Divine Dreams

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[Music] shalom alakam beloved peace to you god is with us here today i've really been looking forward to this time with you on this live webcast tonight because what i'm going to be speaking on tonight i believe the lord is really going to be imparting to you through it we're going to be talking tonight about how we can receive from the spirit of elohim from the spirit of god divine communication through our dreams at night this isn't something that i'm just going to be sharing with you about from my intellect this is something beloved that i've been experiencing now for 40 years receiving from the lord through our dreams at night is one of the primary ways that god communicates to his people i'm going to show you this biblically tonight i'm going to give you personal examples tonight i'm going to give you some pointers to help you receive more from the lord through your sleep at night some of you perhaps have never had what you think is a dream from god some of you probably think that you don't even have dreams but the reality is beloved ones we all dream dreams are a mystery and we're going to dwelve into that tonight by the grace of god father we worship you tonight we need you tonight father we want to experience your love more in our lives help us father god wake us up to know that you truly do speak to people on earth today during the night when they're asleep father god open up people's ears and hearts tonight to be able to receive from you in the night through their dreams in jesus name baruch hashem blessed be the name of the lord we want to welcome you all tonight some i know are watching from facebook some are watching through the website some are watching through youtube it's great to have you here tonight i'm with my beloved son in the lord tonight pastor joshua james pastor josh great to have you as always amen thanks such an honor to be here tonight pastor josh we've been walking together for i don't know close to 14 years give or take a year or two i don't know but pastor josh and i have been walking together in the lord for a long time and one of the things that the spirit of the lord has really connected us together on are when i receive a dream pastor josh by the spirit of god we'll just be able to take a hold of that dream with the steel trap pastor josh we'll share tonight later on in the broadcast about the dream that the lord gave me all those years ago what do you think of jesus and how you took a hold of that and even some of the stories perhaps that you and i experienced together as we ask people that divine question well if you're watching by facebook tonight i really want to encourage you would you let me know that you're watching it'll be fun let me know where you're watching from we really appreciate your comments we're getting already many comments i'm looking here we've got somebody from texas some people a lot of people writing in i don't see all of the locations so maybe when you write in if you could maybe just share where you're from san diego apple valley california maryland alabama praise the lord somebody from italy tonight all over god bless you keep those comments coming in somebody from tennessee from boston massachusetts thank you for the love tonight one of the things that is special for me about these live webcasts is i feel a bit more personally connected in the now because i'm able to be with you in real time and space i just want to pray again father god we ask you just to break into our conscious awareness the fact father god that we're bound to you in spirit and in truth and the father in reality we are bound to each other as the bride of messiah as the bride of christ tonight the truly lord there's a circle that we're a part of that you are that circle father god and that we are in that circle we're bound together with you with the love that cannot be broken father thank you for my brothers and sisters tonight again father i just ask for a special blessing on each and every one of them i believe that some of you after tonight are going to have a dream that you'll be very confident was from the lord it's going to happen to some of you for the first time in your life i want you to pay attention you're going to be watching carefully to your dreams at night well we recently were in nasuka nigeria and i'm telling you it was so surreal to be able to get in an airplane we flew from columbus and some from our office in michigan we met in atlanta then from atlanta we took a straight flight into lagos nigeria and then from lagos nigeria we took a flight towards our final destination which is in nasuka nigeria but it's just such an incredible thing that we can get in an airplane and in less than a day we can be almost anywhere in the entire world and beloved when we land in in nigeria and other places in africa and we we get out of that main city it truly it's like being transported into another reality indeed it is another reality the truth is beloved that each one of us live in our own reality you know we all live on the same planet but everyone's living in their own their own reality their own perception but circumstantially to be able to get in an airplane fly from atlanta into nigeria to be in a completely different culture to be in the midst of a people that just perceive life so much differently that deal with such a different set of circumstantial realities it really it's it's beyond describing it just so the only word i could think of is surreal but one of the things that we love so much about going into africa is the the hunger they have there for the things of god i don't know how many people came to the event some people were estimating there were a hundred thousand people there the last night there were so many people so many thousands and thousands of people it was impossible to count and the love that was there the love and the childlikeness was so touching when i was about to leave from from the sukkah after ministering there for four days during the daytime and then again in the evening i had such a love and care in my heart for the people beloved that i ministered to and for those of you that are financially supporting the ministry thank you for allowing us to go thank you for sending us the fruit that's being won all over the world through discovering the jewish jesus is going to be credited beloved to your reward as i was leaving i i just had such a love in my heart i found myself praying without any conscious decision to pray it just came straight out of my heart and i found myself praying for these beloved ones in nasuka the same prayer that jesus prayed for his people before he left the earth in john 17. in john 17 jesus knew he was about to depart from the world and he prayed what we often call the high priestly prayer the last major prayer that jesus prayed before ascending to the father and he prayed that father would keep them that father would protect them and i found myself praying beloved from the center of my heart those same things for these people that i just got done ministering to that father would keep them that father would protect them that none of those that had been one to the lord would be lost let me read you just a few of the testimonies these are real testimonies and there are so many more that we received this one's from emmanuel thank you so much rabbi schneider for your crusade in asuka i am now a new person in christ i am now a product of god's unending love i mean think about it really he became a new creation i was just reading billy graham's autobiography actually just yesterday and he too was in a crusade and he got born again in that crusade and look how it changed his life and look what god did with them who knows how some of these people's lives are going to be changed as a result of them hearing the gospel at the last crusade beloved the discovering that jewish did did there mainly because many of you listen to this one from akena it was really great and awesome as the jewish prophet rabbi schneider stormed asuka for a powerful miraculous four-day crusade god used you to save so many souls i love this one i'm going to try my best to pronounce the name god bless you rabbi listen i am not the same after this encounter i was blessed what another one said ivory with signs of wonders and miracles and i'm going to just read one more from udu i am among the new believers so beloved when you send us i'm telling you that fruit is being won it is i wish i wish some of you could just just see what happens when we go into some of these other nations and one of the things that's going on and i hope you can understand that i'm really speaking to you prophetically and i'm speaking from my heart the scripture tells us in the book of zechariah chapter 8 that in the last days 10 men from all the nations will take a hold of the garment of a jew and say we want to go with you because we know that god is with you and when we go to these different nations in the world beloved it's not like ministering in america where people you know fall asleep during the sermon sometimes i mean these people when when a jewish believer goes to minister to many of these places that we're going they are so filled with expectancy and faith i mean it is amazing they'll come to the crusade they'll stand there for three hours even more waiting for me to come and minister then when i come their faith level is so high in fact i'm gonna roll a video for you right now this is astounding i taught them a hebrew song which means we bring you peace they had never spoke hebrew in their life but here we have perhaps a hundred thousand singing this hebrew song with me listen watch it for yourself of nigeria [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] the love of god is endless the new discovering the jewish jesus podcast audio and video the god of the hebrew scriptures is the same god that is revealed in the new testament feed your mind and soul you too can walk with god download or stream rabbi's podcast whenever and wherever you go praise god beloved i'm so excited about the breakthrough that god has given us into all these social media platforms we've now got over a million people that we're able to minister to through facebook we've been as you know on youtube for a while we're getting ready to actually launch youtube israel where we've got our shows translated both in hebrew and russian because there are so many russian-speaking jews again thank you for getting behind us so that these things could happen now the podcast audio is available presently on all platforms however the podcast video we're still getting ready to launch the video portion of it on the apple if the video is available on all other podcast outlets but if you go to uh to the apple uh portfolio the iphone make sure to not download us or subscribe to the video portion for another week or so you can subscribe to the audio portion again on any outlets you can subscribe to the audio portion on iphone outlets but wait to subscribe to the video portion on iphones because what you're seeing right now is actually through a company called light source that we're transitioning out of light source so that we're making these uh video podcasts available directly uh to you without having to go through another outlet so again podcasts are now available all channels and once again the video on iphone wait to download or subscribe to that for a week or so i want to just uh continue on my friends by making uh just a few more announcements concerning what we're doing to bring people that are some of them are drifting away from watching as much television as they used to and so we're now on roku on amazon fire tv on apple we want to really encourage you to subscribe to our youtube channel because we're putting out a new youtube every week and uh beloved with that said i want to just pray one more time i want to get right into the teaching i'm seeing once again thank you for all the people that are writing in somebody just from ghana all over the earth people are writing in again in the states father we just are hungry tonight father i know that those that are watching they don't want to hear me talk anymore about the announcements father they want to hear from you father they want to receive from you father they came here so many of them to be able to receive from you through their dreams at night and so i pray father as i stand before you right now that you'd prepare me to minister to these beloved ones of yours and the father you would deposit in each and every one all that's in your heart to deposit that each one would leave here father full and that people's lives would be changed forevermore in yeshua hamashiach's name amen and amen well let me begin by sharing with you when i first began to document my dreams i've kept a dream journal beloved ones for probably 38 years let me tell you when i first started recording my dreams in a journal in a very disciplined way i mean i wake up in the morning and i ask myself every day did god speak to me in a dream last night and i have my journal i got so many journals i got journals this high showing how god spoke to me in my dreams and i asked you god speak to me last night and as i as i think i'll begin to to remember a few things oftentimes and sometimes i'll think oh that was nothing that was nothing but you know what as i begin to really think about it i think maybe that was something and when i began to do this when i began to take my dreams seriously was back beloved in the mid-1980s my wife cynthia and i were living in georgia i was going to bible school there and we had we were living in this little mobile home and we bought this puppy we bought a little beagle puppy many of you know there's really cute little puppies beagles and so we bought this little beagle puppy and we built a little fence in our backyard like a chain wire fence and we dug it into the ground so the fence would go you know into the ground and you know we had a nice little spot for the little puppy to to play in back there and all of a sudden one day we go outside to check on our little puppy and lo and behold our beagle had dug under the fence and it escaped we looked all over we couldn't find him you know we were so grieved a day went by a couple days went by we were so grieved you know asked the neighbors four or five days went by we you know really got sad began to lose hope a week went by two weeks went by three weeks went by by the time four or five weeks went by you know we just assumed the beagle was gone you know someone took him he got lost he got hit by a car god forbid but as far as we concerned we're concerned after four or five weeks the dog was gone i pretty much had forgotten about the dog i mean he was gone as far as i was concerned two months had gone by after two months i have a dream right before i'm waking up in the morning the dream that i had is that i had found my dog i found the puppy i get out of my bed i kid you not within less than two hours my phone rang it was somebody that i never met my life it was a farmer he was about eight miles away he called me he had found my dog we had a little you know dog tag on our dog's collar that you know had our phone number on there two months had gone by the dog was more than lost to us he was gone forever out of mind pretty much i have a dream that i found him two hours later i get a phone call somebody found my dog and returned him to me at that moment i started really paying attention beloved in a disciplined way to my dreams i realized god speaks to me in my sleep and this phenomenon of the lord speaking to us in our sleep is not something that is unique to me in fact it is one of the fundamental promises that the lord made going back to the hebrew bible the old testament and then being reaffirmed in the british the new testament in the book of acts chapter 2 regarding this that when he would pour forth his spirit the lord said in the last days i'm going to pour forth my spirit and this will be what happens when i do let me read first of all from the book of joel chapter 2 verse 28 it will come about after this that i will pour out my spirit on all mankind and your sons and daughters will prophesy your old men will dream dreams your young men will see visions so god made a promise to the prophet joel in the hebrew bible that in the last days he was going to pour forth his spirit and the result of that look at the last part of that verse that your young men will see visions and get it now and your old men will dream dreams now in acts chapter 2 we find joel chapter 2 being fulfilled acts chapter 2 many of us know was when the holy spirit was outpoured upon the earth let's read about that phenomenon in acts chapter 2 verse 17 peter is speaking here listen what he says and it shall be in the last days god says that i'll pour forth of my spirit on all mankind now listen to what the results are going to be and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy they'll be able to speak by the inspiration of the spirit now get it your young men shall see visions and hear me now and your old men shall dream dreams so what peter is saying and what joel said is that the result of having god's spirit poured out upon us would be that god would speak to us listen now in our dreams it's not just that old men dream dreams it's just that all classes of people will dream dreams in other words you don't stop seeing visions when you're no longer a young man it's just that these three expressions of the baptism of the spirit of having a spirit poured out on us are the result and the the blessing of everyone that receives the spirit will be able to speak by inspiration of the spirit which is to prophesy we'll be able to see in the spirit i'm not going to be able to get into seeing in the spirit today that's on visions maybe we'll do that next time but the last one is and your dream dreams dreaming in the night time having god invade our psyche in the sleep is the result of having the holy spirit's operation in our life this is not for a select few this is the blessing that comes to everybody that has the holy spirit poured out upon their life now i know some of you say that you don't dream listen everybody dreams and i'm going to pray and believe for you that as a result of god quickening you through this broadcast you're going to begin to hear god speak to you in your sleep at night beloved ones when we speak about your old men shall dream dreams hear me now we're not talking about you know you have a dream you know to accomplish something we're not talking about well what's your dream well my dream is to become you know an nfl football player we're not talking about an aspiration we're talking about what happens to us when we sleep at night that we go into an rem state a rapid eye movement state and during that state we have dreams there's things that happen in our minds there's a processing of information that's going place in our in our subconscious and in this process beloved god will oftentimes invade our psyche and communicate to us now let me say this so that everybody knows this is very balanced we're not talking about the fact that everybody's you know constantly hearing from god every night i don't hear from god every night i hear from the lord you know it it's different sometimes i'll hear from him quite often in a brief amount of time in a month's time maybe i'll hear from him three times sometimes i'll go six months and not hear from him in my dreams at night but i'm always paying attention now listen i am stating point blank not all dreams are from god so please do not in any way take from what i'm saying for you to have a license that because you dreamed something that means it was from god that is a mistake i made that mistake in my early days of experiencing the supernatural because i knew i was experiencing the supernatural i made the naive mistake of of thinking that everything supernatural that i was experiencing was from god i had to learn discernment most dreams are not from god most dreams are simply the mental processing of all the stimulus that our minds have experienced through our entire life in other words you may have experienced something that happened in your life 15 years ago and you're still having dreams that are an expression of that traumatic event that you experienced 15 years ago most dreams are simply the subconscious processing of our experiences in life most dreams are not supernatural most dreams are natural and then there's also dreams that come from the realm of darkness for example many times when people have a nightmare this is i mean i probably i should say that all nightmares are the result of evil energy you know thoughts of thoughts of fear all these come from the realm of darkness some dreams come from the realm of darkness evil dreams come from the realm of darkness but some dreams beloved a small percentage of them has been my experience nevertheless how critical it is to hear when god speaks to us some small portion of our dreams listen now are coming to us directly from the lord directly from what we say in hebrew hashem the name of the lord and we need my friends to be paying attention the hebrew word for dreams is the word khalom khalom and a careful inquiry into scripture a careful study of the scriptures will show us listen a careful study of the word of god will show you that one of the most common ways that the lord speaks to his people from the beginning of the bible through the new testament listen now is through their dreams this is not some strange event what you're going to find from the biblical foundation of scripture is that god consistently has spoken to his people through dreams if he did it back then he's doing it today in fact he does do it today and we're going to see that recorded in the brightest in the new testament so with that said what i'd like to do now is begin to take us together on a brief survey through the scriptures to show us the ways that the lord speaks to us through dreams which are sometimes called listen now visions of the night and then i'm going to make application to your life i'm going to give you many personal examples just to flesh this out to you to show you how real this is that it didn't just happen in the days that the bible was written that it's still happening today i believe that by showing you in the word of god how often god speaks through dreams and the different ways that he speaks through dreams and then by sharing with you my own examples of how we've spoken to me through dreams i believe that what's going to happen is god is going to impart something to you through the rule of caucades through the holy spirit that's going to open up your spirit you're going to open up your spiritual ears to be able to hear from him in a greater dimension in your own life can you say amen with me let's just pause for a second because this is about a real encounter i want you just to ask the lord let's just ask the lord together that he would use this ministry right now that he would use this telecast this live web stream that he would use this whether you're watching now or whether you're going to tune in sometime later because some people will be watching it after the fact but i'm going to ask you to ask god to impart something to you through my ministry tonight that is going to open you up to hear from him in a greater way than you have ever heard from him before so i'm just going to give you a second just to ask a beloved if you ask and seek you're going to find as we begin beloved i want to simply state that paul in the new testament just to set the stage for you before we go into the hebrew bible paul oftentimes heard from the lord in the night he called his experiences visions of the night for example in acts chapter 16 verse 9 we read this a vision appeared to paul in the night a man of macedonia was standing and appealing to him saying come over to macedonia and help us paul said he was asleep he had a vision of the night it was a dream and he saw a man from the city of macedonia saying come here and help us and as a result of that he concluded that god was calling him to go preach the gospel to the macedonians and he changed the direction that he was going as a result of that dream he changed course because he knew that god had spoken to him through that vision of the night through the dream listen what paul said in acts chapter 18 verse 9 and the lord said to paul in the night listen now by a vision to not be afraid any longer but go on speaking and do not be silent and so we have determined now that god speaks through dreams we saw it in joel 2 we saw it in acts 2 we see it operating in the life of paul let's look at some of the specific ways that the lord can communicate with us in the night and some of the reasons beloved children of his that he does first of all i want to say this if you're taking notes write this down god speaks to us through our dreams tonight listen to instruct and counsel us i don't know about you but i need a lot of instruction and a lot of console in my life you know we live in a world that we don't really fully understand life is a mystery life is a mystery we don't fully see what's real we can see what's right in front of our face we can see in the material world but there's so much that we don't see and don't understand for example we don't see what's in somebody's heart we can see a smile on our their face but we can't really see what's going on in their heart there's so many things that we don't understand we need god's counsel we need his instruction to be able to go forward on a straight path and to be successful the lord speaks to his children beloved in the night listen to instruct them and counsel them in their life listen what the psalmist said in psalm 16 verse 7. he said i will bless the lord who has counseled me now listen indeed my mind instructs me in the night david's saying thank you lord that you speak to me and instruct me in my bed while i'm sleeping at night when we get to the book of job moving forward there's one of job's counselors that god was not upset with job had many counselors and the lord rebuked all of them but one the one that the lord did not rebuke his name was elijah listen what eli who said in the book of job chapter 33 verses number 14-18 remember the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the lord beloved ones abides forever for you hear his word indeed god speaks once or twice yet no one notices it in a dream a vision of the night you'll see there how a dream is synonymous with the term a vision in the night so eli is saying god is speaking but people are not listening god speaks once jay speaks twice now elijah is telling us how he speaks he's speaking listen in a dream and in a vision of the night when sound sleep falls on men while they slumber in their beds then he opens the ears of men and seals their instruction that he might turn man aside from his conduct and keep man from pride he keeps back his soul from the pit and his life from passing over into sheol let's go back to the 14th verse here listen what elijah said god is speaking once or twice but listen people aren't noticing it yet no one notices it you know what he's saying he's saying god is speaking but people aren't listening this is why jesus said he that has an ear to hear let him hear are you expecting the supernatural are you expecting god to speak to you in your dreams if you don't believe that god speaks you in your dreams if you're not expecting to speak to you in your dreams how are you going to know when he does if you're not taking notice if you just wake up in the morning don't even think about your dreams don't even ask yourself whether god spoke to you in your dreams last night don't pay attention to them how will you benefit by them the scripture says god speaks once yay twice but people aren't listening when when men are sound asleep in their bed god is speaking to them to turn back his soul from destruction to deliver him from pride and to teach him how to live let me give you an example of this a flesh and blood example that happened to me in my own life in the last year i was in a city out of the country i had been ministering in this country many times before many many times before and we had seen god do some unreal things there and i mean that of course in the most positive sense of the word i mean we saw god do some mind-blowing things i mean mind-blowing things in this country i literally saw beloved ones and i'm not exaggerating i saw a woman that was blind for 15 years get completely healed i don't know we must have seven witnesses i mean this woman became a transformed woman we didn't just take her word for it we talked to people that knew her we talked to her daughter we went back a year later interviewed her i mean we verified this thing to the t we made sure our eyes were dotted and our t's were crossed this woman was supernaturally healed a blind woman that was seeing i'm saying that we saw god do some amazing things in this country but the last time i was there something really unique happened we got to the city that we were ministering in and oftentimes in third world countries when when somebody is coming from the united states that is on television especially a jewish person like myself they get so excited they're so excited i mean it's not like in the united states where everyone's going to the shopping malls and you know going out to dinner and everyone's got tv no it's not like that so when somebody from america comes that's on television and a jewish preacher on top of it they get excited it becomes the big event of the city for weeks so when we got into this city there were people lining the streets waiting for us by the thousands and thousands and thousands and i remember after you know driving through the streets and then we went to the grounds where i was going to be good to minister the next day and we asked for father's blessing and i remember saying to one of my teammates if the turnout for this crusade this outreach is anything like what we saw in terms of the number of people that welcomed us into the city as we came into it this is going to be the biggest crusade we ever saw so i was really expecting great things i went to sleep that night right before i woke up now remember this is before i ministered at all the only thing i'd experienced was the mass and thousands of people that greeted us when we came to the city it was spectacular and i not yet ministered i had not gone to the grounds to preach it only to dedicate the grounds as i'm waking up the first morning that i'm getting ready to go minister there i have a dream and in the dream i see this river and the river was probably about maybe like 15 feet wide approximately and it was a beautiful river i was watching the river and as i looked down the river i saw that the river got really shallow in fact it got so shallow i could literally see through the water to the stones that were underneath the water it was no more than probably 10 inches to 12 inches at most deep so this river that i saw as i watched it flow down it got really shallow and as it got really shallow all of a sudden i saw that there was a houseboat you know what a houseboat is it looks like kind of a big long box i saw a houseboat that was grounded in the river because the river got too shallow to carry the houseboat anymore it was a very simple houseboat nothing fancy but i knew exactly what it was and beloved one i knew that that houseboat that was grounded in the river listen now was my boat i just knew it in the dream and i thought how am i going to get out of here my boat my boat is grounded it's stuck in this shallow water and i began to look back up the river to see if i could somehow get back up the river and when i looked back up the river beloved there were so many big boulders coming out protruding out of that water that i wondered how in the world did this boat ever get down the river with these huge boulders in the middle of the river i don't even know how this boat got down the river this far and then when i looked down the river going downstream i knew there was a waterfall and there was no way that i could go forward either and so the boat was stuck it couldn't go anywhere and then i woke up well when i woke up i started getting ready and uh an hour or so later one of my ministers that i brought with me from the united states came to my room and i said matthew i said i just had a dream last night and i think the lord spoke to me and and i think it might have to do with the crusade here and i shared with him the dream and uh you know i just felt like the lord was showing me that something was not going to go as i originally anticipated that somehow the boat was going to be stuck and i didn't understand it but i felt like the lord had spoke to me and that it somehow represented what i was going to experience in this city that we were in and so of course we wanted good things to happen so we lifted the dream up to the lord i went to minister there the first night beloved the crowd in no way reflected the amount of people that lined the streets when we got there we were expecting a huge turnout it was a very small turnout much much smaller than we were used to seeing but i said well you know sometimes it starts out small and it builds as time goes on so it didn't phase me too much came back the next day what happens crowd's the same size the next day is saturday i think you know sometimes it really things really begin to happen on the weekend we get there on saturday and as we're going there on saturday the lord spoke to me and he said to me the dream that i showed you with the houseboat grounded in the river what i was showing you is that your ministry in this country has come to an end right now the stream can't take you any further into this country you saw me do some amazing things in this country the mount of salvations the healings the miracles the way god built up the pastors was amazing it was surreal and the fact that you were able to see all these things happen with the team that you had in place there was an incredible miracle but now the lord was saying you can't go any further here the boat is stuck in the river the lord spoke it to me my spirit i just knew it i went there continued to get i went there saturday night again crowds the same size and i announced to my team there in that nation that i believe that the lord was calling me to uh take a sabbatical from ministering in this country and it was a specific word from the lord beloved ones that led me to make a decision to close the door into that country because god was getting ready to launch us in another country which indeed he did where we saw our biggest turnouts yet but i would not have been able to close the door in that first country unless the lord had spoken to me through the dream it was so clear it wasn't just that the turnout was less but it's that the lord was showing me that my season there had ended just like the lord showed paul in the book of acts go to macedonia the lord showed me this place that you've been in that season is closed your boat is not going to move forward in that river anymore i'm sending you to a new place in fact what was really interesting is the last morning that i was there the last morning in the same city i know this might sound unbelievable to you beloved but i mean look my life is a miracle i mean the fact that i'm standing before you right now i mean this jew this messianic jew that came out of nowhere the whole thing is supernatural so i'm asking you to let my life be credibility to you listen the last morning that i was in this city remember the lord always already showed me that my season had ended the last morning that i was there i had another dream and in the dream i was up to bat i was up to bed at like a major league ballgame and all of a sudden as i was up to bat i noticed that my bat was cracked and so i stopped and somebody was about to give me a new bat another bat i knew the lord was telling me listen this bat that you've got right now it's crack it's served a great purpose for a long time it was awesome but i'm about to give you a new bat i'm about to give you a new dimension to be able to to you know to connect with the ball for me and so god counsels us and instructs us beloved in the night now i'm going to share with you other personal stories but my point in sharing the stories beloved ones is to simply help you realize that dreams are not just for the people that wrote the bible but that he is still speaking to his people today dreams listen are not for a select few because dreams are not a spiritual gift that's given to one beloved but not to everybody dreams are something that are the result of everybody they're the they're the blessing that comes upon everybody that is looking to the lord with an open heart and open ears the reason i say that is the reason god gives dreams is to communicate with his children the reason that god gives us dreams is to communicate with us and he wants to communicate with all his beloved sons and daughters he wants to communicate with all his children you see listen in the daytime we're very much caught up in the material world you know we're caught up in what we see we're driving down the road in our automobile we have to be paying very close attention is there a car in the left is there a car in the right is there a turn up and is there a stop sign is there a stop light we're very much glued to our circumstances when we're awake but when we sleep our soul is in some dimension loosed listen from the material world and while we're sleeping when our soul is loosed in some manner from the material realm it's in that face where the soul is hovering in between the spiritual the material it's in that time of sleep that the lord often will speak to us because we're able to hear him and receive from him when we're sleeping in a way that we can't when we're awake because when we're awake we're glued to the natural but when we're sleeping our soul is loose from the natural the only question is will you and i beloved pay attention father right now i ask once again open our hearts and align us with you to hear from you in our sleep that we can walk with you in greater harmony and greater obedience in yeshua's name amen and amen sometimes the lord speaks to us in our sleep at night listen to tell us about the future i want to show you an example of this in the book of genesis the book of bereshit chapter 15 verse 12 through 15 in the life of abram hear the word of god now when the sun was going down a deep sleep fell upon abram and behold terror and great darkness fell upon him notice a deep sleep fell upon him god said to abram know for certain when is this happening when abraham's sleeping when abram is sleeping know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs where they will be enslaved and oppressed for 400 years but i will also judge the nation whom they will serve and afterwards they will come out with many possessions as for you you shall go to your fathers in peace you will be buried at a good old age what's happening here what's happening is god is showing abram his future we see this happening many times in scripture somehow god brings us into our destiny or propels us forward in our destiny gives us identity listen now by showing our future now i know in my own life i think about some examples where god gave me a taste of destiny of the future let me give you one for example back in 1982 right before i got married i had a dream that i knew was from the lord the reason i knew the dream was from the lord was just a brief time before that i had an experience when i was wide awake where the spirit of elohim were the spirit of the living god literally appeared above my head just like in the book of acts chapter two i was wide awake and the spirit of the lord appeared above my head in all the colors of a rainbow he just supernaturally appeared above my head it was a suddenly moment i couldn't have helped it i couldn't have stopped it i wasn't expecting it it was just bam supernaturally he was there you asked me how i saw him if he was above my head i don't know all i can tell you is i saw him it wasn't an imagination it wasn't a thought i literally saw the spirit of the lord above my head moving life all the colors of a rainbow then he came through my head took possession of my inner man and spoke audibly in my soul i heard him specifically say to me i am a servant and then it was over just like that so i had that experience right before this dream so when i had the dream i knew the dream was from the lord because of the experience that i just shared with you you'll understand what i mean in just a second right before i got married it was 1982 i had a dream one night it was a three phase dream in the first phase of the dream i know some of you might have heard me share this before but it's never left me i was in like an attic of a home i was in the upper room of a house it was dark there was no lights up there it was just an attic there was a window on this side a window on this side and myself and many other people were back standing against a back wall again an attic it was shaped like a rectangle there was a window over here a window over here and many of us were just standing back in this dark attic suddenly through this window streamed into this attic where we were standing a spirit it was about this thick a big full spirit of rainbow colors into the room that's why when i saw it i knew it was a dream from god because i had just had an experience briefly before this when i was a wide awake when the spirit of the lord appeared up in my head in all the colors of a rainbow but that's what i'm describing now is a dream i'm against the back wall the spirit of the living god streamed into the room thick and full all the colors of a rainbow as soon as i saw this beautiful rainbow spirit of life in the dream i moved away from the back wall and i have a vague recollection that no one else came because of fear but i was so hungry for the spirit of beauty for the spirit of life i came away from the back wall i came to the spirit of life i followed the spirit of color to the window that he had come into the room from and i stuck my head out the window and i say he he wasn't male he wasn't feeling female he was spirit i stuck my head out the window and when i stuck my head out the window beloved all i saw everywhere was just color nothing but color everywhere it was like an eternity of color and then i stuck as i stuck my head out the window and saw all the color all the colors of a rainbow i opened my hands up like this and i said come and live inside me and immediately when i said that i heard the word deep deep deep inside me i heard the word as soon as i said come and live inside me deep down inside me i heard the word eternity and then bam the dream shifted and in the second part of the dream was a three-phase dream i looked out the other window remember there was a window over here the spirit of the lord came in through that window then the dream shifted after i stuck my head out the window and said come and live inside me and when i looked out this window when the dream shifted i just saw chaos just all kinds of chaos floating by the window and i'm not going to go into that there's a whole interpretation there but suddenly the dream shifted again when the dream shifted for the last time i found myself walking down a street and i was just at peace i was just walking i was just at peace it wasn't like i was feeling great or anything i was just at peace nothing on my mind and as i was walking down the street i came up to an intersection and when i came to the intersection i saw over on this side there had been a car wreck and i walked over to this car that had been in a wreck and the back passenger door was flung open and there was an african man and half his body was on the pavement half of his body was still in the car his his trunk was you know on the pavement uh his um the bottom portion of his body was inside the car upper portion outside bottom portion inside he was still whole but just half of his body was still in the car the other half of his like you know shoulders were laying on the street and there were burns all over this african man's body and without thinking there was no ego in me at all there was no ambition at all without thinking i just stuck my hand out towards his body and out of my fingertips flowed those colors those rainbow colors that i s that i said come and live inside me they started flowing out of my fingertips onto the african man's body and healed him of his burns that was in 1982. because of that dream i always believed and knew that god had a ministry for me to african people and for years i tried to do everything to bring that ministry about i mean when i first started broadcasting on television i tried to position discovering the jewish jesus right after td jakes because i knew that the lord had called me to minister to africans but because of my limited experience in life i thought that just meant african americans and although i had a ministry to african americans and i desire to minister to african americans i never saw the dream fulfilled in a way that i thought it would be fulfilled because i knew because of the dream that i had a very important ministry a healing ministry to africans but again because i had never been outside of the united states i limited my perception of africans to african americans well what happens 30 years after that dream in 1982 30 years later in the year 2012 out of nowhere i get a call from the director of ywam in haiti now haiti is predominantly populated by africans that were taken out of africa to the island by the spaniards and and the french earlier so so the descendants of haiti are from africa i get a call in 2012 from the director of y haiti he said i was watching you on television and he said the lord spoke to me to invite you to come and minister in haiti so bless the lord we were able to go to haiti i saw such an incredible response to the message that i brought i committed myself to evangelism god began to open up doors for us in kenya in zambia in uganda nigeria ghana other places and i just saw my ministry to the african people just i just opened up in a way that i never even could dream of listen the lord showed me it would happen in 1982 but i didn't see the fulfillment of it for 30 years but because listen church and here's a word for you because i believed in the vision the dream of the night the vision of the night that the lord gave me in 1982 when he opened up the door for me 30 years later i went right through the door because i knew that i was fulfilling god's destiny for my life god can show you your future and help you be affirmed in your identity and destiny he'll do it sometimes beloved children of his for your dreams but you've got to be listening and you can't be lazy a lot of times people when we wake up in the morning we're so tired we're groggy we're lazy we don't want to think about what we dreamed last night we don't want to take the time to sit before the lord we don't want to take the time to just be patient and be still we don't want to take the time to just get a dream journal out and say lord help me to remember did i dream anything last night but if you don't do that you'll miss it so many of you that are watching right now and listening you're waking up in the morning you have to because you set your alarm to the last possible moment as soon as your alarm gets off you got to run get your shower brush your teeth get your coffee get in your car zip off to work you don't have any time to sit before the lord but listen you've got to make time to sit before the lord because god is speaking to you through your dreams at night and if you're not paying attention and don't linger in his presence and give him the time to wake you up you're going to miss it you're going to miss it i recently was reading the testimony of someone the lord spoke to this individual and said where are my people that will linger in other words jesus wants us to love him so much that we'll take time just to wait on him just to sit before him just to linger in his presence it reminds me beloved ones of something that happened that really for me and my spiritual makeup and again i share this with you because i'm illustrating how real dreams are and what an important role they can play in your life but going back about 12 years ago i was going through a really tough time in my life and the lord really at that time brought me into a place to just sit before him he gave me a special grace to just listen to worship music and just sit before him i got really connected to the international house of prayer in kansas city in fact on february 14th of this year in just a few weeks we'll be celebrating where i pastor actually i just i'm involved there now as an apostolic overseer line of judah world outreach center toledo we started a house of prayer there in 2007 on february 14th and we dedicated it to the lord as a love gift to him on valentine's day and by the grace of god we our commitment has been that we want to have somebody in the prayer of king jesus until your return by the grace of god beloved will have had somebody in the prayer room there listen now in our building 24 hours a day seven days a week and on february 14th in a few weeks it will be listen two full years that someone has been in the prayer room at lion of judah formerly a dad and i waiting on the lord in the prayer room the lord gave me a special grace to start this prayer room for people to be able to sit before the lord when i was introduced to this concept of just waiting in his presence listening to worship music and i did this i took a whole year off just to do this and eventually i started becoming antsy and it started becoming difficult and the lord spoke to me one night in a dream and this is something for all of you listen it's not just for me i'm not here just to tell you all my dreams i'm sharing with you hoping they'll be relevant i know this will be if you can hear the lord gave me a dream and in the dream i was in a very simple room it wasn't a big room it was kind of a small room there was nothing in the room there was no decorations just a simple table there was a man sitting across from me at the table it's not like i saw his face in the dream it was just a figure of a man the only thing i knew about the man was that he was a familiar friend he was a familiar friend and i was sitting across from him in this room and in the dream i could tell that i had been sitting across from this man in this simple man with no distractions for a long time and i was getting very antsy and there was one window in the room that went to the outside and in the dream when i looked out that window i really wanted to get out of that room i was really getting impatient i wanted to go outside i wanted to experience nature i wanted to experience what was outside and the lord spoke to me in the dream and he said just keep sitting across from this man this one in the dream that's a familiar friend and don't run from him don't run because you're antsy don't run because you're impatient don't run because you want to escape this to do something else just keep sitting across from this familiar friend that's across the table from you because that person that you're sitting across from is jesus and if you'll keep sitting before him and not run from his presence but linger in his presence waiting on him listen the lord said i am going to make you whole and i never forgot that we never move to a time in life that we're not supposed to just spend time every day just sitting before the lord and because of that dream beloved i know that and what i just shared with you is a message not just for me but it applies to every son and daughter of the most high god god speaks to instruct us to to comfort us god also beloved can speak to bring you assurance in your dreams you know a lot of times we look to be affirmed by other people we want somebody to just tell us we're doing a great job or to somehow speak identity into us but you know when we hear from god it forever settles the question because god can assure us and affirm us and comfort us in a way that no human being can i know that this live webcast beloved it's going a little long tonight and i could cut it off but listen i really feel that there's value in what i'm sharing with you i really want to encourage you just to sit through this webcast because i believe that if you'll linger here if you're just discipline yourself to just stay put not to run from it because you're getting impatient but just sit and be patient in the lord god's gonna impart something to you i know it god can bring assurance and affirmation to you for your dreams and night listen to what happened to jacob in the book of bear bear sheep the book of genesis chapter 28 verse 10 through 16. then jacob departed from beersheba and went toward iran he came to a certain place and spent the night there because the sun had set and he took one of the stones of the place and put it under his head and laid down in that place he had a dream and behold a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven and behold the angels of god were ascending and descending on it and behold the lord stood above it and said i am the lord the god of your father abraham and the god of isaac the land on which you lie i will give it to you unto your ascendants your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth and you will spread out to the west and to the east to the north and to the south and in you and in your ascendance shall all the families of the earth be blessed behold i am with you listen behold i am with you first he said i am your god i am the lord verse 15 behold i am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land for i will not leave you until i have done what i promised you then yahoo then jacob awoke from asleep and said listen surely the lord is in this place surely the lord is in this place and i did not know it how did jacob find out god was with him right where he was at because god communicated it to him beloved ones in a dream much more i could say but i'm going to begin to move a little bit more quickly now due to the time dimension that we're in sometimes beloved the dreams that we have seem so far-fetched because they're spoken to us in symbolic language but in order to really receive in the maximum way through our dreams tonight we have to understand that the language of dreams is usually through the language of symbolism in the same way when jesus spoke most of most of what he communicated listen now we're through parables why did jesus use parables as opposed to just speaking straight and why when the lord is speaking to us through our dreams does he do it in figurative or symbolic language let's look at a couple examples here the book of genesis chapter 37 verse 5-7 then joseph had a dream and when he told it to his brothers they hated him even more he said to them please listen to this dream which i have had for behold we were binding she's in the field and lo my sheep rose up and also stood erect and behold your she's gathered around and bowed down to my sheath and then joseph shared another dream in genesis 37 verse 9 of the sun and the moon and the stars bowing down why did god not just show joseph his brothers and mom and dad bowing down to him why did god show she's bowing down to joseph and then why did god show the sun and the moon and the stars bowing down to joseph why not just communicate to joseph plainly because beloved the lord wants to draw us closer to himself by speaking symbolically because when he speaks symbolically we have to look to him we have to draw near to him in order to understand what he was saying you'll find this phenomenon in the book of mark chapter 40 verse 30-34 in jesus use of the parables why did jesus speak in parables because he wanted the disciples to come to him and say to him help us understand because it sunk in so much deeper when they had to come back to jesus and ask questions then the message would have caught them if jesus just lectured them listen to the book of mark chapter 4 verse 30. and he said to them how shall we picture the kingdom of god or by what parable should we present it it is like a mustard seed which when sown upon the soil though it is smaller than all the seeds that are on the soil yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and forms large branches so that the birds of the air can nest under its shade and verse 33 says with many such parables he was speaking the word to them so far as they were able to hear it now listen to verse 34 and he did not speak to them without a parable but he was explaining everything privately to his own disciples and so he didn't speak without a parable and then the disciples would come back and say what did it mean what what are these symbols and jesus would explain privately to them and so the parables drew his disciples closer to his bosom and in that same way beloved one god wants to draw you closer to himself by having you pay attention to your dreams and then looking to him to help you understand what the message and the meaning of the dream is that's why it's so important that when you wake up every morning you have a dream journal and you say lord did i dream anything last night and then you you begin to ask did i dream anything last night i know that for some of you it's harder to recall your dreams some of you feel like you don't dream but the truth is everybody dreams that's a scientific fact everybody dreams and i believe god's going to help you to recall your dreams as you give yourself to him but you have to form the discipline did i dream anything you have to love him enough and be interested enough in him speaking to you that you take the time to wake up a little earlier if necessary every morning sitting before with your dream journal lord did i dream anything because if you don't do it first thing you'll certainly not be able to recall most of them because once we wake up the meaning of the dream is lost to us the time to be able to recall your dreams is right when you wake up if you don't write it down when you wake up you'll forget it because the way that we take the dream and transfer it from our short-term memory and our long-term memory is by writing it down so if you get up in the morning and you just start giving yourself to other things you won't be able to recall but if you're really in love with god and you're so hungry to hear from him that you'll do anything pay every cost i know he's going to speak to you but beloved we've got to give him our attention i remember years ago cynthia and i were at a crossroads as to where to move this is going back 25 years ago i didn't know where to move i was living in a different city in ohio you know what happened beloved the lord showed me in my sleep at night a a rainbow-colored halo above me and the halo had the words in it columbus ohio i didn't know anybody in columbus ohio i had one friend in high school that i hadn't been in contact with at all i had no jobs lined up in columbus ohio but based upon that one thing based upon the fact that the lord had shown me in my dream a rainbow-colored halo with the word columbus written in it i found a place a trailer park in columbus ohio to move to we loaded up a u-haul moved to columbus ohio it wasn't easy it took several years to get settled but god kept on prospering us and bringing us from one level to the next level it wasn't easy but god kept on granting us more favor and more opportunities and here we are today beloved god will speak to you hallelujah in your dreams finally beloved before we begin to close tonight i want to share with you that the lord also will use dreams to warn us very important i mean there's so many decisions we have to make in life and sometimes making the wrong decision can result in a lot of pain i don't know about you but i'm like lord i don't know which way to go there are so many options before me i can't see the end from the beginning i don't know where it's going to lead i don't know where going through this door is going to lead to god i need you to lead me god can sometimes beloved warn us for making the wrong decision in a dream many years ago cynthia and i were thinking about moving to toledo ohio where i was pastoring at the time and i had been telling the congregation for a long time that i planned on moving there when my oldest daughter graduated high school and we were committed to doing that so when our oldest daughter graduated high school cynthia and i began to look for a house we found a house we put a formal offer in the house on the house that night after i ministered i went back to that house and there was a little bench in the backyard it was the middle of the night i was sitting on that bench in the middle of the night i was praying the lord lord is this the house the people have not responded to the offer yet so i sit there i'm praying is this the house lord i go back home it was in the middle of the night i go to sleep i have a dream that night in the dream i see myself in a stockade now i want you to know i'm a jewish guy from cleveland i don't think about stockades this was a symbol symbol that i'd never even conceived you know thought of in my life you noticed arcadis it's like an army thing it's like a from the old times where they took your your neck and your head and they had a part below your neck and your arms and apart above your neck and your arms and you're stuck in there like this you can't move and i saw myself sitting on that bench where i just a few hours earlier was asking the lord whether i should purchase this house and i was in a sitting on that bench in the dream in a stockade trapped and i knew the lord was saying to me if you buy this house you're going to be trapped here i'll tell you what i got up that next morning i called that realtor as soon as i got out of bed i cancelled that property and beloved i'm so thankful that i did well listen soon i'm going to preach an entire series on discovering the jewish jesus that will air on television because there are so many other things that i wanted to share with you tonight but i just don't have the time to do it i love you i am ministering from my heart to beloved dreams have been so significant in my journey again not all dreams are from god but many times they are we need to be paying attention number one believe that god will speak to you in your dreams number two when you wake up take time to sit before the lord ask him if he spoke to you last night if you begin to recall something just begin to write it down i encourage you even if you think it's not from god just begin to journal your dreams every day because even if the dream is not from god it can still show you what may be going on in your subconscious which could be helpful for you in understanding yourself what you'll find is as you begin to write down your dreams upon waking up and i know it takes discipline but don't be lazy what you'll find is that as you begin to write down your dream more of it's going to come back to you more of it's going to come back to you don't interpret your dream when you begin to write it down just write it down exactly as it came don't candy code it don't massage it just write it down exactly as it came and again more will come as you begin to write after you're done writing it down then write down what you think is the interpretation but be careful because i have found in my life that sometimes the interpretation that i immediately think it is is not the correct interpretation i'm going to share with you one last dream before i bless you tonight years ago when i was pastoring i had a dream and in the dream i saw myself preaching and in the middle of the sermon the congregation stood up in the middle of my message they put their hand over their chest and they started saying the pledge of allegiance i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and they drowned out my message and i was so humiliated and so embarrassed and ashamed that the congregation would stand up and rebellion in the middle of my message and drowned out the message with their hand over their hearts saying i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states i was so humiliated in the dream i walked out of the sanctuary i went into the restroom in the building where we were in and i said lord do i have to go back in there and the lord said go back in there and finish the message in the dream i walked back into the sanctuary to finish the message and as i walked back into the sanctuary somebody said they don't want to listen to you anymore but i finished the message and that was the end of the dream [Music] the next day i was thinking about the dream i was saying lord what have i done that the congregation would lose such respect for me that they would stand up in the middle of the message and drown out the message with with their with saying the pledge of allegiance where did i fail as a leader where was my weakness lord help me to see where i'm failing that's what i thought the interpretation of the dream was that i was failing as a leader the congregation had become disrespectful because i was failing as a leader about three four days after that i was in a hotel one night ministering out of town and the spirit of the lord suddenly spoke to me it wasn't audibly but it was as if it was audibly because it was that clear in my heart and the lord said to me what i was showing you in the dream was it that you were failing as a leader it wasn't that you were a weak leader what i was showing you is that many people in churches they're not really pursuing me what they're pursuing is the american dream and they're just trying to use me to achieve the american dream they're not pursuing me they're not pursuing my word they're just trying to use me like a magic genie so they can achieve the american dream they're not pursuing me to know me the lord was saying to me they're just pursuing me so i'll bless them so they can achieve the american dream beloved god speaks in dreams god speaks to all his children and dreams god will speak to you in your dreams if you'll put him first in your life i want to pray for you father once again tonight i pray that you'll open hearts give us ears to hear give us a heart to understand give us the faith to believe help us to break off spiritual slumber give us spiritual thirst help us to be willing to walk out of where we're at to walk out of our culture to follow you regardless of where you lead father i bless these sons and daughters of yours that are listening tonight bless them indeed lord open their ears and hearts to hear and receive in yeshua's name [Music] somebody may be feeling led tonight just to present an offering to the lord oftentimes when god blesses people in scripture respond by doing something by showing them their love like the woman that anointed jesus's feet with her tears and the costly bottle of perfume that was just her way of responding to jesus love if you just like to respond to jesus's love tonight if you'd like to respond to him through the message that's been communicated there's a my offering link on your screen you can hit that my offering link you can become a financial partner with discovering that jewish yes by hitting that partner link you can text your offering tonight by texting to rabbi at 4577 thank you for your love beloved your financial support is enabling us to reach so many people and i believe as we give we receive i believe that giving opens up our heart to receive i'm going to let pastor josh minister to us for a few minutes as we're presenting our tithe and offering to the lord tonight i encourage you to even consider becoming a partner [Music] [Music] [Music] who shall be [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] who shall i be afraid [Music] the lord is a stronghold [Music] [Applause] i may dwell in your house all my life [Music] is [Music] is i came to faith in 1978 when yeshua when jesus appeared to me in a vision in the middle of the night as a jewish person i needed that strong of a sign to put my faith in him i knew nothing about him as a jewish person but god invaded my sleep that night and i put my faith in yeshua as the way to god some of you are watching tonight and you want to give your life to jesus just like i did i can promise you this when you truly give him your life and make up your mind make up your heart's intention to follow him wherever that will lead you he will save you and bring you in to a brand new life if you'd like to receive yeshua tonight if you'd like to receive jesus to make him your lord and master and savior to follow him where he may lead there's a button on your screen right now it's called find jesus just hit that button we want to get some information beloved ones into your hands i want to ask everyone now just lift your hands to the lord i'm going to speak over you the aaronic blessing father told us in his word that when this word that i'm about to speak over you is spoken over your life that he's going to bless you so father in yeshua's name i speak over your people the word that you command it should be spoken that would release a blessing when i say abba father over every one of your sons and daughters over every one of your children king jesus i speak over them tonight with the richness of your blessing yahweh vish marekha [Music] shalom father bless you and keep you father make his face shine on you and be gracious to you father lift you up with his countenance and father give you beloved child of his his peace i love you god bless you and shalom jesus was born a jew lived as a jew died as a jew and was originally followed by jews yet somehow christianity and judaism are divided unearth the history behind this great separation in rabbi kurt schneider's new book the lion of judah rabbi tells the story of how two religions who worship the same god came to walk very different paths but he declares a bold truth they were never meant to be separate learn how judaism and christianity will one day unite together under one banner messiah yeshua discover how the old and new testaments connect and how jesus completes biblical judaism order your copy at lion of judahbook.com
Channel: Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider
Views: 76,233
Rating: 4.9335508 out of 5
Keywords: How To Receive Divine Revelation Through Your Dreams!, How To Receive, Receive Divine Revelation, Revelation Through Your Dreams, How to Receive Revelation, prophecy through dreams, god speaks through dreams, dreams and visions, dreams meaning, dream interpretation, Rabbi Schneider, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Jesus, God, Bible, Christ, Kirt Schneider, Rabbi Kirt Schneider, Holy Bible, Christian, preacher, Evangelist, messianic, Divine Dreams, Dreams Divine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 53sec (4973 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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