How to hear the voice of God- Part 6 LIVE!-with Apostle Innocent Java #howtohearthevoiceofgod #Java

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i was moving in 1854 i saw two men in russia and i'm taken in the book of daniel your brother's what daniel this prophecy is called the biblical prophecy [Music] [Music] god bless everybody this is prophet hope cause this month i have been given a mandate to pray for 2 000 women that are going through spiritual attacks if you are going through spiritual bondage right now spiritual husbands you are eating in your dreams a spirit of end time marriage you are getting into relationship after relationship no one marries you this is a sign that you need to be delivered i have made time out this month to be praying for 2 000 women and i want you to go and register right now on the website this is a mandate that has been given by god and i want your life to be better and i want you to testify of god's goodness so go and register right now because this is your time to be delivered you have not been owning anything in your life everything you get you lose it anxiety pain depression this is the time for it to come to an end register now prophet [Music] blessings to everybody watching may god bless you all may god increase you in the mighty name of jesus christ i believe everyone is well and i believe everyone is blessed shalom to everybody watching blessings to everyone blessings to everyone blessings to everybody watching in jesus name if you can hear me just type you can hear me so that i know that i'm speaking to someone and someone is able to hear me blessings to everybody blessings to everybody watching me right now god bless you all god bless you all god bless you all quickly let's share the broadcast to our family and friends let's share the broadcast to our family and friends let's share the broadcast to our family and friends uh if you're watching me on facebook kindly share the broadcast three times to your family and to your friends to your loved ones to everybody watching jesus name and share the broadcast as many people as we can in jesus name god bless everyone good morning to everybody good morning to everyone blessings to everyone i can see people watching from youtube i see keisha kisha the elias god bless you i see minister clammy lessons to you from youtube blessings i can see janet akamo god bless you lalita kumari the borah figaro blesses to you in the name of jesus christ blessings to everybody who is connected to the broadcast i want you to share the broadcast i want you to share the broadcast quickly and let everybody know that we are live we are here today and lives are going to be shifted catapulted elevated from one level of grace to another i can see people are watching from facebook princess tia god bless you karabo arambilla listens to you raymond god bless you toriso dimzer god bless you amen i can see just let me know where you're watching us from i'll be very happy and glad to know who is joining us today in the broadcast and where they are watching us from okay watching from zimbabwe that's tina tender [Music] god bless you favor john is watching from india blessings to you junior joshua is watching from zimbabwe listens to you urina richardson is watching from new york florida is in the building california is in the building god bless everybody here kelvin lopez is watching um okay no sounding zoom you can't hear me these people and fix them days on them i'm telling you can you hear me now can you hear me you cannot hear me okay can you hear us yes people can hear us now god bless you god includes you and god bless everybody just share the link with your friends and family and make sure that we are connected together and something new is about to take place just make sure something good and something new connect in order for you to collect in jesus name praise god praise god quickly share the broadcast to as many people as we can today we're going to talk about the voice of god we're going to talk about the voice of god hearing the voice of god and yesterday we had a very powerful session where we spoke about the voice of god with a technical glitch on facebook but we were live on youtube and on zoom we had a perfect time in the presence of god it was powerful it was on point it was excellent people's lives were altered and shifted but i put it to one level of glory to another and yesterday explained they're saying the volume is low yesterday i explained or maybe my voice is low please help me all right can you hear me can you hear me all right they can hear me it's fine so yesterday we spoke about the voice of god and we spoke about the voice of god in the prophetic we spoke about the voice of god in connection with the prophetic what takes place when you hear the voice of god whenever god has given you an assignment to speak to certain individuals or an assignment to be a prophet because many people are watching us here you you you have a belief uh some it has been confirmed that you are called in the prophetic in some it has been confirmed that god is going to use your mighty you put this on church also god is going to put your mind god's going to use you mightily in the prophetic but many people they don't know how the voice of god operates and i was teaching people yesterday the the voice of god if you really want to understand the voice of god operates in the prophetic it's very very important and i gave people instructions yesterday and god bless everybody that follows the instruction amen god bless everybody that follow the instruction so i spoke about um born prophets and i spoke about born prophets and how god can speak to born prophets they are those who are born to become prophets then there are those who are called into the prophetic then there are those who become prophets so these are three dimensions of the prophetic i spoke about yesterday remember before i proceed before i continue i want us to give our daily offering i want us to give the best you can or we can in the presence of god i want us to go to and giving our daily offering for the day so wherever you are wherever you're watching i want you to take out the best you can give if possible just give your 24 offering uh just give your 24 offering offering give the best you can and as you do so i want you to let me know when you are done giving off and i'm giving my offering right now kindly go to and giving your daily offering amen just go and give in your daily offering and after you're done just type done go going and giving you daily offering go to and giving your daily offering remember last time i spoke to you and i said that when you give your offering it's not a form of religion given your offering is principle it's something that when you do it opens certain portals over your life remember i spoke to certain people here and i said sacrifice enables you to hear the voice of god especially morning sacrifice daily sacrifice even your sacrifice enables you to hear the voice of grant you write it down if you're watching on facebook just type it sacrifice enables you to hear the voice of god if you want to hear the voice of god in a constant manner in a constant way you need to teach yourself to make sacrifices all the time the bible says when solomon gave his sacrifice the lord had to come into his house the lord had to speak to him face to face why because a sacrifice provokes the heart of god so sacrifice enables god to speak to you praise god so quickly if you are done giving your offering just type i'm done i'm going to pray for you um keisha d elias god bless you for your offering uh harish um darker god bless you for your offering amen praise god god bless everybody giving their offerings god bless everybody giving their offerings sacrifice enables you to hear the voice of god when you give in your offering whenever you give in even your offering you provoke the voice of god every time you give in your sacrifice solomon did it and the lord visited him and the lord began to speak to him face to face solomon did it and the lord spoke to him audibly am i talking to somebody here so sacrifice provokes the voice of god abram is on his way to sacrifice his only son and the bible declares and the bible says when he did it he was about to kill his son the voice of god came and he said now i know that you love me some of these sacrifices we are being told to give god is testing where our heart is with him you understand so it's very important for us or even for you for me to obey the voice of god whenever he speaks so quickly for the last time i'll say this quickly go to prophet and give the best offering you can give it can be an offering of 24 dollars do it do it quickly do it and after you're done just type i'm done after i'm done just have i'm done praise the lord oh all right god bless everybody that's giving their offerings may god increase you may god bless you may god prosper you may god enlarge your territory in jesus mighty name you are about to experience a supernatural shift in your life in the mighty name of jesus lift up your hands wherever you are or just type amen wherever you are i want to speak a morning blessing a special morning blessing over your life heavenly father we thank you for your children your sons and your daughters present today in this broadcast father we know that after today there is going to be an elevation there is going to be a shift there is going to be a lifting you are taking their lives from one day of glory to another you are elevating them from one level of glory to another and i pray father that nowhere conformed against them or prosper everybody watching here they are receiving an elevation they are receiving a lifting not only a lifting but a shift in the mighty name of jesus christ malika baiden esther mendez in the mighty name of jesus christ somebody shout amen just type amen just type amen in jesus mighty name prophetess naomi god bless you for offering and if anyone else is still giving their offerings quickly go to and give your offering of 24. the special blessing there will be a special blessing that will rest upon your life somebody just type amen and amen in jesus name oh yes thank you jesus i'm going to move very quick but at the same time i'm going to move in the prophetic very quick i want to be a special blessing to people today and i want your life to be catapulted shifted elevated from one level of glory to another in jesus name hallelujah so i was saying sacrifice enables you to hear the voice of god any man from the portion of scripture that made a sacrifice unto the lord the bible says then the lord spoke to them the bible says and then noah built an altar unto the lord he is made a sacrifice unto the lord and the lord spoke to him right the bible says and then cain and abel made sacrifices before the lord they gave before the lord and then the lord spoke to them even though cain offering was refused by god right even though cain's offering was refused by god still god spoke he made it clear that he did not answer his prayer because of disobedience do you understand what i'm talking about so everyone from the portion of scripture that we have understood everybody who gave a sacrifice the lord spoke to them all right sally having god bless you for your offering so whenever you present an offering not only an offering a sacrifice before the lord especially on a place of an altar the lord will definitely speak how does the lord speak how does god speak god speaks from a place of an out god speaks from a place of an outer how does god speak god speak from a place of an out you want to hear god some of you you want to even hear god audibly develop number one a character of sacrifice may your life be a life of sacrifice that's the first thing number two make sure you have an outer a prayer outer every time you go on and out you are going with a sacrifice someone was asking me yes they were asking me with a clear conscience in the clear mind why because they wanted to understand how this thing of outers work as i'm speaking those who are watching on facebook i want you to participate as much as you can the same as those who are watching here on zoom i want you also to participate in as much as you can because um today's message is going to help you a lot all right so someone was asking me man of god do you mean that every time i go on my out i have to present a sacrifice and i said yes because you are going before the lord the bible says thou shalt not go before the lord empty-handed which means every time you go before the lord you must present something as a gift do you want to say what i'm talking about and whenever you go before the lord with something in your hand the lord will definitely now speak to you because you have presented something so in other words the sacrifice provokes the voice of god to speak to you like i mentioned in the beginning of this broadcast there is nobody that went before the lord with a sacrifice and the lord never spoke the lord would have to speak no matter what the lord would speak so god speaks to us from a place of an altar every time we go to an altar and we present a sacrifice god is able to speak noah built an altar and after that the lord speak to him on how to build an ark so in other words whenever you make or present a sacrifice god will then come with his voice to direct you where you're supposed to go there are many people that are praying man of god i need to know where my purpose is i need to know where my destination of life is what i'm supposed to be achieving and doing in life and the truth that i always tell people is building out raising out your chosen god bless your offering whenever you're raising out or whenever you're building out or whenever you present something on us on on the out as a sacrifice i guarantee you god will come and he'll speak to you and like i said to you yesterday and the day before yesterday when he speaks to you you don't need any confirmation from any man that the lord has spoken to you because you would have known you will know you'll bring a lot of confirmation when he speaks so many people they want to hear god out of principle why because they claim that they're children of god why because they claim that they are loved by god god should speak to them why because they saw one miracle happening through their hands why because they saw one prophetic word being uttered through their mouth and they feel that god is entitled to speak to them to certain people god has forgotten them to certain people god is just silent in their lives what do i mean when i say god has forgotten them god literally forgot the children of israel his own people and then later on the bible says and then god remembered the children of israel but what made god to remember the children of israel it was the outer that was sacrificed it was a sacrifice that was made from a place of an out and then god had to come and speak to his people am i talking to somebody here i was saying this on thursday and i said that if people fail to go back to the original place with god god will not speak to them unless god is actually waiting for you to come back to your original place he wants you to find yourself the first restoration that you can ever have or ever experience in your life it's not a restoration of a car the first restoration you can ever experience in your life it's not a restoration whereby you get a restoration of a house or a restoration of a marriage god does not want to restore your marriage that's the honest truth he's not interested in that god is not interested in restoring your job that you lost i think i'm talking to myself let me talk can i talk to somebody here god is not interested in restoring your house your car your job your your whatever that you lost he's not interested in restoring all those things god is interested in restoring you back to himself people are not hearing what i'm saying god is interested in restoring you back to himself the first restoration that needs to be done is you you need to be restored as an individual a restoration of yourself you have to be restored back to god the reason why you no longer hear god anymore it means that you need to be restored back to him so the first restoration is not a restoration where you need to get back the house or get back the car or get back the money no the first restoration is you being restored back to yourself when you come back to yourself that's the first restoration that god is talking about so many people no longer hear the voice of god many people no longer hear the voice of god why because they have moved away from the position that god has pledged them this is the prodigal son the prodigal son is in his father's house he is enjoying the benefits of being a son and every given time the father speaks to him and he hears the father and he obeys the father can i can i talk about these people can i talk about this this is the prodigal son in the book of luke chapter number 15 verse number 11. he's in his father's house he's enjoying the benefits of his father but there was a particular point in time that he felt that if i go to a far country i just want to be independent and i just want to be myself i want to do what i want to do without any restriction because you need to understand that in the house of god or in where your father is being honest with you speaking to you there are principles that are laid there and if you're not able to follow those principles you are put into your place so there are certain people who don't want to be told what to do even in the house of god so what do they do they go and open their own churches why because they don't want to be told that they should give tithes why because they don't want to be told that they should not do what they're doing why because they don't want to be told or to be put in place so the prodigal son felt it and he said father give me what is due to me part and parcel of my inheritance i know you have been teaching me on how to be a good son and how to grow but i don't want to be in this position anymore i want to be over myself and i want to grow by myself and i want to experience life by myself what did the young man do the bible says the young man was given everything that was due to him by the fact whenever many people oh my god this is so this is something else whenever many people choose to move away from god they don't even know that they're moving away from the source they think that they are going to have a place of independence at a place of whatever that they can call it and they go to the man of god man of god i need a blessing have you ever seen those people men of god man of god i need a blessing blessing for what the lord spoke to me that i should open my own ministry or the lord spoke to me that i should start operating in this dimension you need a blessing you are like a prodigal son what are you receiving you are receiving what is due to you and god is giving you that blessing that you are saying this is due to me so you are receiving what is due to you and you get it the moment you receive it you will go your way but the truth of the matter is whenever you go somewhere without a source whatever that you have will run out so some people they have been hearing god because they have been close to certain people people on zoom they are sleeping today some of them are sleeping then i see they are dozing right now holy ghost fire i'm telling you best book are you here zuma youtube glory be to god i want us like i said i want to talk to people speak to me when you move away from your source you run dry that's the honest truth and that's what has happened to many people today they moved away from their original source and what is happening right now is that they're running dry the prodigal son began to run dry why because he moved away from the source the reason why he was progressing in everything that he was doing at that particular point in time it was because he was connected to the voice of the father and he was able to hear god through his father but the moment he said i know i can hear god for myself i want to be by myself so give me what is due to me what did he do the bible says he left he enjoyed and you even know that the moment you actually leave your source the moment you leave your voice wherever you go it will look like you are progressing you will even do better than what where you have been you even do better than your father you can gather crowds and gather people your business can even grow everything about you can even flourish for a period of time why because you are using the best which is the last of you but the bible declares and the bible says feminine hit that particular place where the young man was and everything that he had at that particular point in time began to deteriorate it began to go it began to die the problem with people is they want to be in certain places but they don't know the land that they're going to they don't know the position that they are finding themselves in you say to yourself i want to be independent i want to go my way but the question is as you go your way do you know the ground of that place do you know the position and the ground of the place of where you are going because the young man just heard of the place but he did not know where he was going this is the same thing with abram and lord imagine abram is standing on top of the mountain as he's saying between this land and this land which one do you choose first of all lord you didn't know you were under a trap you were being tested if you were somebody that would think you were supposed to say say i'm not going to go anywhere rather i will let my servants go because they are the ones that are fighting with your servants i would rather stick to you why because i've only known god and prosperity through you why should i leave you why should i leave you abraham why should i why because i have experienced this grace and this sufficiency and this increase only when i have been with you do you even know that because you are with certain people because you are connected to certain people you have been experiencing the favor of god but some people they don't see that they have been experiencing the favor of god some people they think and they feel that it is actually their time no do you even know that there are certain people that are actually operating in certain people's time if you are not in their time and in their season everything about you will go down the moment you disconnect from a particular grace certain things will go down in your life so the moment lord left he's so sodom and he said ah sodom is a land of milk and honey green pastures the bible says it was green and he said i will go there what because it was green it was a land of pleasure but he did not know that the land of pleasure that same land is the land of destruction god had it in mind to destroy sodor in the future lord did not know but abraham got to know about him because abram spoke with god speaks with god converse with god talk to god he communicates with god there are people who speak deeper things with god even deeper than the way god can speak to you that's the reason why you should have a prophet that's the reason why you should have a spiritual father that's the reason why you should have a mentor what because this will help you to know the voice of god when it speaks to you lord did not appreciate and acknowledge the voice of god in his life that's the reason why he found himself in that place he was in sodom and everything was being destroyed do you even know that it was abraham that saved lord some people you have disobeyed god but still god will speak to someone to save you god wanted to destroy actually but abram had to actually beg god abraham had to beg god for god to communicate i mean for god to save so to save lord am i talking to somebody here you have to beg god you have to beg him what if there is one person what if there is one person what if there is one person do you even know that some of you in your disobedience god is still sending someone do you even know that some of you in your disobedience there are certain people that are still interceding for you on your behalf you don't even know and the problem with those people is they end up speaking evil against the people that are praying for them because you need to understand that it's not everybody that can pray for you it's not everybody that is able and capable of praying for you but there are people that are qualified to pray for you but many times or many of the times many people they have a tendency of speaking ill of the people that prays for them and every time when you speak eel of people that prays for you do you even know that the voice of god can be shot in your life why because you are speaking against a person that is interceding for you before god god already is not happy with you and you are not even aware ah today people are not hearing what i'm saying god himself is not even happy with you and you are busy speaking against a person that is interceding on your behalf so that god can forgive you and many people don't even know that certain people that they are fighting are the same people that are standing for them to intercede for them the same person that he separated from is the same person that is truthful stood for him interceded for him to say our lord if it is for my cousin my nephew lord i'll forgive you god forgive him he had him in his heart he had him in his mind am i talking to somebody here he had him in his heart hallelujah so i always tell you never fight a person that is praying for you don't do that never speak eel or evil about a person that is interceding for you maybe you don't even know you are not in good books with god but that person has been standing on the gap for you to intercede on your behalf to communicate your issue back to god and you're busy fighting him and you're busy insulting him and being busy saying all those kind of words and that person is the same person that's interesting for you every time you're saying i don't agree i don't agree with what he does you don't agree you might not agree but the same person is the one that is has been given the right to intercede for you let me say something to you about spirituality before i go back to the practical side or to the story of abraham the spiritual realm operates like this there are certain people actually there are people in this world i think i should not say it it's too deep man of god no it's too deep uh people are not ready to receive because i always say this to people that if people are not ready to receive something to me it i'll feel like it's a waste of time to me i feel like it's a waste of time so they have to convince me be beyond reasonable doubt that they are ready for it but some people some people the problem with them is they do they can't accept certain realities they can't accept certain realities they can't accept certain realities they can't in as much as that reality has been communicated they cannot accept certain realities they can't but let me just say it when you were born into this world god already knows how you're going to move and when you got born again god already gave you a person that has the ability to pray for you it's only one if that one person can pray for you everything that you're going through in your life it changes because he has put that particular person to pray for and to maintain i was i was hearing the story of reynold bonke there was a woman that was instructed by god only to pray for him and that's what made his ministry successful because of that woman yeah there are people that would pray for him it's fine but there is a person that god has ordained for your destiny to pray for you and if that person prays for you everything about your life cannot remain the same you must speak into you right now everything about your life will change and shift immediately so now this is what people do many people they run away from the particular person that has been ordained in your life to pray for me some people they are in a war with a person that is has been given an assignment to pray for them they are fighting right now so i always tell people be careful of who you accuse or who you fight some certain battles are not necessary even to win some battles you need to make up your mind to say i will lose even if i lose them i did not lose the war i might have lost a battle with this guy but the war is still ahead i didn't lose the war rather you're not even fighting him some battles are unnecessary when they arise ignore them act like you are a fool a dumb dumb and you are not even able to recognize of what's happening you yourself you know what is happening and the only thing that you can do is to get it back to god take it back to god it's not within your range to even place a comment just keep quiet why because certain things are not even meant to be addressed i was hearing someone in america one of my good friends i rebuked him immediately he was telling me there were some things that i did not agree with my mentor so i went and i questioned him i said you are a big fool a very big one you questioned a man that prays for you what if it is what if whatever that they are doing they are getting it from a place of of prayer god spoke to them about it but the problem with you is you you are too hard at it you can't hear god god has tried to speak to you in visions and dreams you still cannot hear him so what does he do he communicates the message to someone that prays for you so when he brings it on the table still we do not agree with you because you you have got ways you want things to go but god has got ways he wants you to go so when he communicates to this person this person just puts it clear and simple and plain as it is people are not hearing what i'm saying but let me explain better many people this is the one thing that you need to get it many people you have got ways that you want things to go and when god comes to you and speak to you about what you want things or how you want things to be done you don't want to hear that why because you your mind has been programmed that you want to go this way already you have made up your mind you do a decision but when god now comes and say no this is the way you begin to fight it and once you are fighting it you don't know that you are fighting god and you even know that there are some people that come to us as pastors and i'm going to confess today hello can i confess people come to us with issues it's fine i don't have a problem that's my job that's my responsibility i'm supposed to pray for you i'm supposed to to to to stand in and and be your intercessor at the end of the day but people come with issues that are already dead the issue needs resurrection but for the issue to be resurrected it needs a process but people they need an instant resurrection of something that they destroyed themselves they are the ones that crushed it even if you tell them that you are the one that made this thing to happen you are the one that crashed your own business you are the one that destroyed your own family you you're the one that did it even if you tell them do not come back again they'll be like that that pastor was accusing me i don't think he hears god why why can why why god say that some people are just stubborn they claim they hear god and they make a lot of blunders and mistakes and their lives are not reflecting that god is speaking to them how can god speak to you and you are suffering from a spiritual wife no let's be honest because if god will speak to you really the honest truth is you communicate to you about how to destroy the spirit which is attacking you every time you go to sleep he'll give you a solution if he speaks to you as you claim he will give you a solution on how to defeat it many people might say oh man of god i'm praying i'm doing my level best i'm praying i've been praying about it but it seems like it's not something that is going it means something is wrong with your hearing god have you been hearing me me i could i had issues that that were a big time problem to me but the moment i just spoke to god i spoke to him two times it was nev until today i have never seen it happening to me again because i knew when i spoke to him i handed it over to him it's no longer me trying to make it change it's him because when i know god how he operates i already know how the situation is going to change that's why i always tell people but still people they don't hear it when you know how god operates you will definitely know how to make the situation change because already you know [Music] i feel like i'm talking to myself today i'm being honest man of god so when god communicates to you when if god speaks to you certain things that are happening to you right now should not be happy no they shouldn't why is god coming to me telling me something different from what you you are saying that god has been telling you who is wrong here am i not hearing correctly are you sure even if you go to another pastor would that person not hear the same thing that i'm hearing do you know the problem with your with some men of god in some castles is they want to make you happy why because you are a financial partner they don't want to make you sad as a financial partner partners are the ones that i'm interested in if you're a partner you're in trouble also because god god will give me a clear mind thought voice to just help you the matter is going to pain you no matter is going to help you no matter is going to crush you at the end of the day is for the good there are some of my sons and daughters i just speak to them wrong like what you are doing is wrong don't do it then no there yes is as simple as that allah am i communicating i pray for people here that are watching that may god give you grace to hear not only to hear but to hear him not only to hear him but to hear him correctly in the mighty name of jesus la mi cobra and if you're watching me on facebook right now i declare may god give you grace to hear him if you're watching me right now on zoom on youtube god may he give you grace to hear him i pray that you don't put your feelings ahead in hearing god may your feelings be destroyed in christ when it comes to hear god in the mighty name of jesus may god connect your voice your ears to his voice may your feelings be disconnected from the voice of god in order for you to speak to you may it be disconnected may it never be involved in the mighty name of jesus i declare every form of feeling be crushed and be destroyed in jesus name amen somebody tap amen listen to this i just thought i should say it the problem with humanity is we put our feelings ahead of god right we put our feelings ahead of god and when our feelings are ahead our feelings have more voice because that's how you feel but it's not what you're supposed to do so we put our feelings ahead of god and when we do that it affects everything rather you need to suppress your feelings and allow your spirit men to be in control that's when fasting comes when you fast you are not fasting to get anything from god you are fasting to suppress deflation first thing you don't do it to get things from god you don't make you don't you don't fast because you want god to give you something you fast because you love him you fast because you want to break your flesh so some people can't hear god because of their flesh and their feelings you are putting your feelings and your emotions in the things of god when you put your emotions in the things of god you will not hear god your emotions will block the voice of god from communicating to you i know that there are certain people that have been hurt in churches you've been hurt in churches people were doing this about you people were talking about you the pastor hated you what what what everything was just terrible and you had to leave the place because it was not a conducive place the question i will have for you is before you went there did you hear god was he directing you there that's the first thing the second thing is when you got there which criteria did you use if you got to a particular church and you wanted to [Music] father everyone definitely you will be humbled and when you be humble it will pain you if you get your particular church and you begin to or you try to change the systems that have already been functioning definitely people they will humble you if you get to a particular place which is a church and already you want to tell people what to do how to operate how to function definitely the system of that church will humble you so it will look like they are fighting you or the system is fighting you no one is fighting you you are just unruly you need to relax and sit down and learn how the church operates don't come with your own revelations and information when you're coming in a church and you're saying that my anointing my helmet the law told me my whatever my anointing my what what it does not work when you get into a place sit and learn how the system work because every church has a system i don't know if people are getting this let me skip that part today i'm going to pray for people and i'm going to prophesy to you by the special grace of god and by the way if you are around maryland we're going to be having a special prophetic service this sunday i will be prophesying to people blessing them and giving them solution god has anointed me in that area my assignment is to give people solution you have a problem i need to give a solution to your problem all right that's what god has called me to do i give you a solution there is an issue in your family i give you a solution praise the lord so make sure when you come on sunday come ready for a solution because god will be speaking and definitely you'll be given a solution to every issue and situation that is taking place in your life all right just type amen and say amen and amen and amen and amen and amen hallelujah so listen the prodigal son this is the prodigal side the prodigal son goes to his own way everything begins to go wrong he's no longer hearing the voice of god he's no longer hearing the voice of the father the father was communicating to him before because he was connected but now he has separated from the father my prayer is that may you never be separated from your souls in the name of jesus christ may you even never be separated from god himself in jesus mighty name because some people men of god are separating themselves from god without them knowing their relationship with god has been affected without the knowing there is a huge gap between them and god and they don't even know that they are the ones that cause that voidness that gap they're the one that caused it everything about your life right now is not working according to how you are believing it to work why because you left your position you left your position that was enabling the voice of god to communicate to you i pray for you today if you left your position may you find your way back home because this is what the prodigal son was doing now the bible says he found himself sitting eating with swine with pigs some people right now they are suffering for no apparent reason but i'm gonna pray for people here la master tala mahandi devotion i'm gonna pray for everyone here people here they are suffering men of god for no apparent reason the way you are suffering you are not even supposed to suffer the way you are or the place in the position you are not even supposed to be in that position why because the enemy thought of the enemy led you in a place where you are supposed you are not supposed to be you thought it was it was no it was not the voice of god communicating you god will never communicate to you in areas of you disconnecting yourself from your source it's impossible oh i feel the anointing of the holy ghost hey the bible declares and the bible says he was eating with pigs there are some people here the voice of god is no longer present and what is happening to you you are now eating with pigs the way you are suffering as a child of god you're not even supposed to suffer the way you're suffering you're not supposed to be in debt the way you are in debt right now the way you are in debt right now even the devil is afraid of you but the reason why you find yourself in debt is because you moved from the particular position if you were able to hear god correctly god was going to guide and direct your finances correctly but now you are in debt still i'm going to pray for you in the mighty name of jesus christ malik abba handy de de boshi commander the bible declares he was in in a place where he was eating with the swine and the pigs like i said many people are suffering they are not even supposed to suffer the way they are suffering but they are suffering right now because of the decisions that they made am i communicating now let's move from there the bible says he came to himself which means that when you are in a problem oh my god i don't even know how to say this is too much when you are in a predicament that requires the voice of god to speak to you the first thing you need to do you need to recognize your mistake many people they want to hear what god is saying but first of all they did not look at themselves ah father help me to preach this message am i communicating many people men of god they just want to hear god but first of all they did not come to themselves the bible says the prodigal son came to himself he came to himself and when he came to himself the bible declares that's when he began to see vision he began to see how rich his father was and how well privileged some of his servants are his servants are not in the position that he's in but he's a son of the house but he's not benefiting from the house but someone else who is not a son of the house is benefiting from the house oh father do you even know that there are certain people that are benefiting more you are supposed to benefit more but they are the ones that are benefiting why because they were able to listen to the voice of god you call them boys and nothing servants or something nothing have you ever wondered why certain people you never thought to be promoted will be promoted you you thought you'd hear god you were hearing god and you thought that god was using you and nothing is happening to you no promotion whatsoever and you begin to be confused now but am i what am i not doing right what you're not doing i i know i'm talking to somebody here have you ever thought and asked yourself what am i not doing right i know you have been asking yourself that question oh lord what am i not doing right what you are not doing right is this you are not able to hear god correctly you thought you have grown so much that you can stand on your own you thought you are all good by yourself that is what you are not doing right you thought of disconnecting yourself from god that is what you are not doing right you went out of the will of god to fulfill your your own uh desires and lust and emotions and pain because you even know that there are certain people who are doing certain things because of the pain they have gone through they are not doing it because god told them to do it but they are doing it because of the pain that they have gone through i'm not talking to somebody if i'm talking to you just type i'm saying you are speaking to me the reason why you are in the position that you are in right now is because of the pain you have been through certain people started churches because of the pain that they experienced in another church [Music] i know i'm talking to you the reason why you are where you are right now is because of the pain you have been through and the pain is the one that is ministering you is now the one that is speaking to you it's no longer god speaking is the pain speaking to you i pray that you are delivered in the name of jesus because many people they have never they've never been healed from that pain someone broke your heart in the church and you felt like i would rather start my own church because i cannot be under such kind of pain so you went and you opened the church because of pain you did not open a church because god spoke you opened the church because of pain you did not start what you started because you were supposed to study you started it because of pain not even because of the burden that you felt but because of the pain ah rabab christian god bless you for your offering in the name of jesus it's because of the pain you have experienced the bible says let me finish the prodigal son then i will pray for people the prodigal son came to himself when he came to himself he realized i was the one that was the problem so first of all what did he do restoration came to himself first and he said i would rather go and just be one of the sevens in my father's house i will ask him if i can just clean the doors or just wipe the floors at least if i can still have favor in his eyes i want to hear him once more the bible declares and the bible says the young man stood up and he began to go back home the bible says when the father saw him from a distance ah when the father saw him from where from a distance the father ran ran to his son embraced the sun after he embraced the sun the sun started confessing he repented before the father forgive me father for i sing before you in heaven then the father said no hey bring the best court they clothed them bring the best ring declared make sure this guide baptist is clean he's the son of a king do you even know that even though you went your way god is still waiting for you to come back people are not hearing me let me skip that part ah people are not hearing me i think i should go you you have gone your own way but god is actually waiting for you to come back god is waiting for you to return the question is are you ready god has been waiting on the door just for you to restore yourself back to himself and the time and the moment you shall restore yourself back to himself is the moment you shall experience a shift in your life all the other things that you wanted restoration over the wooden cup but the first restoration you need to experience is the restoration where you are restored back to himself i want you to tap lord restore me back to you because some of you you just need to go back to your first love i'm telling you some of you for your marriage to change just go back to the relationship you used to have with god before you got married you need to be restored your relationship with god has to be restored some of you for you to receive back the job the money you need to go back to your original position with god and when you are back to his original position with god when you are back to god god himself is then going to restore everything back to you physically that you have been praying for financially you just need to say lord i am i'm here i'm available i'm back home and some people i know that they've got a pride of not being able to do what i'm saying right now because they have pride like i said they have pride they cannot do it they cannot accept it because they have pride like i said they have prayed even for them to say lord i repent and i i want to come back to you they can't do that they cannot do it they cannot what do it they cannot do it they can't i want you to type and i want you to say lord i want to go back to you you know i personally feel and i feel that this season is a season of of restoration yeah and it's also a season where people need to come back to themselves and repent and realign themselves with god the reason why you lost a lot of things in your life is because you removed you moved away from the position of god what you need to do is to come back to the original position with god so that everything you are praying for for restoration can come you want restoration over your business restoration about your finances restoration over your car restoration over everything that you want restoration over physical stuff let's talk about those ones later but the first thing you need to do is to bring yourself back to god these things might be taken away from you because god is in need of you god wants you god wants you the way you used to pray the way you used to fast the way you used to be dedicated to the things of god the way you used to serve the way you used to desire even the way you used to study the bible some of you no longer even studied the bible you can't even you don't even open the bible by the way you can't even open the bible right now it means you lost your way and i said this on thursday it takes a person with all humility to say i lost my way i'm coming back to god i'm coming back to god i was lost but now i am found it takes god for someone to say that and this is the time for you to say lord i was lost but now i am found i want to come back home somebody just have i want to come back home i want to come back to that presence to that place going back to the first love that we had for god is very very important i want to go back to the first love that i had for god somebody just type something nice and beautiful before god and say lord i want to come back to the first love that i had for him in jesus mighty name lesson there are people here because of the mistakes you have done because of the things you have done in your past there are a lot of things you have lost and some of the things that are happening to you right now part and parcel of it a debt is debt you owe a lot this is one thing that i heard clearly besides of restoration coming back to yourself this is the restoration i had clearly that there are people that are going to be restored financially this one i had clearly restored financially we are coming back to him and as you quickly come back to him there are people who are in debt you know yourself if you are in debt and you know you are here i want you to quickly come back to god go back to your first love you are in debt because of pressure you know that some people can get in debt because of pressure you are not supposed to push yourself that far but you are in debt because there was a lot of pressure around you maybe you had a lot of people that you wanted to please but this is the time in the season where god wants you back to himself god wants you back to himself god wants you back to himself [Music] i don't know why i'm hearing this but i'm hearing something i feel like i just need to prophesy and speak a special blessing to certain people here um can i prophesy here maybe i can talk to a few people so that i can i can really i can provide solution i don't know why in africa a scarf some of the times we call it a chiffon i don't know do you call it that we call it a chiffon and i don't know why i'm seeing myself holding a ship on but as i'm hearing like chiffon it's like a name like chiffon or something or chiffon or something if you are here like your name is chiffon or something i don't know but i just had it because i was seeing myself wearing this and i'm wondering does god wants to do something just i don't know i'm trying to interpret remember oh that's my daughter's name where is he every there are many people that are watching me here they're experiencing debt and you know yourself i want you to take a step of faith and i want you to follow these instructions as you follow these instructions that debt is going to be canceled it's going to be removed in jesus mighty name do you even know that there are some people that are walking in this eight planet but the way the debt is around their life he's extra deep where is your daughter is you watching i want to give instructions to those who are ready for that's what she said no she's not watching she's not watching i want to pray for your daughter woman of god and i want to speak a special blessing i have never heard a name like that but i was hearing it in my spirit i want to speak a special blessing over her life the first thing that we are going to cancel is delay and woman of god i would really would love for her to respond to me if possible she can i'm not sure but i wanted to because i really want to move very very fast and help a lot of people so if i'm talking like this i need like quick response like very very quick she's not here she's here she's here now okay somebody i want to prophesy and speak a special blessing over your life listen to me everybody that is experiencing debt this is the instruction i'm going to give you i want you to give a significant seed can you hear me let's say the sound went out i want you to give a significant seat that is going to take you out from this debt a significant seed we are now in the month of october the tenth month of the month of the year prophetic month the month our father and the lord prophet passion was born it's a prophetic month i'm telling you the truth i want you to give a seat of triple 8 888. if you know your case is agent i want you to do it like i told you when you present a seed on the outer you provoke the voice of god to speak to you i want you to give a seed of triple eight eight eight eight and as you do it i'm going to pray for you i'm just in need of people that are just serious and they just need out so if you are here you have a seat of 888 go to give after you give um i want you to contact pastor wallace and then i will speak to you prophetess yvette i want to know where is your daughter she's in vegas okay i'm gonna pray for her and god is going to touch him mightily and he's going to change and shift her life i don't know i'll give you a call and i'll talk to you about it all right if possible i don't know but i'll give i'll speak to you about it it's very very serious and it's very very sensitive i want to pray for you for and the first thing let me mention this so that you can get a picture number one we need to pray against premature death we need to pray against premature death we need to pray against premature death against her life because i saw a lot of attempts that the enemy is trying to do over her life the enemy has been trying to destroy our destiny and our future we need to cancel and we need to pray against the spirit of premature death over her life because if we do not pray against the spirit of premature death a lot is going to happen i'm afraid it's the first time to mention this word i'm afraid that this if we don't deal with it this year something tragic might happen to us but i'm going to pray we are going to pray we'll talk over the phone we'll talk i'm going to pray that god will come through for her and deliverance will come in jesus mighty name no weapon formed against your daughter shall be able to prosper from today jehovah god shall bring for deliverance and the shift in the name of jesus christ your child shall experience the anointing of the holy spirit the power of the holy ghost le mandel prophetess you bet people on facebook are not ready for prophets i was thinking maybe i should prophesy two or three people on facebook but they are quiet prophetess you get the honest truth is this the fact that god revealed it it means he wants to redeem it i don't want you to be worried about it but i want you to be positioned and be ready for the deliverance of your child nothing is impossible with god but we know that all things are possible so we're going to pray for your child and deliverance is going to come to your child in the mighty name of jesus christ rebel shatter i don't know i saw someone by the name of richardson woman of god i'll speak to you don't worry i will speak to you i was supposed to call you yesterday but i didn't i couldn't because um i had many names yesterday so i i got a little bit tired because i caught more than 30 names yesterday so i i got a little bit tired so i had to rest a little bit but i'm gonna give you a call and we'll talk listen everyone that is experiencing any form of debt i'm giving you an instruction this is just an instruction some of you the lord has already spoken to you about it don't suppress the voice because whenever an instruction comes you hear inside of you to say give you'll be like don't suppress the voice when you hear it correctly for the first time already we are we are teaching you we are it's practical we are waiting for god to communicate to you if he communicates to you quickly do it go and give your seed of 888 do it and as you do it i'm going to call you and i'm going to pray for you and be a special blessing over your life your life will never be the same again you will experience a supernatural shift for a supernatural lifting and your life will never ever ever be the same again in jesus mighty name somebody type amen and amen oh i see someone on facebook your name is jb divine i see somebody on facebook your name is jb divine jb divine i want to pray for you because um if you can hear me just type i hear you jb divine i want to pray for you jb divine if you can hear me just type i can hear you if you can hear me just type i can hear you wait is it happening yeah i hear you jb divine there is a special grace coming upon you and as i'm speaking to you right now you are about to be launched in a different phase of your life because you have been praying for god to use you for a long time but as i'm talking to you right now i hear a prophetic sound coming a wave of the prophetic coming to hit you i don't know if you have any connection with zambia but i'm seeing god using you and touching lives in zambia is what i'm seeing jb divine i see god using you and touching lives through you in zambia and the lord ministered to me that not only zambia shall you touch but southern africa and the lord will touch you use you empower you like never before as i was talking about hearing the voice of god i saw in the spirit angels being sent on your behalf and these angels are going to minister with you you might think you are not called by god but there is a special grace and a special calling upon your life and from today you are going to start operating in the angelic ministry like never before it's a season it's your time it's your hour and it's your moment in jesus mighty name amen i don't know where you went if he comes back you just reflect he's from zambia he's from zambia yes i saw god using you mightily i saw every state in zambia being touched by the anointing that is resting upon you right now i'm just confirming what god has already studied through you you are called to operate in dimensions of the prophetic but i saw the angelic manifestation i saw angels visiting you teaching you healing and teaching you profession all right make sure you sit under a particular man of god you sit under a particular grace so that you can be mentored correctly so that your gift will not die so that you give to grow it will mature and in the right time you begin to operate in the dimensions you're supposed to operate in in jesus mighty name hallelujah i want to pray for everybody and speak a special blessing over your lives god will lift you god will prosper lift up your hands everybody wherever you are you're saying yes it's true i'm a young prophet you're going to be amazing to be precise i saw you taking the copper belt by storm in the next five years starting from 21 21 2 3 4 5 6 26 2026 the only voice and the only name that will be known in the copa belt is your name when it comes to the prophetic i'm talking about 2026. but if you do not make a decision to sit under a grace right now to sit under an anointing or to be mentored by someone in the prophetic you will never manifest so the condition i'm giving you of this prophetic word is for you to find a covering sit under a caveat i'm not talking about the covering that you watch on tv i'm talking about a covering that you can relate and talk to they can help you physically make sure you do that because many young men in zambia they have a problem they don't want to submit they don't want to submit they have a problem they don't want to be taught they think they've made it so make sure you find a covering a man that can help you nature you in the prophetic and as you do that the grace will rest upon you lift up your hands everybody father in the name of jesus i declare that the creep over the lives of your sons and your daughters today may they begin to experience an anointing like never before may they begin to operate in dimensions like never before no weapon formed against them will prosper no tongue raised against them will come to pass lee crusty in jesus mighty name i pray me and satan in jesus mighty name i pray may god lift you may god prosper you may god catapult you from one day of glory to another in jesus name amen god bless you all may god increase you i love you all with a special love of god shalom shalom shalom blessings don't forget those who want dead conservation i know the lord spoke to you i would love for you to obey his voice stand with the seed of triple eight go to prophet and give you a seed i'm going to call you i'm going to talk to you give you instructions on what to do and how to pray god bless you it's done god bless everybody this is prophet hope causer this month i have been given a mandate to pray for 2 000 women that are going through spiritual attacks if you are going through spiritual bondage right now spiritual husbands you are eating in your dreams a spirit of end time marriage you are getting into relationship after relationship no one marries you this is a sign that you need to be delivered i have made time out this month to be praying for 2 000 women and i want you to go and register right now on the website this is a mandate that has been given by god and i want your life to be better and i want you to testify of god's goodness so go and register right now because this is your time to be delivered you have not been owning anything in your life everything you get you lose it anxiety pain depression this is the time for it to come to an end register now prophet you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 1,109
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: s1juhIAMtz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 55sec (5695 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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