NVIDIA Thinks These GPUs Are Worthless

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this was once a 700 gpu but nvidia now says you know what it's worthless it's garbage but as they say one man's trash is another man's treasure and with nvidia dropping support for the 700 series and older gpus are they now effectively e-waste or could this be an opportunity to score a deal as people rush to dump their old graphics cards i mean surely this thing can still game right the answer may surprise you though not as much as my segue to our sponsor will surprise you ridge wallet has redefined the traditional wallet with its compact frame and rfid blocking plates keep your wallet bulge down and use offer code linus to save 10 and get free worldwide shipping [Music] that's right ladies and gentlemen as of august this year nvidia will not be providing any more game-ready drivers for their kepler architecture-based cards so that's most of their 600 series and 700 series cards all the way from the gt630 up to the titan black so that doesn't mean that these cards suddenly can't run video games though why don't we take a look at kind of a middle of the road kepler card like this gtx 760 winforce you can snag a card like this for as low as around 70 on ebay and if you guys are thinking i mean who would still be running one of those no one uses those anymore well then you're being a bit of an elitist douche because steam's hardware survey shows that the 760 is still being used by .25 of users that doesn't really sound like a lot until you consider that that only puts it a few slots lower than the rtx 3090 also consider that steem had 120 million active users as of last year so even if only half of them agreed to the hardware survey that's still a hundred and fifty thousand steam users who are running gtx 760s so one of the most compelling use cases for a budget gpu like this is to take your existing pre-built throw a few bucks at a graphics card and boom turn it into a gaming rig the only thing you're gonna have to consider is that this one uses an eight pin and a six pin power connector so that's a little more than the reference card's dual six pins and it'll need about 107 watts of power which means you might need a power supply upgrade if you were to install one of these in a pre-built because they typically have very tight power budgets not to mention tight cases so make sure you've got enough space for this long ass shroud so there's some challenges to overcome but you gotta ask yourself what are your other options if you're looking to save a buck you can get a last generation console like an xbox one or playstation 4 but those are still selling in the 200 to 250 range so assuming you have some kind of computer already this could be a fantastic option if you just want to game yeah cs go might be a 9 year old game but as of today it is still the top played game on steam so it's hardly irrelevant and you can see yeah we're running at 1080p but we've got this game maxed out in excess of 100 frames per second and that's with our 5600x cpu handling all these bot simulations this is not a real match so we're just going to turn everything down there we go now we're getting 250 300 350 frames per second look at that we can watch me die at 200 fps we've got everything cranked to low now and it's flipping fly in here oh wow it doesn't mean i can aim please die how are you still alive whatever there but really again again [Laughter] of course one game doesn't prove anything so here's rocket league running at 1080p uh i mean we're running at 200 fps here dog they're not gonna get nothing because they don't have a hundred and oh shoot i forgot to shift wow that was really awkward okay then esports games maxed out absolutely no problem but that's not exactly a surprise both of these games are from around the same era as the 700 series graphics cards not to mention that esports titles are generally tuned to run on the widest range of computers possible so 180 fps absolutely maxed out in this game yeah but yeah there's all medium presets running at right around 50 fps on the fairly busy monaco map i mean it's not like f1 2020 is the most challenging aaa game but i mean hey it's a modern game and it's running fine just fine at least until i break it there you go unfortunately the same is not necessarily true in every game turning apex legends up to high with anti-aliasing enabled at 1080p we are looking at about 35 fps and this is on the training map not an actual larger map with other characters running around causing problems for your fps's which isn't to say we can't get the game running reasonably smoothly we are now at 50 55 fps the difference is that unlike f1 2020 we had to absolutely dump all of our settings so you're gonna see weird stuff like this mountain appearing to be made out of clay and the thing about a competitive game like this is that having a better graphics card is about more than just smoother animations if you've got objects and textures just popping in the way your caveman eyeballs work is you're naturally watching out for motion in your peripheral vision so you're going to be walking around on the map and you're going to have things going like look like holy smokes that had me over there and then it's not it's just a rock take that rocks i got no ammo we managed to hit anywhere from 70 to 90 fps by dropping down to 1600 by 900 but by this point this is looking like a game from like 10 years ago moving into an even more demanding aaa game do maternal was a bit of a weird one when we booted it up it actually defaulted to ultra nightmare even though you can see that clearly that vastly exceeds the mere two gigabytes of vram that are available on our gtx 760. and in fact if we dump it all the way down to low we are still 900 megabytes over our budget which leads us to kind of an interesting point we'll talk about what we wait for the game to load these cards started coming out around 2013 and that was long before 4k gaming was a real consideration and long before games needed more than two or three gigs of vram that's right even the top-end consumer card the 780 ti only ever shipped with three gigs of video memory you had to step up to a titan to get six so it's probably enough for the kinds of titles that you would play on these cards but it's clearly going to become more and more of an issue in modern games that have far more aggressive vram requirements so we're getting 25 24 oh as we come around this corner you can see we're dropping all the way down to mid 20s frames per second yeah in a fast-paced shooter like this this is not a great experience 19 fps i saw a drop down to i'm not it's not even registering my clicks sometimes and remember this is like the first level so there's no way that you're playing at a high difficulty in like the later levels like this this is not um this is not a very good experience so okay you're not playing do maternal but still a lot of game left in this thing and the 760 is not even the highest end card that nvidia has dropped game ready driver support for now let's chuck on a 780 ti and see how that goes now you might think that's a lot to spend on a whole gpu that's not getting any new drivers but with a little bit of patience a 780 ti can be had for as little as around 150 to 160 us dollars and it's a lot faster like in some situations it can be as much as 60 faster than the 760 that we just looked at obviously if cs go and rocket league run great on the little brother the 780 ti is not going to struggle with them so let's start with f1 2020 where confusingly we're running at just about exactly the same frame rate high 40s low 50s ah except for one small detail f1 2020 automatically detected that we were running a better card and cranked everything to ultra that's right my friends anti-aliasing is on super ultra high details are on so all the shadows are looking as good as they can look and it doesn't look that different but there's definitely fewer jaggies so that's that's an absolute benefit let's throw it at medium there we go not freaking bad running at the same detail settings as before we are now at 90 fps and yeah that is markedly smoother as for doom eternal it's a lot better than it was i mean this is it can run the game you know there's your 80 90 fps but as soon as even though technically we squeeze in under the vram requirements for all low you can tell it's struggling yeah it's the it's the rapid swings between you know really honestly good frame rates or like 80 90 fps and just tank like close to 20 fps it plays well enough that i kind of forgot i was evaluating graphics cards since just started playing the game so that's that's it that's the threshold it's playable since we've had some more success why don't we kick things up a notch here and try dirt five and cannot find a compatible graphics card the reason for this is that the 700 series while they have support for directx 12 they do not fully support the entire directx 12 feature set which unfortunately is the minimum graphics api available in dirt 5. so if you look at the dirt 5 minimum specs they actually call for a gtx 970 or better and that's a real consideration for something like this because as directx 12 becomes more ubiquitous certain games like dirt 5 may simply stop supporting lower versions now esports games as i mentioned before designed to run on the widest variety of hardware possible so it's likely they'll support these older apis for quite a while longer so if cs go or valrant is your jam these older cards could be pretty appealing let's try something else like civ6 that's not bad for medium details 2x anti-aliasing i mean depending on how busy the scene is or anywhere from 100 to like 60 70 fps that's that's very respectable i mean we could probably turn this up it's not like this is a fast-paced game or anything no offensive enthusiasts i'm sure you're like going all the actions per minute let's turn it to high though okay that dropped us down to like 45 fps when things get busy but in a game like this that is absolutely playable absolutely and the shadow details are way better even though control calls for a gtx 780 as its minimum graphics card we are running it like well 60 fps at pretty decent details on a 780 ti okay that makes sense i mean the developer did say it'll run on this so yeah they can still game which means what then we should be outraged in videos dropping game ready driver support for these well not quite we got to remember nvidia has supported cards like the 700 series for the better part of eight years which in a world where android phone manufacturers will drop support in as little as two years makes nvidia look like absolute rock stars i mean yeah a graphics driver is likely less complicated than an entire operating system but i still say they're doing pretty darn good and there are some real world actual reasons for them to drop support for these cards we already saw a couple of them in the form of the vram limitations i mean that's just the hardware on the card they just can't keep up and api limitations where modern games are simply not going to be able to run on them also there are some reasons that it might not be practical to continue to run these cards the 780 ti for example draws about 250 watts which doesn't sound like a ton compared to something like an rtx 3090 at 350 watts but you should also consider that a much newer gtx 1060 which is roughly performance comparable and actually even faster in some cases draws less than half that amount of power now at the moment gtx 1066 gig cards may be a bit price inflated due to crypto mining but you can get a 3 gig card for around 180 to 200 us dollars that is 20 to 50 dollars more than a 780 ti but when you consider the power savings it could actually be cheaper in the long run for example let's say you play for two hours a day five days a week and you pay on average 22 cents per kilowatt hour because you live in let's say los angeles over the span of a year a 1060 would save you around 14 dollars in power and that could be even more if you gain more often or if you pay more for your power 14 doesn't sound like a lot but give it three years and you have basically paid the difference and the entire time you've had game ready drivers along with a host of other benefits 10 series cards have hdmi 2.0 which means they can do 4k 60 over hdmi they've got displayport 1.4 which can handle up to 4k 144 hertz they've got support for freesync which the 700 series does support g-sync but does not support freesync not to mention that while the 700 series also has nvinc the 10 series has a more feature-rich end bank encoder with support for h.265 better color and higher resolution so if you're just using your graphics card to encode a live stream it probably won't make a difference but if you're into editing your videos after the fact or creating hdr or high resolution content that might matter to you with all of that in mind though the actual driver cutoff hasn't happened yet so if you're looking for a deal on a gpu today these kepler cards aren't a terrible idea if that price premium for a use 10 series just isn't in your budget but keep in mind that the prices will likely continue to drop once nvidia actually cuts off support in august of this year so in particular if you were looking for you know a secondary rig to you know land with when your friends when they come over yeah a sunsetted kepler card could look like a pretty good deal and as for the folks out there who are already running a kepler-based gpu if you can't afford to step up to something like a 1060 does the lack of game ready drivers mean that you're just sol well not necessarily i mean we just showed you guys these cards can totally still gain and nvidia will still be providing security updates as needed for the time being so it doesn't suddenly turn your gpu into a brick because you don't get a game-ready driver in fact a lot of the time older gpus that nvidia has already deprecated can still play a fair number of lightweight modern games as long as you turn the settings down and in fact we're going to be testing out exactly what that's like in a future video so make sure you get subscribed just like you might want to subscribe to our sponsor for today's video morning brew morning brew is a free daily newsletter that's delivered right to you every day of the week they aggregate everything that's happening in business finance and tech and present it to you in a super easy to consume format with morning brew you don't need to go out looking for the news you just wait for the notification open the newsletter up and read to your heart's content it might sound overly simple but that's because it is so give it a try for yourself get subscribed for free and in less than 15 seconds you'll be ready to go at the link below if you guys enjoyed this video maybe check out uh hey why don't you check out nvidia gpus through the ages we looked at uh how much their performance has improved over time it was a while back but maybe we need to do a new one look at the new one
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,482,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nvidia gpu, amd gpu, kepler, maxwell, pascal, gaming, pc gaming, pc build, graphics card, doom eternal, f1 2020, gtx 760, gtx 780ti, nvidia discontinuing gpus, kepler discontinued
Id: SKtEH_7lGJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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