The Fall Holy Days: Feast of Trumpets

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RABBI SCHNEIDER>>(Music) Beloved, on today's edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, I'm gonna be teaching on one of God's most sacred holidays, Yom Teruah, also known as Rosh Hashanah. You're gonna discover the secret mystery that's in this sacred holiday. God bless you, beloved, and Shalom. (Music) (Shofar Blowing) ANNOUNCER>>Rabbi Schneider is a voice crying out in our lost world, pointing mankind to Jesus today. CYNTHIA SCHNEIDER>> (Music) Shalom, I'm Cynthia, Rabbi's wife. Beloved, we are so thankful for what God is doing in people's lives through this ministry all around the world. I pray right now that whatever you need in your life, God will minister to you as Rabbi teaches and preaches God's Word. RABBI SCHNEIDER>>God bless you, and Shalom, beloved ones. My name's Rabbi Schneider. Welcome today to this edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. We are continuing a very important series today that we're calling The Fall Holy Days. What we're showing you is how in the Bible God has a calendar. It's in the Book of Leviticus, chapter 23. And this calendar that we have, beloved, is actually a shadow of the ministry of Jesus. We looked at the spring holy days earlier this year and showed you how every significant act of redemption that King Jesus accomplished for us during his first coming beginning with Passover was all foreshadowed on God's sacred calendar. Now, we're in the fall holy days and we're showing how the Lord's holy days that are given to us to celebrate in the fall are actually shadows of Jesus's return and even, beloved, the kingdom of heaven. Again, I want to encourage you, get the entire series because it will really build a foundation in your life to understand your faith, beloved, from a Hebraic perspective. Remember Jesus said in John, 4:22, salvation's of the Jews, and he came to fulfill the law and the prophets. Again, go back and get the earlier teaching for a total foundation of where we're going today. I want to pick up right now where I left off last week. We are talking today, beloved, about the Feast of Trumpets that I'm calling Yom Teruah in Hebrew. Yom is the Hebrew word for day; Teruah, the Hebrew word for trumpets. So when we say Yom Teruah, we're referring to the Feast of Trumpets. I shared last week that Orthodox Jews call this same holiday Rosh Hashanah. Rosh means head, have a Hashanah, year. Jewish people call it Rosh Hashanah because according to ancient Jewish tradition, it was on this day, the day that we're celebrating as Yom Teruah, which takes place in the seventh month of God's sacred calendar on the first day that we call the month of Tishrei, it was on this day that according to ancient rabbinic tradition, God created Adam and Eve. And so we look at it as the birth place of the world, or the birth date of humanity. And so Jewish people will greet each other on this day. They'll say, Shanah Tovah, may it be a good year for you. But as I said, we're not looking at this from a rabbinic perspective. We're studying it strictly from a Biblical, scriptural perspective. Now last week I looked at with you Exodus, chapter 19. I'm not gonna do it again right now. I'm gonna refer to the Scripture only because I want to move forward today and make progress. But in Exodus, chapter 19, we see one of the most incredible things that this world will ever experience, and that is the day, beloved, in Exodus, 19, where the Lord gathered the children of Israel out of the wilderness to the base of Mount Sinai. They were gathered at the base of Mount Sinai, many estimate there to be about 3 million Jewish men there at that time. Approximations differ, but there were millions of Jewish people at the base of the mountain, the Israelites. As they were at the base of the mountain, suddenly they began to hear a supernatural trumpet from heaven. And the trumpet that they heard grew louder and louder and louder and louder and louder until when the trumpet reached a climax of volume, suddenly Father God, Yahweh, spoke, and all the Jews at the base of the mountain heard him speak. So when we're coming now to the Feast of Trumpets, listen to what the Scriptures tell us in Leviticus, chapter 23, verse number 23: Again the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel saying, in the seventh month, again the month called Tishrei, in the seventh month, on the first of the month, you shall have a rest, a reminder, get this now, by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord. So this is a day we know exactly when it falls. We're supposed to rest on that day. We're not supposed to work. We're supposed to gather together for a holy convocation. But the climax of the day, beloved ones, is the blowing of the trumpet that we call in Hebrew, the shofar. So let's try to understand what it is that we're supposed to be reminded of when we blow the shofar, because the Lord says, blow the shofar. And when you blow the shofar, let the blowing of the shofar be a reminder. But it's interesting that in Leviticus, 23, it doesn't tell us exactly what blowing the shofar is supposed to remind us of. And so we have to ask ourself, well what could blowing the shofar remind us of? Well we just got done studying Exodus, 19. What happened in Exodus, 19? Before God, before the Lord revealed his glory so that the Israelites at the base of the mountain actually heard him speak, right before he spoke what happened? The shofar blew to announce his presence. You see, the blowing of the shofar, beloved, get it now, it, it reminds us that God's glory is about to be revealed. The blowing of the shofar announces that the manifest glory of God is about to be revealed. This is why when they coronated a king in ancient Israel, they would blow the shofar at his coronation. I want to continue on this theme with you as we take a journey through the Word of God. The blowing of the shofar announces that God's glory is about to be revealed. Consider this same theme as we go to the Book of Revelation now, chapter number 1, verse 10, and chapter number 4, verse 1. The Book of Revelation, that the blowing of the shofar announces that God is about to manifest himself. I want to encourage you as we're going through this information, we need to be asking ourself, well I'm celebrating the Feast of Trumpets this year, even if it's just my celebrating it by watching Rabbi Schneider, and pouring out my love to Father God as I hear his Word, because I love him so much. So we're asking ourself the question, how is this applicable to me. How is the knowledge of the Feast of Trumpets important for me today? And we're gonna make that application today before (Music) the broadcast is over. RABBI SCHNEIDER>>Beloved, there is something so special about these holy days, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. I feel something just in the spirit almost every year I come into these holy days. You know, even as a boy growing up in the synagogue, Jewish people that weren't religious any other time of year, they'd be in synagogue for Rosh Hashanah and for Yom Kippur. As I celebrate these holy days now, something is so different for me. I feel the love of God in such measure that I never knew before I knew Jesus. Just to know, beloved ones, that Jesus is coming back, there's such hope in that. And knowing that Jesus has died for our sins once and for all, our hearts are just moved by the love of Father. I found over the years, beloved ones, that during this season of year, many of God's people love him so much they want to present a special offering to him. If you're feeling that way right now, I want to ask you if you're being blessed by this ministry, would you present your special holy day offering to the Lord this year through discovering the Jewish Jesus? It would mean so much to me. It costs us so much money, beloved ones, to spread the Gospel around the world through television, radio and on the ground missions crusades. Your financial support really makes a difference. It builds God's kingdom. And more than that, beloved, it's a response to your love for God. I love you and thank you, Shalom. ANNOUNCER>>Now back to today's program. RABBI SCHNEIDER>>So let's continue, Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10. John says, I was in the spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, get this now, like the sound of a trumpet. So what has happened? John is about to encounter God. And as he's about to encounter God, what does he hear? He hears a voice, get it now, that sounds like a trumpet. Let me ask you a question. When you meet Jesus, do you think you're gonna hear a trumpet first? I'm telling you today, beloved ones, you will. Let's continue, Revelation, chapter 4, verse 1: After these things I looked, and behold a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I heard, get it now, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me said, come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things. Once again, John is about to encounter the glory of God through revelation, and what announces the glory that he's about to encounter? Hear it now, a voice that sounds like a trumpet. Revelation, chapter 8, verse 6, continues with the same theme. And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound it. Why do they sound the trumpet? 'Cause God's glory was about to be released. Revelation, 11:15-16: Then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in the heavens saying, the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever and ever. Again, it's all associated, beloved one, with the blowing of trumpet. So, let's think about this. The blowing of the trumpet announces the glory of God. We see that in the Old Testament. We see it at the end of the Bible in the Book of Revelation. How does it apply to you and me today? It applies to us today, beloved, because Jesus and Father want you and I to live our lives with an expectation, hear me now, a conscious expectation of Jesus's eminent return. Jesus wants you and I to live as though he is gonna return in your lifetime and in my lifetime. You see, even the apostles expected Jesus to return in their lifetime. It's God's purpose that every generation on planet Earth lives in such a way that they're expecting him to return in their lifetime. If we don't live with a conscious expectation of Jesus's return, beloved, we're gonna miss something. This is why Jesus told the parable of the ten virgins. Hear me, in the parable of the ten virgins, all ten virgins started out waiting for the bridegroom. All of them believed in the bridegroom. All of them had a love for the bridegroom. But Jesus said there in the Book of Matthew, that because the bridegroom, hear me now, delayed. In other words, because the bridegroom didn't come yesterday, because he didn't come the day before, because he didn't come the month before, because he didn't come the year before, the year before, the year before, the year before, the year before, they stopped looking. Jesus specifically said, because the bridegroom had delayed, five of the ten virgins got drowsy. They stopped looking. They stopped expecting. They thought to themselves unconsciously, well he hasn't come so he's probably not gonna come today. But suddenly, Jesus came. And only five of the ten were still looking. When he returned you know what, church? Only the five that were looking were able to enter into his presence. Jesus commands us to live in such a way that we're consciously expecting his return and that our lifestyle reflects it; that we can't live in sin today because we think we have all this time and we'll repent tomorrow. No, Jesus says, you don't know when I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come like a thief in the night. You need to live every day with an expectation of my coming. So listen, here's how Jesus's return and the blowing of the trumpet relates to you today. We're reading from the Book of 1 Corinthians now, chapter number 15, verse 51 and 52: Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet, get it now. There's that trumpet again announcing the return of the Lord Jesus. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised. And the Scripture also tells us that those that are alive when the trumpet sounds, we're gonna meet him in the air. First Thessalonians, 4:16-17, the same theme: For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, get it now, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead will rise first. Then we who are alive that remain, will be caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and then we shall always be with the Lord. And so the Lord has placed, beloved one, in your sacred calendar, this is in the Old Testament. It's even in the Torah. But you know what Paul told us, that the Old Testament and the Torah wasn't just written for the Israelites and the Jewish people. But Paul tells us it was written for us, for the church upon whom the end of the ages has come. And so the Lord placed this holy day, Yom Teruah, in your Bible, get it now, to be a reminder for you, to give you a spiritual tune up every year, to live with an expectation of Jesus's return in your lifetime. We need to be reminded that Jesus is returning. And so the Lord in his grace actually put it into our calendar so that once a year we would actually have a special holy day that focuses on the fact that Jesus's return is soon. Those were Jesus's last words to us in the Book of Revelation, behold, I come quickly. I come soon. Be ready, says the Lord Jesus. And so I want to encourage you, the Feast of Trumpets, church, this is for you, whether you're a Gentile or a Jew. Father wants us to take a step back on this day and just praise him and love him, tell him that we believe in him, that we believe in his return, that we're expecting him to return, that we're preparing ourself for his return, that in light of his return we're gonna dictate our actions knowing that we're gonna meet him any time. You see, when we blow the shofar on the Feast of Trumpets, I'm gonna just blow the shofar. This is, I'm gonna blow another one later in the, in the series, but I'm gonna just blow this one for now. (Shofar blowing) This is a small one made for the set. I'll blow my big one perhaps later. But I want you to hear me, beloved one, the blowing of the shofar in addition to awakening us up to the glory of God and that we're gonna face him, it also wakes us up, get it now, to the fact that we need to repent. And so the next holy day in God's calendar is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. And this is a holy day of repentance. There is a ten day period in God's calendar between Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. These ten days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement are called, get it now, church, the Days of Awe. These ten Days of Awe are to be a period in our life that we recognize that we are gonna meet God just like the Israelites met God at the base of the mountain when the trumpet sounded, that you're gonna meet the one that created you, and I'm gonna meet the Creator. And in light of that these ten Days of Awe, are designed to be a season of conscious, intentional repentance in our life. They're days of self-examination where we're to be looking at our lives and taking stock, and asking ourself, are there places in my life that I've drifted off center? Are there some lifestyle practices that I'm walking in that I know are not God's will for my life? Am I dating the right person? Am I spending my money the right way? Is my speech reflective of the fragrance of Jesus in my life? Am I overeating? What about my tongue, am I controlling my tongue? How about my family, how am I treating my husband, or my wife, or my children? In other words, during the days between Yom Teruah, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we are to be looking at our lives. You see, Paul said we should examine ourselves so that we're not judged. So I want to encourage you today, my beloved friends, don't let this just be information, 'cause God's not interested in giving us information. Right? We all agree with this. He is not interested in giving us information just so that our heads can swell because we know more. He's giving us information that there might be, get it, transformation. He wants you to change. And you and I have a will. I want you to know right now, you can respond to this message that I've just given by repenting. You can say, Father God, I believe that Jesus is coming back. You ask yourself the question, are you completely ready? If Jesus was to return right now, are you completely ready, or would there be things, if you knew for certain that he was gonna return in an hour, are there things that you would do? Would you call somebody up and ask them for forgiveness? If there are things that you would change if you knew Jesus was gonna return in an hour, I want to encourage you, do those changes, make those changes now. Whatever that means; whether it be picking up the phone, asking for forgiveness. Whatever that means, beloved, I want you to do what you need to do to get ready for his return. Now again, don't let this message pass you by. This is something the Lord is looking for a heart change. Hear me when I say to you, what you do right now can move the heart of Father God and the heart of Jesus. Hear me when I say to you, you're not just a robot. You're not just a creation. You have been created as a son and daughter and you're called the bride of Jesus. Hear me when I tell you, what you do, beloved ones, will move God's heart. Think about this. The Lord said to Solomon, ask me what you will. And Solomon said, Father, give me wisdom that I might lead your people properly. And you know what, that moved God's heart. Father said to Solomon, because you've asked me for this thing, Solomon, and did not ask me for riches or fame, he said, I'm gonna grant you your request and I'm gonna bless you with so many other things. What's the point? Solomon's request, get it now, it moved Father's heart. Right now, you have an opportunity to move Father's heart. So let's pray together. Father God, in Jesus's name, I recognize that that shofar from heaven is about to blow, and that Jesus is returning soon. Jesus, I ask you to forgive me and save me from not living in a conscious expectation of your soon return. Your last words to me are you're coming quickly. So Jesus, right now, I repent to you for not living in a conscious expectation of your return. And as I celebrate the Feast of Trumpets this year, I realize, Lord Jesus, that this is a shadow of you. And I want to take advantage of this grace that you've given me by giving me this holiday to remind me of that, I want to take advantage of this grace right now, Lord Jesus. I want to receive this grace by getting on my knee. If you can get on your knee if you're healthy, even get on your knee right now, and say, Jesus, forgive me. I love you, and right now I want to tell you, I believe that you're returning soon. And right now, Jesus, I'm gonna make these changes in my life, if you know what it is that you need to do; if you're spending money in the wrong places, if you're overeating, if there's addictions, whatever it is. Jesus, right now, I give you my life. I repent. I want to live fully for you. I want to be ready for you when you return. And I ask you now, Father God, I ask you Father Yahweh, to strengthen me by the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, that I may live in such a way that when King Jesus returns I'll be ready for his coming. Father, thank you that you love me. Thank you that I'm your child. I love you, Jesus, and I'm waiting for your return. (Music) RABBI SCHNEIDER>>(Music) Beloved, I pray that you're sensing that the Lord is doing something special in your life during this holy season. I know in my life there's been several times that Father has done something really unique right in the midst of this season that we're in right now. Do you know, one of the things that's important for God to fully work in our lives is that we respond to him. We read in the Book of Leviticus, chapter number 23, verse 25 and 35, that the Lord called Israel to respond to him during this season by having them present to him a special offering by fire. If you're feeling the Holy Spirit inquiring in your heart as to whether you'll respond to the Father during this season, beloved, I want to encourage you to take action. And if the Lord is asking you to present an offering to him, would you consider doing it through Discovering the Jewish Jesus this year? I want to thank you, beloved. God bless you and Shalom. MICHAEL HARDY>> Here's how you can partner with us. Send your special Holy Day offering to Discovering the Jewish Jesus, PO Box 777, Blissfield, Michigan, 49228. To make a credit card donation, call 1-800-777-7835, 1-800-777-7835. To donate securely online, go to To show our appreciation, we'll send you an audio CD of Rabbi Schneider's message of the month. As well as our most recent news letter. To learn more about this ministry, and for more information about Rabbi Schneider's rich spiritual resources or Messianic music by Joshua James, go to CYNTHIA SCHNEIDER>>(Music) If you have a testimony of how the Lord has used Discovering the Jewish Jesus to change your life, we invite you to share it with us. Visit us at and click on the Testimonies link. "My seven year old son, Jacob, watches your show with me every week. He wanted to celebrate Hanukkah and asked for a shofar because he loves to watch Rabbi Schneider blow the shofar. It is such a blessing to see his interest in the Jewish Jesus. Rabbi, you are an example and one of my son's heroes!" Chandra from Kentucky. We're glad you joined us today and we want to pray for you. Send us your prayer requests by mail or by visiting us at We also want to thank you for your prayer support and for your financial support to us. In supporting Discovering the Jewish Jesus, you become a partner with God in building his kingdom. Thank you and may the Lord pour back into your life as you partner together with us. (Music) ♪ I'm gonna live my life, ♪ ♪ I'm gonna live my life ♪ ♪ for Yeshua ♪ ♪ I'm gonna live my life, ♪ ♪ I'm gonna live my life ♪ ♪ for Yeshua ♪ ♪ As the deer ♪ ♪ longs for the water, ♪ ♪ so my soul ♪ ♪ longs for you. ♪ ♪ As the deer ♪ RABBI SCHNEIDER>>Beloved one, as we close the broadcast today, I want to release Father's blessing on your life. In Numbers, chapter 6, verse 24-26, the Lord told Moses that when these words are spoken over his people that he would place his name on them and bless them. (Singing in Hebrew) (Singing in Hebrew) (Singing in Hebrew) (Singing in Hebrew) The Lord will bless you and keep you. The Lord will make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord will lift you up with his countenance. And the Lord will give you his peace. Maybe you've watched the broadcast today and Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart, and you've never invited him into your life before, and you'd like to do that right now. Just repeat after me. Just say, Lord Jesus, I believe that you came and died for my sins, and I receive you into my life right now. Thank you for dying for my sins and taking my place on the cross. Come inside and live in me now. Jesus, I give my life to you. If you just prayed that prayer for the first time, let us know. God bless you, beloved ones. I love you and Shalom. (Music) RABBI SCHNEIDER>>Coming up next week we're gonna to be digging into the Word of God to uncover mysteries from the Day of Atonement You're not gonna wanna miss beloved, this most sacred holiday on God's holy calendar and how Jesus fulfills it for you. ANNOUNCER>> Rabbi Schneider has great faith-building resources available for you 24-7. Visit our website to send us your prayer requests. Watch full episodes; download Rabbi's teaching notes and so much more, all at
Channel: Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider
Views: 60,892
Rating: 4.9026127 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2016
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