5 types of Birth - mystery reveled by Prophet Passion

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in the time of prophetic the destiny of the forensic prophetic movement rests on the shoe of one young prophet passion Java [Music] feeling I am swept up in this law them only playing but the noose around me with your heavenly embrace you open up the heaven and I can free speak all the angels come down and then stand by me you wrap your arms around me and wipe my tears away made not broken hard work and the angel stay [Music] [Music] king of cash meeting all your guide you say no more hiding cuz you're an alien I mean you my eyes are open we could go about my time i feels kingdom come [Music] bye-bye you assure me God will find Hilda Thal your lowly from the ashes all right [Music] okay [Music] Oh okay Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what a powerful song that some name is called hasanah you can what you can buy it online this is only $1 you can go to profit passing calm profit passion calm visit my website go to the store get the song for yourself this one is gonna it's not public like the other songs that I put publicly but you can access it on our website get it buy it on the website only $1 it's only $1 and after you buy this song use it to pray when you are driving when you're meditating when you're praying when you're people around you make sure you play the song it will minister to you I had angel singing down horse on a pot and that's how I I contacted my son I said profit lovey it's time to get into the studio once again let's do it and when I went to visit pastor Benny boom we went to the studio in California boom the song is out and the people are being blessed around the world so I pray and bless everybody watching me I pray that the anointing of God come upon you the grace of the Lord be upon you our periscope is having challenged since last night I don't know what's happening so everybody who know someone who is on periscope tell them that the periscope is not working as for now so join us on facebook join us on youtube join us on KTV join us on twitter and i'm live in these platforms to be a blessing to everybody this is the month God taught me is the month of functionality you are going to function many people were unlocked yesterday and I know things are going to be taking place my son double-oh-seven is gonna come and conclude the message I spoke yesterday about people that would give $500 only for the month of March for rent see prophecy teaching you don't want to miss it for any reason I always do this only once in a month and I last did it two months ago I hate these things 2014 I left 2014 I did it in 2016 and now it's the time for me to do it again I have raised a lot of people that you see on TV that you see on YouTube prophesy I'll raise them in the prophetic god bless you Margaret I won't be calling people's names that are giving today because many people feel like they don't want other people to know what they are doing and how they are blessing and and giving yesterday someone gave two thousand dollars and he could not call because they didn't want people to know that it is him so I just said all right it is wisdom that I don't call people's names when they give but God bless everybody giving God increase you got favored you as you give as you can pray that you collect remember you can never collect unless you connect their phone may God bless everybody connecting with the power of the seed I pray that you can collect whatever you are believing God for in Jesus name thank you Fatima we had a path to say this yesterday right in Silver Spring Maryland it was Supersport Oh speedy speedy read the mighty power of God the end of God was in the service it is only time that became jealous I had to finish exactly nine Terry that's the time we finish and next week is going to be more powerful so today I'm going to talk to you how to be unlocked at a function because many people we are told you need to function but we don't know now how to be unlocked you can go to my previous video last night I did a video which I I spoke to people signs to know that you are in the prophetic I gave a lot of signs to know you're in the prophetic what part and what department do you operate with in the prophetic now I'm not gonna tell you how you're gonna function I'm not telling you the secret behind being unlocked to function how can you be unlocked to function and I know your lives will never be the same after this the unknown ting of Jehovah is going to come upon you your life will never be the same again the anointing of God is going to touch many people today the blessing of the Lord is going to touch many people today all those that are watching on K TV send the message to all your friends your beloved ones tell them the Prophet passion is life on Facebook on Twitter and let them be blessed too we are also sharing to our website so I'm waiting for the numbers to go up I see we are now on 190 people I know that once we share the broadcast we are going to go up to thousands and thousands and I'm so grateful to have everybody to listen to the message God gave me we are going to be taking our revelation today from the whole Bible but mainly from the book of John chapter number 3 John chapter number 3 wherever you are I wanted to write down or open John chapter number 3 John chapter number 3 kaboosh the best olive okra husky the bride John 3 Jesus Christ they were trying to miss some more voice there was a life John chapter number 3 verse number 1 our core dominated there was a man of a Pharisee whose name was Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews the same came to Jesus by night and said unto Him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him jesus answered and said unto Him verily verily I say unto you except a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God if you have a Bible mock si si si it's very important to you to mock that si Nicodemus said unto Him how can a man be born again when he is old can he enter the second time into the mother's womb and be born again jesus answered very very I say unto you except a man is born of water and of spirit mock of water and of spirit market of water of spirit he cannot enter much anta anta mock enter he cannot enter the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be born again that the wind bloweth way it will be lifted and it thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and where it goin so is he who is a born of the Spirit Nicodemus answered and said unto him how can these things be jesus answered and said unto Him art thou a master of Israel and knoweth not these things very well I say unto you we speak that we do know and they testify that we have seen and he received not our witnesses if I have told you earthly things and ye believe not how you believe if I tell you the heavenly things and many had ascended up to heaven but he that he had come down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up thou whoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life and God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but the world through him might be said he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he had not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God the only begotten Son of God thank you Jesus La Costa Mesa mama mama-mama sue Cooper Kumasi I borrow sakura vasant a break on Tolo stu vause a cleric raraku de Bry Mayakoba isn't a hawaiian semantics of brunei Kista tava economist Akkad a bond demand a body bond o massacre ADEA Congo Kauravas aunty everyday debacle Shantou meme bro Sidra ketoprak as fiscal AHA say in the name of Jesus Christ lord I thank you for today I thank you for everybody listening to my voice I know that their lives will never be the same again amen god bless everybody watching me this is the Prophet passion saga excited to bring you into this revelatory experience that will bring a transformation a metamorphosis a change in a life we read the scriptures from the book of John 3 John chapter 3 begins to tell us something important so we're going to go stage by stage because you have to be born again born again is what we call unlocking to be unlocked you have to be born again Thank You Holy Spirit service number 1 says there was a man of the Pharisee named Nicodemus with a ruler I already spoke about this one a man is a Pharisee number 1 his name is Nicodemus number 2 is a ruler number 3 being a Pharisee is his office Nicodemus is his name ruler is his functionality so in another words he is an officer he has an office he has a name and he has a functionality you must know your name you must know your office and you must know your functionality not everyone in the office of a prophet functions in the functionality of a prophet for example Abraham his name which he had was a Brahmin it was a limited why because the name Abram is the father of one the father of one yesterday I professor to a man in the church I told him he's the physical name and then I told him his spiritual name he is being limited to move and to function because he is using their own identity the Bible says God gave us a new name when we came to Christ he gave everybody a new name you must pray that God to reveal to you your identity your name so Abram is the father of one you could not have break for from that yet God yet says you are the father of all nations but the Bible says when he met a sacrifice God met an exchange he traded with God God took his name and after God took the name Abram which means the father of 1 Abram took the name of God which means the father of all nations so you see Abraham becoming the father of all nations but John 3 verse number 16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son how can God everyone's out because he took the name Abram which means the father of one so Abram could not operate in the wheel in the prophecy in the promise of God unless changing the name that was holding him there are people watching me right now you are being held in the realms of the Spirit because you are using a wrong identity you are approaching God as Jacob but the angel says I cannot bless you until you switch your name from Jacob to Israel because your spiritual name is Israel you are a nation watch this when the two boys were in their one book God says you are carrying two nations but Esau died without being a nation why he never had access to understand and to know his identity but when Jacobs identity was changed from Jacob to Israel that when he became a nation and fulfilled the prophecy there are some prophecies that I ening in the realms of the Spirit the reason why they are hanging in the spirit is because of one thing you are using the wrong identity God says from today you shall no longer be so you shall be called Paul you are no longer called Pangani you are now called passion the reason why God had to change my name is because the names they held us in the realms of the flesh and the realms of the Spirit now we move from that dimension we go to another dimension Abraham is a prophet that his office but he's not functioning in the functionality of a prophet the Bible declares him as the father of faith why because he is a functioning in faith so he was in the office of a prophet but his functionality was different understand your office understand your name and understand your functionality this man is functioning now he came to Jesus by night why he was ashamed everybody believes that I'm a great man of God all the the temple waits for me as a pharmacy and the rule of the synagogue I ruled the Jews so everybody believes I'm anointed everybody believes I'm highly there are people watching me right now you really don't have the prophetic but you have been using shortcuts to prophesy and now you are ashamed to come and submit and a prophet who can help you to move in the prophetic you need to come to that level where you understand that never be ashamed of the gospel that we preach for it is power to them that believe there are people that are ashamed that all I am rich how can I be seen with this young guys how can I be seen with this much edges that are just starting I'd prefer going to a church with 5000 people 10,000 people a big church ABCD never be ashamed of the gospel that we preach the moment where you see there lies my breakthrough connect in order to collect so that they can be a transformation right in your life the Bible is clear that he came to Jesus by night and he said to Jesus verse number 2 teacher come from God I know you add the rabbi the teacher that coming from God for no man can do these miracles that you do except God is with him there are people that already know that you cannot move in this forensic prophecy you cannot move in this forensic prophecy unless you are with God and now by the power of God he have given me the ability not only to prophesy deep in the forensic level but also to impact to implant the prophetic over the lives of many people that's why I have opened the prophetic school not only for everybody but also another one for other people that desire to move in the forensic people that says oh yes I need to move in the forensic dimension and I feel God speaking to me and you need to make a registration today from next week I will be grooming impacting replicating and inspiring many people and the forensic only a remnant of the people that I said you join with only $500 this one is not for everybody is for few people but what it is now verse number three Jesus is something important that I'm about to shock somebody here Jesus said very verily I say unto you except a man is born again he cannot see she Maxine he cannot see the kingdom of God unless you are born again you cannot see male cabron take EDB ID and coasted evading to run this la-la mundo luminous a Crandall egapp Erica diakon days come caca Gaggia con so unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God what is to be born again to be born again is to receive Jesus Christ therefore spiritually you have been better done physically you were birthed by your mother but spiritually have to be bad by receiving Jesus but that's not enough because this event is clear to say unless you are born again you cannot see so being born again does not take you to heaven it makes you see the kingdom of God it makes you see the kingdom but it does not put you in the kingdom it can only make you see it does not make you and time so because you are born again that when you can start to see angels you can start to hear the voice of God you can start to see yourself driving a car you can start seeing yourself opening a big company you can see things why are you seeing things is because you have been born again right now I can show you my orange juice it doesn't mean that I have given you you can see it but getting it is another thing so the Bible is clear that if you are born again you can see the kingdom if you are not born you cannot see the kingdom that is why pastors have lied to people now that if you receive Jesus and go and sleep around you can go to heaven it doesn't wait like that you can't be born again and enter Heaven because you are born again you keep you keep doing things which God says we continue to do this you will not enter Heaven the Bible says a gluttons drunkards murderers prostitutions they will not enter they will not enter the kingdom of God why is it the Bible saying they cannot enter is because the things you keep doing no matter the blood of Jesus is there it's one thing for you to commit a sin but it's another thing for you to be a sinner so if you receive Jesus and remain a sinner you cannot enter you can only see but what it is now Nicodemus asked you the question how can men be born again while this is already out can he enter into his mother's womb and be born again what's this I'm about to shock you verse number 5 jesus answered verse number 5 very verily I say unto you except a man is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter corporate Akasaka tour now it's no long about to see now it's about entering to be born again jesus' you can see but verse number 5 jesus says very very i say unto you except a man is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter so what makes you enter is not to be born again but is to be born of water and of the Spirit male combro tacos iqra' husky debry so you have to be able to enter enter the Bible is clear in verse number 5 I say unto thee except a man is a born of water and of spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God so we have different beds bed number one is to be born of a woman you are born by your mother that first bet in this world second bed is to be born again unless history says unless a man is born again he cannot see but another bed comes in verse number five les MN is a bowl of water and of spirit so we have the bed of of a woman your mother we have the bed of being born again we have the bread of water and we have the bed of the Spirit for bed then last Badnaam the Bible says whoever is a born of God he cannot see bet number five is to be born of God I'm going to walk through this fight bet for you first bet is to be borne by a woman to be bed by your mother second birth male Cobra seed Abaza mizuka bloody bourgeoisie I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost firstborn is to be borne by your mom second body is to be born again third the bed is to be borne by water third the bed is to be born in the spirit and the last bed is to be belted by God unless a man is born of God he cannot sin wherever is a born of God he cannot sin these are five death that we see in the Bible so second the bed let me sell from that number one and and move with you I want to go with you to the unlocking to function why Jesus went to be baptized when he was already God why did you go to John that's why I'm going with you Molly Cobra da Costa divine station canto Cobra Husky de barajas Kida bahasa ha ha bye aunt a Borgia to be born of a woman what takes place as seed of a man is planted in a woman and a woman conceives a child and it carries a child for nine months but what's this when the child is in the belly or even now the child does not have the blood of the mother the child has the birth the blood of the father but David is clear david says in my mother's womb i was conceived in sin so the sin of Adam comes to everyone when you are conceived in aa mother not when you are born when you are consumed the moment you are being conceived you are being transferred to the sin of Adam why you are connected to your mother through the America cord and a baby that is in the world does not have a spirit the baby says the same spirit with the mother therefore that connects you with the tribal problems of your mother from the mother's womb in my mother's womb I was conceived in sin says David so the moment a woman is conceived that very moment that very second sin is placed in the baby so I want to go with you step-by-step now why Jesus yet to go to Mary why Jesus yet to go to John the Bible is clear inmate 1 best 28 decisions jesus the son of mary the son of Mary which means when Jesus got to be conceived by Mary that very moment what happened sin he was conceived in it that very very very moment but what's this Jesus he had no blood of Mary Jesus yet the blood of the Holy Spirit the Bible is clear that Mary was a found a pregnant with the pregnant of the Holy Spirit not the pregnant of Joseph but the pregnant of the Holy Spirit which means the father of Jesus is not married the father of Jesus is not Joseph the father of Jesus is the Holy Spirit that is why he says when you pray say our Father we our Father but later I am saying I don't do things of my own but what I see my not our Father my father so when Jesus said my father my father he is referring to the Holy Spirit because Mary is found pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit so Jesus in him is the life of the Holy Spirit but in sin he is conceived by men now because it's born of a woman yet to visit John the Baptist why because when you are now being born again through the baptism of water baptism means to be amazed to be totally covered under water and to be lifted again when you are baptized in water your sins I want away they go so the sins that he had located the people from Adam Aqaba Soto the scenes from Abraham Isaac and Jacob the scenes from Jacob - to the to the more bites - Ruth - debit to Solomon the sins that you caused David to sleep with Abigail the sins that called the Solomon - yet 1,000 life Jesus cons was conceived by Mary with all the sins so that when he goes to John the Baptist when he is being baptized or the sins will be washed away cup of satella Cumbre Takeda so unless a man is born of water verse number five he cannot enter the kingdom of God why because no sin can enter the kingdom so whatever is born again can see the kingdom verse number three John traversed a very well I say unto you who except a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom born again makes you see the kingdom verse number five very well I say until except a man is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter verse verse is talking about seeing second verse is talking about entering what makes you enter when you are baptized in water why because in baptism that when sins are washed away so we have the bed of their mother then we have the bed water then we have the bed of being born again by receiving Jesus and we have the bed of the Holy Spirit and then the last bet is the bed of the God of God the BAL says whoever is a born of God he cannot see so the first verses in the book of Matthew 1 verse 20 Jesus the Son of Mary but later on you hear that Jesus is the only begotten of the father when the Bible declares him as the Son of God why he was not born of God so first Betty was born by Mary second bed he received Christ's stead he was able to be baptized in water what he was baptized in the spirit one says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me the Bible says that and Jesus was anointed by the Spirit for God poured his spirit without measure Thank You Holy Spirit but lastly was born of God whoever is born of God he cannot see so you must be able to walk through the bad thing of being born again receive Jesus number to be born of water be baptized number four be born of the Spirit receive him without meza then lastly be born of God where you carry no sin in a spiritual world let me go to what I am here for today why is Jesus going to join the Baptist before we talk about why is he going to John let's see who is John where is John the Bible says John is Elijah who came to prepare the way for Christ so epic John is Elijah what is it that is in Elijah that Jesus is looking for remember remember to be baptized is to die and to be resurrected who is the first person in the Bible to resurrect the dead it's not Adam he never did it it's not Abdullah never did it it's not Abraham he never did it it's not Moses he never did it so who is the first person to resurrect somebody from the dead it's Elijah when the anointing of Elijah went into Elijah the Bible says a dead body was thrown into where the bones were and immediately he came back to life he was resurrected by the anointing of Elijah so Jesus knew that his ministry to die and to be resurrected but that anointing is an Elijah so Jesus needed to go to John who was carrying that anointing of Elijah to resurrect the dead why is he going to Elisha again what is the second reason of going to John to be baptized remember Elijah stood before up watch this and he says the this.rb not read no do not tanda according to my weight he subtly happens he had the power to close the heavens the same anointing was on Elijah and unless I said tomorrow by this time economy is going to change in Israel The Economist television says even if God opened the windows of heaven it cannot happen huh which means the heavens were opened by the same anointing of Elijah so Jesus went to join why John yet did the anointing of Elijah that Nosa to shut the heaven and to open the event that is why when Jesus was amazed when he was baptized the unknown pain which he carried from Elijah was able to unlock the heaven the Bible says when he was baptized he heaven opened Hoka Besant Oh Kimbra Takeda become Gamma Sigma hostility bride and what happened when heaven was opened he had been baptized by water is born of water now that dove came representing the Holy Spirit to be born of the Spirit how Jesus anointed Jesus with this spirit that he went forth and preached the gospel to the poor now what makes him to move in that dimension he had been baptized by water he had been baptized by the Holy Spirit the only reason God is unlocking people today it's because you have received Jesus but being born again only makes you to see the Bible says go unto me and I'll answer you how when you quote to him by accepting him he will show you things he says go unto me and out our an today I'll show you great and mighty hidden things that Jeremiah traversed a I'll show you great and mighty hidden things I'll show you being shown is not been given that's why you have been having dreams that's why you have been having visions that's why you have been seeing things in the spirit but why are they not taking place in the natural you need to enter now if you are born again you can see the kingdom but when you are born of water and spirit you can inherit what is in the kingdom that is why you are failing to inherit your blessing you can see it it can be prophesied to you you can be taught you a prophet you are not functioning in the prophetic way you are not yet born by the water or by the Spirit of God so this number faith is clear to say that unless you are born of water and of spirit you cannot enter Mico prakasam protec a seeker has it I feel a strong unloading macabre CD bansa umbrella kilos a Liga taka ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Baba thank you everybody was giving thank you appreciate ur God's anointing is touching people right now many people are being amassed who cover certainly grass juice cabassa zoom it a little bit I wanna bless somebody massacre Allah as a there are people watching me right now all over the world the anointing of God is coming to set you up in a place of unlocking you push a bazooka ha as God is releasing that dress your anointing will never be the same again after today your life will never be the same again baba santo soon Thank You Holy Spirit I want you to touch the screen right now as I pray for you the Holy Spirit is going to minister something into your spirit and I know your life will never be the same again how Jesus was anointed by the spirit you need to be born and day receive Jesus you need to be born of water and of spirit the Bible's clear that we ever is a point again can see the kingdom verse number five is clear again whoever is a point of water and of spirit who entered the kingdom Mikoto Cavazos a Dalek atrocity departed mr. Devaney rapine approached the agents run along the histological morality sultanim allah intra hasti protocol seiga kaku lumen tender the MU secrecy the brat Ikeda that is why Jesus say it it is better that I go kolcaba son the disciples of Jesus every sitting they are born again they've been baptized by water they are baptized by what about the annuity baptized of the spirit ha so Jesus is available I send to you my disciples shortly you shall be with me certainly you shall not be with me so please don't be with me but I will not permit you for life 1 unless I go he will not come the Holy Spirit can not come unless I go why you need to be born of the Spirit acaba sample you can not be born of the Spirit MSME that is what he said to them in John chapter number 14 I go to the Father and you plea pay you a bless for you to take what you don't have places they want you unrotated born of the Spirit never you have nothing in the register that is why Adam never went to heaven when he died that is why some soon neighborhood that way to heaven we need that that's why Elijah everyone you see in the Old Testament never enter the kingdom why we they would enter in the kingdom they were not the pull of the water and of the Spirit haha co-producer the Bible says when Jesus died he gave up is cause - why because it goes that way that that way dates from the Old Testament the Bible says they were still walking in the streets of Jerusalem why they are now waiting for the baptism of the Spirit so they can be born of the Spirit and enter the kingdom of God that's why Jesus is and the only way to heaven because I'm the one that if you me first born again and also be baptized by water and the technique of the spirit that I came to release how that when you saw entered the kingdom without being born of the Spirit you can go to enter you timett inherit the kingdom of the father kokou Basanti kaya then we have the last level which is being born of God whoever is born of God cannot see Thank You Holy Spirit Malik or entity DB I didn't Quran delica proceed upon Takaya Zink impractical aprica secrecy Doubront Ikeda beyond Kumasi kadhi Oh crud Holloman rheticus es I make the clevis and everybody keep typing I receive I receive I receive everything you can I don't know how many times you're gonna type but keep on receiving and receiving and receiving because I know right now as I speak to you God is touching lives as I speak to you some people were born of the blood some people were born by their mothers that's not it Jesus went further invest number three unless you are born again second time receive Jesus right now type i receiving hahahaha receive jesus right now wherever you are the Bible says if you believe that Jesus died and if that he was resurrected by the father and confess with your mouth you shall be served receive yourself version right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ number three after being born again you need to be born of water yes you need someone who can put you in the water the reason why Jesus is going to join to be baptized by joints because John is carrying the anointing of Elijah and Elijah is the first person to carry the anointing that resurrected someone from the dead hey there is a confusing Vesna as you are receiving there is a confusing mess the confusing verses Jesus is the festive peasant to be resurrected isn't it that the same Jesus said to the young girl Tali Takumi young girl arise the girl was dead and the girl came back to life and the Bible sayings the first person to be resurrected how come Lazarus was a resurrected before Jesus and the Bible is clear to tell us that Jesus is the first person to be resurrected I don't understand do that how come the back was clear that when Elijah died and his bones was carrying the anointing of Elijah and if they took air in a soldier who died and it threw him next to him the Bible is clear that that person came back to life in the Old Testament so how come the Bible declares Jesus as the first one to resurrect from the dead Hoka Besant o pop out that Arabic ah see the reason is because of this death does not take place first in the flesh no it takes place effaced in the spirit then it manifest in the physical realm so when God says Adam do not eat of the fruit which I told you not to eat the Bible is clear that at that moment or Cabasa second Adam when he ate the fruit that day he died spiritually but the manifestation of the spiritual death took place after 900 years so you have to divest spiritually then you've manifest your death physical that's why the Bible is clear that Jesus was the Lamb that was slain from the foundations of this world he was already dead from the foundations of this world when he was born he was born to money that debt Kaba Santo Baha but what it is now when Lazarus died he died the both spiritually and physically but Jesus a rhythm only physically that's why he had to die again Talitha koum a young girl arise she was resurrected in physically only but Jesus was able to be resurrected both in the spirit and in the flesh so he became the only defensive born to be resurrected both spiritually and physically because the Adam died spiritually and from the days of Adam nobody resurrected spiritually they only resurrected physically therefore Jesus became the first one to be born to be resurrected but physically and spiritually God is not enticed or moved by your physical life no Jesus is moved by your spiritual life it is your spiritual life that he is looking after he was born of the woman married with the flesh which means he was a half God half spirit have God half flesh by Mary he was human being by the Holy Spirit he was God so he was God men being God men he came to save everybody from the bondage which Adam introduced to us so what's limiting you to prophesy what's limiting you to function in the prophetic is the scenes of a Adam that needs to be amazed in water unless a man is born of water and of spirit he cannot any Herod the kingdom of God inheritance comes to those that are born of the flesh born of the Spirit why am I saying to somebody I am saying when you are born again you can only see dreams you can only see vision you can only see things but you cannot inherit what you see oh Carlos and PO committee did Allah but there are people that have moved to another dimension to be born of water to be born of the Spirit when you are born of water when you are born of the Spirit it becomes clear enough for you to come to bless a moment where God can touch you and bring a turnaround over your life condi namaste crocodilla cost-reduced allah has a there are people that never spoke in tongues the reason why God could not allow the disciples to God they were not yet born of the Spirit therefore he says tarry in Jerusalem until you are filled by my spirit there is a difference between receiving the spirit and being filled with the spirit in fact there are three dimensions thank you Jesus they add three dimensions and the Spirit of the Lord is upon me is the first dimension the Spirit of God comes upon second dimension receive the Holy Spirit but that dimension is to be filled by the Holy Spirit my God my God you have to come to a place where you are not helping the Spirit of God upon you you are not only having the Holy Spirit you receiving the Holy Spirit you are also filled with the Holy Spirit so Jesus met his disciples and we breathe in two dimensions receive ye the Holy Spirit but later ye say to them go and Atari in Jerusalem until you are filled with the Holy Spirit what will happen if you're filled you function once you are filled with the Holy Spirit you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea in all paths at a most of the world why are they going now Hey they've been unlocked how by Bing porn of the Spirit the only last level of being unloved to function is to be born of the Spirit we have been born again who have been born by our mothers we have been born of water what about to be born of the Spirit zoom it again hatred anointing of the Holy Spirit la Costa Brava mentaiko Brasilia Brazil Agra hostel Hyundai Kalamazoo SCADA be contest now don't register hypocrisy a cozy de in the coast of the oshika de Bain can restate again computer lipoma sit upon the minima who technically the bar right now is I speak to you hahaha Santo receive the Holy Ghost ha ha ha in the name of Jesus the Holy Spirit is filling somebody right now in the name of Jesus being born of the Spirit in the name of Jesus costume also reporter casita property takahasi in Kakaako pepper mapaseka taya Graham Cupra suka disco husky in the mighty name of Jesus Christ watch this Jesus is something important Jesus says among all men important for a woman among all prophets borne by a woman what is this specifying that borne by a woman because you need a different paths in the spirit so among all the prophets that are borne by a woman none is greater than joy why is clearing the spirit and the power of a light once you are born of your mum you are connected to an America college and you see that tip and there is a connection between you and your mother but John was not selling that connection with his mother he was selling the connection with Elijah the Bible is clear that he came in the spirit and in the power of Elijah what is the spirit of Elijah buuck what is the power of Elijah do the spirit of Elijah is the one that carried the anointing that they resurrected is somebody from the dead so for Jesus to resurrect from the dead he needed that anointing he went to Jordan what was the power doing on drug that does the power that made him to shut the heavens and to open the heavens how did he open the heaven the purposes when he prayed seven times he said I see there the services I see the David with a cloud size of the medicine what was the end doing the egg was unlocked in the able to open any rain came down when he loved it heaven was shut there was no way when his overhead the aim was unlocking heaven was open that's why John says I'm not waited to anti symbols and this no I don't want to containers I wanted to put your head for me they sent me handing them with a power of elijah the hell did that upended the heavens I need it on my life in my life so they ever can be opened I am the way to body but if the earth is closed I cannot enter I need to be born under water and the spirit therefore John took him with a patent with that power to open it and messed him in water that was to unlock it and she came back haha Masato going down into the water representing death coming pick with representing reservation he died to the connection of Mary he is elected into the new life and he Christ was released on him as the purposes and ask a child is born by them and us a son is given Christ is given by the part that when the best of us got this this is my only begotten Son this sim that in the Bible says in the book of Matthew chapter 1 based on between that Jesus is the Son of man in the book of John it's not clear that God is saying this is my only begotten Son listen to him looks at the 3 also says this is my only son listen to him how when he was baptized in water going down he does the same power of Elijah that resurrected someone from the dead roars impact we now need a new life never left to be opened the same Elijah who you go up close behaviour in the days of up and opened it in the days of hellas if the one who's now using his hands to open the heavens now purposes and the heavens were open and what happened that's till it came down in form of adapt why is the switch for me to break in in the born in being both of the state so you need to be born of your mum you already you need to be born again you're really sick Jesus you need to be born of water you are ready baptized now you need to be born of the Spirit you need to be born of the Spirit let me repeat it again they have faith bet number one being born by you by your mom number two be born again receive Jesus number three be born by water and of the Spirit John three verse five unless a man is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God number four be born of the Spirit number five people of God whoever is born of God you cannot see now when you are born like this when you're born of your mom is already done both of these but again you sick Jesus is done born by water your bath that is done now you need a Holy Spirit of batteries something in you hahahahahahahaha as you are born of the Spirit I tell you your life will never be the same again it's easy to see it's easy to function it's easy to prophesy it's easy to operate in the poetic it's easy to operate in a dimension which you've never been and God is selecting somebody corporate office or door it's not to be borne by your mother you're ready get back to you it's not about to be born and dead you already received Jesus it's not only to be born of water you already baptized John three verse five says unless you're born of water and of the Spirit ha you cannot inherit the kingdom inheritance comes to those who are both of the water and of the Spirit do you need a warning box this afternoon ha ha ha ha as the Spirit comes upon you and fill you from the crown of your head to the source of the people Jesus's it is like a wheel we see which comes from where it's going nobody knows wait stomach nobody knows which it's going why it is as if of the one what is the mode of the spirit that's why people would understand in the next season God is unlocked in you to function by listening the Holy Ghost Scottie push that about ikkaku mercy today and the Holy Spirit commits upon you your life will never be the same again I see a transformation and make compromises exultation that is about to come into your life lastly unless and main is a bowl of God she can put any candy to the kingdom poor cover Santo unless a man is born of God he cannot see that's the last point you need you can pray but you've got back to masturbation you've been praying you go back to see the big kabosh a cat amazeen with great adultery right now receive it will break fornication but now receive it with brakeline spirits receiving with great property we break any type of sin that caused you to stack up in the ways of God may the Holy Ghost come upon you reborn again and again and again and again and again in the mighty name of Jesus ha ha ha ha Capricciosa copernica be octane c'mon de la musica practica pasta for allah hasta que tenga and they condemn hunt the Eternity a cobra has it and the constable olga aprajita drosophila has to be brought together in the mighty name of Jesus the Lord is speaking to me right now but I'm touching both that are hungry and thirsty for the next move of the Holy Spirit I'll baptize you by my spirit ha ha - you promised spirits as my word says John indeed baptized with water but I baptized him with the Holy Ghost and fire I released my spirit upon thee if I did in the book of except number 2 I release my Holy Spirit they saw his fire they got baptized you have been filled by my spirit says the spirit of a living God who kratong la Mesita Barone take a brewski Doubront khadiyah kozo monday Kapadia Kosh monday Kapadia coucher combi mama mama cara de de de de de de grande read about Sato luminary Katie akka protocol Sunday oh thank you Jesus I want you to type your testimonial thank you Jesus Oh Yandy readyboost SATA Baja Monica para kuva sundaramma ha Brenda copra taco Socorro Jose now before I make you ask your questions what's this why is it John the Baptist's yet the five thousand people that he was baptizing before Jesus him there were soldiers he baptized them there were teachers he baptized the teachers there were necessary baptized the nurses there were drunkards they were every kind of person persons were there people were there everybody was there Jesus baptized everybody but why is it heaven was not opening when Jesus Christ was baptizing these people why is it when John was baptizing people only when Jesus came even open one massacro CC Doubront a caddy why is it when Jesus is being baptized that's when heaven is open why number one Jesus is coming to join with humbleness he says to the Pharisees that were then I say unto you if you have two coats give one to your neighbor give one to someone without they were standing there and they were not moving at all they were not doing anything they are coming as a custody they are coming as a tradition they are coming because it's what's in the season they are coming because it's what everyone else is doing but when Jesus is coming to John he is not coming because it's in the customer he's not coming because it's a tradition he's not coming because everyone is doing it Jesus hardbodies himself he's coming with all humility Thank You Holy Spirit Cara become Radia come Kumasi g'day hae-yun de anima so be at a aporia Kotaku learn to break yourself and the humble yourself you may say I'm a middle name I'm a rich berry I don't need any money non-union humble yourself humble yourself enough when you approach and men we have the ability to unlock you Jesus is more powerful than John Jesus is better than John Jesus is coming from the house of a carpenter a businessman Jesus is temple better than John John is living in the wilderness Jesus is coming from your house but Jesus humbled himself he look to pass all that when everybody's looking at John is just a John Jesus could not even John perceiving that Jesus is great in this ways what what happened she was able to come to one place my combi mercy Clara has got a bride where John is telling him I am not worthy to untie your son knows this is no no no no no no no I don't want you to save me I want to save you I want you to do as you can do John says I'm not worthy Muraki Masika Baja de la mirada Bosque in the Makabe Diaco so God is speaking to somebody right now learn to humble yourself learn to connect in order to collects lend to be in the right place so that you can be unlocked it doesn't matter that John is the creation of Jesus watch it is now it doesn't mean I'm better than you if I'm unlocking you know it means you're greater than me that is why spiritual fatherhood is not for everyone spiritual father wood is for the people that are highly code and ranked by God the church and pastors are for everybody who is born again but if fatherhood is not for everyone fatherhood is for people that are highly anointed people with a special column because the father's they don't put anything in their sons the problem you are not receiving anything from your father's because you are coming in wrong approach you are coming expecting to receive what in him I can give you me because if I give you me what am I going to be left with the duty of a father is to identify what you have not identified in you because God never created anyone bigger or better than anybody God created everyone with the special special distinct things in their lives we have your only unique test your only unique anointing that no one else in this world health the problem is you don't know as God look into the waters and says let a ground comfort the water I had no idea that it was carrying ground it was showed oh I was carrying all this darkness never had any idea that it was carrying light until God says come forth therefore you don't have any idea of what's in you unless a father unlocks refuse what's in you so father's they don't put anything in you but they unlock what you're ready the problem with people that are caught they say I already professor why should I find a father I already healed the sick why should I find the fun Oh profit person is of a forensic class $500 forensic class for the woman that would bring a 10 around for people to begin to operate in the forensic to see names to hear the voice of God in a higher level to call genealogy prophecies to see angels and fellowship or why I'm already caught by God and that is why we have to be part of it because it's not for people that are not caught Jesus Joe never put anything in Jesus John only unlogged what was already in Jesus hey I prophesied to people right now be unlocked by the power of the Holy Spirit be unlocked wherever you are car Bosco I bless everybody giving thank you for the revelation I pray in the name of Jesus I want you to ask questions right now ask your questions la la boum Braddy Acosta naman Brady Acosta Levante ask your questions as you ask your questions I'm going to pray for you Jacque Oba Diah compra de Geer coach Don Thomas today has a la la mascota Christi the brass to debride ballet cabron the key D be consoled sonsaku's da da ba a Congo you ask your questions I answer you your question I'm going to unlock some people some people you're going to speak in tongues for the first time some people you are going to see things for the first time people that can be churches that if someone was taken to the heavens someone saw Abraham someone saw you know some people saw angels yesterday in our church why the power unlocking this is the month to be unlocked to function operate in the fullness of the ability of what God placed in you what is the assignment of a spiritual father it is to identify your identity to tell you what you are quote to do what is your mind landed on this apron when is your time to function and also to unlock the ability that is inside of you and the very moment that abilities are lost your life will never be the same again why am i struggling with finances for five years you need to be a strict Giver tight protects but offering multiplies tight also open windows offering pause the blessing the Bible says if you're tight I'll open the windows in heaven if you give offerings I'll put the blessing that there will be no room to contain so tight makes the windows to be open but if you don't give offerings there will be no release so if you don't type there's a release about the windows who block you not receive anything if you tight only and don't give offerings windows will be opened but there is no release from the event so you must be in tighten offerings if you have done that for the past five years your life will never be the same again America Court represents connection for collection it connects you with the boom with with your mother so you can collect whatever is in your mother that is why Moses was born a Levite he is a prophetess but by Beth he was qualified to be a elevate why because the court in which was connected to was of a Levite prophet we have always been taught that the baptism is representing our heard in the spirit but that by accepting Christ and what he did on the Calvary and he serves us what is the obedience of baptism but baptism itself does not wash away sins why are you saying baptism in is of washes away your sins I'll find the best for you and that we yup everybody here la compra de Musique raha school [Music] thank you all this spirit I'll find the rest that is good for you [Music] it's chapter number two verse 38 it says if Peter replied when people were saying oh yeah we want all these things and he replied to them and says repent be baptized neither be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of ours for of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit when you are born again you are brought you are brought by his blood you belong to him now but if you are baptized moment you are dipped into the waters you die together with him you are resurrected with a new life the old life is worth away and the new life have been resurrected so you have to understand the levels to salvation that is why I say you can be born again and go to hell why because the Bible says that drunkard murderous gluttons prostitutes will not inherit the kingdom of God why are you not entering the kingdom when you already receive the Jesus because people say when we receive Jesus all the sins are forgiven and it's done you are going to heaven now you need to enter into that level where you are baptized by water you are baptized of the Spirit why Jesus is clear in John 3 verse 5 that a very well I say unto you except a man is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God please prophet pray for me pay my depths my kiss is urgent let's ask the let's ask the questions according to the teaching that I'm giving you right now [Music] I've been getting a lot of reasons about my future calling but I don't know how to progress what do you recommend for me to be unlocked that is what we were saying verse number three John 3 verse 3 says jesus answered and said unto him very verily I say if you are born again you can see the kingdom of God what you're experiencing is verse number three to go to verse number five now very well I say until except you are born of water and of the Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom you need to be born of water and of the Spirit I am Catholic I have taken baptism in the name of Jesus and I speak in tongues should I take baptism again no if you already baptized you're baptized is not about denominations it's not about being in fashion Java ministries Kingdom Embassy or any other churches no it's never body Church so bad being born there levels of being born festive level is to be born by a woman second level is to be born of water second levels to receive Jesus dead levels to be born of water for the neighbors to be born of the Spirit last level is to be born of God whoever is born of God he cannot sin says the Bible how do you unlock people who fail to see and professor just join the prophetic school or learn from more videos that I teach you especially two days ago I did twenty five signs you are called to be a prophet patty two we can rewatch it is powerful mieka by issue they are daenam arrest to divine station I'm going to come here and pray and conclude everything about today and released the Holy Spirit to people double-oh-seven is going to come and give it update about the a $500 month payment of our prophetic forensic class and also remember we have a class for everybody which is all about $60 and also we have the good music that I placed there which is only $1 to get the music god bless you double-o seven cometh and then our coming does everybody [Music] [Music] my god my god that was powerful such a wonderful teaching from my father and Lord prophet passion Java and every time he starts to speak and the revelations that he speaks in such depth and such wisdom that you know you've never heard it before it's like you read the scriptures but it's like something new every single time just downloaded straight from heaven we're so excited that we get to have such a great man of God in our in our lifetime and in this generation he's definitely the prophet of America and the greatest prophet that I know I've traveled the world to different countries I've served under other men of God but truly truly and truly I saying I have not yet encountered a prophet like my father and Lord prophet passion Java he has changed my life he has grew me has grown me he has put me in the level where I've never thought I'd be he gave me a platform that I've never thought I would actually be able to step on where Tenzin 1570 80,000 people get to watch me all around the world get to speaking to be in the shoes of my father I'm just so excited I'm so blessed to be in my father's shoes and under his covering and under his anointing this in this um this month March like my father and Lord said this is the month of the forensic prophecy in a prophetic school you do not want to miss this opportunity this opportunity is opportunity of a lifetime to be able to be unlocked in the forensic what is forensic forensic is calling out names calling out numbers being looking in the realms of the spare your eyes in the spiritual world are open you see the invisible world you see the world that is there but is not visible to your eyes just like the wind you can't see them but yet the wind is coming from the invisible world the things you get to learn in this prophetic school is so powerful and in such in depth that it's mind-boggling you can't grasp it you do not want to miss this opportunity to join prophetic school this month of March the price is $500 and why do we say $500 may seem like such a large amount but what you're gonna receive is not even worth $500 it's worth millions of dollars to receive the knowledge in the part 8 and impartation to receive such great knowledge and such great impartation from our 1919 man of god profit passion java you do not want to miss this opportunity to be alive and to be to receive this class and be part of this class I say you have to be you have to take this up again even if you have to borrow money from whoever even if you have to go to the bank and get a loan make sure you sign up for this prophetic class because this preferred class will change your life forever what am I saying even I've started receiving my interpretation I can already start prophesying to people going to people and start the same I see this happening I see this and then people start to cry and start and say how did you know who told you I've never met the people in life just maybe like a week ago I came into a carve I was coming from the gym and I entered into a car uber driver I didn't know the person simply I just saw the person watching up for a profit from South Africa and I started to talk to her and I said oh you know my father and Lord is a prophet too and she was like oh wow that's awesome I've been looking for a mentor I've been looking for someone that mentor me in to move into my calling so she's like oh start the prophesied to me and I'm like ah you know I had a and I'm like my eyes are open I'm seeing you in the realms of the Spirit I'm seeing that you have a divorce going to your family I'm seeing that you're moving from divorce to divorce you every put every member of your family has divorced I see the spirit of long list upon you every part of your family everyone is lonely they have they can't get married and as I'm seeing you going through demonic attacks in your dreams you're being attacked you're waking up confusing you don't know what's going on and she starts bawling and starts crying and she can't believe she like who are you she like you're an angel because no one knew these things people I've never told my mom my father my friend my boyfriend my nobody I've told like how did you know I said I'm just under the covering that I'm 19 of my father prophet passion Java impartation is real all I'm trying to tell you guys is that when you join this school your life will never be the same make sure you join this mother March is an opportunity of a lifetime forensic prophecies it's deep it's too too deep deep deep deep deep trust me me being double-oh-seven I've received my impartation and I'm the norm God has taken me from glory to glory to glory and I'm truly blessed to be part of it and I want you to be part of it too I don't want to be selfish and take it all for myself I want you to be part of it and the conference we just had a conference in this conference was so powerful we have so many people their lives being touched my father and Lord went so deep in that prophetic going back going back so many hundreds of years back and then forensic prophesying started going back and saying what's the problem what's the root cause of the problem let me let me tell you guys forensic prophecy is a real and we have a prophet of our generation prophet passion Java that can unlock it I just want everybody that is that is listening and that is hearing my voice I want you to find a seat of 218 dollars and why am I saying 218 because I want this $218 is gonna represent unlocking being unlocked in the prophetic for this year so God can start opening your eyes I want you to look it down and say God I want this and as you saw this scene you just saw this seat into into a platform and into the unknown on my father and lord prophet passion Java and this anointing will all lock you in the prophetic it will start to open your eyes you have prophetic dreams you start to dream of what's gonna happen tomorrow you're gonna start dreaming the means of places you've been through you never been to but next day you wake up and you end up going to the exact same place you started seeing those exact same people that you saw in your dreams your eyes will be open you'll be you look at a person and say I don't know why but I've seen the spirit of lust upon you I'm seeing you having attacks every time you go back home you start looking at pornography and you try to stop but you can't stop because the Spirit is tormenting you and then gonna say I'm gonna pray against our spirit and the moment you pray the unknown to be released 3 in hands through the impartation of my father in the Lord and this impartation will break that curse but will deliver it that person from the spirit of lusts and you'll be shocked it will be shocked to know that the anointing impartation is real just four days ago three days ago my father Lord brought two of his daughters he anointed them here part of them and they started calling names they started calling up things people's ages and names they started calling out I'm seeing someone in this country I'm seeing this some of this country you're struggling with takes you're struggling with this people started confirming and people say yes that's me that's me prophesy they started prophesying the people and receive deliverance and their life was never the same I'm telling the impartation is real people don't believe people think it's a it's a it's a gimmick it's a scheme let me tell you I'm proof of it if God can do it in my life God can do in yours I'm telling you start look down deep and say God how bad do you really want it you have to know that - what if you want to be unlock the prophetic you need to sew into someone who is there when someone is there like my father and lord prophet passion Java then you sew into it and you get a part of him and part into you it's called training the 90 you trained you saw your seat and you trained as you give your seed it gives you part of his spirit into you and impartation happens you start to see dream you start to see visions I want you to look down and say god oh god I want to if I saw my seat of $218 I want my life to never be the same I want to be unlocked in the prophetic I want to move in the forensic your life will never be the same I'm proof of it the sons of God far are all proof of it every son every daughter you see they move in the prophetic you see that they start calling out names they start going in the realms of the Spirit I'm no longer here they start to go into different countries they start to go to the houses they walk into houses get the physical body is right where they are in their house yet they are there in the house and they say I see ouch I see number four five two people oh my god that's my house number let me tell you shock you this operation impartation is real I want you to find a sea of 218 so into the into the ministry and my father and lord prophet passion Java and this will shock you of impartation that you'll receive make sure you do it make sure you standing you say God as I saw my seat I want you I want my eyes to be open I want my eyes to see then visit the world I want to walk I want to move in the chariot of fire I want to be able to say I'm no longer here I want to be able to move in the forensic and in the word of wisdom word of knowledge I want to move in all aspects of prophetic and let me tell you it would happen I'm proof of it I've been she's no more there dad got here every time I watch like ISO ISO because I know the power of sowing the power as long as you sow and you receive for you to get something first you need to release something the moment you release something you are you are actually taking something back let me tell you spice the power of sowing seed is so powerful people believe why do you body people keep saying so so so it's not for the prophets benefit it's where your benefit what am I mean David double-o said explain let's let me go a little deeper as you sow into the ministry not only doors windows of heaven are open and floods a financial start to come to you so I'm starting the business and I can't seem to get a breakthrough in my finances I can't seem every time I hit a door a hit a hit a wall let me tell you the power of the seed has the power to break through that wall the powerless he has has the power to - God says in his word test me in this why does he say test where does it say anywhere in the Bible to test me nowhere else it says test meanness that I'm faithful that I will multiply what you sow so I want you guys to look down deep and say how bad do I really want I prove I'm everybody encounter even yesterday I'm driving home from what we went to a different we went to Virginia we're driving back home and I'm sitting there and I'm driving with my apostle and evangelist Tim and I started to prophesy Jamie's like prophesied to me and I'm not ok I'll start to form like I'm seeing somebody dining your family he's like he's like he's like how'd you know my mother my mom when she was she she was two months pregnant her baby died in her womb and I say I say how do you know oh my I don't know my eyes are open and I saw it and then I say the pain is still there and I say I'm rebuke in that pain I'm I'm causing that pain to leave now as I speak the pain is no longer there but see the importation is real you need to take part of this this school of March you need to join it be part of it your life will never be the same I'm proof of it many people every son and daughter of golfers are proof of it make sure you join and your life will never be the same find a seat of 218 be part of this join the prophetic school marching your life will never be the same you'll be unlocked in the forensic prophecy it zip tu-tu-tu-tu-tu deep but your life will never be the same we also have programs of one-on-one what our programs are 101 you may ask me double-oh-seven explain the 101 our programs is where you get to call the Prophet one-on-one let me tell you I've been to two three four different prophets around the world and to talk to a prophet one-on-one it doesn't happen let me tell you it's not no no he only heed the nice phone calls of presidents other prophets that I've been to they didn't have phone call the presidents I don't want to speak to them because they keep calling keep calling him but prophet passion Java is only this one I want program is limited you think this program is gonna last one when I'm winning one is when we're gonna have hundreds of thousands of people he's there's no way he's gonna be able have time this is grace the level of grace is so high for you to receive a prophetic word to receive a calling to receive your purpose what what is God saying about your situation prophet passion Java is the mouthpiece of God he speaks of what is in the spiritual realm because first for something to happen physically first has a minute it's already done in the spiritual world and he he doesn't say something that's not there he reveals light on something that's there he Oh only thing he doesn't says what is already done in the spiritual world so people say I'm going through divorce problems I don't know a prophet prophet help me I need to know what's my next move what's my next direction he says well in the realms of the spear my eyes are open he starts going deep and saying exactly what I have what's the problem what's the root cause what's the demon that's behind his divorce he speaks against the root the demon leaves the marriages is restored why he's a prophet he's a man of God prophet of our generation so he signed up for this program one I want and get to speak to the Prophet one-on-one while this opportunity is still there they're graceful leave very soon the grace will leave you need to take this opportunity so you know what before the grace leaves before I had one day you won't be able to meet prophet he's gonna be flying all around the world he'll be in America once or twice a week and then he'd been different countries take this opportunity when he says one I want this he were really your calling he were real the problems that you have he were to reveal the gifts that you have he'll lock you in the gifts that you have people say I want to be unlocked but how can you be unlock if you have no one to unlock you ever thought ever think about that say oh I always feel I have to give the prophecy upon my life I always had dreams and visions but you're not functioning you're the ability of God wants you to function you say I want to see but you can't just see it's not how it works there's called you have to be under a prophet under anointing that allows you to be opened this anointing on my father Lord prophet passion job is nothing like I've ever seen before for him to say I'm no longer here he starts calling up that country's the road he starts going through those streets and saying this is the street they see I've seen this is the house I see this is the color I'm seeing two four five oh my god that's my house number and now he's walking in the houses I see a brown calf SEO or a creamish color rug I see your kitchen on the left side I see that you have a door right there this door is actually broken you have to turn the knob in a certain way because that you cannot open the door because it's not as broken how can someone know that you how can you be here and be at the person's house at the same time I'm telling you this is a profit of our generation you do not want to miss this opportunity cost sign up for one I want in your life will never be the same remember we have our prophetic services on Thursdays these Thursdays are still there like I said that grace is limited very soon it's gonna be so so someone and so many people come into the services that you won't be able to be able to receive a prophetic word so come join this prophetic service and your life will never be the same this is double-oh-seven son of the Prophet passion job signing out may you be blessed may your life never be the same so your seed sign up for the prophetic school sign up for one-on-ones and let me tell you your life will never be the same god bless you God increase you may there be a turnaround in the rooms of the Spirit amen he speaks is a great quite an elusive I accepted some few people in my life by devil or seven other people just to race them in the prosthetic and profane it it takes grace to be accepted by the men of God because many men of God they are not like us many men of God will never give you four tactics secret statistic but there are some people that I have left from my heart to just say I'm gonna take this one to another matter right now from the from now up to the Mount of end of every God who finished the assignment he gave me for my wife on the month of June you will be shot down my wife will be moving around the world doing mighty things in the prophetic to touch lives in order and I have a lot of sons that God is making right now I after watching me right now I have a lot of sons that God is making you will see it soon I'm going to pray right now let it be your desire wherever you are to say I want to move and the mandate of my colleague and the mechanism of the will of God that has for me God that made me this way I want the ability I'll always remember when the unknown thing comes upon you use it according to your own colleague don't imitate somebody don't run out move with me don't turn keep the bin you are not good as 2nd person you are coleus you up i met a prophetic declaration everybody type i received right now begin to receive this I pray for you I wanna make a prophetic declaration there is a man by the name of Gabriel he finished all the money that was the left for our computer sending Mohammed return I'm going to bless everybody it has been a blessing to us focus on top and I'm going to release the anointing for it just follow with me remember just because a Landsat forward aligned something happened into the light of a lighter so I'm in their lap of a lesson by photo being the man of God so I'm going to pray right now already light because you are following this page because you follow me on youtube on Instagram on Facebook there is something that is gonna take place in your life and your life will never be the same again I want you to touch the screen if you can if you are not feeling well this anointing will cut up for you to another level if you are in whatever situation you are but above all be unlocked to function in the functionality of the prophetic non-core taker who's that idea corporate es de in the mighty name of Jesus part I cry on behalf of everybody touching the screen everybody hear in my voice a lot I'm driving there in the house when the plane that in the train then the ship were everday up I make a prophetic declaration made up Holy Ghost come upon them right now in the mighty name of Jesus receive the Holy Ghost cutting comprar hasti and I know some people they don't understand when we pray like this wow that's it yay in the name of Jesus is the name that gives everything in the realms of the Spirit all you have to do is to believe and receive the distance is not a career focus on top morena the copper ever disturbed run de l'alma Tretiak instead of unpretty a Kazakh and Kunta cop rowdy Acosta I prayed that to receive the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ make the family custom upon you may she release and anointing that would bring accept formation in your life right now it is done in Jesus mighty name Amen god bless everybody today is gonna be the last day of our February prophetic school and next week we will be starting our match school we had released the so asana you can go to the website and get it only for the drug may the anointing of God keep on rising upon your life may God keep what empowering youth we will be coming back here again tomorrow to bless you then from next week we are not coming out every day we are going to find selected dates which will be coming to bless people and to increase the favor I know some people who want us come out heavily but you still need to go back to some previous videos and what and man as we also develop ourselves to do other things we are starting all new branch in New York City first week of every every Wednesday and also I am I am contributing to Bahamas this 12 13 and 14 with Bishop Noel Jones will be in Bahamas Mossad then also on the 16th to the 18th time in UK London meet me there tell a friend to somebody in UK come and meet the prophet of God who's coming with Jesus to bring a turn around and buy over the lives of many people on the 26th of March I will pass the bill him in California meet me then God is gonna be blessed us through the hands of pastor been healed and they also are the visiting my branches in Africa mainly South Africa this appeal first of first week of May so first week of May I am in South Africa Cape Town to inspect and we'll give you more details may God keep on keeping on raising you up higher higher and higher until you reach the heights Foyle I bless everybody watching me I know you have been blessed I know you have learned I know some people you were read in other religion but my advice is to go back to the scriptures and set in the scriptures that you may learn something may God bless you may God increase you this is the gaffer prophet passenger sign not a
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 32,633
Rating: 4.7393937 out of 5
Id: 2K8BUATj8aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 50sec (6230 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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