't know how you're gonna pay back there is a miracle money that I believe in and there's a war LIGO surprise I believe in there's a Holy Ghost provision without a belief in its end as somebody's gonna provide it for you or somebody's gonna pay it for you or God is gonna give you the money to pay or somebody's gonna say your money or depths have been cancelled their translation right now in de valois mask or brand occurred on if you believe you're one of the people I'm talking about raises seed of 219 right now go to the website and say debt cancellation say miracle money in my life or Masika baron toka hookah bahasa yep me to pay my mortgage ranima siga behad a yacht me to get my papers as soon as possible I have my son watching me right now his name is a chief Amba he's in the UK I prophesied that thing many of you had his testimony I prophesied to him and I declared a world and he said pop I need papers and I said the Lord is saying next he said I won now I told him so a seed of 2018 and she's solid Antonia the month of October you purpose of the release and the peppers were released in this past October 5 November yet these papers come into results I believe God is gonna do the same for you with your seat of 219 there is a major breakthrough coming your way right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray Kaba Bahasa cotton and those of you that are showing a seed of 219 I want you to take our office phone right now after I do the one-on-ones I'm gonna pray with you today in few minutes and I'm going to release a breakthrough even though they are watching every broadcast if you saw your seed of 219 takes our office phone in Jesus mighty name I really father an anointing to every viewer watching me around the world distance is not a barrier in the realms of the Spirit I release marriage break throughs have a lisp purpose in the name of Jesus I release contracts in the name of Jesus I release marriages I release jobs I release favor or God even on this fasting I pray let there be a breaking of so ties leatherby a breaking of cases let them be a breaking of addictions of alcohol of violence of meta whatever is holding people in their souls I released the anointing EKG on Ostrava allen key de Unga Unga hookah bahadin ke Rena mccalden kita Biden station Odin Kadabra jaco de bruyn bremen Gandhian gongo manga manga and Indira da become goo goo Masika de una mas Akira Tata papacy Kieran Derrida baka shaky manga mokuba EDA Gaston avoidance technique Roscoe debry Bram bond delicate Randy esada amo so must really be hidin cran Demasi g'day in the name of Jesus I'm going to play some some adverts off of my video adverts and give an opportunity to those that are giving their 219 and I'm going to bless everybody and once you saw your seed of 219 I want you to text our office phone I'm gonna pray with you just for a prayer a special prayer for you may God bless you prophet passion come visit our website today [Music] sow a seed today visit our website and suic [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] profit passion calm visit our website today [Music] [Music] is what I teach him a prophetic school is called quality seminar spirits where if God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks he and life you hidden oh it's not him that's God speaking when I'm watching news and if there's something coming out on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking [Music]
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 104,126
Rating: 4.8083491 out of 5
Keywords: fasting, how to fast, prophet passion, passion java, heavy anointing, power of god, apostle, benny hinn, noel jones, prophetic anointing, deep prophecy, tb joshua, bushiri, hubert angel, alph lukao, chris oyakhilome, pastor, evangelist, teacher
Id: OV-Uu236zlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 47sec (5087 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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