Rosh Hashanah: The Hidden Yom Tov

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in this video we are going to cover the meaning and importance and significance of Rosh Hashanah we're also going to dive into the insides particularly related to the shofar and what it means when we hear it when we sound it and when we experience it at this amazing holidays amazing Yom Tov and if you watch all the way to the end there's a bonus because I'm going to share with you the mystery Redemption the mystery merit that we receive during Rosh Hashanah is going to blow you away and hopefully be a blessing to you well Shalom and welcome to l'épée Drive I am rabbi mordechai Griffin I am so glad that you are with us tonight and if you are new to the channel then we want to invite you to subscribe to our channel of course like the video leave a little comment about what you're going to see this evening so let's dive right in what is Rosh Hashanah why do we keep it what's what's the purpose of this amazing young Tov we're about to experience it very very soon it's coming up the first a tea-tray it's a two-day event so here it is Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe Wow me right off the bat it's something huge we're talking about the birthday of creation the day specifically when God created Adam and Eve so you might be asking yourself well if it's the birthday of creation why are we talking about the creation of Adam and Eve that's a very very good question I want to get to that in a second but let's just leave it there for a moment it's the birthday of the universe it's the birthday of the creation of Adam and Eve and it celebrates the head of the Jewish year that's right our Jewish year in terms of counting of years begins in the fall not in the winter like many people are used to in our country here in the United States anyway so this young Tov is called in the in the Psalms 81 4 through 5 it says blow the shofar at the moon's renewal that is the new moon at the time appointed hidden for our festival days very an interesting wording here it says because it is a decree for Israel a judgment for the god of yah so here it is in Hebrew though just to catch a few important words it says tacuba Hodesh alpha beta sir john hagee new holy Israel who miss godly Letham Yakov now the word it's for a point of time here is not the typical mode but rather key say a hidden time this is in fact what the sages refer to as they hidden yom tov now it's called that because this is the only holiday in judaism in the bible that occurs on the new moon so in this case the new the new moon is speaking about the sliver of the moon what does it mean when we say new moon it means literally that the moon is concealed that it's hidden which means there is a concealment a special essence to this young Tov that is different than any Yom Tov in fact the sages speak about Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah and the days of a Twain called the AMIA now in the days of our and they say that these holiday seasons known as the High Holy Days are unique among all the seasons of Israel in that they don't represent any type of natural phenomenon in other words they're entirely spiritual we talk about the Passover it represents our being naturally led out of Egypt we talked about shava all that has to do on by the way I mentioned Passover also includes the barley harvest the firstfruits of barley haul their carbons then in Shavuot we have the firstfruits of the wheat harvest and then at Sukkot we're celebrating God's you know the fruit harvest and so on so there's harvesters natural events that are taking place but during the High Holidays there's nothing natural taking place it's all the celebration of the supernatural of the spiritual it's a time where we come in contact with heaven itself as far as the tour is concerned let's go ahead and share a couple of verses related to this holiday as we read in the tour there are two principal Commandments I should say our Torah verse is related to this season the first one is from the book of book of ikura Leviticus 23:23 225 and it says Hashem spoke to Moses saying speak to Benes without saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you were to have a Shabbat rest and memorial of the blowing of the shofar wrote a holy congregation you are to do no regular work and you are to present an offering made by fire to a deny and scripture this day is known as yom teruah the day of the shofar blast or more specifically the day of shouting because the word teruah means literally to shout and so this is very important here on the table we have a beautiful ram's horn shofar and I always like to point out that the shofar if you just look at it what is it well in reality it's it's its flesh ultimately it's it's a part of an animal in this case the part of a ram but it's really just dead flesh it's just flesh if it's inanimate it comes from an animal this presumably has been slaughtered and so it doesn't become alive until what happens until we blow through it and now the word for breath and Hebrew is rock the same word for spirit so when when we have breath or Ruach that goes through this horn suddenly it becomes alive and makes a very supernatural sandwich we're gonna be talking about at length here in just a moment the point the reason I bring that out is the point is that we ourselves are so far out we are just dead flesh until the Spirit of the Living God breeze through us and then we become a teruah we became become a shout we shout to God we bless his name we give him our praise and then we become every day that week that's think about this way every day that we bless God as a yom teruah for us every day that we wake up and say god you're awesome god i love you've got a thank you for restoring my soul within me you've just blown a spiritual shofar unto him so it says in the Book of Numbers chapter 29 and verse 1 it says on the first day of the seventh month you are to have a sacred assembly you're to do no laborious work it is for you a day of sounding the shofar so we see twice that the Torah tells us this is supposed to be a rest days a special day it's a judgement day it is actually the beginning of the yummy morning the days of awe and Jewish idea this is Resurrection Day this is the day that sometime in the future we pray this year is the coming of the Messiah and the beginning of the resurrection of the Dead and the blast of the shofar represents that call to life that's one of the many things that it represents we have in the Talmud and Rosh Hashanah 16a and also in 30 34b it says this the Holy One blessed be he said on Rosh Hashanah recite before me verses that speak of God's sovereignty remembrance of all the events and the shofar blasts sovereignty so that you should make me your king remembrance so that your remembrance should rise it before me for your benefit and through what through what how is this going to rise that before God what is going to be the the item or the the thing or the instrument that brings the remembrance before Hashem and the answer that the Talmud gives us is the shofar so there's two things that are happening on Rosh Hashanah that are very very important first of all we have to understand understand the theme of the entire day and the theme of that day is in God's sovereignty God is king the other theme is it is a it is a definitely a day of judgment not to the degree of Yom Kippur but definitely the day of judgment and it is also a day of teshuva again not to the degree of yom kippur but it it is definitely a day of teshuva now why do I say not to the degree of Yom Kippur here's the answer it is as if you are starting a court hearing when the court hearing begins judgment begins testimony begins the trial begins but the day of judgment the day when the judge actually hands down the verdict or in the case of a jury trial the jury hands down a verdict that day is definitely the Judgment Day but it all began whenever the trial began so Rosh Hashanah is our beginning of our trial before Hashem will our name be in the Lamb's Book of Life or will it be a hospital oh god forbid in the book of death or how should we consider ourselves now the answer to that question whether we consider ourselves in the book of life or in the book of death the sages all agree no matter who you are no matter what's going on in life you should always consider yourself as being in the balance so the birthday creation this is the day when Adam and Eve were created then the first day of creation was actually the twenty-fifth of the law that if we look at the calendar God's calendar the 25th of Elul is when God said let there be light which means six days later is the first of Tishrei and that's when God made Adam and Eve so the question is naturally why is it then that the 25th of all is not Rosh Hashanah why is it the first of tea-tray and the answer is the all the creation was meaningless if it wasn't for the creation of man because God made creation so that man could inhabit it and do what declare me King that's what he said because God needed a being so to speak that would freely choose to make him king of their world that's why we celebrate Rosh Hashanah on the birthday of the creation of Adam and hava because nothing mattered until man came into existence now this is also significant because if you count the festivals properly beginning with with Shabbat that means that Rosh Hashanah is the sixth festival now why is that significant because it celebrates the day when man six was created which means that the next festival leads supposed to lead into our Shabbat was Yom kiss Yom Kippur which means it's number seven and Yom Kippur is were made perfect we go from perfection right into number eight which is Sukkot new beginnings so that's the proper order it's also significant to note that this is the day as I said earlier which is the Day of Resurrection and Jewish ideas now Adam and Eve were brought up from the dirt from the earth from the dust of the earth and God is going to bring mankind once again up from the dirt or the dust of the earth and resurrect man from where he began he is going to begin anew why was he going to do that because the first time God brought man into existence it was perfect there wasn't any problem he brought Adam and Eve up and they were perfect human beings until they made an unfortunate choice to fall and so God's gonna go right back to his drawing board because his drawing board is perfect and he's gonna resurrect us from the dust of the earth and as I said earlier this is the only festival that happens on a new moon this is literally the festival where no man knows the day or the hour now why did we say that because on this festival because it happened on a new moon there had to be witnesses that went before the great Sanhedrin and the Sanhedrin had to certify the witnesses and verified that there was in fact a new moon so no one knew if it was gonna be this day or perhaps a little bit later the the next day or what have you literally this was the festival when no man knew the day of the hour clearly when Yeshua said the Son of Man will come when no man knows the day or the hour he was clearly talking about Rosh Hashanah and by the way that was nothing necessarily new to the disciples ears because everybody knew that it was at Rosh Hashanah when the king is crowned when the shofar sounds and resurrection is supposed to happen all Yeshua did was confirmed that notion that reality as I said it's also the Day of Resurrection this is the day one man who was made from the dust will be remade for the dust but this time in our glorified bodies our new creation which by the way is an entirely Jewish idea on Yom Tov of Rosh Hashanah you and I have an opportunity we have something that's unique only to us as human beings and that is the ability to make God our King you know one of the names of God that we say and we use it a lot during prayer and public reading of Scripture we say Adonai we're talking colloquially we say Hashem but we're talking and prayer to God we say out of night what is out in I mean it literally means my lord we could say I don't that would be appropriate he is after all Lord but the reason we say Adonai is because we want to in fatica least 8 when we're talking in privately and affectionately through prayer is that you're my lord you're not just a lord you're not just the Lord you are my lord at rosh hashanah we have that very opportunity before us to not just make him a king but our king we crown him now there's an interesting insight that talks about the difference between a king and a ruler a ruler is like a dictator a ruler rules over his subjects whether or not they want him to rule or not that's the ruler and it's interesting to me that there are certain [Music] translations of the broca's that use instead of king of the universe it uses ruler of the universe and usually it comes from a mindset that has the tork commandments as a burden interesting because the word king means that it is a ruler a sovereign that is ruling by the by the will of the people meaning that people want him to be king in other words they're loyal subjects that's the difference between a king and a ruler the people who want somebody to be their leader choose a king the people who don't want somebody to be their ruler they have a ruler over them that's if that you can understand a difference so we have the opportunity to choose and actually choosing is the wonderful gift that we have there's an insight from an art school commentary that says the purpose of creation was so that there would be a species that was capable of freely choosing to recognize and obey God now it says if this creature were so to choose it would be worthy of heavily reward and God wanted to confer his blessing on someone who had earned it by rising above temptation and choosing wisely there had to be a being with the capacity it says to seek alternatives to seduction and to bypass physical drives and emeral temptations and choose right in other words God wanted you and I to rise above the temptations of this planet the temptations of life and choose him to be our king not to just rule over us and dominate us but rather for us to willingly choose him so as one person said man's greatness is in his power of choice it says because he can deny God man's recognition of his sovereignty has value isn't that wonderful because you can choose God and you have the power ha special um to deny him it makes your choice of him that much more valuable isn't that true when we have our spouses they don't have to love us but they choose to love us and that makes their love that much more special to us so the question becomes how do you and I during Rosh Hashanah how can we possibly crown God King I mean after all he's God he created the heavens and the in the universe I mean he created everything he created the from from the smallest blade of glass grass to the the largest planet in the sky he created also how are you and I going to crown him king and so here's the answer it says the fullest expression of kingship is the complete obedience of all of his subjects to the will of the monarch did you realize that just by showing up to Rosh Hashanah you have placed the crown on God's head because you are being obedient to his will a king's greatest measure it says of majesty comes when his subjects freely intelligently and enthusiastically choose to serve him do you understand that that's when the king has the greatest power when his when his subjects are enthusiastic when they want to follow him when they love them with other heart and when they they say you are my king and there is no other and that's when the king is really powerful and my friends what I'm trying to say here is that through our obedience through our acceptance of God's will that is how we crown him king no one might ask how do we know that Tishrei is the month in which we should celebrate the creation of of the universe well the sages point out that you can take the word brace sheet where it says in the beginning you could rearrange it and actually read on the 1st of t3 but there's another meaning of tea tree I want to share with you so according to the the pesky 3rd rabis I the term tea-tray it says is derived from the aramaic root shan ratioed which means to loosen to untied to dissolve so tea tree itself the word itself is the word that bespeaks of teshuva of forgiveness the whole point of us coming for God is to be judged as to be sure but he longs to be merciful to us how do we know that because it says in the Book of Ezekiel God rises to be kind to us he rises to be merciful for us he longs for an opportunity to pardon us this is why the history teaches us that the Jewish Sanhedrin looked for ways to acquit those who had been caught in crimes that involve the death penalty they sought ways to acquit them yeshua is our advocate and when we stand before the heavenly court he is looking for ways to acquit us so it says the name of the month implies that Rosh Hashanah dissolves and pardons our iniquities so wait a minute we just show up to Rosh Hashanah we're just minding your own business and we are obedient enough to come to Rosh Hashanah this year Rosh Hashanah the first day of Rosh Hashanah is on a Monday that means we don't go to work we take the day off and we come to you Rosh Hashanah service right there we've crowned the king and just by showing up we've had our iniquities dissolved Wow that's out merciful and awesome God is so another insight says the word Tishrei also means you shall begin targum onkelos actually interpreted this way in the book of deuteronomy 16:9 so the word itself means you shall begin so the month of Tishrei is very much the month of new beginnings so therefore what does that mean what's the extra insight into that it means that Tishrei is for you a particularly special month of new beginnings every month we have Rosh Hodesh so we every month we have the opportunity to do better but Rosh Hashanah is special because it's the Rosh Hodesh of Rosh Chodesh in its really the time in which we can have an ultimate new beginning our new year is completely new when we come out of out of Yom Kippur we are like new born people were like new creations we have the entire year ahead of us what happened last year was well last year we have that the entire year in front of us so let's pivot for a second and talk about the shofar because the shofar is extremely special it is a particularly anointed in particular unique instrument so we're gonna spend a few minutes talking about this particular item here so the cydia on enumerates 10 things that the shofar represents we're just going to go through them quickly there's so much we could share and maybe we'll come back at some other point and do an extended version of this perhaps but this is what he writes are the 10 things that the shofar represents first of all it's the rep the anniversary of the creation of the world the shofar blast so we think about this way God began the world with a shofar blast and he's gonna renew the world with a shofar blast we're gonna learn why in just a second Rosh Hashanah begins at 10 days of repentance so the shofar blast is a call to us to hey if you're not awake yet it's time to wake up because the trial has begun number three it says that Mount Sinai the Jews shouted because why because they heard the voice of the shofar so when Rosh Hashanah comes we begin to hear God's voice the shofar at number four it says reminds us of the admonition of the prophets and their call to repentance so think about that the shofar encompasses all the voices of the prophets of nedda in calling us back to to God's ways now think about that for a second because if that's true and it is then it means that there's a unified voice because the shofar represents God voice so if that's if the prophets are telling us come back to Torah come back to the ways of God that it means that God is saying that to us and of course we know that because the prophets only spoke what God said number five the shofar reminds us to pray for the rebuilding of the destroyed temple as it says in Jeremiah nineteen twenty I shall not be silent for the sound of the shofar you have heard my soul the shout of war destruction upon destruction has been proclaimed so we hear the shofar we're reminded that we need to pray for the temple we need that what does that mean because we talked about this dinner three weeks it means we're praying for Messiah to come when we hear the shofar we want that to be the shofar of Messiah Yeshua the shofar number six is a ram's horn there reminds us of the binding of issac we're gonna come back to that because in just a minute because that is really the most significant thing and notice it's number six number seven the sound of the shofar inspires fear and trembling and the hearts of all who hear it so it's supposed to engender a level of reverence a level of fear in us that awakens us and shakes us to our core number eight the shofar reminds us of the great and awesome day of judgment which will happen in the future again it's a call to the judgment throne of God number nine the shofar reminds us of the long-anticipated day of the in gathering of all the souls as it says and it will be on that day when he will blow a great shofar and they will come those who were lost in the land of Assyria those cast out in the land of Egypt and they will bow to out an eye on the holy mountain in Jerusalem Isaiah 27 13 the shofar finally it's number 10 the shofar reminds us of the resurrection of the Dead and awakens our belief and yearning for that day it says when Isaiah 18 and verse 3 all inhabitants of the world and the dwellers of the earth when he raises a banner upon the mountains you shall see and when he blows the shofar you will hear so we my friends are going to awaken from our grave if if we're not if we don't live until the coming of Messiah and I pray it soon in our time but if we don't live into them into the coming of the Messiah our spiritual alarm clock is going to be the sounding of the shofar that's gonna what that's what's going to awaken us this is why Messiah said that my sheep hear my voice why because the voice of God is the voice of the show farm now there's something else that the shofar does it's also extremely important it confuses the Satan curse be he there's an inside here that says when the hospital courts be he hears that the shofar sounded more times than the tour requires because on Rosh Hashanah we we blow it a hundred times it says he becomes confused and becomes apprehensive because he begins to wonder if those additional sounds might not be the sound of the shofar of the Messiah so we blow the shofar we confuse the enemy I don't know about you but I like the fact that the enemy it might be confused with respect to my life now we said earlier that the shofar represents represents Isaac so let me give you this insight here and I'm we're not done with the shofar we're gonna come back to cephus Emmitt in just a second but here's what it says in Taurus jaco name and I shall remember my covenant with Yaakov and also my couple of Isaac and also my covenant with Avraham and I shall remember the land says Leviticus 26 42 so that it says I shower I shall remember why does it not specify remembrance in connection with Isaac it says because God says the ashes of Isaac are visible before me always they gather together lying atop the altar so what it talks about the remembrance of the Covenant of Abraham and the remembrance of the Covenant of Yaakov it doesn't say so with respect to Isaac because Isaac sacrifices always before Hashem now you might be asking yourself wait a minute Isaac Isaac wasn't sacrificed he's he he got up from the altar he lived yes that's true the RAM was sacrificed in his place and we learn reading pure KD rabbi eliezer that that Ram was a supernatural Ram that had been created two thousand years before creation is the mashiac and when that Ram was offered the ashes of that Ram God considered as if it had been Isaac it was one in the same as far as he was concerned as far as God was concerned those ashes were in fact Isaac's ashes they were in fact the ashes of the only begotten Son nevertheless we read in other sources that when Isaac and Abraham left that scene they were a bit disappointed because they were actually hoping that Isaac would be sacrificed and therefore resurrected and by that act would bring about the the resurrection and the Gila and that the you know the final redemption and the coming of the Messiah and that didn't happen because the sages point out that was to be left for another day which means what which means there has to be another sacrifice of a son if the original sacrifice of the son didn't happen what was supposed to be happened there had to be another one down there down the road but that's for another class it says here and another insight that when we blow the shofar what we're really doing is we're asking Hashem to remember Isaac this is from a Jewish point of view they were asking a Shem to remember Isaac that's from a traditional Orthodox point of view when Orthodox Jews go to the synagogue on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur they are not saying to God Hashem I need you to look at my life I need you to look at my deeds I need you to look at my tour observance in fact it's the exact opposite Orthodox Jews say to him Hashem I have nothing to offer you and when you hear the shofar please remember the binding of issac for my sake now as l'épée Jews we understand that the ultimate ikeda the ultimate bound one was Yeshua so when we blow the shofar we're saying remember the only begotten Son but in this case we're talking about Yeshua who is the final income fleet Aki da so turning to cephus a mess we're going to look at a couple of insights here - to the shofar blast on Rosh Hashanah we did not make our ascent - to Yerushalayim isn't that interesting that the pilgrimage festivals are Passover Shavuot and Sukkot we don't go to Jerusalem during Rosh Hashanah or doing Yom Kippur isn't that interesting there's a really good reason why that is it's because God knew in the future that we were not going to be able to make an ascension to the temple during those two high holy days which are the most important days on the entire calendar because those are the days where we get judged and received forgiveness but wait a minute how can we receive forgiveness if we can't actually go to Jerusalem to the temple and God says there's not going to be a temple which is why I'm not gonna mandate that you come there when there is a temple because I need you to be able to come up to the temple even when there isn't a temple a temple and here's the answer cephus ms rice despite the absence of the pilgrims Jerusalem on Rosh Hashanah the shofar in its own in its own fashion transports the Juris soul to the innermost sanctum of the base of make - the Holy of Holies when we hear the shofar we actually get transported to the spiritual Kadosh jaco the shame this is why Hashem did not mandate that we come to Jerusalem because he said one day there won't be in Jerusalem that you can come to I need you to come there through the voice of the shofar it says the shofar enables us to perceive Ashim and to feel as if we were present at the site of the bay Simon - it transports the Jewish soul to the site of the Holy of Holies says though we can no longer embark on the annual pilgrims wrestle Jerusalem to perceive this gym closely like we would if we were going to go to the temple it says we can just as effectively as ever be aware of a shim from afar through the powerful intermediary of the shofar now that sentence from Seth SMS is very important because sometimes people will will be told from a Jewish point of view that we don't believe that Jews don't believe in an intermediary but here we just learn that the intermediary that actually brings us into the presence of Hashem is the shofar now here's another insight to the shofar the word shofar it says should be interpreted as being derived from chef fare which means beauty you know it says in the Tanakh that we will say concerning the cornerstone pain pain we say grace grace but actually it can be interpreted beauty beauty the cornerstone is beauty the shofar is beauty that's the point interestingly if we talk about another aspect of the shofar because we talked about the shofar brings us in the Holy of Holies what's the purpose of the Holy of Holies to bring atonement to our souls to help us to become born again the word for amniotic fluid in Hebrew is the word me Shaffir the word Shaffir in that in that phrase misha fear is two words which again means amniotic fluid the amniotic fluid of the female womb that word ship fear is though is the root of it is shofar so we talk about the shofar blast is very much the amniotic fluid of the spirit realm so wait a minute when you come to Rosh Hashanah just by showing up your crowning god-king just by showing up your sins are being dissolved just by showing up and hearing the shofar blast you're being drawn into the amniotic fluid of the womb and therefore being born again another insight from cephus ms this says the blowing of the shofar on rosh hashanah we are reminded of our hidden inner capacity this is the word Keisei comes from we just read in the psalms earlier it says we're reminded of our inner capacity to raise up barriers to our spiritual growth so we have another aspect of the shofar not only is it some intended to bring us into a new dimension not only is it intended to to awaken us to life and to bring us to the Holy of Holies to bring us in the amniotic fluid but it's also intended to say you know what this coming year you can raise above even what you did last year there is no end to your potential in Hashem through Messiah Yeshua now a couple more insights to this before we get to our bonus I know you're waiting for the bonus so hang on to the end but here is a couple more insights it says concerning the the ashes of Isaac it's from from from this perspective the participation of Abraham and Isaac and the ikeda created his ashes for he was truly sacrificed in every world but the material world only in the material world that the RAM take his place which means what that he was sacrificed in every realm except for this one which meant there was something left undone to do which is why Yeshua had to come from the spiritual world to the material world in order to affect that if you think about it Abraham and Isaac left the material world and went to the spiritual world so to speak it says God speaks of remembering his coven of Abraham and Isaac but the term remember is not associated I'm sorry I mean to say God speaks of remembering his covenant the Abraham and Jacob but the term remembering is not a social with Isaac so it says the word remember implies linking something that happened in the past but is no longer present this is why remembrance is not used about Isaac one must remember what happened last week last year but when it comes to Isaac those ashes are always before him as one insight says God promised to remember the Covenant of abraham and Yaakov which he had been sealed many centuries before but there was no need to bring the coven of Isaac back from the past Isaac's ashes are always before him this is what it means one of friends when it says Yeshua is ever making intercession before Hashem there's no need to remember because he's always there making intercession all right here's the bonus we've said a lot about Rosh Hashanah and the spirit and the intention of this video is to help every one of you have a very important perspective when it comes to what is taking place on this this important day because there's apples and there's honey and there's shofar and there's special clothing and it's happiness the Tosh leak services which we haven't even talked about really but all the other wonderful things but then you get a bonus and that is the hidden merit of Rosh Hashanah and here it is Steffes ms brings down although a major source of merit the monthly renewal of Rosh Hodesh is not available an even greater merit is so normally we get merit through Rosh Hodesh God grants us forgiveness through the monthly transition but on on Russia should not something's a little bit different there's a greater merit it says albeit this merit is veiled it's shrouded in obscurity few people understand it or even realize it in fact it's far too sacred for Israel to just generally partake of and as a result it can only be exploited on Rosh Hashanah can't be really can't be really fully supported through the entire year but on Rosh Hashanah this special unique merit is available and here it is it's the merit of Yosef that's the secret merit of Rosh Hashanah the merit of Yosef now why is that important because Messiah Yeshua is Messiah ben Yosef he's that secret merit that came and suffered for our sins and later prayerfully soon in our time will return as Messiah Ben daavid cephus ms continues in the comments and says the difference between Rosh Hodesh and Mazda Shona is clearly one of the gree Rosh Hashanah being the most elevated and exalted of all the New Moon's and that's why the relationship between Yosef and the other tribes is what it is the other tribes this Shiva team the memory of the tribes what it's saying here what's FSMs brings down is that when the high priest would go into Minister tua Shem in the holy place he would be wearing the breastplate that had all the tribes names on it okay but one when he would go into the Holy of Holies on on Yom Kippur he would not have that nameplate bearing on him and that's because he was going in under the merit of Yosef because Yosef was above all of his tribes that's what it meant when all the all the leaves all of the sheaves were bowed down to him he rose above those tribes not to rule and lord over them but his merit would rise above and provide atonement for all of them so it says as Yaakov blesses him and buries won't 4926 it says the blessing of your father surpassed let them be that is bestowed upon the head of Yosef so cephus M s brings down that on Rosh Hashanah that day that is described as baked sa a day that is hidden on that spiritual day of hiddenness we invoked the most mysterious and esoteric source of merit and he writes that is the merit of Yosef huzzah dick now if that wasn't good enough let me just conclude our time together with this Rashi points out that the knife of the Ikeda the knife that Abraham used or was going to use on his son Isaac is called mockolate Asim sasural Halim Matan Shaykh Cara why it's mockolate which has the root this particular root word because the Jewish people consumed all hell its reward in other words the knife that Abraham used the sacrifices son remember God considered it as if he had actually sacrificed him was called the knife we're using the word that had the root word of to consume to eat because Israel lives because we consume the sacrifice of Abraham's son I want to thank you for joining me if you've enjoyed this teaching please leave a comment and say something below be sure and subscribe click the little bell icon so that you can stay up to date on all of the wonderful material that we have coming forth and always stay tuned because the Shem is always speaking and always sharing and we want to be a part of that and we want you to be a part of it so god bless you thank you Shalom and may you have a happy new year and may you be inscribed for life you
Channel: Lapid Judaism
Views: 74,614
Rating: 4.8616199 out of 5
Keywords: Rosh HaShanah, Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets, Shofar, Moedim, Moed, Head of the Year, Jewish New Year, No man knows the day or the hour, Yeshua, Shanah Tovah, Shana Tova, The last trump, Resurrection of the Dead
Id: gzapSuyZ2n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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